People I need your opinion on this
Would you pay 55 cents for a 3x3 sticker (3x3 size), in color and personalized?

Do you think I should raise the price, lower the price or do you think it is okay?


Answer 1
it’s a good price , but i would honestly at least make it 0.80 cents bc it’s personalized AND in color

hope this helps and good luck on selling them ! :) <3.
Answer 2
that is a great price! i would even advise $1!

Related Questions

No es un autor neoclásico de
a) Tomás de Iriarte
b) Félix María Samaniego
c) Moliere
d) Jean de la Fontaine
e) a y b



b) Félix María Samaniego

The film's producer is sometimes considered its author, or auteur.
A True
B. False​





According to Britannica, "...the director, who oversees all audio and visual elements of the motion picture, is more to be considered the “author” of the movie than is the writer of the screenplay."

Hope this helps! :D

The answer is A -True

what is the subject of the poem i'm nobody who are
A.being a nobody
B.being part of a pair
C.being important
D.being friends


your answer is A) being a nobody

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Plis te doy 100 puntos




Mi nombre es Jameson, tengo 14 años y soy mujer. Descargué Brainly en Creo que octubre de 2020. ¡Gracias!


My name is Jameson, I am 14 years old and I am a woman. I downloaded Brainly in I think October 2020. Thank you!

Should video games and Phones be considered a medium in Mass media?


I think it should be considered as Mass media
Yes viedo games should be considered as a medium in mass media.

3 am thoughts

A:if bakugou katsuki got therapy would he still be a angry palmarain...

B:if shoto didn't have the trauma would he still not use his fire quirk

I'm sorry if i made your brain hurt ​




I can't understand

A: probably and B: he probably would use his fire quirk

Look at this painting. It belongs to which artistic movement?
A. Romanticism
B. Impressionism



C. Neo classism


this is the famous Death of the Marat made by Jacques, It's a textbook of neoclassic art, it is simple in geometric form and also uses a neoclassic preference using a blank wall.

who was benjamin davis


he was a human................

Which of these is NOT an art form of Melanesia?



Bark cloth


Mat and basket weaving


Bark cloth I believe

Mat and basket weaving is not regarded as an artform of Melanesia and is denoted as option E.

What is Melanesia art?

This form of art is practised in New Guinea and it involves mainly face and body painting and pottery.

Mat and basket weaving is not among which is why it was chosen as the most appropriate choice.

Read more about Melanesia art here


Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov, the composer, wanted to create music that told stories. Do you think he was successful in Scheherazade? Why or why not?



Yes, I think the composer, Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov, was successful in his goal to create music that told stories.The Scheherazade is a fantastic example of this. The symphonic piece consists of a story about a vengeful prince and a brave woman. The prince is betrayed by a woman and sets out to kill them all. Then, he meets the courageous Scheherazade, who risks her life, aware of the prince's intentions, to protect the lives of other women. Drawn in by her euphonious voice and enchanting stories, the prince can't help but fall in love. Rimsky-Korsakov executes the storytelling factor perfectly as the he tells the story clearly and differentiates the characters throughout the song. It is clear when the prince is speaking as the music grows louder and more intimidating, demanding attention, versus when Scheherazade was speaking as the music falls softer, communicating Scheherazade's soothing voice.  

( If this helped you please give it a thumbs up/five stars and a brainliest :) )


I have researched the work of Rimsky-Korsakov, specifically Scheherazade and used my knowledge to answer this question to the best of my ability.

How do I learn an accent quickly? Which is the best one to pick?


Here are some practical tips to improve your accent in another language, no matter which language you're learning.

1. Learn The Phonetic Alphabet. ... 2. Get Familiar With The Spoken Language. ... 3. Identify What's 'Weird' About The Pronunciation. ... 4. Listen, Listen, Listen! ... 5. Practice Makes Perfect.

 The American accent

The most popular English accent of them all. Spread around the world by American cinema, music, television and more than 350 million North Americans (including Canadians, eh), this is the easiest accent for most people to understand, whether native speakers or non-native speakers.

Listen to a lot of people speaking in that accent. Perhaps while u r sleeping. Try to notice what letters they roll or slur. There’s also other replacements for words they might use and phrases so try to pick up on those. A southern and British accent may be good to try and pick up on because they are pretty common accents. Pick one u like and enjoy that way u have an easier way of practicing it. Hope this helped, good luck! :)

what is the difference between controlled marbling and uncontrolled marbling​



Controlled marbling is when the marbling is all planned out and fits your liking/how you wanted it to look while uncontrolled marbling is freer and open-spaced and can turn out however


Controlled vs Uncontrolled:

List 4 Black American theatre makers (discussed in lecture) and briefly describe some of their significant contributions to contemporary theatre



Quick add


Could you please mention which Black American theatre makers were dicussed in the lecture so we can pick a few.

Henry is studying the effects of deforestation along the slopes of hills and mountains.
He wants to take a photo of a mountain slope near his house to show as a reference. He brought his tripod with him to the location. What steps would Henry take to set up his tripod?
Tie the legs of the tripod to trees or rocks with ropes.
Hook a bag of weights to the bottom of the tripod.
Frame his shot.
Lock the legs of the tripod.
Check the ground.
Adjust the height of the tripod.
Attach the camera to the tripod.
narrow aperture



Tie the legs of the tripod to trees or rocks with ropes.

Pls help me decide
Do we need to study math or data entry for an animation career (10th grade)



You should choose Maths.


It can help you in many ways in future. Maths can be useful for a better future.

HELP!!! With lessons 5 and 6 I don’t understand thanks it’s due today



I suggest reading everything on lesson 5 over again, since the answers are in there. Otherwise, you can always look up a music theory video.

I hope this helps!


Brainliest, please!

The tomb of Rudolf of Swabia, shown below, is an example of a


The tomb of Rudolf of Swabia is an example of a bronze tomb effigy.

Harán una lista de programas de televisión que puedan ayudarnos en algunos de nuestros cursos escolares



La televisión educativa o la televisión de aprendizaje es el uso de programas de televisión en el campo de la educación a distancia.

pls help me it's urgent
what is culturing facility? ​



cultural facility is a space that is open to the public that provides cultural services and facilities including


give related words and complete the web - Picnic​




heres a bunch that could help u!

Name and define the three types of balance.



There are three different types of balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical and radial.

HELP- :)

Which of the following is an example of shape in Wassily Kandinsky's Yellow, Red, and Blue?

A. The big circle

B. The color blue

C. The yellow background

D. The straight lines



C. The yellow background

The example of shape in Wassily Kandinsky's Yellow, Red, and Blue is the "The yellow background".

According to Kandinsky, the experiences of artists have to do with their feelings, and colors have an impact on their moods.

Kandinsky stated that yellow can disturb one's mood while blue might make a person feel good. Kandinsky believes that different colors have different emotions.

In conclusion, an example of shape in Wassily Kandinsky's Yellow, Red, and Blue is the yellow background.

Read related link on:

the colors of the rainbow










5. Describe three ways that music can be used in television. (6 points)



Radio station, muscial on tv, music channel, intro to a show, dancing music


This is all I could come up with. I did my best

A Uighur muqam a. is identical to an Arab maqam and is subject to the same rules of modal improvisation b. is often performed using instruments such as the rawap and the dap c. is a large-scale, precomposed suite of songs and instrumental music d. B and C, but not A



The Xinjiang Uyghur Muqam is the general term for a variety of Muqam practices widespread among the Uyghur communities, which form one of the largest ethnic minorities of the People's Republic of China. ... The lyrics contain not only folk ballads but also poems written by classical Uyghur masters.


Read the description:

Student Voice is a magazine that provides information about different clubs in schools, award winning novels, and cool experiments that can be completed at home.

Select the correct way to format the title.

Student Voice
"Student Voice"
Student Voice
(Student Voice)



Student Voice


Student Voice is a magazine that provides information about different clubs in schools, award winning novels, and cool experiments that can be completed at home.

Painting: Mastery Test
Which art technique has the artist used in this painting?
The artist has used a(n)
technique in this painting.


layering and texture it looks like :)

What is the difference between warm and analogous colors ?


They both are different kinds of colors

what is spectacular best answer will be marked brainliest​



spectacular is something noticeable or dramatic, especially when something is notable because it is so beautiful. An example of something that would be described as spectacular is a large, gorgeous and eye-catching diamond ring.

if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest.

An important Upper Palaeolithic cave in Spain where artists used exaggeration of proportion when painting a deer is:


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

An important Upper Palaeolithic cave in Spain where artists used exaggeration of proportion when painting a deer is Lascaux.

Lascaux is located in Montignac, France, in the southwestern part of the country. In this region, archeologists have found a series of caves with many wall and ceiling paintings inside caves. Mostly all the paintings are of large animals.

Spain and France are home to some of the most famous pictographs.

Ancient paintings located in caves in many parts of the world are known as pictographs. Other similar pieces of work are the petroglyphs. Archeologists differentiae both in that the petroglyphs are rock carvings or etchings, meanwhile, pictographs are rock paintings.

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