if you were watching a weather report on the news and saw a blue line with triangles approaching a red line with semi-circles, what type of weather would you expect to see when the two frontal boundaries converge in the midwestern region of the united states?


Answer 1

The blue line with triangles and the red line with semi-circles are symbols used to represent cold and warm fronts, respectively. When these two frontal boundaries converge in the midwestern region of the United States, you can expect to see a period of tumultuous weather.

When a cold front and a warm front collide, the warm air is forced to rise and the cold air is forced to sink. This can cause thunderstorms, hail, high winds, and heavy precipitation. The cold air can also bring an abrupt drop in temperature, making conditions feel colder than normal.

The weather can also be unpredictable when the two fronts collide. Depending on the air pressure, wind direction, and location of the convergence, the weather can drastically change within a short period of time.

The timing of the collision of the two fronts is also important. If the collision occurs during the day, the sun can cause the cold air to be pushed up and warm air to be pushed down. This can lead to instability in the atmosphere, which can cause the formation of thunderstorms.

Overall, the convergence of a cold and warm front in the midwestern region of the United States can cause a wide range of weather, including thunderstorms, hail, high winds, and heavy precipitation. Be sure to stay alert and be prepared for rapidly changing weather conditions when this occurs.

To know more about weather report here



Related Questions

which description of the earth's magnetic field is most accurate for a person living in champaign-urbana?


The magnetic field of the earth is measured using magnetic poles that are located at the earth's North and South Poles. The magnetic field of the earth is generated by the earth's molten core.

There are a few different ways in which the earth's magnetic field is measured. One of the most common ways is by using a magnetic field strength meter.

For a person living in Champaign-Urbana, the earth's magnetic field would be described as being generally weak. This is because Champaign-Urbana is located relatively close to the earth's equator.

As a result, the magnetic field is not as strong in this region as it is in regions closer to the earth's poles.

In general, the earth's magnetic field is weaker near the equator than it is near the poles. This is because the magnetic field lines are more spread out at the equator, and the magnetic field is less concentrated.

In contrast, near the poles, the magnetic field lines are more tightly packed together, and the magnetic field is more concentrated.

It is important to note that the strength of the earth's magnetic field can also be affected by a number of different factors, such as solar activity and changes in the earth's magnetic field itself.

As a result, the strength of the earth's magnetic field can vary somewhat over time.

In summary, the earth's magnetic field is generally weaker near the equator, which means that a person living in Champaign-Urbana would experience a relatively weak magnetic field.

However, the strength of the earth's magnetic field can also vary over time due to a number of different factors.

To know more about magnetic field here



Maine, Nevada, and North Dakota do not have large populations. What are some reasons for such small populations




I have been to Maine several times. There are two issues about living there.They have hard winters, most of the time. Do not live there if you cannot deal with a long, hard winter. Its good if you can stay inside and write, like Stephen King.

another thing is job diversity because they rely on Lumber, fishing and other natural resources

where is the kamchatka peninsula, home to 29 active volcanoes?




The Kamchatka Peninsula is located in the far eastern part of Russia, in the Russian Far East. It is situated between the Sea of Okhotsk to the west and the Pacific Ocean to the east. The Kamchatka Peninsula is known for its stunning natural beauty, abundant wildlife, and numerous active volcanoes, with a total of 29 active volcanoes located on the peninsula.

What is the theory used when examining the stratigraphy in an archaeological excavation?


The theory used to examine the stratigraphy in an archaeological excavation is known as the Law of Superposition. This law states that the deeper an archaeological layer is, the older it is relative to the layers above it.

This is because the newer layers were laid down on top of the older layers, which were already in place. This law is used to help archaeologists date the different layers in an excavation, as well as to identify the relative age of artifacts that are found in the layers.

The Law of Superposition has been an invaluable tool in archaeological excavations, as it has allowed archaeologists to gain a better understanding of the past and how it evolved over time.

Know more about Law of Superposition here



which of the following is true about the nitrogen cycle? A. the form of nitrogen present in significant levels in the atmosphere is easily assimilated by most organisms B. most of the nitrogen in the atmosphere exists as organic molecules C. all organisms can incorporate atmospheric nitrogen into their proteins and nucleic acids D. the activity of specific types of microorganisms is important to convert atmospheric nitrogen molecules into usable forms


D. The activity of specific types of microorganisms is important to convert atmospheric nitrogen molecules into usable forms, is true about nitrogen cycle.

The nitrogen cycle is a complex process that plays an important role in regulating the global environment. The activity of specific types of microorganisms is critical to the nitrogen cycle, as they are able to convert atmospheric nitrogen molecules into usable forms.

The form of nitrogen present in significant levels in the atmosphere is molecular nitrogen (N2), which is not easily assimilated by most organisms.

To make it usable, nitrogen must be "fixed" into more accessible forms, such as nitrates and ammonia, which can then be taken up by plants and other organisms.

Other microorganisms are able to convert nitrates and ammonia back into molecular nitrogen, completing the cycle. Thus, the cycle is powered by the activity of microorganisms, which are able to convert atmospheric nitrogen into usable forms and then back again.

Therefore, correct option is D.

Know more about global environment here



21) Which of the following is evidence for supermassive black holes in active galaxies? A) the discovery of powerful jets coming from a compact core.


According to the given question, the evidence for supermassive black holes in active galaxies is the discovery of powerful jets coming from a compact core. This means option A is the correct answer.

What is a supermassive black hole?

A supermassive black hole (SMBH) is a type of black hole with a mass ranging from millions to billions of times that of the Sun. These enormous black holes are found at the centers of most galaxies, including our own Milky Way.

They can be observed indirectly by their gravitational influence on surrounding stars, gas, and dust.Theoretical models suggest that active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are powered by supermassive black holes, which release energy by accretion.

These supermassive black holes' gravitational fields are so strong that they can absorb entire stars and gas clouds, creating powerful jets that emit X-rays, gamma rays, and radio waves.In active galaxies.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was:

Which of the following is evidence for supermassive black holes in active galaxies? A) the discovery of powerful jets coming from a compact core

B) rapid changes in the luminosity of the galaxy nucleus

C) quasars emit approximately equal power at all wavelengths from infrared to gamma rays

D) very high speed orbital motions around galactic nuclei

E) all of the above

Learn more about SMBH at



could some layer of sediment lie beneath a layer of bedrock?




No, it is highly unlikely for a layer of sediment to lie beneath a layer of bedrock. Bedrock is formed by the solidification of rock material over a long period of time, usually through the process of cooling and crystallization of magma or the compaction and cementation of sedimentary particles. It is the solid and relatively stable foundation of the Earth's crust and is typically composed of hard, dense rocks such as granite, basalt, or sandstone.

In contrast, sediment is unconsolidated material such as sand, silt, and clay that has been deposited by water, wind, or glaciers. Sediment layers are generally found on top of bedrock and can accumulate over time, but they cannot form beneath it.

However, there are some rare cases where sediment may be found beneath the bedrock. For example, if a layer of sediment is deposited on top of a bedrock layer and then covered by another layer of bedrock through the process of tectonic uplift or erosion, it is possible for the sediment layer to be preserved beneath the new bedrock layer. This is a rare occurrence and requires very specific geological conditions to happen.

in 2000, a population of a city is 1,000,000 people. If it has a doubling time of 25 years, when will its population reach 2,000,000


If the city's population has a doubling time of 25 years, it means that it will take 25 years for the population to double. To calculate the annual growth rate, we can use the rule of 70, which states that to find the number of years it takes for a quantity to double, we can divide 70 by the annual growth rate.

So, to find the annual growth rate, we can use the formula:  Annual growth rate = 70 / doubling time  Annual growth rate [tex]= 70 / 25 = 2.8%[/tex]   Now, to find when the population of the city will reach 2,000,000, we can use the formula for exponential growth:[tex]Nt = N0 x (1 + r)^t[/tex]   where Nt is the future population, N0 is the initial population, r is the annual growth rate, and t is the time period.We know that [tex]N0 = 1,000,000, Nt = 2,000,000, and r = 2.8%[/tex].[tex]2,000,000 = 1,000,000 x (1 + 0.028)^t[/tex] Taking the natural logarithm of both sides, we get: [tex]ln(2) = t x ln(1.028)[/tex]  Solving for t, we get: [tex]t = ln(2) / ln(1.028) = 25.7[/tex] years  the city's population will reach 2,000,000 in approximately 26 years, or in the year 2026.

To learn more about annual click the link below:



Complete the description of convergent evolution Match the terms in the left column to the appropriate blanks on the right. Terms can be used once, more than once, or not at all. Reset Help analogous features in distantly Convergent evolution is the evolution of lineages. It occurs when related organisms obtain a needs. Such resemblance is said to be that appeared convergently do not have a trait due to Therefore, species with traits dependent closely shared tralt common ancestor Independent different + similar homologous


Convergent evolution is the process of evolution in which unrelated or distantly related organisms evolve similar traits. This happens as a result of similar environmental pressures, causing the organisms to develop analogous features in order to survive.

Such resemblance is said to be homologous and is independent of any shared ancestry. Traits that appear convergently do not have a closely shared common ancestor, but are instead the result of similar needs resulting in similar traits being formed in different species.

Therefore, species with traits dependent on similar environmental pressures can develop similar characteristics, even if they are distantly related. This process helps to explain why similar features can be seen in distantly related species and helps to recognize the importance of environment over ancestry in the formation of traits.

Know more about Convergent evolution here



When does flooding occur?

a. When the amount of water exceeds the capacity of the land

b. When the amount of water exceeds the capacity of the rainfall

c. When the amount of water exceeds the capacity of the river's channel. The excess water overflows the river's banks and spills out across the flood plain. D. Prolonged rainfall leading to the satiation of the ground


Flooding occurs when the amount of water exceeds the capacity of the land or the rainfall. The correct option is B.

This can happen due to several reasons, such as heavy rainfall, melting snow, or a high tide. When the capacity of the river’s channel is exceeded, the excess water overflows the river’s banks and spills out across the flood plain. Prolonged rainfall can also lead to flooding, as the water will saturate the ground and begin to pool in low-lying areas.

In addition, flash floods can occur when a heavy rainstorm or thunderstorm happens in a very short period of time, making it difficult for the ground to absorb the water. In any case, when flooding occurs, it can result in significant damage to property, infrastructure, and the environment, making it important to take precautions to prevent flooding where possible. The correct option is B.

To know more about Flooding, click here:



which new york state location has surface bedrock that has been subjected to very intense regional metamorphism


The location in New York State that has surface bedrock that has been subjected to very intense regional metamorphism is the Adirondack Mountains.

The Adirondack Mountains are located in the northeastern part of the state and cover an area of approximately 6.1 million acres. The Adirondack Mountains have a complex geology with many different types of metamorphic rocks, such as gneiss, schist, and marble.

The region has been subjected to intense regional metamorphism due to the effects of both folding and faulting. This has resulted in the rocks being folded, faulted, and sheared, which has increased their strength and altered their mineral composition.

The Adirondack Mountains are a prime example of how regional metamorphism can change the shape and composition of rocks over time. The intense regional metamorphism in the Adirondack Mountains has also created a unique landscape, with its high mountains, deep valleys, and many different types of rock formations.

This landscape makes it an excellent spot for outdoor recreation and is home to many parks and protected areas.

To know more metamorphism here



The taiga biome has long, cold, dry winters and cool, wet summers. In three to four sentences, describe how the plants and animals would be impacted by a warm and dry summer and how they might survive. Support your answer with the abiotic factors in the biome.


A warm and dry summer would make it harder for most animals to survive since fewer plants would grow. When the temperatures drop, some animals will hibernate so that they don't starve due to the lack of plants. Other animals have thick hair to fight cold and can dig well to hunt hibernating animals like how foxes dig for rodents under the snow.

why do some scientists doubt that a meteorite impact was the sole cause of the mesozoic extinction event?


Some scientists doubt that a meteorite impact was the sole cause of the Mesozoic extinction event for several reasons. There are many ways in which extraterrestrial impacts could have contributed to the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs and other Mesozoic species.

However, there is still much that we do not know about the details of how the Mesozoic extinction event unfolded.

Some of the main reasons why some scientists are skeptical of the idea that a single meteorite impact caused the Mesozoic extinction event are:

1. The geological record does not always provide conclusive evidence for a single, large-scale impact event. Some researchers have suggested that there may have been multiple impact events occurring over a longer period of time.

2. There is still much that we do not know about how the Mesozoic extinction event unfolded, and the precise timing of events may be difficult to determine.

3. Other factors such as volcanism, climate change, and changes in sea level may have played a role in the extinction of Mesozoic species.

4. The mechanisms by which an impact event could cause such widespread extinction are still not well understood.

5. The fossil record indicates that some species survived the initial impact event, which suggests that other factors may have contributed to their eventual extinction.

Overall, while the idea that a meteorite impact caused the Mesozoic extinction event is still widely accepted, there is still much that we do not know about the details of how this event unfolded.

There is ongoing research into other possible causes of the Mesozoic extinction event, and this research may shed further light on this fascinating period of Earth's history.

To know more about Mesozoic extinction here



Simple-exponential smoothing forecasting models are useful for data which have All of the options are correct. pronounced seasonality. a downward time trend. neither an upward or downward time trend. an upward time trend.


Simple-exponential smoothing forecasting models are useful for data which have C. neither an upward or downward time trend.

When should simple exponential smoothing forecasting be used ?

Simple-exponential smoothing forecasting models are a type of time series forecasting technique that uses weighted averages of past observations to predict future values.

These models are best suited for data that does not exhibit a clear trend, either upward or downward. When data have a pronounced seasonality or trend, more advanced time series models may be necessary to make accurate forecasts.

Find out more on exponential smoothing forecasting at https://brainly.com/question/15281054


the spacecraft that visited pluto and sent back our first images: show answer incorrect answer please select the best choice from the available options. was called new horizons got a gravity boost from jupiter to get it to pluto faster used plutonium to keep it warm is returning to earth in the 22nd century more than one of these


The spacecraft that visited Pluto and sent back our first images was called New Horizons. It was launched in 2006 and completed its mission in 2015. It was the first mission to explore the dwarf planet, and it provided humanity with a wealth of knowledge about it.

New Horizons received a gravity boost from Jupiter to get it to Pluto faster and used plutonium to keep it warm. The craft also sent back amazing pictures of Pluto and its moons, and the data it collected is helping scientists learn more about the dwarf planet.

The spacecraft is now heading back to Earth, and it is expected to reach its destination in the 22nd century. The data from New Horizons is providing us with a better understanding of the mysterious outer reaches of our solar system.

Know more about spacecraft here



what is the dominant factor in the location of the population settlements in north africa and southwest asia?


The dominant factor in the location of population settlements in North Africa and Southwest Asia is the availability of resources.

These regions are characterized by harsh climates and  thirsty  geographies, limiting the vacuity of pastoralist land and fresh water. People have settled near gutters, oases and  littoral areas as these offer access to water and land suitable for  husbandry. In some areas,  similar as the Middle East,  

oil painting reserves have been a major factor in the  position of  agreements, as they  give an  profitable source of income. In other areas,  similar as the Maghreb, mortal  agreements have been established in areas with a more temperate climate, allowing for  further varied  foliage and a more different range of  resources.

To know more about population settlements visit:



which natural hazard occurs more often at active plate boundaries?



The most often occurrence is volcanos.

Two types of plates, convergent and divergent can create an active volcano site.

select the statements that correctly describe a cause or process of spreading earth's seafloor. A. magma rising from the mantle forms new oceanic crust. B. tidal forces from the moon stretch the seafloor, slowly pulling it apart. C. rising ocean temperatures reduce the density of parts of the oceanic crust, allowing these areas to expand. D. strong ocean currents moving in opposite directions erode and thin areas of the oceanic crust. E. earth's tectonic plates move apart. F. earth's strong magnetic field forces magnetic minerals within the oceanic crust to align and separate.


The statements that correctly describe a cause or process of spreading earth's seafloor are that magma rising from the mantle forms a new oceanic crust and the earth's tectonic plates move apart. The correct options are b and e.

Divergent plate boundaries cause seafloor spreading. Heat in convection currents in the mantle makes the earth's crust more flexible and less dense as tectonic plates progressively migrate apart. Less dense material rises, generating mountains or elevated areas of the seafloor.

Tensional stress generates fractures in the lithosphere when oceanic plates diverge. The driving factor for seafloor spreading ridges was tectonic plate slab movement at subduction zones, instead of magma pressure, however magma activity is common near spreading ridges.

Learn more about seafloor, here:



Identify from the following list possible environments or conditions that can lead to the formation of clay or silt deposits- chemical weathering of soils- windblown material generated by glaciers- floodplains of river systems- bottoms of lakes- wave action along a beach


Clay or silt deposits can be formed in different environments or conditions. These include floodplains of river systems, bottoms of lakes, wave action along a beach, chemical weathering of soils, and windblown material generated by glaciers.

The floodplains of river systems are environments where clay or silt deposits can form. River floods can carry a significant amount of silt and clay materials, and when the water slows down, these materials can settle and form deposits. This process can occur repeatedly over time, resulting in the accumulation of thick clay or silt layers.

Silt and clay deposits can also form in the bottoms of lakes. The deposition of silt and clay materials in lakes is usually influenced by the volume and velocity of water entering the lake and the nature of the lake basin. When silt and clay materials settle to the bottom of the lake, they can form thick layers over time.

The wave action along a beach can lead to the formation of clay and silt deposits. Wave action can move sediments along the shore and carry them offshore. When the waves slow down, the sediments can settle and form deposits.

Clay and silt deposits can also form due to the chemical weathering of soils. When minerals in the soil are exposed to water and oxygen, they can undergo chemical reactions that transform them into clay and silt materials.

The movement of glaciers can create windblown materials that can form clay or silt deposits. When glaciers move, they can grind rocks into fine-grained sediments. These sediments can be transported by wind and deposited in different environments to form clay and silt deposits.

Learn more about  silt deposits at https://brainly.com/question/8395011


according to the model in which that active galactic nuclei are powered by supermassive black holes, the energy released as light comes from





on the 21st of december which hemisphere has no sunrise between 66.5 degrees of latitude and the pole?


It would take place in the Northern hemisphere.

Which of the following statements is true?
a) A region does NOT need to be distinguishable from other areas
b) Regions exist only at some scales
c) Financial networks are not functional regions
d) A region has to be a continuous area


The statement that is true is b) Regions exist only at some scales.

What are regions ?

Regions are spatial areas that share common characteristics, whether it be cultural, economic, or physical. However, the definition and boundaries of a region can vary depending on the scale of analysis.

For example, a city can be considered a region at the local scale, but when viewed from a national or global perspective, it may be just a small part of a larger region, such as a state or country.  A region typically needs to be distinguishable from other areas to be meaningful and useful in analysis and decision-making.

Find out more on regions at https://brainly.com/question/563489


what land extends from central mexico to costa rica?


The land that extends from central Mexico to Costa Rica is called the Mesoamerican region.

The Mesoamerican region is a cultural and geographical area in the Americas, extending from central Mexico to Costa Rica. This region is known for its rich and diverse cultural history, including the rise and fall of ancient civilizations such as the Maya, Aztec, and Olmec.

According to archeological evidence, the Mesoamerican region is considered to be one of the six cradles of civilization in the world. This region has many natural resources, such as fertile land, forests, and minerals, which made it an attractive area for early civilizations to settle and flourish.

In summary, the land that extends from central Mexico to Costa Rica is called the Mesoamerican region. This region is known for its cultural and geographical significance and was home to ancient civilizations such as the Maya, Aztec, and Olmec.

For such more question on Mesoamerican:



fill in the blank question. special rocks found in antarctica are dated with isotopes to give an average age of earth of 4.55 billion years. we can use these dark-colored


Dark-colored rocks found in Antarctica are an important source of information about the age of the Earth. These rocks are dated using isotope techniques to determine their age, which can provide an average age of Earth of 4.55 billion years.

The isotopic dating process involves measuring the relative concentrations of different isotopes in the rocks, which can tell us how long ago they were formed. The process is useful because the relative concentrations of different isotopes remain relatively constant over time, which allows us to accurately measure the age of the rocks.

The data obtained from the rocks helps to provide a more accurate age of the Earth and confirms the scientific theory that the Earth is 4.55 billion years old. Thus, these dark-colored rocks found in Antarctica provide important evidence for the age of the Earth.

Know more about isotope here



examine the images of the grand canyon below. notice that most of the canyon consists of layers of sedimentary rocks, but if you were to hike down into the inner gorge you would encounter the vishnu schist, a metamorphic rock. which of the following processes were involved as the vishnu schist metamorphosed? photograph a shows the grand canyon the inner gorge of the grand canyon, a steep gorge in the deepest part of the canyon with a river at its bottom. photograph b shows the vishnu schist, a dark colored rock outcrop jutting out from one side of the inner gorge. view available hint(s)for part a examine the images of the grand canyon below. notice that most of the canyon consists of layers of sedimentary rocks, but if you were to hike down into the inner gorge you would encounter the vishnu schist, a metamorphic rock. which of the following processes were involved as the vishnu schist metamorphosed? photograph a shows the grand canyon the inner gorge of the grand canyon, a steep gorge in the deepest part of the canyon with a river at its bottom. photograph b shows the vishnu schist, a dark colored rock outcrop jutting out from one side of the inner gorge. eruption and cooling of a lava flow. intense pressure due to regional metamorphism. deposition, burial, compaction, and cementation of sediment. cooling of magma.


The following processes were involved as the vishnu schist metamorphosed photograph b shows the vishnu schist, a dark colored rock outcrop jutting out from one side of the inner gorge eruption and cooling of a lava flow.

The Vishnu Schist found in the inner gorge of the Grand Canyon was formed through intense pressure due to regional metamorphism. This is different from the sedimentary rocks found in the rest of the canyon, which are formed through deposition, burial, compaction, and cementation of sediment. Eruption and cooling of a lava flow and cooling of magma are not processes that were involved in the metamorphosis of the Vishnu Schist.

Learn more about the Vishnu Schist: brainly.com/question/17153286


according to the multiple nuclei model, an airport is likely to attract nearbyhotels and warehousesretail and wholesale shopsresidences and highwaysuniversities and colleges


According to the multiple nuclei model, an airport is likely to attract nearby residences and highways.

Multiple Nuclei Model, created by C.D. Harris and E.L. Ullman, is a geographic theory that acknowledges the presence of numerous nodes in a city, each having its own unique features.

Each node serves as the nucleus of the city's growth and development. Multiple nuclei model According to the multiple nuclei model, an airport is likely to attract nearby residences and highways, as it is a significant component of the city's economic development.

Since the airport is critical for business growth and creates job opportunities, people prefer to settle near the airport. This leads to the construction of new residential areas and highways near the airport, which facilitates travel to and from the airport.

For such more question on nuclei model:



what volcanic eruption was the loudest in modern history?




The loudest volcanic eruption in modern history was the 1883 eruption of the Krakatoa volcano, which is located between the islands of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia. The explosion was so powerful that it was heard over 3,000 miles away, and it produced a sound that is estimated to have reached 172 decibels at a distance of 100 miles from the source. The eruption caused widespread damage and loss of life, with tsunamis and other effects felt across the region.

what is the deepest inland body of water in the world?



Caspian Sea


which of the following plots most accurately shows the temperature distribution in the solar system at the time of planet formation?graphs: A. steadily increasing line. B. steadily decreasing line. C. straight line. D. increasing


The steadily decreasing line most accurately shows the temperature distribution in the solar system at the time of planet formation. The correct option is B.

The temperature distribution in the solar system at the time of planet formation is best represented by the steadily decreasing line.

The steadily decreasing line accurately shows the temperature distribution in the solar system at the time of planet formation, where the temperature was steadily decreasing.

The temperature in the solar system, at the time of planet formation, was steadily decreasing due to the absence of the sun.

The Sun, which is the primary source of heat in the solar system, had not yet formed, and the temperature was cold.

The temperatures in the solar system were very low, and dust and gas were slowly cooling. It was at this time that the dust and gas began to collapse into clumps, which later led to the formation of planets.

The steadily decreasing line represents the temperature distribution of the solar system at the time of planet formation.

TO KNOW ABOUT planet formation:



sort each statement below into the appropriate bin based on whether it is something that scientists knew about pluto or its moon charon before the new horizons flyby, is something learned as a result of the new horizons flyby, or is something that seems possible from the new horizons mission but for which we'll need additional data to establish it with certainty.


Pluto and Charon are tidally locked: This is something that scientists knew about Pluto and its moon Charon before the New Horizons flyby. Tidal locking occurs when an object's orbital period is the same as its rotational period, meaning that the same side of the object is always facing the other.

In this case, the same sides of Pluto and Charon are always facing each other as they orbit one another. The likelihood of this happening was predicted before the mission based on the distance between Pluto and Charon and the gravitational forces between them, and the New Horizons flyby confirmed this to be the case.

Charon has a tenuous atmosphere: This is something that was learned as a result of the New Horizons flyby. Before the mission, scientists suspected that Charon may have an atmosphere, but data from New Horizons showed that the atmosphere is much more substantial than expected.

The flyby revealed that the atmosphere is composed mostly of nitrogen and methane, and is about 100,000 times thinner than Earth's atmosphere. Additional data is needed to establish the atmosphere's exact composition and other details.

Know more about Charon here



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