What are the strengths (and limitations) of historical drama and historical documentary as forms of historical story-telling (visual stories or narratives)


Answer 1

Historical drama and historical documentaries are two forms of historical story-telling that are often used to present and interpret events and characters from the past.

Strength of historical drama

The strength of historical drama is that it has the ability to engage the viewer emotionally and can help to bring history to life. By placing the viewer in the context of a particular time and place, historical dramas can help to create a sense of immersion that can be difficult to achieve through other mediums.

Limitation of historical drama

One limitation of historical drama is that it is not always accurate, as creative license is often taken to create a more compelling narrative. This means that viewers need to be cautious when interpreting historical dramas as historical fact.

Strength of historical documentaries -

The strength of historical documentaries is that they aim to present accurate and well-researched information, often based on primary sources, and they can be an important educational tool.

Limitation of historical documentaries -

One limitation of historical documentaries is that, like historical dramas, they are subject to bias and selective editing. Moreover, filmmakers may sometimes omit important facts or perspectives that do not fit with their narrative or agenda.

To know more about historical documentaries and drama -



Related Questions

According to Eric Foner, the consumer culture of the Progressive Era, “became the foundation for a new understanding of freedom as access to the cornucopia of goods made available by modern capitalism”. Do you agree? Why or why not?



Eric Foner's assertion that the consumer culture of the Progressive Era became the foundation for a new understanding of freedom as access to goods made available by modern capitalism has some validity. The rise of consumerism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries coincided with a period of significant social and economic change, including the growth of industrialization, urbanization, and mass production. As a result, Americans increasingly defined their identities through their consumption habits and the goods they owned.

The availability of consumer goods also became a symbol of progress and prosperity, as it provided access to a wider range of products and services. The desire for material wealth and comfort became a marker of success and an expression of individualism, which was central to the concept of freedom in American society.

However, it is important to note that this understanding of freedom was not universally accepted. Many critics of consumer culture argued that it promoted superficial values and undermined traditional values such as thrift, hard work, and self-reliance. They also argued that the emphasis on consumption perpetuated inequalities and encouraged people to define their worth based on their purchasing power, rather than on their inherent qualities as human beings.

Overall, while the consumer culture of the Progressive Era did contribute to a new understanding of freedom as access to goods made available by modern capitalism, this view was not universally accepted, and remains the subject of ongoing debate.


There is something to get you started ^^

Final answer:

I agree with Eric Foner's view that the consumer culture of the Progressive Era formed the basis for a new understanding of freedom as access to goods provided by modern capitalism. This reflects the shift from producer to consumer society, suggesting that access and consumption of goods has become a critical aspect of freedom.


Yes, I would agree with Eric Foner's assertion that the consumer culture of the Progressive Era laid the groundwork for a new interpretation of freedom as access to the bounty of goods supplied by modern capitalism. This alternative concept of liberty reflects the shift from a society dominated by producers to one dominated by consumers. It suggests that the ability to access and consume goods and services has become an important aspect of freedom.

This aligns with the broader societal shifts that took place during the Progressive Era, a time of rapid industrialization and urbanization. The rise of mass production and advertising during this period, coupled with increased purchasing power, effectively transformed the relationship between citizens and the economy. As a result, people’s access to created goods and services, their choice, and their ability to participate in the market became markers of liberty.

Learn more about Consumer Culture of the Progressive Era here:



Which of the following are examples of issues subject to culture lag in some religions? (Choose every correct answer.)
A. transgender rights
B. money
C. unmarried couples living together
D. rites and sacraments


A, C, and D that is transgender rights, unmarried couples living together and rites and sacraments are examples of issues subject to culture lag in some religions.

Transgender rights, as well as unmarried couples living together, have been a recent development in some cultures and therefore may be a point of contention for traditionalists or those adhering to more conservative religious practices.

Rites and sacraments, such as baptism and communion, are also subject to culture lag as some may take longer to accept new versions or changes in their practice. Money, on the other hand, is not typically a subject of culture lag as it is a universal tool of exchange.

In some religions, Transgender rights, unmarried couples living together, and money are all examples of issues subject to culture lag in some religions. Culture lag is the difference between the cultural and social advances and improvements that occur over time and the lagging changes and adaptations made to social structures, policies, and concepts as a result. When the social and cultural progress made by a society is outpaced by technological advancements, cultural lag occurs.

Examples of culture lag include gender roles, views of family and family structure, and scientific progress. This can happen in a variety of ways, but it often happens as a result of changes in technology or social norms or values that occur more rapidly than can be adjusted by existing social institutions or policies.

For more such questions on  culture lag , Visit:



FILL IN THE BLANK when the united states sent military troops into iraq, it was using ____ capital to influence policy.


When the United States sent military troops into Iraq, it was using its military capital to influence policy.

Military capital refers to a nation's military power, including its military personnel, weapons, and technological capabilities. The United States, as a superpower with one of the largest and most advanced military forces in the world, was able to use its military capital to exert influence over other nations and pursue its foreign policy objectives, including the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The decision to send troops to Iraq was made by the U.S. government, which believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and posed a threat to U.S. national security. However, the invasion of Iraq was controversial and divisive, and its long-term consequences are still being felt today.

To know more about Military capital



which answer???

idc if i run out of points i just need all of yall help


The correct answer is Carl Friedrich Gauss

What is the Haritage ​



1. property that is or may be inherited; an inheritance

2. a special or individual possession; an allotted portion.


Sorry if this doesn't answer your question. Next time try to be more specific with your question.

How did the united states involvement in the korean war set the stage for continued involvement in asia in the name of containing communism? Please answer asap!


The United States' involvement in the Korean War marked the beginning of its long-term commitment to containing communism in Asia. The war, fought between communist North Korea and non-communist South Korea, was seen as a test of the U.S.'s commitment to its allies and its ability to resist communist aggression. The U.S. ultimately intervened to support South Korea, sending troops and military aid. Although the war ended in a stalemate, the U.S. maintained a significant military presence in South Korea and other countries in the region as part of its containment strategy. This commitment to containing communism in Asia was reinforced by subsequent events, including the Vietnam War and the Cold War more broadly, and continues to shape U.S. foreign policy to this day.

Final answer:

The United States' involvement in the Korean War, according to the Containment Policy, set a precedent for US's readiness to engage in armed conflict to stop the spread of communism. The division between North and South Korea affirmed the communist threat and led the U.S. to maintain a military presence in South Korea and extend containment efforts to other Asian countries, most notably Vietnam.


The United States' involvement in the Korean War indeed set the stage for its continued involvement in Asia to contain communism. This notion is rooted in the US's adoption of the Containment Policy, aimed at stopping the spread of communism globally. The Korean War was one of the first significant conflicts under this policy, and the subsequent military commitment demonstrated U.S.'s readiness to engage in armed conflict to achieve this goal.

The outcome of the Korean War didn't decisively quell communism in the region but rather affirmed the division between communist North Korea and democratic South Korea. Bearing witness to this division, and the ongoing threat of communism, the U.S. retained a significant military presence in South Korea and continued its containment efforts in other Asian countries, most notably Vietnam. This continued involvement in Asia in the name of preventing communism expansion is direct sequel to the stand it took during the Korean War.

Learn more about Korean War here:



what are the s.p.i.c.e outcomes at the end of the office of price administration and civilian supply ?




The Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply (OPACS) was an American federal agency that was responsible for regulating prices and rationing scarce goods and supplies during World War II.

The SPICE acronym stands for Social, Political, Intellectual, Cultural, and Economic outcomes, which are broad categories used to analyze historical events. Here are some potential SPICE outcomes at the end of the OPACS:

Social outcomes: The end of the OPACS meant that civilians had more freedom to purchase and consume goods without restrictions. This may have led to a sense of relief and gratitude among the American public, who no longer had to worry about rationing or price controls.

Political outcomes: The end of the OPACS signaled a shift away from government intervention in the economy, which was a controversial issue during World War II. Some Americans may have seen this as a victory for free market capitalism, while others may have been concerned about the potential for inflation or price gouging without government oversight.

Intellectual outcomes: The end of the OPACS may have sparked debates among economists and policymakers about the effectiveness of government intervention in the economy during wartime. Some may have argued that the OPACS was necessary to prevent hoarding and price gouging, while others may have criticized the agency for stifling innovation and market competition.

Cultural outcomes: The end of the OPACS may have affected American popular culture in subtle ways, such as through advertising and media. Companies may have used the lifting of price controls as a marketing strategy to promote their products, while filmmakers and writers may have incorporated themes of economic freedom or government intervention into their work.

Economic outcomes: The end of the OPACS had significant economic implications. With price controls lifted, some goods may have become more expensive or scarce, which could have impacted different sectors of the economy in various ways. Overall, the end of the OPACS signaled a transition to a post-war economy and the challenges that came with rebuilding after the war.

what are the s.p.i.c.e outcomes at the end of the office of war information?




The Office of War Information (OWI) was a U.S. government agency created during World War II to promote patriotism, build support for the war effort, and counter enemy propaganda. Here are some potential SPICE outcomes at the end of the Office of War Information:

Social outcomes: The end of the Office of War Information may have had social implications, as Americans adjusted to a postwar society. The agency had played a role in shaping public opinion and creating a sense of national unity during the war, and its dissolution may have had an impact on how Americans viewed themselves and their country.

Political outcomes: The end of the Office of War Information may have had political implications, as well. The agency had been involved in shaping government messaging and propaganda during the war, and its dissolution may have signaled a shift in U.S. government priorities or strategies.

Intellectual outcomes: The end of the Office of War Information may have had intellectual implications, as Americans grappled with the legacy of wartime propaganda and the role of government in shaping public opinion. Some may have questioned the ethics of propaganda and its impact on democratic values, while others may have considered the challenges of communicating with a diverse and divided population.

Cultural outcomes: The end of the Office of War Information may have had cultural implications, as well. The agency had played a role in shaping American popular culture during the war, producing films, radio programs, and other media to promote patriotism and the war effort. The dissolution of the agency may have influenced American cultural production in the postwar years.

Economic outcomes: The Office of War Information was primarily a government agency, so its dissolution likely had limited economic consequences. However, some employees of the agency may have lost their jobs or had to find new employment after the war.

Match each person with something he or she did. Write a letter on each line.

6. Ivan the Terrible
7. Peter the Great
8. Empress Catherine II
9. Karl Marx
10. Nicholas II
11. Vladimir Lenin
12. Joseph Stalin

a. the German who wrote about his ideas
on communism

b. changed Russian government, became the
first czar of Russia

c. the "man of steel, " ruled Soviet Union 1924-1953

d. opened a Russian "window to the West"

e. brought French culture to Russian nobles, put
down peasant revolt

f. led the Communist Bolsheviks, often called
Father of the Revolution

g. the czar of Russia during World War I, gave
up the throne



Ivan the Terrible - e. brought French culture to Russian nobles, put down peasant revoltPeter the Great - d. opened a Russian "window to the West"Empress Catherine II - e. brought French culture to Russian nobles, put down peasant revoltKarl Marx - a. the German who wrote about his ideas on communismNicholas II - g. the czar of Russia during World War I, gave up the throneVladimir Lenin - f. led the Communist Bolsheviks, often called Father of the RevolutionJoseph Stalin - c. the "man of steel," ruled Soviet Union 1924-1953

true/false. during the enlightenment, also referred to as the age of reason, thinkers gave free reign to the pursuit of truth and the discovery of natural laws.


It is true that during enlightenment, also referred to as the age of reason, thinkers gave free reign to pursuit of truth and the discovery of natural laws.

What is enlightenment?

Enlightenment refers to a state of profound understanding and awareness of the nature of reality, often associated with spiritual or philosophical growth. It involves the transcendence of ignorance and the recognition of one's true self and the interconnectedness of all beings. Enlightenment can bring about a sense of inner peace, contentment, and freedom from suffering. It is often described as a state of pure consciousness, where one is free from the illusions and limitations of the ego and fully aligned with universal truths. Achieving enlightenment can be a lifelong pursuit, but the process can involve practices such as meditation, self-inquiry, and the cultivation of virtues like compassion and wisdom.

To learn more about enlightenment, visit:



After the War of 1812, the American people:
A. were thrown into a period of political chaos.
B. had difficulty choosing their next president.
C. were more politically unified than ever.
D. had a hard time defending their borders.


C. were more politically unified than ever.

The War of 1812, also known as America's "Second War of Independence," was a pivotal moment in American history. Despite the challenges and setbacks faced by the young nation during the conflict, the experience of fighting together against a common enemy served to unify the American people and strengthen their sense of national identity. After the war ended in 1815, Americans emerged with a greater sense of pride and patriotism, and a renewed commitment to defending their young republic from external threats. This newfound political unity helped lay the foundation for the development of a strong, centralized federal government and paved the way for America's emergence as a global superpower in the decades to come.


According to the picture shown. What is the authors main argument about constitutional amendments? Please make specific references to the arguments presented in the pictures shown.



The author's main argument is that the Constitution has become harder to amend even as it has become increasingly important to do so. The author argues that while the Founding Fathers did a good job drafting the Constitution, they could not have predicted the problems that the United States would face in the future. As time passes, it becomes more necessary to amend the Constitution to keep it up to date with changes in technology, society, and governance. The author suggests that the difficulty of amending the Constitution is a problem and implies that it needs to be made easier to do so in order to address the challenges faced by the country today.

In a paragraph, choose and describe one landmark court ruling during the Civil *
Rights Movement.



One landmark court ruling during the Civil Rights movement was Brown v. Board of Education (1954). In this case, the United States Supreme Court declared that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, overturning the "separate but equal" doctrine established in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). The Court held that segregation in education created a feeling of inferiority among African American students and violated their right to equal protection under the law guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment. This ruling marked a significant victory for the Civil Rights movement, and set the stage for further legal challenges to segregation and discrimination in other areas of society.


Please Help
2.07 East Asia

Step 1: Identify at least one significant bit of Japanese history for each of the five Japanese periods.

1. Heian

2. Kamakura

3. Ashikaga

4. Azuchi-Momoya

5. Tokugawa

Step 2: Create your mnemonic or mnemonics.

Remember, a mnemonic is simply a tool to help you remember something. It can be a haiku poem, a rhyming song, a drawing with key words, or a short fantastical story—anything you can think of making that will help you remember the important parts of Japan's major historical eras. Don't overthink it!

Step 3: Explain how your mnemonic(s) helps you remember the content.




1. Heian - It is considered the peak of the Japanese imperial court and noted for its art, especially poetry and literature

2. Kamakura - A feudal system was firmly established

3. Ashikag - Governed Japan from the Imperial capital of Heian-kyō

4. Azuchi-Momoya - Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who finally brought all provinces under the control of the central government

5. Tokugawa - Strictly enforcing the feudal system and controlling the various social classes

I don't know the answer for the step 2 and 3 am sorry, hope this answer helps you!

● Explain the changes that were made to S Explain how the day is celebrated in schools, families, work places and other institutions like churches etc. How does the celebration of the holiday bring unity and close the gaps of the past? opforces the application of the constitution of South Africa​


Answer:The day that is being referred to is likely South Africa's Freedom Day, which is celebrated on April 27th each year. This day commemorates the first post-apartheid elections held in South Africa in 1994, which marked the end of decades of racial segregation and oppression.

In schools, Freedom Day is often celebrated through various educational activities such as assemblies, class discussions, and cultural performances. Students may learn about the significance of the day, the struggle for freedom and democracy in South Africa, and the country's constitution. Schools may also organize community service projects or events to promote unity and celebrate diversity.

Similarly, families may come together to celebrate Freedom Day by attending community events, visiting historic sites, or reflecting on the significance of the day in their own lives. Some families may also choose to hold discussions or engage in educational activities with their children to help them understand the importance of freedom, democracy, and human rights.

In workplaces, Freedom Day may be celebrated through various events such as speeches, discussions, and cultural performances. Employers may also use the day to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and to encourage employees to reflect on the country's progress since the end of apartheid.

In churches and other institutions, Freedom Day may be marked through special services, prayers, or other religious ceremonies. These may focus on themes of social justice, human rights, and the importance of unity and reconciliation.

Overall, the celebration of Freedom Day brings together people from different backgrounds and encourages reflection on the past, present, and future of South Africa. By promoting understanding and unity, the day helps to close the gaps of the past and reinforces the importance of the constitution in building a free and democratic society.

Explanation: Hope it helps

in 200 words. In addition to the reflection guidelines in the syllabus, I would like you to consider whether or not a company like Black Water could ever contribute to a common good. What would a Hobbesian realist say? Be sure to ground your response in the text!
following the readings please include the readings in the text!


Blackwater's actions would likely be justified as long as they serve their self-interest, which may or may not align with the common good

What would the opinion be?

A company like Blackwater, a private military contractor, could potentially contribute to the common good by providing security services in areas where the state's capacity to provide such services is limited.

The company's involvement in controversial activities such as the Iraq War and accusations of human rights abuses raise ethical concerns.

From a Hobbesian realist perspective, the pursuit of self-interest is the primary motivating factor for individuals and organizations, including corporations.

Therefore, Blackwater's actions would likely be justified as long as they serve their self-interest, which may or may not align with the common good.

Ultimately, the answer to whether Blackwater could contribute to the common good depends on one's values and priorities.

Read more about Hobbesian realist here:



describe two problems that led to Rome's decline.



Even as Rome was under attack from outside forces, it was also crumbling from within thanks to a severe financial crisis. Constant wars and overspending had significantly lightened imperial coffers, and oppressive taxation and inflation had widened the gap between rich and poor.

I hope it helped you

Please Mark me the brainliest

TRUE/FALSE.darshan is a hindu concept, and one that shows the importance of sight in religious life


True, the concept of darshan is Hindu, and it illustrates the significance of sight to religious life.

What makes religious life crucial?

Religion has a special ability to inspire, encourage, and assist believers in overcoming painful experiences. a social support facilitator. The element of religion that sets apart from other cognitive activity, namely religious beliefs, must be taken into consideration. The favourable sight of the a deity or a saintly person is referred to as darshana, also correctly spelled darshan, or darshanam in Indian faiths. The phrase also refers to the six classical systems of Hindu philosophy as well as the literature they produced on soteriology and spirituality.

To know more about Religion visit:



Javier is writing an analysis of Mandela's inauguration speech.
His analysis should clearly establish the relationships between which of the following?
O A.
• B.
• c.
O D.
claims, evidence, and reasons
a point of view, a purpose, and effectiveness
a claim, an argument, and a concluding statement
arguments, evidence, and rhetoric


His analysis should clearly establish the relationships between of the following claims, evidence, and reasons.

What had Mandela's speech been intended to accomplish?

Before the trial, Mandela and the other defendants made the decision that he would speak from the dock to expose the inequalities of South African society and its legal system, putting the state on trial rather than testifying as a witness and submitting to cross-examination.

In this part of his speech, how would Mandela describe his tone?

Tone. The address had an upbeat, motivating tone. It inspired the uninspired and offered hope to those who had lost all hope. South Africans made up the majority of Nelson Mandela's audience, but others from around the world were present as well.

To Know more about evidence



What conclusion can you draw about Asian American and African American communities?

Both groups mostly lived in the northern section of the city.
Both groups mostly lived in segregated areas of the city.
Both groups made their homes in the University District.
Both groups were scattered across southern communities.



kdjhsifhai85wt84 . I am sure you have any

Answer: Both groups mostly lived in segregated areas of the city.


Which pull factor do you think pulled immigrants to the United States the most and why? Choose from one below.

1. Freedom. As Gjert Hovland wrote, "Everyone has the freedom to practice the teaching and religion he prefers."

2. Economic opportunity. Immigrants sought a land where they could support their families and have a better future. Immigration often rose during times of U.S. prosperity and fell during hard times.

3. Abundant land. The acquisition of the Louisiana Purchase and the Mexican Cession gave the United States millions more acres of land.
To land-starved Europeans, America was a land of opportunity.

4. Class reading - Sections Rapid Growth of Cities and Urban



Economic opportunity


Economic opportunity is generally thought to have been the main draw that drew immigrants to the United States, based on historical data and analysis. Due to the nation's quick industrialization and labor shortage, immigrants had many job options. The United States was also regarded as a land of opportunity, where perseverance and hard work could result in success and upward social mobility. Immigrants from impoverished areas found particular appeal in this promise of economic prosperity. Even though land abundance and freedom were also significant factors, economic opportunity frequently took precedence.

What purposes did the forts serve for the Americans?


Forts existed in the American colonies at some stage in the 17th and 18th centuries to defend seaports from overseas navies and to shield the frontier from Native American attacks. They regularly performed necessary roles in the frontier struggle of the French and Indian War between 1754 and 1763.

What used to be the fortress in American Revolution?

Though Fort Stanwix used to be situated in New York, humans from many states helped to rebuild and shield it during the American Revolution. Because of this the citadel served not solely as an vital army post, however additionally as a location the place humans from 13 very unique states started to forge a countrywide identity.

What was once the first citadel in America?

Built by means of the Spanish in St. Augustine to defend Florida and the Atlantic trade route, Castillo de San Marcos National Monument preserves the oldest masonry fortification in the continental United States and interprets extra than 450 years of cultural intersections

learn more about forts serve here:


What were some of the reasons that Japanese traditionalists had for disliking Western culture?




There were several reasons that Japanese traditionalists had for disliking Western culture, particularly during the Meiji Restoration period (1868-1912), when Japan began to modernize and adopt Western-style institutions and practices. Some of these reasons include:

Cultural and Religious Differences: Many Japanese traditionalists saw Western culture as being fundamentally different from their own culture, with different values and beliefs. This included religious differences, as many Japanese were followers of Shintoism and Buddhism, while Western culture was predominantly Christian.

Fear of Losing Traditional Japanese Culture: Some traditionalists feared that the adoption of Western culture and values would lead to the erosion of traditional Japanese culture and identity. They saw Westernization as a threat to their way of life, and believed that it would lead to a loss of national pride and identity.

Political Concerns: Some traditionalists believed that the adoption of Western-style institutions, such as democracy and constitutional government, would undermine the power of the emperor and the traditional ruling class. They saw Westernization as a threat to the established social order and the traditional power structures of Japanese society.

Economic Concerns: Some traditionalists were concerned that the adoption of Western-style capitalism would lead to the exploitation of the poor and working classes, and that it would create a society that was focused solely on material wealth and profit, rather than on traditional values and virtues.

Overall, Japanese traditionalists saw Western culture as a threat to their traditional way of life, identity, and values, and were often resistant to the changes that came with modernization and Westernization.

1. Which of the following taxes was initially the main way the federal government funded itself?
O income
O import
O property


The import tax was initially the main way the federal government funded itself in the United States. It was also known as the Tariff Act of 1789 and was signed into law by President George Washington. (Option C).

What is Import Tax?

An import tax, also known as a tariff, is a tax imposed by a government on goods and services imported from other countries. The purpose of an import tax is to raise revenue for the government, protect domestic industries from foreign competition, and/or to influence the trade policies of other countries.

Import taxes can be levied on a specific product, a group of products, or on all imports from a particular country. The amount of the tax is usually a percentage of the value of the imported goods or a fixed amount per unit. Import taxes are typically paid by the importer to the customs authorities of the country where the goods are being imported.

Learn more about import tax here: https://brainly.com/question/30103833


12. Desmond is interviewed and given a psychological review for a section 8 dismissal from the
army. What is the result of this evaluation?


Since Desmond dismissal is from a review of section 8, then it is unlikely to be after a psychological evaluation and declared unfit for service.

What is section 8 in army?

Section 8 is a type of administrative discharge from the United States military, which is also known as a "Chapter 8" discharge. A Section 8 discharge is typically given to service members who are found to be mentally unfit for service due to a mental health condition.

The specific criteria for a Section 8 discharge can vary depending on the branch of the military and the individual circumstances of the case.

A psychological evaluation for section 8 dismissal typically involves a comprehensive assessment of the individual's mental health, including their emotional and behavioral functioning, history of mental illness or substance abuse, and current symptoms. The results of the evaluation can vary depending on the individual's specific case and the findings of the mental health professional conducting the evaluation.

Learn more on psychological evaluation here;



Among all of Jesus' miracles of healing, why are his healings of lepers so significant in our understanding of the Sacraments of Healing?


Jesus' healing of lepers is so significant in our understanding of the Sacraments of Healing because it helps us to understand that healing is not only about restoring the physical state but is also about dignity and recognizing the need for spiritual and emotional healing.

The healing of lepers was an Important aspect of Jesus' ministry, and it holds particular importance in our understanding of the Sacraments of Healing. Jesus' healing of lepers gives us the opportunity to experience the fullness of God's love and mercy.

The Sacraments of Healing, include the sacraments of Reconciliation also known as Confession, which help to bring about a change in the heart through God's forgiveness and mercy. It also includes Anointing of the Sick It is a method that helps to heal the spirit and gives physical strength to face serious illness and injuries.

To know more about Jesus' ministry :



3) Which of the following are considered solid alternative non-written sources for the space race? (choose 2)


A documentary produced by (Public Broadcasting Service) International entitled "Chasing the Moon" and a video interview with Buzz Aldrin former American astronaut active with NASA from 1963-1971, would be considered a solid alternative non-written source for the space race.

What is a non-written source?

Remember, when we say a non-written source, we are referring to a form of information that is not recorded in writing. This can include oral traditions, music, art, photographs, film, and other forms of media.

Hence, among all the options listed, the only solid or authoritative non-written sources are

a documentary produced by (Public Broadcasting Service) International entitled "Chasing the Moon"a video interview with Buzz Aldrin former American astronaut active with NASA from 1963-1971,

Since the movie is based on some fiction it would not be considered solid enough.

You can learn more about solid non-written sources here https://brainly.com/question/25578076


The missing options are:

Question 3 options:

1. A student made Prezi presentation entitled "Space Race"

2. A documentary produced by (Public Broadcasting Service) International entitled "Chasing the Moon"

3. video interview with Buzz Aldrin, former American astronaut active with NASA from 1963-1971.

4. The Hollywood movie, Apollo 13, with Tom Hanks

5. An online article housed on the nasa.gov website entitled "Launching the Space Race"

What is the difference between historical drama and historical documentary as varieties (or genres) of historical film



Documentary is actual evets that happened, Drama is a made up story that could have happened during that historical time. The documentary is a record of factual events. It is the story of 'something' or the process of 'something'. On the other hand, drama is the imitation of life—a contrived story.


In a documentary, the truth is the story. A historical drama may take a nuanced approach to the truth. It might use a historical period as a backdrop for a story in which historical characters appear and act out fictionalized events.

Answer: Dramas often overexaggerate the facts

while documentaries include all the true and full facts without taking sides


A documentary says it how it is.

what impression do you think the forbidden city probably made on the people of ancient china



I think that the residents of beijing were very impressed and proud of the Forbidden City. It showed China's glory and capability of buidling. Although the residents weren't allowed to enter, they probably enjoyed the sight of it and loved the symbol of glory that it brought to them.

What is the answer to this question


Based on the concept of wood defect, the type of defect that affects the lumber grading, in this case, is Knot.

What is the Knot defect in Lumbering?

Knot defect is a term that is used to describe the defects in timber, which occur when branches die off and the bases become enclosed by a second layer of wood.

Generally, Knot is considered a natural defect in the wood, and can create an interesting visual sight which is commonly seen on hardwood floors.

In this case, the oval shape depicts a form of knot defects in the wood.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Knot.

Learn more about Wood defects here: https://brainly.com/question/3594552



What defect that affects lumber grading is illustrated in the photo below?

Other Questions
In what ways does the struggle for freedom change with history? In what ways do these poems comment upon the issues at stake in the complex struggle for freedom by African Americans? What is approximately 50% or more of the energy expended by the body each day? why do athletes use shoes with cleats? A bank has a 10 percent reserve requirement, $36,000 in loans, and has loaned out all it can given the reserve requirement. a. It has $3,600 in deposits. b. It has $32,400 in deposits. c. It has $39,600 in deposits.d. It has $40,000 in deposits. the car that Andrew used to UWC has a fuel consumption rate of 0,0052k /100km.The cost of petrol for the month of January is R11,90 /litre. calculate the cost of petrol for the trip to UWC. amanda weighs about 600 n on earth, but would only weigh about 100 n on the moon. which best explains why amanda would weigh less on the moon than on earth? A. the mass of the moon is less than that of earth, therefore it has a weaker gravitational force. B. the circumference of the moon is smaller than earth, therefore it has less gravity. C. the pull from the gravity from earth decreases the pull of gravity from the moon. D. the lack of air pressure on the moon weakens the gravitational force of the moon. please write a introduction on why religious diversity advances Australia fairly and why. thank you Hunter is an hourly employee, and the line that models his total pay in dollarsas it relates to the number of hours he has worked has a slope of 35 and a yintercept of 25. Which statement is true?O A. Hunter's wage is $35 an hour, but it appears that he received nosigning bonus. B. Hunter's wage is $35 an hour, and it appears that he received asigning bonus of $25.O C. Hunter's wage is $25 an hour, but it appears that he received nosigning bonus. D. Hunter's wage is $25 an hour, and it appears that he received asigning bonus of $35. From the following list, select all that can be approximated as incompressible substances. Question options: A. Helium gas B. Solid steel C. Steam D. Liquid water What is the best way to change this sentence from passive voice to active voice?The multitalented guitarist, Francisco, was chosen by the band to be their lead singer HELP ASAP PLEASE! What is the arc length of an arc with radius 18 inches and central angle 22? Leave the answer in terms of n. Show your work. which of the following arguments best describes why the majority of economists would disagree with their statement? A. a corrective tax would result in a more efficient outcome than either tradable permits or government regulation would.B. the environment is so important that it should be protected as much as possible, regardless of the cost.C. clean air is a fundamental right, and government regulation will allow too much pollution. D. tradable pollution permits in a free market is typically more efficient than government regulation. Before DNA polymerase can begin assembling DNA nucleotides to produce either the Okazaki fragments of the lagging strand or the continuous molecule of the leading strand, which must occur?DNA polymerase I removes some nucleotides and replaces them with DNA.Primase constructs a short RNA primer.DNA ligase forms a covalent bond between two adjacent nucleotides in the same DNA strand.Covalent bonds must be broken between the two strands of DNA.DNA polymerase III adds deoxyribonucleotides. Question 23 1 pts Matt is visibly excited to see his father when his father comes home from work every evening. Now, he is equally excited when he hears his father's car in the driveway, because he associates this with his father coming home. In this scenario, Matt's behavior can best be explained by imitation observational learning o classical conditioning o preparedness Question 24 1 pts In John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner's demonstration of the role of classical conditioning in the development of fears, little Albert learned to fear a white rat. In this study, the white rat was the O conditioned stimulus positive reinforcer negative reinforcer o unconditioned stimulus 8. The circle graph shows the favorite gametype of students in Ms. Hunter's class.3.FR.1.1SportFavorite Game TypeBComputerWhat fraction of the students chose card?A121126Board210Card Jim orders prints from a website. The site charges him $6. 95 a month and $0. 04 for each print he orders. Enter an equation that can be used to find the number of prints, P, Jim ordered last month if the website chargedhim $17. 79. Enter your response in the first response boxEnter the number of prints Jim ordered last month. Enter your response in the second response box, the degree to which an employee believes it is meaningful to engage in work is partially determined by access to sufficient resources to work effectively. group of answer choicesA. TrueB. False our tendency to take personal pride in or offense to the accomplishments of a group is known as . sonny's select the options that will create the correct equation of the estimated population regression line. FILL IN THE BLANK.________ bias refers to the tendency for people to base their judgments on information that is easily accessible.