3. How can it be said that courts adjudicate the allocation of the costs of a consumer-oriented economy?


Answer 1


It can be said that the courts assess the consumer profile and consumption pattern in a region, determining which sectors will receive more subsidies to reduce expenses, but increase the production of goods and services, optimizing the regional economy.


A consumer-oriented economy is one that is oriented and driven by consumer spending. Therefore, regions that have this type of economy should study and analyze the consumer profile that citizens have, evaluating the goods and services that are most consumed and that are sustaining this economy more efficiently. Thus, the allocation of expenditures should be determined by the courts in that region, based on the sectors that are most in line with the consumer's profile, being the most profitable sectors and the ones that should be more stimulated.

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Reaction formation!



Which of the following parties is permitted to view all entries in the Notary Signing Agent Notary journal?

A) Contracting Companies and Lenders
B) Borrowers and signing Parties
C) Police with a warrant for Journal



C) Police with a warrant for Journal


what search on seizure and how it is conducted? ​



Search and seizure, practices engaged in by law enforcement officers in order to gain sufficient evidence to ensure the arrest and conviction of an offender. The latitude allowed police and other law enforcement agents in carrying out searches and seizures varies considerably from country to country. There is considerable variance in the amount of protection given to the individual rights of the accused person.

You are an off-duty officer who has just completed a three-mile run. You decide to cool off and rest under a big oak tree. You sit down under the tree and see a brown wallet close by. Curiosity gets the best of you, and you open the waller. Interestingly enough, you find credit cards, identification, and $300 in cash. Nobody else is around. What would you do?


Turn it in when you get to the station and get it back to the right person

The way to the house ?



what is the house in question


do yo have a screen shot

What is your question?

Ram has just sold his share in a company and decided to buy a new car for his wife. On 15 April 2019, Ram appointed Gan as his agent to buy a car at the price not exceeding RM 75,000. The next day, Gan went to see Song, a car dealer and booked a car at the price of RM 85,000 and paid the deposit of RM 8,500. Gan told Song that the car was meant for Ram’s personal use. Song gave Gan RM 500 as a commission for booking the car with him. One month after the booking date, Song sent the car to Ram and claimed for the balance purchase price of the car. Ram told Song that he has never authorized Gan to purchase the car at that price and refused to accept the car. Advise Ram with regards to his rights as a principal. 2. Describe the circumstances under which a principal cannot revoke/ terminate the authority of his agent.



Principal and Agent

1. Rights of the Principal:

a. The principal can enforce the various duties of an agent.

b. The principal can recover compensation for any breach of duty by the agent.

c. The principal can forfeit agent’s remuneration where the agent is guilty of misconduct in the agency business.

d. The principal is entitled to any extra profit that the agent has made out of his agency. This includes the illegal gratification of RM500 that Song paid to Gan.

2. Circumstances under which the principal cannot revoke/terminate the authority of his agent are:

a. The agent has performed his authority partially.

b. When the agency is coupled with a legal interest in the agency and the interest has not been realized by the agent or the interest has not expired.


a) Some facts of the case:

Principal = Ram

Agen = Gan

Car dealer = Song

Authority limit for the purchase of the car = RM 75,000

Actual amounted booked for the car by the agent = RM 85,000

Deposit for the car = RM 8,500

Commission received from Song by Gan = RM 500

b) Gan did not actually act in the best interest of his principal, Ram, who gave him limited authority to buy a car at a price not exceeding RM 75,000.  It looks like Gan was more interested in the commission (bribe) that he received from Song instead of performing his duties as an agent to Ram.  If the agency authority is written down, Ram can use it as evidence that Gan's authority was limited.

Phân tích cấu trúc pháp lý của quy phạm pháp luật sau:

“ người nào sản xuất, buôn bán hàng giả là thuốc chữa bệnh, thuốc phòng bệnh, thì bị phạt tù từ 02 năm đến 07 năm”’

Trích khoản 1, điều 194 bộ luật hình sự Việt Nam. Tội sản xuất, buôn bán hàng giả là thuốc chữa bệnh, thuốc phòng bệnh.



Analyze the legal structure of the following legal norm:

Any person who manufactures or trades in counterfeit goods being curative or preventive drugs shall be sentenced to between 2 and 7 years of imprisonment.

Excerpt from Clause 1, Article 194 of Vietnam's penal code. Crime of producing and trading in counterfeit goods being curative and preventive drugs.


I don't know the answer but I am helping those people who doesn't understand vetnamese...they could understand this


Người nào sản xuất, buôn bán hàng giả là thuốc chữa bệnh, thuốc phòng bệnh, thì bị phạt tù từ 02 năm đến 07 năm.

2. Phạm tội thuộc một trong các trường hợp sau đây, thì bị phạt tù từ 05 năm đến 12 năm:

a) Có tổ chức;

b) Có tính chất chuyên nghiệp;

c) Tái phạm nguy hiểm;

d) Lợi dụng chức vụ, quyền hạn;

đ) Lợi dụng danh nghĩa cơ quan, tổ chức;

e) Buôn bán qua biên giới;

g) Hàng giả tương đương với số lượng của hàng thật hoặc hàng hóa có cùng tính năng kỹ thuật, công dụng trị giá từ 150.000.000 đồng đến dưới 500.000.000 đồng;

h) Thu lợi bất chính từ 100.000.000 đồng đến dưới 500.000.000 đồng;

i) Gây thương tích hoặc gây tổn hại cho sức khỏe của người khác mà tỷ lệ tổn thương cơ thể từ 31% đến 60%;

k) Gây thiệt hại về tài sản từ 100.000.000 đồng đến dưới 500.000.000 đồng.

3. Phạm tội thuộc một trong các trường hợp sau đây, thì bị phạt tù từ 12 năm đến 20 năm:

a) Hàng giả tương đương với số lượng của hàng thật hoặc hàng hóa có cùng tính năng kỹ thuật, công dụng trị giá 500.000.000 đồng trở lên;

b) Thu lợi bất chính từ 500.000.000 đồng đến dưới đồng;

c) Làm chết người;

d) Gây thương tích hoặc gây tổn hại cho sức khỏe của người khác mà tỷ lệ tổn thương cơ thể 61% trở lên;

đ) Gây thương tích hoặc gây tổn hại cho sức khỏe của 02 người trở lên mà tổng tỷ lệ tổn thương cơ thể của những người này từ 61% đến 121%;

e) Gây thiệt hại về tài sản từ 500.000.000 đồng đến dưới 1.500.000.000 đồng.

4. Phạm tội thuộc một trong các trường hợp sau đây, thì bị phạt tù 20 năm, tù chung thân hoặc tử hình:

a) Thu lợi bất chính đồng trở lên;

b) Làm chết 02 người trở lên;

c) Gây thương tích hoặc gây tổn hại cho sức khỏe của 02 người trở lên mà tổng tỷ lệ tổn thương cơ thể của những người này 122% trở lên;

d) Gây thiệt hại về tài sản 1.500.000.000 đồng trở lên.

5. Người phạm tội còn có thể bị phạt tiền từ 20.000.000 đồng đến 100.000.000 đồng, cấm đảm nhiệm chức vụ, cấm hành nghề hoặc làm công việc nhất định từ 01 năm đến 05 năm hoặc tịch thu một phần hoặc toàn bộ tài sản.

6. Pháp nhân thương mại phạm tội quy định tại Điều này, thì bị phạt như sau:

a) Phạm tội thuộc trường hợp quy định tại khoản 1 Điều này, thì bị phạt tiền từ đồng đến đồng;

b) Phạm tội thuộc một trong các trường hợp quy định tại các điểm a, b, c, e, g, h, i và k khoản 2 Điều này, thì bị phạt tiền từ đồng đến đồng;

c) Phạm tội thuộc trường hợp quy định tại khoản 3 Điều này, thì bị phạt tiền từ đồng đến đồng;

d) Phạm tội thuộc trường hợp quy định tại khoản 4 Điều này, thì bị phạt tiền từ đồng đến đồng hoặc đình chỉ hoạt động có thời hạn từ 01 năm đến 03 năm;

đ) Phạm tội thuộc trường hợp quy định tại Điều 79 của Bộ luật này, thì bị đình chỉ hoạt động vĩnh viễn;

e) Pháp nhân thương mại còn có thể bị phạt tiền từ 100.000.000 đồng đến 300.000.000 đồng, cấm kinh doanh, cấm hoạt động trong một số lĩnh vực nhất định hoặc cấm huy động vốn từ 01 năm đến 03 năm.

Discuss what traits successful law enforcement leaders have. If you had to select one most important characteristic of a law enforcement leader, explain which characteristic you would select. Defend and be specific. Of the common errors made by those who manage, supervise and lead, explain which has the most potential for the most ill effects on a department. Give examples and support your decision.


Answer and Explanation:

A successful leader must be someone who is incorruptible, fair, tolerant and egalitarian, who does his job in a peaceful, correct and progress-promoting way, free from prejudice. The absence of prejudice and the ability to act in a peaceful manner are the main characteristics that a police leader must present. This is because a police leader who has these characteristics serves as an example to other police officers, who can shape their work and behavior to be less violent professionals and who judge people correctly, without considering racism and prejudice.

Within a department, corruption is the most harmful characteristic among legal professionals. This corruption takes away from the sense of fairness that is so essential within a police department. An example of this can be seen in corrupt police officers who facilitate illegal activities of powerful people, but fight and destroy black families and other social minorities based only on prejudice.

Which of the following is an important consideration in setting up the proper environment to complete tasks on time?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options for this question.

However, we can help you to answer based on our knowledge of this topic.

In general terms. there is an important consideration in setting up the proper environment to complete tasks on time. This consideration is to learn to establish priorities.

Yes, this is the most important thing when setting up the proper environment to complete tasks on time.

Time management is a must for leaders, directors, managers, and coaches. These people in top positions in corporations must create a good plan, establish clear goals, followed up by strategies and tactics to accomplish those goals, and being productive.

For this to happen, they have to establish priorities, focus on the task at hand, establish a proper environment that is conducive to the activities that need to be done, and eliminate distractions to foster the correct habits that create productivity.


Explanation: a limited distractions

b free from distractions

c a cluttered work space

d working whenever time allows

how does the criminal justice system deals with vulnerable groups such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex ( LGBTQI) community amongst others when they are victims of hate crimes ​



depending on the country of justice system implementation we are talking about, some countries protect their rights as minorities while others prohibited the prevalence of such groups

Answer:by using the law


Bài 1: Công ty Cổ phần Tấn Tài đăng kí doanh nghiệp ngày 10/10/2015 với 3 cổ đông sáng lập là A, B, C. Công ty có vốn điều lệ là 1 tỷ và phát hành 100.000 cổ phiếu (mỗi cổ phần trị giá 10.000 đồng) trong đó cổ phần phổ thông 800 triệu, 50 triệu CPUD biểu quyết và 150 triệu CPUD cổ tức. Hỏi: a, A, B, C phải đăng kí mua ít nhất bao nhiêu cổ phần phổ thông. b, Ông Đức nắm giữ 10% cổ phần của công ty và muốn mua thêm cổ phần ưu đãi biểu quyết của công ty Tấn Tài. Yêu cầu trên có được không. C, Tháng 10/2019 ông A do không hài lòng với các chính sách của công ty nên đã chuyển nhượng các cổ phần của mình cho người khác. - Ông A có được chuyển nhượng không? Vì sao? - Nếu A chuyển nhượng hết thì hậu quả pháp lý đối với công ty Cổ phần Tấn Tài là gì?



get Garbrumeyjjethztjarhatjztjafnatmstbatnatntn

Which foods are not allowed on clear liquid diet



the things on the left are the answer

Red is a union official. He is faced with a problem when a union member breaks a union bylaw. To address the union member’s fault, Red and union officials meet together and decide to kick the union member out of the union. Which of the following is true



red is a union official


that one is true

A writing sample that has been made to look like someone else's handwriting is a:





How Can We Get Khula in Pakistan?



To apply for Khula the wife would need to file a suit for Khula in the Family Court under the West Pakistan Family Courts Ordinance, on the grounds that she feels she can no long live with her husband “within the limits prescribed by Allah' and such a statement on oath made in her suit would be sufficient to establish


Công ty TNHH Hết hạn có 03 thành viên. Công ty muốn phát hành cổ phần vào tháng 12/2021 để chuyển đổi thành công ty cổ phần. Nhận định nào sau đây đúng? Tất cả đều đúng. "Được vì đây là trường hợp để chuyển thành công ty cổ phần", Bạn học giỏi nhất lớp nói. "Không được vì Công ty TNHH không được phát hành cổ phần trong mọi trường hợp", Chiên gia nói.



Tôi khá chắc chắn là "Được rồi.".


18. Which technique provides a smooth transition from acceleration to braking? A. Skid braking B. Cover braking C. Squeeze braking D. Gentle braking





when the car weight transfers to the front end, the nose of the car is pointing down. easing off the brake will the nose back up making the braking smooth.

give a description of a recent (2018-2020) example of how xenophobia has displayed itself in community's​




Now that you have listened to the first chapter of Common Sense, what do you think of Paine's philosophy? Particularly, what do think about how he views the government? Do you think he is right or wrong, and why?



Government has its origins in the evil of man and is therefore a necessary evil at best. Paine says that government's sole purpose is to protect life, liberty and property, and that a government should be judged solely on the basis of the extent to which it accomplishes this goal.

Mark me as brainliest ❤️

Imagine you just graduated with your criminal justice degree and landed a job at a police department in a major U.S. city—one experiencing the now very common issues we hear occurring every day in the news. The captain has asked you to come up with plans he/she wants you to share in a month with the entire department on how to improve policing for your new city—in particular, policing as it relates to black and brown communities.


Answer and Explanation:

A plan to improve policing in black and brown communities should start with training for police officers. This training should educate them about social issues related to these communities, as well as educate them to combat racist concepts and violent behavior that they may have towards these communities. Then, it would be necessary to establish a police patrol scheme, where officers would be separated into groups, which would patrol at different times, to combat possible crimes.

It would also be necessary to establish a strategy to combat drug trafficking that may exist in the region, since it is very common for crimes in disadvantaged communities to be related to trafficking.

These strategies should always take into account police action based on justice and not prejudice or racism, as the police should establish peace and prosperity in the community and not terrorize citizens.

If Kripto sues Attorney Porquine for breach of the Jones-Porquine contract to recover what he would have received under the will, could Attorney Porquine successfully defend himself due to Kripto not having standing to sue? Why or why not?



Following are the solution to the given question:


No, Sandy Porquine cannot defend himself successfully. This is because Kripto is the designated beneficiary in the contract between Emma Jones and Sandy Porcupine. Beneficiaries intended to seek a court resolution (have a duty to prosecute) if their contract rights are violated. Sandy Porquine also couldn't apply this theory effectively, Kripto had obtained a right.

Which of the following is not an instruction that would be given to witnesses to prepare them for trial?
If asked to give exact times or measurements, "approximate" your responses.
It is best to elaborate and give detailed answers to questions.
Always control your emotions while on the witness stand.
Always tell the truth and testify with confidence.



Always control your emotions while on the witness stand


Judges are very smart and with your actions while on the witness stand tell them what you mean. so your explanation should. be of reasonable doubt.

the law enacted by the military is called what​


In simple terms, decrees are federal laws made in a military regime, edicts are state laws in a military regime.

A gardener, a citizen of State A, sues a homeowner, a citizen of State B, in a State A federal court seeking damages for breach of contract. It would not violate the Due Process Clause of the U.S. Constitution for a State A federal court to hear the case. However, State A's long-arm statute would not grant a State A state court jurisdiction over the homeowner.

Can the State A federal court exert personal jurisdiction over the homeowner?



Following are the solution to the given question:


The answer is "No" because, in the given scenario, the Federal Court has little ownership of the property. In line with the Rules of Civil Procedure, that's used to explains the process and how plaintiffs need to exhibit their arguments by a court or decision. In this the States, A lengthy statute needs to be applied, therefore the Federal judges apply the law of the civil procedure law.

The type of government in which eligible members of society make decisions by voting is known as what?


The answer is: Democracy

Importance of censorship in the media



it's important because it helps to filter out the nudity, real life violence and

the use of profanity.


in simple ways .. we can see the truth of government .. we may find out the reason and secrets ..

Importance of censorship in the media is for ethical, political, or security concerns, it represses writing or speaking. Social media censorship has the potential to provide a false perception of society.  

What do you mean by the censorship?

When some people are successful in imposing their own political or moral ideals on others, censorship—the suppression of "offensive" words, images, or ideas—occurs.

Many would contend that social media censorship is necessary because it might curb online hostility to an unhealthy degree.

Although there may be some merit to this, if harsh and unpleasant speech is permitted to be muted, who knows what else will be banned in the future?

Social media censorship has the potential to provide a false perception of society.

Therefore, importance of censorship in the media is for ethical, political, or security concerns, it represses writing or speaking. Social media censorship has the potential to provide a false perception of society.  

To know more about the censorship, visit:



Trial practice is dramatically different in Britain. The lawyers for the two sides, called solicitors, do not go into court. Courtroom work is done by different lawyers, called barristers. The barristers are not permitted to interview any witnesses before trial. They know the substance of what each witness intends to say but do not rehearse questions and answers, as in the United States. Which approach do you consider more effective



The British approach appears to be more effective and even more efficient.


The British approach eliminates the tendency of lawyers to coach the witnesses to produce required answers.  This means that using the British approach, witnesses are not properly prepared with correctly rehearsed answers to questions.  The discovery of the case by both lawyers happens in the courtroom and not at a pretrial stage.  With the British approach, courtroom lawyers are responsible for conducting the opening statement, direct examination of witnesses, closing statement, and cross-examination of witnesses.

Q:3-Which of the following best describes the manned
security sector?
Mark one answer:
Using barriers and grills over windows and doors
Guarding property against destruction or damage, against
being stolen or against being otherwise dishonestly taken or
The use of CCTV equipment in a shopping mall
Using a steel gate to prevent people entering a construction



m k;looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'[;pk,l'lop;\ ;pol ;[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[l[lo


Analyze the “legal personality” and provide one relevant example.



"Legal personality" means to be capable of having legal rights.


"Legal personality" means to be capable of having legal rights within a specific legal system such as to enter into contracts, sue, and be sued. Legal personality is a condition or requirement to legal capacity, the ability of any legal person to change rights and obligations. Example of legal personality is that how a law is applied if one is a home owner versus a renter.

In a wrongful death action for the death of his wife in an automobile accident, the plaintiff alleged that the accident was caused by a mudflap assembly that fell off the defendant's truck. The plaintiff wishes to introduce the testimony of a witness, another truck driver who was on the same highway at the time, who heard someone tell the defendant over CB radio that he had noticed at the truck stop that the defendant's mudflap assembly on his truck was loose. The witness does not know the identity of the person who gave the warning. Should the court admit the testimony


Answer: Yes. The court should admit the testimony.


Based on the information given, the court should admit the testimony in order to prove that the defendant was aware about the fact that the mudflap assembly was loose.

This can be infered from the information given from the testimony of

the witness, whom was another truck driver who was on the same highway at the time, as he heard someone tell the defendant over CB radio that he had noticed at the truck stop that the defendant's mudflap assembly on his truck was loose.

Other Questions
Find the sum... 6.87 + 2.39 Which statements about Native American culture are true? Select the two correct answers. (1 point)O Native American culture is unique to each different group.O Native American culture was influenced by geographic location.O Native American culture is the same among all groups.O Native American culture was similar to European culture, cWhich of the following statements BEST defines first aid?A. First aid is treatment given at the time of an injury.B. First aid is treatment given at the location of an injury.C. First aid is treatment given at the time and location of an injury.D. none of the abovePlease select the best answer from the choices provided.AD How does a market feel like when is not rainy The profitability, P, of a popular restaurant franchise can be modeled by the function P (t) = t4 10t3 + 33t2 36t, where t is the number of months since the restaurant opened. How many months after the franchise opens will it begin to show a profit? 1 month 3 months 4 months 0 months A stock lost 8 3/8 points on Monday and then another 1 5/8 points on Tuesday. On Wednesday, it gained 13 points. What was thenet gain or loss of the stock for these three days? Which is NOT a characteristic of an oral tradition? A. To entertain an audience. B. To instigate war Between tribes. C. To preserve a cultures history. A car generator turns at 400 rpm (revolutions per minute) when the engine is idling. It has a rectangular coil with 300 turns of dimensions 5.00 cm by 6.46 cm that rotates in an adjustable magnetic field. What is the field strength needed to produce a 24.0 V peak emf Which sentence uses numbers correctly?O There were sixty-eight people at the party.O There were 68-people at the party.O There were sixty eight people at the party.There were 68 people at the party. What are the first and third quartiles for the following data set?12, 15, 18, 16, 14, 9, 12, 21A 9 and 21C 12 and 17B 12 and 16D 15 and 17 solve for x : 2(x^2+9)-4=0 Will give brainliest plz answer quick Change into passive voice. 1)Aryan sets his alarm clock for 5:30 am.2)People believe that he is a very good pianist. 3)They say that he knows some very influential people. Hydrogen fluoride will react with glass (silicon dioxide. S_iO_2) according to the equation below What mass of HF is required to react completely with 16 0 g of glass? (Molar masses; Si 28 09 g/mol F 19 00 g/mol H. 1.01 g/mol O, 16.00 g/mol]4HF(g) + SiO_2(s) --> SiF_4(g) + 2H_2O(g)A. 5.33 gB. 21.3 gC. 64.0 gD. 80.0 gE. 320 g HELP!what is the y-intercept of the function f(x)=5*(1/6)^x P.1 is a variant of SARS-CoV2. This is the so-called "Brazil variant". It has the amino acid the substitution N501Y in the spike protein on the virus surface. In cellular fluids at ~pH 7 the wild type spike protein has a net negative charge. This substitution will make the spike proteinmore negativeless hydrophobicable to absorb move UV lightless negative Imagine you are an expert in the music industry. You have been asked by a leading newspaper to writean opinion piece on the issue of illegally downloading music. Write the piece, considering your involvement in the music industry and how this may be reflected in your writing.PLEASE PLEASE DO THIS ILL MARK YOU AS BRAINLIEST AND YOULL GET SO MANY POINTS I NEED THIS DONE IN THE NEXT HOUR^^ una caja contiene 2 bolitas blancas y 3 blancas .la probabilidad de que la primera extrada sea blanca y la segunda sea negra , sin reponer la primera as per your experience, knowledge and studies make a list of as a many social problems of Nepalese Which nucleus completes the following equation?Please ignore the answer I chose, it might be wrong