Read and choose the correct option.

Trains 2017 Aguas Calientes (Machu Picchu) to Poroy (Cusco)
Service Departure Arrival
Expedition 34 15:20 19:05
Vistadome 32 16:43 20:23
Vistadome 604 17:23 20:52
Hiram Bingham 12 17:50 21:16

Based on the information provided, what time does the Hiram Bingham 12 train depart?
5:50 p.m.
5:50 a.m.
6:50 p.m.
6:50 a.m.


Answer 1
5:50 pm should be the correct answer
Answer 2

Answer: 5:50pm


Related Questions

Hoy, yo (NECESITAR) __________ un libro para la clase.


Hoy, yo "necesito" un libro para la clase.

answer: necesito
yo- o

Which of these sentences correctly describes what a ballet dancer does at the end of his performance



D.) El bailarín hace la venia.


I hope it helps -)

Answer:D.) El bailarín hace la venia.


I got 100% on my test

¿Por qué género literario se inclinan estos jóvenes?
Por la poesía
Por la novela
Por el cuento
Por el drama


El género literario por el cual se inclinan los jóvenes en la "Esquina de Borges" es: por la poesía.

¿De qué trata la Lectura?

La lectura habla sobre un grupo de jóvenes universitarios que estudian comunicación social y derecho, desean realizar una antología sobre las obras de Borges, por lo cual se reúnen a declamar la poesía, así como probar diferentes ritmos que podrían ser utilizados con estos.

Debido a que Jorge Luis Borges abarcaba numerosos ámbitos de la literatura, se podría confundir un poco el gusto de los muchachos, sin embargo, ya que una de sus labores era declamar poesía, se reconocer que el género literario hacia el cual están inclinados es la poesía.

Si quieres aprender un poco más sobre Jorge Luis Borges, puedes visitar el siguiente enlace:


Por que abandonaron los chinchorro la región donde vivíanota almente?



El pueblo Chinchorro vivía en la costa del desierto de Atacama, en los actuales Perú y Chile. Luego se colocaron pelucas en la cabeza, y dejaron los ojos y la boca abiertos.  Entonces, para su nuevo estudio, buscaron pistas sobre los antiguos


futuro de las artes redaccion


What do you need help with?

¿ ________ el proyecto con tu amiga o sola?

¿ ________ mucho el arte después de la muerte de su creador?

¿ Tú ________ los cuadros en la pared de la sala?

¿ ________ ellos el vocabulario antes de la prueba?
plz real answers only!!!!



1.  ¿ ____Harías____ el proyecto con tu amiga o sola?

2.  ¿ __Querrían __ mucho el arte después de la muerte de su creador?

3.  ¿Tú ___pondrías _____ los cuadros en la pared de la sala?

4.  ¿ ___Sabrían _____ ellos el vocabulario antes de la prueba?

Complete each list with the missing day of the week.



1. martes

2. sabado

3. lunes

4. jueves

5. miercoles

6. lunes

7. domingo

8. viernes

1.martes 2.sábado 3. Lunes 4. jueves 5. Miércoles 6. Lunes 7. Domingo 8. Viernes

1. (a) ________ persona que practica basquetbol profesional es típicamente (typically) (b) _______.


The answer to this question is punts

una es la primera palabra la segunda nesecitas la definicion ono

the question is in the pic


Answer: The last one is correct


I believe that it would be the second option

4. ¿Cuál fue la confesión que Federico le hizo a Rubén?


i’m english is the answer
Which confuse Federico did to ruben?

Justa is a student visiting a hospital with many Spanish-speaking patients. Help her with the vocabulary words in the following statements. In the space provided, write C (cierto) if the statement is correct, and F (falso) if it is incorrect.

1. Una ambulancia es un vehículo que usan para traer gente herida al hospital.
2. Si te rompes el tobillo, las muletas te ayudan para caminar.
3. La sala de emergencia es el lugar donde los heridos y enfermos ven al médico.
4. Una persona que tiene el cuello roto puede moverse fácilmente. Si te tuerces el cuello, quiere decir que está roto.
5. Los enfermeros y enfermeras no deben entrar en la sala de emergencia.​



1: C






im sorry if im wrong

Hope this helps

Answer the questions 1-8




Rewrite the following sentences in the negative.


1. Ella no tiene un gato.
2. Yo nunca limpio la casa.
3. No hay nadie en la clase.
4. No hay ninguna bebida allí.
5. Yo tampoco hablo español.

Hope this helps

Lee la frase y escoge la forma correcta del verbo. Read the sentence and choose the correct verb form.

Busco al hombre que conocí hace un mes y que ________ (saber) arreglar la boda ideal.




Answer: Supo


Y que SABE arreglar la boda ideal

me encantan____ botas de aqui


me encantan las botas de aqui

Help I need this asap


1. Estudioso
2. Artístico
3. Serio
4. Atlético
5. Trabajador
6. Desorganizado

can anyone help me with this worksheet?



Number 1 would be- Juana esta en la cafeteria

Number 2 would be- Ellis estan en el gimnasio.

sorry I can't help with more- I have to get to class!

la libertad es un valor? ​



La libertad es un valor humano pero tambien es un derecho.

question is in the picture





can i get brainliest?

spanish homework 5 questions easy points




es mui fuerte pa ver la perro trata tu mejor


uh i dont know i thought this waz ez


Please help me but don’t use me for points I’m in Spanish 2A HELP It was due 35 days ago help me do it
I don’t need you to translate it I need you to write it for me
For the pharmacy CVS
for the bakery Costco bakery



For 4: La Farmacia en mi comunidad se llama CVS. Si/No esta serca de mi casa. (on you have to choose Si or No if the pharmacy is close to your house then you choose Si if it is not put No.)

For 5: Si tengo una panaderia favorita. Se llama Costco Bakery.

enun en un cuadro comparativo define lo qie es y no de ladivision de trabajo​




In a comparative table, define what is and what is the division of work

Complete the sentences with the correct indirect object pronoun and the correct form o
1. ¿A ti (blank) las vacaciones de verano?



Te gusta: ¿A ti te gusta las vacaciones de verano?

Escribe oraciones lógicas usando en cada una un elemento de cada columna.



A mis amigos les mo_lesta hacer cola.

mis amigos fascinar jugar al fútbol

yo mo_lestar hacer cola

tu entrenador aburrir ganar partidos

los espectadores gustar los conciertos

los jugadores encantar vender discos

el cantante importar el ajedrez

los músicos disgustar los pasatiempos

el árbitro preocupar perder

el equipo interesar ganar

los deportistas faltar los espectáculos



TRANSLATED    Write logical sentences using an element from each column in each one.

Model Questions

My friends hate queuing.

my friends fascinate play soccer

me annoy queue

your coach bored win games

spectators like concerts

players enchant to sell records

singer import chess

musicians dislike hobbies

the referee worry lose

the team interest win

athletes miss shows


What features make Old Havana distinct from other parts of Havana?



In her there are all the big ancient monuments, the forts, the convents and churches, the palaces, the ... Age, decay, and neglect combine with natural factors in a complex set of threats to the long-term



rows of new modern houses


Preguntas Contesta las preguntas.
1. ¿Qué decisiones tomó el protagonista (“p) de la historia?
2. Qué transporte público tomó?
3. ¡A quién siguió? ¿Por qué?
Detalles En parejas, inventen las respuestas para completar el dia de P por las calles de
la Ciudad de México. Utilicen la imaginación y su conocimiento de esta ciudad.
1. ¿A qué plaza llegó P? ¿Qué había? ¿Cómo era?
2. i Adónde fueron los jóvenes? ¿Qué hicieron? ¿Qué hizo P?
3. ¿Cómo fue el día de P? Lo pasó bien? ¿Por qué?
Algo inesperado P no pudo contarnos que sucedió mientras regresaba a casa bajo
la lluvia. En grupos de tres, inventen un desenlace (outcome) posible y después compártanlo
con la clase



Questions Answer the questions.

1. What decisions did the protagonist ("p) make of the story?

2. What public transport did you take?

3. Who did you follow? Why?


Details In pairs, invent the answers to complete P's day through the streets of

Mexico City. Use your imagination and your knowledge of this city.

1. What space did P reach? What was there? What was it like?

2. Where did the young people go? What did they do? What did P do?

3. How was P's Day? Did you have a good time? Why?

Something unexpected P couldn't tell us what happened while I was coming home under

rain. In groups of three, invent a possible outcome and then share it

with the class


must be in spanish using commands!!
Your little sister just got a computer but doesn't know how to use it. You are going off to college and don't have time to show her so you write her note giving her directions on what to do and not to do to use the computer and also how to be safe. Write your note being sure that you cover all the steps to using the computer and what she shouldn't do when surfing the web or using the computer so she will stay safe.




must be in spanish using commands!!

Your little sister just got a computer but doesn't know how to use it. You are going off to college and don't have time to show her so you write her note giving her directions on what to do and not to do to use the computer and also how to be safe. Write your note being sure that you cover all the steps to using the computer and what she shouldn't do when surfing the web or using the computer so she will stay safe.


debe estar en español usando comandos !!

Tu hermana pequeña acaba de comprar una computadora, pero no sabe cómo usarla. Te vas a la universidad y no tienes tiempo para mostrárselo, así que escribes su nota dándole instrucciones sobre qué hacer y qué no hacer para usar la computadora y también cómo estar seguro. Escriba su nota asegurándose de cubrir todos los pasos para usar la computadora y lo que no debe hacer cuando navega por la web o usa la computadora para que se mantenga a salvo.

La frase “mantengan en constante evolución” significa que las tradiciones en Panamá son:
A. exclusivo de su cultura
B. hacerse más popular
C. siempre manteniendo las costumbres
D. siempre cambiante



I think is D, if its wrong sorry


Because evolucion means to change

Digo que es la D

Espero que esté bien

someone please help me


Top part:

Bottom part:


Top part:








Bottom part:








realiza un juicio de valor sobre el alcoholismo en los jóvenes




el alcholismo es bad

Other Questions
If QRS = MNP, QR = 11, QS = 15, MP = 2x + 1, S = 84, R = 32, and M = (17y - 4),find the values of x and y.pls answer quick What is a tornado and how does it form? ( Don't search the answer ) Jonas has been saving for a video game. Last year it cost $28. This year it cost $36. Find the percent of change in the cost. Round to the nearest whole percent if necessary. Four more than three times a number is greater than twenty-two what is the answer? What was one of Woodrow Wilson's goals for peace following World War I The Sanchez family is building the dog pen shown.What is the area of the dog pen?PLEASE HELP On September 12, 1962, President John F. Kennedy delivered a speech at Rice University Stadium in Houston, Texas, in which he appealed for support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administrations program to land humans on the Moon. The following passage is an excerpt from Kennedys speech. Read the passage carefully. Compose a thesis statement you might use for an essay analyzing the rhetorical choices Kennedy makes to accomplish his purpose. Then select at least four pieces of evidence from the passage and explain how they support your thesis.In your response you should do the following:Respond to the prompt with a claim that establishes a line of reasoning.Select and use evidence to develop and support your line of reasoning.Explain the relationship between the evidence and your thesis.No man can fully grasp how far and how fast we have come, but condense, if you will, the 50,000 years of mans recorded history in a time span of but a half-century. Stated in these terms, we know very little about the first 40 years, except at the end of them advanced man had learned to use the skins of animals to cover them. Then about 10 years ago, under this standard, man emerged from his caves to construct other kinds of shelter. Only five years ago man learned to write and use a cart with wheels. Christianity began less than two years ago. The printing press came this year, and then less than two months ago, during this whole 50-year span of human history, the steam engine provided a new source of power.Newton explored the meaning of gravity. Last month electric lights and telephones and automobiles and airplanes became available. Only last week did we develop penicillin and television and nuclear power, and now if Americas new spacecraft succeeds in reaching Venus, we will have literally reached the stars before midnight tonight.This is a breathtaking pace, and such a pace cannot help but create new ills as it dispels old, new ignorance, new problems, new dangers. Surely the opening vistas of space promise high costs and hardships, as well as high reward.So it is not surprising that some would have us stay where we are a little longer to rest, to wait. But this city of Houston, this State of Texas, this country of the United States was not built by those who waited and rested and wished to look behind them. This country was conquered by those who moved forwardand so will space.William Bradford, speaking in 1630 of the founding of the Plymouth Bay Colony, said that all great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage.If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything, it is that man, in his quest for knowledge and progress, is determined and cannot be deterred. The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join in it or not, and it is one of the great adventures of all time, and no nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space.Those who came before us made certain that this country rode the first waves of the industrial revolutions, the first waves of modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power, and this generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space. We mean to be a part of itwe mean to lead it. For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and understanding.Yet the vows of this Nation can only be fulfilled if we in this Nation are first, and, therefore, we intend to be first. In short, our leadership in science and in industry, our hopes for peace and security, our obligations to ourselves as well as others, all require us to make this effort, to solve these mysteries, to solve them for the good of all men, and to become the worlds leading space-faring nation.We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained, and new rights to be won, and they must be won and used for the progress of all people. For space science, like nuclear science and all technology, has no conscience of its own. Whether it will become a force for good or ill depends on man, and only if the United States occupies a position of pre-eminence can we help decide whether this new ocean will be a sea of peace or a new terrifying theater of war. I do not say the we should or will go unprotected against the hostile misuse of space any more than we go unprotected against the hostile use of land or sea, but I do say that space can be explored and mastered without feeding the fires of war, without repeating the mistakes that man has made in extending his writ around this globe of ours. Explain how to write the equation from the graph Dr's order is 7.5 mg, the bottle on hand reads 5mg tabs how many tables are given? Integrate [tex]e^{4x}\sqrt{1+e^{2x} } dx[/tex] please show work so i can learn I. Tick he correct answer. 1. Linen is obtained from.a. Jute plant b. cotton plant c. flax plant d. hemp plant Why did Starrs parents give Khalils grandma money for the funeral? yeah i have no idea how to do this Translate the friend (male) into Spanish by filling in the missing letters:e_a___ A hazard sign has 3 identicalparallelogram-shaped stripes as shown.Charles must outline each stripe withreflective tape. Is one roll of 144 inchesof tape enough to finish the job? 1. A particle is projected vertically upwards with a velocity of 30 ms from a point 0. Find (a) the maximum height reached(b) the time taken for it to return to 0 (c) the taken for it to be 35m below 0 Describe how to round 3.897 to the nearest tenth pls help me with this question!!!! o On a white board or scrap of paper, answer the following questions: Imagine, where do each of these animals live? What kind of environment is it? What do they eat? How do they protect themselves? Ascher Fsh White Cheeked Gibbon Black-tailed Jackrabbit The functions f(x),8(x), and h(x) are defined below.f(x)=32g(x)= 10x+4h(x)= x - *Calculate the indicated function values. Simplify your answers,13. f(7)14. f(-9)15. f(s)16. f(s t)17. g(7)18. g(-9)19. g(s)20. g(s - t)