Imagine you are living in 1898, and read the headline about the "Little Big Horn. " How might that headline have influenced your opinion, or view, of the Indian Wars?


Answer 1

The impact of the "Little Big Horn" headline on public opinion of the Indian Wars would have depended on the individual's preexisting views on the issue. However, it is safe to assume that the headline would have contributed to ongoing debates about the treatment of Native Americans in the United States.

In 1898, the Indian Wars were still fresh in the minds of many Americans. The "Little Big Horn" headline likely would have sparked intense interest and controversy, particularly because of the military defeat suffered by the U.S. Army.

The Battle of Little Bighorn, which occurred in 1876, resulted in the deaths of over 250 U.S. soldiers, including General George Armstrong Custer.

At the same time, it might have also raised questions about the competency of the U.S. military in dealing with Native American tribes.

To know more about Little Big Horn:


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marx's theory that there was a class conflict between the interest of capitalists and the interest of laborers that could be resolved by shifting the ownership of the means of production is known as


Marx's theory that there was a class conflict between the interest of capitalists and the interest of laborers that could be resolved by shifting the ownership of the means of production is known as socialist theory.

Socialism is a social and economic system in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the community as a whole, rather than by individuals or corporations, and in which profits are equitably distributed. According to Marxist socialist theory, there was a class conflict between the interest of capitalists and the interest of laborers that could be resolved by shifting the ownership of the means of production.

This shift in ownership of the means of production would be the first step toward a classless society. The bourgeoisie or capitalist class oppresses the proletariat or working class by retaining ownership of the means of production (factories, equipment, raw materials, and so on).

For more information on 'Socialism', visit


which schedule of reinforcement involves reinforcement being given for the first correct response made after a varied amount of time has passed since the last reinforced response?


The type of reinforcement that involves reinforcement being given for the first correct response made after a varied amount of time has passed since the last reinforced response is called a variable interval schedule of reinforcement.

What is a variable interval schedule of reinforcement?

The variable interval schedule of reinforcement is a reinforcement schedule that rewards a behavior after a random amount of time has passed. A variable interval schedule of reinforcement is one in which the interval of time between the reinforced response and the next potential reinforcement is unpredictable. The interval duration is not constant, which means that the first response after a random time interval is reinforced.

Learn more about reinforcement here:


as a psychology professor who is also a researcher, you notice that your own students sometimes end up as participants in your research studies. assuming that they want to impress you, which of the following should you worry about? A) retrospective bias
B) participant reactivity
C) demand characteristics
D) behavioral trace


As a psychology professor and researcher, if your own students sometimes end up as participants in your research studies and assuming that they want to impress you, you should worry about C) demand characteristics.

Demand characteristics refer to cues or features of a study that may lead participants to guess the researcher's hypothesis or purpose and adjust their behavior or responses accordingly, rather than providing honest and genuine responses. In the case of your students, they may try to anticipate what you are looking for and adjust their behavior or responses to meet your expectations or impress you, which can compromise the validity and reliability of your research results.

Therefore, it is important to take steps to minimize demand characteristics, such as using double-blind procedures, keeping the true purpose of the study concealed from participants until the end, and using standardized procedures and instructions. It may also be beneficial to use participants who are not familiar with the researcher or the research topic to reduce the potential impact of demand characteristics.

Learn more about  demand characteristics:


in the context of prioritizing goals, if the items on the behavior never get done, that would be just fine. (true or false)


The answer is true.

Which of the following audit opinions would most likely be issued if the financial statements are materially misstated due to a misstatement in one particular account balance?
a. Disclaimer
b. Unqualified
c. Adverse
d. Qualified


The audit opinion that would most likely be issued if the financial statements are materially misstated due to a misstatement in one particular account balance is qualified. Option D is the correct option.

A qualified audit opinion is a type of audit report in which the auditor has limitations that lead them to express reservations on some aspect of the audited financial statements. This indicates that while the financial statements are fairly presented, there was an issue that needed to be addressed by the auditee. The most common situation is when the auditor disagrees with an accounting policy or a specific estimation used in preparing the financial statements. In other words, the audit report is qualified when the financial statements are true and correct except for a specific material item, which is stated in the report itself.

Therefore, if the financial statements are materially misstated due to a misstatement in one particular account balance, the audit opinion that would most likely be issued is a qualified opinion. The opinion letter would state that except for the misstatement, the financial statements are fairly presented, and the auditor expresses an opinion that is qualified as to the effect of the misstatement on the financial statements.

You can learn more about financial statements at


Consider the following argument: "Ned argues that IT employees should be given the raise they were promised. But of course Ned thinks that; he works for IT. I believe we can safely ignore his argument." What fallacy does this argument commit?
a.personal attack
b.attacking the motive
c.look who's talking


Look at the speaker in this debate. When an argument's fallacy make the conclusion seem true, this mistake is known as asking the question.

What are the three primary categories of fallacies?

The key is to adhere to the erroneous logic's general pattern. The four fallacies include the following: ad hominem (attack the person, not their arguments), false dichotomy, false analogy, and the smoking doctor, which mixes consensum gentium (wisdom of the public) and a call to authority.

What sort of argument follows the Petitio Principii?

(4) The petitio principii fallacy, also referred to as the fallacy of circular argument, occurs when the premises implicitly or explicitly assume the very conclusion that is being shown (for instance, "Gregory always votes intelligently"). But how do you know? ("Because he usually votes Libertarian," I responded).

To know more about argument's fallacy visit :-


a graduate student is using a statistical method for identifying associations among a large number of variables to reveal more general patterns. they are performing a ____ analysis. a. matrix b. correlation c. trend d. factor


A graduate student is using a statistical method for identifying associations among a large number of variables to reveal more general patterns. they are performing a (b) correlation analysis.

Correlation analysis is a statistical method used to measure the degree of association between two or more variables. It determines the strength and direction of the linear relationship between variables by calculating a correlation coefficient, which ranges from -1 to 1.

A correlation coefficient of 1 indicates a perfect positive correlation, meaning that the variables are perfectly linearly related and increase or decrease together. A correlation coefficient of -1 indicates a perfect negative correlation, meaning that the variables are perfectly linearly related but move in opposite directions. A correlation coefficient of 0 indicates no linear relationship between the variables.

However, it is important to note that correlation does not imply causation. Just because two variables are highly correlated does not mean that one causes the other. It is important to conduct further analysis to establish a causal relationship between variables.

Therefore, the graduate student is performing a (b) correlation analysis. This type of statistical method is used to identify associations between two or more variables and reveal more general patterns. Correlation analysis is used to measure the strength and direction of the relationship between two or more variables.

Learn more about Correlation analysis:


kant rejected the utilitarian approach to morality because... group of answer choices a. it placed an insufficient priority on acting with integrity b. an action that is maliciously intended, may be deemed a moral act if it turns out that the consequences are good. c. it would hold the moral agent responsible for things that they can neither know with certainty nor control. d. it holds the highest good as happiness, which kant argued was asking too little of ourselves all of the above


Kant rejected the utilitarian approach to morality because: a) it placed an insufficient priority on acting with integrity; b) it would hold the moral agent responsible for things that they can neither know with certainty nor control; c) it holds the highest good as happiness, which Kant argued was asking too little of ourselves. All of the above statements are true.

Kant rejected the utilitarian approach to morality because it placed an insufficient priority on acting with integrity. Utilitarianism is the belief that the best action is the one that maximizes overall happiness. It is a normative moral theory that claims that the moral justification of an action is determined by its ability to produce utility.

Utility is a measure of the amount of happiness or pleasure that a particular action produces. In this way, utilitarianism seeks to provide a moral framework that can be applied to the evaluation of a wide range of actions and decisions. Kant rejected the utilitarian approach to morality because he believed that it placed an insufficient priority on acting with integrity.

According to Kant, morality was not about producing happiness or pleasure, but about following universal moral laws. He believed that moral agents should act in accordance with these laws, regardless of the consequences of their actions.

Kant also believed that the utilitarian approach was flawed because it would hold the moral agent responsible for things that they can neither know with certainty nor control. This means that utilitarianism places an undue burden on moral agents, asking them to predict the future and to take responsibility for things that are beyond their control.

Finally, Kant argued that the highest good was not happiness, as utilitarians claimed, but rather the fulfillment of our duty to act in accordance with universal moral laws. According to Kant, happiness was not a sufficient goal for moral agents, as it was asking too little of ourselves. Therefore, Kant rejected the utilitarian approach to morality because it placed an insufficient priority on acting with integrity.

To know more about utilitarianism, refer here:


the struggle to fulfill the promise of america and create a more perfect union will not be easy. it will require hard work, dedication, and a willingness to confront the contradictions and challenges that exist. but it is a struggle that is worth fighting for. and it is a struggle that can only be won through liberalism, through a commitment to individual freedom, equality, and the rule of law


The quote stresses the need for hard work, dedication, and confronting challenges to achieve the promise of America and create a better future. It calls for a commitment to liberalism, including individual freedom, equality, and the rule of law, to achieve this goal.

The quote emphasizes that the journey towards fulfilling the promise of America and creating a more perfect union requires significant effort, dedication, and the willingness to confront challenges and contradictions. This task is not an easy one, but it is worth fighting for.

The struggle towards achieving this goal can only be achieved through liberalism, which involves the commitment to individual freedom, equality, and the rule of law. It is a call to action, urging people to work towards these values to create a better future for everyone.

To know more about promise of America, refer here:


a behavior pattern that is not excessively competitive and has no free-floating hostility or sense of time urgency is called the .


A behavior pattern that is not excessively competitive and has no free-floating hostility or sense of time urgency is called the Type B personality.

Type B personality is the behavior pattern that is not excessively competitive and has no free-floating hostility or sense of time urgency. Type B personality is one of the personality types that were initially identified by cardiologists in the 1950s as a risk factor for heart disease. In comparison to Type A personality, Type B personality is more easy-going, relaxed, patient, and tolerant. Therefore, the answer is Type B personality.

Learn more about Type B personality here:


which presidential administration(s) supported and won congressional support for the troubled asset relief program?


The presidential administration that supported and won congressional support for the troubled asset relief program was George W. Bush.

What is the Troubled Asset Relief Program?The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) was a program that was established during the 2008 global financial crisis. Its objective was to strengthen and stabilize the United States' financial sector. This was accomplished by allowing the U.S. Department of the Treasury to acquire equity in both private and public financial institutions.

What was the role of the government in the TARP?The US government established the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in response to the financial crisis that began in 2007. The program's objective was to stabilize the financial system and provide relief to households and small businesses, which were severely impacted by the financial crisis. TARP was established under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008.

Hence the presidential administration that supported and won congressional support for the troubled asset relief program was George W. Bush.

To know more about troubled asset relief program refer here:


what research type used when a researcher wants to explore the behavior of an individual or group of individuals to better understand unusual or atypical behaviors?


When a researcher wants to explore the behavior of an individual or group of individuals to better understand unusual or atypical behaviors, they use case study research.

What is case study research?A case study is a research approach that focuses on a single individual, group, or event to gain an understanding of the complexity of the problem in a given context (Stake, 1995). This research method is frequently used in social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, anthropology, and education, and in health sciences as well.

Case study research aims to examine the behaviour of a small group of people and thus does not aim to be representative of a larger population. Case studies are often employed when it is not possible to perform an experiment or study a large group due to cost, time, or ethical considerations.

Hence, case study research is useful when a researcher wants to explore the behavior of an individual or group of individuals to better understand unusual or atypical behaviors.

To know more about case study research refer here:


a developmental psychologists is interested in the effects of social environment on children's language development during infancy and toddlerhood. what is one known variable that he knows will most likely affect child's language development?


One known variable that affects a child's language development is the number of words they hear at home. Research has shown that the more words children are exposed to at home, the more developed their language skills are.

Language development is the process through which children acquire language from infancy to adolescent age. It includes the development of various aspects such as phonetics, syntax, semantics, morphology, pragmatics, and vocabulary acquisition. The child's environment, interactions, and experiences play a crucial role in shaping their language development.

Research suggests that the quantity and quality of words children hear in their environment have a significant impact on their language development. The number of words children hear at home is one of the most critical environmental factors affecting their language development. Children who hear more words tend to have a more extensive vocabulary and better language skills than children who hear fewer words. This is why a rich, stimulating language environment is crucial to promote healthy language development in children.

Learn more about language development at


3. 1. Provide FIVE ways in which you as the organiser of Awareness Campaign of
Cyber bullying could get community members to participate in your campaign.


Cyberbullying is not only a crime, but it is often a hate crime committed against others in order to denigrate them in front of others. A campaign to raise awareness about cyberbullying is critical.

Here are a few ideas for how to engage community members in the campaign:

Create a short but dramatic play that people can relate to.Display examples of true stories about the struggles of victims of cyberbullying.Do AA meetings on how to deal with cyberbullying if it occurs in their home.Posters and banners are always useful in getting a strong message out into the public eye.

Cyberbullying has also claimed lives, and it should be taken more seriously in order to make others aware through their words and actions. People should be aware of the harm that hurtful comments or words can cause.

To know more about Cyber Bullying:


The right way of asking the question is:

Provide FIVE ways in which you as the organiser of Awareness Campaign of Cyber bullying could get community members to participate in your campaign.

458. Which of the following intelligence communities is responsible for providing intelligence support inareas such as human factors analysis, counterterrorism, personal recovery, and noncombatantevacuation operations?
a)Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
b)National Security Agency (NSA)
c)Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
d)Central Security Service (CSS)


The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is responsible for providing intelligence support in areas such as human factors analysis, counterterrorism, personal recovery, and noncombatant evacuation operations. (A)

The DIA is a combat support agency and an important member of the United States Intelligence Community. It provides intelligence support to the Department of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Military Services, and combatant commands. (A)

It focuses on foreign military intelligence and provides support for noncombatant evacuation operations, counterintelligence, and counterterrorism.

Additionally, it provides human factors analysis and personal recovery operations, as well as research, analysis, and production in multiple disciplines such as counterintelligence, signals intelligence, and measurement and signature intelligence.

To know more about military intelligence click on below link:


how many countries sell coca-cola beverages around the world?


Coca-Cola is one of the most widely recognized and consumed beverages in the world, and it is sold in over 200 countries worldwide.

The exact number may vary slightly due to political and economic factors, but it is safe to say that Coca-Cola is widely available and enjoyed in most countries around the globe.

Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink that is one of the most popular and recognizable brands in the world. The drink was invented in 1886 by John Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia, and was initially marketed as a tonic that could cure a variety of ailments. The original recipe contained cocaine, which was later removed in the early 1900s, and the drink now contains caffeine, high fructose corn syrup, and various other flavorings and ingredients.

To know more about Coca-Cola, visit:


according to studies of boys' gangs, who among the following is best described as an individual who is younger, physically disabled, or otherwise different from other members of the group in a way that they consider inferior?


According to studies of boys' gangs, an individual who is younger, physically disabled, or otherwise different from other members of the group in a way that they consider inferior is best described as a scapegoat.

What is a scapegoat?

A scapegoat is a person who is wrongly accused of something, and as a result, is punished. Scapegoats are used in both social and personal contexts. When someone is made the target of a group's aggression, they are known as a scapegoat. When someone is accused of something they didn't do and is punished for it, it's called scapegoating.

Example of scapegoating: A company, for example, might blame a department for a failed project, causing employees from that department to be blamed, penalized, and fired for the company's problems. In a family, a child who is made to feel guilty about their parents' marital difficulties is being scapegoated. A child who is bullied by a group of peers because of their ethnicity or sexual identity is being scapegoated.

Learn more about scapegoats at


just prior to performing a compulsive action, a small majority of individuals with ocd experience feelings of .


Before performing a compulsive action, a slight majority of individuals with OCD often experience anxiety, tension, and dread.

Prior to performing a compulsive action, a small majority of individuals with OCD experience feelings of anxiety. A small majority of individuals with OCD experience feelings of anxiety prior to performing a compulsive action.

OCD stands for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and it is a type of anxiety disorder. It has two components, as the name suggests: obsessions and compulsions.

OCD manifests as unwanted, recurrent thoughts, pictures, or impulses (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) that aim to decrease or eliminate anxiety created by habits.

Learn more about compulsive action here:


Kira just moved apartments and had to get a new TV. Everytime she goes to turn the volume up she accidentally hits the button on the left side of the remote. On her old remote the volume button was on the left side of the remote. On her new remote, the volume button is actually on the right side of the remote. Everytime she accidentally hits the button on the left side of the new remote, what type of memory error is she committing?


Muscle memory, I think. Muscle memory is a type of memory your brain gains after a long time of doing it in a repeated manner.

the president’s role as chief diplomat is derived from


It is derived from the constitution. Section 2
The President of the United States, in Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, is given the power to negotiate with foreign governments and appoint ambassadors. These responsibilities make the President the Chief Diplomat of the United States

raised roadway markers on the roadway and shoulder are used to


Raised roadway markers provide several benefits that help to enhance road safety. Firstly, they improve visibility by providing clear delineation of the road's edge, lane markings, and potential hazards.

Secondly, they provide tactile feedback to drivers, alerting them to upcoming changes in the road surface or potential hazards, and helping to prevent accidents caused by driver inattention or fatigue. Thirdly, they are highly effective in low-visibility conditions, providing additional visual and audible cues to help drivers navigate the roadway safely. Overall, raised roadway markers are an essential component of modern roadways, helping to improve traffic flow, reduce accidents, and enhance overall road safety for all road users.

To know more about road safety click here:


benefits of using raised roadway markers on the roadway and shoulder

camille knew that her boss was going to be furious when he learned that she hadn't met her sales quota. rather than face his ire, she quickly arranged a business trip that so she would be out of the office for several days and hoped he'd have cooled off when she returned. which style of conflict resolution is camille using?


Camille knew that her boss would be furious if he found out that she had not met her sales quota. Rather than facing his anger, she quickly arranged a business trip so she would be out of the office for several days and hoped he would have cooled off when she returned. The style of conflict resolution that Camille is utilizing is Avoidance.

Avoidance is a conflict resolution style in which people choose not to engage in conflict. Conflict avoidance can take many forms, from physically leaving a situation to silently agreeing to disagree. Conflict avoidance is sometimes seen as a bad thing because it can result in unresolved conflicts that linger and resurface later, but it can also be helpful when temporary conflict avoidance is the best way to allow time for emotions to cool before a more productive conversation takes place. Therefore, the style of conflict resolution that Camille is using is Avoidance.

For more information on conflict resolution, visit


Suggest ONE strategy that families can put into place to help improve the well-being of their family member who lost their job. ​


A strategy that families can put into place to help improve the well-being of their family member who lost their job is to provide emotional and practical support.

How can emotional and practical support improve the well-being of their family member?

Losing a job can be a stressful and traumatic experience that can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, and anxiety. Family members can help by providing emotional support, listening to their loved one's concerns, and encouraging them to seek professional help if needed.

Families can also provide practical support, such as helping their loved one update their resume, search for job opportunities, and connect with potential employers. Additionally, families can encourage their loved one to engage in activities that promote well-being, such as exercise, socializing with friends and family, and pursuing hobbies and interests.

Read more about well-being


dr. angelos is interested in studying factors that affect athletic achievement, such as skill learning, the personality profiles of champion athletes, and the effects of spectators. dr. angelos is most likely a(n) psychologist.


Dr. Angelos is most likely a(n) SPORT psychologist.

Sports psychology is the study of how psychological variables influence performance, and it is a branch of psychology that focuses on athletes, coaches, and sports organizations' mental and emotional facets. Sports psychology, often known as performance psychology, examines how various psychological factors, such as motivation and anxiety, affect performance. Sports psychology can also help individuals learn how to cope with the pressures that come with being an athlete and improve their overall well-being.

A sports psychologist's primary responsibility is to work with athletes and teams to help them develop the psychological skills required to perform effectively in their sport. Among the responsibilities of a sports psychologist are the following:

Teach athletes how to regulate their emotions, improve their focus, and handle the pressures of competitionAssist athletes in developing the self-confidence necessary to succeed in their sportAssist athletes in dealing with and overcoming any anxiety that may arise from athletic competition or injuryHelp athletes establish goals and create mental toughness strategies to help them achieve their objectivesImprove athletes' team cohesion and communication, as well as their general mental and emotional health

Learn more about sport psychology at


according to abraham maslow, people are motivated through: please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. a hierarchy of needs. kinesthesis. drive-reduction. instincts.


According to Abraham Maslow, people are motivated through a hierarchy of needs. The correct option is a hierarchy of needs.

Abraham Maslow and hierarchy of needs

Abraham Maslow developed the hierarchy of needs, which is a theory that explains human motivation and behavior. Maslow suggested that human needs could be organized into a hierarchical system, with basic physiological needs, such as hunger and thirst, at the bottom of the hierarchy, followed by safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.

Maslow suggested that people were motivated by the need to fulfill these needs, and they would move up the hierarchy as they achieved each level of need.

In conclusion, the correct option is ''a hierarchy of needs.''

See more about Abraham Maslow at


how many customers does wal-mart serve globally in one week?


According to Walmart's annual report for fiscal year 2022, the company serves more than 265 million customers each week across its various stores, websites, and mobile apps globally.

Walmart is a multinational retail corporation based in Bentonville, Arkansas, that operates a chain of discount department stores, hypermarkets, and grocery stores. The company was founded in 1962 by Sam Walton and has grown to become the largest retailer in the world by revenue and the largest private employer in the world, with over 2.3 million employees.

Walmart's business model is focused on offering low prices to its customers through a combination of operational efficiencies, large-scale purchasing power, and innovative supply chain management.

To know more about Walmart, visit:


Where were students killed as a result of campus unrest and National Guard intervention?


On May 4, 1970, four students were killed and nine others were wounded by Ohio National Guard troops during a campus protest at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, USA.

The protest was against the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War, and the National Guard was called to the campus to disperse the demonstrators. The situation quickly escalated, and the Guardsmen opened fire on the unarmed students, leading to tragic consequences. The incident sparked a nationwide outcry and a reevaluation of the role of the military in domestic affairs. It remains a significant event in American history and is often referred to as the Kent State Massacre.

To learn more about  National Guard troops refer to:


Here is the simple answer its Kent State University I know this because I read it from my notes trust me on this I'm right.

According to strategic trade policy, a government can help raise national incomes if it can ensure that the firms that gain first-mover advantages in such industries are domestic rather foreign. Further, the theory argues that it might pay governments to intervene in an industry if it helps domestic firms overcome the barriers to entry created by foreign firms that have already reaped first-mover advantages.


This is because it ensures that the firms that gain first-mover advantages are domestic rather than foreign.

According to strategic trade policy, a government can help raise national incomes if it can ensure that the firms that gain first-mover advantages in such industries are domestic rather than foreign.

Further, the theory argues that it might pay governments to intervene in an industry if it helps domestic firms overcome the barriers to entry created by foreign firms that have already reaped first-mover advantages.

This is achieved by providing financial support for technological development or direct investment or by using tools such as tariffs and quotas to discourage foreign competition.

By doing so, a government can enable domestic firms to become the first movers in new and growing industries, allowing them to establish dominance in the market, generate higher profits, and increase national income.

Learn more about strategic trade policy here:


when did jesus’ conflict with the chief priests come to a head? why?


Jesus' conflict with the chief priests came to a head during the Passover festival in Jerusalem, which is believed to have occurred around 30 AD. Jesus' growing popularity among the people and his teachings.

All four gospels detail Jesus' battle with the top priests, which is a crucial New Testament occurrence (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).Jesus' teachings, which questioned the authority of the religious establishment and the conventional interpretation of Jewish law, were the primary cause of the dispute between him and the chief priests.The high priests' authority and control over Jewish religious life was further undermined by Jesus' rising popularity and influence among the populace.The tension between Jesus and the top priests reportedly reached a boiling point during the Passover feast, a significant religious event in Jerusalem, according to the gospels.The multitude welcomed Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem on a donkey, hailing him as a messianic figure. This further infuriated the high priests and increased their worry about Jesus' expanding influence.

learn more about Jerusalem here:


Some epidemiological studies, using instruments like the Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire (DEQ), have reported high rates of dissociative symptoms, but these studies are viewed skeptically becausea.dissociative symptoms cannot be measured based on self-reports.b.the symptoms measured by the DEQ are far less dramatic than those found in dissociative disorders.c.there is no agreement as to what dissociative symptoms should be measured.d.people with real dissociative disorders are not able to complete the DEQ.


The correct answer is B. the symptoms measured by the DEQ are far less dramatic than those found in dissociative disorders.

Dissociative symptoms can be classified into many categories like dissociative identity disorder, depersonalization disorder, derealization disorder, etc. Several epidemiological studies using instruments like the Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire (DEQ) have reported high rates of dissociative symptoms. But these studies are viewed skeptically because the symptoms measured by the DEQ are far less dramatic than those found in dissociative disorders.

Dissociative experiences refer to the temporary disconnection from self or surroundings, usually as a result of severe trauma, stress, or abuse. Dissociative symptoms are usually not the primary diagnosis, but they occur in many disorders, such as dissociative identity disorder, borderline personality disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Dissociative experiences can be measured using self-reporting questionnaires like the Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire.

The DEQ comprises 28 items that assess the dissociative experiences of individuals. The DEQ is a widely used instrument for measuring dissociative experiences in different populations. It is a useful tool for measuring the presence of dissociative symptoms in the general population, but the severity and duration of dissociative symptoms in individuals with dissociative disorders are far more pronounced than the symptoms measured by the DEQ. Therefore, the answer to this question is option B.

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How does Steinbeck organize the information hereveals about the first family in the text? How isthe family introduced? What does Steinbeckdescribe first, and what connections does hemake between their living conditions and thestate of their health? Cite specific textual evidencein your response. Even without discriminating, the criminal justice system can exacerbate problems faced by minorities when it.a. does not allow people convicted of felonies to voteb. gives sentences in the same way regardless of racec. penalizes those who have fewer resourcesd. does not account for the overrepresentation of minorities in jail Tickets for the school play cost $5 for students and $8 for adults. For one performance, 128 tickets were sold for $751. How many tickets were for adults and how many were for students? A quadrilateral has two angles that measure 235 and 40. The other two angles are in a ratio of 5:12. What are the measures of those two angles? Below is a list of all possible outcomes in the experiment of rolling two die. 1.2 1,3 14 15 1,6 21 22 23 24 25 2,6 34B2 33 3,4 3 5 3.6 41 4 2 43 4,4 4 5 4,6 5 52 33 5 4 5,5 56 6,1 6,2 6.3 6 4 6,5 6.6 Determine the following probabilities. Write your answers as reduced fractions_ P(sum is odd) P(sum is 5) P(sum is 7) = P(sum is 7 and at least one of the die is a 1) = 18 P(sum is 7 or at least one of the die is 1) = 36 A fancart of mass 0.8 kg initially has a velocity of < 0.9, 0, 0 > m/s. Then the fan is turned on, and the air exerts a constant force of < -0.2, 0, 0 > N on the cart for 1.5 seconds. 1. What is the change in momentum of the fancart over this 1.5 second interval?(kg*m/s) 2.What is the change in kinetic energy of the fancart over this 1.5 second interval? (J) Thank you it is due tonight! the assumptions that all family members have common needs, interests, and behaviors is expressed in the myth of Suppose that the C=O group in a peptide bond can be regarded as isolated from the rest of the molecule. Given that the force constant of the bond in a carbonyl group is 908 N m1 , calculate the vibrational frequency of (a) 12C=16O and (b) 13C=16O.I have the answers. I am bit confused of how the units come about. Please help what are the two (2) famous regional codes of conduct, as it relates to ancient globalization and regulations? All the students in the sixth grade either purchased their lunch or brought their lunch from home on Monday. 24% of the students purchased their lunch. 190 students brought their lunch from home. How many students are in the sixth grade? the radius of a right circular cone is increasing at a rate of 1.4 in/s while its height is decreasing at a rate of 2.6 in/s. at what rate is the volume of the cone changing when the radius is 144 in. and the height is 138 in.? external hard disks use different technology than internal hard disks. falase or true? Describe the THREE (3) elements of possession that were established in Dato ARahman case. Can i get assistance with this? The type of knowledge that Blackmore claims is the core of phenomenal consciousness: dentify each person in Cochabamba, Bolivia as working in the formal economy, or the informal economy.Formal Economy-Juanita is a police officer who monitors the pavilion for illegal sales-Hernando rents a narrow stall in the central pavilion, and sells fruits and vegetablesInformal Economy-Lola sells bananas to tourists from a cart attached to her bicycle-Anneli sells trinkets to tourists from a portable cart, hoping to win their business away from the stall merchants which of the following terms best describes the process of designing and producing a container or wrapper for a product? Assume that x and y are both differentiable functions of t and find the required values of dy/dt and dx/dt.x2+y2=100a) Find dy/dt when x=6, y=8 given that dx/dt=4.b) Find dx/dt when x=8, y=6 given that dy/dt=-2. what is the correct order of the five para substituents on the carbocation intermediate, if arranged from most stabilizing to least stabilizing? write the dissociation equation for lithium hydroxide (lioh, a strong base). use --> for a one way arrow or for a two way arrow.