Persuasive Essay: Should students be required to have a certain GPA to play school sports? write 3 paragraphs with no spelling mistakes please I've been at this for a week now I need help


Answer 1




The issue today is that many students who play sports are not academically excelling. This incongruence can ruin their chance of going to a good college and getting a professional job. Therefore, students must have good grades to play sports.

Imagine yourself as a great athlete who has just graduated high school. You may be strong and fast, but what will people think of you if you received poor grades? The issue today is that many students who play sports are not academically excelling. This incongruence can ruin their chance of going to a good college and getting a professional job. Therefore, students must have good grades to play sports.

Having good grades gives many financial benefits to students. For example, schools offer merit money, money received based on academic, artistic or athletic excellence.

Answer 2
School sports are an important part of student life, as they provide opportunities for physical activity, team building, and leadership development. However, there is an ongoing debate on whether students should be required to maintain a certain GPA in order to participate in school sports. In my opinion, requiring a minimum GPA for student athletes is a necessary measure to ensure that academic achievement remains a top priority for students.

One of the main reasons why a minimum GPA should be required for student athletes is because it helps to promote a culture of academic excellence. When students are held to high academic standards, they are more likely to take their studies seriously and strive for academic success. This translates into improved academic performance and a greater likelihood of success in college and in their careers.

Another reason why a minimum GPA should be required for student athletes is that it ensures that students are able to balance their academic and athletic commitments. By requiring a minimum GPA, students are encouraged to prioritize their studies and ensure that they are able to meet their academic responsibilities while still participating in school sports. This helps to prevent students from becoming overwhelmed and burnt out, and ensures that they are able to make the most of their high school experience.

Finally, requiring a minimum GPA for student athletes helps to promote fairness and equity in school sports. By ensuring that all students meet a certain academic standard, schools can ensure that all athletes are given an equal opportunity to participate in sports. This helps to prevent students who are struggling academically from being unfairly excluded from school sports, and ensures that all students are given an equal chance to excel both academically and athletically.

In conclusion, requiring a minimum GPA for student athletes is an important measure to promote academic excellence, ensure balance between academic and athletic commitments, and promote fairness and equity in school sports.

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It is important for adults to instill a sense of honesty and trustworthiness in children at an early age. Should parents always be honest, or are there times when it is okay to "stretch" the truth? Write an argumentative essay explaining whether or not parents should always be honest and trustworthy.

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Mom’s Promise

Jasmine and Jeremiah’s mom was dedicated to her children. She taxied them back and forth to school, dance classes, soccer practice, and any other activity they wanted to do — basically, if the kids had a desire to pursue it, their mom would find a way to make it happen.
Of course, there were times that Jasmine and Jeremiah couldn’t get what they yearned for. For instance, one summer, Jasmine and Jeremiah begged to visit a large amusement park that they kept seeing advertised on TV, but their mom knew it was beyond their budget for vacation that year. She told them she would do everything she could to make their vacation dream come to fruition the next year, but she made “no promises.”
At the time, Jasmine was vexed. She rolled her eyes as she reflected on how her mom had never kept a promise in her life! But that wasn’t true — it wasn't that Mom didn't keep promises. She had never actually made a promise to Jasmine and Jeremiah.
Before the kids were born, Jasmine and Jeremiah's mom made an oath to herself. She knew that it would be important to instill a sense of honesty in her children. She wanted them to know the importance of being trustworthy — and she also knew if she made promises she didn’t keep, her children would not have confidence in her. They wouldn’t depend on her because they wouldn’t know if they could actually rely on her.
Mom never wanted that to happen, so once Jasmine and Jeremiah were around, she avoided ever making promises.
Of course, the kids would try to trick her — sometimes, they would try to get Mom to promise something really simple that seemed to guarantee to happen! There was no danger in making a promise that she would keep, right? But every time, Mom would still refuse.
Sometimes, on Thursday nights, Jeremiah would ask Mom if they could have pizza for dinner the following night. He knew that they had a family pizza night every Friday, but he wanted to try to scheme his mom into making a promise.
When Mom agreed — with a smile, of course, since she knew their tricks — Jeremiah would grin back and ask, “Promise?”
But Mom wouldn’t promise — and anytime they asked her to, she would reply with a loving, “I’ll try my best.”
One day, when Jasmine and Jeremiah interrogated Mom about why she wouldn’t make a promise, she explained it like this: “I want you to always trust me, and I want you to know that I mean what I say. But sometimes, things are out of our control; nothing in life is guaranteed. I might want to tell you something is definite, but there are some circumstances out of our control. I never want to break a promise to you, and the only way to guarantee I don’t break a promise is to never make one.”
Mom put her hands on Jasmine and Jeremiah’s shoulders. “I will make you one promise, but it’s the only one I’ll make. I promise I will always try my best.”


i tried to write like two paragraphs

parents should try to always be as honest as they could be. If they can't be honest they should not tell them anything that isn't guaranteed. being open builds a foundation of trust because trust is vital for any relationship but especially those with children. being open and honest gives a child no reason to doubt the parent unless the parent gives them a reason to. without honesty, children may find it difficult to build healthy relationships and have a successful future. parents need to set a positive example so that when their children are older, they are honest with people close to them.

for parents, it can be hard, to be honest, all the time because they can be dealing with difficult situations where the child might not understand.  parents want their children to look up to them, respect them, love them, and believe that they will always have the right answers to many of their questions. but many parents think that lying is the best way for that to happen. being honest is always the better option. it gives the child a sense of security that their parent won't lie to them about something extremely important. parents being honest with their children makes children realize as they get older that they can go to them with anything, at any time, and they will understand.

Answer The Question
1) Write a short response for the following prompt:
What is the main idea of this text? Use at least TWO details from the text to support your answer.




The main idea of this text is about educational games. Two ideas to support this text is that how educational games have different elements to have the player motivated. An other idea is about how the games work for students.

I need 5 facts on the author Jessie Wilmore Murton. Thanks :)


Born in Kirksville, Kentucky, poet Jessie Wilmore Murton lived in Battle Creek, Michigan. Frequently utilizing the ballad form, Murton incorporated historical context into her inspirational poems for children. Her numerous volumes of poetry include Frankincense and Myrrh (1939), The Shining Thread: Selected Poems (1950), and A Child’s Book of Verses (1952). In 1935, with poets Clifford Allen and Carl Edwin Burkland, Murton was a founding member of the poetry group now known as the Poetry Society of Michigan.


Answer:Born in Kirksville, Kentucky, poet Jessie Wilmore Murton lived in Battle Creek, Michigan. Frequently utilizing the ballad form, Murton incorporated historical context into her inspirational poems for children. Her numerous volumes of poetry include Frankincense and Myrrh (1939), The Shining Thread: Selected Poems (1950), and A Child’s Book of Verses (1952). In 1935, with poets Clifford Allen and Carl Edwin Burkland, Murton was a founding member of the poetry group now known as the Poetry Society of Michigan.


This is a kind of long one but could you answer these questions based on this poem. (the questions are kind of easy)
1.What is the POV of the poem?
2.How many stanzas are there?
3.Where do you notice imagery?
4.What is the purpose of the imagery? What does it show you as a reader of the poem?
5.What is something you notice about the poem? Why do you think the author did this?
6.At the end of the poem, what is something the speaker realizes?
7.What is the poem about? Give text evidence to support your answer.



The POV of the poem is first person, as the speaker uses "I" throughout the poem to describe their experiences.

There are three stanzas in the poem, with each stanza having four lines.

The poem contains various instances of imagery. For example, the speaker describes the kite as "buoyant air" and "light". They also mention the "glittering crown" of the kite and how it "trembles" in the wind.

The purpose of the imagery is to help the reader visualize the kite and its movements in the sky. It shows how the kite dances in the wind and how it looks in the sky. The imagery also adds a sense of beauty and wonder to the poem.

One thing that stands out about the poem is its use of religious language and references. The author, John Newton, was a Christian minister and hymn writer, and his faith is reflected in the poem through phrases such as "Father's hand" and "vainly we seek." This suggests that the poem is not just about the kite, but also about the speaker's spiritual beliefs and relationship with God.

At the end of the poem, the speaker realizes that, like the kite, they are "feeble, apt to stray, and apt to fall." This realization highlights the speaker's humility and recognition of their own limitations and weaknesses.

The poem is about the speaker's experience of flying a kite, but it also has a deeper message about the human condition and our relationship with God. The speaker reflects on how the kite is at the mercy of the wind, just as humans are subject to the forces of nature and the will of God. The line "Thus I, by nature frail and weak" suggests that the speaker sees themselves as part of a larger, divine plan. The final line, "My soul is fastened to the cross," reinforces this theme of faith and surrender to a higher power.

John Adams was the smartest President.





an opinion is a view or judgement formed about something,not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

Answer: Opinion



Q: Read the following excerpt from President John F. Kennedy's "We Choose to Go to the Moon" speech. Then, answer the question that follows.

If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything, it is that man, in his quest for knowledge and progress, is determined and cannot be deterred. The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join in it or not, and it is one of the great adventures of all time, and no nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space.

Which rhetorical appeal is Kennedy using to persuade the audience to change their perspective on space exploration?

A. Ethos: he is using expert testimony to provide credibility to his argument
B. Logos: he is using facts to convince them of the need to fund a space program
C. Pathos: he is using emotion to urge the audience of the need to explore space
D. None: he is simply using his opinion





Answer: c


Answer the Question right and get Brainliest.
1a. Which of the following might replace "consumption" (paragraph 3) and not change the meaning of the sentence?
A. editing
B. purchasing
C. viewing
D. surfing

1b. What in the text helped you answer question 1a?

2a. Which is not a concern of the AAP?
A. Excessive media disrupts sleep patterns in young children.
B. Excessive media use may make young children act aggressively.
C. Excessive media use may cause young children to do poorly in school.
D. Excessive media use causes families to spend too much money on media.

2b. What in the text helped you answer question 2a?

3. Why do you think the author presented the AAP guidelines in the form of a bulleted list?

4. Based on your reading of the article, what benefits would you expect children and society to reap if the AAP guidelines were to be followed?


Answer: the answers are c b


Q1a) C
Q1b) Something in the text that helped me find the word that is able to replace the word, “consumption” is, “The Doctors urge families to enact rules about TV consumption, texting, internet surfing and social media use” This helped me because this is basically saying that doctors want young people to stop viewing much technology (ex. phone, TV, computer, etc).
Q2a) D.
Q2b) I know that that is the answer because in the text it never really says that families spend lots of money due to social media. Rather it talks more about the effects that social media has than that.
Q3) I think that the author presented the guidelines of the AAP as a bulleted list because maybe it’s their way of trying to show what rules they want parents to put on the children.
Q4) If children were to follow the AAP guidelines the children in the society would be way more different. Some of the things that would change is that the children would do better in school than they did before, they would also get more rest, and they would not have aggressiveness towards others.

Please help! 40 points!
It was in an empty lot
Ringed by elms and fir and honeysuckle.
Bill Corson was pitching in his buckskin jacket,
Chuck Keller, fat even as a boy, was on first,
His t-shirt riding up over his gut,
Ron O'Neill, Jim, Dennis, were talking it up
In the field, a blue sky above them
Tipped with cirrus.

And there I was,
Just off the plane and plopped in the middle
Of Williamsport, Pa. and a neighborhood game,
Unnatural and without any moves,
My notions of baseball and America
Growing fuzzier each time I whiffed.

So it was not impossible that I,
Banished to the outfield and daydreaming
Of water, or a hotel in the mountains,
Would suddenly find myself in the path
Of a ball stung by Joe Barone.
I watched it closing in
Clean and untouched, transfixed
By its easy arc before it hit
My forehead with a thud.

I fell back,
Dazed, clutching my brow,
Groaning, "Oh my shin, oh my shin,"
And everybody peeled away from me
And dropped from laughter, and there we were,
All of us writhing on the ground for one reason
Or another.

Someone said "shin" again,
There was a wild stamping of hands on the ground,
A kicking of feet, and the fit
Of laughter overtook me too,
And that was important, as important
As Joe Barone asking me how I was
Through his tears, picking me up
And dusting me off with hands like swatters, And though my head felt heavy,
I played on till dusk
Missing flies and pop-ups and grounders
And calling out in desperation things like
"Yours" and "take it," but doing all right,
Tugging at my cap in just the right way,
Crouching low, my feet set,
"Hum baby" sweetly on my lips.

—"How I Learned English,"
Gregory Djanikian

Write a short paragraph in which you evaluate what makes the poem effective and give your opinion of the poem overall.


The poem "How I Learned English" by Gregory Djanikian effectively captures the experience of an outsider trying to fit into a new culture. Through the use of vivid imagery and sensory details, the reader can feel the heat of the sun, hear the sound of the ball hitting the bat, and taste the sweetness of victory. The use of humor also adds to the effectiveness of the poem, making it relatable and engaging. Overall, I enjoyed the poem for its ability to transport me to a different time and place and for its themes of resilience, determination, and the power of laughter in overcoming challenges.

The poem "How I Learned English" by Gregory Djanikian effectively captures the experience of an outsider trying to fit into a new culture.
Through the use of vivid imagery and sensory details, the reader can feel the heat of the sun, hear the sound of the ball hitting the bat, and taste the sweetness of victory. The use of humor also adds to the effectiveness of the poem, making it relatable and engaging.
Overall, I enjoyed the poem for its ability to transport me to a different time and place and for its themes of resilience, determination, and the power of laughter in overcoming challenges.


Emma was having a wonderful time at summer camp. She’d made friends with
all the girls in her cabin, and she was having taking part in all the activities, and
she even secretly enjoyed some of the chores.
One day, a package arrived at camp from Emma’s grandmother. The other girls
in the cabin were excited about what the package contained, and watched as
Emma opened it. Inside was a box of her grandmother’s homemade caramels,
which were Emma’s favorite. She was about to eat one of them when one of the
other girls asked if she could have a caramel. Then the other girls asked the
same question. Emma counted the caramels. There were ten in the box. There
were eight other girls in the cabin, so if she gave each of them one caramel,
there would only be two left for her. She thought about keeping them for herself.
After all, they were her favorite, and her grandmother had sent them to her. As
much as she loved the caramels, though, she also wanted her friends to get a
chance to try them. So she gave each girl a caramel. That night they all got a
treat, and Emma was glad she’d shared her favorite treat with her new friends.
1. ____ Which of the following is a possible theme of this paragraph? Write the
letter of the best answer on the line.
a. If you share what you have, people will expect it from you.
b. It’s more enjoyable to share what you have with others than to keep
what you have to yourself.
2 Is the theme implied or directly stated?


Number one is A and number 2 is directly stated
Number 1 is b because Emma was thinking about keeping the treat for herself but instead she shared with her friends. And in the end they all got to enjoy the treat so therefore it’s B.
Number 2 is B directly stated

If a “curse” can be defined as something that causes trouble or harm, which inference best describes the “one-legged Gypsy”? Read the excerpt from Holes. FAST IM BEING TIMED



you didn’t submit an excerpt


where is the picture at?

What is causing the increase of dark moths in England?




The increase of dark moths in England is caused by industrial pollution.


The peppered moth (Biston betularia) is a well-known example of industrial melanism, where the darker morphs of this species have increased in frequency in areas with high levels of pollution.

Studies have shown that pollution from industrialization can cause changes in the environment, such as soot and smoke particles, which can lead to the selection of darker-colored moths.

The distribution of melanistic moths is correlated with areas of high industrialization in England.


The evidence suggests that the increase in dark moths in England is due to industrial pollution. The peppered moth is a classic example of industrial melanism, where darker moths have a higher chance of survival in polluted environments. Studies have shown that pollution can cause environmental changes, such as the accumulation of soot and smoke particles, which can select for darker moths. The correlation between areas of high industrialization and the distribution of melanistic moths supports the claim that industrial pollution is the cause of the increase in dark moths in England.

What is the theme of the poem and why explain your reasoning

I am fourteen
and my skin has betrayed me
the boy I cannot live without
still sucks his thumb
in secret
how come my knees are
always so ashy
what if I die
before morning
and momma’s in the bedroom
with the door closed.
I have to learn how to dance
in time for the next party
my room is too small for me
suppose I die before graduation
they will sing sad melodies
but finally
tell the truth about me
There is nothing I want to do
and too much
that has to be done
and momma’s in the bedroom
with the door closed.
Nobody even stops to think
about my side of it
I should have been on Math Team
my marks were better than his
why do I have to be
the one
wearing braces
I have nothing to wear tomorrow
will I live long enough
to grow up
and momma’s in the bedroom
with the door closed.


I guess it's Worry and Fear.

The poem represents a young girl who is in dilemma of having temporary love, skin color and a mother who spends must of her time in her bedroom.

The teenager thinks that no one really cares about her. She muses over the fate that her lover didn't do well in maths class and how she'd have joined the team. She also questions her braces and how she actually doesn't have anything to wear for the party. Here, she shows worry for her appearance.

She soon shows fear and worry about death, thinking she doesn't have enough life to live and she immediately thinks about her mother who is too entitled to her life in her bedroom.

Answer: I it's worry and fear.


Based on the text, how might studying at the Walden Project help kids with nature deficit disorder? Support your answer with evidence from the text.​


Answer: Not specific, but still.


The text is not specific about "Walden Project," so I cannot provide a direct answer. However, in general, if the Walden Project is a nature-based program that gets kids outdoors and engaged with the natural world, then it could help kids with nature deficit disorder. Research has shown that spending time in nature can have numerous benefits for children, including reducing stress, improving mood, increasing creativity, and improving attention and focus. By providing opportunities for children to explore and learn in natural settings, the Walden Project may help them develop a greater appreciation for the natural world and develop a stronger connection to the environment. This, in turn, could help reduce symptoms of nature deficit disorder and improve overall well-being.

The text is not specific about "Walden Project," so I cannot provide a direct answer. However, in general, if the Walden Project is a nature-based program that gets kids outdoors and engaged with the natural world.

What does the research shows?

Research has shown that spending time in nature can have numerous benefits for children, including reducing stress, improving mood, increasing creativity, and improving attention and focus. By providing opportunities for children to explore and learn in natural settings.

The Walden Project may help them develop a greater appreciation for the natural world and develop a stronger connection to the environment. This, in turn, could help reduce symptoms of nature deficit disorder and improve overall well-being.

Therefore, The text is not specific about "Walden Project," so I cannot provide a direct answer. However, in general, if the Walden Project is a nature-based program that gets kids outdoors and engaged with the natural world.

Learn more about Walden Project on:


i need help with my essay if its not too much to ask for.
i got removed from playing in band class so now i need to write essays on trumpets, trumpet players, etc for it.
this essay is about the origin of the trumpet. here's what i have so far:

The trumpet originated in Egypt and was either made of silver or bronze and was a sacred instrument to only be played in the worship of Egyptian god Osiris. The trumpet was later adopted by Israelites. A spin-off that was produced by Etruscan people was called the lituus. Unlike regular trumpets that were made from different types of metals, the lituus was made/carved from goat horns.

it would be greatly appreciated if you could help me a little.



The trumpet is one of the oldest instruments in the world and has been used in many different styles of music for centuries. It has a rich history full of rich sounds, and its players have made tremendous contributions to jazz, classical, pop, rock, and even hip-hop. To honor these remarkable musicians, this essay will explore the history of trumpet playing and the individuals who have shaped its development.

The first trumpets were large straight horns made of wood, brass, or bronze. These shofar-like instruments were used in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. The modern trumpet was developed around 1500s, when it acquired its familiar elongated shape with a conical bore and a bell at the end. Its sound was used to signal battles and announce kings, as well as play music.

The Renaissance saw the early development of trumpet playing, as it began to be used in courtly music. During this period, virtuoso players began to emerge, creating original music and developing new techniques. This led to the creation of the Baroque trumpet, which was characterized by its high-pitched tone. This allowed the trumpet to soar above other instruments in unison with the voice.

In the late eighteenth century, the trumpet’s role in classical music diminished as the size and range of the instrument changed. However, it regained its attention in the twentieth century when jazz emerged.

The trumpet is a brass instrument that has been played for centuries. Its origins can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where it was used for various purposes such as signaling, religious ceremonies, and military marches. The trumpet has evolved over time, with changes in its design and usage.

The earliest known trumpets were found in Egypt and were made from reeds. They were long and straight, with a narrow mouthpiece at one end and a flared bell at the other. These trumpets were used for signaling and were often played in pairs.

In ancient Greece, the trumpet was made from bronze and was used in religious ceremonies and as an accompaniment to vocal performances. It was also used in military marches, where it served as a means of communication between commanders and soldiers.

During the Middle Ages, the trumpet underwent significant changes in design. The introduction of valves allowed for greater versatility in the instrument's sound, and the trumpet became an important part of orchestral music.

In the 19th century, the trumpet became even more popular as a solo instrument. Composers such as Beethoven and Haydn wrote pieces specifically for the trumpet, and virtuosos like Louis Armstrong and Miles Davis popularized jazz music, which heavily featured the trumpet.

Today, the trumpet is still used in a variety of settings, from orchestras and jazz bands to marching bands and solo performances. Its versatility and unique sound continue to make it a popular instrument among musicians and audiences alike.

In conclusion, the trumpet has a rich history that spans thousands of years. From its humble beginnings as a reed instrument in ancient Egypt to its current status as a versatile and popular brass instrument, the trumpet has undergone numerous changes in design and usage. Despite these changes, however, the trumpet remains an integral part of musical culture and will likely continue to be so for many years to come.

Answer These questions please :)

What is the mood of the poem?

What is the voice of this poem?

What is one use of figurative language and what is the meaning?

I'm so confused, thank you!



story teller


i think its in story teller mode

It’s Storyteller I think
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