C. Punctuate the following sentences.
1 the study was carried out by christine zhen-wei qiang
of the national university of singapore
2 professor rowans new book the end of privacy 2014 is
published in new york
3 as Keynes said its better to be roughly right than
precisely wrong
4 three departments law business and economics have
had their funding cut
5 thousands of new words as app enter the English
language each year
6 the bbc world service is broadcast in 33 languages
including somali and vietnamese
7 she scored 56% on the main course the previous
semester she achieved 67%


Answer 1



The study was carried out by Christine Zhen-Wei Qiang of the National University of Singapore.

Professor Rowan's new book, The End of Privacy (2014), is published in New York.

As Keynes said, "It's better to be roughly right than precisely wrong."

Three departments - Law, Business, and Economics - have had their funding cut.

Thousands of new words, as apps enter the English language each year.

The BBC World Service is broadcast in 33 languages, including Somali and Vietnamese.

She scored 56% on the main course the previous semester; she achieved 67%.

Related Questions

essay about behind closed doors




"Behind Closed Doors" is a phrase that typically refers to the idea of secrecy, deception, and hidden intentions. This concept has been the subject of numerous books, movies, and television shows. In this essay, I will explore the different ways that "Behind Closed Doors" can be interpreted and how it relates to our everyday lives.

The phrase "Behind Closed Doors" suggests that there is something hidden from view. It can refer to a secret meeting or activity that is not meant to be disclosed to the public. It can also imply that there is something sinister or deceptive happening behind the scenes. In some cases, it can even indicate a sense of danger or fear.

In our personal lives, "Behind Closed Doors" can refer to the secrets we keep from others. It may be a personal struggle, a family issue, or a difficult decision that we are not ready to share with others. It can also refer to the hidden agendas or intentions of others that are not apparent on the surface.

In the business world, "Behind Closed Doors" can refer to negotiations or deals that are not made public. It may be a strategy that a company is using to gain an advantage over its competitors or a decision that is being made without the input of others. It can also indicate corruption or unethical behavior that is not meant to be disclosed.

In politics, "Behind Closed Doors" can refer to backroom deals or agreements that are made without public knowledge. It may be a decision that is made by a small group of people or a policy that is being developed without input from the public. It can also refer to the hidden motives or intentions of politicians that are not readily apparent to the public.

In conclusion, "Behind Closed Doors" can have many different interpretations depending on the context in which it is used. It can refer to secrecy, deception, danger, fear, and hidden agendas. It is a concept that is present in our everyday lives, from personal relationships to business and politics. It is important to be aware of the potential implications of "Behind Closed Doors" and to be mindful of the decisions and actions that we take in private. By being transparent and honest, we can build trust and strengthen our relationships with others.

the black hole of technology bloggers perspective and the reasons and eamples used to suport it


The tendency of technology bloggers to concentrate intensely on some topics or items while neglecting or paying less attention to others is known as the "black hole" of their perspective.

What are technology bloggers?

Technology bloggers are individuals who write articles or create content related to technology and the tech industry on blogs or other online platforms. They often focus on issues such as software, hardware, gadgets, mobile devices, and the latest tech trends.

Professional journalists, business experts, and amateur enthusiasts with a passion for technology are all examples of technology bloggers. Technology bloggers can have a significant impact on how the general public perceives and understands new products and technologies.

They frequently offer in-depth analyses, reviews, and commentary on new products or developing trends in the tech sector, assisting in educating customers and businesses about the most recent advancements.

Learn more about technology bloggers with the help of the given link:



guys help im from indonesia,how to go out from america server

i will give you 30 points


Answer: use vpn

veepn is a good vpn


There are eighteen sentences in the paragraph. Connect them using coordination and subordination in the space below, so
that you have no more than nine sentences when you are through. Be sure to use both techniques.
¹Most people know that "getting onto one's soapbox" means giving a heartfelt opinion. 2Fewer people are familiar with the
origin of the term. ³The term dates back to a time when large wooden crates were used to ship soap. 4It comes from a
practice that was popular in the 1800s and early 1900s. A person who wanted to express an opinion publicly would first
find a public park or street corner. "He would find an improvised platform, often a large, sturdy soapbox. 7Standing on the
box, he would speak his mind. An audience was not guaranteed. "If his oratorical skills were good, he might gather a
crowd. 10If they were poor, he might be heckled or have no audience at all. 1¹ Audiences cheered speakers that they agreed
with. 12Speakers they disagreed with met a less pleasant fate. 13 Audiences showed their displeasure by throwing tomatoes
or fruit, preferably rotten, at the speaker. 14He would end his speech quickly and leave, humiliated and covered in tomato
juice. 15 Today, getting on one's soapbox has been made easier by the Internet. 16 Anyone can post a blog on one of the
many free sites set up for just that purpose. 17The principle is the same as that of the soapbox. 18 The advantage is that the
speaker does not have to worry about rottén tomatoes.




Most people know that "getting onto one's soapbox" means giving a heartfelt opinion, but fewer people are familiar with the origin of the term, which dates back to a time when large wooden crates were used to ship soap. The term comes from a practice that was popular in the 1800s and early 1900s, when a person who wanted to express an opinion publicly would first find a public park or street corner and then find an improvised platform, often a large, sturdy soapbox. Standing on the box, he would speak his mind, but an audience was not guaranteed. If his oratorical skills were good, he might gather a crowd, but if they were poor, he might be heckled or have no audience at all. Audiences cheered speakers that they agreed with, while speakers they disagreed with met a less pleasant fate, and audiences showed their displeasure by throwing tomatoes or fruit, preferably rotten, at the speaker. Today, getting on one's soapbox has been made easier by the Internet, and anyone can post a blog on one of the many free sites set up for just that purpose. The principle is the same as that of the soapbox, but the advantage is that the speaker does not have to worry about rotten tomatoes.

(Brainliest answer only)
Match the author to the central idea of their response.

(Manned Space Exploration Makes Money Too
Your concerns about the costs of space exploration are valid. However, you miss an important benefit of these costs, Mr. Lincoln. You did not mention how often space exploration actually creates unexpected value for both the government and businesses. Meeting the challenge of sustaining fragile humans in inhospitable environments requires innovation. The Apollo program alone has led to many innovations. They include new athletic shoes, solar panels, heart monitors, pacemakers, and cordless tools. Both the U.S. government and businesses have been able to patent and generate revenue from these inventions. These profits may not equal the billions the government must invest in a particular space program, but they are important investments in the country's economy. Isabel Flores San Jose, CA )

(A Practical Plan for space exploration
This plan for future space exploration seems very practical. Space exploration is costly. It makes sense to use a cheaper method for now. Robot missions can determine whether a planet is even worth exploring before committing more resources. Manned programs can cost tens or hundreds of times more than robotic ones. Using robots helps scientists use their resources more wisely. They can carry out initial explorations of more places, increasing the chances of making an important discovery. Joon Kim Ridgefield, NJ)

(We should be brave and fearless
Our country has a long tradition of exploration. The daring achievements of explorers have made the United States a powerful nation. But now America is losing its position at the top. In order to remain a global leader, a nation must be brave, fearless, and willing to take risks. That means America needs to continue to lead the way in space exploration with human astronauts. Men and women traveling into space commands respect and admiration, both nationally and internationally. Are we going to risk our position in the world because we are too cowardly to send humans into space? The only way for our country to advance is to proceed with bravery and fearlessness, and that means sending American men and women, not robots, to explore space. Nora Jensen Greenfield, IA)

(Exploration in Perspective
I think Mr. Lincoln is correct in prioritizing cheaper, unmanned space missions over manned space exploration. This is especially important for government programs like NASA. Limiting the cost of space exploration would allow the U.S. government to invest more money in programs with more urgent need. That money could be used to provide better services to veterans or create more affordable housing. Why should the government invest billions of dollars in a program with no real urgency? Why should we spend so much to take a risk we do not yet need to take? Space exploration is important. But our investment in the future should not be prioritized over addressing the real challenges we face today. Sylvia Johnson Washington, D.C.)

(Inspiring innovation
Mr. Lincoln forgets the symbolic importance of manned space programs. They drive innovation not just out of necessity, but also through inspiration. The Apollo missions encouraged many people to seek careers in the sciences. Some became astronauts. Others sought careers in related fields. The ability of humans to make progress in space exploration helps people believe in their own potential. Unmanned space exploration does not have the same symbolic effect. Michael Williams Houston, TX)

(Not worth dying for
Mr. Lincoln rightfully reminds us of the risks involved in sending humans to explore space. Every time we launch a spacecraft with astronauts aboard we put their lives in danger, and too many astronauts have died already. Space exploration is important, but protecting and preserving human life should always be the priority. Unmanned space exploration can complete tasks more efficiently and without the risk of losing human life. It is not only foolish and misguided but downright cruel to keep sending astronauts to their deaths. People in favor of sending humans into space—when we could more safely and effectively send robots instead—have no regard for human life. Mark Scarborough Weatherford, TX)



Central Idea:

Even though manned space programs are expensive, they lead to a lot of valuable inventions. - Isabel Flores

It makes more sense to use cheaper robotic programs now and figure out how to send humans to space later. - Joon Kim

We can't let people die in space if robots can do the job for us. - Mark Scarborough

We shouldn't waste money on space when there are better uses for it on Earth. - Sylvia Johnson

We can't let other nations think we're becoming cowardly by sending out robots instead of humans. - Nora Jensen

Manned space programs are much more inspiring than robotic space programs. - Michael Williams

Which word is the best fit to complete the following phrase? ________ is to legs as blink is to eyes.


The word "walk" is the best fit to complete the following phrase "walk is to legs as blink is to eyes".

What is the analogy between the legs and the eyes?

An analogy is a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two objects or things that are seemingly different but share some similarities.

The legs are to walk as the eyes are to blink. This means that the act of taking a walk is synonymous with the use of legs, and the act of blinking is synonymous with the use of eyes.

Walk is a physical movement, which the legs aid. In contrast, blink is the act of rapidly opening and closing the eyes, which helps keep them moistened and clear. Therefore, the term "walk" is used to explain the analogy between legs and blink in the above phrase.The legs are used to take a walk, while the eyes are used to blink. Hence, the phrase "walk" is to legs as "blink" is to eyes. The analogy between the legs and the eyes is that both words represent the actions that the respective body parts perform.

More about Analog/Analogy:



1.2 Revise the suggested questionnaire so that it is more suitable. Include 5 reasons for taking a Gap year. Submit a copy of a new, revised questionnaire. (8) Marks​


Five possible reasons for taking a gap year could be:

Rest.Recognize yourself.Travel.Experience new situations.Make new plans.What is a gap year?

A gap year is a year where the individual does not carry out his/her most common activities such as work, and school, among others.

The reasons for taking a gap year can be very different, but most of the time, the individual seeks to rest and learn more about himself. Some people fly, exchange, and spend time with their families, among others.

Learn more about a gap year:



What is the meaning of "an armed clash at the mouth of the Danube"?




"An armed clash at the mouth of the Danube" refers to a conflict or confrontation that occurred in the area where the Danube River empties into the Black Sea. The term "armed clash" indicates that the conflict involved the use of weapons, and it could refer to a variety of different types of confrontations, such as a battle, skirmish, or armed altercation. The Danube is a major river in Europe that flows through multiple countries, and the area where it meets the Black Sea has been the site of numerous conflicts throughout history.

How is Central America impacted by a recession and financial problems in the United States?

Answer choices:

A. Sale of exports from Central America is reduced

B. Fewer opportunities for emigration to the U.S.

C. More money will go to Central America instead of the U.S.

D. No impact at all



A. Sale of exports from Central America is reduced.

Central America is heavily dependent on exports to the United States, particularly in industries such as textiles, agriculture, and manufacturing. During a recession and financial problems in the United States, consumer demand decreases and imports from other countries decrease, resulting in a reduction in exports from Central America. This reduction in exports can have a significant impact on the economies of Central American countries, leading to job losses and a decrease in economic growth.

Cripple me father summery


Ramanujan, ''Cripple Me Father'' is a short prose poem in which the narrator asks God to cripple him, blind him, deafen him, and restrain him to keep him from going places, doing things, hearing things, or searching for things that might interfere with the narrator's spirituality.

we are too late . The train. _________ (leaving)​


The sentence can be rewritten as follows: We are too late. The train will leave.

How to rewrite the sentence

The best way to rewrite the sentence depends mostly on the tense of speech. This could be in the past or present tense. The verb leaving is in the continuous form and the rewritten form is in the future tense form.

This assumes that the train has not yet left, but will leave if the people do not hurry up. In the past tense, the new sentence will be The Train has left.

Learn more about the verb to leave here:



What message do you think Espada is trying to convey with this poem?




In "Who Burns For the Perfection of Paper," Martín Espada's message is a call to action for social justice and workers' rights. The poem critiques the exploitation of workers in the legal pad industry, drawing attention to the harsh conditions and low wages they face. By highlighting the connection between the labor of the factory workers and the work of lawyers and law students, Espada emphasizes the importance of recognizing the role that the law plays in perpetuating or challenging social and economic inequality.

The poem also underscores the idea that justice cannot be achieved through individual efforts alone, but requires collective action and solidarity. Espada celebrates the courage and resilience of the workers in the legal pad factory, noting that they continue to work in difficult conditions despite the risks to their health and well-being. By connecting their struggle to his own, as a law student and writer, he urges readers to join in the fight for workers' rights and social justice.

Overall, "Who Burns For the Perfection of Paper" is a powerful critique of exploitation and a call to action for social justice, highlighting the need for collective action and solidarity in the face of systemic inequality.

in sarah hrdy article mothers and others in what way does she describe human breeding behavior?


Sarah Hrdy's article "Mothers and Others" describes human breeding behavior as being unique among primates in that it involves a high degree of cooperative care from individuals other than the biological mother.

Hrdy argues that this cooperative breeding strategy, which involves extended family members, alloparents, and other group members, has been a key factor in the evolution of human sociality and intelligence. According to Hrdy, this strategy allowed early humans to allocate more resources to child-rearing and to expand their social networks, which in turn facilitated the development of complex cultural practices and language.

Hrdy also emphasizes that the social and ecological context of human breeding behavior has varied across different cultures and historical periods, and that these variations have shaped the specific forms of cooperation and care that have emerged in different contexts. Overall, Hrdy's article provides a comprehensive overview of human breeding behavior and highlights the importance of social cooperation and cultural diversity in shaping this behavior.

Learn more about Sarah



For each of these words or phrases, think of ways to explain the concept to families in everyday language. Remember to take cultural and socio-economic factors into consideration.

Words and Phrases

Phonological awareness
Gross motor skills
Approaches to Learning
Select three of the words and phrases (or use three of your own) and document how you would explain each assessment term using everyday language.



Phonological awareness: This is the ability to understand and work with the sounds of spoken language. It's like playing with the different sounds that make up words. For example, if we say the word "cat", we can break it down into its individual sounds "c-a-t". Phonological awareness helps children learn to read and write because they can recognize the sounds that make up words.

Self-regulation: This is the ability to control your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It's like having a brake and accelerator in your brain that you can use to control your behavior. For example, if you feel angry, self-regulation helps you think before you act and choose a calm response. Self-regulation is important for children because it helps them manage their emotions and behavior in different situations.

Gross motor skills: These are the big movements that we make with our bodies, like running, jumping, and throwing. Gross motor skills involve the large muscles in our arms, legs, and trunk. For example, when a child learns to walk, they are developing gross motor skills. Gross motor skills are important for children because they help them explore their environment, build strength and coordination, and stay active and healthy.

a) Put the verbs in parentheses into the
correct tense.
Listen and check.
The Water Cycle
0 Y
1 When the sun
2 When the sun
3 When vapor.
in the oceans, there
air, it
4 When water droplets in clouds
(get) too heavy, it
(be) out, it
(heat) the water in the oceans.
(heat) the water
(be) vapor.
(rise) into the
(form) clouds.
5 When it
(rain), the water
off the ground or into lakes and rivers.



The Water Cycle

When the sun heats the water in the oceans, it heats.

When the sun heats the water, it turns into vapor.

When vapor rises into the air, it condenses into clouds.

When water droplets in clouds get too heavy, they fall as rain.

When it rains, the water runs off the ground or into lakes and rivers.


QUESTION 4 “He walked to the gas station.” What is the noun in this sentence? a. He b. walked c. to the d. gas station


in the sentence " He walked to the gas station" the noun is d. gas station

what are the potential drawbacks or issues with society that values sameness above all else in the giver chapter 1​


A society that values sameness above all else can lead to a loss of individuality, emotional depth, and creativity. It can also result in the suppression of free thought and government control, which may have detrimental effects on the citizens' wellbeing and personal freedoms.

What is Society?

A society can be defined as a group of people who share common values, customs, and institutions and who interact with each other within a defined geographical area. Societies can be organized around various structures, such as family units, religious beliefs, political systems, or economic classes.

A society's culture, language, social norms, and traditions shape its members' behavior and attitudes, as well as their relationships with others. Society is also characterized by the ways in which individuals and groups interact, cooperate, and compete with each other, often within established hierarchies or power structures.

In Chapter 1 of "The Giver," a potential issue with a society that values sameness above all else is the suppression of individuality and personal choice. The members of the community are assigned specific roles based on their strengths and interests, and they are expected to conform to strict rules and regulations. This strict conformity leaves little room for creativity or innovation, which can lead to a lack of diversity and a stagnation of progress.

Learn more about Society from given link



1. Choose the word that has the different pronunciation of the underlined part from the others 1. A. fit B. fish C. meat D. crisps​




D. crisps (pronounced with a short "i" sound)

The Veldt by ray bradbury.
Zoom in to read it please and the question is in the picture



Overreliance on technology: In the story, the characters are so dependent on their automated house and virtual reality room that they become addicted to them, neglecting their responsibilities and relationships. Today, many people are also glued to their smartphones, computers, and social media, sometimes to the point of obsession or addiction.

Escapism and fantasy: The virtual reality room in the story allows the children to create any world they want, which becomes a source of comfort, entertainment, and escape. Similarly, today's society also offers many ways of escaping reality, such as video games, movies, TV shows, and social media platforms.

Parental responsibility: The parents in the story struggle to discipline and control their children, who are too smart and manipulative for them. In today's society, parenting is still a challenging and demanding task, as children are exposed to a wider range of influences and technologies that parents may not fully understand.


Technology advancements: Since "The Veldt" was written over 70 years ago, technology has advanced significantly, creating new possibilities, challenges, and dangers. Today, we have smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart homes, AI assistants, electric cars, drones, and many other gadgets that were not imaginable at the time.

Globalization and diversity: Today's society is much more diverse, globalized, and interconnected than the society depicted in "The Veldt," which was predominantly white, American, and affluent. We now have people from different cultures, races, religions, and backgrounds living, working, and interacting with each other, creating both opportunities and conflicts.

Environmental concerns: The story does not address environmental issues, whereas today's society is increasingly aware of the impact of human activities on the planet, such as climate change, pollution, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. There is also a growing movement for sustainable living, renewable energy, and conservation of natural resources.

In conclusion, while "The Veldt" and current society share some similarities in terms of overreliance on technology, escapism, and parenting challenges, they also differ significantly in terms of technological advancements, globalization, diversity, and environmental concerns. By comparing and contrasting them, we can reflect on the benefits and risks of technology, the role of parenting and education, and the importance of balancing virtual and real experiences in our lives.

in which of the following scenarios is it acceptable to use technical language in an informative speech?


Technical language can be used in an informative speech when the audience is familiar with the terminology being used. A scenario in which technical language would be appropriate to use in an informative speech is when addressing a group of professionals who are knowledgeable in a particular field.

In such a scenario, using technical language will make the speech more precise and provide a clear understanding of the subject matter.A speech is considered to be informative when it provides new knowledge and insights to an audience about a topic of interest. The speaker must choose words that are appropriate to the topic, the audience, and the context. Technical language, which is specific to a particular field or industry, is suitable for use in informative speeches if the audience is made up of individuals who are familiar with the subject matter.The speaker must, however, take into account that the audience may not have the same level of understanding of the technical language being used as they do.

Learn more about informative speech here:https://brainly.com/question/11786539


TRUE/FALSE.Crowdsourcing occurs when companies invite other employees to contribute to particular goals and manage that process via the Internet.


Crowdsourcing occurs when companies invite other employees to contribute to particular goals and manage that process via the Internet. This is true.

How to explain the information

The technique of turning to a group of people to gather necessary information, products, or services is known as crowdsourcing. In his article "The Growth of Crowdsourcing" from Wired magazine in 2006, author Jeff Howe invented the phrase "crowdsourcing," which combines crowds and outsourcing.

Crowdsourcing entails a sizable number of scattered contributors generating or donating goods or services, such as ideas, votes, microtasks, and money, for compensation or as volunteers.

Learn more about internet on;



Read the following excerpt from William Shakesphere’s The Tempest.
Abhorred slave,
Which any print of goodness wilt not take,
Being capable of all ill! I pitied thee,
Took pains to make thee speak, taught thee each hour
One thing or other: when thou didst not, savage,
Know thine own meaning, but wouldst gabble like
A thing most brutish, I endow'd thy purposes
With words that made them known. But thy vile race,
Though thou didst learn, had that in't which good natures
Could not abide to be with; therefore wast thou
Deservedly confined into this rock,
Who hadst deserved more than a prison.
Apex Learning - Exam
You taught me language; and my profit on't
Is, I know how to curse. The red plague rid you
For learning me your language!
Discuss two of this excerpt's themes. How does Shakespeare develop these two themes over the
course of the entire play? Support your argument with evidence from the text. (30 points)


Two of the themes in this excerpt from The Tempest by William Shakespeare are power and colonialism.In this excerpt, Prospero, who has power over Caliban, accuses him of being inherently evil and incapable of goodness. He claims to have tried to teach Caliban language and better behavior, but ultimately sees him as unworthy of redemption and deserving of punishment. This demonstrates the theme of power, as Prospero wields power over Caliban and uses it to judge and punish him.

Additionally, this excerpt also touches on the theme of colonialism, as Prospero is an outsider who has taken control of the island and subjugated its native inhabitants, including Caliban. Prospero views himself as superior to Caliban and the other islanders, and sees it as his duty to civilize them and make them conform to his own cultural norms.

These themes are developed over the course of the entire play as Prospero's motivations and actions are further revealed. He uses his magic to control and manipulate not just Caliban, but also the other characters on the island. The play also explores the complex power dynamics between different characters, such as Prospero and his daughter Miranda, as well as his relationship with the spirit Ariel. As the play progresses, it becomes clear that Prospero's desire for power and control has driven many of his actions, including his colonization of the island and his treatment of Caliban.

Overall, Shakespeare uses the themes of power and colonialism to explore complex issues of identity, culture, and oppression in The Tempest. Through the characters of Prospero and Caliban, he highlights the destructive consequences of unchecked power and colonialism, while also raising questions about the nature of morality and redemption.

please help 100 points help i will rate brainliest please help



The purpose of the story 'Moo-ve over, Girl Scouts participate in 2011 Austin CowParade' is it commissions the artists. CowParade is the largest and most successful public art event in the world. Over 10,000 artists have participated in this event worldwide.

The author knows this story because the CowParade is and was held in Zürich, Switzerland, in 1998 by famous artist Walter Knapp.

The concept of this story is The cows are painted by local artists from the amateur and unknown to the professional and famous. CowParade events have raised over $20 million for non-profit organizations worldwide since 1999.

I've learn't that the CowParade can change artists lives and maybe mine too.

jumper leads are used to extend connections to allow circuit readings or tests to be undertaken with


Jumper leads, sometimes referred to as jumper wires or test leads, are electrical lines that include connectors on both ends and are employed to establish transient connections between various parts or locations in an electrical circuit.

In electronics and electrical engineering, jumper leads are frequently employed for a number of tasks. They can be utilized to increase connections between parts, enabling circuit readings or tests. For instance, to measure the voltage at a specific place in a circuit, a jumper lead could be used to connect a voltmeter or multimeter to the location.

Jumper leads are frequently used to establish transient connections between a device or circuit and a power source or signal generator. They can be applied to diagnose circuit issues or to check if a certain component is functioning properly.

Learn more about jumper leads



How many bones are in the human blank




There are 206 bones in the adult human body. These bones are connected to each other by joints, ligaments, and muscles, and together they form the skeletal system, which provides support and protection for the body's organs and tissues, helps us move, and plays a role in the production of blood cells.

The latin root tactus is part of the word tangent. What does Tangent mean?
A. leading
B. winding
C. touching
D. traveling



I think the answer is leading

The Latin root tactus means "touch," and it is indeed part of the word tangent. A tangent is a line that touches a curve or a surface at a single point without intersecting it. Therefore, the correct answer is C. touching.

Which sentence from the passage uses transition to indicate sequence or time ?
"I can't take it anymore!" Dawn screamed and slammed the hood of her car down.
Dawn was once again transported to her mechanic.
Then, she burned her hand on one of the hot metal pieces near what she thought might be the engine.
After all the trouble Dawn had gone through, this car seemed too good to be true.



The sentence that uses transition to indicate sequence or time is "Then, she burned her hand on one of the hot metal pieces near what she thought might be the engine." (Option C).


What is the meaning of "avoiding concessions of principle or for the sake of atmosphere"?



That the U.S. would not concede (concession), meaning give in/surrender on principles (fundamental truths that serve as a basis of our society)  or for the sake of atmosphere- so that the atmosphere-tone/mood of the relationship would improve


Hope this is clear enough ;)

Basically, The U.S. would not give in to keep the peace, or give up on principles.

Summarize "The Landscape of the Fall of Icarus" and compare it with the
painting of the same name. What are the similarities and differences?



I hope that helps, please don't forget to give a Brainliest :) any feedback is appreciated. Hope you have a great day!

"The Landscape of the Fall of Icarus" is a poem by William Carlos Williams that describes the Greek mythological figure Icarus falling from the sky after flying too close to the sun with wings made of feathers and wax. The poem focuses on the indifference of nature and the world to Icarus's fall, with the farmer continuing to plow his field and the ship sailing by without noticing. Williams portrays the tragedy of Icarus's fall as a small and insignificant event in the grand scheme of things.

In contrast, the painting "The Fall of Icarus" by Pieter Bruegel the Elder portrays a more vivid and dramatic scene. In the painting, Icarus is depicted as a small figure falling into the sea while people on land and a ship at sea are shown reacting to the event. The painting highlights the contrast between the tragic fate of Icarus and the mundane activities of the people around him. The painting also suggests the theme of the danger of ambition and overreaching.

The similarities between the poem and the painting are the central focus on Icarus's fall and the contrast between his tragedy and the indifference of the world around him. However, the poem emphasizes the insignificance of Icarus's fall, while the painting portrays it as a more significant event with a broader impact on the people around him. Additionally, the poem portrays the fall from a distance and through the eyes of an observer, while the painting puts the viewer right in the midst of the action.

"The Landscape of the Fall of Icarus" is a poem by W. H. Auden that describes a scene of everyday life, with a farmer plowing his fields and a ship sailing on the sea. The poem then mentions the mythological figure Icarus, who is often depicted falling from the sky after flying too close to the sun with wings made of wax.

The painting of the same name, "The Fall of Icarus", is a work of art by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. The painting depicts a landscape with a small figure of Icarus falling into the sea, while the rest of the scene shows people going about their daily activities, seemingly unaware of the tragic event happening in the background.

The similarities between the poem and the painting are that they both portray a landscape with everyday scenes of life, alongside a tragic event involving Icarus. Both works also suggest that people often focus on their own concerns and may not notice significant events happening around them.

The main difference between the two works is that the poem focuses more on the landscape and the everyday scenes of life, while the painting focuses on the tragedy of Icarus and the contrast between his fall and the mundane activities of the people around him. The painting is also more visual, providing a specific image of Icarus falling into the sea, whereas the poem leaves the event more open to interpretation.

Overall, both the poem and the painting explore the theme of human fallibility and the contrast between the smallness of human concerns and the vastness of the natural world.

10. The work "Tycoon" is derived from a. German b. Spanish c. Japanese d. Hindi​









The word "Tycoon" Derived from the Japanese word "Taikun" which means "the great lord or prince"

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Darnel is studying the movement of glaciers, which are bodies of dense ice. The medianannual movement of the Blue Valley Glacier is about 300.2 feet, and the interquartile range is14 feet. The median annual movement of the Silver Lake Glacier is about 300.4 feet, and theinterquartile range is about 14 feet.4) What can you conclude from these statistics? Complete the sentence.Over a year, the Blue Valley Glacier typically moves aboutthe Silver Lake Glacier, and Blue Valley hasits annual movement compared to Silver Lake.as variability in its annual movement compared to silver lake describe how two medical conditions might be helped by biofeedback therapy. For her sales presentation, Myra wants to design a chart which shows how much faster wounds heal when protected with SoloSite, a water-based ointment. To create the most effective chart, she should:A. avoid the use of pie charts or other graphical representation.B. avoid the use of bullets as they arbitrarily differentiate the points in a presentation.C. intermingle major and minor selling points.D. use complete sentences so the buyer does not have to wonder which words are missing.E. none of these. Weathering by abrasion, couldoccur with what Given the lengths of two sides of a triangle, write an equality to indicate between which two numbers the length of the third side must fall.The sides are:8 and 13I will award brainliest to the first correct answer with a decent explanation sportsworld purchased a delivery van for $23,000 with a residual value of $3,000 on september 1, 2019. the van has an estimated useful life of 5 years. using the straight-line method, how much depreciation should sportsworld recognize on december 31, 2019? nils needs to review the procurement tasks in his project, but he doesn't see them in the gantt chart table. what should he do to display those tasks without affecting the rest of the project? Calculate the area of the shaded segments in the following diagrams. (a) 12 cm 40 (b) 58 16 cm It isn't likely that the school administration will ______ to your recommendation to do away with all examinations and grades. A. acquiesce B. professC. covetD. respite Why was Stephen F. Austin unable to use the land grant his father, Moses Austin, received after he died in 1821? The interest $I on a loan of $P for a year at a rate of 6% varies directly as the loanfind the formula relating I and Pa) I when P = 800 b)P when I = 72 which one is not in the content of 2017 trade (re)negotiation of nafta? group of answer choices a five-year subset clause of usmca food labeling and immigration labor and environmental standard dispute settlement a 1m solution contains 20 grams of solute in 500ml of solution. what is the mass of 1 mole of solute How do i fear AllahHow do i fear no man but Allah According to the kinetic molecular theory, the particles of an ideal gasa. Have no potential energyb. Have strong intermolecular forcesc. Are arranged in a regular, repeated geometric patternd. Are separated by great distances, compared to there size You need to determine whether an unknown plant is an angiosperm or a gymnosperm. Which of the following features would be the best to examine? Roots Leaves Seeds Stems 3-In a fern life cycle, which of the following structures is not present in the sporophyte generation? Indusium Prothallus Crozier Annulus 6-A researcher who studies the internal cell structure of ancient plants would gather the most information from which type of fossil? Petrifaction Compression Mold Cast 7- A seed is more likely than a spore to survive a long drought because it has which structure? A seed coat A cuticle A hypodermis A strobilus 9-When you eat a peach, what are you eating? Gametophytic tissue composed of haploid cells Sporophytic tissue composed of diploid cells Gametophytic tissue composed of diploid cells Sporophytic tissue composed of haploid cells When factoring a polynomial in the form ax2 + bx - c, where a, b, and c are positive real numbers, should the signs in the binomials be both positive, negative, or one of each? Bella is splitting her rectangular backyard into a garden in the shape of a trapezoid and a fish pond in the shape of a right triangle. What is the area of her garden? What is the meaning of refuted as it is used in line 33?a. Proven falseb. Agreed onc. Judged unfairlyd. Thought predictable 2.4 Analyse the impact of gender roles in societies and how they influence the inequalities in relationships and the general well-being of an individual. (3x2)