Which of these people groups FIRST developed a complex society in the region identified in the map?


Answer 1
The first people who developed a complex society in the region identified in the map was Sumerians

Related Questions

1. Compare and contrast The Law of the Salian Franks with other law codes. What similarities and differences do you note?

2. All of the sources in this chapter refer to personal relationships — among neighbors, the sick and their caregivers, residents in a monastery, fellow villagers, and family members. How would you compare the ways the sources portray these relationships? How are these shaped by the type of source and who wrote it?

3.Both the Frankish law code and the sources about Charlemagne include information about women’s roles. How are these roles depicted differently between sources? What might account for that difference?



1.The Law of the Salian Franks was a Germanic law code that governed the Salian Franks during the early Middle Ages. This law code was mainly concerned with property law and was used to settle disputes over land, inheritance, and theft. The law code was unique in its emphasis on the ordeal as a means of determining guilt or innocence. In contrast, other law codes such as the Justinian Code and the Code of Hammurabi were more comprehensive, covering a wide range of legal issues such as marriage, divorce, and contracts. However, like the Law of the Salian Franks, these codes also relied on physical punishments, such as mutilation or death, to enforce the law.

2.The sources in this chapter all portray personal relationships differently depending on the type of source and who wrote it. For example, the sources about residents in a monastery portray relationships as hierarchical and formal, with a clear distinction between the abbot and the other residents. In contrast, the sources about family members portray relationships as intimate and emotional, with a focus on love and loyalty. The sources written by religious figures tend to emphasize charity and compassion, while secular sources often focus on practical concerns such as property and inheritance.

3.Both the Frankish law code and the sources about Charlemagne provide information about women's roles, but they depict these roles differently. The Frankish law code tends to portray women as passive and subordinate to men, with limited legal rights and no independent status. In contrast, the sources about Charlemagne depict women as active participants in politics and culture, with some women serving as advisers or even rulers in their own right. This difference may be due to the fact that the sources about Charlemagne were written by members of the court, who were more likely to encounter powerful women, while the Frankish law code was written by men who saw women mainly as wives and mothers.


How the Second industrial age inventions affected to War in the modern era.



The Second Industrial Revolution, which occurred from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, brought about significant advancements in technology, communication, and transportation. These advancements had a profound impact on the nature of war in the modern era.

Here are some of the ways that Second Industrial Age inventions affected war:

Machine guns: The invention of the machine gun greatly increased the lethality of infantry units. This weapon made it possible for a small number of soldiers to hold off much larger enemy forces.

Artillery: The development of more powerful and accurate artillery made it possible to destroy enemy positions from a distance, which reduced the need for close-range combat and increased the importance of fortifications.

Aircraft: The invention of the airplane and subsequent advancements in aviation technology allowed for aerial reconnaissance and bombing. Airplanes were also used for transportation of troops and supplies.

Tanks: The invention of the tank changed the nature of ground warfare. Tanks were able to cross difficult terrain, withstand small arms fire, and provide heavy firepower.

Chemical weapons: The use of chemical weapons, such as poison gas, became more prevalent during World War I. These weapons caused horrific injuries and death and led to the development of gas masks and other protective gear.

Radio communication: The invention of radio communication allowed for better coordination between units and improved communication between the front lines and command centers.

Overall, the inventions of the Second Industrial Age transformed the way wars were fought. They increased the lethality of weapons, allowed for more effective communication, and made it possible to fight battles from a distance. These changes had a significant impact on the tactics and strategies used in modern warfare.


what are the s.p.i.c.e outcomes at the end of the war production board ?




The War Production Board (WPB) was a U.S. government agency created during World War II to oversee the production of war materials and ensure that the military had the resources it needed. Here are some potential SPICE outcomes at the end of the War Production Board:

Social outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had social implications, as Americans adjusted to a postwar society. The agency had played a role in coordinating the country's war efforts and promoting national unity, and its dissolution may have had an impact on how Americans viewed themselves and their country.

Political outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had political implications, as well. The agency had been involved in managing the wartime economy and allocating resources, and its dissolution may have signaled a shift in U.S. government priorities or strategies.

Intellectual outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had intellectual implications, as Americans grappled with the legacy of wartime production and the role of government in managing the economy. Some may have questioned the efficiency of the government's wartime mobilization efforts, while others may have considered the challenges of transitioning from a wartime to a peacetime economy.

Cultural outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had cultural implications, as well. The agency had played a role in shaping American culture during the war, as many aspects of daily life were affected by the country's war efforts. The dissolution of the agency may have influenced American cultural production in the postwar years.

Economic outcomes: The end of the War Production Board had significant economic consequences, as the country shifted from a wartime to a peacetime economy. The agency had overseen the production and allocation of war materials, and its dissolution may have had an impact on industries that had relied on government contracts during the war. Additionally, the country experienced a postwar recession as demand for war materials decreased and soldiers returned to the workforce.

Which of the following would be the best primary source to include in an analysis of the early Virginia colony? a. James P. P. Horn, The Land as God Made it: Jamestown and the Birth of America b. An interview with Professor Jack P. Greene, who has written more than ten books on colonial America c. A collection of letters and memoirs by John Rolfe d. A wikipedia.com essay on colonial Massachusetts


The best primary source to include in an analysis of the early Virginia colony would be option C: a collection of letters and memoirs by John Rolfe.

John Rolfe was an English settler who played a significant role in the early history of the Virginia colony. He is known for introducing a strain of tobacco that was successfully cultivated in Virginia, which became a major cash crop for the colony. His letters and memoirs would provide firsthand accounts of the early days of the Virginia colony, including the interactions between the English settlers and the native Powhatan people.

Option A, James P. P. Horn's book "The Land as God Made It: Jamestown and the Birth of America," could also be a useful source, but it is a secondary source and not a primary source.

Option B, an interview with Professor Jack P. Greene, could also be informative, but it is not a primary source.

Option D, a Wikipedia essay on colonial Massachusetts, is not relevant to the early Virginia colony, which was a separate and distinct colonial entity.

To know more about James P. P. Horn here



1. Answer the question below. Use the rubric in the materials for help if needed.
Taxes played a major role in the American Revolution and the shaping of the young United States. Describe the role that taxes played in the founding of the United States.


The role of taxes in the founding of the United States involved the colonists' resentment towards British taxes which contributed to the American Revolution, and debates over taxation powers and responsibilities during the establishment of a new federal government

What is the role of taxes in the founding of United States?

Taxes played a significant role in the founding of the United States, as the colonists' resentment towards British taxes without their representation in the British Parliament contributed to the American Revolution, and the establishment of a new federal government under the U.S. Constitution involved debates over taxation powers and responsibilities between the federal and state governments.

Learn more on taxes here;



Offline, create a complete pictogram that represents:
1. The various sources of energy.
2. The percentage of global consumption for each as shown in the video.
3. What each source is used for (electricity, transportation, heat).
Use the illustration from the video as a guide.
Upload your completed pictogram.


The main sources of energy can be categorized into two groups: non-renewable and renewable.

What is the energy about?

Non-renewable sources of energy include fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These sources are finite and cannot be replenished once they are used up. Renewable sources of energy include solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass. These sources are replenished naturally and can be sustained indefinitely.

According to the video, the breakdown of global energy consumption by source in 2020 is as follows:

Oil: 33.3%

Coal: 27.4%

Natural gas: 24.7%

Renewables: 11.3%

Nuclear: 3.3%

It's worth noting that the exact percentage breakdown can vary depending on the source and year of data used.

Each source of energy has its own unique uses and applications. Fossil fuels are primarily used for transportation and electricity generation, while renewables are increasingly being used for electricity generation, heating, and transportation. Nuclear energy is primarily used for electricity generation as well.

Oil and natural gas are commonly used for transportation, while coal is used for electricity generation in many countries. Renewable sources such as solar and wind are increasingly being used for electricity generation, while biomass is used for heating and transportation. Hydro power is often used for electricity generation as well. Geothermal energy can be used for heating and electricity generation.

Learn more about energy on:



Match each term with the phrase that best defines it.


The unfair or unfavorable treatment of individuals or groups on the basis of traits like race, gender, age, or sexual orientation is known as discrimination.

What is discrimination, accommodation, boycott, disability, activist?

Something that is provided for comfort or to meet a need, such housing, food, and services, or travel accommodations and related services. commonly used in the plural. Overnight tourist lodgings are provided aboard boats.

to decline to purchase something or participate in something in order to show severe disapproval: The union issued a demand for a boycott of the gathering.

Any physical or mental impairment that makes it harder for the person with the disease to engage in particular activities and interact with others is referred to as a handicap.

one who promotes or engages in activism is someone who employs or supports forceful activities (such as open demonstrations) in favor of or against one side of a contentious subject.

Learn more about boycott:



Please answer accordingly and I will give you brainliest and a 5 star rating.

According to this picture, what is the author’s main argument about the constitutional amendment. Please make specific references.


The author's main argument is that Congress has been unwilling to tackle politically contentious issues, such as immigration, and has instead allowed the executive branch to encroach upon its authority.

What is immigration?

Immigration is the process of people moving from one country to another for the purpose of settling there. It can be voluntary or involuntary, and it can be for a variety of reasons, such as economic, political, social, or cultural. Immigration has been an important factor in the growth and development of countries around the world. It can bring new skills and diversity to a nation, while at the same time often creating tension and controversy.

The author's main argument is that Congress has been unwilling to tackle politically contentious issues, such as immigration, and has instead allowed the executive branch to encroach upon its authority. The result of this is that Congress has failed to address the issue, leading to the creation of executive branch initiatives such as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA). However, these initiatives have been struck down by the federal courts, and Congress still has not taken any action. The author suggests that a constitutional amendment is needed to ensure that Congress is given the authority to make decisions and tackle politically contentious issues.

To learn more about immigration



Which was not a result of the Six Day War, which was fought in 1967? The number of Palestinian refugees increased dramatically. The Palestine Liberation Organization became more militant. Israel gained considerable territory, including the Sinai Peninsula. The peace treaty ended the conflict in the region.​



The peace treaty ended the conflict in the region.​


The conflict is ongoing still

FILL IN THE BLANK. When Napoleon tried to close the European continent to British Trade, the British responded with an ____ on the European coast.


When Napoleon tried to close the European continent to British Trade, the British responded with an attack on the European coast.

Napoleon's Continental System was an economic blockade that aimed to cut off Britain's trade with the rest of Europe. Napoleon aimed to make Europe self-sufficient by promoting internal commerce while limiting British imports and exports. The Continental System faced many challenges and was never fully implemented. The British responded by blockading the continent, causing the Continental System to collapse. Napoleon's invasion of Russia was a disastrous attempt to enforce the Continental System.

The British response to the Continental System included the establishment of a naval blockade and a focus on trade with the Americas and the East. The British Navy patrolled the coasts of Europe, intercepting and seizing any ships suspected of trading with France. The British also established a network of spies and smugglers to help them break the blockade. As a result of this blockade, the French economy suffered greatly, and Napoleon's empire began to crumble.

For more questions on Napoleon



The March on Washington had a tremendous impact on the Civil RightsMovement because??



Because the pressuring the administration of John F. Kennedy to initiate a strong federal civil rights bill in Congress.


In the summer of 1941 A. Philip Randolph, founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, called for a march on Washington, D.C.,

to draw attention to the exclusion of African Americans from positions in

Civil right.


In 2-3 sentences, explain the intention of the changing US policies in the years leading up to and during World War II.



Read Below:


In the years leading up to and during World War II, the intention of the changing US policies was to remain neutral and avoid involvement in the conflict, but as the war progressed and the threat of Axis powers increased, the US shifted towards support for the Allies and eventual entry into the war. This was driven by a combination of factors, including economic interests, national security concerns, and moral imperatives.

God The midwives refused to kill Hebrew babies. One
midwife was named



The reference here is to the story in the Book of Exodus in the Bible. The midwives who refused to kill Hebrew babies were named Shiphrah and Puah. In the story, the Pharaoh of Egypt orders the Hebrew midwives to kill all male babies born to the Hebrews, but Shiphrah and Puah refuse to carry out the order, citing the fact that the Hebrew women give birth before they arrive to help. As a result, the Hebrew babies are saved and the midwives are rewarded by God for their courage and compassion.

As students,the. Generation requested curriculum reforms greater opportunities for free speech and more relaxed college rules


As students, the Generation Z cohort has been advocating for curriculum reforms, greater opportunities for free speech, and more relaxed college rules.

Why has Generation Z cohort been advocating for reforms?

Curriculum reforms are seen as necessary to provide students with a more well-rounded and relevant education. This includes more emphasis on practical skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication, as well as more exposure to diverse perspectives and cultures.

Greater opportunities for free speech are also important for Generation Z students, who grew up with social media and a more interconnected world. They want to be able to express themselves and engage in meaningful discussions without fear of censorship or retribution.

Finally, more relaxed college rules are seen as a way to reduce stress and anxiety among students. This includes reducing the workload, providing more flexible deadlines, and allowing for more personal expression through dress and appearance.

Overall, the demands of Generation Z students reflect a desire for greater freedom, inclusivity, and relevance in education. By addressing these demands, colleges and universities can better prepare students for the challenges of the modern world and create a more just and equitable society.

Read more about Generation Z



Answer: baby boomers


Which historical interpretation is supported by this source?



This source supports the interpretation that the American Revolution was largely driven by economic concerns. It shows that the American colonists were motivated by economic grievances, such as the taxes imposed on them by the British government, to rebel against their colonial rulers. The source further suggests that the colonists saw the fight for independence as a way to achieve economic freedom from the British.

Which of the following is not a major trend of evolution from archaic to modern Humans?
A Diminishing brow ridge
B Thicker stronger skeleton
C Smaller teeth
D Increased height


The evolution of present day humans from our hominid ancestor is normally considered as having worried four foremost steps: evolving terrestriality, bipedalism, a massive Genius (encephalization) and civilization.

What are the three simple traits in hominid evolution?

Three different developments are essential in the evolution of hominins: bipedalism, non-honing chewing complex, and encephalization of the brain.

Archaics are amazing from anatomically present day humans by using having a thick skull, outstanding supraorbital ridges (brow ridges) and the lack of a prominent chin. Anatomically modern humans regarded around 300,000 years ago in Africa, and 70,000 years ago, regularly supplanted the "archaic" human varieties.

Learn more about hominid evolution here:


Democratic-Republicans viewed the Alien and Sedition Acts as...



The Democratic-Republican minority in Congress complained that the Sedition Act violated the First Amendment to the Constitution, which protected freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

Which action was a direct result of the massive loss of life during World War II?
A. The passing of the Atomic Bomb Act
B. The integration of defense industries
C. The formation of the United Nations (UN)
D. The division of Germany


C. The formation of the United Nations (UN)

was a direct result of the massive loss of life during World War II. The purpose of the United Nations was to promote international cooperation and prevent future conflicts by providing a forum for nations to address issues and disputes through diplomacy and negotiation. The horrific loss of life during World War II made it clear that a new approach to international relations was needed to prevent such catastrophic events from occurring again. The United Nations was established in 1945, shortly after the end of the war, and has since played a key role in maintaining international peace and security

Can someone write me an essay on William the Conqueror? With an intoduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion




William the Conqueror was a significant figure in English history, known for his successful conquest of England in 1066. He was a skilled leader, warrior, and statesman who changed the course of English history. This essay will explore the life, achievements, and legacy of William the Conqueror.

Body Paragraph 1:

William the Conqueror was born in Normandy, France, in 1028. He was the son of Robert I, Duke of Normandy, and his mistress Herleva. As a young boy, William was sent to be educated in the court of his uncle, the Duke of Brittany. He was trained in the arts of war and diplomacy, which would serve him well in his future conquests.

Body Paragraph 2:

In 1066, William invaded England with a force of Normans, defeating King Harold II at the Battle of Hastings. He was crowned King of England on Christmas Day, 1066. William consolidated his power by establishing a feudal system and constructing castles throughout England. He also commissioned the Domesday Book, a survey of land and property in England that provided valuable information about the country's resources and wealth.

Body Paragraph 3:

William's legacy extends beyond his military conquests and political achievements. He was a patron of the arts and culture, sponsoring the construction of many churches and cathedrals, including the famous Bayeux Tapestry. He also encouraged the growth of the English language and literature, commissioning the first Norman French version of the English law code.


In conclusion, William the Conqueror was a significant figure in English history, whose achievements had a lasting impact on the country. He was a skilled leader, warrior, and statesman who changed the course of English history. His military conquests, political achievements, and cultural contributions continue to be studied and celebrated today. William's legacy serves as a reminder of the importance of leadership, diplomacy, and cultural patronage in shaping the course of history.

After the Punic Wars, the Roman Republic is on the verge of constantly being taken over by dictators. Why? What social, economic, and/or political changes led to this instability?



After the Punic Wars, the Roman Republic is on the verge of constantly being taken over by dictators. Why? What social, economic, and/or political changes led to this instability?


The Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 BCE to 146 BCE. After the final Punic War, which ended in 146 BCE, Rome emerged as the dominant power in the Mediterranean. However, the victory in the Punic Wars did not bring stability to the Roman Republic. The social, economic, and political changes that occurred during this time period contributed to the instability of the Republic and the rise of dictators.

One of the main social changes was the increase in slavery. Slavery was an integral part of the Roman economy, and the conquests during the Punic Wars led to an influx of enslaved people. The wealthy elite used this cheap labor to increase their profits, while the poor and middle-class citizens suffered from unemployment and a lack of opportunities.

The economic changes during this time period also contributed to the instability of the Republic. The rise of latifundia, large estates owned by the wealthy elite, led to the displacement of small farmers. This led to a decline in the number of citizens who could serve in the military, which was a requirement for holding political office.

Politically, the Republic became increasingly corrupt and ineffective. The Senate, which was supposed to be the governing body of the Republic, became dominated by wealthy landowners who used their power to further their own interests. This led to a decline in the power of the plebeians, or common people, who had once been able to influence the political process.

All of these changes contributed to the instability of the Republic and the rise of dictators. The people of Rome were looking for strong leaders who could restore order and stability to the Republic. This led to the rise of powerful generals such as Julius Caesar and Pompey, who used their military power to gain political control. Eventually, this led to the downfall of the Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.

5. How might the difficulty of measuring the stability of an opinion affect the number and
frequency of polls that are conducted?


The amount and frequency of polls that are performed can be impacted in a number of ways by the challenge of determining how stable an opinion is. First, if people's opinions are really erratic.

What use do opinion surveys serve in research?

An opinion poll is a human research study of the public's opinion from a specific sample. It is frequently referred to as just a survey or a poll, even though properly speaking an election is a poll.

What is the demand forecasting method using opinion polls?

By using the opinions of persons who are knowledgeable about the industry, such as professional marketing gurus and consultants, sales representatives, and executives, opinion polling techniques estimate demand. The collective wisdom of knowledgeable people can be a valuable information source.

To know more about frequency visit:-



the negative effects of gridlock?



In politics is a situation when there is difficulty passing laws that satisfy the needs of the people. A government is gridlocked when the ratio between bills passed and the agenda of the legislature decreases.

Gridlock can occur when two legislative houses, or the executive branch and the legislature are controlled by different political parties, or otherwise cannot agree.

Match the the term with the definition.
D. Epicurean
B. Cynicism
Moving to another question will save this response.
MacBook Pro
A Rejection of materialistic world or the strong physical or emotional connection to it
B. Believe in self-control, a Universal God / reason, rational world, we are all one in
spite of our current diversity
C. His view on our linear history and connection to each of us today, especially for
themes of religion, culture, economics, and power being assimilated and evolving in
a cycle that repeats, over and over and over
D. Ok to seek out joy and pleasure, enjoy what you can and share it, but avoid
discomfort or overindulgences
Question 26 of 42 >>


Answer: Stoicism - the endurance of pain or hardship without the display of feelings and without complaint

Epicurean- a disciple or student of the greek philosopher Epicurus

Cynicism- an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest; skepticism


which of the following was not a consequence of the american policy of raising tariffs sky-high in the 1920s?



European nations raised their own tariffs the postwar chaos in Europe was prolonged international economic distress deepened American foreign trade declined the American economy slipped into recession Answer: E.


Which piece of evidence best reveals the idea that facing a fear requires determination?


The piece of evidence that best reveals the idea that facing a fear is loneliness as that requires determination. Hence the answer is c. He feels alone.

What does fear mean in psychology?

When one feels or recognizes a threat or danger, they experience the highly unpleasant sensation of fear. Fear results in physiological changes that might result in responses like putting an aggressive defense or running away from the threat.

Origin of fear?

The amygdala, a region of the brain, is where fear doing  first itself. "A danger input, such as the sight of a predator, stimulates a fear response in the amygdala, which activates regions engaged in preparation for motor tasks involved in fight or flight," claims Smithsonian Magazine.

To know more about Fear  visit:



A similarity between the separation of power the system of checks and balances and federalism is that they


A similarity between the separation of power, the system of checks and balances, and federalism is that they are all structural features of the United States Constitution. They were designed to distribute power and prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful. Each of these features helps to ensure that the government operates within the bounds of the Constitution and that no one person or group can control the entire government. Additionally, they are all designed to protect individual rights and promote the common good. Overall, these features of the Constitution work together to create a system of government that is stable, effective, and accountable to the people.

Why were many northerns against the war of USA against Mexico


Answer:Other Americans simply thought it was wrong to use war to take land from Mexico.


Which of the following events occurred in the weeks following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
1. Germany declared war on both Russia and France
2. Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire began hostilities.
3. Germany invaded Belgium


The event that occurred in the weeks following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is Germany declared war on both Russia and France.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand was a prince of Austria-Este and was assassinated in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on June 28, 1914. This incident is the immediate cause of World War I. The following events occurred in the weeks following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand: On July 5, the Kaiser met with his leading advisers and set Germany on a course that led to war with Russia and France. The Kaiser's army leaders demanded war to suppress the Russian threat before it was too late.

Germany declared war on Russia on August 1 and France on August 3. The Schlieffen Plan was launched by Germany on August 4, which was an attack on France via Belgium. This act of aggression sparked the First World War.

For more such questions on assassination



Which of the following occurred during the first stage (1789-92) of the French Revolution? (multiple answers - check all that apply)
A. The storming of the Bastille
B. The Tennis Court Oath
C. The execution of Robespierre
D. The Women's March and capture of the king & queen
E. The Jacobins' 'Reign of Terror'
F. The Rights of Man document


The following occurred during the first stage (1789-92) of the French Revolution: The storming of the Bastille, the Tennis Court Oath, and the Rights of Man document.  All three are notable events in the early days of the revolution. Therefore the correct option is option A, B and F.

The storming of the Bastille happened on July 14, 1789. This was a very symbolic event that showed the power of the common people. The Bastille was a prison and a symbol of the oppression of the common people by the monarchy. The fall of the Bastille showed that the people could overcome the power of the monarchy.

The Tennis Court Oath took place on June 20, 1789. The National Assembly, which was composed of the third estate, gathered on a tennis court in Versailles. They took an oath to write a constitution for France that would limit the power of the monarchy and give more power to the people.

This was a significant event that demonstrated the power of the people in the new France. The Rights of Man document was adopted by the National Assembly on August 26, 1789.

The document was intended to limit the power of the monarchy and give more power to the people. It was a significant step toward democracy in France. Therefore the correct option is option A, B and F.

For such more question on French Revolution:



In a paragraph, explain the significance of the Civil Rights Movement of the
1950s-1960s. Cite at least ONE specific example that helped promote civil rights
for minorities in America.



The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s-1960s aimed to eliminate racial discrimination and segregation against African Americans and other minorities. Through civil disobedience, nonviolent protests, and legal challenges, activists and organizations like Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference made significant progress in the fight for civil rights. The Montgomery bus boycott in 1955, led by Rosa Parks, protested the segregation of African American passengers on public buses and ultimately led to a Supreme Court ruling that declared segregation on public buses unconstitutional. This movement helped pave the way for more equitable and inclusive policies and practices, making it a crucial milestone in American history.

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Find the derivative of f(x) = -2x^3 by the limit process The difference between theory and philosophy is that theory provides a belief system about how the world works while philosophy is based on principles used to explain behaviorTrue or False Formula: m=;X-X1P = (X, Y) P = (X2, Y)1) P=(-1,5) y P=(-2,-6)Cmo resolver este ejercicio de ecuaciones lineales de dos puntos Suppose the systolic blood pressure (in mm) of adult males has an approximately normal distribution with mean =125 and standard deviation =14. Create an empirical rule graph with the following: A title and label for the horizontal axis including units. Vertical lines for the mean and first 3 standard deviations in each direction with numerical labels on the horizontal axis Labels for the areas of the 8 regions separated by the vertical lines as well. Note: This may be hand drawn or computer generated. See the models for desired formats. Now use your graph to answer the following questions. b. About 99.7% of men will have blood pressure between what amounts? ______ and _____ c. What percentage of men will have a systolic blood pressure outside the range 111 mm to 153 mm? What the values of angles B and C? 1.What happened to nationalism throughout the world following World War II? It became culturally unacceptable due to the horrors that German hyper-nationalism committed. It intensified throughout much of the world, leading to widespread independence movements. It increased in Europe but all but disappeared in Africa and Southeast Asia. It led to a third wave of imperialism and the creation of new overseas empires.2.Read this quote from Haidar Abd El-Shafi, then answer the question:"We, the people of Palestine, stand before you in the fullness of our pain, our pride, and our anticipation, for we long harbored a yearning for peace and a dream of justice and freedom. For too long, the Palestinian people have gone unheeded, silenced and denied, our identity negated by political expedience, our right for struggle against injustice maligned, and our present existence subsumed by the past tragedy of another people."Haidar Abd El-Shafi, head of the Palestinian Delegation to the Madrid Peace Conference, 1991The above quote is from a speech given at the Madrid Peace Conference by a Palestinian leader. To which of the following does the speaker attribute the ignoring of his people's suffering? Palestinians' unrealistic dreams The Nazi killing of Jews The excessive pride of Jews Palestinians' silence on their plight3.Use this image to answer the question:This emblem shows a Jewish star inside a shape that combines a fortress and a shield. Which of the following did this emblem most likely represent? Jewish diaspora Jewish assimilation Zionism Atheism4.Read this quote from Fidel Castro, then answer the question:"Marxism taught me what society was. I was like a blindfolded man in a forest, who doesn't even know where north or south is. If you don't eventually come to truly understand the history of the class struggle, or at least have a clear idea that society is divided between the rich and the poor, and that some people subjugate and exploit other people, you're lost in a forest, not knowing anything."Fidel Castro, 2009Fidel Castro, long-time leader of Cuba, made the above statement during an interview in 2009. The statement is in response to a question about what influenced him to become a Cuban nationalist. Which of the following can be inferred from this statement? Geopolitics is important to a people's well-being. A revolution should arise out of a people's history. Society's rich should not exploit the poor. Nonviolence should be used to achieve class equality.5.The town in this photograph is named Duvalierville. It was founded by the Haitian President Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier. What does this image say about Duvalier's approach toward governing? He wanted to modernize Haiti. He focused on improving Haiti's infrastructure. He did not focus on human welfare programs. He did not approve of poorly planned projects.6.Read this quote, then answer the question:"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."You can tell by the meaning of this quote that this principle was expressed by Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier Mahatma Gandhi Fidel Castro Yasser Arafat7.The desired outcome for Basque nationalists in Spain is limited local autonomy complete independence the removal of Spanish troops a cease-fire with Spain8.The Yom Kippur War included increased American arms for the Israelis a peace agreement between Syria and Israel a decrease in the violence of the PLO the assassination of Golda Meir9.Use this image to answer the question:This photograph was taken in Rafah in Palestinian territory in 2009. What does the photo reveal about violence in the region? Entire families are engaged in violent acts of violence. Children are in harm's way due to acts of violence. Militants cannot operate out of destroyed buildings. It has not disrupted the lives of civilians.10.What do the USMCA and the European Union have in common? They both promote English as the language of international trade. They are both moving toward a political union of their members. Their member nations reduce tariffs to trade with each other. They have both decreased in size in recent years.11.How does the European Union differ from the USMCA? There are tariffs between EU nations. The USMCA has some political governance elements. It has its own currency. The European Union includes fewer nations.12.Which group in a country is most directly threatened by the international competition of free trade? domestic suppliers or businesses domestic consumers local governments federal governments13.How did business impact the process of cultural diffusion in the second half of the twentieth century? It slowed it down significantly. It slowed it down modestly. It had no unmistakable impact. It accelerated it significantly.14.Regional trade blocs most directly decrease outsourcing immigration tariffs tax rates 23) What happens to the premiums for yearly renewable term insurance as an insured gets older?A) They increase at an increasing rate.B) They increase at a decreasing rate.C) They decrease at a constant rate.D) They remain level. . If h> 3 and h - 2g= 0, which of the following must be true? A. g> 2.5 B. g> 1.5 C. g