Habsburg conflicts of this time were related to _________, while Tudor conflicts focused on _________


Answer 1

The Hapsburg conflicts of this time were related to territorial disputes and religious divisions, while Tudor conflicts focused on succession and religious reform.

How were Hapsburg and Tudor conflicts different ?

The Hapsburg conflicts were part of the broader European wars of religion that took place during the 16th and 17th centuries, and were characterized by territorial disputes between the Habsburg dynasty, which controlled much of Central Europe, and other European powers.

In contrast, Tudor conflicts were primarily focused on succession and religious reform in England. The Tudor dynasty ruled England from the late 15th century to the early 17th century, and their reign was marked by significant political and religious changes.

Find out more on the Tudors at https://brainly.com/question/15207875


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How did the physical characteristics of traditional Native American lands east of the Mississippi River differ from those in the new Indian Territory? Why do you think the federal government chose to relocate Native Americans there?


Native American tribes residing east of the Mississippi were forced to relocate as a result of the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

What characterized the Indigenous tribes of the American continents most prominently before the entrance of European powers?

All Indians were members of well-established societies with established political systems, moral standards, and religious convictions. Everyone of them had made adaptations to their unique environments. Land was held communally and used cooperatively; the concept of private land ownership was alien.

Which Native American tribe dominated the eastern Mississippi Territory?

The Chickasaw, whose name derives from the Muskhogean word for "to sit," were a sizable, powerful, and warlike tribe who lived in northeastern Mississippi around the heads of the Tombigbee and Tallahatchie rivers.

To Know more about moral standards,



3. Look at the graph's 1959 totals. What does the 4.30 level indicate?
What does the 4.60 indicate?
What does the 1.66 indicate?




The 4.30 level on the graph indicates the average number of hours worked per week by employed persons in 1959. The 4.60 level indicates the average number of hours worked per week by employed males in 1959. The 1.66 level indicates the average number of hours worked per week by employed females in 1959.

From what you know of fascism, why were the Nazis so opposed to expressionist works like Dr. Caligari and so strongly supportive of neoclassical works like Olympia? Provide evidence to support Claims.


A fascist ideology that despises parliamentary government and liberal democracy, nazism. A dictatorship, virulent antisemitism, anti-communism, scientific racism, white supremacy, social Darwinism, and the application of eugenics are all part of its philosophy.

Which German expressionist was deemed a degenerate artist by the Nazis and had his ability to paint permanently outlawed?

Emil Nolde, an Expressionist, is possibly the most well-known "degenerate artist" (1867–1956). No other artist's compositions were as frequently confiscated as theirs, nor were their paintings displayed in as many of the early exhibition venues for the "Degenerate Art" exhibition of 1937–1938.

Robert Wiene's film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, according to Kracauer, serves as a metaphor for societal ideals in Germany. The character Caligari "stands for an unlimited authority that idolizes power as such and, to fulfill its appetite for dominance, cruelly destroys all human rights and values," according to Kracauer. According to him, Caligari stands for the authoritarian tendencies that are ingrained in the German system.

Learn more about societal ideals: https://brainly.com/question/16977085


What are these new taxes paying for in 1764


The new taxes imposed in 1764 were primarily intended to help pay off Britain's war debts and to support the cost of maintaining and defending the American colonies.

Why was it important to defend the American Colonies at this time?

At the time, the American Colonies were considered an important part of Britain's global empire, both economically and strategically.

The colonies provided a valuable market for British goods and raw materials, and their ports were critical to British trade and naval power.

Also, the colonies were situated in a region of intense international competition, with rival European powers seeking to gain a foothold in North America. Defending the colonies from potential invasion or attack was therefore seen as vital to protecting Britain's economic interests and maintaining its global power and prestige.

Learn more about 1764 Taxes:

How would the soldiers die even when the enemy was not attacking


Due to starvation and not getting proper health facilities the soldiers die even when the enemy was not attacking.

What happens to a soldier who refuses to go to war?

Desertion incorporates a most punishment of dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay, and confinement of five years. For desertion throughout a time of war, however, the dying penalty can also be applied (at the discretion of the court-martial).

most of the American deaths ... are caused by means of either improvised bombs, roadside bombs or through snipers. I mean, these men very rarely, very rarely have non-public contact with their enemy. "And there's a sense of frustration about that, that one can hint returned in history.

Learn more about soldiers in war here:


Select the names given to the Lord Jesus Christ in the vision of the throne.
There can be more than one answer a. Lion of the Tribe of Judah
b. the Savior of the World
c. the Root of David
d. the Son of God
e. the Lamb


In the vision of the throne, the Lord Jesus Christ is given several names, including the Root of David and the Lamb. Here is an explanation of each of these names:

1. The Root of David: This name is a reference to Jesus' lineage, as David was his ancestor. The term "root" is used to signify that Jesus is the source of David's authority and power.

In the Old Testament, there are many prophecies about a coming king from the line of David who would rule with justice and righteousness.

Jesus fulfills these prophecies as the true king and Messiah.

2. The Lamb: This name refers to Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for the sins of humanity. In the Old Testament, lambs were sacrificed as a sin offering to God.

Jesus is referred to as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

His death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice, making a way for humanity to be reconciled with God.

These two names highlight different aspects of Jesus' character and mission. The Root of David emphasizes his role as a king and ruler, while the Lamb emphasizes his role as a sacrifice and savior.

Together, these names paint a picture of Jesus as the perfect leader and redeemer, fulfilling both the prophesied kingly and priestly roles of the Messiah.

To know more about Jesus Christ here



the very first program was written in 1843 by [a], which was designed to execute on the theoretical hardware platform called the analytical engine, designed in 1842 by [b].


The very first program was written in 1843 by Ada Lovelace, which was designed to execute on the theoretical hardware platform called the analytical engine, designed in 1842 by Charles Babbage.

What is Ada Lovelace known for?

Ada Lovelace is known for being the world's first computer programmer.

She worked with Charles Babbage on his Analytical Engine, which is widely regarded as the first computer.

Ada Lovelace, an English mathematician and writer, is credited with creating the first algorithm that was intended to be processed by a machine.

To know about Ada Lovelace refer here :



The Shocking Cynicism Behind the Voyage of the “St. Louis” and Its Ship Full of Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany



The voyage of the St. Louis was one of the most shocking examples of the cynicism of the Nazi regime and their allies.

What is cynicism?

Cynicism is a form of negative thinking that is based on a belief that people are generally motivated by selfishness and greed. It involves a pessimistic outlook on life in which people are seen as being untrustworthy and seeing the worst in any situation.

On May 13, 1939, the German ocean liner, the St. Louis, set sail from Hamburg, Germany, carrying over 900 Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi persecution. The ship's intended destination was Cuba, where the passengers had been granted visas. However, the Cuban government refused to accept the refugees and the St. Louis was forced to return to Europe.

The voyage of the St. Louis exposed the shocking cynicism of the Nazi regime and their allies. The Nazis had issued the visas to the Jewish refugees in the hope that they would be accepted in Cuba, thereby relieving Germany of the burden of caring for them. When the Cuban government refused to accept the refugees, the Nazis refused to allow them to remain in Germany, and instead coerced them into returning to Europe, where they faced almost certain death in Nazi concentration camps.

The voyage of the St. Louis also exposed the shocking cynicism of the United States and other western nations. Despite being aware of the looming Holocaust, the U.S. and other western powers refused to accept the passengers of the St. Louis, citing restrictive immigration policies. As a result, most of the passengers were eventually forced to return to continental Europe, where they were later killed in the Holocaust.

The tragedy of the St. Louis and its ship full of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of indifference in the face of evil. The refusal of the Cuban government and the U.S. to accept the refugees demonstrated a catastrophic lack of moral courage and conviction, which ultimately resulted in the death of hundreds of innocent people.

To learn more about cynicism



Why did Patriot leaders decide to hold a meeting in Philadelphia



Patriot leaders decided to hold a meeting in Philadelphia, known as the First Continental Congress, in response to the passage of the Coercive Acts by the British Parliament in 1774. The purpose of the meeting was to bring together representatives from all thirteen colonies to discuss a coordinated response to the British actions and present a united front to force the British government to back down.

5. In addition to their freedom, what else did the Emancipation Proclamation say about freed slaves?
that they would need to repay their owners
that their children would still be slaves
that they would be compensated for the time they worked as slaves
that they would be accepted into the US armed services


Slaves who managed to escape the grasp of their masters—either by fleeing to Union lines or by the advance of federal troops—became free people for good.

What did the Emancipation Proclamation say about freed slaves?

The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, as the country was approaching its third year of a deadly civil war. Among the rebelling states, the proclamation said "that all individuals kept as slaves are, and henceforth shall be free." The Proclamation also authorized the "acceptance into the United States armed service" of former slaves.

President Lincoln's Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which specified that enslaved individuals in those states or portions of states still in rebellion as of January 1, 1863, would be declared free, amended that on September 22, 1862. Enslaved persons living in the bordering states of Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, and Maryland—states that had not acceded to the Confederacy—were exempt from the Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln didn't want to encourage the border states into joining the Confederate, so he excused them from the proclamation.

Learn more about slaves:



(just a short paragraph pls <3 will mark brainliest)
In this discussion, you will discuss the perspectives of the colonizers and the colonized. In your response, cite at least one piece of evidence for each perspective.

What differences existed between the two perspectives?
What assumptions did the two groups make about each other?
What methods were effective at acquiring and resisting power?



Colonizers were those who just cared about the land and its resources, not the inhabitants. Simply put, the populace stood in their path of acquiring money and dominance in Europe. On-land colonists were compelled to labor and engage in trade with the colonial nation in order to enrich themselves.

Colonizers thought they had the right to colonize other people and bring civilization to them because they were often illiterate, lower class, and more or less disposable. Since they were locals, colonists desired to be respected, free, and in possession of their own sovereignties..

Power was attained through direct conquest, such as sending armed forces to occupy a region, through trade and the encouragement of people to make money that would give them political clout, or through negotiations with natives who would donate their territory. Power was difficult to resist, so people had to plan events like riots or protests or disseminate propaganda to persuade others to support their cause.


Hope this helps!

what policies, attitudes and political constituencies helped build ongoing connections between mexican families and the 19th century and early 21st century economies in the united states and mexico


In the late 19th century, the United States began to expand its business interests into Mexico, laying the groundwork for a long-term economic relationship between the two nations.

The policies, attitudes, and political constituencies that have helped build ongoing connections between Mexican families and the 19th-century and early 21st-century economies in the United States and Mexico include:

The free trade agreements between the US and Mexico, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which have opened up markets for both countries. It was one of the most significant factors in this ongoing relationship that created a regional economic zone that includes the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

The US immigration policies have allowed more Mexicans to migrate to the US and take advantage of job opportunities.

For more information on NAFTA, visit



paul made his first contact with corinth during which missionary journey?


Paul made his first contact with Corinth during his second missionary journey. He then spent 18 months in the city, establishing a church and spreading the Gospel.

Paul's second missionary journey, which took place around AD 49-52, was one of his most extensive and involved traveling through the Aegean region, specifically Greece, Macedonia, Asia Minor, and Syria.

Paul and Silas were joined by Timothy in Lystra, and the three traveled throughout Asia Minor, delivering letters from the Jerusalem council and visiting churches that had been established during Paul's first missionary trip.

Paul encountered Timothy in Lystra, and they went together from there to Derbe, and after that, they headed out to other cities.

On this journey, Paul, Silas, and Timothy visited Macedonia and Greece, as well as Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea. The following verse speaks to the fact that Paul traveled from Troas to Macedonia on his second journey:

Paul's ministry in Corinth, as we previously stated, occurred during his second missionary journey. Paul stayed in Corinth for about 18 months, developing relationships with the people and planting a church.

For such more question on Corinth:






how did civil rights organizers integrate southern campuses and towns


A student organization called Southern Student Organizing Committee (SSOC) commonly white students organized campuses and went to towns to promote civil rights


When considering opportunity costs you have to make a _____________ and deal with
the _______________________



When considering opportunity costs, you have to make a trade-off and deal with the consequences of the alternative options that are not chosen.

Opportunity cost refers to the value of the next best alternative that is forgone when choosing one option over another. It is the cost of the opportunity that must be sacrificed in order to pursue a certain action or decision.

In making a trade-off, you have to weigh the benefits and costs of each option and choose the one that gives you the greatest net benefit or utility. However, by choosing one option, you also give up the benefits that could have been gained from the alternative option, which is the opportunity cost.

Dealing with the consequences of the alternative options that are not chosen requires recognizing the potential benefits that could have been gained, and accepting that they will not be realized due to the choice that was made. This is why opportunity cost is an important concept in decision-making, as it forces us to consider the full range of options and their consequences before making a choice.

Create a pictorial essay to describe the beliefs and values of the hippie movement of the 1960s. Your pictorial essay should include at least five pictures that help illustrate the hippie movement. For each picture, write a two- to three-sentence description that explains what is depicted in the picture, when and where it was taken, and why it is important. Find pictures that address and illustrate the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the 1960s hippie movement. Since this topic is about the countercultural movement, it would be helpful to include a picture that depicts the 1960s mainstream culture that the hippies were reacting to. The information in the essay should be organized and proofread for grammar, punctuation, spelling errors, and accuracy of information. Include a works cited for all external resources, including pictures.


Answer: Pictures to be included in the essay.


Picture 1: A group of hippies at the Woodstock Music and Art Festival in 1969. They are seen wearing loose, flowy clothing, and accessories like beads and headbands. They are sitting together on the grass, enjoying the music and the atmosphere. This picture is significant because it captures the essence of the hippie movement as a celebration of freedom, peace, and love.

Picture 2: A poster featuring a hand-drawn image of a flower with the words "Make Love, Not War" written above it. The poster was created in 1967 and was a popular symbol of the hippie movement's anti-war stance. This picture is significant because it represents the hippies' opposition to the Vietnam War and their desire for peace.

Picture 3: A group of hippies gathered around a VW bus, which they have painted with psychedelic colors and patterns. They are seen lounging on the top of the bus and playing music. This picture is significant because it represents the hippies' love for communal living, creativity, and freedom from societal norms.

Picture 4: A protester at the "Love-In" event in San Francisco in 1967, holding a sign that reads "Question Authority." This picture is significant because it represents the hippies' rejection of mainstream culture and their desire to challenge authority and the status quo.

Picture 5: A picture of the Beatles in their psychedelic phase in the late 1960s. They are seen wearing colorful clothing and surrounded by vividly colored backdrops. This picture is significant because it represents the influence of the hippie movement on popular culture, music, and fashion.

Works cited:

"Woodstock Music and Art Festival, August 1969" by Barry Z Levine, Library of Congress

"Make Love, Not War" poster, created by Lorraine Art Schneider, Smithsonian American Art Museum

"Hippies on the roof of a VW bus" by Bill Ray, Life Magazine

"Protester at 'Love-In'" by Gerald Altman, San Francisco Examiner, Hearst Corporation

"The Beatles, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover" by Peter Blake, Apple Corps Limited

The hippies warned against trusting anybody over thirty, stressed free love, and supported flower power.

What is a pictorial essay?

An instructional piece called a pictorial essay seeks to present both verbal and visual representations of a current subject. A short, uncontrolled abstract, an introductory paragraph, several subsections to help organize the content, and a summary are typically included.

A hippie referred to a person, particularly in the latter half of the 1960s and early 1970s, who rebelled opposed to the established structures and values of the culture the fact that emerged after World War II and adopted new ways of life such as commune living, psychedelic drugs, and colorful clothing.

They rejected the dominant cultural ideals of the day by rejecting consumerism, money, and politics. These counterculturalists left a lasting impact and sparked long-term societal changes.

Learn more about  pictorial essays, here:



This event was held on August 28, 1963. The purpose of this event was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans. what the name of the event ?


On August 28, 1963, a quarter of 1,000,000 individuals were energized in Washington, D.C. to request a finish to isolation, fair wages, and monetary justice, casting a ballot rights, education, and extremely past due civil rights securities.

Civil rights pioneers took to the podium to issue urgent invitations to take action that actually reverberate many years after the fact. Music assumed a powerful part at the Walk, and many years after the fact, the exhibitions stay probably the most famous of the period. Individuals went from each edge of the country to join the Walk, and the unprecedented turnout was the product of the eager work of civil rights tactician Bayard Rustin, A. Phillip Randolph, Dr. Martin Luther Lord, Jr., and an alliance of civil rights, work, and religious associations.

Long-term planner Bayard Rustin drove the calculated activities for the Walk, making a Getting sorted out Manual for nearby coordinators that spread out the operations, arguments, and requests. Coordinators the nation over went to work during the summer of 1963 to prepare their communities and ensure safe entry to Washington. They held meetings, distributed guides for what was in store, raised funds, facilitated buses and trains, and arranged thousands of feasts.

As buses pulled into Washington, D.C. also, hundreds showed up through trains onto the Public Shopping center, the gravity existing apart from everything else and development was clear. A quarter of 1,000,000 individuals walked — the unprecedented turnout was a demonstration of the force of sorting out.

to know more about civil rights click here:



the complete question is:

What famous event in the civil rights movement took place on August 28 1963 What was the purpose of this event?

What was one way Mayor William B. Hartsfield helped the development of Atlanta?
answer choices
o He brought several major league sports teams to the city.
o He helped implement peaceful integration of the city schools.
o He promoted the development of a commuter rail line in the city.
o He established affirmative action programs for hiring city contractors.


One way Mayor William B. Hartsfield helped the development of Atlanta was by promoting the growth of the city's transportation infrastructure.

He oversaw the construction of the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, which would go on to become one of the busiest airports in the world. He also supported the development of a commuter rail line in the city, known as the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), which opened in 1979.

Mayor Hartsfield was also known for his efforts to promote racial infrastructure harmony in the city. He famously worked with civil rights leaders to implement peaceful integration of the city's schools in the 1950s, which helped to prevent the kind of violence that had erupted in other southern cities.

While he did not bring major league sports teams to Atlanta, he did support the city's minor league baseball team, the Atlanta Crackers, and helped to secure a new stadium for the team in 1948.

Mayor Hartsfield also established affirmative action programs for hiring city contractors, which helped to ensure that minority-owned businesses had a fair chance to compete for city contracts.

Learn more about infrastructure here



why miriam ferguson ran for governor of texas after her husband?


Miriam Ferguson ran for Governor of Texas after her husband, James Ferguson was unsuccessful in getting his name on the ballot in the 1924 gubernatorial election.

Who is Miriam Ferguson?

Miriam Amanda Wallace Ferguson ( 1875 – 1961) popularly known as "Ma" was the wife of James Edward Ferguson (the governor of Texas from 1915-17 who was impeached for embezzlement of funds).

She ran the race for the Texas governorship after her husband lost in the 1924 governorship election.

Miriam Ferguson won the election and became the first female Governor of Texas from 1925 to 1927, and from 1933 to 1935. She was also the second female to be governor of a U.S. state, after Nellie Tayloe Ross.

As governor, she tackled some of the difficult issues of the day and worked to improve education and transportation systems. She pardoned so many convicts and supported New Deal legislation.

Read more about the first female Governor of Texas at brainly.com/question/12268645.


what effect did the united states’ entrance into the war have?



The entry of the United States was a turning point in the war because it allowed Germany to be defeated. It had been predicted in 1916 that if the United States joined to war, the Allies' military effort against Germany would be supported by US supplies and massive credit extensions.

wreckage from an 1894 collision between two vessels was found at the bottom of which great lake?


The wreckage from the 1894 collision between the vessels SS Jay Gould and SS Michigan was found at the bottom of Lake Michigan.

The Great Lakes have a rich history of shipping and trade, but also a tragic history of shipwrecks due to unpredictable weather conditions and treacherous waters. The discovery of the SS Michigan wreckage in 2006 shed light on a little-known event in Great Lakes history and allowed historians and researchers to better understand the circumstances surrounding the collision. The wreckage serves as a reminder of the risks involved in navigating the Great Lakes and the importance of safety measures for ships and their crews.

Learn more about Jay Gould here: brainly.com/question/30640433


what was rowlatt act 1919? Olevel 4 marks​




act that made police arrest people without permission from any court

What is one enduring issue of imperialism?


One enduring issue of imperialism is the impact on the colonized population's culture and identity. Imperialism involves the domination of one country or culture over another, often resulting in the suppression or erasure of the colonized population's cultural practices, languages, and traditions. This can lead to the loss of cultural identity and heritage, as well as the marginalization of indigenous peoples and their communities. Additionally, imperialism can contribute to the perpetuation of systemic inequalities and power imbalances, as the dominant culture or nation maintains control over economic and political systems. The impact of imperialism on culture and identity has enduring effects, as it can shape the way that societies and individuals understand themselves and their place in the world, often with long-lasting consequences for generations to come.

Malcolm X was assassinated. By members of the


Answer: the Nation of Islam

HELP HELP ANSWER WILL GET BRAINLIEST The map represents the northwest region of the United States. A line extends across the region from east to west moving over the Rocky Mountains towards the coastal region of Oregon.
Review the map above. Why is the black line significant in American history? (5 points)

It represents the northern boundary line for territory claimed by Mexico.

It represents the main route for settlers moving into the Oregon Territory.

It represents the northern boundary line for the territory claimed by the United States.

It represents the path of the Transcontinental Railroad, a major trade route in the United States.



B. It represents the main route for settlers moving into the Oregon Territory.

the interest earned on united states series ee savings bonds is


The interest earned on United States Series EE Savings Bonds is compounded semiannually until maturity, at which point the bond reaches its full face value. Bonds that have not yet reached maturity, on the other hand, earn interest on the principal for 30 years.

Bonds issued on or after May 1, 2005, have a fixed interest rate. To begin with, the rate of interest is set at the time of issuance. It's generally 90% of the six-month average yield on five-year Treasury securities. After that, the interest rate remains constant for the life of the bond. You can redeem the bond after 1 year of issuance. However, the bond must be kept for at least five years in order to get the full face value.

The interest earned on United States Series EE Savings Bonds is compounded semiannually until maturity, at which point the bond reaches its full face value. Bonds that have not yet reached maturity, on the other hand, earn interest on the principal for 30 years. Bonds issued on or after May 1, 2005, have a fixed interest rate. To begin with, the rate of interest is set at the time of issuance. It's generally 90% of the six-month average yield on five-year Treasury securities.

After that, the interest rate remains constant for the life of the bond. You can redeem the bond after 1 year of issuance. However, the bond must be kept for at least five years in order to get the full face value.

For more such questions on Savings Bonds



The continued fight for civil rights mastery test


During the Civil Rights Movement, which predominantly occurred in the 1950s and 1960s, African Americans battled for equal legal protection in the US.

People should not be subjected to unfair treatment or discrimination in any aspect of life, including housing, job, education, and other sectors. The rules that safeguard these rights outline precise measures to be taken when they are violated since they are essential to our democracy. After overcoming vehement opposition from southern members of Congress, Lyndon B. Johnson, the president who followed John F. Kennedy, signed it into law. The 1965 Voting Rights Act was one of many civil rights laws that Congress expanded and created in the years that followed. Civil rights include the voting capacity.

In the Bill of Rights, the term "civil liberties" refers to individual freedoms that are protected from governmental intrusion. Remember that free speech is protected by the First Amendment.

To know more about Voting Rights Act, click here:



in what ways did the mississippi black codes placed restrictions on the civil rights of african americans


The Mississippi Black Codes placed restrictions on the civil rights of African Americans in various ways. Some of these ways are mentioned below

1. Forbidding African Americans from serving on a jury: Under the Mississippi Black Codes, African Americans were not allowed to serve on juries. This meant that they were unable to contribute to the criminal justice system in any way.

2. Banning interracial marriage: African Americans were not permitted to marry white people under the Mississippi Black Codes. This was done to maintain racial segregation and uphold the idea of white supremacy.

3. Restricting their mobility: The Mississippi Black Codes put in place travel restrictions on African Americans. They were not permitted to travel without permission, and they had to carry a certificate of employment with them at all times.

4. Limiting job opportunities: African Americans were barred from several professions under the Mississippi Black Codes. For instance, they were not allowed to work as a lawyer, doctor, or any other profession that required formal education or licensing.

5. Limiting their right to own property: The Mississippi Black Codes placed restrictions on the ability of African Americans to own property. They were not allowed to purchase land in certain areas, which prevented them from becoming landowners and building wealth.

6. Imposing strict penalties for minor offenses: African Americans who were accused of minor offenses faced harsh penalties under the Mississippi Black Codes. They were often fined exorbitant sums of money, which they were unable to pay, and were then forced to work off the debt through labor or imprisonment.

7. Requiring African Americans to sign labor contracts: The Mississippi Black Codes required African Americans to sign labor contracts with white employers. These contracts often contained unfair and exploitative conditions, which further restricted their rights and freedoms.

For more such questions on Civil Rights of African American



Which statement best illustrates how Elizabeth Van Lew was able to return captured soldiers to Union lines?
• A. Van Lew passed information between prisoner volunteers and
Union generals.
• B. Van Lew created the spy ring called Van Lew's Ladies.
• c. Van Lew was a spy before she began volunteering at Libby Prison.
• D. While volunteering at Libby Prison, Van Lew made important
contacts with Union officials.



D. While volunteering at Libby Prison, Van Lew made important

contacts with Union officials.


During the Civil War, Elizabeth Van Lew volunteered at Libby Prison, where Union soldiers were being held captive. Through her work there, she made contacts with Union officials, including General Ulysses S. Grant, whom she provided with information about the conditions of the prison and the treatment of the prisoners. This allowed her to help arrange the escape of many Union soldiers, including returning them to Union lines. Van Lew's contacts and information gathering activities made her a valuable asset to the Union Army, and she was eventually appointed as a spy by General Grant.

A popular type of music radio program in the late 1920s was

A. The Nashville jubilee

B. The honky-think singalong

C. The opera show

D. The barn dance show


A popular type of music radio program in the late 1920s was The barn dance show. and Jazz Music of the 1920s, The upbeat sounds of jazz grew to be a favourite on the radio.

What kind of radio was used in the 1920s?

Crystal radios, like the one at left, have been among the first radios to be used and manufactured. These radios used a piece of lead galena crystal and a cat whisker to locate the radio signal. Crystal radios allowed many humans to be part of the radio craze in the Twenties because they were easy to make from home.

Jazz tune became wildly popular in the “Roaring Twenties,” a decade that witnessed unheard of financial increase and prosperity in the United States.

Learn more about program of the 1920s here:'

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a ____ is an order requiring that an official bring a specified prisoner into court and show the judge why the prisoner is being kept in jail. what the meaning of vocabulay ? Identify all the statements that are true regarding the main theory of primate social behavior.- Primate social behavior is influenced by evolution.- Genes of individuals who engage in behaviors favored by natural selection are passed from one generation to the next.- Social behaviors that enhance reproductive fitness are generally natural instincts rather than learned.- Behaviors that only enhance survival are favored by natural selection. Many amateur tennis players find it much easier to play tennis on a _______ surface as opposed to playing on a surface that is made from grass. hard core hard court hard pressed hard cash hard board Show the Structural feature that distinguishes whether a hydrocarbon is an(a)alkane(b)alkene(c)alkyne(d)aromaticGive an example for each of the above hydrocarbons. is staphylococcus aureus gram positive or negative ProFast Technologies makes and sells only one product, a high-quality server for secure cloud storage. ProFast was recently approached by Digital Territory, a large data warehouse that rents server space to commercial customers, about purchasing their company. Digital Territory is engaging in a. unrelated diversification. b. related diversification. c. vertical integration. d. differentiation, Social control can best be described as the techniques and strategies for preventing ______ behavior in any group or society. Grown ups are silly and suspicious.How?Give reason from the text. Two cars, one going due east at the rate of 90 km/hr and the other going to south at the rate of 60 km/hr are traveling toward the intersection of two roads. At what rate the two cars approaching each other at the instant when the first car is 0.2 km and the second car is 0.15 km from the intersection ? If you were to draw out the scene from Jane Eyre, from chapter 1 when John Reed throws a book at Jane, what would you title the picture? (Need help! Its for a project) thanks!!! Part II: Application and Critical Thinking (40 points)6. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe were three early Democratic Republicanpresidents. Write an essay at least three paragraphs long that explains and describes the significanceof their presidencies.Your essay should: Describe Jefferson's, Madison's, and Monroe's major goals Identify and explain Jefferson's, Madison's, and Monroe's domestic and foreign policiesDescribe the important achievements of the Jefferson, the Madison, and the Monroe presidencies the revenue agent who audited mr. and mrs. vento's form 1040 assessed a $49,200 tax deficiency. the ventos strongly disagree with the result of the audit. what is their first step in contesting the result? The nozzle has a diameter of 40 mm. Assume water is ideal fluid, that is, incompressible and frictionless (Figure 1) Part A If it discharges water with a velocity of 20 m/s against the fixed blade, determine the horizontal force exerted by the water on the blade. The blade divides the water evenly at an angle of -45 Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units. Figure 1 of 1 F-Value Units 40 mm Submit Request Answer Provide Feedback Next Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is. Agree because temperature is the measure of hotness or coldness expressed in terms of any of several skills, including Fahrenheit and Celsius. How could you revise statement to be more complete or correct? Which of the following statements about business ethics is true?Multiple ChoiceThey are skills needed to identify and overcome business problems.They are of decreasing significance to businesses in the post-trust era.They are self-formulated values prioritized and adhered to by individuals in business.They measure the extent to which employees care for the needs of the business.They are commonly held principles in the business community for acceptable behavior. Discuss two negative impact that load shedding would have on leaners Which stage of aerobic respiration produces the majority of the ATP yield? A.Glycolysis B.ChemiosmosisC.Citric acid cycle D.Electron transport chain IN A BOX PLOT , IF THE MEDIAN IS TO THE LEFT OF THE CENTER OF THE BOX AND THE RIGHT WHISKER IS SUBSTANTIALLY LONGER THAN THE LET WHISKER, THE DISTRIBUTION IS SKEWED LEFT OR RIGHT? What is the bond angle of carbonothioyl dibromideAlso what is the molecular shape