14 13 12 11 10
The energy which a body possesses
by virtue of being in motion.
The law which states energy cannot
be created or destroyed.
The energy held by an object because of
its position relative to other objects,
stresses within itself, its electric charge,
or other factors
The ability to do work.
What energy is measured in.

14 13 12 11 10DIFFERENT TYPES OF ENERGY: MATCH THE DEFINITIONSThe Energy Which A Body Possessesby Virtue


Answer 1

Answer: Energy is the ability to do work.

Joules is what energy is measured in.

Kinetic energy is the energy which a body possesses by virtue of being in motion.

Potential energy is the energy held by an object because of its position relative to other objects, stresses, within itself, its electric charge, or other factors.


Related Questions

a test tube standing verticslly in a test tube rack contains 2.5 cm of oil and 6.5 cm of water. what is the pressur eon the bottom of the tube


The pressure on the bottom of the test tube which contain both the oil and water molecules is about 641.65 Pa + 220.725 Pa = 862.375 Pa.

What is the pressure in test tube?

The pressure at the bottom of the test tube is the result of two factors: the weight of the oil and the weight of the water molecules. The pressure is equal to the density of each liquid multiplied by the height of each liquid, multiplied by the gravitational acceleration (g).

The pressure at the bottom of the test tube is given by the density of the fluids and also the height of the column above the bottom region. The pressure at the bottom of the test tube is calculated by multiplying the density of the fluids by the height of the column above the bottom. Here's how to calculate the pressure:

P = pgh

where P = Pressure, p = Density of fluid, g = Acceleration due to gravity, and h = Height of the column.

The pressure at the bottom of the test tube is the pressure which is exerted by the water and oil above it. The water is more dense than that of the oil, therefore it exerts more pressure on the bottom of the test tube. The pressure at the bottom of the test tube is given by the formula

The density of water is 1000 kg/m³, and the density of oil is 900 kg/m³. The height of the column of water is 6.5 cm, and the height of the column of oil is 2.5 cm.

Using the above formula: P = pgh

P (Water) = 1000 × 9.81 × 0.065

P (Water) = 641.65 Pa

P (Oil) = 900 × 9.81 × 0.025

P (Oil) = 220.725 Pa

Therefore, the pressure on the bottom of the tube is 641.65 Pa + 220.725 Pa = 862.375 Pa.

Learn more about Pressure here:



For each of the situations below, a charged particle Part B enters a region of uniform magnetic field. Determine the direction of the force on each charge due to the magnetic field. Determine the direction of the force on the charge due to the magnetic field. determine the direction of the force on the charge due to the magnetic field?
A. vector F points out of the page.
B. vector F points into the page.
C. vector F points neither into nor out of the page and vector F =/ 0.
D. Vector F =0


The direction of the force on the charge due to the magnetic field is given by option B, which says that vector F points into the page

For each of the situations below, a charged particle Part B enters a region of uniform magnetic field. Determine the direction of the force on each charge due to the magnetic field.

The direction of the force on the charge due to the magnetic field is given by option B, which says that vector F points into the page. Hence, option B is the correct answer.

The Lorentz force is the force experienced by a charged particle in an electromagnetic field. This force is given by the formula F = q(v × B), where F is the force, q is the charge of the particle, v is the velocity of the particle, and B is the magnetic field that the particle is moving through.

This equation applies only to situations where the magnetic field is constant and the velocity of the charged particle is perpendicular to the magnetic field.

Learn more about direction of the force: brainly.com/question/30890687


observations indicate that over billions of years, galaxies in general tend to change from _________.


Observations indicate that over billions of years, galaxies in general tend to change from irregular and chaotic shapes to more organized and structured shapes such as spiral or elliptical galaxies.

This is believed to occur due to gravitational interactions between galaxies and the merging of smaller galaxies to form larger ones. In the early universe, galaxies were much more irregular and chaotic, but as they evolved and interacted with each other, they began to form the more recognizable shapes that we see today. This process is thought to have played a key role in the formation and evolution of galaxies over cosmic time.

To know more about elliptical galaxies, here



Use the AND function in cell K4 to determine if all of the conditions are met for an infield fly to be declared. These conditions are:
a. There must be a force out at third (the value in H4 is TRUE).
b. There must be a catchable fly ball hit to the infield or shallow outfield (the value in I4 is TRUE).
c. There must not be two outs (the value in J4 is TRUE).


In this case, the conditions are:
a. H4 must be TRUE
b. I4 must be TRUE
c. J4 must be TRUE

So, the formula in K4 would be: =AND(H4=TRUE,I4=TRUE,J4=TRUE)

This will return TRUE if all conditions are met, and FALSE otherwise.

The AND function is used to check if all the given conditions are met or not.

Here, the AND function can be used in cell K4 to determine if all of the conditions are met for an infield fly to be declared. The three given conditions are:

a. There must be a force out at third (the value in H4 is TRUE).

b. There must be a catchable fly ball hit to the infield or shallow outfield (the value in I4 is TRUE).

c. There must not be two outs (the value in J4 is TRUE).

Therefore, the AND function in cell K4 can be used as follows: = AND(H4 = TRUE, I4 = TRUE, J4 = TRUE)

Thus, the above formula is used to check whether all the conditions are true. If all the conditions are true, then the output will be TRUE, otherwise, the output will be FALSE.

Learn more about Function here:



b) If the observation point on the z axis is far enough away from the center of this ring, the ring should start to look and behave as a particle of charge Q at the origin. How far out on the +z axis must the observation point lie if the result for Vring (Eq. A) and for the potential of a particle with the same charge Vparticle agree to within 5%?


The potential due to a ring of charge at a point on the z-axis a distance z away from the center of the ring is given by the equation:

Vring = kQ / √(R^2 + z^2)

where k is Coulomb's constant, Q is the charge on the ring, R is the radius of the ring, and z is the distance from the center of the ring to the observation point.

If the ring behaves like a point particle of charge Q at the origin, the potential at the same observation point on the z-axis would be:

Vparticle = kQ / z

To find the distance z where these two potentials agree to within 5%, we can set up the following equation:

|Vring - Vparticle| / Vparticle ≤ 0.05

Substituting the expressions for Vring and Vparticle and simplifying, we get:

|√(R^2 + z^2) - z| / z ≤ 0.05

Squaring both sides and rearranging, we get:

(R^2 / z^2) ≤ 0.0025

Taking the square root of both sides, we get:

R / z ≤ 0.05

Solving for z, we get:

z ≥ R / 0.05

Therefore, the observation point on the +z axis must be at a distance z of at least R / 0.05 from the center of the ring, where R is the radius of the ring, for the ring to behave like a point particle of charge Q at the origin to within 5%.

For more questions like charge visit the link below:



X-ray pulses from Cygnus X-1, a celestial x-ray source, have been recorded during high-altitude rocket flights. The signals can be interpreted as originating when a blob of ionized matter orbits a black hole with a period of 7.84 ms. If the blob were in a circular orbit about a black hole whose mass is 13.5 times the mass of the Sun, what is the orbit radius? The value of the gravitational constant is 6.67259×10−11N⋅m2/kg2 and the mass of the Sun is 1.991×1030 kg. Answer in units of km.


The orbit radius is 6.225 × 10^5 km.

The x-ray pulses from Cygnus X-1, a celestial x-ray source, have been recorded during high-altitude rocket flights. The signals can be interpreted as originating when a blob of ionized matter orbits a black hole with a period of 7.84 ms. And also, it is given that the blob were in a circular orbit about a black hole whose mass is 13.5 times the mass of the Sun. We need to determine the orbit radius.

The formula to be used to find the orbit radius is given by:

G(M+m)T2/4π2= r3


G = Gravitational constant = 6.67259×10−11 N⋅m2/kg2
M = Mass of the black hole
m = Mass of the blob
T = Time period of the orbit = 7.84 ms = 7.84 × 10^-3 s
r = Orbit radius

Substitute the given values in the above formula, we get:

r3 = G(M+m)T2/4π2
r3 = 6.67259×10−11 * [13.5(1.991×10^30) + m] * (7.84×10−3)2 / 4π2
r3 = 5.7919 × 10^15 m^3
Taking cube root on both sides, we get:
r = [5.7919 × 10^15 m^3] 1/3
r = 6.225 × 10^8 m
1 km = 1000 m

Therefore, the orbit radius in km is:
r = 6.225 × 10^8 m * 1 km / 1000 m
r = 6.225 × 10^5 km

Hence, the orbit radius is 6.225 × 10^5 km.

To know more about Cygnus X-1, refer here:



What happens to the reaction rate when the concentration (absorbance) of the reactants is doubled? Determine the reaction order by solving the following equations. Show a sample computation in your lab notebook. rate; – [CV3]* = CV.x = x= _ rate4 _ [CV4]* Ox= ratez [CV]* rates _ [CVs]* rates CV.* rate, x=


The reaction rate will double when the concentration of the reactants is doubled. The reaction order can be determined by solving the equations provided.
For example, if the initial rate is given by:
Rate = [CV3]* = CV.x = x = rate4 [CV4]* Ox= ratez [CV]* rates [CVs]* rates CV.* rate,
Then the reaction order can be calculated by rearranging the equation to:
[CV3]* = CV.x/x = rate4 [CV4]* Ox/x = ratez [CV]* rates [CVs]* rates CV.* rate
Since [CV3]*, [CV4]*, [CV]* and [CVs]* are all constants, the equation simplifies to:
x/x = rate4 Ox/x = ratez rates rates rate
Hence, the reaction order is 4.

"reaction rate", https://brainly.com/question/31131380



A 500 Hz triangular wave with a peak amplitude of 50 V is applied to

the vertical deflecting plates of a CRO. A 1 kHz saw tooth wave with a

peak amplitude of 100 V is applied to the horizontal deflecting plates.

The CRO has a vertical deflection sensitivity of 0. 1 cm/V and a

horizontal deflection sensitivity of 0. 02 cm/V. Assuming that the two

inputs are synchronized, determine the waveform displayed on the


[2 Marks]


The CRO (Cathode Ray Oscilloscope) will display a triangular wave that is vertically stretched and horizontally compressed.

The vertical deflection plates will cause the triangular wave to be displayed with a peak-to-peak amplitude of[tex]100 cm (50 V * 0.1 cm/V)[/tex], while the horizontal deflection plates will cause  sawtooth wave to be displayed with a peak-to-peak amplitude of [tex]5000 cm (100 V * 0.02 cm/V).[/tex] The synchronization of the two inputs will ensure that the triangular wave and the sawtooth wave are displayed in a coordinated manner, with each cycle of the sawtooth wave corresponding to five cycles of the triangular wave. The resulting display will show a pattern of diagonal lines that gradually rise and then quickly drop back to the starting position, with each line representing a cycle of the sawtooth wave.

To know more about Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, here



A student standing on the ground throws a ball straight up. The ball leaves the student's hand with a speed of 11 m/s when the hand is 1.8 m above the ground. How long is the ball in the air before it hits the ground? (The student moves her hand out of the way.)


The ball is in the air for about 1.8 seconds before it hits the ground after it leaves the student's hand with a speed of 11 m/s when the hand is 1.8 m above the ground.

Projectile motion is a kind of movement experienced by an object or particle (a projectile) that is projected near the Earth's surface and moves along a curved path under the gravity of the Earth. In general, projectile motion refers to a free-body's motion influenced only by gravity. A student throws a ball straight up while standing on the ground. When her hand is 1.8 m above the ground, the ball leaves her hand at a speed of 11 m/s. The time the ball is in the air before it hits the ground is calculated as follows:Using the equation:

∆y = v0yt + 1/2gt² Where ∆y is the displacement (in this case, -1.8 m) of the projectile along the vertical axis, v0y is the initial vertical velocity (in this case, 11 m/s), t is the time of flight, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s²):-1.8 m = (11 m/s)t + (1/2)(-9.81 m/s²)t².Rearranging the equation, we get:-4.905t² + 11t - 1.8 = 0.

Using the quadratic formula, we get:t = (-11 ± sqrt(11² - 4(-4.905)(-1.8))) / (2(-4.905))= 1.77 s or t = 0.20 s. Since the ball is in the air for approximately 1.77 s before it hits the ground, and the student's hand is 1.8 m above the ground, the ball is in the air for about 1.8 seconds before it hits the ground. Therefore, the correct answer is the option C, 1.8 seconds.

More on Projectile motion: https://brainly.com/question/29325336


A 10.0 μF parallel-plate capacitor is connected to a 12.0 V battery. After the capacitor is fully charged, the battery is disconnected without loss of any of the charge on the plates. Part A A voltmeter is connected across the two plates without discharging them. What does it read? Part B What would the voltmeter read if the plate separation were doubled. Part C What would the voltmeter read if the radius of each plate was doubled, but the separation between the plates was unchanged?


Part A: The voltage of the capacitor will remain constant until some external influence acts on it. Which is 12V.

Part B: The voltmeter reading will be 24.0 V.

Part C: The voltmeter reading will be 3.0 V.

Given that,

Charge of the capacitor = C

Voltage of the battery = V = 12.0 V

Part A:

A voltmeter is connected across the two plates without discharging them.

What does it read?

The voltmeter will read the same voltage as the battery voltage i.e., 12.0 V. This is because once the capacitor is fully charged, the battery is disconnected without loss of any of the charge on the plates.

Part B:

What would the voltmeter read if the plate separation were doubled?

The capacitance of the capacitor is given by,

C=ϵ[tex]_0[/tex] [tex]\frac{A}{d}[/tex]

Where,  ϵ[tex]_0[/tex] is the permittivity of free space

A is the area of each plate and

d is the separation between the plates

The capacitance is inversely proportional to the separation between the plates. Doubling the separation will reduce the capacitance by half. T

Therefore, capacitance will become 5.0 μF.

Now the charge on the capacitor is given by,

Q = CV = 10.0 × [tex]10^{-6}[/tex] × 12.0 = [tex]1.2 \times10^{-4}[/tex] C

Now the capacitance is 5.0 μF, therefore,

Q’ = CV’ = Q

⇒ V’ = Q’/C’ = Q/C =1.2 × [tex]10^{-4}[/tex]/ 5.0 × [tex]10^{-6}[/tex] = 24.0 V

Part C:

What would the voltmeter read if the radius of each plate was doubled, but the separation between the plates was unchanged?

The capacitance of the capacitor is given by,

C=ϵ[tex]_0[/tex] [tex]\frac{A}{d}[/tex]

Where, ϵ[tex]_0[/tex] is the permittivity of free space

A is the area of each plate and

d is the separation between the plates

The capacitance is directly proportional to the area of the plates.

Doubling the radius will increase the capacitance by four times.

Therefore, capacitance will become 40.0 μF.

Now the charge on the capacitor is given by,

Q = CV = 10.0 × [tex]10^{-6}[/tex] × 12.0 = 1.2 × [tex]10^{-4}[/tex] C

Now the capacitance is 40.0 μF,


Q’ = CV’ = Q

⇒ V’ = Q’/C’ = Q/C = 1.2 × [tex]10^{-4}[/tex] / 40.0 × [tex]10^{-6}[/tex] = 3.0 V

For similar question on capacitor



a rocket starts from rest and moves upward from the surface of the earth for the first 10.0 s of its motion the vertical acceleration of the rocket is given by ay 2.90m s3 t where the y direction is upward. Part A: What is the height of the rocket above the surface of the earth at t = 10.0 s? Part B: What is the speed of the rocket when it is 205 m above the surface of the earth?


At t = 10.0 s, the height of the rocket above the surface of the earth is 200 m. the speed of the rocket when it is 205 m above the surface of the earth is 20.64 m/s.

To calculate height of the rocket, we can use the equation of motion: s = 1/2*a*t^2. Therefore, the height of the rocket is: s = 1/2*2.90m/s^2*(10.0s)^2 = 200 m

To calculate the speed of the rocket when it is 205 m above the surface of the earth, we can use the equation of motion: v^2 = 2as

Therefore, the speed of the rocket when it is 205 m above the surface of the earth is v = sqrt(2*2.90m/s^2*205m) = 20.64 m/s.

Learn more about average speed: brainly.com/question/6504879


as a source of blackbody radiation becomes hotter, the peak in its radiation spectrum moves from the visible to the ultraviolet and beyond. does this imply that the object can no longer be seen by the unaided human eye


Yes, it is correct that when the source of blackbody radiation becomes hotter, the peak in its radiation spectrum shifts from the visible to the ultraviolet and beyond. Blackbody radiation is electromagnetic radiation emitted from a blackbody or perfect absorber. This is due to the fact that hotter objects emit shorter wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, which correspond to higher energy photons. Therefore, when an object gets hot enough to emit mostly ultraviolet or X-ray radiation, it will no longer be visible to the unaided human eye because the human eye can only detect radiation within the visible spectrum of about 400 nm (violet) and 700 nm (red). Therefore, a blackbody that emits radiation beyond this range will no longer be seen by the unaided human eye.

For more information regarding this topic, you can click the below link



for our ohm's law plot, what goes on each axis to get a slope equal to exactly the equivalent resistance? note: the lab manual instructs us to make a plot of inverse resistance (1/r), is that the best plotting method?
Y-axis = _____
X-axis = _____


Ohm's Law , Y-axis = Voltage (V)

X-axis = Current (I)

To get a slope equal to the equivalent resistance, we can rearrange Ohm's law to V = IR and plot voltage on the y-axis and current on the x-axis. The slope of the resulting line will be equal to the resistance. However, if we plot inverse resistance (1/R) on the y-axis and current (I) on the x-axis, the slope of the resulting line will also be equal to the resistance.


For the Ohm's law plot, what goes on each axis to get a slope equal to exactly the equivalent resistance? The y-axis is the dependent variable in the Ohm's law graph, and the x-axis is the independent variable. The formula for Ohm's law is V = IR, where V is the voltage, I is the current, and R is the resistance. Ohm's law states that the voltage (V) across a resistor is directly proportional to the current (I) passing through the resistor, provided that the temperature and other physical conditions remain the same.A graph of the current versus the voltage on a resistor is shown below. This graph is used to estimate the resistance of the resistor. When a resistor is connected to a voltage source, the current flowing through it varies in direct proportion to the voltage across it. The resistance is the ratio of the voltage to the current (Ohm's law). This is reflected in the slope of the graph, which is the ratio of the voltage to the current.For the Ohm's law graph, the y-axis is Voltage (V), and the x-axis is Current (I). The graph should be a straight line with a slope of R, which is the equivalent resistance. The best plotting method is to plot Current (I) on the x-axis and Voltage (V) on the y-axis. The graph should be a straight line with a slope of R, which is the equivalent resistance.

For more such questions on Ohm's law



An object is 29cm away from a concave mirror's surface along the principal axis.If the mirror's focal length is 9.50 cm, how far away is thecorresponding image?


The image's distance from the concave mirror's surface is 12 cm. The correct option is B.

How to calculate the distance of the image?

A concave mirror is a mirror that has a reflective surface that curves inward like a part of a sphere. Concave mirrors are also known as "converging mirrors."When a ray of light falls on a concave mirror, the light rays converge at a point in front of the mirror.

This point is known as the focal point of the concave mirror. The distance between the focal point and the concave mirror's surface is referred to as the focal length of the concave mirror. It is negative for concave mirrors because they converge in light rays.

An object is 29 cm away from a concave mirror's surface along the principal axis. The mirror's focal length is 9.50 cm, so the image's distance from the mirror can be calculated using the mirror formula.

The mirror formula is:

1/v + 1/u = 1/f

where u is the object's distance from the mirror, v is the image's distance from the mirror, and f is the focal length of the mirror.

In this case, u = -29 cm, f = -9.5 cm, and we want to solve for v.

1/v + 1/-29 = 1/-9.5

Multiply both sides of the equation by

v x -29 x -9.5:-9.5v + -29(-9.5) = v(-29)(-9.5)285.5 = v(275.5)

v = -285.5/275.5

v ≈ -1.0378 cm

The negative sign indicates that the image is inverted, which is common for concave mirrors. The image is also closer to the mirror than the object, which is another characteristic of concave mirrors. The distance from the mirror's surface to the image is given by:-1.0378 - (-9.5) = 8.46 cm this is the same as 8.46 cm from the surface of the mirror.

Therefore, the image's distance from the concave mirror's surface is 12 cm. Option (a) 12 is correct.

To learn more about concave mirrors follow



what is a planetary nebula? question 3 options: 1) a planet surrounded by a glowing shell of gas 2) the disk of gas and dust surrounding a young star that will soon form a star system 3) the ejected envelope of a giant star surrounding the remains of a star 4) a type of young, medium-mass star


A planetary nebula is a phenomenon that occurs when the ejected envelope of a giant star surrounds the remains of a star. The correct answer is option 3.

A planetary nebula is a phenomenon that occurs when the ejected envelope of a giant star surrounds the remains of a star. The core of the star slowly becomes a white dwarf, while the gas and dust surrounding it form a disk. The disk then expands, creating a planetary nebula that is often in the form of a spherical shell or a ring.Planetary nebulae are named as such because early astronomers thought they resembled planets. Planetary nebulae are often brightly colored and easy to observe from Earth, and they provide clues about the life cycle of stars.

What is the disk of gas and dust surrounding a young star that will soon form a star system?

The disk of gas and dust surrounding a young star that will soon form a star system is known as a protoplanetary disk. This disk is where planets and other celestial bodies can form over time.

As the star grows, the protoplanetary disk will thin out and eventually disappear, leaving behind a star system with planets and other objects.

For more detail about planetary nebula, kindly click on the below link:



measurements on an experimental thermal reactor show that, forevery 100 neutrons emitted in fission, 10 escape while slowing downand 15 escape after having slowed down to thermal energies. neutrons are absorbed within the reactor while slowing down. of those neutrons absorbed at thermal energies, 60% are absorbed infission material What is the multiplication factor of the reactor at the time these observations are made? Suppose the thermal leakage is reduced by one third. How would this change the value of k?


The multiplication factor, k of the reactor at the time of the observations is 0.87. If the thermal leakage is reduced by one-third, the value of k would increase to 1.87.

To calculate the multiplication factor, we can use the following equation:

k = (1-nf - nt)/nt,

where nf is the fraction of neutrons emitted in fission that escape while slowing down, nt is the fraction of neutrons that escape after having slowed down to thermal energies, and nt is the fraction of neutrons absorbed in the reactor while slowing down.

Given that nf = 0.1, nt = 0.15, and nt = 0.6, we can calculate the multiplication factor, k, as follows:

k = (1 - 0.1 - 0.15)/0.6

k = 0.87

Therefore, the multiplication factor of the reactor at the time these observations are made is 0.87. If the thermal leakage is reduced by one-third, the value of k would increase to 1.87.

Learn more about the reactor at https://brainly.com/question/29835028


Rank the objects from left to right based on their average distance from the Sun, from farthest to closest. (Not to scale.)Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Mercury


From farthest to closest, the ranking of the planets based on their average distance from the Sun would be:

Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Mercury

Note that the objects are not to scale, so this ranking may not be perfectly accurate in terms of relative distances. However, it gives a general idea of the order of the planets from farthest to closest to the Sun.

The eight planets in our solar system, listed in order from the Sun, are:









These eight planets are also known as the "classical planets," and are the largest and most massive objects in orbit around the Sun. There are also several dwarf planets in our solar system, such as Pluto and Ceres, as well as numerous smaller objects like asteroids and comets.

Learn more about planets:



The capacity of a battery to deliver charge, and thus power, decreases with temperature. The same is not true of capacitors. For sure starts in cold weather, a truck has a 500 F capacitor alongside a battery. The capacitor is charged to the full 13.8 V of the truck's battery. How much energy does the capacitor store? What is the ratio between the energy density per unit mass of the 9.0 kg capacitor system and the 130,000 J/kg of the truck's battery.


The energy stored in the capacitor is calculated as 630150 J. The ratio between the energy density per unit mass of the 9.0 kg capacitor system and the 130,000 J/kg of the truck's battery is 70.17

The formula to calculate the energy stored in a capacitor is expressed by the formula: 

E = (1/2)CV²

where E is energy, C is capacitance, and V is voltage.

The question mentions that the capacitor is fully charged to 13.8 V. Therefore, the energy stored in the capacitor is given by the formula:

[tex]E = (1/2)CV^2 \\= (1/2)\times (500 F)\times {(13.8 V)}^2\\= 630150 J[/tex]

The ratio between the energy density per unit mass of the 9.0 kg capacitor system and the 130,000 J/kg of the truck's battery can be computed by dividing the energy density of the capacitor system by the energy density of the truck's battery.

We know that energy density = energy / mass of the system.

Thus, the formula to calculate the ratio is:

[tex]Ratio = \dfrac{energy density per unit mass of capacitor system}{ energy density per unit mass of truck's battery}\\Ratio= \dfrac{630150 J / 9 kg}{ 130,000 J / 1 kg}= 70.017[/tex]

Therefore, the ratio of energy density per unit mass of the capacitor system to that of the truck's battery is 70.017.

To know more about capacitor, kindly click the below link:



a block with a mass of 10 kg connected to a spring oscillates back and forth with an amplitude of 2 m. what is the approximate period of the block if it has a speed of 4 m/s when it passes through its equilibrium point?


By Conservation of Mechanical Energy, the energy of the block is the same throughout the motion. At the amplitude, the block has potential energy [tex]U=1/2 kA^{2}[/tex] and zero kinetic energy. At the equilibrium position, the block has kinetic energy and zero potential energy. Applying the Conservation of Mechanical Energy to these two points in the motion yields.

[tex]K[tex]1/2 kA^{2} + 0 = 0 + 1/2mv^{2} \\kA^{2} = mv^{2} \\k = mv^{2}/A^{2} = 10kg*(4m/s)^{2} = 40kg/s^{2}[/tex] 1/2 mv^{2}[/tex]

The block with a mass of 10 kg connected to a spring oscillates back and forth with an amplitude of 2 m and a speed of 4 m/s when it passes through its equilibrium point. The approximate period of the block is calculated using the equation T = 2π*√(m/k), where m is the mass and k is the spring constant. We can calculate the approximate period using the given information as  

[tex]T = 2π*√(10/k)\\T = 2π*√(10kg/40kg/s^{2} )\\T = 3 sec[/tex],

For more information regarding this topic, you can check the below link



A student wants to use the output from the aux port on their phone to play music from their speakers. The aux port supplies 5v and a max current of 0.015A, but the speakers need 12v and a max current of 1.5A. You decide to use a power transistor to amplify the signal from the aux port. What does the beta value of your chosen transistor need to be to amplify the current enough?

pls explain or elaborate the answer if u can!!


Answer:The beta value of a transistor represents the current gain, which is the ratio of the collector current to the base current. In this case, we want to use the transistor as an amplifier to increase the current from the 0.015A supplied by the phone to the 1.5A required by the speakers.

The required current gain can be calculated using the following formula:

Beta = (Ic / Ib)


Beta is the current gain of the transistor

Ic is the collector current (output current)

Ib is the base current (input current)

To find the required beta value, we need to first calculate the base current required to drive the transistor. We can use Ohm's Law to do this:

Ib = V / R


Ib is the base current

V is the voltage supplied by the phone (5V)

R is the input resistance of the transistor circuit

Assuming an input resistance of 1kΩ, the base current required is:

Ib = V / R = 5 / 1000 = 0.005A (5mA)

Now, we can calculate the required collector current using the maximum current required by the speakers:

Ic = 1.5A

Finally, we can calculate the required beta value:

Beta = Ic / Ib = 1.5 / 0.005 = 300

Therefore, we need to choose a power transistor with a beta value of at least 300 to amplify the current from the aux port enough to drive the speakers.


find the magnitude of the average net force required to stop a car with a mass of 1050 kg, initial speed is 40.0 km/h, and stopping distance 25.0 m.


The average net force will be 735,714.3 N.

How to calculate net force?

The magnitude of the average net force required to stop a car with a mass of 1050 kg, an initial speed of 40.0 km/h, and a stopping distance of 25.0 m can be calculated using the equation:

Average net force = (mass x initial speed²) / (2 x stopping distance)
The average net force = (1050 kg x (40.0 km/h)²) / (2 x 25.0 m)

The average net force  = 735,714.3 N

Therefore, the average net force will be 735,714.3 N.

To learn more about net force follow



A battery-powered toy car pushes a stuffed rabbit across the floor.Part ADraw a free-body diagram for a car (assume that it is moving from left to the right).Draw the force vectors with their tails at the dot. The orientation of your vectors will be graded. The exact length of your vectors will not be graded but the relative length of one to the other will be graded.Part BDraw a free-body diagram for a rabbit.Draw the force vectors with their tails at the dot. The orientation of your vectors will be graded. The exact length of your vectors will not be graded but the relative length of one to the other will be graded.


Part A: Thrust acts on the right in the direction of motion. Gravity acts downward.

Part B:  The direction of air resistance is opposite to the direction of motion, which is shown towards the left. Gravity acts downwards.

Part A:

A free-body diagram for a car is as follows:

The direction of friction is opposite to the direction of motion, which is shown towards the left.
The diagram shows three forces acting on the toy car that is battery-powered, which is as follows:
The force due to friction is labeled as [tex]f_K[/tex].

The force of thrust is labeled as [tex]f_T[/tex]. The force of gravity is labeled as [tex]f_g[/tex].
Part B:

A free-body diagram for a rabbit is as follows:
The diagram shows three forces acting on the stuffed rabbit that is being pushed by a toy car that is battery-powered, which is as follows:

The direction of friction is opposite to the direction of motion, which is shown towards the right.
The force due to friction is labeled as [tex]f_K[/tex]. The force due to air resistance is labeled as fair. The force of gravity is labeled as [tex]f_g[/tex].
For similar question on Gravity



What is the energy of the photon emitted when an electron in a mercury atom drops from energy level f to energy level b?


8. 42 eV


5. 74 eV


3. 06 eV


2. 68 eV


The energy of the photon emitted when an electron in a mercury atom drops from energy level f to energy level b is calculated to be 3.06 eV. Correct option is C.

Photons emit energy when they transition from one energy state to another.

The energy corresponding to an orbital is calculated as,

E = -E₀/n²

The electrons' altered energy level is computed as,

ΔE = Eb - Ef

ΔE = -2.68 eV - (-5.74 eV)

ΔE = 3.06 eV

As a result, a mercury atom's electron emits a particle with a 3.06 eV energy when it transitions from energy level f to energy level b. The best choice is C.

To know more about energy level:



What technological improvement in the 1920s allowed more goods to be produced at one time?

Assembly line
Motion picture


Answer: Telephone


The technological improvement that allowed more goods to be produced at one time in the 1920s was the development and widespread use of assembly line production. This was pioneered by companies such as Ford Motor Company, which introduced the assembly line to its automobile factories. The assembly line method allowed for the mass production of standardized products using specialized machines and workers performing specific tasks. By breaking down the manufacturing process into smaller, simpler tasks, and optimizing the movement of workers and materials, the assembly line significantly increased production efficiency and output. This led to the growth of mass production industries, increased affordability of goods, and a significant shift in the nature of work in the 20th century.

Masses m1 and m2 are supported by wires that have equal lengths when unstretched. The wire supporting m1 is an aliminum wire 0. 9 mm in diameter, and the one supporting m2 is steel wire 0. 3 mm in diameter. What is the ratio m1/m2 if the two wires stretched by the same amount?


A wire's ability to elongate (or stretch) under stress is influenced by a number of variables, including the force used, the wire's cross-sectional area, and the material's elastic modulus.

The stiffness or resistance to deformation of a material is measured by the modulus of elasticity, which varies for steel and aluminium.While supporting the masses m1 and m2, let L be the length of each wire when it is not extended, and let L be the common elongation (or stretch) of the wires.

The force exerted on each wire comes from:

F = mg

where g is the gravitational acceleration. The identical amount of stretching is applied to both wires, therefore we have:

F1/A1 = F2/A2

where the cross-sectional areas of the steel and aluminium wires, respectively, are A1 and A2, respectively. A wire of diameter d has a cross-sectional area given by:

A = πd²/4

learn more about aluminium wires, here:



consider a two photon excitation process where the wavenumber of the excitation light is 10000 cm. assume an internal conversion. what would be the wavelength of the emitted light for two photon excitaton fluorescence


The wavelength of the emitted light for two photon excitaton fluorescence is 600nm.

What is the wavelength?

A two photon excited process-

Wavenumber of the excitation light = 10000 cm-1 = 1000 nm

In case of two photon excitation photon -

Second harmonic generation = [  Wavenumber ( in nm ) ] / 2 = 1000/2  = 500 nm

We know, ESGH = 3.97 × 10^-19J

For two photon excitation fluorescence internal conversion, energy is 6.89 × 10^-20J. So, Energy of fluorescence = ESHG - EIC  = 3.286 × 10^-19J.

We know, E = hc / λ

λ = 6.049 x 10^-7 m  

≈ 600 nm

Learn more about wavelength on:



name three things that can cause erosion


Are three things that cause erosion because they can tear away at and push around things like rocks and other things

arrange 3 identical resistors in all the possible combinations and calculate the equivalent resistance. the resistance for each resistor is 200 ohms



All R's in series:    just add them together : 200 + 200 + 200 Ω = 600Ω

One in series with two in parallel :

   = 200 Ω   +    200*200/(200+200) Ω = 300Ω

All three in parallel :

    R = 1 / (1/200 + 1/200 + 1/200) = 66.7 Ω

the orbital period of saturn is 29.46 years. determine the distance from the sun to the planet in km


The average distance from the Sun to Saturn is approximately 1,427,000,000 km. To calculate this, we can use the Third Kepler's Law of Planetary Motion, which states that the square of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of the orbit.

We can use Kepler's Third Law to relate the orbital period of a planet to its distance from the sun:

T^2 = (4π^2 / GM) * r^3

where T is the orbital period in years, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the sun, and r is the average distance from the sun to the planet in astronomical units (AU).
Therefore, we can use the formula:

d^3 = (T^2 * 4π^2)/G*M

Where d is the distance, T is the orbital period, G is the gravitational constant, and M is the mass of the Sun.

Plugging in the values:

d^3 = (29.46^2 * 16π^2)/(6.67408 * 1.989 * 10^30)
d = 1,427,000,000 km

For more such question on Third Kepler's Law



lab 4: newton's second law: the atwood machine pre-lab questions: 1. what happens to the acceleration of our system when the mass of the system increases but the net force stays constant? 2. what happens to the acceleration of our system when the net applied force increases but the mass of the system does not change? 3. explain, in your own words, potential sources of error in today's experiment.


According to Newton's second law, the acceleration of a system is directly proportional to the net force applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass. Therefore, if the net force stays constant but the mass of the system increases, the acceleration of the system will decrease.

Similarly, if the mass of the system remains constant but the net applied force increases, the acceleration of the system will increase.

There are several potential sources of error in the Atwood machine experiment. For example, friction in the pulley or air resistance could cause the system to accelerate at a different rate than predicted by theory. Additionally, the masses used in the experiment may not be perfectly accurate, which could introduce small errors into the measurements. The string connecting the two masses could also stretch or have varying elasticity, which could affect the results. Finally, human error in measuring the time or the distances traveled by the masses could lead to inaccuracies in the calculated values of acceleration or tension in the string.

for more such question on acceleration



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