Why Bloomfield's definition is "inadequate" to explain the concept of bilingualism?


Answer 1


Bloomfield's definition of bilingualism as "native-like control of two languages" is considered inadequate by many scholars because it does not take into account the many different ways in which bilingualism can be experienced and manifested. For example, it does not account for individuals who may have varying degrees of proficiency in two languages, or those who may use one language more than the other depending on the situation or context. Additionally, Bloomfield's definition does not account for individuals who may have acquired their second language later in life and therefore may not have native-like control over it. Overall, Bloomfield's definition of bilingualism is considered limited and fails to capture the full complexity of the phenomenon.


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why did britain grant self-rule to australia and new zealand?



Both territories were colonized by white Europeans


Britain granted self-rule to Australia and New Zealand after both territories were colonized by white Europeans.

It could also be that Britain wanted to counter the threat of other European countries interfering in the region.

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The earthquake has destroyed thousands of people's homes in Turkey. while hospitals, roads and bridges have been badly damaged. The impacts were so large that tremors were reported as far away as Cyprus, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan.

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Scripts are good because they don't require you to memorize them, but they can be bad because they required you to look at it, not at the audience.

Is the Tetum language dying?


Answer:Tetum is a language spoken in East Timor, and while there are some concerns about its future, it is not currently considered to be dying. Tetum is one of the two official languages of East Timor, alongside Portuguese, and is spoken by around 700,000 people.

One of the challenges facing the Tetum language is the fact that many younger people in East Timor are more comfortable speaking Portuguese or Indonesian. This is partly due to the fact that Portuguese was the official language during the colonial period and is still widely used in government, education, and media. Indonesian is also widely spoken in East Timor, as it was the language of the occupying forces during the Indonesian occupation of the country.

However, there are also efforts being made to promote and preserve Tetum. The government of East Timor has made efforts to promote the use of Tetum in schools and in government, and there are also many cultural organizations that work to promote the language.

In addition, there has been a growing interest in Tetum among non-Timorese people, particularly researchers and aid workers who work in the country. This has led to an increase in the number of people studying and learning the language, which can help to ensure its continued use and growth.

Overall, while there are some challenges facing the Tetum language, it is not currently considered to be dying. With continued efforts to promote and preserve the language, it is likely to remain an important part of the cultural and linguistic landscape of East Timor.


The writer wants to avoid expressing the argument of the passage in absolute terms. Which of the following changesshould the writer make in order to achieve this goal? (A) In sentence 1, deleting "with remarkable frequency". (B) In sentence 2, changing "have undoubtedly uncovered the" to "may have uncovered a". (C) In sentence 7, adding "most likely" before "comes". (D) In sentence 9, changing "thanks to" to "due to". (E) In sentence 10, changing "they might have" to "the heart-shaped tail bones may have"


The best option to avoid expressing the argument of the passage in absolute terms is (B) In sentence 2, changing "have undoubtedly uncovered the" to "may have uncovered a".

What is the argument?

In order to avoid expressing the argument of the passage in absolute terms, the writer needs to use language that allows for the possibility of other explanations or uncertainties.

Therefore, This change softens the language and makes the claim less definitive. It acknowledges that while the research has uncovered evidence, there is still some degree of uncertainty or possibility of alternative explanations. The other options may also help to reduce the absolute language in some way, but they are less effective than option (B).

Learn more about argument from



why are the more than 100 aegean islands between mainland greece and crete known as the cyclades?



The Aegean islands between mainland Greece and Crete are known as the Cyclades because they form a rough circle (in Greek, kyklos) around the sacred island of Delos, which was a major religious and cultural center in ancient Greece. The Cyclades consist of more than 200 islands, including famous tourist destinations such as Santorini and Mykonos. The islands are characterized by their rugged, rocky terrain, bright white buildings, and blue-domed churches, which have become iconic symbols of Greece. The Cyclades have a long and rich history, dating back to ancient times, and have been shaped by a variety of cultures and influences, including the Minoans, the Mycenaeans, the Persians, the Romans, the Venetians, and the Ottomans. Today, the Cyclades are known for their stunning natural beauty, picturesque villages, pristine beaches, and vibrant nightlife.

What considers you fluent in a language?


Answer: Being able to Speak , write , and listen in the language.

Is the Maranoa language dying out slowly? if yes, explain why in 250 words


Answer:  The Maranaos predominantly inhabit Lanao del Sur in Mindanao in the southern part of the Philippines, and speak the Maranao language. No previous research has identified and explored the existence of Arabic loan words in the Maranao language. For this reason, this research identified Maranao words having Arabic origins and categorized them in corresponding semantic fields. The main objective of this study was to investigate how and in what way Arabic vocabulary was borrowed in the Maranao language. For this research, the Maranao words were taken from a Maranao dictionary and were examined by native Maranao and Arab speakers, who are also the authors of this study. The findings revealed that over 600 Maranao words have Arabic roots and are presently being used by Maranao speakers. It was concluded that after the advent of Islam in the Philippines, the Maranao language was influenced by Arab settlers and traders and its borrowed vocabulary was used mostly to express sociopolitical activities.  Identifying and Categorizing Maranao Words with Arabic Roots: A Case Study of the Maranao Language Spoken in the Philippines Author(s): Sohayle M. Hadji Abdul Racman1, Reem Adib Lulu2 Affiliation: 1Mindanao State University, Marawi City, Philippines 2Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Article DOI: Identifying and categorizing  Maranao  Words with  Arabic Roots:  A  case study of the  Maranao  Language Spoken in the  Philippines.  Journal of Communication and Cultural Trends, 3(2), 01–36. Copyright Information:  This article is open access and is distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Journal QR Article QR  Indexing      A publication of the  Department of Linguistics and Communication University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan The Political Legitimacy of Lanao Sultanate in the 17th Century with Special Reference to the Political Theory of al-Māwardī

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based on the historical situation in which the speech was given, hitler’s most significant motivation for giving the speech was likely to continue to


Considering the historical context of the speech, it is probable that Hitler's main objective for delivering it was to reinforce among the German population the belief that previous wrongs had made it necessary for Germany to maintain its military strength and pursue territorial expansion in the future.

What is the role of Hitler?

Adolf Hitler's most significant motivation for giving speeches during his time as the leader of Nazi Germany was to advance his political agenda, which included the idea of achieving a greater Germany through territorial expansion and military buildup. The speech you are referring to was likely given during the period leading up to World War II, a time when Hitler's aggressive foreign policy and territorial ambitions were becoming increasingly apparent.

Therefore, Hitler used his speeches as a means of propaganda, aiming to sway the German people into supporting his vision for the country. He often spoke about the perceived injustices that Germany had suffered as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, which had ended World War I and imposed harsh penalties on Germany.

Learn more about Hitler from



Is there a way to propose an alternative scrabble set for the Irish language? If yes, explain how in 250 words please


Yes, you can propose an alternative Scrabble set for the Irish language.

Whstt3t stepsa needed?

Here are some steps you can take:

Research the current Irish language Scrabble set and rules to understand what changes you would like to propose.

Develop a list of changes you would like to propose for the Irish language Scrabble set. This could include modifications to the letter distribution, tile values, and any other rules that you believe would better reflect the Irish language.

Contact the Irish Scrabble Association or the Irish language advocacy groups to discuss your proposed changes and seek their input.

Create a prototype of your proposed Scrabble set using materials such as cardboard, paper, or a 3D printer.

Learn more about scrabble on:



Then, using concepts learned this week, explain the differences between experience, interpretation, and analysis (Boss, 2021, p. 21), using an example from your own life.
Next, determine whether the three following statements exemplify experience, interpretation, analysis, or some combination of those three elements. Explain your answers.
I failed the history test today because I couldn’t find my textbook.
I lost my history textbook.
I am not sure whether I need the textbook or just online sources to do well in my history class. I will ask the professor about the best path to success.


Experience, interpretation, and analysis are three different cognitive processes that involve human thought.

What is experience, interpretation and analysis?

Experience is a term that refers to the knowledge of something, or ability to do so, which is acquired by having previously done it once or several times.

Interpretation is a term that refers to the action of understanding a concept with the aim of expressing it in a different way.

The analysis is a term that refers to the action of examining an element in detail to know its characteristics or qualities and to establish conclusions about it.

In accordance with the above, it can be inferred that the sentences are not an example of experience, interpretation or analysis because they do not involve any cognitive thought process.

Learn more about experience in: https://brainly.com/question/11256472


Many works of literature feature characters who accept or reject a hierarchical structure. This hierarchy may be social, economic, political, or familial or apply to some other kind of structure. In Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen which character responds to a hierarchy in some significant way. Then, in a well-written essay, analyze how that character's response to the hierarchy contributes to an interpretation of the work.



In Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet responds to the hierarchical structure of the society in which she lives in a significant way. Elizabeth's rejection of the social hierarchy ultimately leads to her growth and development as a character and contributes to a deeper interpretation of the novel.

From the beginning of the novel, Elizabeth shows her independence and rejection of societal expectations when she turns down Mr. Collins' proposal of marriage, despite the pressure to marry for financial security. Elizabeth's refusal to accept Mr. Collins' proposal shows her commitment to her own values and her unwillingness to compromise her own happiness for societal expectations.

Furthermore, Elizabeth's rejection of the hierarchical structure is also evident in her interactions with Mr. Darcy. Initially, she is quick to judge him based on his social status and his behavior towards her and her family. However, as she gets to know him better, she begins to see beyond his status and reputation and falls in love with him for who he truly is.

Through Elizabeth's rejection of the societal hierarchy, Austen challenges the social norms of her time and suggests that individuals should be valued based on their character and virtues rather than their social status. Additionally, Elizabeth's growth and development as a character demonstrate the importance of independence and self-discovery in shaping one's identity.

In conclusion, Elizabeth Bennet's rejection of the hierarchical structure in Pride and Prejudice contributes to a deeper interpretation of the novel by challenging societal expectations and emphasizing the importance of individual character and virtue. Through Elizabeth's growth and development, Austen suggests that one's identity should be based on personal values and beliefs rather than societal norms and expectations.

Discuss the ways in which gender-based violence could be regarded as an extreme form of discrimination



Gender-based violence is an extreme form of discrimination because it violates human rights, is rooted in gender inequality, and perpetuates gender stereotypes and discrimination. Gender-based violence is defined as any form of violence, including physical, sexual, or psychological, that is directed at an individual based on their gender or gender identity. Gender-based violence is a manifestation of patriarchal power structures, which give men power and control over women and non-binary individuals.

Gender-based violence is a form of discrimination because it disproportionately affects women and non-binary individuals, who are often targeted due to their gender or perceived gender identity. This type of violence reinforces gender stereotypes, which dictate that men are dominant and women are submissive. Gender-based violence is also a form of discrimination because it prevents individuals from fully participating in society and can limit their access to education, employment, and other opportunities.

Moreover, gender-based violence is often used as a tool to maintain power and control over women and non-binary individuals, and to reinforce gender inequalities. It perpetuates harmful gender norms and stereotypes, such as the belief that women are weak and passive, and men are strong and aggressive. This reinforces the idea that men are entitled to dominate women and non-binary individuals, which leads to systemic discrimination against these groups.

In conclusion, gender-based violence is an extreme form of discrimination because it is rooted in gender inequality, perpetuates harmful gender stereotypes and norms, and violates human rights. Addressing gender-based violence requires challenging gender discrimination in all its forms, including challenging harmful gender norms and stereotypes, promoting gender equality, and advocating for the human rights of all individuals, regardless of their gender identity.

Why is the Japanese language losing all its vocabulary?


Note that it is not statistically correct to state that the Japanese language is losing all its vocabulary.

How many people speak the Japanese Language?

Currently, is is estimated that about 125.6 - 128 million people speak the Japanese language. Since this statistics is based on research, it is not logical to state that Japanese language is losing all its vocabulary.

The Japanese language and vocabulary are important for several reasons.

Firstly, Japan has one of the largest economies in the world, making it an important trading partner for many countries. Secondly, Japan has a rich cultural heritage, and learning Japanese is essential to understanding and appreciating it.

Lastly, Japanese is the language of anime, manga, and video games, which have become popular worldwide, making knowledge of Japanese essential for fans and professionals alike.

Thus, the Japanese language is not loosing all it's vocabulary.

Learn more about Japanese vocabulary on:



In a certain language if punctuate is written as qtobutsf then which word can be written as rtfruhpm explain


In a certain language if punctuate is written as qtobutsf then which word can be written as rtfruhpm is


What is the word?

Looking at the two words, we can observe that each letter in "punctuate" is replaced by a different letter in "qtobutsf". This suggests that some sort of letter substitution is taking place.

To find out the exact substitution pattern, we can look at the positions of the letters in the two words. For example, the first letter of "punctuate" is "p", which corresponds to the ninth letter in "qtobutsf". Similarly, the second letter of "punctuate" is "u", which corresponds to the seventh letter in "qtobutsf".

We don't know the substitutions for the letters "r", "f", and "h", but we can use the pattern from "punctuate" to figure them out.

Therefore, the word corresponding to "rtfruhpm" is "craftump".

Learn more about languages on;



Match the term with the correct definition.
Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse.
Describes the subject in the sentence.
A small cross line, often perpendicular to the stroke of the letter, that is decorative but also makes the letter easier to read.
The visual design of symbols, including letters and numbers.
Indicators in the written word that help with navigation of the text.
Match the examples of a style revision with its name.
Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse.
Only time will tell
What's Up
You know what I mean
Archaic expression


Serif: A small cross line, often perpendicular to the stroke of the letter, that is decorative but also makes the letter easier to read.

Modifier: Describes the subject in the sentence.Typeface: The visual design of symbols, including letters and numbers.Punctuation: Indicators in the written word that help with navigation of the text.

Archaic expression: HeretoforeFiller: Only time will tellSlang: What's UpCliche: You know what I mean

What is the input  devices about?

Input devices are hardware devices that allow users to interact with a computer or other electronic device. They are used to input data, instructions, or commands into the computer. Common examples of input devices include keyboards, mice, touchscreens, scanners, microphones, and cameras.

Therefore, The input devices send signals to the computer which are then processed and displayed on the output devices, such as a monitor or printer. Input devices are essential for user interaction with computers and other electronic devices.

Read more about input  devices  here:



Which of the following is a primary focus of the research that is carried out by Transparency International?A) relative prevalence of bribery in various spheres of people's livesB) existence of child labor in various developing countriesC) relative prevalence of dictatorship in various countriesD) existence of bonded labor in various countries



The primary focus of the research carried out by Transparency International is the relative prevalence of bribery in various spheres of people's lives. Therefore, the correct answer is A.

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A searchlight is located on the ground 20 ft d on th [Choose ] ey the de Differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to t on the 1 Determine what you are asked to find Write down the numerical information that you know Write an equation relating the variables Draw a picture Plug in your known information to solve the problem Write down the numerical info v V Determine what you are asker 38 Points #2Discussion Board Prompt:Objective SummaryOne of the skills we have discussed in this unit is writing an objective summary about a piece of literature. In this Discussion Board we are going to write an objective summary from one of our unit texts, following the format and guidelines from our knowledge about objective summaries found in this units lessons.You will write an objective summary of ONE of the two texts below.The Crucible, Act 2, Part 1 by Arthur MillerLinks to an external site.To Build a Fire, Part 1 by Jack LondonLinks to an external site.Read or reread the text carefully to gain a clear understanding of the central ideas, key details, and possible theme of the text.Identify and describe the central idea(s) discussed in the text. Write a sentence or two identifying the text, the author, and the central idea. (Suggestions: Use the term central idea in your answer. Think about this sentence as a type of topic sentence for your objective summary paragraph).Next, write sentences that answers and summarizes EACH of the following questions: Who is/are the character(s) in this text?Where does this text take place?What happens (the events) in this text?When do things happen? (Think about the time span of the passage? Think about order of events).Why do things happen the way they do? (Be descriptive, but remain subjective).How do things happen or unfold? (Be descriptive, but remain subjective).Finally, conclude your paragraph by writing a sentence or two where you identify a possible theme for this text and support that with key details from your own objective summary. Which example is an abiotic factor of a desert environment? * rattlesnake * scorpion * cactus * sand In which cell is the water potential the least negative ,using a diagram of the xylem vessel from a vascular bundle in a root and four adjacent parenchyma cells Recent technology has made possible a computerized vending machine that can grind coffee beans and brew fresh coffee on demand. The computer also makes possible such complicated functions as changing $5 and $10 bills, tracking the age of an item, and moving the oldest stock to the front of the line, thus cutting down on spoilage. With a price tag of $4,500 for each unit, Easy Snack has esti- mated the cash flows in millions of dollars over the product's six-year useful life, including the initial investment, as given in Table P7.22. TABLE P7.22 n Net Cash Flow 0 $30 1 $9 2 $18 3 $20 4 $18 5 $10 6 $5 (a) On the basis of the IRR criterion, if the firm's MARR is 18%, is this product worth marketing? (b) If the required investment remains unchanged, but the future cash flows are expected to be 10% higher than the original estimates, how much of an in- crease in IRR do you expect? (c) If the required investment has increased from $30 million to $35 million, but the expected future cash flows are projected to be 10% smaller than the original estimates, how much of a decrease in IRR do you expect? english philosopher john locke regarded a child as a tabula rasa, which is a latin phrase meaning Assume that the monetary benefit of an information system is $40,000 when the project starts. After the completion of the start, the project has increasing benefits of $10,000 a year for the next five years (year 1 = $50,000, year 2 = $60,000, year 3 = $70,000, year 4 = $80,000, year 5 = $90,000). One-time development costs at the start of the project were $75,000, and recurring costs were $44,000 per year throughout the information systems life. The discount rate for the company was 11 percent. Using a time horizon of y0, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5; do the following:1. Calculate the net present value of these costs and benefits2. Calculate the overall return on investment3. Complete a break-even analysis the calculation of the break-even analysis (In Excel)4. Generate a graphical representation of the break-even analysis, in case it occurs at any point from y0 to y5