write a story on how your best friend betray you for money​


Answer 1

Answer: Jack and Tom Betrayal


I cannot share a personal experience or a story about a specific individual. It is also not ethical to spread negative stories about someone, even if they are fictional. I can, however, provide you with a general example of a story that involves betrayal for money.

Once upon a time, there were two best friends named Jack and Tom. They had been inseparable since childhood, sharing their dreams and secrets with each other. Jack was a struggling artist, while Tom had a well-paying job at a corporation.

One day, Jack was offered a life-changing opportunity to showcase his art at a prestigious gallery. However, he needed a considerable amount of money to fund his exhibition. Desperate for cash, Jack turned to his best friend Tom for help.

Tom initially seemed hesitant, but eventually agreed to lend Jack the money on the condition that he would repay it with interest. Jack was elated and grateful, and he promised to repay the loan as soon as possible.

As the exhibition date approached, Jack's art became more popular, and he received offers from wealthy art collectors. He managed to pay back Tom's loan and even had some money left over. Tom seemed happy for Jack's success and praised him for his hard work.

However, a few days later, Jack received a shocking email from Tom. It contained an invoice for the loan, along with an additional bill for "consultancy fees." Tom had charged Jack an exorbitant amount of money for his help and claimed that it was justified because he had given Jack valuable advice on how to market his art.

Jack felt betrayed and angry. He had thought that Tom was his friend, but now he realized that he had only seen him as an opportunity to make money. Their friendship was shattered, and Jack regretted ever asking Tom for help. He paid the bill but decided to cut all ties with Tom and move on with his life, realizing that true friends do not betray each other for money.

Related Questions

Write a reflection about how Carl lutz was a holocaust upstander


Carl Lutz was dubbed a "holocaust upstander" and is credited with preventing the Holocaust by using paper to fight the Nazis instead of guns, which saved half of Budapest's Jewish population.

What accomplishments did Carl Lutz make?

Swiss diplomat Christian Lutz served from March 30 to February 12, 1975. From 1942 until the conclusion of World War II, he was Budapest, Hungary's Swiss Vice-Consul. During the Second World War, he orchestrated a massive rescue effort that resulted in the survival of nearly 62,000 Jews, according to legend. Tens of thousands of persecuted Hungarian Jews were spared from execution during World War II by Carl Lutz, an Appenzell diplomat and second-in-command at the Swiss Embassy in Budapest. The most successful civil rescue of Jews during the Holocaust was credited to him for his humanitarian efforts.

To know more about Carl lutz, a holocaust upstander visit:



We have encountered various definitions of race and racism. In the film Race: The Power of an Illusion: The House We Live In, James Horton reminds us that race "is a social and political construction." Along those lines, George Lipsitz further argues that "race is a cultural construct, but one with sinister structural causes and consequences" (2). Ruth Wilson Gilmore provides a complex yet clarifying understanding of racism as "the state-sanctioned and/or extra-legal production and exploitation of group-differentiated vulnerabilities to premature death, in distinct yet densely interconnected political geographies” (qtd. in Melamed 78). Compose a brief summary in which you explore two examples of structural racism. How does power operate through the frame of race within these examples? In your view, what are effective ways to address the "sinister structural causes and consequences" (Lipsitz) of structural racism?



Structural racism refers to the ways in which racial inequalities are built into social structures, institutions, policies, and practices, regardless of the intentions of individuals involved. One example of structural racism is the racial wealth gap, where people of color have significantly lower levels of wealth than white people due to systemic discrimination in employment, housing, and finance. This wealth gap perpetuates racial inequalities and reinforces power imbalances in society, as white people have greater access to resources, education, and opportunities.

Another example of structural racism is the school-to-prison pipeline, which refers to the policies and practices that push students, particularly Black and Latinx students, out of schools and into the criminal justice system. These policies include zero-tolerance disciplinary policies, over-policing of schools, and inadequate resources for social and emotional support. This pipeline reinforces the racialization of crime and punishment and perpetuates the marginalization and criminalization of Black and Latinx communities, while reinforcing the power and authority of law enforcement and the criminal justice system.

To address the structural causes and consequences of racism, it is important to first recognize and acknowledge the ways in which power operates through the frame of race. This requires a deep understanding of the historical and systemic factors that have created and perpetuated racial inequalities. Effective solutions must be rooted in dismantling the institutional and systemic barriers that perpetuate racial disparities and empowering communities of color through education, economic opportunity, and political representation. This includes investing in programs that support equitable education, housing, and healthcare, as well as measures to address police brutality and reform the criminal justice system. Additionally, it is essential to center the voices and leadership of communities of color in developing and implementing solutions to address structural racism.

Which of the following elements did you include? Check all of the boxes that apply.



What is the question. Please type it out.

It is complusory to make box in dairy writing or not?



A diary entry must always be written in a box. but there are no marks for it. You are requested to follow the prescribed format of your school.

• be at least 10 lines long
• feature at least two instances of strong imagery
• incorporate at least three poetic devices of your choice:
o Simile
o Metaphor
o Hyperbole
o Oxymoron
o Paradox
o Personification
o Allusion
o Repetition
• use words with connotations that are appropriate to the theme of the poem
experiment with language by incorporating a word pattern
(can be any topic)



The sky was a canvas painted in red As the sun slowly kissed the horizon's edge The clouds were cotton candy, pink and white Drifting away from the sun's warm light

The sea was a beast, roaring with might Crashing against the shore with all its spite The sand was a carpet, warm and inviting Embracing my feet with its gentle stroking

The wind was a lover, playing with my hair Whispering secrets, too soft to share The birds were dancers, soaring in the sky Their wings a blur, as they danced on high

This moment felt surreal, almost divine A moment in time, frozen in rhyme A symphony of senses, an orchestra of emotions A perfect snapshot of life's vast ocean

The sun slowly faded, taking its last bow The sky turned black, the sea calmed down But the memory remained, etched in my mind A moment of beauty, that I'll always find.


Add the missing end of sentence punctuation and capital letters. There are 2 missing question marks, 1 missing full stop and 2 missing capital letters. I’m going to play crazy golf tomorrow with Katrina do you want to play too I think we’re allowed up to five players. have you ever played crazy golf before I haven’t, but I’ve got a feeling I’m going to be good at it.



"I'm going to play crazy golf tomorrow with Katrina. Do you want to play too? I think we're allowed up to five players. Have you ever played crazy golf before? I haven't, but I've got a feeling I'm going to be good at it."

DIFFICULTIES OF SPEAKING IN ENGLISH OF SELECTED TOURISM STUDENTS IN BESTLINK COLLEGE OF THE PHILIPPINES SY 2022-2023 Can you put dependent variable here for research plsss nee asap noww​


A dependent variable may be the constancy of practice in speaking English.

What are the variables in a survey?The dependent variable is the one that needs the influence of the independent variable.The independent variable is the one that causes changes in the dependent variable.

Research involving the difficulties in speaking English of foreign students may be the lack of constancy in practicing speaking English. An independent variable that can act on this is the dedication of these students to writing in English since this dedication will have a direct effect on their speech.

Learn more about dependent variables:



Baseball Game Life is like a baseball game; \ Every pitch is not the same You get several chances at a hit, But pay attention Cause if you miss The game could be over quick, quick, quick.
Answer: 1. Number of lines in the poem: 2. Mark the rhyme scheme in the poem. 3. Mention an example of simile in the poem: 4. Mention the example of repetition in the poem: 5. What is the message of the poem? Answer in 1-2 sentences​




There are 4 lines in the poem.

The rhyme scheme in the poem is AABB.

An example of simile in the poem is "Life is like a baseball game".

The example of repetition in the poem is the word "quick" repeated three times at the end.

The message of the poem is that life is like a game and one must pay attention and take advantage of opportunities or else the chance may be lost, just like missing a pitch in a baseball game can lead to a quick defeat.

how does this paragraph help deveolp the narrative? select three options


The paragraph from Luciana's personal narrative helps to develop the narrative by introducing the characters of Luciana and her mother, describing the setting where Luciana lives with her mother, and setting up Luciana's situation and the conflict she encounters. Hence, the correct options are B, D, and E.

A personal narrative is a first-person account of a real-life experience. A personal narrative is an autobiographical account of a personal experience, which is composed of personal reflections, emotions, and observations. Personal narratives frequently reflect the author's opinions and feelings while also providing a detailed account of a real-life experience. Personal narratives can be written about any personal experience that has affected the author.

Luciana's personal narrative details how she had to face a difficult situation when her family moved and she had never ridden a bicycle. Her mother told her she couldn't have a kid's bike because she would outgrow it in five minutes, and she had to rely on one of her classmates to teach her how to ride. This paragraph introduces the characters of Luciana and her mother, provides a description of the setting where Luciana lives with her mother, and sets up Luciana's situation and the conflict she encounters. Hence, options B, D, and E are correct.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Read the excerpt from Luciana's personal narrative. ‘When I was 14, my family moved from the city to a small town, where my mother got a job at the local university. By that time, I had already outgrown everyone my age. To make matters worse, when we moved, I discovered that all the kids in my neighborhood rode their bikes everywhere. I, however, had never even touched a bicycle, much less ridden one. My mother told me, "Luciana, if I had bought you a kid's bike, you would have outgrown it in five minutes. Maybe one of your classmates will teach you how to ride." I was mortified.’ How does this paragraph help develop the narrative? Select three options. A) It details the method that Luciana uses to solve her problem. B) It introduces the characters of Luciana and her mother. C) It provides a reflection on the resolution of Luciana's conflict. D) It describes the setting where Luciana lives with her mother. E) It sets up Luciana's situation and the conflict she encounters.

Learn more about Personal narrative:




Levitt and Dubner are clear about what the reader should expect and how he
should prepare for the chapters to come. What do the authors want the reader to
avoid doing? What do they think is likely to happen?


Answer: Explanation below.


In the introduction of Freakonomics, Levitt and Dubner advise readers to avoid making assumptions or jumping to conclusions based on their preconceived notions about certain topics. They encourage readers to approach the book with an open mind and a willingness to challenge their existing beliefs and assumptions.

The authors believe that readers may be surprised by some of the conclusions and insights presented in the book, as they often contradict popular beliefs and conventional wisdom. They caution that readers may initially resist or reject these ideas, but they encourage readers to consider the evidence and logic presented before coming to any conclusions.

Overall, the authors want the reader to be open-minded and willing to question assumptions and beliefs, and to approach the topics in the book with a critical and analytical mindset. They believe that this approach will help readers gain a deeper understanding of the complex social and economic forces that shape our world.

The Kite Runner Chapter 4
“I Am” Poem
Objective: Understanding character motivation
Synthesizing character traits

Write an “I am” poem for Amir . Write
information from the character’s words and actions in the novel. You may choose to use
direct quotations where appropriate.

Line 1: Begin with the words “I am.”
Line 2: Write three nouns about which your character has strong feelings.
Line 3: Write a complete sentence about two things your character likes.
Line 4: Begin with three nouns that describe qualities your character appreciates in other
people. End the sentence with the words “are important to me.”
Line 5: Write a sentence explaining something positive your character likes about himself.
Lines 6 & 7: Begin a sentence in line 6 in which you show something negative your
character sees in himself or in others; finish the sentence in line 7 by showing that out of
something bad can come good. Use the word “but” or “however” to link the two ideas.
Lines 8, 9, 10: Write three short sentences explaining things about which your character
has strong feelings – likes or dislikes. These do not have to relate to each other or to the
previous lines you have written.

1 I am
2 Rain, Forests, and Sunsets.
3 I like long walks and quiet times.
4 Honesty, Humor, and Peace are important to me.
5 I find satisfaction in a job well done.
6 I can be fearsome when my ideas are challenged,
7 But I thrive on intelligent conversation.
8 I love nature and animals.
9 I can be counted on to help.
10 I have strong feelings when a life is threatened.
11 I am ____________.



1 I am Amir.

2 Books, Kites, and Afghanistan.

3 I like spending time with Baba and reading books.

4 Loyalty, Courage, and Kindness are important to me.

5 I take pride in my writing.

6 I am haunted by my past mistakes and my inability to stand up for myself,

7 But I am learning to take responsibility for my actions and to make things right.

8 I hate bullies and people who mistreat others.

9 I feel guilty about betraying Hassan.

10 I have strong feelings about the injustices in the world.

11 I am Amir, a flawed but growing individual who seeks redemption for his past actions.


The following item is an example of a
Overcrowded schools often have to buy portable classrooms or trailers, this is only a
temporary solution though.
O fragment
O comma splice
correct sentence



The following item is an example of a

Overcrowded schools often have to buy portable classrooms or trailers, this is only a

temporary solution though.

O fragment

O comma splice


correct sentence


This is a correct sentence.

Gatsby’s friendship with Wolfshiem further develops Gatsby’s character by making Gatsby seem
Chapter 3
(The Great Gatsby IV)




more complex and morally ambiguous. The association with Meyer Wolfsheim, a notorious figure involved in organized crime, suggests that Gatsby's wealth and success may have been obtained through illegal means, complicating the reader's perception of him as a romantic hero. Furthermore, this relationship helps to establish Gatsby's enigmatic persona, contributing to the novel's themes of appearance versus reality and the corrupting influence of wealth and power.

which statement correctly analyzes how the passages work together to develop a central idea?analyzing the development of a central idea


The passages work together to develop the idea that a person's identity is shaped by the experiences they have.

Through the examination of different characters in their various contexts, the passages demonstrate that a person's identity is the result of the various influences they have encountered throughout their life. This central idea is further developed by exploring how the characters react to different situations and the impact the decisions they make have on their identity. Identity development is a process that affects both individuals and society. (Adams & Marshall, 1996). Much of this process is predicated on the assumption that an individual constructs a "theory of self" (Elkind, 1998) based on exposure to role models and identity alternatives during adolescence when cognitive development permits this.

To know more about characters refer :



The committee has different opinions on the matter


I do I do I do I don’t I do I don’t

Change the statement “she laughed” in a question form



she laughed?


What do you mean she laughed at you?

Choose the type of sentence error that exists in this sentence:
Baseball is easy to learn however it is difficult to master.
run-on sentence
comma splice



The given sentence contains a comma splice error, which occurs when two independent clauses are joined by a comma without a coordinating conjunction or appropriate punctuation mark. In this case, the comma is not strong enough to separate the two independent clauses, and a coordinating conjunction (such as "but" or "and") should be used instead or the comma should be replaced by a semicolon.

A corrected version of the sentence could be: "Baseball is easy to learn, but it is difficult to master."


What can you say about the macbeths traditional roles in act 2 scene 2



Explanation:            Macbeth is anguished: he knows the consequences of this murder. Lady Macbeth soothes him and tells him to wash his hands, but notices he's still carrying the daggers he used to kill Duncan. Macbeth refuses to return to the scene of the crime.

true/false. education, students for whom english is not their first language, learn some subjects in their native language while simultaneously learning english.


True. In some educational systems, students for whom English is not their first language are taught some subjects in their native language while simultaneously learning English.

This approach is often referred to as bilingual education or dual-language immersion, and it is designed to help students maintain their proficiency in their native language while also acquiring fluency in English. The specific approach to bilingual education can vary depending on the educational system and the needs of the students involved.

Learn more about educational systems



Identify three feature of non academic language from the text and justify why each of your chosen features are non academic


Answer: Three features of non-academic language from the text and their justifications are:1. Colloquialism: Colloquialism is one of the characteristics of non-academic language. Colloquial language is informal and includes slang, idioms, and dialects. These phrases are typical of a specific area or demographic, and they are unlikely to be used in a formal academic setting. For instance, “I got to go, catch you later!” or “Hey, what's up?”.2. Abbreviations: Abbreviations are a common feature of non-academic language. Abbreviations are created by shortening long words or phrases, such as "ASAP" for "As Soon As Possible." In academic writing, the use of abbreviations is not considered suitable unless they are widely understood, such as "UN" for "United Nations.

3. Emojis: Emojis, similar to colloquialisms, are considered non-academic because they are informal and non-standardized. Emojis can express emotion or indicate tone in a text message or social media post, but they are not considered suitable for formal academic writing.

Read more about  justifications here:https://brainly.com/question/29173302


Which sentence is an example of spoken language?

I feel sure that you are joking.
You probably are not being honest.
You got to be kidding me!
I don't think you are telling the truth.


Answer: b


Review the passage. The
personification is shown in bold.
It is my first morning of high school.
I have seven new notebooks, a skirt
I hate, and a stomachache. The
school bus wheezes to my
corner. The door opens and I step
up. I am the first pickup of the day.
The driver pulls away from the curb
while I stand in the aisle. Where to
From Laurie Halse Anderson, Speak.
Copyright 1999 by Laurie Halse Anderson
What is the effect of the
personification on the passage's
meaning or tone?




The personification in the passage is "The school bus wheezes to my corner." The effect of this personification is that it gives the impression that the school bus is alive, as if it were a human being who is struggling to breathe, which creates a slightly ominous or foreboding tone. This also adds to the speaker's sense of anxiety and discomfort on their first day of high school, emphasizing the intimidating nature of this new environment. By using personification to describe the school bus, the author conveys a sense of unease and apprehension, which sets the stage for the speaker's experiences in the rest of the story.

How can we fix dangling activities in primavira




In Primavera P6, a "dangling activity" refers to an activity that has no predecessor or successor and therefore has no defined relationship to other activities in the project schedule. This can cause issues with resource allocation, critical path analysis, and overall project management. Here are some steps to fix dangling activities in Primavera P6:

Identify the dangling activities: Use the "Trace Logic" feature in Primavera P6 to identify any activities that have no predecessor or successor relationships. These activities will be highlighted in red in the Gantt chart view.

Define relationships: Once you have identified the dangling activities, you need to define their relationships to other activities in the project schedule. This can be done by adding predecessors or successors, or by linking the activity to another part of the project using a dummy activity.

Check for logic errors: After you have defined the relationships for the dangling activities, check for any logic errors in the project schedule. Ensure that all activities are properly linked and that there are no conflicts or inconsistencies in the schedule.

Update the schedule: Once you have resolved the dangling activities and corrected any logic errors, update the project schedule to reflect the changes.

Review the impact: Finally, review the impact of the changes on the project schedule, resource allocation, and critical path analysis. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the project stays on track and within budget.

In summary, fixing dangling activities in Primavera P6 requires identifying the activities, defining their relationships, checking for logic errors, updating the schedule, and reviewing the impact of the changes. This process helps ensure that the project schedule is accurate, well-defined, and aligned with project goals and objectives.

Part III: Community Connection Ask at least one adult in your community about reading in his or her work. Write a paragraph naming the person’s job title and describing how reading is important in the position.


A sense of belonging to a place and community. opportunity to learn about getting along with people. People to turn to when they want assistance.

Continue to converse with one another. Continue the conversation. Assemble and share even if you aren't at your sharpest, most dressed-up, well-rested, and cheery. Continue to explore, express, and evolve your understanding of your experience and what you value by meeting yourself and others in your community where they are. Community bonds are vital because they provide people a sense of belonging. These interactions go beyond a person's family and friends and are founded on the idea of reciprocity, in which individuals both give and receive.

Learn more about community Connection



the internet in your computer blacks out or is disabled you need some help​



If your internet is disabled or blacked out, you should contact your internet service provider for assistance. They can help you troubleshoot the issue and get your internet back up and running.

What are advantages of doing collage summer program?




There are several advantages of doing a collage summer program, including:

Exposure to college life: A summer program gives students an opportunity to experience college life first-hand. Students get to live on a college campus, attend classes, and participate in campus activities, which can help them prepare for the transition from high school to college.

Academic enrichment: Many college summer programs offer courses and workshops that allow students to explore new subjects or deepen their knowledge in an area of interest. This can give students a head start on their college coursework or help them prepare for college admissions.

Networking opportunities: By attending a summer program, students can meet other students from around the country or even the world. This can help them expand their social and professional networks, which may be beneficial in the future.

College credit: Some college summer programs offer the opportunity to earn college credit. This can help students get a head start on their college degree, potentially allowing them to graduate earlier or take on a lighter course load during the regular academic year.

Personal growth: Participating in a college summer program can help students develop independence, self-confidence, and leadership skills. These skills can be invaluable as students prepare for college and their future careers.

how do the phrases stormed off, float far, and invisable nothing i paragraph 35 contribute to the tone if the passage?



They emphasize the narrator's growing sense of hopelessness


Chapter 34 Ebook: Everyone's An Author with Readings,3rd ed.

Explain the three most important elements to consider when designing any presentation.




The three biggest hacks that separate the professionals from amateurs?

/Don’t include any text in your slides*

/Talk about the slide before you put it up, not after it appears

/Never look at the screen

Complete the following commercial plan according to what you learned in the lesson. Then, use this worksheet to create your commercial. Title of Short Story: Through the Tunnel Author of Short Story: Doris Lessing Script What can you say to your audience that will “sell” them your short story? Sounds What sound effects could be added for interest? Visuals What images could be added for interest? Hook Capture your audience’s attention with your words. How can you make the story sound interesting and connect with the audience? Plot Overview Summarize your short story in 3-4 sentences. This can include the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Theme Share your theme sentence. Why is the lesson learned important? How can a reader connect to this theme? Need Explain the significance of this story. Why does your audience need to read this story? Call to Action What should the audience do as a result of seeing your commercial?




Title of Short Story: Through the Tunnel

Author of Short Story: Doris Lessing


Are you ready for an adventure? Join Jerry as he sets out to explore the mysteries of a rocky tunnel in "Through the Tunnel" by Doris Lessing.


Sounds of waves crashing against the shore, the echo of footsteps in a rocky tunnel, and the sound of water gushing through a narrow passage can be added to create interest.


Images of a rocky beach, a dark and mysterious tunnel, and the excitement on Jerry's face as he discovers new things can be added to make the commercial more visually appealing.


Join Jerry on his journey to uncover the secrets of the tunnel, where danger and excitement await.

Plot Overview:

Jerry, a young boy, goes on vacation with his mother to a beach. While there, he becomes obsessed with a dangerous rocky tunnel, determined to swim through it to the other side. He spends hours practicing and building up his strength until he finally achieves his goal, experiencing the thrill of adventure and discovering the inner strength that he never knew he had.


The theme of "Through the Tunnel" is the struggle for independence and self-discovery. It is important because it teaches readers the value of perseverance, courage, and determination, and how they can help us overcome our fears and achieve our goals.


This story is significant because it teaches readers important life lessons about the importance of pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones, taking risks, and learning to trust ourselves. Through Jerry's story, readers can connect with their own struggles and be inspired to take on new challenges.

Call to Action:

Readers should pick up a copy of "Through the Tunnel" and be inspired to embrace new challenges and discover their own inner strength.

Why does Captain Smollett keep the Union Jack Flag flying in chapters 16-18 Treasure Island?
A. The Captain thinks it is good luck.
B. It is a signal to Jim to let him know where they are.
C. It is a symbol to the pirates how much they hate them.


It is a signal to Jim to let him know where they are.

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PART A: Which statement bestexpresses a theme of the short story? explain the socio-economic challenges that exist in rural areas A(n) ______ is a written guideline that helps determine whether a specification is ethical/unethical or allowed/not allowed.Answers:a. electronic profileb. EULAc. code of conductd. IP economists typically rely on a broader measure of international trade known asthe ___________________, which includes _____________________________.A. current trade balance; foreign aid announced by the government.B. current trade balance; finance, law, and software product design.C. current account balance; telecommunications, computers, finance, law, andadvertising.D. current account balance; goods, services, international income flows, and foreignaid. Resistors to be used in a circuit have average resistance 200 ohms and standard deviation 10 ohms. 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Histidine (His or H) HN Polarity 2. 4-Hydroxyproline (unnatural) accounting errors must be corrected: multiple choice question. as soon as they are discovered. at the end of the year. at the end of the accounting period. One of the principal effects of 9/11 was instilling in Americans a fear that their personal security was at greater risk than ever before. Many aspects of the post-9/11 world are indeed new, but the fear it evokes echoes that felt by prior generations. At times the country has met those fears while still holding fast to its core democratic principles. Other times, fear has overruled American principles, especially the protection of individual freedoms. The most important legacy of the American experience following 9/11 will not be the novelty of fear, but rather how well the country copes with that fear while adhering to its constitutional framework. Given how searing the 9/11 experience was, it is sometimes hard to remember that prior generations of Americans didnt always sleep soundly either. Pearl Harbor is an often-cited example, but it joins many other moments of intense fear in U.S. history. During the 40-plus years of the Cold War, American school children practiced "duck and cover" drills the way todays kids might practice school lock-downs. As a teenage in the 1980s, I joined Sting in hoping we could avert a nuclear holocaust if "the Russians love their children, too."With the collapse of the Soviet Union, other threats in the United States soon appeared: the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, and the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Park bombing, to name just a few. During the 1990s, some in the military liked to refer to the United States as a "homeland sanctuary;" after 9/11, many talk about the end of that sanctuary.True, the country has experienced fewer external threats to its population than have most other nations. But its a misconception to think that the American sense of external threat is new.-Kathleen Hicks, "What Will Americans Do About Their Fear of Terrorism?" The Atlantic Monthly, 2016.The experience of those who lived through 9/11 needs to create which of the following outcomes, according to the author of the passage?a. Citizens should not let their fear of another terror attack override the countrys ability to adhere to the civil liberties protections outlined in the Constitution.b. Citizens need to acknowledge that the 9/11 attack was a unique event and work to develop a new strategy to combat future terror attacks.c. Citizens have to be willing to sacrifice some civil liberties in order to protect the country from future terrorist attacks.d. Citizens can rely on the government to develop plans to protect them in the event of a future attack on the United States. Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)[06.05 MC]Excerpt taken from The Historic Rise of Old Hickory by Suzanne B. WilliamsFour major candidates ran in the 1824 election, all under the "Democratic-Republican" name. One of the candidates, Andrew Jackson, was already famous. In the 1780s, he earned the right to practice law and served in various offices of the state government, including senator. He earned the nickname "Old Hickory" for his toughness as a general during the War of 1812 and First Seminole War. Jackson supported slavery and "Indian removal." This earned him support from voters in southern and frontier states. The other three candidates were John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts, Henry Clay of Kentucky, and William Crawford of Georgia.U.S. presidents are elected through the Electoral College. The Founding Fathers worried that Americans were too spread out to learn enough about the candidates. Under the Electoral College, Americans cast their ballot for the popular vote, which chooses the electors for each state. The number of electoral votes each state equals the number of representatives and senators combined. The candidates must win an absolute majority of electoral votes to win the election.In 1824, Andrew Jackson won the popular vote, but he did not win it in each state. Jackson and Adams both won many electoral votes. Jackson won the most with 99. However, a candidate needs an absolute majority of electoral votes to win. In 1824, Jackson needed 131 to win. When there is not majority winner, the election goes to the House of Representatives. This has only happened twice in U.S. history.Even though he won the popular vote and many electoral votes, Andrew Jackson lost the presidency in 1824. John Quincy Adams was the Secretary of State at this time. Henry Clay was the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Henry Clay, receiving the least, was left out. However, as a leader in the House of Representatives, he had influence over the other members. Clay openly hated Jackson and there were rumors that Clay made a deal with Adams in exchange for his support. The House election declared John Quincy Adams president. Soon, he chose Henry Clay to fill the seat he left vacant, Secretary of State. Jackson was shocked and enraged. Although there was no inquiry of possible wrongdoing, Jackson accused Adams and Clay of making a "corrupt bargain."John Quincy Adams was a disappointment as president. Many of his goals created divisions like federal funds for internal improvement. Some states thought that taking federal funds would force them to follow certain rules. They felt this reduced their rights as independent states. Jackson took advantage of issues like this one to gather more support. More Jackson supporters found their way to seats in Congress. He was as a man of the people and said Adams could never understand the common mans concerns.John Quincy Adams ran against Andrew Jackson in the 1828 election. Personal attacks grew even more vicious, but Andrew Jackson appealed to many. He believed government was for the common man. He believed in strict reading of the law and limited internal improvements. He also believed in states rights.Andrew Jackson easily won the 1828 election, winning both the popular vote and a majority of electoral votes. Historians note the sectional nature of the voting. Support for Jackson was concentrated in South while Adams support was mostly in the North. Jackson was so popular because he brought changes to the government. He also wanted to make sure the government was responsible for its actions. Jackson pushed settlement into the frontier. He supported the Indian Removal act. He also defended the spread of slavery. Though his support was heavier in the South, he was determined to keep a unified nation. The rise and presidency of Old Hickory is memorable to Americans today.Which statement makes a true comparison of the 1824 and 1828 elections? The losers in 1824 were the main candidates for president in 1828. Sectional divisions were appearing in 1824 and very clear in 1828. Candidates were more divided on the issues in 1828 than in 1824. More people voted in the election of 1824 than they did in 1828. What subgroup of protists swims with one flagellum, are mainly photosynthetic, and are common pond dwellers?a) amoebasb) apicomplexansc) ciliatesd) cellular slime moldse) euglenids