from "The Two Brothers"
by Leo Tolstoy

Two brothers set out on a journey together. At noon they lay down in a forest to rest. When they woke up they saw a stone lying next to them. There was something written on the stone, and they tried to make out what it was.
"Whoever finds this stone," they read, "let him go straight into the forest at sunrise. In the forest a river will appear; let him swim across the river, to the other side. There he will find a she-bear and her cubs. Let him take the cubs from her and run up the mountain with them without once looking back. On the top of the mountain he will see a house, and in that house will he find happiness."

Q.Based on the mood of this excerpt, what type of story should the reader expect?
A.a family history
B.a fairy tale or legend essay
D.a biography or autobiography


Answer 1


Based on the mood of this excerpt, the reader should expect a fairy tale or legend. The story includes elements of magic and adventure, as well as a clear goal or quest for the characters to undertake. Additionally, the mysterious appearance of the stone and the cryptic message it contains are common tropes in fairy tales and legends.


Answer 2


The correct answer is B.

A fairy tale or legend.

Related Questions

Why do People use the expression “It’s raining cat’s and dog’s!”



Because it is raining heavily

Choose the correct pronoun for the underlined words in the below sentences.​



1) It

2) It

3) They

4) We

5) He

6) He

8) She

9) We

How does the author's discussion
of Penn State contribute to his
overall argument?

A It emphasizes how big universities
neglect their students who
struggle financially.
B It shows how even universities
with high graduation rates still
have students that struggle to
C It reveals that not all universities
experience this issue with
graduation rates.
D It suggests that universities are
dishonest about the graduation



How does the author's discussion

of Penn State contribute to his

overall argument?

A It emphasizes how big universities

neglect their students who

struggle financially.

B It shows how even universities

with high graduation rates still

have students that struggle to


C It reveals that not all universities

experience this issue with

graduation rates.

D It suggests that universities are

dishonest about the graduation



Without the specific context of the author's argument or discussion, it is difficult to determine the correct answer.

it would be i pretty sure A

Unless a reader is rhetorically savvy, he/she may get so lost in the rhetorical effectiveness of the message (the "bells" and "whistles") that it becomes easy to lose awareness that they are viewing the subject matter through a limited lens AND that they are being manipulated to think in a particular way about the subject. Question 1 options:


Rhetorically savvy readers can recognize that they are being manipulated to view the subject through a limited lens.  True

What does smart rhetoric mean?

The ability to comprehend the needs of the rhetorical situation and use the proper subject knowledge, genres, and procedures to convince an audience within a certain community is what is meant by rhetorical savvy, or expertise (techné 2) throughout numerous knowledge domains.

Politicians provide rallying cries to urge citizens to take action. To encourage consumers to purchase items, advertisers come up with appealing slogans. In order to persuade a jury, attorneys use emotive arguments. All of these are instances of rhetoric, which is language used to inspire, convince, or instruct.

Learn more about rhetorically


the poor state of facilities in your school is causing the student great concern as the senior prefect write a letter to the chairman of the board of the government highlighting the problems and requesting him to come to the aid of the school



Dear Chairman of the Board of Government,

I am writing to you on behalf of the student body of our school to express our great concern regarding the poor state of facilities in our school. As the senior prefect, I feel it is my duty to bring this issue to your attention and request your urgent intervention.

Our school is in dire need of repairs and maintenance, particularly in our classrooms, laboratories, and library. Many of the chairs and tables in our classrooms are old and broken, making it difficult for us to sit and study comfortably. The laboratory equipment is outdated and often malfunctioning, which has led to a decline in the quality of science education in our school. Additionally, our library lacks modern resources, which limits our ability to access information and conduct research.

The poor state of our school facilities is not only affecting our academic performance but also our general well-being. We believe that every student deserves access to a safe and conducive learning environment, and it is disheartening to see the state of our school facilities.

Therefore, we urge you to intervene and provide the necessary resources to upgrade our school facilities. We believe that with your support, we can create a better learning environment for all students in our school. We look forward to your prompt response and action on this matter.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Senior Prefect, [School Name]

What do you enjoy most about learning english


Answer: tthat it helps me lurn about histoy


Writing about Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan
• a transition that lets your reader know that you are summarizing your thoughts in this final paragraph.
• a recommendation that mentions the type of audience that would most enjoy reading the material. Is it perfect for sports fans? Is it suited for fans of historical fiction? Will it appeal to people who love animals?
• a clincher to end your review in a memorable way. Create a final statement, positive or negative, that summarizes your thoughts. Be creative and honest. Write a final comment that perfectly wraps up your review. Type your conclusion here:


In conclusion, Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan is a captivating and heartwarming story that explores the themes of family, resilience, and perseverance.

What is the book about?

The book provides a glimpse into the life of Mexican migrant workers during the Great Depression and portrays the struggles and challenges they faced during that time.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves historical fiction and stories about overcoming adversity. It would also be a great read for young adults who are looking for a compelling and inspiring coming-of-age story.

Overall, Esperanza Rising is a beautifully written novel that will leave a lasting impression on readers. It teaches important lessons about empathy, hard work, and the power of family, and is a must-read for anyone who appreciates a good story. As the final statement, I would say that Esperanza Rising is a true gem in the world of children's literature that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.

Learn more about Esperanza on;


Read the poem.

I Hear America Singing

by Walt Whitman

In this poem, Whitman honors the American work ethic. He describes how the voices of individual citizens come together in unison to represent the pride and joy Americans take in their work. At the same time, this blend of different voices into one is symbolic of American patriotism.

I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear,

Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong,

The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,

The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work,

The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing

on the steamboat deck,

The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he


The wood-cutter’s song, the ploughboy’s on his way in the morning, or at

noon intermission or at sundown,

The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or of the girl

sewing or washing,

Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else,

The day what belongs to the day—at night the party of young fellows, robust,


Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.

Which details belong in an effective summary of "I Hear America Singing"?

Select Yes or No for each detail.

Detail Yes No

The poem describes diverse working Americans.

Yes – The poem describes diverse working Americans.

No – The poem describes diverse working Americans.

The poem stresses the importance of music in American life.

Yes – The poem stresses the importance of music in American life.

No – The poem stresses the importance of music in American life.

Whitman conveys the pride and dignity of America’s workforce.

Yes – Whitman conveys the pride and dignity of America’s workforce.

No – Whitman conveys the pride and dignity of America’s workforce.

Americans are dedicated to both their work and their country.

Yes – Americans are dedicated to both their work and their country.

No – Americans are dedicated to both their work and their country


1. American patriotism celebrates the many different kinds of workers in the United States. So, Yes – The poem describes diverse working Americans.

2. No, The poem does not stresses the importance of music in American life because it is more of a portrait of the country and its people.

3. Yes, Whitman conveys the pride and dignity of America’s workforce by highlighting the diverse range of work.

4. Yes, Americans are dedicated to both their work and their country because the United States is a nation built on the principles of hard work.

1. The poem paints a picture of people from all walks of life singing with joy as they work. The speaker hears carpenters, plowmen, masons, mothers, seamstresses, and others singing as they go about their daily labor.

2. In the poem, Whitman paints a picture of a wide variety of people singing, each singing in their own way. He does not explicitly reference music as a key part of American life, but by showing us the beauty of the diverse voices of America, he conveys the idea that music is an important part of American culture.

3. Whitman conveys the pride and dignity of America's workforce by highlighting the diverse range of work that is happening across the nation and the fact that everyone has a role to play in keeping the nation running.

4. Through their work and dedication, Americans have achieved remarkable feats and created a society based on the ideals of freedom, opportunity, and progress. As a result, Americans feel a deep sense of pride and loyalty in their country and its values, and this is reflected in their dedication to their work and their patriotism.

To learn more about Poem I Hear America Singing link is here


underline each common noun. circle each proper noun


Common noun is people, boat and river
proper noun is the




I’m willing to help, please make this clear to see.


gabriel needs to take out a student loan but isnt sure where to go or how to do it which resource on campus would be the best place for ghabriel to find information about stuent loans


Hi Gabriel,

The best place for you to find information about student loans is your campus's financial aid office.

They can provide you with information about the types of loans available, loan amounts, and the application process. They can also help you to decide which loan option best fits your needs.

Good luck!

To know more about this visit - Gabriel needs to take out a student loan :


Can someone write steps on how to do something in detail has to be at least 6 steps



Sure, here are six steps to follow for making a simple smoothie:

Gather your ingredients: Choose your favorite fruit, yogurt, and any additional ingredients you want to add. You can add honey, cinnamon, ice cubes, or anything else you'd like.

Wash and chop your fruit: Rinse your fruit under cold water and cut them into small pieces that can fit into the blender. Discard any pits, seeds, or stems.

Add your ingredients to the blender: Put the fruit, yogurt, and any other ingredients into the blender. If you're using ice cubes, crush them first before adding them.

Blend your ingredients: Turn the blender on and blend your ingredients for about 1-2 minutes, or until the mixture is smooth and there are no visible chunks of fruit.

Taste and adjust: Stop the blender and taste your smoothie. If it's too thick, you can add more liquid such as water or milk. If it's too sweet, you can add more fruit or a pinch of salt to balance the flavor.

Serve and enjoy: Once your smoothie is ready, pour it into a glass and enjoy it immediately. You can also store it in the refrigerator for later.

Remember to clean your blender and put away any unused ingredients after making your smoothie.

Alice got n A on her essay And I don't understand why dhe doesn't work as harrd or write as well as I do - Which of these words best describes the tone of the passage?


The word that best describes the tone of the passage is condescending.

In the passage, Alice is discussed in a condescending tone. A condescending tone is a way of speaking or writing that suggests that the speaker or writer is superior to the listener or reader. They adopt a condescending tone to show how much more superior they are than others.The passage implies that despite the fact that Alice got an A in her essay, the person speaking/writing feels that Alice does not work as hard or write as well as they do. In the sentence, there is an implicit suggestion that the writer/speaker is better than Alice. The passage has a condescending tone because the writer/speaker appears to belittle Alice's success by portraying Alice's work ethic and writing skills as inferior.

For more such questions on passage, click on:


Nonverbal messages serve both practical and ______ functions. a. social b. phonological c. physiological d. cognitive


Nonverbal messages serve both practical and social functions. So the option a is correct.

Practical functions of nonverbal messages include providing information about a situation without the need for words, such as facial expressions or gestures. Nonverbal messages can also help to clarify the meaning behind a verbal message, such as nodding to show agreement or shaking one's head to indicate disagreement.

On the social level, nonverbal messages can be used to convey emotions and to establish interpersonal relationships. Nonverbal communication can be used to show empathy or interest, to express sympathy, or to show affection. Nonverbal messages can provide clues about the status of a relationship and can help to establish social boundaries. So the option a is correct.

To learn more about Nonverbal messages link is here


from the condition of my guest costume he seemed to think that it might also serve him as his dressing room. Why does he think so? Answer on basis of the guest by Saki.


In the story "The Guest" by Saki, the guest thinks that his costume might serve him as his dressing room because it is of the highest quality.

A short story is a work of fiction that typically involves a plot, characters, and a narrative structure that is concise and focused. Unlike a novel, which may take hundreds of pages to tell a complete story, a short story is usually less than 10,000 words and can be read in one sitting. Short stories often aim to convey a specific theme or message in a compact and efficient manner, using literary techniques such as symbolism, imagery, and foreshadowing to create a memorable and impactful reading experience. Some famous examples of short stories include "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe, and "Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway.

Learn more about Short story:


Can you think of any modern-day or recent conflict that contains direct parallels to the satirical history of Lilliput
and Blefuscu? Compare this passage from Gulliver's Travels to any real-life issue between two factions, groups,
or communities, and discuss why Swift's timeless characterization of "Big-endians" and "Little-endians" is still
applicable today. You may use outside research and evidence from the text to support your response.



One modern-day conflict that contains direct parallels to the satirical history of Lilliput and Blefuscu is the ongoing tension between India and Pakistan over the disputed region of Kashmir.

In Gulliver's Travels, the conflict between Lilliput and Blefuscu centers on a disagreement over which end of a boiled egg should be cracked open. The Lilliputians believed that it should be the smaller end, while the Blefuscudians believed it should be the larger end. This disagreement led to a long and bloody war, with both sides suffering losses and eventually reaching a stalemate.

Similarly, the conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir has its roots in a disagreement over territory. Both countries claim ownership of the region and have fought several wars over it. The conflict has led to a significant loss of life and resources on both sides, with no resolution in sight.

Swift's characterization of "Big-endians" and "Little-endians" is still applicable today because it speaks to the human tendency to fight over trivial differences. In the case of Lilliput and Blefuscu, the disagreement over which end of an egg to crack open seems absurd, yet it led to a destructive conflict. Similarly, the conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir may seem irrational to outsiders, but it is fueled by deep-seated political, religious, and cultural differences.

Moreover, Swift's satire underscores the dangers of tribalism and groupthink. The Lilliputians and Blefuscudians are so invested in their own viewpoints that they cannot see the other side's perspective. They are willing to go to war and sacrifice countless lives for the sake of a meaningless tradition. This same mentality can be seen in many real-life conflicts, where individuals and groups become entrenched in their beliefs and refuse to consider alternative viewpoints.

In conclusion, the conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir contains direct parallels to the satirical history of Lilliput and Blefuscu in Gulliver's Travels. Swift's timeless characterization of "Big-endians" and "Little-endians" remains applicable today because it speaks to the dangers of tribalism, groupthink, and the human tendency to fight over trivial differences.


Yes, there are several modern-day or recent conflicts that contain direct parallels to the satirical history of Lilliput and Blefuscu in "Gulliver's Travels." One such example is the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

In "Gulliver's Travels," the conflict between Lilliput and Blefuscu centers around a disagreement over which end of a boiled egg should be cracked first - the big end or the little end. The two factions are divided by this seemingly insignificant difference and engage in a long and bitter war as a result.

Similarly, in the conflict between Israel and Palestine, there are deep-seated disagreements over issues such as land ownership, border control, and religious differences. The two sides are divided by these differences and have been engaged in a long-standing conflict that has resulted in violence, political tension, and human suffering.

Swift's characterization of "Big-endians" and "Little-endians" in "Gulliver's Travels" is still applicable today because it highlights the absurdity of conflicts that arise over seemingly insignificant differences. These differences, no matter how small, can be blown out of proportion and become the basis for long-standing disagreements and violence.

Moreover, Swift's satire highlights the human tendency to divide ourselves into groups based on superficial characteristics, such as race, religion, or nationality. This tendency often leads to discrimination and prejudice, which can fuel conflict and prevent peaceful resolution.

In conclusion, the conflict between Lilliput and Blefuscu in "Gulliver's Travels" serves as a timeless allegory for the human tendency to engage in long-standing conflicts over seemingly insignificant differences. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is just one example of how Swift's satire is still applicable today, reminding us of the importance of tolerance, understanding, and empathy in resolving conflicts.

3. How does the conversation with Eugene's
mother in paragraphs 29-35 affect Elena?
OA. Elena realizes how beautiful here community is.
OB. Elena realizes that Eugene has been
pretending to like her.
O C. Elena realizes that her dreams of friendship
and connection with Eugene are unlikely.
OD. Elena realizes that her family's dreams of
buying a home in Puerto Rico are


Answer: The answer is C


Final answer:

Elena's conversation with Eugene's mother affects her by making her realize that her hopes for a deep friendship and connection with Eugene are unlikely to manifest, damaging her self-esteem and perspective on their relationship.


In paragraphs 29-35, the conversation between Elena and Eugene's mother deeply impacts Elena. As a result of this interaction, Elena realizes that her dreams of friendship and deeper connection with Eugene may not come true.

This is seen in the dismissive and judging way Eugene's mother interacts with Elena, casting doubt on the possibility of Eugene reciprocating Elena's feelings or having an equal-status relationship with her. Elena's understanding and perspective about their relationship and her self-esteem are significantly altered by this encounter.

Learn more about the Impact of Conversation here:


"For my part I feel non," Luisa answered gently, as one who finds its easy to_______, because he feels himself superior


"For my part I feel non," Luisa answered gently, as one who finds its easy to forgive because he feels himself superior.

I am sure that this unfortunate misunderstanding has been caused by some misunderstanding on both our parts. I am sure that if we sit down and talk it out we can find a way to resolve this issue.

It is true that I am not as experienced or well-connected as you, but I still have something to offer. I understand that you may be frustrated with me, but I am here to learn and help in any way I can. I hope that we can move forward and make the most of this opportunity together.

To learn more about forgive link is here


What injuries has Boxer received? ...
What now happens every week? ...
What did Napoleon discourage the piglets to do? ...
What was to be built for the piglets? ...
What new laws were made to show the pig's superiority? ...
What was held for the pigs only? ...
What new lies about Snowball were made? ...
Who reappeared in the summer?


A cut hoof and shotgun pellets to the leg.Spontaneous Demonstration, which celebrates the triumphs and hardships of Animal Farm.To not play with the other animals.A schoolroomAll pigs would wear green ribbons on Sundays and that all other animals must stand aside for pigs when crossing pigs.Barley.That he had led the humans in the Battle of the Cowshed and the gunshot wounds were really bite wounds that had been inflicted by Napoleon's teeth.Moses the raven

It isn't likely that the school administration will ______ to your recommendation to do away with all examinations and grades. A. acquiesce B. profess
C. covet
D. respite


It isn't likely that the school administration will acquiesce to your recommendation to do away with all examinations and grades.

The word "acquiesce" is a verb that means to agree or express agreement with something to which one does not necessarily approve. The school administration is the executive body of a school, and they are in charge of ensuring that the school's goals and objectives are achieved. Therefore, it's not likely that they'll agree to a proposal to eliminate all exams and grades.

Acquiescing to such a proposal would contradict the school's mission of imparting knowledge and preparing students for the future by helping them achieve academic success. Instead, school administrations are more likely to adjust the school's grading system to better meet students' needs and interests. By engaging with stakeholders such as teachers and students, they can identify areas of the school system that need to be improved, such as curriculum, teaching methods, and evaluation metrics, and develop strategies to address these issues.

know more about verb here


In the context of visual perception, the _____ suggests that people in Western cultures focus more on representations on paper than do people in other cultures, and in particular spend more time learning to interpret pictures. a) vertical-horizontal line theory
b) symbolizing three dimensions in two theory
c) foreign concept theory
d) carpentered world theory


In the context of visual perception, the (d) carpentered world theory suggests that people in Western cultures focus more on representations on paper than do people in other cultures, and in particular spend more time learning to interpret pictures.

The carpentered world theory is a theory of perception that argues that the environment that a person grows up in influences the manner they perceive space. This theory is founded on the idea that the environment is constructed with rectangular items such as furniture, doors, windows, and walls.

According to the carpentered world theory, the brain receives visual data and interprets it based on previous experience with the built environment's rectangular shapes. This theory has been utilized to describe why people from Western cultures are more susceptible to optical illusions that depend on the context of the lines that make them up.

Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about context:


Is the group of words in bold a phrase or a clause?Did you know that tarantulas can survive for as long as two years without food?


The bolded group of words "that tarantulas can survive for as long as two years without food" is a clause.

What is a clause?

A clause is a group of words that includes a subject and a predicate, as well as a verb. It is a building block of sentences that can stand alone and express a full thought.

There are two types of clauses:

Independent and subordinate clauses. The bolded group of words "that tarantulas can survive for as long as two years without food" is a subordinate clause, also known as a dependent clause. The clause starts with the subordinating conjunction "that," which establishes a dependent clause.A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence because it is reliant on the main clause for meaning. In this instance, "Did you know" is the independent clause that necessitates the existence of the subordinate clause. Therefore, the bolded group of words is a subordinate clause.

More about the Sentence Clause here:


1. PART A: Which statement best
expresses a theme of the short story?


A motif is a significant notion that permeates a story. Something a little more is at play here rather than the narrative or the summary. A text's action is connected to a central concept about our reality via a theme.

The theme of a short narrative is which of the following?

The meaning of a collection of short stories is its theme. It is the primary concept the author explores in the narrative. Clearly, the five themes of heroism, death, friendship, retribution, and love are prevalent. Let's examine these recurring themes in more detail, along with some fascinating illustrations from well-known fiction. A message (meaning) that's also meant to be conveyed by the story is referred to as the theme.

To know more about theme visit:


What is dialect?
1. Dialect is words and phrases used by a group of people raised and living in the same area.
2. Dialect is words used that appeal to your sense and paint a picture for the reader.
3. Dialect is words and phrases used by a small group of people, often determined by age.
4. Dialect is words and phrases used by a professional group or a group that shares a common interest.



A particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region or social group.


are u just answering the questions given?????!:()

Answer: its 1

Explanation: i took the quiz :)

What does strayed mean when she tells greg that she hopes the mountain misery is ""not literal""?


When Strayed says she hopes the term "mountain agony" is "not literal," she implies that she hopes it does not refer to how she would feel while hiking. She uses the word "literal," indicating that she is worried about feeling uncomfortable physically.

When Strayed tells Greg that she hopes the term "mountain agony" is "not literal," she implies that she hopes the plant's name does not accurately describe how she would feel while hiking. The name of a plant that grows in the Sierra Nevada mountains, "mountain misery," implies that it can be uncomfortable or unhealthy. Strayed expresses worry that the journey could be challenging or unpleasant, and she hopes that the plant's name does not foretell how she would feel while hiking. Instead of merely referring to the plant's name, she uses the phrase "literal" to describe any potential bodily discomfort or anguish that she may go through.

learn more about mountain agony here:


Can you make all 8 unique colors using 3 bits per color?


Yes, it is possible to make all 8 unique colors using 3 bits per color.


What are bits?

A bit is the smallest unit of digital information in computing and telecommunications, which stands for binary digit (0 or 1).

To represent all eight unique colors using three bits per color, the binary digits should range from 000 to 111. The number of unique combinations of three bits is 2³ = 8.

Here is a list of all eight unique colors:

000 = Black

001 = Red

010 = Green

011 = Yellow

100 = Blue

101 = Magenta

110 = Cyan

111 = White

In conclusion, it is possible to make all 8 unique colors using 3 bits per color.


Learn more about bits and unique numbers at :

Yes, it is possible to make 8 unique colors using 3 bits per color. Each bit represents a different color (i.e. 0= black, 1=red, 2=green, 3=yellow, 4=blue, 5=magenta, 6=cyan, 7=white).

To create 8 unique colors, we need 3 bits per color. That is, 3^8 = 256 colors.

For example, if the three bits are 001, the color would be red. If the three bits are 010, the color would be green. And so on.

To learn more about this visit - Can you make all 8 unique colors using 3 bits per color? :


Grown ups are silly and suspicious.How?Give reason from the text.


This seems to be an opinion question. If you agree that they are silly and suspicious state your reasons why and if you don’t agree then state your reasons why. I would say something along the lines of “Grown ups are silly and suspicious because they hide stuff from their children, sometimes thinking their child can’t handle it. They are silly because they want to make their child happy and feel comfortable around them.” etc. Hope this helps!

The second underlined sentence is an example of pathos because it is


The second underlined sentence is an example of pathos because it is an appeal to the reader's emotions by conveying a sense of urgency.

Pathos is an appeal to the audience's emotions. It is often used in writing to make the audience feel a certain way about a particular topic or issue. When looking for pathos in writing, consider the following:Are there any emotional words or phrases? Emotionally charged language is a clear indicator of pathos. For example, using words like "heart-wrenching" or "devastating" can evoke strong emotions in the reader. Personal stories can help readers relate to the topic on an emotional level. Pathos can be used in a manipulative way, so it's important to consider whether the writer is being genuine or attempting to sway the reader's opinion unfairly.

For more such questions on pathos, click on:


Answer: designed to touch the audience's emotions

Explanation: i just took the test and got a 100%

Read the excerpt from Freedom's Battle by Mahatma Gandhi. Then answer the question that follows. The fact is that non-cooperation by reason of its non-violence has become a purifying movement. It is daily bringing strength to the nation, showing it its weak spots and the remedy for removing them. It is a movement of self-reliance. It is the mightiest force for revolutionizing opinion and stimulating thought. Which of the following sentences best paraphrases the source material? Civil disobedience has made the country stronger by illuminating its strengths, weaknesses, and possible solutions. A group of people with the goal of peacefully resisting is a beneficial way to have opinions heard. Non-cooperation is a great way to peacefully communicate one's thoughts. Non-violence has become a movement. It brings strength to our nation, showing weak spots and possible solutions. It is basically relying on ourselves. It is a strong way to voice an opinion and stimulate thought. The fact is that non-cooperation by reason of its non-violence has become a purifying movement. It is daily bringing strength to the nation, showing it its weak spots and the remedy for removing them. It is a movement of self-reliance. It is the mightiest force for revolutionizing opinion and stimulating thought.


"Freedom's Battle" is a collection of speeches and writings by Mahatma Gandhi, a leader of the Indian independence movement. The book is divided into several sections that cover different aspects of the struggle for Indian independence.

What is the summary of "Freedom's Battle" ?

Throughout the book, Gandhi stresses the importance of non-violent resistance as a means of achieving independence and social justice. He argues that violence only begets more violence and that true change can only come from a non-violent revolution of the masses. He also emphasizes the importance of personal morality and self-discipline in achieving social change.

Gandhi's writings in "Freedom's Battle" are a call to action for all Indians to rise up against British colonialism and take control of their own destiny. His ideas and methods have influenced many other movements for social justice around the world, and his legacy continues to inspire people to this day.

The book is split up into various sections that cover different perspectives of the struggle for Indian independence, including civil disobedience, non-violence, and the role of women in the movement.

To find out more about Mahatma Gandhi, visit:


how can we prevent injustice in court? solution


To prevent injustice in court, it is important to ensure that everyone involved in a court case is treated fairly and that laws are applied correctly.

Injustice in court can be prevented by following these measures:

Independent Judiciary: Judiciary must be independent of any political, economic or other forces.Fair Legal Framework: The legal framework should be fair and transparent, it should ensure that justice is delivered without any bias.Due Process: Due process should be followed in the courts of law, this will ensure that the accused get a fair trial and their rights are protected.Legal Aid: Legal aid must be made available to those who cannot afford to hire a lawyer, this will ensure that they are not discriminated against in the court of law.Judicial Accountability: The judges should be accountable for their actions, they should not be above the law and should be held responsible for any misconduct.

These measures will go a long way in preventing injustice in the court of law.

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Elena and Jada were racing on their bikes. Elena started 15 meters ahead of Jada. Elena biked at a rate of 20 meters per second. Jada biked at a rate of 22 meters per second. Let x represent time in seconds and y represent distance in meters. After how many seconds will Jada pass Elena? how would return on equity be different if a company were to issue $100,000 of 10% bonds instead of $100,000 in stock? assume income before interest and taxes is estimated to be $100,000, income taxes are 21% and stockholders' equity is initially $200,000. return on equity would be Hi guys !Here is my question,its about turkish( m attending turkish course for years)Which sentence is formed correctly?A) Kardeim istiyor ark sylemekB)Sormu babam onaC) Kz ortaokula gidiyorD) Dn yiyeceim kebap stalin was concerned about having a buffer between his country and western europe, especially germany. what did roosevelt get from stalin for agreeing to the compromise in eastern europe? how is the natural system helpful to the world and others? show that if 16 people are seated in a row of 20 chairs, then some group of 4 consecutive chairs must be occupied. Active voice is usually clearer and more concise than passive voice. However, the following are some cases when passive voice would be appropriate. Select all that apply. A.When the agent is unknown B.When the agent is less important than the action C.When you want to vary your sentence structure D.None of the above. Passive voice is never an acceptable sentence structure. a prestigious investment bank designed a new security that pays a quarterly dividend of $2.50 in perpetuity. the first dividend occurs one quarter from today. what is the price of the security if the apr is 3.7 percent compounded quarterly? Without an appointment, the average waiting time in minutes at the doctor's office has the probability density function f(t)=1/38, where 0t38Step 1 of 2:What is the probability that you will wait at least 26 minutes? Enter your answer as an exact expression or rounded to 3 decimal places.Step 2 of 2:What is the average waiting time? Reread pages 5760. What concerns did some organizations in Little Rock have about desegregating Central High School? How did those concerns affect Carlotta and the Little Rock Nine? Can you make all 8 unique colors using 3 bits per color? which of the following includes all common types of radioactive decay? a. atomic number, beta particle emission, electron capture B. alpha particle emission, beta particle emission, half-life C. alpha particle emission, beta particle emission, radioactive parent isotope D. alpha particle emission, beta particle emission, electron capture E. alpha particle emission, stable daughter, electron capture Martina made $60 for 5 hours of work. At the same rate, how many hours would she have to work to make $204 ? A certain population is strongly skewed to the left. We want to estimate its mean, so we will collect a sample. Which should be true if we use a large sample rather than a small one?I. The distribution of our sample data will be closer to normal.II. The sampling model of the sample means will be closer to normal.III. The variability of the sample means will be greater.A. I and II onlyB. I onlyC. III onlyD. II and III onlyE. II only if you reduce the smount of added sugar in a product the total carbs in the product A user copies les from her desktop computer to a USB ash device and puts the device into her pocket. Which of the following security risks is most pressing?(a) Non-repudiation(b) Integrity(c) Availability(d) Condentiality An urn contains eight green balls and six red balls. Four balls are randomly selected from the urn in succession, with replacement. That is, after each draw the selected ball is returned. What is the probability that all four balls drawn are red. Round your answer to three decimal places Find an expression that is equivalent to (a - b) ^ 3 coefficient in a chemical reaction is a number that goes in front of an element or compound in a balanced equation. for example in the balanced equation below the coefficient in front of the h2o is 2, meaning 2 molecules of h2o are reacting to make 2 molecules of h2 and 1 molecule of o2. 2 h2o --> 2 h2 o2 what is the coefficient that goes in front of the eca in the reaction below. e3bc4 d(ca)2 --> d3(bc4)2 eca what is convergent wind