What is the difference between precedent and law


Answer 1


Precedent is only constitutive. A judge is bound by the precedent of the higher courts and the enacted law. If a precedent checks the operation of a rule it is only on the ground that it is not law. But, when a rule is established as law, a precedent cannot abrogate it.


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According to Goldstein, what is the proper role of politics in policing, and what is an improper role?

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According to Herman Goldstein, the proper role of politics in policing is allocating resources to ensure adequate problem-oriented policing followed by close monitoring of police activities.

Political influences should not have a place in policing a society. According to Goldstein, policing is itself an aberration in a free society. Adding politics to the activities of the police department will decrease society's freedom and individual liberty and complicate societal relationships.

In dealing with crime and law enforcement, police should be mindful of social and physical disorders and help the government curtail such occurrences. The improper role of politics in policing occurs when policing is used by politicians to subject opposition members to oppression or harassment.

Thus, the proper role of politics in policing is to ensure that there are adequate resources for policing, monitoring the outcome of policing in the society, and not intervening in policing based on political affiliations.

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