The next large earthquake on the San Andreas Fault zone in California is considered likely to be ________.


Answer 1


The next large earthquake on the San Andreas Fault zone in California is considered likely to be in Southern California because it has been nearly 300 years since the last major earthquake in that area.

Related Questions

List the domains of the environment with a brief explanation for each of them​



1. Biosphere: includes all of the living this and their areas.

2. A biome: is a large area classified by their climate.

3. The average: weather over an area.

4. An ecosystem: is the living things functioning together.

5. A habitat: is where an organism usually lives.

6. A community: is different organisms living together.

Explanation: This is from Largest to smallest. I didn't get any information of the specific environment so this is just on a broad perspective.

I hope this helps! :]


There are four domains of the environment i.e. the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere and the biosphere. Lithosphere forms the solid part of the earth and contains landforms like plateaus, mountains, plains and valleys. It is made up of rocks and minerals and is covered by a thin layer of soil.

it is represented by a small rectangle with curved corners and appears at the start and the end of a flowchart



Documents or reports


A rectangle with a curving bottom-left region represents a document or report. A published document is also represented. This form is similar to Document, except it contains a number of papers or reports. This can also be used to indicate a number of printed papers.

This type of flowchart depicts the real Process Flow and specifies the individuals or groups engaged at each stage.

The Big Rock Mining company decides to build a mine shaft in South Africa that extends 3.5 km beneath Earth's surface. What approximate temperature would a person experience at the bottom of the mine shaft





The approximate temperature that a person would most likely experience at the bottom of the mine shaft is 88°C

Using/applying the average accepted value for Geothermal gradient

Mining is a Job that associated with a lot of hazards, in order to eliminate these hazards to the barest minimum. The temperatures that the miners are exposed to are very important factors to be considered during the process  mining

Help me plz
Define ore. Name any two ores of iron.



The naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be extracted profitably is called metals.

Magnetite and Hematite are the two ore of iron.

4. One theme in Geography is
location. My house is near the
Brown's Town Baptist church.
This is an example of
location *
O Region
O Address
O Absolute location
Relative location​


It’s relative location because your saying what area it’s in not the actual location

The movements of ______ can be detected by depth recorders, and this layer is known as the deep scattering layer.



Large numbers of small organisms


Deep-scattering layer is the layer that consists of many organisms living in the ocean. These layers are usually found in the night. They tend to sink down during the day. Sonars detected the layer of the marine organisms. Such layers of living organisms in the ocean is termed as deep scattering layer. Prior to the discovery of this layer, the layer was mistakenly considered as the seabed.

necesito ayuda en esto, A lo largo de los últimos años, distintos actores han cuestionado a la globalización conformando un Movimiento Antiglobalización. Mencionar quienes conforman este movimiento y cuáles son sus críticas.

alguien lo sabe??



El movimiento altersistema, y en ocasiones llamado como altermundismo o movimiento antiglobalización , es un amplio conjunto de movimientos sociales formado por activistas provenientes de distintas corrientes políticas, que a finales del siglo XX convergieron en la crítica social al proceso de globalización.

Existe cierta controversia sobre el término que define a este movimiento. Muchos de sus partidarios prefieren el término «altermundismo» o «alterglobalización», para evitar definirse por oposición, y porque el término «antiglobalización» daría una imagen imprecisa y negativa. El nombre altermundismo proviene precisamente del lema Otro mundo es posible, es un movimiento social heterogéneo compuesto por simpatizantes de muy variados perfiles, que proponen que la globalización y el desarrollo humano se basen en prioridad en los valores sociales y ambientales, en oposición a quienes los centran en el neoliberalismo económico, nacido en el Foro Social Mundial,[1] que cada año reúne a movimientos sociales de cientos de países del mundo.

El antiglobalismo acusa al actual proceso de globalización de beneficiar a las grandes multinacionales y a los países más ricos[2] acentuando la precarización del trabajo, y consolidando un modelo de desarrollo económico injusto e insostenible. También lo acusa de socavar la capacidad democrática de los Estados, entre otros aspectos negativos.[3][4][5]

Two drums of the same size and height are taken.
i) what will be the difference in liquid pressure on their bases if A of them is completely filled and B is filled half and kept at the same place.
ii) what will be the difference in liquid pressure on their bases if both A and B are filled with water completely but on of them is kept in india and another in nepal?why?
iii) what will be the difference in liqid pressure on their bases if A is filled with water and B is filled with salty water and kept at delhi at the same position?why?​



don't know i also need the answer.


Please help guys!!

why do earthquake s happen in specific places?​


Because there are tectonic plate boundary's in that area called fault lines and when the plates crush together, earthquakes happen. California gets lots of earthquakes because it's basically on a fault line.

Which groups may be activated by state and federal government authorities to assist during a flooding situation that results from a hurricane



The national hurricane program


The National Hurricane Center (NHC) can be understood as the department of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Weather Service in the United States that is responsible for tracking and forecasting tropical weather systems between the Prime Meridian and the 140th meridian west poleward to the 30th parallel north in the northeast Pacific Ocean and the 31st parallel north in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean


National Guard

Public health departments

Medical Reserve Corps

American Red Cross


A hurricane is a storm that is associated with violent winds that come with a circular movement. Due to the rain, thunder, and lightning that comes with it, flooding could occur. When this happens, the government deploys:

The National Guard to provide protection for residents against crime that might occur and for relief administration.The Public Health departments to provide medical care.The American Red Cross to provide interim medical care.The Medical Reserve Corps, a network of volunteers, that provides medical care.

Cuales son los distintos tipos de productores en América Lantina?



La región de América Latina y El Caribe cubre alrededor de 2050 m de ha y está conformada por 42 países con una población estimada de 505 m para el 2000. El tamaño de la región y la gran variedad de condiciones ecológicas favorables que presenta, sumadas a una densidad poblacional relativamente baja de 0,25 personas/ha y a tasas de urbanización que alcanzan el 75% han permitido el desarrollo y conservación de niveles extremadamente altos de biodiversidad. Según el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente, (PNUMA)1, cinco de los diez países más ricos en términos de biodiversidad se encuentran en la LAC; además, la región presenta un 36% de los principales alimentos cultivados y especies industriales. La región más extensa de bosque tropical no fragmentado se encuentra en la Cuenca Amazónica, a esto se añade que la región posee un 28% del área forestal mundial - aproximadamente 1000 millones de ha para 1994.

Parte de esta abundancia surge de las condiciones climáticas relativamente favorables de la región. Esta cuenta con un 40 por ciento del total de áreas húmedas y con aproximadamente la mitad del total de los recursos hídricos renovables de los países en desarrollo, no obstante, presenta únicamente el cuatro por ciento de tierras áridas y semiáridas. Alrededor del 90% del territorio de la LAC corresponde a tierras húmedas y subhúmedas.

En 1999 la LAC poseía alrededor de 160 m de ha de tierra cultivada2, incluyendo 18 m de ha bajo riego. Esto representa únicamente el 18% del potencial estimado de la región3; además se estima que no más del 1% del agua disponible en la LAC se utiliza en la actualidad4. Aproximadamente 600 m de ha son tierras de pastoreo. La región es importante al nivel mundial en un sinnúmero de cultivos y por lo general obtiene rendimientos por encima del promedio de los países en desarrollo.

Con un promedio de US$ 3 940 del PIB per capita en 1998, la LAC es la región en desarrollo más rica del mundo y es también una de las que menos depende de la agricultura - tan sólo un 8% del PIB provenía de este sector en 1998. Puesto que el crecimiento del valor agregado agrícola es menor que para la industria o servicios, es muy probable que esta proporción continúe descendiendo. Más aún, la información nutricional de la FAO indica que la dieta promedio de la LAC contiene 120% de la necesidad energética mínima requerida al día5, mientras que el índice alimentario regional per cápita según la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) experimentó un incremento del 15% durante el período 1980-19976.

A pesar de lo mencionado anteriormente, en la región existen serios problemas de equidad. No solamente los poderosos controlan una de las mayores proporciones de recursos del mundo7, sino que además existe un fuerte sesgo urbano. Según estimados de la CEPAL8 en 1997, el 54% de hogares rurales de la región se catalogó como pobre, en contraste con un 30% en las áreas urbanas. La extrema pobreza9 afectó al 31% de hogares rurales, y únicamente al 10% en las áreas urbanas. En total, se determinó que 47 m de habitantes rurales viven en la extrema pobreza y que 78 m están en la pobreza. Las cifras de pobreza internacionales varían considerablemente en los países estudiados en la región -entre el 2% de la población que percibe un ingreso menor a 1US$ diario en Uruguay (cifras de 1989) y el 40% que recibe esta misma cantidad tanto en Guatemala como en Honduras10. Los problemas de equidad son particularmente evidentes con respecto a la distribución de la tierra11.

Which of the following statements best characterizes a common trait of genetically modified food and organically grown food?


Both types of food can require fewer pesticides.


Both types of food are popular in European countries.


Both types of food have been improved by natural means.


Both types of food have been improved by synthetic means.



A. Both types of food can require fewer pesticides.

Makes most sense.


GMO are not widely used in Europe. Mostly just corn.

Genetically Modified is not natural.

Organic is not synthetic.

Help me thxxxxxxxxxxxx


I don’t knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Determine whether the sentences describe sedimentary rock, intrusive igneous rock, or both.



left to right



Sedimentary rocks: They are made of weather pieces of rocks

They are formed above earth's surface

Both: They have a diverse composition, they may contain many types of minerals.

They are solid at room temperatures.

Intrusive Igneous Rocks: They are made of molten rocks called magma.

They are formed in Earth's crust or mantle.


Sedimentary rocks:

first one is obvious, sedimentary rocks are made from weathering

second one is tricky, although both Sedimentary rocks and Igneous Rocks could potentially form above earth's surface, the category provided here is "Intrusive Igneous Rocks", which is formed under Earth's surface, only extrusive Igneous rocks are formed above Earth's surface.


They are both rocks not minerals so they definitely have diverse compositions.

And one of the factors of rocks is that they are solid in room temperature.

Intrusive Igneous Rocks:

Igneous rocks are made when magma cools down.

Earth's crust is the solid part and the most outer part of Earth's layer, Extrusive Igneous rocks happened to form here when magma cools down and solidifies, mantle is the second outer part of Earth, where some intrusive rocks are solidified while still in the magma.

Atolls are geological formations made up of :


The correct answer B. Coral.


An atoll is a geological formation that is an island of coral origin that forms in the ocean. Atolls are generally ring-shaped. These islands are formed when reefs formed around a volcanic island once it sinks into the ocean. Many of the atolls on earth are in the Pacific Ocean area. According to the above, the correct answer is B. Coral.

Why is it unlikely for stable life to develop over the first few hundred million years of Earth's history



In simple words, there existed no living on Earth for the first few million years since the environment was unsuitable for life. The original atmosphere of the Earth had a lot of water vapor but practically little oxygen. Volcanic activity blasted substances into the atmosphere such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and water vapor, but no pure oxygenation.

In general the largest craters on the Moon and Mercury tend to be considerably larger than those found on Earth. Why



Due to lack of water and atmosphere.


The largest craters on the Moon and Mercury are larger than those found on Earth because craters dominate the surfaces of Mercury and the Earth's Moon due to absence of water. Both moon and mercury lack liquid water on their surfaces that would remove the impact of craters with the passage of time. They also absence of an atmosphere on planets like the Earth and Venus, that could disintegrate meteoroids before they comes in contact to the surface.

Sediment becomes sedimentary rock by the process known as ____________________, which involves the ____________________ of grains, loss of water, and ____________________ whereby material is precipitated in pore spaces and binds grains together


Answer: Sediment becomes sedimentary rock by the process known as  lithification, which involves the compaction of grains, loss of water, and cementation whereby material is precipitated in pore spaces and binds grains together


lithification, compaction, cementation


Sediment becomes sedimentary rock by the process known as lithification , which involves the compaction of grains, loss of water, and  cementation whereby material is precipitated in pore spaces and binds grains together

a significant part of a developing county’s GDP can be tied up in?



it is with GDP—while countries might experience an increase in GDP, the metric fails to highlight major problems with the economy.


follow me thank you

Rich soils make Southeast Asia a productive agricultural region. What makes this soil so fertile?



Mineral-rich volcanic material


It has broken down over the centuries has left rich, fertile soil.

Rich soil makes Southeast Asia a productive agriculture region. What makes this soil so fertile? Mineral-rich volcanic material that has broken down over the centuries has left rich, fertile soil, making Southeast Asia's islands highly productive agricultural areas. ... They are all mountainous regions.

After facing economic difficulty in the early 1990s, Bulgaria's economy recovered partially due to the


it recovered partially due to the tourism industry
it recovered partially due to the tourism industry

Lima, the capital of Peru, is a city that was not taken over from indigenous peoples but was founded by the Spanish. true false


Answer: the answer is true

Answer: true


Large megathrust earthquakes in the mountainous regions flanking the Mediterranean sea are generally due to ________.



the collision of the African Plate with Eurasia

A recent study indicates that a certain drug may be useful in treating a certain disease. Which of these questions is least likely to be asked by someone critically thinking about the study? How many patients tested the drug? How long did patients take the drug? How much did patients’ conditions improve with the drug? How much does the drug cost?


The answer is a I just took the test

Land and Hayhoe (2001) found that _____ are most important in determining fixations when a person makes a peanut butter sandwich.


Answer: the task demands


According to Land and Hayhoe, thee most important factor in determining fixations when a person is making a peanut butter sandwich is the task demands.

It should be noted that the stimulus colors, orientations or the stimulus contrast levels isn't the appropriate answer.

What is a major factor affecting population growth rate?



Birth, death and migration


Birth is the most affecting factor of population

Birth rate , immigration and emigration

please help me to solve this question help me faster please ​



1. [tex]p = \frac{m}{v}[/tex]

2. The equation to calculate Density is Mass / Volume. You are given that the density is 5.45 and the mass is 65; 5.45 = 65 / v. So v = 65 / 5.45; v = 11.93 mL (or if you want your answer to consider significant figures, v = 12 mL).


m = 43.5 g

V = 50 mL

d = 43.5 g / 50 mL = 0.87 g/mL

Density of this cooking oil is 0.87 g/mL.



her eis your answer i hope it will help you

Major currents circulate warm and cold ocean water between the
poles and the equator. Compare and contrast the major ocean currents north and south of the equator.



Explanation:Find this emogy and how many they are?

The yield of the land refers to which of the following



It refers to the amount of crop output from a  given area of planted land.

The zone of convergence between sub-tropical and polar air masses, and where frequent traveling storms take place, is along the:



The zone of convergence between sub-tropical and polar air masses, and where frequent traveling storms take place, is along the sub-polar latitudes.


Convergence zones are meteorological systems that have a strong impact on global climate quality. These systems are formed by the interaction of various meteorological events that occur between different latitudes.

The convergence zone, which encompasses the subtropical and polar air masses, has an influence on the amount of storms that occur frequently. This convergence zone is located along subpolar latitudes, being strongly influenced by the humidity found in this region.

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