Can someone please write a five paragraph story about a pet peeve you have or something that happened in your life that drives you crazy. Give details about why it drives you crazy and examples from past experiences!


Answer 1

Lena has always been annoyed by people who chew with their mouths open. It's a pet peeve of hers that drives her crazy, and she can't stand being around people who do it. Lena can't pinpoint exactly why it bothers her so much, but the sound of smacking and slurping noises makes her skin crawl.

One of Lena's worst experiences with this pet peeve happened during a dinner party at a friend's house. One of the guests, a man named Jack, chewed his food so loudly that Lena couldn't concentrate on anything else. Every time Jack took a bite, Lena felt her irritation rise. She tried to ignore it, but it was too much to handle.

Another time, Lena went on a date with a guy who chewed with his mouth open throughout the entire meal. She couldn't wait for the date to end so she could get away from the noise. Lena tried to politely suggest that he close his mouth while chewing, but he didn't seem to understand why it bothered her so much.

Lena's pet peeve even extends to her own family. Her brother, who lives with her, is a loud chewer as well. Lena has tried to talk to him about it, but he just brushes it off and continues to chew with his mouth open.

Despite her annoyance with the pet peeve, Lena tries to control her reactions to it. She knows that it's a small thing in the grand scheme of things, but it's hard to ignore. Lena continues to work on her patience and understanding, hoping that one day she'll be able to overlook the sound of open-mouth chewing.

Related Questions

someone rate my essay. and actually give me good suggestions

here's my essay:

More teens are using E-cigarettes.
Teen's mental health is getting worse due to E-cigarettes. Each year a large number of teens get intrigued by vapes. This issue is essential because E-cigarettes are the central causes of mysterious lung diseases, organ damage, and addiction. Supporters argue that the government should put more regulations on the vaping industry as it is a danger to our health and opponents argue that strictly regulating the industry infringes on their rights.
One reason the government should regulate vaping is that it can be addictive among the young age group. The article “Vaping and E-cigarettes”, shows evidence of why vaping is harmful to teens. The article mentions a report by Surgeon Luther Terry. He states, “ smoking lowered life expectancy and was a chief cause of lung cancer and other diseases”. This statement by Terry gives a clear reason why the government should regulate E-cigarettes. They can be life-threatening and cause incurable diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's. Additionally, a CDC announcement was made in 2019, stating that more than 2,600 people have been sickened, and at least 60 killed, since the epidemic of vaping-related lung illnesses. Smoking, the CDC states, is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Additional studies found smokers to be twice as likely as nonsmokers to suffer a stroke or to develop heart disease, and 10 times more likely to die of chronic obstructive lung disease. About 480,000 Americans die each year as a result of smoking-related illnesses. A September 2018 study, published by Tobacco Control estimated, based on data from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission that
vaping devices caused more than 2,000 explosions and burn injuries in the United States from 2015 to 2017. E-cigarettes are powered with batteries that can overheat if not properly handled or well stored, and could lead to severe injuries or even death. Due to the unsafe and life-threatening conditions of vaping, the government should regulate vaping, to prevent these issues from occurring. Vapes contain addictive chemicals like food flavors, tobacco, and nicotine. The chemicals they include in the vapes are addictive, poisoning, and can harm the developing brain. King James, an English monarch, denounced smoking in 1604, calling it "loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs,". The popularity of cigarettes in the United States grew unsteadily over the next few decades. Despite its popularity and health consequences. E-cigarettes were also found to be harmful to our environment. A study from Truth Initiative estimates that More than half (51%) of young e-cigarette users reported disposing of used e-cigarette pods or empty disposables in the trash, 17% in a regular recycling bin not designed for e-cigarette waste, and 10% reported they simply throw them on the ground, according to Truth Initiative research conducted in 2020. In another study by the Truth initiative in 2019, almost half (46.9%) of e-cigarette device owners said that the e-cigarette devices they used currently did not provide any disposal information, such as where to send used batteries or empty pods. E-cigarette manufacturers do not provide their consumers with guidance on how to properly dispose of their devices. E-cigarette manufacturers take advantage of young consumers through media, education, and even news. According to NBC News, some e-cigarette sellers have offered scholarships by asking students to write essays regarding the potential benefits of vaping, some with age restrictions. Dam Goldstein, director of Tobacco Intervention Programs at UNC-Chapel Hill, explains in an interview that “essays that require kids to write about potential positive health benefits, from their perspective as kids, really is manipulating kids in ways that are disingenuous.”. These scholarships directly target young people that are willing to get a scholarship. E-cigarette manufacturers also use the internet to spread their marketing, encouraging young people to consume their products and influencing their peers to follow their steps.

Young consumers need to be more educated about E-cigarettes as they are a huge problem in our community. The government should regulate the vaping industry to prevent teens from using them. Adding regulations like age limits can prevent lung diseases and addiction. It could provide them with a better future and a healthier mental state.



Add some additional detail on your points, and a more thorough discussion of counterarguments.


Your essay as a whole is pretty good, but if you want it to be more solid you need to make sure to have a good rebuttal to counterclaims. I see that you have the part about the essay that required kids to write about potential positive health benefits, but you could also include things that people say about how it helps them relax and its not as bad as cigarettes. Additionally, you should look into more transition words and phrases. Your sentences are somewhat blunt because they start and stop. It could flow better.

Use context to determine the meaning of the word unabated as it is used in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. Write your definition of unabated here and tell how you found it.


Answer: The word "unabated" is used in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave in the following sentence: "The fatal poison of irresponsible power was already in her hands, and soon commenced its infernal work. That cheerful eye, under the influence of slavery, soon became red with rage; that voice, made all of sweet accord, changed to one of harsh and horrid discord; and that angelic face gave place to that of a demon." In this context, "unabated" can be inferred to mean "continuing without any reduction in intensity or strength."

The author is describing how the slaveholder's power over the slaves has a corrupting influence on her character, causing her previously kind demeanor to transform into one of rage and discord. The use of "unabated" emphasizes the unrelenting and persistent nature of this transformation, and suggests that it is unlikely to diminish or fade away.

I found the meaning of the word "unabated" by analyzing the surrounding context and considering its common usage. In general, "unabated" is used to describe something that continues without any decrease in intensity or strength, and in this sentence, it fits well with the author's description of the slaveholder's transformation.


Which of the following statements about a do … while repetition statement is true?
a. The body of a do … while loop is executed only if the terminating condition is true.
b. The body of a do … while loop is executed only once.
c. The body of a do … while loop is always executed at least once.
d. None of the above.


The correct answer is option C: "The body of a do … while loop is always executed at least once."

This is because the condition at the end of the loop is checked after the first execution of the loop body.

Therefore, if the condition is false, the loop body will not be executed. However, if the condition is true, the loop body will execute at least once.

To know more about this visit - Which of the following statements about a do … while repetition statement is true? :


1. Why did Polonius always pay attention to Hamlet?

2. Why did Hamlet suffer from an emotional struggle?

3. Who was killed by Hamlet? why?

4. How did Ophelia react after her father died?

5. What happened to Hamlet after he was accused of killing Polonius?

6. What caused the conflict between Hamlet and Laertes?

8. How did Hamlet return to Denmark?

9. What did he see when he returned?

10. In order to solve the conflict, what did Cladius and Laertes arrange?

11. What were their plans in order to kill Hamlet at any cost?

12. Who died at the end of the play?

13. Who was alive to tell the story?​


Polonius investigated Hamlet, who was troubled by his father's death, his mother's remarriage, and his existential crisis. Hamlet killed Polonius, leading to a deadly conflict. All died, except Horatio.

As the king and queen's counselor, Polonius was concerned about Hamlet since he was the queen's son and would pose a danger to the monarchy's stability. After his father passed away unexpectedly and his mother remarried his uncle—whom he assumed had murdered his father—Hamlet experienced inner upheaval. Hamlet's mental condition was exacerbated by his internal conflict about his own existence and purpose. Hamlet accidentally killed Polonius in a moment of rage and frustration, which sparked a fight with Laertes, Polonius's son. Hamlet escaped to London after being charged with murder, but he later came back to Denmark and learned that Ophelia, the woman he had been in love with, had died. Claudius and Laertes plotted to kill each other to end the argument.

learn more about Hamlet here:


Reflect on the Brobdingnagian king’s reaction to Gulliver’s offer of gunpowder. Most societies consider gunpowder a significant, albeit dangerous, invention. Why does the king dismiss Gulliver’s offer? Write an essay describing an innovation or creation in your own world that you would have rejected if you had the power to do so. Include an explanation of why you chose this specific development and what the modern world might look like without it.


In Jonathan Swift's novel "Gulliver's Travels," Gulliver finds himself in the land of the giants, known as Brobdingnag. During his stay, he attempts to impress the king with his knowledge and skills, including his offer of gunpowder. However, the king dismisses his offer, stating that the use of gunpowder would lead to the destruction of humanity. This scene highlights the Brobdingnagian king's wisdom and foresight, as he understands the destructive nature of such an invention.

Similarly, there have been many innovations and creations in our world that have had significant impacts, both positive and negative. If given the power to reject one of these developments, I would choose to reject plastic.

Plastic was first developed in the early 20th century and has since become a ubiquitous material in our modern world. It is used in everything from packaging and consumer goods to medical equipment and construction materials. However, its widespread use has led to severe environmental consequences, including pollution of the oceans and landfills.

Without plastic, the modern world would look vastly different. The packaging and transportation of goods would have to rely on alternative materials, such as paper or biodegradable plastics. Medical equipment and electronics would need to be made from other materials, which may not be as durable or cost-effective as plastic. The construction industry would also have to find alternatives to plastic-based materials, which could impact the efficiency and affordability of building projects.

However, rejecting plastic would also have many benefits. The environment would be much healthier, with fewer plastic waste products polluting the oceans and landfills. The development of alternative materials could also lead to new innovations and industries, as companies work to find more sustainable solutions.

In conclusion, the Brobdingnagian king's reaction to Gulliver's offer of gunpowder highlights the importance of understanding the potential impacts of new innovations and creations. If given the power to reject one such development in our modern world, I would choose to reject plastic due to its significant environmental impact. While the rejection of plastic would undoubtedly have its challenges, it would also lead to a more sustainable and healthier world in the long run.

how does hamilton use rhetoric in paragraph 3 when addressing the importance of an independent judiciary?


Hamilton argues that an independent judiciary is necessary to protect the rights of citizens and prevent the government from becoming tyrannical.

He uses rhetorical devices such as parallelism and repetition to emphasize his points and persuade the reader of the importance of an independent judiciary.Here's a breakdown of how Hamilton uses rhetoric in paragraph 3:Parallelism: Hamilton uses parallel structure to make his argument more persuasive.

He starts two consecutive sentences with the same phrase "the complete independence of the courts of justice," which emphasizes the importance of this idea and drives it home to the reader repetition: Hamilton also repeats the word "judiciary" multiple times in the paragraph.

Learn more about independent judiciary here:


What would you do if you had a magic pencil? How would you used it And why? Explain pls



To begin with,

if I would have a magic pencil I will get all my favorite food wherever and whenever I want.

I would have all my superhero toys.

I will also get all the things that my friends would want and make them happy.

I can done my all homework.

I help others.

I will always top in my exam's..

Use the dictionary entry and the sentence to determine the italicized word's part of speech.
"I object to your tone of voice."

Answer: B verb


The italicized word "object" in the sentence "I object to your tone of voice" is a verb. According to the dictionary entry, "object" can function as both a noun and a verb, but in this context, it is being used as a verb.

As a verb, "object" means to express or feel disapproval or opposition to something.Ways to identify the part of speech in a sentenceThe following ways can be used to identify the part of speech in a sentence;Identify the function of the word in the sentence: Depending on the way the word is used in a sentence, it may be a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, or other parts of speech.Identify the ending of the word: Some words' endings can identify the part of speech of the word.

For instance, words ending in -ly are often adverbs, while those ending in -able or -ible are usually adjectives.Use a dictionary: When in doubt, a dictionary entry can help identify a word's part of speech. The dictionary entry lists a word's meaning and its part of speech.

Learn more about italicized word's part of speech here:


Reread the fourth stanza (lines 58-111). What is his attitude toward nature now as opposed to before?


In the fourth stanza, he feels a deeper, more mature connection to nature, which he calls "a presence that disturbs me with the joy/ Of elevated thoughts."

What does stanza four of  "Tintern Abbey" by Wordsworth all about?

In the fourth stanza of "Tintern Abbey," the speaker expresses a deeper appreciation and understanding of nature compared to his earlier, more superficial view of it. He now recognizes the healing and restorative power of nature, as well as its ability to bring peace and comfort to the human mind. He also acknowledges the role that memory plays in shaping his perception of nature, and how his memories of the landscape have become intertwined with his sense of self. Overall, the speaker's attitude toward nature has evolved from one of simple enjoyment to one of reverence and spiritual connection.

Find more exercises on Tintern Abbey;


Read the quotation from "the author to her book". "i cast thee by as one unfit for light, thy visage was so irksome in my sight; yet being mine own, at length affection would thy blemishes amend, if so i could" in this excerpt, bradstreet uses the word visage to express the idea that:___.a. she felt her writing was perfect to all. b. her writing had the appearance of a child. c. her writing was beautiful to look at. d. she was not happy with her writing’s appearance.





her choice of words

The word visage to express the idea that she was not happy with her writing’s appearance. So, the correct option is D.

What is Writing?

Writing is an intellectual activity that uses writing systems to organize and interpret human thoughts into durable records of human language. It also involves physical and neurological processes.

Any customary set of markings or signs that reflect the words of a language are considered to be writing. Writing makes language clear. Writing is definite and lasting in contrast to speech, which is fleeting. Writing and speaking both rely on the basic linguistic patterns.

A writing system, also known as a script or orthography, is made up of a collection of distinguishable marks, shapes, or constructions called personalities or graphs which are connected to specific linguistic structures.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Writing, here:


Can someone help with a sentence starter?

It’s The Queen Bee


In order for the queen bee to be considered an allegory, the story would need to contain a clear analogy between the queen bee and some concept or idea

Queen bee

A queen bee is an adult, mated female (gyne) who lives in a honey bee colony or hive. The queen, with fully developed reproductive organs, is usually the mother of the majority, if not all, of the bees in the beehive.  Queens are created from larvae chosen by worker bees and specially fed in order to reach sexual maturity. When there is only one adult, mated queen in a hive, the bees will usually follow and fiercely protect her.The term "queen bee" refers to any dominant reproductive female in a colony of a eusocial bee species other than honey bees. However, as in the case of the Brazilian stingless bee Schwarziana quadripunctata, a single nest may contain multiple queens or even dwarf queens, ready to replace a dominant queen in the event of her death.

To know more about Bee, click on the link :


, and conditioned response in psychology are associated), has used little or no mathematics. question in the second sentence of the first paragraph, the authors mention cookbooks, catalogues, and telephone books primarily to


In the second sentence of the first paragraph, the authors mention cookbooks, catalogues, and telephone books primarily to provide examples of everyday learning.

Learning Theories are the explanation for how people learn. Learning is the process by which someone acquires new knowledge or a new skill or changes the way they view the environment. The author mentions cookbooks, catalogues, and telephone books in the second sentence of the first paragraph to give examples of everyday learning.

Learning theory is concerned with how people acquire new knowledge or skills, including the concept of memory, motivation, cognitive development, and how memory works. Learning theories are essential in the field of psychology, as they provide a way for psychologists to understand and explain how people learn.

Learn more about paragraph


lesson 2 homework practice complementary and supplementary angles classify each pair of angles as complementary, supplementary, or neither.


To classify each pair of angles as complementary, supplementary, or neither, you need to know the definition of complementary angles and supplementary angles.

Step by step Explanation:

Definition of Complementary Angles: Two angles are said to be complementary if the sum of their measures is 90 degrees.

Definition of Supplementary Angles: Two angles are said to be supplementary if the sum of their measures is 180 degrees.

Now, let us classify each pair of angles as complementary, supplementary, or neither:

30 degrees and 60 degrees, Since 30 degrees + 60 degrees = 90 degrees, they are complementary angles.

40 degrees and 140 degrees, Since 40 degrees + 140 degrees = 180 degrees, they are supplementary angles.

60 degrees and 100 degrees, Since 60 degrees + 100 degrees ≠ 90 degrees or 180 degrees, they are neither complementary nor supplementary.

125 degrees and 55 degrees, Since 125 degrees + 55 degrees = 180 degrees, they are supplementary angles.

Learn more about complementary angles and supplementary angles at: 'Complementary angles'


The outsiders

Ponyboy shivered as he recalled the Socs jumping him and asking if he.

a. Thought he was tuff

b. Had one brother or two

c. Wanted to take a ride in the Corvair

d. Needed a haircut


Ponyboy shivered as he recalled the Socs jumping him and asking if he "b. had one brother or two." This question is significant because it highlights the rivalry and tension between the Greasers and the Socs, two opposing groups from different socioeconomic backgrounds.

Ponyboy's response, "I had two," further aggravates the Socs and leads to a violent attack. This event is a turning point in the story and sets up the conflict between the Greasers and the Socs that drives the plot forward.

The question also touches on the theme of family, which is central to the story, as Ponyboy's relationships with his brothers are a major source of support and stability in his life.

Hence the correct answer is option B.

To learn more about Ponyboy shivered here:


what does dahai accuse the village chief of, based on a conversation he has with friends early on in the film?


Dahai accuses the village chief of being dishonest and corrupt based on a conversation he has with friends early on in the movie.

The village chief is depicted as a dishonest and corrupt person. It is said that he has political connections that he uses to manipulate things to his advantage.In the film, Dahai is shown to be a former official who has lost his position. He is shown as an older man who is initially seen as a sympathetic character.

Dahai claims that the village chief is only interested in his own interests and has no regard for the welfare of others. He tells his friends that the village chief uses his power and connections to control the people in the village and maintain his own wealth and power.

Learn more about Dahai's village here:


Mother Earth . .. is no more than the commonality of organisms and the physical environment they
maintain with each passing moment, an environment that will destabilize and turn lethal if the organisms
are disturbed too much. ... To disregard the diversity of life is to risk catapulting ourselves into an alien
environment. We will have become like the pilot whales that inexplicably beach themselves on New England
Which of the following choices best expresses the type of appeal Wilson uses in this passage?
© The author uses logos to develop his argument by providing factual information about pilot whales in New
• The author uses logos to develop his argument by gaining sympathy for the pilot whales in New England.
O The author uses pathos to develop his argument by including emotionally charged language to evoke a
• The author uses pathos to develop his argument by chastising the reader for the destruction of the


The author uses pathos to develop his argument by including emotionally charged language to evoke a response.

Save Mother Earth

The Earth can be saved in a variety of ways. One significant step that doesn't take much work is reducing our use of plastic. We can prevent Mother Earth from warming up and other ecological issues by raising awareness about the effects of our actions.We should take good care of the Earth because it is our home. Global warming, pollution, and a drop in sea level have put our planet in danger. It's time to go past complacency and act.Our Earth is about to undergo a change, so we must move immediately. Getting rid of our carbon footprint is the most effective method to protect Mother Nature. We can improve the condition of the earth by creating and achieving sustainability goals.Reducing our carbon emissions is another way we can rescue the earth. To do this, governments all over the world have already enacted a variety of programmes and laws, but it is not simple.People are now beginning to understand how their daily behaviours impact the planet. They also understand that in order to safeguard their future, they must start acting more responsibly. Fortunately, there is a method for everyone to change the planet for the better by implementing recycling and other environmentally beneficial practises. While becoming green may seem challenging, technological advances have made it simpler.

To know more about Earth click on the link :


50 POINTS,BRAINLIEST. THE ANSWER IS FROM THE BOOK WONDER PLEASE ANSWER QUICK. how does the vent, excerpt, or chapter you have selected resolve or begin to resolve the conflict?​



In the end, news of what happened to Auggie in the woods at camp spreads to everyone, with reports of Amos, Henry, and Miles coming to his aid. While the fight in the woods was a major turning point, attitudes towards Auggie had already begun to thaw in the months preceding camp. This example resolves the conflict by highlighting Auggie's growing popularity and the support he receives from his peers.

Furthermore, it indicates a positive change in Auggie's character, as he transitions from being a shy and self-conscious kid with no friends at the start of the book to actively reaching out and building friendships.

9\times 8 = \blueD(~9×8=( 9, times, 8, equals, start color #11accd, left parenthesis, end color #11accd, space {}\blueD{ \times 8)}+\greenD{(4 \times 8)}×8)+(4×8)start color #11accd, times, 8, right parenthesis, end color #11accd, plus, start color #1fab54, left parenthesis, 4, times, 8, right parenthesis, end color #1fab54 \phantom{9\times 8 }={}\blueD{40} + {}9×8=40+empty space, equals, start color #11accd, 40, end color #11accd, plus \phantom{9\times 8 }={}9×8=empty space, equals


The relationship between \blueD{\angle a}∠astart color #11accd, angle, a, end color #11accd and \greenD{\angle b}∠bstart color #1fab54, angle, b, end color #1fab54  are Vertical angle Option (A).

Vertical angles are formed when two lines intersect each other. The angles that are directly opposite one another, out of the four that are generated, are vertical angles. They are also referred to as 'vertically opposite angles. These angles are always equal.

The following is a list of possible sources for information on the subject of this article. The Egyptians used to create two intersecting lines and always measure the vertical angles to check that both of them are equal.

Vertical angles are always equal to one another. In general, we may state that, 2 pairs of vertical angles are generated when two lines connect.

Learn more about   Vertical angle


Full Question: What is the relationship between \blueD{\angle a}∠astart color #11accd, angle, a, end color #11accd and \greenD{\angle b}∠bstart color #1fab54, angle, b, end color #1fab54?

Choose 1 answer:

(Choice A)

Vertical angles

(Choice B)

Complementary angles

(Choice C)

Supplementary angles

(Choice D)

None of the above

what is juliet prepared to do rather than marry paris?


The first of Juliet's six alternatives to marrying Paris is not to live anymore; she would choose to end her life if she could wed Paris rather than Romeo.As Romeo and Juliet wanted to marry each other

Juliet had always wanted to marry romeo and never wanted to leave him.She also feels that she should be in danger other difficulties instead of being married off to him. She also believes that she would like to become a criminal. She would probably prefer to live in a separate place or be arrested  and go to wild animals than be married to Paris, whom she hates. She would also probably prefer to stay away from him or not be married to him.Paris is not the man Juliet wants to wed. Hence, she, feels helpless and is missing Romeo.

To know more about Romeo and Juliet please check the following link


What does Juliet fear may happen when she drinks the potion?
answer choices
She will feel no effect at all.
She will lose her mind and marry Paris.
She will forget all about Romeo.
She will die or wake up alone in the tomb.


Juliet fear that she will die or wake up alone in the tomb when she drinks the potion. So the option D is correct.

In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet takes a potion from Friar Laurence in order to fake her death and avoid marrying Paris. The potion will make her appear as if she is dead for forty-two hours. Juliet is fearful that if the potion has a stronger effect than expected, she will die or wake up alone in the tomb. Furthermore, she worries that her plan will not work and that Romeo will never receive the news of her fake death.

The Friar reassures Juliet that the potion will not kill her and that he will be in Mantua to tell Romeo of her plan if, by chance, he does not receive the letter. Juliet reluctantly drinks the potion and is laid in the tomb. The Friar's plan works and Romeo is notified of Juliet's fake death and comes to the tomb to be with her. By the time Juliet wakes up, Romeo is dead and she takes her own life. So the option D is correct.

To learn more about Romeo and Juliet link is here


13 How does the author try to convince people that the entire community will benefit
from a dog park?
A He includes the advantages of a dog park for people who do not have pets.
B He restates the fact that the town has a law requiring dogs to be leashed.
C He mentions that dog owners should have a fence around their yard for their dog.
D He proves that most dog owners feel that their dog is safer on a leash.





Which words best contribute to its respectful tone?



List of Tone Words (Positive Tone Words)














































He’s very interested in nuclear physics.

He was quite humorous, and I liked that about him.

The attendant should make the patient happy and hopeful.

He was enormously sympathetic when my father died.

They are less sanguine about the company’s long-term prospects.

You’re getting quite romantic in your old age!

The children in our family are always respectful to their elders.

She was in a relaxed, confident mood.

He was constantly reassuring himself that he had acted for the best.

He is too proud to see his own mistake.

John smiled at them and gave Richard a playful poke.

Her calm expression hid her inward panic.

He gave me an approving nod.

If you are passionate about something, pursue it.

I’m very optimistic about our chances of success.

Might I make a modest suggestion?

She was joyful of the good result of the scientific experiments.

He was hilarious – he had us all in hysterics.

Encouraging me when I need a shove.

They may be quite empathetic, but not very disciplined about setting limits or giving their children structure.

She sauntered onto the set, looking serenely confident.

She was granted compassionate leave to attend her father’s funeral.

She was always cheerful and outgoing.

She was deeply appreciative of your help.

Provide some examples of effective ways to use social media for advancing social change campaigns


There are several efficient methods to utilize social media for social change, including starting blogs for a cause, supporting causes on social media, hosting an event, hosting a fundraiser, and using your smartphone to capture and share information on your social media accounts.

The use of social media is crucial for enacting social change. Before the invention of social media, quick, real-time communication was not possible. It has eliminated communication barriers and made it simple for individuals to express themselves freely. Social media also became a tool for promoting causes, exchanging ideas, setting up meetings, and talking about social concerns.

Social media is now a platform that helps us voice out our concerns and brings the necessary changes required. It is the most instantaneous way of bringing the change that is needed.

To learn more about social change, refer to:


What should you read first when previewing a reading assignment?
answer choices
Title of the chapter
Learning objectives
Chapter summary
Headings within the chapter


You read first when previewing a reading assignment headings within the chapter. So the option D is correct.

This allows you to get an idea of the topics that are covered and the key points of each section. Additionally, you can read through the table of contents, which will give an overview of the entire chapter and the topics that are discussed.

You can also skim through the chapter and look for any terms, concepts, or ideas that stand out to you. Finally, you can read through the chapter, taking notes and highlighting important points as you go. So the option D is correct.

To learn more about reading assignment link is here


Answer’s to the Common Lit “Hi. I’m Nic” part 2 question 5. please. ITS DUE TODAY


Testing for Talented Language Arts has an impact on the author. The author realises that she enjoys writing.

Who is the writer?

A well-known author is someone who creates or originates anything, such as a software developer or a scriptwriter, and is the originator of a literary work (such as a book).

A writer is someone whose writing has been made public.

When people produce the thoughts and material for their writing, they are termed writers.

Justice, who is still grieving the loss of his closest friend, is thrown into a journey in which he must evaluate his identity, how he responds to bigotry, and how he intends to move on from his loss.  

Learn more about the author here:


i want an argumentative essay about technology: 5 paragraphs (1 for introduction, 2 for body (for), and 1 body for ( against) and last the conclusion.​




Technology has become an integral part of our lives, changing the way we work, communicate, and interact with the world. It has transformed various sectors, including healthcare, education, and business. However, the increasing reliance on technology has also sparked a debate about its impact on society. While some argue that technology has brought numerous benefits, others contend that it has negative consequences that cannot be ignored. In this essay, we will explore both sides of the argument and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of technology.

Body (For):

One of the key benefits of technology is its ability to increase efficiency and productivity. Automation has enabled businesses to streamline their operations, reducing costs and improving accuracy. Additionally, technological advancements in healthcare have led to the development of new treatments and procedures, improving patient outcomes and extending lives. Furthermore, technology has made education more accessible, providing learners with online resources and tools to support their learning.

Another advantage of technology is its ability to connect people from all over the world. Social media platforms and messaging apps have made communication faster and more convenient, allowing people to stay in touch with friends and family regardless of distance. Additionally, technology has created new opportunities for collaboration and networking, enabling individuals and businesses to work together on a global scale.

Body (Against):

However, some argue that technology has negative consequences that cannot be ignored. One of the major concerns is its impact on mental health. Studies have shown that excessive use of technology can lead to addiction, depression, and anxiety. Additionally, the constant bombardment of information and notifications can be overwhelming, leading to burnout and stress.

Another disadvantage of technology is its impact on privacy and security. The increasing use of social media and data collection has raised concerns about the misuse of personal information. Hackers and cybercriminals can use this information for malicious purposes, leading to identity theft and other crimes. Moreover, the increasing reliance on technology has made societies vulnerable to cyberattacks, which can have catastrophic consequences.


In conclusion, technology has brought numerous benefits to society, including increased efficiency, connectivity, and accessibility. However, it also has negative consequences that cannot be ignored, such as its impact on mental health, privacy, and security. It is crucial to weigh both the advantages and disadvantages of technology and find a balance that maximizes its benefits while minimizing its risks. Ultimately, the responsible use of technology is key to ensuring its positive impact on society.

For questions number 1-3 choose the correct verb forms to fill in the
1. She ….. in a bank.
a. works c. is working
b. working d. work
2. Are you ……. For the bus?
a. wait c. waiting
b. waits d. are waiting
3. Helen and Peter …… to school now.
a. go c. goes
b. going d. are going
4. Does she …… English?
a. speaking c. is speaking
b. speaks d. speak
5. What are you …… on Sunday?
a. doing c. do
b. does d. are doing
For the questions number 6 – , 9 choose the correct words to complete
the sentences.
6. Mary is …… than her three sisters.
a. taller c. tallest
b. tall d. Either taller or tallest
7. Can’t you drive any?
a. fast c. fastest
b. faster d. either faster or fastest
8. I have … energy than I used to.
a. less c. least
b. lesser d. either richer or richest
9. Could you talk?
a. more quietly c. quietlier
b. most quietly d. quietliest
for questions number 10 –13, choose which verb tense fits better.
10. I ….. home very late last night.
a. came c. am coming
b. was coming d. was came
11. A : What ……….?
B : I was watching TV.
a. did you do
b. were you doing
c. do you did
d. have you done
12. We ….. breakfast when she walked into the room.
a. had c. were having
b. were had d. have
13. Last month, I decided to buy a new car and today, I finally …. It.
a. bought c. were buying
b. was buying d. buyed


For questions number 1-3  the correct verb forms to fill in the blanks.

1. She works in a bank.

2. Are you waiting for the bus?

3. Helen and Peter are going to school now.

4. Does she speak English?

5. What are you doing on Sunday?

For the questions number 6 - 9 the correct words to complete the sentences.

6. Mary is taller than her three sisters.

7. Can’t you drive any faster?

8. I have less energy than I used to.

9. Could you talk more quietly?

For questions number 10 – 13, choose which verb tense fits better.

10. I came home very late last night.

11. A : What were you doing? B : I was watching TV.

12. We were having breakfast when she walked into the room.

13. Last month, I decided to buy a new car and today, I finally bought it.

Learn more about "verb forms" at :


What is the effect of Hamlet’s use of metaphors in this excerpt?

The metaphors prove that Hamlet is angry with his mother.
The metaphors show that Hamlet is still feeling hopeful.
The metaphors reveal Hamlet’s plan to murder Claudius.
The metaphors emphasize Hamlet’s state of depression.

ANSWER: D The metaphors emphasize Hamlet’s state of depression.


The effect of Hamlet’s use of metaphors in this excerpt is D. The metaphors emphasize Hamlet’s state of depression.

Hamlet is a famous play by William Shakespeare. In this excerpt, Hamlet uses metaphors to emphasize his state of depression. Hamlet uses metaphors to describe his emotions and convey his thoughts to the audience. The metaphors that he uses are symbolic and create images in the audience's minds.

In the excerpt, Hamlet says, “But I am pigeon-livered and lack gall, to make oppression bitter or ere this, I should have fatted all the region kites with this slave’s offal.” This metaphor implies that Hamlet is lacking courage and is unable to take revenge on Claudius. He compares himself to a pigeon, which is a symbol of cowardice.

The use of this metaphor emphasizes his state of depression, as he is unable to take action against his father's murderer. The use of metaphors in Hamlet is an effective technique used by the playwright to emphasize the characters' emotions and state of mind.

You can learn more about metaphors at:


How does the word "leerily" affect the structure of the poem? soular


The word "leerily" affects the structure of the poem by adding a tone of fear, unease, and suspicion.

In the poem, the speaker describes the ravens as "leerily watching" him. The use of the adverb "leerily" adds a sense of malice and sinister intent to the ravens' gaze, which creates an ominous and unsettling atmosphere.The word "leerily" also helps to create a strong image in the reader's mind, by emphasizing the intense, piercing, and penetrating stare of the ravens. The word "leerily" could be seen as a way of modifying the verb "watching," adding a layer of meaning to the verb, and suggesting that the ravens are not just watching, but rather staring with an intense and almost malevolent gaze.Overall, the word "leerily" is a powerful device that helps to create a sense of tension, unease, and dread in the reader's mind. It also adds a layer of complexity to the poem's structure by modifying the verb "watching" and suggesting that the ravens' gaze is more than just passive observation.

For more such questions on leerily, click on:


How does the author of selection 1 of ""seatbelts in pick-up trucks"" respond to people who drive pickup trucks?


Seatbelts keep people safe. He presents statistics here on number of deaths caused by not securely fastening a seat belt inside a pickup truck. The agriculture world judged that it might conflict using their normal agriculture work.

I recall riding inside the shoulders of the sport utility vehicle with my bare feet dangling out the bed as we drove down the road. I recall dragging my feet here on road when I was wearing shoes.

We would have sat closer to the driver's side cab if we had known we were in for a turbulent trip. If you're merely sitting in the rear, you may hop down to retrieve that hay bale or tend to domesticated animals.

He answered with data that brought him to the conclusion that wearing a seatbelt is essential for saving lives, irrespective of whether on the farm or anywhere else in the agricultural environment.

To know more about environment click here


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Tasha, because she has the lowest ratio since 0.75 < 0.8 Tasha, because she has the highest ratio since 48 over 60 is greater than 45 over 60 Jana, because she has the lowest ratio since 0.75 < 0.8 Jana, because she has the highest ratio since 48 over 60 is greater than 45 over 60 looking at this set of images, what is the minimum length of uv light exposure that could be used to disinfect an area contaminated with this bacteria? a rectangular field is twice as long as it is wide. the perimeter of the field is 450 yards. find the dimensions of the field. you must find an equation to represent the situation and solve. a person that has only a antigens on their red blood cells has type blank blood, while a person who has only b antigens will have type blank blood. a person who has both a and b antigens has type blank blood, and a person that has neither a nor b antigen has type blank blood. multiple choice question. ab; a; b; o Complete the sentence with the correct rhetorical technique.In paragraph 4, Henry uses while presenting his evidence supporting his claim. 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