Add and/or remove commas where necessary in this extract.
Successive governments have consistently failed to ring-fence a significant annual fund for cycling provision, from
within the transport budget. We have been joined by the Automobile Association Australian Cycling and Shane Page, in
supporting calls for an annual budget of $20 per capita. We urge all parties to pledge this fund in their election
manifestos. Australia leads the world in compétitive cycling - it is time, we did the same for our commuters.


Answer 1


Successive governments have consistently failed to ring-fence a significant annual fund for cycling provision, from  within the transport budget. We have been joined by the Automobile Association Australian Cycling and Shane Page, in  supporting calls for an annual budget of $20 per capita. We urge all parties to pledge this fund in their election  manifestos. Australia leads the world in competitive cycling - it is time, we did the same for our commuters.


Successive governments have consistently failed to ring-fence a significant annual fund for cycling provision from  within the transport budget. We have been joined by the Automobile Association Australian Cycling and Shane Page in  supporting calls for an annual budget of $20 per capita. We urge all parties to pledge this fund in their election  manifestos. Australia leads the world in competitive cycling - it is time we did the same for our commuters.

(I'm pretty sure you remove all of the commas in this paragraph)

Related Questions

Complete the conversation with be (not) going to. Use contractions where possible.

Rick: How ______ you and Marcia celebrate New Year's Eve, Tim?
______ you ______ go to any parties?

Tim No. We ______ go out for dinner. Our favorite restaurant
______ serve a special meal, and our friends ______
Join us there. But we ______ stay out late. We have to get up
early to go to a friend's house the next day.


Answers for the fill in the blanks are :

Rick: How are you and Marcia celebrate New Year's Eve,

Tim? will  you guys go to any parties?

Tim No. We won't go out for dinner. Our favorite restaurant

We will serve a special meal, and our friends will  Join us there.

But we  will stay out late. We have to get up early to go to a friend's house the next day.

For more informaion, refer the following link:

The longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, or summer solstice, falls near June 21 every year. This is when the sun is at the top of its rotation.

According to context clues, which best defines the underlined words?

the day with the least amount of sunlight each year
the day with the greatest amount of sunlight each year
the day the sun is at its lowest rotation
the day the sun is at its fastest rotation







a :]


Identify the stage directions in this excerpt from triffles



Stage directions: ( She reached over and swings the broken door, swings it again, both women watch it.)

( MRS PETERS shakes her head)

Hopefully this answers your question. Thank you, and have a nice day.

To review your comprehension and recall after you read, you should:
A make connections to previous concepts.
observe your words and habits.
summarize the information in writing.
D identify graphics and illustrations.



A. When students come to make sense of new information, ideas, or concepts, they must do so in terms of their existing knowledge, experience, values, and understanding: everything new is interpreted in the light of what is already known. Because students have unique packages of prior learning and experience, they can respond in very different ways to the same new learning. But unless they can connect it to and integrate it with what they already know, they will struggle to remember it, let alone understand and apply it. This is crucially important for those of our students whose cultural background is quite different from our own, because we can make even fewer assumptions about their prior knowledge and experience or about their values and understanding. In such circumstances, a culturally responsive pedagogy is essential. B. Good habits make a very important part of our lives. They act as a key to a happy and peaceful life. A good person is known by his/her good habits. Any individual who has acquired good habits acts as a role model for the society and the people he/she meets. Habits determine the personality of a human being. A good person will always have the good habit of speaking the truth and being honest. Good habits should be practiced by every person of society and of each age group. For example, every child should have the habit of going early to bed at night and rising early in the morning, of respecting the elders and being polite to the young ones. One must always be helpful and generous to everyone. We should also take care of personal hygiene as it is also a very important part of personality development. The most important good habits that will always make our life successful are the habits of telling the truth, of being punctual and of working hard. It is easy to follow bad habits as they do not require hard work. For example, it is easy to sleep in bed for long hours in the morning, it is easy to leave any work half done when tired, but it is difficult to always complete your task and to stop being lazy. Forming good habits required determination and efforts. But once a person forms a habit, it is difficult to break it. Therefore always form only good habits.D. Graphic design and illustration are two separate creative fields. But they tend to overlap sometimes. Usually, graphic design is more seen as a commercial art. Illustration is viewed mostly as a fine art. Graphic design is more about communicating with a target audience, while illustration is concerned mostly about a creative interpretation. Milton Glaser says, ‘To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master.’



whats an adverb clause



a dependent clause that functions as an adverb. That is, the entire clause modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.


n the story Little Women, one family brings breakfast to another on Christmas morning. Read this passage and then answer the question that follows:

A poor, bare, miserable room it was, with broken windows, no fire, ragged bedclothes, a sick mother, wailing baby, and a group of pale, hungry children cuddled under one old quilt, trying to keep warm.

How the big eyes stared and the blue lips smiled as the girls went in.

"Ach, mein Gott! It is good angels come to us!" said the poor woman, crying for joy.

What explicit meaning can you find about the sick woman and her children from this text?

The father of the children left the family.
The children were cold and had not eaten.
The family bringing gifts pitied the children.
The woman would soon die from her illness.



The children were cold and had not eaten


Nowhere in this excerpt has there mentioned a father leaving the family. The family that brought the gifts was not described as pitying the poor family. The excerpt doesn't say that the woman would soon die from her illness.

In situations like this, don't assume something that the passage didn't say.

Identify the symbolism in the poem. For instance, what do the birds, the singing, and the sky represent? What is the central meaning of the poem?



Caged bird, open sky, free birds


The caged bird depicts the African American who has been bound by society, and the cage symbolizes society. The laterally sky, which is far away from the imprisoned bird, represents freedom, since the free bird “identifies the sky his own.” White Americans might be represented by the free bird. 


In the poem, Maya Angelou compares a caged bird to a free bird. The caged bird represents the African American who is restricted by society, and society is represented by the cage. The sky, which is wide-open, yet distant to the caged bird, symbolizes freedom, as the free bird “names the sky his own.” The free bird could represent white Americans. The free bird’s life is carefree and unfettered, and its voice is beautiful and free. The caged bird, on the other hand, is trapped in a cage and “stands on the grave of dreams.” Its voice is fearful and unnatural. The singing of both birds represents self-expression and how discrimination and inequality can hinder and distort the views, ambitions, and expression of those who are persecuted.


Sample answer from Edmentum :)

please pass the salt is an example of what sentence​



Its an

Imperative sentence


its giving a command or a request so its imperative

hope that helps>3

Read the following exchange between Romeo and Juliet from act I of Romeo and Juliet. What does the excerpt reveal about the love between the two young people?

ROMEO: (to JULIET) If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.

JULIET: Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.

ROMEO: Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?

JULIET: Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.


Hi! This is what I’ve wrote In my English,
Pilgrim is about someone who travels and it’s about religion. It could show what Juliet and Romeo are destined to be together/travel to each other because of a higher person ( fate )

Or, you could say that immediately in romeos eyes its about kissing someone, which could reflect on Shakespeare’s view on how young people are hasty

I hope that helped, and it’s not a load of trash

What are the benefits of giving a persuasive speech rather than publishing an article?





persuasion can draw on emotions good or bad ...more so than an article.

Read the articles assigned for this topic and conduct additional research on the Internet or through the GCU Library. Use your knowledge to write a one-act play about a small group of friends.
Through the dialogue, the children should exhibit evidence of being in the concrete-operational period of cognitive development.
Be as creative in the dialogue of your scene as you can, remembering that at this stage children, according to the textbook, become "less egocentric, rarely confuse appearances with reality, and are able to reverse their thinking."
Set the scene and include acting and stage direction, if necessary and appropriate.
Your creative work should be between 500-750 words.
Give your play a name.



The name of the play is "I am a Warrior" . There are 3 friends whose names are Mak, Jamie and Steven.


Door knocks

Mak : who's there?

No replies..

Asks again who's there??

No one replies.

He goes and sees from window but he is unable to find anyone. He opens the door and looks around but no one was there.

He comes back and sits with his one of friend Jamie for group studies.

Again door knocks..

Now Mak is angry and asks in more loud tone, Who is disturbing us..

Jamie : Leave it Mak, lets concentrate on studies.

Door knocks again..

Jamie: Mak let me check now who is at the door, may be I find the culprit.

Door keeps knocking.

Jamie stands up from the sofa and went to the door to find who is there.

When Jamie opens up the door, she shouts loudly..

Mak comes to see what has made Jamie shout so loudly, he is also surprised to see their friend Steven lying at the corner of the door with blood coming from his mouth, covering his shirt and face.

Jamie immediately brings up the first aid box and Mak tries to bring Steven into his house to make him relax. Jamie cleans him up and then gives him water to relax.

Steven: Thanks Jamie, I would have been dead, if you had not helped me.

Jamie: Don't say that, please tell us what happened to you?

Steven shivering his hand and glass of water falls and break..

Mak : Jamie let him relax for sometime and he will tell us once he gets normal.

Steven : Yes I had hurt my head and now my head is paining.

Jamie takes Steven to the bedroom, he relaxes there..

When Steven wakes up he finds himself in hospital.

Steven : Where are Jamie and Mak, asks the doctor.

They are waiting outside doctor replies.

Steven: Why I am here?

Doctor: Its sad to let you know that you have been diagnosed with blood cancer.

Steven shouts loudly, what.. why I.. you must have some misunderstanding...

Steven cries loudly..

Mak and Jamie arrives to help him condole..

Jamie: Its deadly disease but its not incurable..

Mak : Yes, Jamie is right, you are a warrior, you always help us whenever we quarrel with someone. Now its your time to prove yourself to fight for your own selves.

Steven gradually tries to accept the reality and asks the doctor to start chemotherapy..

Which statements about antithesis in poetry are accurate? Check all that apply.



You didn't send a picture of it

what does she says about teacher and why? (Anne Frank )​


Anne shares her experiences at school with the diary. She told that she had nine teachers. Out of which seven were men and two were women. She told that Mr Keesing, who taught her maths was annoyed with her for ages because she talked a lot in his class. She always considered teachers to be the most unpredictable creatures on the earth.

Rewrite the following sentences choosing the best option from the provided.
a. You ............... to lend me your book.
i. are requesting iii. are requested ii. requested iv. have requested​



have requested I think it is true

Worksheet 62
Read the following paragraphs carefully and fill in each blank with one word only.

6. Anything we eat (6.1)............
life. It is the basic need(6.2)..........
life. we need food (6.3)...........
grow, to get energy (6.4)...........
to keep ourselves healthy. Most of our food comes(6.5)................
plants. Growing food is known (6.6)............. agriculture. It is the farmer(6.7)................
does it for us. The farmer(6.8)................
very hard to get good crops.

please answer me please heriup please ​




6.1 is

6.2 of

6.3 to

6.4 in order

6.5 from

6.6 as

6.7 who

6.8 works


6. Anything we eat (6.1) is

life. It is the basic need(6.2) of

life. we need food (6.3) to

grow, to get energy (6.4) in order

to keep ourselves healthy. Most of our food comes(6.5) from

plants. Growing food is known (6.6) as agriculture. It is the farmer(6.7) who

does it for us. The farmer(6.8) works .

very hard to get good crops.

Hope my answer is helpful to you

17. All the guests seemed to have enjoyed the party, although Ann some more attractive records. A. could choose B. was able to choose C. could have chosen D. should choose C 2:1 77​





C because "Although Ann could´ve chosen more attractive records" makes the most sense out of the options given.

It can´t be  D or A because they´re not in present tense.

It can´t be B because there´s "although" and "more" in the sentence.

"All the guests seemed to have enjoyed the party, although Ann was able to chose some more attractive records" doesn´t make sense.

elige la opción correcta:
(choose the correct option)

1)when was the last time you____ someone's birthday?


2)when was the last time you_____a museum?


3)when was the last time you______your email?

b)logged on

4)when was the last time you_____to your grandparents?


5)when was the last time you_____an argument with your parents



1 is a- forgot 2 is c- visited 3 is a- checked 5 is c- had

Where should the comma(s) go in this sentence?
“After introducing my brother Ved to anime he spent his entire spring break watching


After, introducing my brother Ved,

The Importance of Exploration
adapted from NASA

Is space exploration really desirable at a time when so much needs to be done on Earth? It is a serious question that requires a serious answer. One could present many answers as to why undertaking a robust space program is necessary, including everything related to jobs, education, technology development, and national security. In an ideal world, however, one answer is sufficient: we should undertake it for the most basic of reasons—for our self-preservation as a creative, as opposed to a stagnating, society. The concept of space exploration is deeply rooted in our historical context.
Exploration has always been part of the American character. The intangible desire to explore and challenge the boundaries of what we know and where we have been has provided benefits to American society for centuries. For example, the exploration of the American West during the 19th century is a prime example of American exploration that led to the advancement of society. More land was found on the western frontier for settlement and new resources were discovered for use, leading to the nation's growth. Some have argued that many of the distinctive characteristics that make up American society, including inventiveness, inquisitiveness, and individualism, derived from the existence of a frontier. Although the western frontier closed around 1890, Americans later found a new frontier where that same curiosity translated to space exploration. Space as a new frontier has always been a driver of the U.S. space programs.
As H. G. Wells said many years ago, "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe." We are still in that race today, and surely an international cooperative venture into space strikes a blow against catastrophe and leads to a victory for civilization. Great things were achieved in the past in the name of competition, including the Apollo program, which would never have happened without Cold War competition. The Space Race between the Soviet Union and the U.S. led to the development of programs devoted to scientific research and inventions. Specifically, after the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I, the world's first artificial satellite, America responded by developing and launching a satellite known as Explorer I. It now remains to be seen whether great things may be done in the name of international cooperation.
If history has taught us anything, we must look to the future with the goal of preserving a culture that embraces endless possibilities in the spirit of both science and exploration. As we have seen in the past, exploration of the unknown leads to advancements and improvements that are beneficial to society.

Select ALL the correct answers.
Which two sentences from the passage are details and evidence used to support the author's claim?

-More land was found on the western frontier for settlement and new resources were discovered for use, leading to the nation's growth.
-We are still in that race today, and surely an international cooperative venture into space strikes a blow against catastrophe and leads to a victory for civilization.
-Specifically, after the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I, the world's first artificial satellite, America responded by developing and launching a satellite known as Explorer I.
-Some have argued that many of the distinctive characteristics that make up American society, including inventiveness, inquisitiveness, and individualism, derived from the existence of a frontier.
-Space as a new frontier has always been a driver of the U.S. space programs.



-Some have argued that many of the distinctive characteristics that make up American society, including inventiveness, inquisitiveness, and individualism, derived from the existence of a frontier.

-Space as a new frontier has always been a driver of the U.S. space programs.


According to the reading of the text, the main issue addressed by the author is that the need for human beings to want to explore and conquer space is unjustifiable, if we observe that the earth is a planet with many problems to be solved. The author states that the ideal was that human beings were first concerned with solving problems on their own planet so that they would later wish to explore and conquer other territories, but the desire for conquest and the fascination for overcoming borders is so intrinsic to human beings, especially to Americans, that the desire to break this boundary between humans and the mysteries of space becomes greater than anything else. To support, that is, to intensify this argument and show it as true, the author presents the following sentences:

-Some have argued that many of the distinctive characteristics that make up American society, including inventiveness, inquisitiveness, and individualism, derived from the existence of a frontier.

-Space as a new frontier has always been a driver of the U.S. space programs.

How can content warnings be helpful?
How could they end up deleterious?


they are by telling you  a warning becase if they had a number and you call it what if you get yo Acount.

What is constitution​


Constitution is a written document that contains principles and laws, according to which the government of the country should function. It defines the power of the government and the rights and duties of the citizens.


A constitution is a set of rules and regulations that are used for administration and governance in country.

The Supreme Court case of Tinker v. Des Moines dealt with two students who
were suspended from school for wearing black armbands to protest the
Vietnam War. Their parents sued the school district for violating the students'
right to free speech, but it was determined by lower courts that the school
district had the right to suspend them. When the Supreme Court reviewed the
case, it decided that the school district did not have the right to suspend the
Which of these arguments provides the weakest support for the Supreme
Court's decision that students have the right to wear the armbands to school?
A. Students at the school were allowed to wear other controversial
B. Armbands are a form of expression, even though they don't involve
C. Five previous court cases showed that armbands fall under First
Amendment pro
D. The armbands were not shown to cause disruption or interfere
with learning





There wasn't any other previous court cases that said that armbands fall under the first amendment.

Armbands are a form of expression, even if they don't involve sppech is a good argument. If students were allowed to wear other controversial things, then why can't armbands be permitted? The armbands didn't cause disruption. All of those are good arguments.

A positive attitude affects your productivity, learning, and critical thinking, but not your school
and job satisfaction.
B) False






Type your response in the box.
How do certain topics and themes stay relevant across time periods, while others do not?


Answer: not sure if this will help you but in my opinion, I think certain Topics and themes stay relevant because people will talk about some popular topics, while other topics will almost never be talked about.


I’m rlly sorry if this didn’t help :(

Answer: Writers often choose to develop socially relevant themes such as politics, gender dynamics, class inequality, industrialization and its effects, war and its repercussions, or the complexities of relationships. Themes that are relevant to many people across generations tend to remain relevant over time. Readers across different time periods can relate to such themes. For example, literature that explores gender dynamics is as relevant today as it was centuries ago. While the same views may no longer hold true, this theme is open to different areas of exploration. A theme that is hard for readers to identify with as time passes (colonialism and its effects, for example) tends not to span generations.

Explanation: Sample answer/edmentum

which is the national animal of United States do you know ​



The national animal of the United States is the bald eagle for national bird of US. For the national mammal of US it's the American bison.


The man in the house short story ​


The Man of the House by Frank O'Connor we have the theme of innocence, temptation, guilt, responsibility,  Based solely on the fact that he has no money What is also interesting about the story is that though Gus' mother is poorly One thing thing that the main character learnt from his experience.


In The Man of the House by Frank O'Connor we have the theme of innocence, temptation, guilt, responsibility, control, resilience, redemption and acceptance.

The setting influences the plot, which includes the story's events. Certain actions are more likely to take place in specific environments. Also, the story's tone and theme rely on its setting Characters' backgrounds influence how the characters relate to and behave in the setting.

Cells have different shapes and sizes because they perform different functions true or false​


Very much so true

It is not usually news, when another old cave is discovered in the South of France. Rather, it is an ordinary event. Such discoveries are so frequent these days that hardly anybody pays heed to them. However, when the Lascaux cave complex was discovered in 1940, the world was amazed. Painted directly on its walls were hundreds of scenes showing how people lived thousands of years ago. The scenes show people hunting animals, such as bison or wild cats. Other images depict birds and, most noticeably,horses, which appear in more than 300 wall images, by far outnumbering all other animals. Early artists drawing these animals accomplished a monumental and difficult task. They did not limit themselves to the easily accessible walls but carried their painting materials to spaces that required climbing steep walls or crawling into narrow passages in the Lascaux complex. Unfortunately, the paintings have been exposed to the destructive action of water and temperature changes, which easily wear the images away. Because the Lascaux caves have many entrances, air movement has also damaged the images inside. Although they are not out in the open air, where natural light would have destroyed them long ago, many of the images have deteriorated and are barely recognizable. To prevent further damage, the site was closed to tourists in 1963, 23 years after it was discovered.

1. Why is discovering a cave considered an ordinary event?
2. What did the paintings on the walls of Lascaux cave depict?

Correct answer- Brainliest!
Plz help!



1. Discovering a cave is an ordinary event as such discoveries are so frequent that hardly nobody pays heed to them.

2. The paintings on the walls of Lascaux cave depict "people hunting animals, such as bison or wild cats. Other images depict birds and, most noticeably, horses, which appear in more than 300 wall images, by far outnumbering all other animals."


In the given passage, the speaker talks of how caves often discovered are not a strange or extraordinary event. The answers to the given questions are as follows-

1. Discovering a cave is an ordinary event as such discoveries are so frequent that hardly anybody pays heed to them.

2. The paintings on the walls of Lascaux cave depict "people hunting animals, such as bison or wild cats. Other images depict birds and, most noticeably, horses, which appear in more than 300 wall images, by far outnumbering all other animals."

a. The art of producing beautiful writing with a special pen or brush is called calligraphy. What word class does the underlined word in the sentence belong to?
b. Arrange the following words as per the order in a dictionary: chanting, chopper, chirruping, chivalry, chancellor
c. What does the sentence ‘He burnt his fingers by interfering in his neighbour’s affair.‘ mean?
i. He got himself into trouble.
ii. He burnt himself?
iii. He got himself insulted.
iv. He got rebuked.
d. What does the prefix ‘under-‘ in the word UNDERESTIMATE mean?
i. below ii. in iii. around iv. above
e. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a) He walked ten miles by foot.
b) He walked ten miles on foot.
c) He walked ten miles in foot.
d) He walked ten miles with foot.




(Need points to ask my questions, srry)

Which option is most clearly an example of satire?
O A. A pamphlet that lists complaints about the government
B. A fairy tale that provides a moral lesson at the very end
O c. A novel that pokes fun at a powerful, corrupt politician
O D. A documentary that reveals secrets about a celebrity



C.A Novel that pokes fun at a powerful, Corrupt Politician


Satire: the use of humor, irony, or exaggeration

The reason the answer is C is because the novel is using humor to poke at the politician,which makes it satire.


c. A novel that pokes fun at a powerful, corrupt politician


A satirical work uses irony and humor to mock a political or societal situation in an exaggerated manner as a means to criticize it and subtly illustrate the truth of reality. A novel that "pokes fun at a powerful, corrupt politician" would clearly be satirical work.

Other Questions
look at the image question en el coliseo de una ciudad, se jugo la final de un campeonato de voley . En total , 1200 personas asistieron al coliseo . esta cantidad de personas representa a los 3/4 de su capacidad. Cual es la capacidad que tiene este coliseo?a)900b)1200c)1600d)4800 Which job would not be best suited for an extroverted person? HELP PLEASE ITS URGENT PLEASE Imagine you are a manager at Trader Dan's grocery store. You've been tasked with analyzing the checkout lines to see if anything needs to be changed from the current set-up. Complete the following problems.a. After extensive observation, you've determined that there are normally 11 customers coming into the store per hour. When analyzing your cashiers, you've found that they can checkout a single customer in 0.9 minutes. Calculate the utilization rate of your cashier assuming you only have one cashier working. Report your answer in decimal form with two decimals, rounding to the nearest hundredth. b. You now need to plan for the holiday rush! When the holidays hit, Trader Dan's has a massive increase in customers coming to the store. If during these holidays you have 4.2 customers per minute coming in and your cashiers can handle 1.16 customers per minute, how many cashier lines should you have open to handle these customers? Report the minimum number of cashiers needed.c. Dan himself came to your store and wanted to know how long customers were waiting in line (this is very important to Dan!). Report the time customers wait in your queue if you have 4 cashiers open, 62 customers come into the store per hour and your cashiers take 2.8 minutes per customer to ring them up. i provided the question which of the following is a simple sentence? the great pyramids Select the correct answer.Given the following formula, solve for l.A. B. C. D. To develop an effective control system, it must be related to the organizational strategy. Yes or no. Prove:1/sinA-1/tanA=1 Calculate the kinetic energy of a mass 2kg moving with a velocity of 0.1m/s Proportion problems8 chickens would lay 20 eggs in 3 days.If chickens always lay eggs at the same rate,a) how many days would it take to chickens to lay 100 eggs?= 10 daysb) how many chickens would be required if a farmer needed 30 eggs each day?i need help how to do question b. i know answer bu,.t i need explaining.:] (Pay attention to the questions and make sure you are answering correctlyyou need to know the differences between cardiovascular, strength, and stretching exercises!!!) Name a cardiovascular exercise you like to do and explain how it can help your health Why is proper body alignment necessary when performing push ups and/or curl ups? If you have a friend performing curl ups or push ups for the very first time, what is 1 tip you might give them to help them maintain proper body alignment throughout the movement? Name or describe a stretch you like to do and list a benefit of doing that stretch. What is the value of a in the equation 3 a plus b equals 54, when b equals 9?15182127 Mr. L was walking through the woods wearing shorts and sandals. He noticed a small tick on his ankle the same evening, and several weeks later he developed flu-like symptoms. A sample of his blood revealed the presence of long, wavelike cells that were twisting and waving. Based on the microscopic findings, which type of microorganism is responsible for Mr. L's symptoms a. Do the waves made by the two faucets travel faster than the waves made by just one faucet? b. How do you know this? Describe how the two-faucet wave pattern compares with the one-faucet pattern. c. Describe what happens to the two-faucet wave pattern as the separation of the faucets is increased. Rina said to Tina, "I have something to show you " balance the following equations: CUCO3+H2SO4- CUSO4+H2O+CO2 what is a fixed income The jackfruit the largest tree fruit in the world are known for its size and for its strange musky smell