Fill in the blank with the French word that best completes the sentence.

Fill In The Blank With The French Word That Best Completes The Sentence.


Answer 1




it translates to the architect. and since the architect builds houses, it is the correct answer.

Answer 2



Bonsoir ,

L'architecte construit des maisons.

En fait , on dirait plutôt:

Le maçon construit des maisons.

L'architecte conçoit des maisons.

Related Questions

completez avec les verbes donnes. [etre, placer, ranger, suivre, envoyer, voir, dire, acheter, jeter, ouvrir, aimer, avoir, recevoir, repondre, faire.]

1. nous des invitations a nos amis

2. est-ce qu'ellles ....... .... leur chambre ?

3. .............-ils un grand appartement ? ............. dix ans ?

5. est ce que vous. francais ?

6. ma me're ............... toujours la mode.

7. vous ............. bonjour au professeur?

8. nous nos livres sur la table.

9. dominique ............... la porte-fenetre.

10. les enfants .......... ......... des cadeaux de leurs parents.

11. sylivie ne ............. jamais dans la classe.

12. est ce que vous .......... votre devoir?

13. nous ............ un born film avec nos cousins.

14. il ........... la mustique classique.

15. pourquoi ............-vous ces journaux ?



1. nous ...envoyons.... des invitations a nos amis

2. est-ce qu'elles ...rangent... .... leur chambre ?

3. ...Achètent..........-ils un grand appartement ? .....a ........ dix ans ?

5. est ce que vous  ( parlez) francais ?

6. ma mère  ......est......... toujours la mode.

7. vous .......dites ...... bonjour au professeur?

8. nous...  plaçons ...nos livres sur la table.

9. dominique .....ouvre......... la porte-fenetre.

10. les enfants ........reçoivent . ......... des cadeaux de leurs parents.

11. sylivie ne ....répond ....... jamais dans la classe.

12. est ce que vous ....faites ...... votre devoir?

13. nous .suivons ( voyons) ........ un bon film avec nos cousins.

14. il .....aime ...... la musique classique.

15. pourquoi ...jetez.........-vous ces journaux ?

1. Nous envoyons
2. Elles rangent
3. Achètent
4. Il a
5. Vous êtes
6. Est
7. Dites
8. Plaçons
9. Ouvre
10. Reçoivent
11. Répond
12. Faites
13. Voyons
14. Aime
15. Jetez-vous

Au Québec, le mot souper veut dire:

le repas qu'on mange le soir.
le repas qu'on mange à midi.
le repas qu'on mange le matin.



Je suppose que c'est la même signification qu'en Belqique, où on  soupe le soir.

Réponse A.


Au Québec, le mot souper veut dire:

le repas qu'on mange le soir.


déjeuner (break fast), dîner, souper

The castle was tall and majestic. is this passe compose or imperfait


The castle was tall and majestic. is this passe compose or imperfaitThe PC will describe a specific action that took place at a precise time. Ils sont entrés – they came in. When used in the same sentence, Imparfait will be used for the background action, the longer action that's going on, and Passé-composé for the specific shorter action.

when you describe a situation (be it a scene, a person, or the whether) in the past, it is imparfait.

Fill in the blank with the best word choice

1. Est-ce que tu

le français?
2. Vous

souvent le train?
3. Est-ce que vous voulez

des tomates ou des brocolis? (eat)
4. Je voudrais un

, s'il vous plaît. (lemonade)
5. Yolande veut commander

de fromage.
6. Est-ce que tu prends

? Il y a des huîtres!
— Non, je n'ai pas très faim. Je prends juste un plat principal.
7. Est-ce que tu laisses

— Non, le service est compris.

, c'est un sandwich grillé avec du jambon et du fromage.
9. Tu manges souvent

10. Est-ce que tu prends

? Il y a des profiteroles au chocolat!




1. Est-ce que tu "parles" le français ?

2. Vous "prenez" souvent le train ?

3. Est-ce que vous voulez des tomates ou du brocolis ?

4. Je voudrais une "limonade", s'il vous plaît ?

5. Yolande veut commande "du" fromage.

6. Est-ce que tu prends une entrée?

7. Est-ce que tu laisse "un pourboire" ?

8. Un croque monsieur, c'est----------------- et du fromage.

9. Tu manges souvent "au" restaurant ?

10.  Est-ce que tu prends "un dessert" ?

Need help with this French assignment




1. les frites

2. la bière

3. le café

4. l'eau minérale

Écrivez les verbes au présent.
(faire) des courses. Elle
(acheter) deux baguettes.



I can’t tell if this was asked to be translated but here you go (Isabelle (shopping). She (buy) two chopsticks.)


Réponse: Isabelle fait des courses/Elle achète deux baguettes.

A friend is calling his sister from his parents’ house to talk to her about what means of transportation various people are using to come visit their parents to celebrate their 50th anniversary. Using the image and person or people indicated, write a sentence telling how each of them is coming. Use the verb venir.



3. Ton mari et toi venez en bateau.

4. Moi, je viens en bus.

Célestine's stepbrother bought a new car. Vrai ou faux ?




The correct answer is Faux


correct on edge

Complete the statements to say where things in the illustration are located. You are entering the room and standing in the doorway.









à côté

Fill in the blank with the best option
_________ le jus de fruit
Si, mais je n'ai pas soif

A. tu aimes

B. Aimes-tu

C. Tu n'aimes pas




Tu n'aimes pas le jus de fruit ?

Si, mais je n'ai pas soif

C. Tu n'aimes pas

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate translations of the words in parentheses. (Spell out the numbers)
1. Nous avons acheté fleurs. (85)
2. Il y a cinquante personnes à ce concert. (550)
3. Je vais arriver à Charles de Gaulle à heures et demie. (9:30 a.m.)
4. Ma classe commence à heures. (2 p.m.— remember to use the 24-hour clock!)
5. Elle ne s'est pas les cheveux. (wash)
6. Tu te ? (comb one's hair)
7. , ils vont à la piscine. (today)
8. L'etudiant a parlé à son professeur. (frankly)
9. Georges a écrit son exposé. (concisely)
10. Le docteur travaillle . (precisely)

Translate the following sentences into French.
11. I go to bed at midnight.
12. Do you (informal) brush your teeth?
13. I am not putting on makeup.
14. The little girls woke up early. .
15. Finally we ate dinner.
16. We often visit the museum.
17. I have been skiing for one week.
18. How long have you (formal) been teaching?
19. The grandmother patiently plays with the children.
20. Mme Juneau spoke very politely.



Is the following correct?

1. quatre-vingt-cinq


neuf heures et demie

Translate the following sentences into French.

1 J'ai  fait du ski pendant  une semaine.

20. Mme Juneau parlait  très poliment.



1. quatre-vingt-cinq

2. (550) cinq cent cinquante /50=cinquante

3. neuf heures et demie

4. quatorze heures

5. lavée

6. peignes

7. Aujourd'hui

8. franchement

9. avec concision

10. précisément

11. Je me couche à minuit.

12. Est-ce que tu te brosses les dents ?

13. Je ne me maquille pas.

14. Les petites filles se sont réveillées tôt.

15. Enfin, nous avons dîné.

16. Nous visitons souvent le musée.

17. J'ai  fait du ski pendant  une semaine.

18. Depuis quand enseignez-vous?

19. La grand-mère joue patiemment avec les enfants.

20. Mme Juneau parlait  très poliment.

Using a direct object pronoun rewrite each sentence. Follow the model.
Model: Dominique écoute ce CD.
Answer: Il l’écoute.

1. Nous achetons cet ordinateur.
2. Je vais faire mes devoirs.
3. Il mange son gâteau.
4. Ils achètent ces lunettes.
5. Benoît regarde ses DVD.
6. Ma mère admire cette robe.



1. Nous l'achetons.

2. Je vais les faire.

3. Il le mange.

4. Ils les achètent.

5. Il les regarde.

6. Elle l'admire.

In this question we use a direct object pronoun, we rewrite each sentence.

Direct object pronoun

1. Nous avons acheté cet ordinateur.

Il achète.

2. Je ferai mes devoirs.

faire la leçon

3. Il mange son gâteau.

Il mange

4. Ils achètent ces lunettes.

Ils achètent

5. Ben regarde ses DVD.

Il regarde

6. Ma mère admire cette robe.

elle admire

To learn French it takes practice, and this is great practice.

Pour apprendre le français, il faut de la pratique, et c'est une excellente pratique.

Learn more about French in

For beautiful lady do I use;
Belle dame ou Belle Femme?
But I feel like Belle dame would be better. I just wanted to know which I should use.



use belle dame


Belle dame you should use

need help on question 6





Ce sont d'autres accusations fausses.



6. Ce sont d'autres accusations fausses.

Select whether each sentence is true (vrai) or false (faux).

1. L’Ottawa est la plus grande province du Canada.



2. Le Québec est la province francophone la plus importante du Canada.



3. Aux États-Unis, on parle français dans plusieurs communautés près de la frontière canadienne et en Louisiane.



4. Montréal est la capitale et la plus grande ville de la province du Québec.



5. Plus de 25 % de la population du Canada habitent au Québec.







1. L’Ottawa est la plus grande province du Canada.


2. Le Québec est la province francophone la plus importante du Canada.


3. Aux États-Unis, on parle français dans plusieurs communautés près de la frontière canadienne et en Louisiane.


4. Montréal est la capitale et la plus grande ville de la province du Québec.


5. Plus de 25 % de la population du Canada habitent au Québec.


Choisissez le bon adjectif superlatif. (Choose the correct superlative adjective)

Gérard Depardieu est l'acteur _____________________ de France.

le moins grand
le plus petit
le plus doué



Gérard DEPARDIEU est l'acteur "le plus doué" de France.

Bonjour,merci de bien vouloir fermer mon compte.


Noooo don’t delete your account!


Pourquoi voudriez-vous supprimer votre compte?? Si vous souhaitez repartir de zéro, vous pouvez créer un autre compte.

L'avion vlent juste d'arriver senegal?



L'avion vient juste d'arriver "du" Sénégal ?


the question states 'Is the plane going to arrive in Senegal?'

a possible answer may be yes the plane is going to arrive in Senegal. which is: Oui, l'avion va arriver au Sénégal.

or a negative, no the plane is not going to arrive in Senegal. which is: Non, l'avion ne va pas arriver au Sénégal.

if the question needs to be fixed gramatically, it should be: L'avion va-t-il atterrir au Sénégal ?

bonne journée :)

(have a great day)

hope I helped <2+1

A friend is calling his sister from his parents’ house to talk to her about what means of transportation various people are using to come visit their parents to celebrate their 50th anniversary. Using the image and person or people indicated, write a sentence telling how each of them is coming. Use the verb venir.




Tante Lulu vient à pied.

La famille Dupont vient en taxi.

give two examples of traditional religious wise saying which teach good ​morals​



1 helping others for no cost cuz helping is not a deal its your humanity.

2 respect every creation and every creatures of this planet cuz this all doesnot belongs to us that we can rule on.

Complete the statements to say where things in the illustration are located. You are entering the room and standing in the doorway.









à côté

Listen to the audio and then answer the question that follows.
0:00 / 0:06
What's the weather like today?



where is the audio


can't do it without audio



There is no wind.
It’s hot.


translated it!

The carnivals in Quebec and Louisiana are more similar than different.



Quebec is almost 90% French speaking, all the signs are in French,most of the people speak French all the time, i suppose many think they are going to a little piece of France when they go to Quebec. Louisiana French is just cultural heritage from a bygone era and not that prevalent compared to Quebec.


Quebec is way more liberal in a political sense than Louisiana for starters, plus it is way more influenced by French culture including having a majority of the population speaking French. Most people in Louisiana don't speak the French language for starters (mostly because they discouraged it in the past, although there are some attempts to revive the language in schools) and in Northern Louisiana most people don't even have a French/French Creole influence or background. Not to mention the fact that Quebec lacks the large influence of Blacks/African Americans which provided a large foundation for current Louisiana culture.


Robert is writing some checks. Write the numbers in numerals.


quatre cent (400) soixante- treize (73)= 473
mille (1000) huit (8) cent (100)= 1,800
sept (7) cent (100) mille (1000)= 700,000
deuz (2) millions (1,000,000)= 2,000,000
huit (8) millions (1,000,000) trois (3) cent (100) vingt-neuf (29) mille (1000) deuz (2) cents (100)= 8,329,200

Complete each sentence with the appropriate choice from the list. Note: You may use some expressions more than once.
C'est | Ce sont | Il est | Elle est | Ils sont | Elles sont





C'est Léa.

Elle est  très sympa.

Ce sont mes professeurs.

Il est français.

C'est David.

Il est étudiant.

Elles sont américaines.

Ce sont des sœurs.


1.  C'est   /   Elle est

2.  Ce sont /  Ils sont

3.  C'est  /  Il est

4.  Elles sont /  Elle sont


You use il, elle, ils, elles if someone has been previously mentioned.

Select the correct answer.
Which phrase best completes the second sentence?

C’est ma première visite en Afrique. ______________ faire des safaris.
Je dois
Il est obligatoire de
Je voudrais bien
Il est nécessaire de


It’s c please give me brainliest

Write a letter to your friend in abroad telling him/her about your country



Dear, Mashayla(friends name)

You should totally come to my country! It's totally awesome it's amazing here there is so much fun stuff to do here! I hope you come and visit soon!

I dunno if u was supposed to write a letter so thas what i did


I’m gonna tell them all the wonderful things they’d explore if they go in my country. Not just the tourists spot but also on how hospitable people are there. And our food, culture, language, and so many other thighs that are fun to try.

centre commercial

David.- Isabelle, qu'est-ce que tu _______ ________ demain ?

Isabelle.- Je vais faire les soldes avec Aurélie au ________.

David.- Ah, oui, est-ce que tu
vas ________
un cadeau d'anniversaire pour ta mère ?

Isabelle.- Non, j'ai déjà acheté un livre à la ________
pour son anniversaire.

David.- Quel livre ?

Isabelle.- Le Comte de Monte Cristo, d'Alexandre Dumas.

David.- Mais est-ce que ta mère _______
le français ?

Isabelle.- Oui, j'ai ______
la version française.



David.- Isabelle, qu'est-ce que tu _______fais ________ demain ?

Isabelle.- Je vais faire les soldes avec Aurélie au __centre commercial

David.- Ah, oui, est-ce que tu

vas __aller acheter ______

un cadeau d'anniversaire pour ta mère ?

Isabelle.- Non, j'ai déjà acheté un livre à la __librairie ______

pour son anniversaire.

David.- Quel livre ?

Isabelle.- Le Comte de Monte Cristo, d'Alexandre Dumas.

David.- Mais est-ce que ta mère __comprend_____

le français ?

Isabelle.- Oui, j'ai __choisi ____

la version française.


David.- Isabelle, qu'est-ce que tu "fais" demain ?

Isabelle.- Je vais faire les soldes avec Aurélie au "centre commercial".

David.- Ah, oui, est-ce que tu "vas aller" acheter un cadeau d'anniversaire pour ta mère ?

Isabelle.- Non, j'ai déjà acheté un livre à la "librairie "pour son anniversaire.

David.- Quel livre ?

Isabelle.- Le Comte de Monte Cristo, d'Alexandre Dumas.

David.- Mais est-ce que ta mère "comprend" le français ?

Isabelle.- Oui, j'ai "choisi" la version française.

Which type of treatment uses medicines prepared from plants?


We can’t just say it’s ayurvedic treatment but halopathic medicines like tranquillisers and analgesics are extracted from plants.
Like morphine is obtainable from Somniferum papaver. Etc


Ayurveda uses medicines prepared from plants.


Cecile et Pierre sont fans de mode



ohh ok but how did you know that?

sorry, i dont understand how to answer this question
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If 50 liters of wind, how much oxygen is needed? I WILL MARK THE ANSWER AS BRAINLIEST BE CORRECT BEFORE YOU ANSWER PLEASELOOK AT THE PROBLEM A study of performance in business organizations found that workers with higher ____ were rated as more effective leaders, as well as being more responsible for others, by their co-workers, supervisors, and subordinates.a. external locus of control b. guilt-proneness c. need to achieve d. narcissism What makes you a better choice over other people applying ?**Application* What is the inverse of function f? f(x)=10/9+11 Question 1. Devonia hits her head with a closed fist when her one-on-one teaching assistant leaves her side to interact with another student. Usually, when Devonia does this, her teaching assistant returns to her side, asks her to stop hitting herself, and soothes her. She rarely engages in head hitting when her assistant works directly with her. What is the most likely function of Devonia's problem behavior? Read the speech "Voluntourism: An Opportunity Too Good to be True" and consider the advertisement "The Opportunity of a Lifetime." Then, answer the question.Voluntourism: An Opportunity Too Good to be TrueA Speech to the Student Body of Evergreen High[1] Picture this: It's Spring Break, and you fly off to some country where there's lush rainforests and beautiful, blue coastlines to explore. There's also people in need, so you decide to blend your vacation with volunteering. Volunteering as a tourist, or voluntourism, seems like a great way to explore new regions and help people at the same time. However, this "volunteer plus travel" experience can actually harm local communities. While many teens might view traveling and volunteering abroad as a worthwhile adventure, there are more genuine and effective ways to make a difference.[2] Most would agree that volunteering in general is a worthy use of time. However, what if you found out the children you are "helping" are actually being kept in poor conditions so voluntourists will spend money to come to the local area? Dale Rolfe, a supporter of ethical voluntourism, explains the shocking reality that "Animal sanctuaries and orphanages are often manufactured for the voluntourist...encouraging a cycle of exploiting the very animals and children the volunteers are trying to help."[3] Proponents of the "volunteer plus travel" experience also argue that traveling to new places builds character and is a valuable way to learn about different cultures. With voluntourism, however, participants often pursue experiences that are all about them. For example, they sign up to build a school for a gold star on their resume, but they have no real building skills and take jobs away from local construction workers (Schulten). Or, they arrive to teach English but instead take selfies with the locals. One world traveler and ethical voluntourist believes voluntourism "can perpetuate small minded views of the world by taking insulated, fake, and structured experiences and selling them as unabridged and eye opening" (Carlos). The voluntour experience is a mirage. The voluntourist's eyes are not opened to real life at the destination, and lasting change is not achieved.[4] If you want a genuine experience where you can see a lasting impact, there are better options than voluntourism. You can volunteer in your local community. Give an hour every week to your town's animal rescue. Serve monthly dinners to the homeless. Be a reliable, positive influence on a child who needs a mentor. Studies show that volunteering and forming lasting relationships with those you help has a positive impact on your physical and emotional health. In fact, blood pressure is reduced, memory is improved, and rates of depression are reduced (Michaels).[5] There is another reason to look into alternatives to voluntourism. Did you know the average "voluntour" travel package costs $3,400 (Rolfe)? Could that travel money be better spent? If the world's citizens are your passion, it could go to an international organization. If you care about education, your funds can be used to buy books for students in faraway lands. If you want villagers to have clean water, contribute funds to local efforts to dig wells. If you want to experience a different culture, travel to the country as a guest, and learn from the locals how you can best help them after you've returned home. But do not voluntour.[6] In reality, there are better ways to make a difference. Voluntourism might appear to be an adventure that blends travel and helping others, but it does little except provide a costly, superficial experience that might actually do more harm than good. So, volunteer where you are most needed-at home, where you can stay to see the job through and form genuine, lasting relationships. Choose a beautiful coastline closer to home and send the travel money you saved to an international organization that will put it to good use. Whatever you do, don't turn someone else's hardship into your vacation."The Opportunity of a Lifetime"A magazine advertisement with the title Both texts (the speech and the advertisement) address voluntourism. However, each text has a different purpose, which is reflected by the details each writer chose to include. Consider the words and images used.In a paragraph of 6-8 sentences, identify what each text emphasizes and explain how that emphasis reveals each author's position on voluntourism. 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