Is" Python programming Language" really
worth studying? If yes? Give at least 10 reasons.


Answer 1

1. Python is a particularly lucrative programming language

2. Python is used in machine learning & artificial intelligence, fields at the cutting-edge of tech

3. Python is simply structured and easy to learn

4. Python has a really cool best friend: data science dilemma.

5. Python is versatile in terms of platform and purpose

6. Python is growing in job market demand

7. Python dives into deep learning

8. Python creates amazing graphics

9. Python supports testing in tech and has a pretty sweet library

10. There are countless free resources available to Python newbies

Related Questions

The Fibonacci sequence begins with 0 and then 1 follows. All subsequent values are the sum of the previous two, for example: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13. Complete the fibonacci() method, which takes in an index, n, and returns the nth value in the sequence. Any negative index values should return -1.

Ex: If the input is: 7
the out put is :fibonacci(7) is 13

import java.util.Scanner;
public class LabProgram {
public static int fibonacci(int n) {
/* Type your code here. */
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
int startNum;
System.out.println("Enter your number: ");
startNum = scnr.nextInt();
System.out.println("fibonnaci(" + startNum + ") is " + fibonacci(startNum));


You could use recursion to write java method for computing fibonacci numbers. Though it will be inefficient for n > about 50, it will work.

public static int fibonacci(int n) {

if (n < 0) { return -1; }

if (n < 2) { return n; }

else { return fibonacci(n-1)+fibonacci(n-2); }


Hope this helps.

The current term of a Fibonacci series is derived by adding the two previous terms of its sequence; and the first two terms are 0 and 1.

The code segment (without comments) that completes the program is as follows:

int T1 = 0, T2 = 1, cT;

   if (n < 0){

       return -1;     }

   for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {

       cT = T1 + T2;

       T1 = T2;

       T2 = cT;     }

   return T2;

With comments (to explain each line)

/*This declares the first term (T1), the second term (T2) and the current term (CT).

T1 and T2 are also initialized to 0 and 1, respectively


int T1 = 0, T2 = 1, cT;

//This returns -1, if n is negative

   if (n < 0){         return -1;    


//The following iterates through n

   for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {

//This calculates cT

       cT = T1 + T2;

//This passes T2 to T1

       T1 = T2;

//This passes cT to T2

       T2 = cT;


//This returns the required term of the Fibonacci series

   return T2;

At the end of the program, the nth term of the series would be returned to the main method for output.

Read more about Fibonacci series at:

I'm using Visual Studio to make a grocery app for school that includes usernames and passwords. I'm given all the code then it tells me to use search arrays to implement two functions. They should return true if the username and password is found in the arrays. But i can't seem to get the function and arrays right. Below is the code and I'm supposed to implement the array in the two empty functions at the bottom. Would really appreciate some help here, thanks

Module Main
Friend blnLoggedIn As Boolean
Dim arrUsernames() As String = {"Admin", "Clerk", "Manager"}
Dim arrPasswords() As String = {"password", "password2", "password3"}

Sub Login(username As String, password As String)
blnLoggedIn = False
If VerifyUsername(username) And VerifyPassword(password) Then
'Find index for username
Dim userIndex As Integer
For loopIndex = 0 To arrUsernames.Length - 1
If arrUsernames(loopIndex) = username Then
userIndex = loopIndex
Exit For
End If
'Check for password match
If arrPasswords(userIndex) = password Then
blnLoggedIn = True
MessageBox.Show("Incorrect password.")
End If
End If
End Sub
Function VerifyUsername(username As String) As Boolean

End Function
Function VerifyPassword(password As String) As Boolean

End Function
End Module




   Public Function VerifyUsername(ByVal username As String) As Boolean

       For positionInUsernameArray As Integer = 0 To arrUsername.Length - 1

           If positionInUsernameArray = arrUsername.Length Then Exit For

           If username = arrUsername(positionInUsernameArray) Then

               Return True


               Continue For

           End If


       Return False

   End Function

   Public Function VerifyPassword(ByVal password As String) As Boolean

       For positionInUsernameArray As Integer = 0 To arrPassword.Length - 1

           If positionInUsernameArray = arrPassword.Length Then Exit For

           If password = arrPassword(positionInUsernameArray) Then

               Return True


               Continue For

           End If


       Return False

   End Function


sealed class Main


       internal bool blnLoggedIn;

       string[] arrUsername = new string[] { "Admin", "Clerk", "Manager" };

       string[] arrPassword = new string[] { "password", "password2", "password3" };

       public void Login(string username, string passowrd)


           blnLoggedIn = false;

           if (VerifyUsername(username) && VerifyPassword(passowrd))


               // Find index for username

               int userIndex = 0;

               for (int loopIndex = 0; loopIndex <= arrUsername.Length - 1; loopIndex++)


                   if (arrUsername[loopIndex] == username)


                       userIndex = Convert.ToInt32(loopIndex);



                   else continue;


               // Check for password match

               if (arrPassword[userIndex] == passowrd)

                   blnLoggedIn = true;


                   MessageBox.Show("Incorrect password");



       public bool VerifyUsername(string username)


           for (int positionInUsernameArray = 0; positionInUsernameArray <= arrUsername.Length - 1; positionInUsernameArray++)


               if (positionInUsernameArray == arrUsername.Length)


               if (username == arrUsername[positionInUsernameArray])

                   return true;

               else continue;


           return false;


       public bool VerifyPassword(string password)


           for (int positionInUsernameArray = 0; positionInUsernameArray <= arrPassword.Length - 1; positionInUsernameArray++)


               if (positionInUsernameArray == arrPassword.Length)


               if (password == arrPassword[positionInUsernameArray])

                   return true;

               else continue;


           return false;




First I created a for loop with a "positionInUsernameArray" and singed it a value of 0. Next I stated while positionInUsernameArraywas less than or equal to arrUsername.Length - 1, positionInUsernameArraywould increment.

Once the base for loop was in place I created two if statements. The first if statement determines if positionInUsernameArray is equal to arrUsername.Length, if so, the for loop breaks and the method returns false. The second if statement determines if the parameter is equal to the position in the arrUsername array, if so, the method would return true, otherwise the for loop will restart.

For the "VerifyPassword" method, I used the same method as "VerifyUsername" just I changed the variable names.

Hope this helped :) If it didn't please let me know what happened so I can fix the code.

Have a good day!

What is the value of 25 x 103 = ________?




heres coorect




you just multiply.

What type of address do computers use to find something on a network?


An Internet Protocol address is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two main functions host or network interface identification and location addressing which can help you a lot.

In PyCharm, write a program that prompts the user for their name and age. Your program should then tell the user the year they were born. Here is a sample execution of the program with the user input in bold:What is your name? AmandaHow old are you? 15Hello Amanda! You were born in 2005.



def main():

   name = input("What is your name? ")

   if not name == "" or "":

       age = int(input("What is your age? "))

       print("Hello " + name + "! You were born in " + str(2021 - age))



Self explanatory

State the Data types with two examples each​



A string, for example, is a data type that is used to classify text and an integer is a data type used to classify whole numbers. When a programming language allows a variable of one data type to be used as if it were a value of another data type, the language is said to be weakly typed. Hope it help's! :D

Write a program that opens the salesdat.txt file and processes it contents. The program should display the following per store:
The total sales for each week. (Should print 5 values - one for each week). The average daily sales for each week. (Should print 5 values - one for each week).
The total sales for all the weeks. (Should print 1 value)
The average weekly sales. (Should print 1 value)
The week with the highest amount in sales. (Should print 1 week #)
The week with the lowest amount in sales. (Should print 1 week #)
The file contains the dollars amount of sales that a retail store made each day for a number of weeks. Each line in the file contains thirty five numbers, which are sales numbers for five weeks. The number are separated by space. Each line in the file represents a separate store.
public class FileIO {
//Franchise readData(String filename)
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
FileReader file = new FileReader("Salesdat.txt");
BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(file);
boolean eof = false;
while (!eof) {
String line = buff.readLine();
if (line == null)
eof = true;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error -- " + e.toString());
public class Store {
private float salesbyweek[][];
Store() {
salesbyweek = new float[5][7];
//getter and setters
//setsaleforweekdayintersection(int week, int day, float sale)
public void setsaleforweekdayintersection(int week, int day, float sale){
//float [] getsalesforentireweek(int week)
//float getsaleforweekdayintersection(int week, int day)
//a. totalsalesforweek
//b. avgsalesforweek
//c. totalsalesforallweeks
//d. averageweeklysales
//e. weekwithhighestsaleamt
//f. weekwithlowestsaleamt
//analyzeresults //call a through f
public class Franchise {
private Store stores[];
public Franchise(int num) {
stores = new Store[num];
public Store getStores(int i) {
return stores[i];
public void setStores(Store stores, int i) {
this.stores[i] = stores;
public class Driver {
public static void main(String[] args) {



I'm going to try and help you with this question.


Just give me a few minutes.

What should businesses do in order to remain competitive under the current Cloud



Cloud Landscape

They must evangelize the benefits of cloud computing to company executives in order to assist them in developing and extracting business benefits that will give them a competitive advantage and increase profits


The most successful organisations carefully plan out a multiyear effort to improve their cloud adoption, focusing on multiple streams of work across several stages of maturity.

Cloud computing governance is difficult even when only one cloud provider is involved, and it becomes even more difficult as organisations move toward multi cloud.

Continuous workload placement analysis involves reassessing workloads at a regular cadence, evaluating whether the current execution venue sufficiently meets the organization’s needs and if migrating to an alternative model provides higher value without adding significant risk to the organization’s operations

They must evangelize the benefits of cloud computing to company executives in order to assist them in developing and extracting business benefits that will give them a competitive advantage and increase profits.

In this question, the response is "Cloud Landscape" which can be defined as follows:

The organizations should adopt these new technologies to benefit from the digital transformation offered by the cloud.New enterprises were embracing cloud computing management strategies, placing established companies at risk.In the multi-year efforts for improving cloud security were meticulously planned by even the most successful enterprises. In several contributing to higher at various maturity levels are addressed.The multi-cloud plan enables governance of cloud computing increasingly challenging, even and there is only one cloud service provider involved in the agreement.  

Learn more:

cloud computing:

According the SDLC phases, which among these activities see a substantial amount of automation initiatives?

A code generation
B release build
C application enhancement
D test case generation
E incident management



d. test case generation


Testing should be automated, so that bugs and other errors can be identified without a human error and lack of concentration.

The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) phase that has seen a substantial amount of automation is the A. code generation.

The main phases of the SDLC include the planning, analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and maintenance phases.

Using automation for the code generation will help eliminate human errors and increase efficiency.

The code generation phase still requires some human input to ensure that user requirements are completely met.

Thus, while automation will be useful with all the SDLC phases, substantial amount of automation initiatives have been seen with the code generation phase.

Learn more about SDLC phases at

rules used in naming variables in object oriented programming​



Explanation: Name your variables based on the terms of the subject area, so that the variable name clearly describes its purpose.

What does the AVERAGE function calculate? the total sum of a list of values the arithmetic mean of a list of values the total number of values in a list the percentage of values in a list



B) the arithmetic mean of a list of values


on Edge

The Average function calculates the arithmetic mean of a list of values. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

What is the average?

In its most general definition, an average can be considered as the representative number or figure from the whole list. The average of a list containing multiple values is obtained by adding all the values and dividing them up by the total number of values.

The ultimate objective of calculating the average is to discover the value that represents the whole list. Average is also known as mean, and it works as a central value in the list, which is comprehensive in nature. It works as an approximate or rough estimate, which helps us in making decisions in daily life.

Thus, the average function calculates the arithmetic mean of a list of values. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

To learn more about the average, visit the link below:


Create a class named Employee. The class must contain member variables for the employee name and salary. It should contain getter methods for returning the name and salary. It should also contain setter methods for storing the name and salary. The class must include a constructor method for setting both the name and the salary. In addition, it should contain a toString() method.2- Create the client code to test the class Employee.




The following code was written in Java. The code contains the Employee class which contains the two variables (name, salary), the constructor, getter and setter methods for both variables, and an overwritten toString method. It also contains a tester class with the main method inside and creates a Employee object and initializes it. Then it calls the toString method. The output can be seen in the attached image below. Due to technical difficulties I have added the code as a txt file below.

You have a contactless magnetic stripe and chip reader by Square. What type of wireless transmission does the device use to receive encrypted data



Near field communication (NFC)


Near field communication (NFC) can be defined as a short-range high radio-frequency identification (RFID) wireless communication technology that is used for the exchange of data in a simple and secure form, especially for electronic devices within a distance of about 10 centimeters.

Also, Near field communication (NFC) can be used independently or in conjunction with other wireless communication technology such as Bluetooth.

Some of the areas in which Near field communication (NFC) is used are confirmation of tickets at a concert, payment of fares for public transport systems, check-in and check-out in hotels, viewing a map, etc.

Assuming you have a contactless magnetic stripe and chip reader by Square. Thus, the type of wireless transmission that this device use to receive encrypted data is near field communication (NFC).

A junior network administrator has used the wrong cable type to connect his or her computer to the administrative port on a router and cannot establish a terminal session with the device. What layer of the OSI reference model does this problem appear to reside at


Answer: Application Layer

Explanation: trust

You are hired as an IT consultant for the government owned mobile operating company, Teletalk. Based on the following scenario, make a report for the decision makers to resolve the stated problems.
Despite aggressive campaigns to attract customers with lower call rates and internet packages, Teletalk has been losing a large number of its subscribers (users). Management wants to know why so many customers are leaving Teletalk and what can be done to attract them back. Are customers deserting because of poor customer service, uneven network coverage, wireless service charges, or competition from other mobile operators with extra services (GP/BL)? How can the company use information systems to help find the answer? What management decision could be made using information from these systems? What competitive strategy Teletalk can develop using information systems and how?



An IT consulting report may be a transcript created via an IT professional that addresses all the possible aspects of an enterprise or a corporation. It is often an aggressive analysis report, Project reputation report, Business Plan report, or a Supply Chain Model file

Let's see how to write this kind of report

(1) Introduction.

(2) Point out the problems.

(3) Addressing the problems.

(4) business model and competitive analysis.

(5) Conclusion.


Teletalk may be a government telecommunication company. it's been going out of the marketplace for quite a little bit of time and is thanks to a scarcity of human resources and innovative applications within the field.

The company uses outdated Customer Management Systems (CMS) now so as to research potential customers and gather information about them. they need to be battling retaining customers after a brief period of your time. Their customer service isn't fair and therefore the customers aren't satisfied with the service provided by the corporate.

In order to function well, they need to implement enterprise resource planning ( ERP) data systems.

A data system is everything starting from Human resources to hardware and software. they will be applied everywhere from Customer Retainment and Engagement they're termed as Customer Management Systems and if it's wont to Business Model of any organization then it's referred to as Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP).

By incorporating information systems in teletalk there is often a performance improvement in Sales, Management, Technology, and D-S (Demand-Supply Model).

All these are going to be an excellent advantage to teletalk so teletalk should anticipate innovating the present system with a more reliable and efficient one

(4 marks)
(d) Outline the steps involved in inserting a picture from a file in a word processing document using
copy and past




Wilh the aid of the the diagram using an algorithm to calculate table 2 of multiplication​



See attachment for algorithm (flowchart)


The interpretation of the question is to design a flowchart for times 2 multiplication table (see attachment for the flowchart)

The explanation:

1. Start ---> Start the algorithm

2. num = 1 ---> Initializes num to 1

3. while num [tex]\le[/tex] 12 ---> The following loop is repeated while num is less than 12

 3.1 print 2 * num ----> Print the current times 2 element

 3.2 num++ ---> Increment num by 1

4. Stop ---> End the algorithm

Can anyone code this ?



simple Reflex action it is the simplest from of reflex and does not depen on learning

In this progress report, you will be focusing on allowing one of the four transactions listed below to be completed by the user on one of his accounts: checking or savings. You will include defensive programming and error checking to ensure your program functions like an ATM machine would. The account details for your customer are as follows:CustomerUsernamePasswordSavings AccountChecking AccountRobert Brownrbrownblue123$2500.00$35.00For this progress report, update the Progress Report 2 Raptor program that allows the account owner to complete one of the 5 functions of the ATM:1 – Deposit (adding money to the account)2 – Withdrawal (removing money from the account)3 – Balance Inquiry (check current balance)4 – Transfer Balance (transfer balance from one account to another)5 – Log Out (exits/ends the program)After a transaction is completed, the program will update the running balance and give the customer a detailed description of the transaction. A customer cannot overdraft on their account; if they try to withdraw more money than there is, a warning will be given to the customer. Also note that the ATM does not distribute or collect coins – all monetary values are in whole dollars (e.g. an integer is an acceptable variable type). Any incorrect transaction types will display an appropriate message and count as a transaction.



Please find the complete solution in the attached file.


In this question, the system for both the Savings account should also be chosen, the same should be done and for checking account. Will all stay same in. 

Mark is flying to Atlanta. The flight is completely full with 200 passengers. Mark notices he dropped his ticket while grabbing a snack before his flight. The ticket agent needs to verify he had a ticket to board the plane. What type of list would be beneficial in this situation?



The list that would be helpful in this situation would be a list of people in the airport

Hope This Helps!!!

Gimme Shelter Roofers maintains a file of past customers, including a customer number, name, address, date of job, and price of job. It also maintains a file of estimates given for jobs not yet performed; this file contains a customer number, name, address, proposed date of job, and proposed price. Each file is in customer number order.

Design the logic that merges the two files to produce one combined file of all customers whether past or proposed with no duplicates; when a customer who has been given an estimate is also a past customer, use the proposed data.



Hre the complete implementation of python code that reads two files and merges them together.

def merge_file(past_file_path,proposed_file_path, merged_file_path):



   proposed_customer_name = []

   for row in proposed_file_contents:


   with open(merged_file_path,'w') as outputf:

       outputf.write("Customer Number, Customer Name, Address\r\n")

       for row in proposed_file_contents:

           line = str(row[0]) +", " + str(row[1]) + ", " + str(row[2]) +"\r\n"


       for row in past_file_contents:

           if row[1] in proposed_customer_name:



               line = str(row[0]) + ", " + str(row[1]) + ", " + str(row[2]) + "\r\n"


       print("Files merged successfully!")

# reads the file and returns the content as 2D lists

def load_file(path):

   file_contents = []

   with open(path, 'r') as pastf:

       for line in pastf:

           cells = line.split(",")

           row = []

           for cell in cells:

               if(cell.lower().strip()=="customer number"):




           if  len(row)>0:


   return file_contents

past_file_path="F:\\Past Customer.txt"

proposed_file_path="F:\\Proposed Customer.txt"

merged_file_path="F:\\Merged File.txt"


design a relational database in EER for bike helmets and their reviews. a bike helmet has a name and color attributes. a bike company has its name (primary key) and location attributes


Answer:something you gotta do on your own


EER diagrams are essentially an expanded form of entity-relationship (ER) diagrams. EER models are useful tools for creating high-level model databases. By carefully examining the qualities and limitations, you may plan databases more thoroughly thanks to their improved features.

What design a relational database in EER?

Set up a relationship table. Include the main keys of all involved Entities in the table as fields with the appropriate data types. Add each attribute as a table field if the relationship has any. Establish a primary key by combining the primary keys of all involved entities.

The modeling interface in MySQL Workbench is absolutely dependent on Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) diagrams. The relationships between the tables in your model are depicted visually in EER diagrams.

Therefore, The related diagram displays modifications performed using the Model Editor.

Learn more about relational database here:


Can a result that contains road maps for European countries have a highly meets rating




Learning Task 3: Write the safety requirement indicated in each number on a
separate sheet of paper​



Please find the complete question in the attached file.


Recall that its SIS consists of one or even more Safety - management Functions (SIFs), which can include a mixture of the device(s), logic when and), and a complete component (elements), along with all user interface as well as power sources, such that two sets of criteria are delineated for each SIF by SRS: the System Requirement Set as well as the Integrate Requisites Set.

Write code that prints: Ready! firstNumber ... 2 1 Run! Your code should contain a for loop. Print a newline after each number and after each line of text. Ex: If the input is: 3 the output is: Ready! 3 2 1 Run!




The following code is written in Java. It asks the user to enter the first number. Then it saves that number in a variable called firstNumber. It then uses that number to loop backwards from that number to 1 and goes printing out the countdown text. A test case has been created and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;

       System.out.print("Enter First Number: ");

       int firstNumber = in.nextInt();


       for (int i=firstNumber; i>0; i--) {






A business should choose the platform as a service (PaaS) cloud model when: a. it designs its own applications but doesn't customize the operating system b. it doesn't need any operating system c. it doesn't design its own applications and doesn't customize the operating system d. it designs its own applications and customizes the operating system e. it doesn't design its own applications but customizes the operating syste



a. it designs its own applications but doesn't customize the operating system.


Cloud computing can be defined as a type of computing that requires shared computing resources such as cloud storage (data storage), servers, computer power, and software over the internet rather than local servers and hard drives.

Generally, cloud computing offers individuals and businesses a fast, effective and efficient way of providing services.

Cloud computing comprises of three (3) service models and these are;

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

2. Software as a Service (SaaS).

3. Platform as a Service (PaaS).

Platform as a Service (PaaS) refers to a type of cloud computing model in which a service provider makes available a platform that allow users (software developers) to build code (develop), run, store information in a database and manage applications over the internet.

The main purpose of a Platform as a Service (PaaS) is to provide an enabling environment for software developers to code without having to build and maintain complex infrastructure needed for the development, storage and launching of their software applications.

Simply stated, PaaS makes provision for all of the software and hardware tools required for all the stages associated with application development over the internet (web browser).

Some of the advantages of Platform as a Service (PaaS) is that, it avails software developers with enough convenience as well as simplicity, service availability, ease of licensing and reduced costs for the development of software applications.

Basically, platform as a Service (PaaS) providers (vendors) usually provide their clients (software developers) with server and data storage, operating system, data center, networking resources, etc., while the software developers design, deploy and manage their software applications.

Hence, a business should choose the platform as a service (PaaS) cloud model when it designs its own applications but doesn't customize the operating system.

What are the trinity of the computer system



he Computer, the System, and the World. Simics is a great product for simulating computer systems that contain processors and execute code.


he Computer, the System, and the World. Simics is a great product for simulating computer systems that contain processors and execute code.

Write a program that defines an array of integers and a pointer to an integer. Make the pointer point to the beginning of the array. Then, fill the array with values using the pointer (Note: Do NOT use the array name.). Enhance the program by prompting the user for the values, again using the pointer, not the array name. Use pointer subscript notation to reference the values in the array.




using namespace std;

int main()


  int a[20],n;

  int *p;

  cout<<"\n enter how many values do you want to enter:";


  for(int i=0;i<n;i++)


      cout<<"\n Enter the "<<i+1 <<"th value :";


      //reading the values into the array using pointer


  cout<<"\n The values in the array using pointer is:\n";

  for(int i=0;i<n;i++)


      cout<<"\n (p+"<<i<<"): "<<*(p+i);

      //here we can use both *(p+i) or p[i] both are pointer subscript notations




They have outlined their technical needs and have sent some of the documentation along with the potential provider's SLAs and terms of service to the legal department to review. Which of the following might be a concern expressed by the legal department after reviewing these documents?

a. Ensuring data is hosted in the appropriate regions for the cloud service provider
b. Ensuring that the corporation has a way to measure uptime to ensure SLAs are actually met *J#
c. Ensuring that there is a guarantee that the cloud service provider will provide notice in the event that they decide to discontinue operations
d. Ensuring that the cloud service provider will allow an audit of their network for security purposes



A concern that might be expressed by the legal department after reviewing the SLAs and terms of service is:

c. Ensuring that there is a guarantee that the cloud service provider will provide notice in the event that they decide to discontinue operations.


The SLA that the legal department will review should include a description of the services to be provided, expected service levels, measurement metrics for each service, each party's duties and responsibilities, and the contract remedies or penalties for breach, among others.  But the legal department will be mostly concerned with legal remedies during breaches, liability limitation and warranties, and intellectual property protection issues than with more technical issues.  This is despite the fact that all the terms of the SLA will be diligently reviewed by the legal department.

Write a program that first gets a list of integers from input. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow. Then, get the last value from the input, which indicates a threshold. Output all integers less than or equal to that last threshold value. Assume that the list will always contain fewer than 20 integers.



Ex: If the input is:

5 50 60 140 200 75 100

the output is:

50 60 75

The 5 indicates that there are five integers in the list, namely 50, 60, 140, 200, and 75. The 100 indicates that the program should output all integers less than or equal to 100, so the program outputs 50, 60, and 75.

For coding simplicity, follow every output value by a space, including the last one.

Such functionality is common on sites like Amazon, where a user can filter results.

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main() {

/* Type your code here. */

return 0;


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