What is indirect program memory addressing? Explain the working of the following instructions?



Answer 1
Indirect main memory addressing is described as the method in which the variable's address is stored in a mind register and also a command is utilized to point towards the memory registers which hold the register. Instruction is used to direct towards a register that displays the results of the variables. The register, in turn, refers to that variable's address in simplistic words. As just a result, it is indeed considered a passive program, memory address.

The instructions operate as follows:



The JMP instruction is being used to execute an unconditional jump.AX is indeed the label's name. JMP AX codes are being used to transfer control of the flow program to the AX label.



The JMP command can be used to execute an unconditional jump, JMP LIST[DX] is the label's name.  The JMP LIST[DX] program is being used to transfer control of its flow programs to the specified section. It is the segment to which the flow control is transmitted.



Unconditional jumps could be done with the JMP command as you'll see, the label is JMP NEAR PTR[DI+3]. It's being used to transmit flow control to a particular section, throughout this case [DI+3]. The close keyword indicates that perhaps the code segment would be in the line of code being nearby.

Learn more:


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Audience knowledge level


The Key issue that Mario failed to consider when preparing for her presentation is known as Audience knowledge level.  

Because Audience knowledge level comprises educating your audience with extensive information about the topic been presented. she actually tried in doing this but she was educating/presenting to the wrong audience ( People who are more knowledgeable than her on the topic ). she should have considered presenting a topic slightly different in order to motivate the audience.

Write a program that reads in an integer, and breaks it into a sequence of individual digits. Display each digit on a separate line. For example, the input 16384 is displayed as 1 6 3 8 4 You may assume that the input has no more than five digits and is not negative.



The program in Python is as follows:

num = int(input())

for i in str(num):



This gets input for the number

num = int(input())

This converts the number to string and iterates through each element of the string

for i in str(num):

This prints individual digits


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Central Process Unit and Random Access Memory

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password char


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Programming languages categorize data into different types. Identify the characteristics that match each of the following data types.

a. Can store fractions and numbers with decimal positions
b. Is limited to values that are either true or false (represented internally as one and zero).
c. Is limited to whole numbers (counting numbers 1, 2, 3, ...)



a) Integer data type.

b) Real data type.

c) Boolean data type.


a) Integer data type is limited to whole numbers (counting numbers 1, 2, 3…….).

b) Real data type can store fractions and numbers with decimal positions (such as dollar values like $10.95).

c) Boolean data type is limited to values that are either true or false (represented internally as 1 and 0 respectively).

I wanna learn python but I don't know any websites that I can learn it online. Thanks for attention!




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Write a program that creates an an array large enough to hold 200 test scores between 55 and 99. Use a Random Number to populate the array.Then do the following:1) Sort scores in ascending order.2) List your scores in rows of ten(10) values.3) Calculate the Mean for the distribution.4) Calculate the Variance for the distribution.5) Calculate the Median for the distribution.




The following code is written in Python. It uses the numpy import to calculate all of the necessary values as requested in the question and the random import to generate random test scores. Once the array is populated using a for loop with random integers, the array is sorted and the Mean, Variance, and Median are calculated. Finally The sorted array is printed along with all the calculations. The program has been tested and the output can be seen below.

from random import randint

import numpy as np

test_scores = []

for x in range(200):

   test_scores.append(randint(55, 99))

sorted_test_scores = sorted(test_scores)

count = 0

print("Scores in Rows of 10: ", end="\n")

for score in sorted_test_scores:

   if count < 10:

       print(str(score), end= " ")

       count += 1


       print('\n' + str(score), end= " ")

       count = 1

mean = np.mean(sorted_test_scores)

variance = np.var(sorted_test_scores, dtype = np.float64)

median = np.median(sorted_test_scores)


print("Mean: " + str(mean), end="\n")

print("Variance: " + str(variance), end="\n")

print("Median: " + str(median), end="\n")

Discuss the OSI Layer protocols application in Mobile Computing



The OSI Model (Open Systems Interconnection Model) is a conceptual framework used to describe the functions of a networking system. The OSI model characterizes computing functions into a universal set of rules and requirements in order to support interoperability between different products and software.

hope that helps you

please follow

please mark brainliest

Write a program to compare the content of AX and DX registers, if they are equal store 1 (as 8 bits) in locations with offset addresses (0020H, 0021H, ..., 0040H), otherwise leave these locations without changing.



so srry I'm very low that this question

Read marks and print letter grade according to that.






Write a program that randomly chooses among three different colors for displaying text on the screen. Use a loop to display 20 lines of text, each with a randomly chosen color. The probabilities for each color are to be as follows: white 30%, blue 10%, green 60%. Suggestion: Generate a random integer between 0 and 9. If the resulting integer falls in the range 0 to 2 (inclusive), choose white. If the integer equals to 3, choose blue. If the integer falls in the range 4 to 9 (inclusive), choose green. Test your program by running it ten times, each time observing whether the distribution of line colors appears to match the required probabilities.


INCLUDE Irvine32.inc


msgIntro  byte "This is Your Name's fourth assembly extra credit program. Will randomly",0dh,0ah

        byte "choose between three different colors for displaying twenty lines of text,",0dh,0ah

        byte "each with a randomly chosen color. The color probabilities are as follows:",0dh,0ah

        byte "White=30%,Blue=10%,Green=60%.",0dh,0ah,0

msgOutput byte "Text printed with one of 3 randomly chosen colors",0


main PROC


//Intro Message

      mov edx,OFFSET msgIntro  ;intro message into edx

      call WriteString         ;display msgIntro

      call Crlf                ;endl

      call WaitMsg             ;pause message

      call Clrscr              ;clear screen

      call Randomize           ;seed the random number generator

      mov edx, OFFSET msgOutput;line of text

      mov ecx, 20              ;counter (lines of text)

      L1:;//(Loop - Display Text 20 Times)

      call setRanColor         ;calls random color procedure

      call SetTextColor        ;calls the SetTextColor from library

      call WriteString         ;display line of text

      call Crlf                ;endl

      loop L1


main ENDP


setRanColor PROC


; Selects a color with the following probabilities:

; White = 30%, Blue = 10%, Green = 60%.

; Receives: nothing

; Returns: EAX = color chosen


      mov eax, 10              ;range of random numbers (0-9)

      call RandomRange         ;EAX = Random Number

      .IF eax >= 4          ;if number is 4-9 (60%)

      mov eax, green           ;set text green

      .ELSEIF eax == 3         ;if number is 3 (10%)

      mov eax, blue            ;set text blue

      .ELSE                    ;number is 0-2 (30%)

      mov eax, white           ;set text white

      .ENDIF                   ;end statement


setRanColor ENDP

PartnerServer is a Windows Server 2012 server that holds the primary copy of the PartnerNet.org domain. The server is in a demilitarized zone (DMZ) and provides name resolution for the domain for Internet hosts.
i. True
ii. False



i. True


A Domain Name System (DNS) can be defined as a naming database in which internet domain names (website URLs) are stored and translated into their respective internet protocol (IP) address.

This ultimately implies that, a DNS is used to connect uniform resource locator (URL) or web address with their internet protocol (IP) address.

Windows Server 2012 is a Microsoft Windows Server operating system and it was released to the general public on the 4th of September, 2012, as the sixth version of the Windows Server operating system and the Windows NT family.

PartnerServer is a Windows Server 2012 server that was designed and developed to hold the primary copy of the PartnerNet dot org domain.

Typically, the server is configured to reside in a demilitarized zone (DMZ) while providing name resolution for the domain of various Internet hosts.

In order to prevent a cyber attack on a private network, end users make use of a demilitarized zone (DMZ).

A demilitarized zone (DMZ) is a cyber security technique that interacts directly with external networks, so as to enable it protect a private network.

By Using the following schema, answer the following SQL queries and commands: Product(P_code.P_name, P_price, P_on_hand,vend_code) Vender(vend_code, vend_fname, vend_areacode, vend_phone) 1- find the venders names who sell products in TN-5 area and their names include "dan". 2- find the code, name and vender code of product that has price between 1500S and 2500S and the product that has price between 48005 and 5600S. 3- Find the name, and code of venders who had 5 microwaves that has price less than 3500S. 4- Find the phone numbers of venders who sell Televisions. 5- Delete the records of venders who their first name is 'smith'



answer me pls i need sol bbbd

Which of the given assertion methods will return true for the code given below? Student student1 = new Student(); Student student2 = new Student(); Student student3 = student1;
The Student class is as follows.
public class Student{
private String name;
a. assertEquals(student1, student2);
b. assertEquals(student1, student3);
c. assertSame(student 1, student3);
d. assertSame(student1, student2);



The true statements are :

A. assertEquals(student1,student2)  

C. assertSame(student1,student3)


AssertEquals() asserts that the objects are equal, but assertSame() asserts that the passed two objects refer to the same object or not, if found same they return true, else return false.

Methods are collections of named code segments that are executed when evoked

The assertion method that will return true for the given code is: assertEquals(student1,student2)  

The code segment is given as:

Student student1 = new Student();

Student student2 = new Student();

Student student3 = student1;

In Java, the assertEquals() method returns true if two objects have equal values.

Assume student1 and student2 have equal values, the statement assertEquals(student1,student2) will return true

Read more about java methods at:


when was first generation of computer invented? ​


Introduction: 1946-1959 is the period of first generation computer. J.P.Eckert and J.W. Mauchy invented the first successful electronic computer called ENIAC, ENIAC stands for “Electronic Numeric Integrated And Calculator”.

Which one is the result of the ouWhen you move a file to the Recycle Bin, it will be immediately deleted from your computer.

A. True

B. Fals



B => false


it just keep it on recycle bin => not being removed


Explaination :

The deleted file will stay in Recycle Bin for a short period of time before it's permanently deleted from your computer

You are the IT administrator for a small corporate network. You have recently experienced some problems with devices on the workstation in the Support Office. In this lab, your task is use Device Manager to complete the following:______.
The new network card you installed isn't working as expected (speed is only 1 Mbps). Until you can figure out what the problem is, disable the Broadcom network adapter and enable the Realtek network adapter. To make sure the network adapter has the latest drivers, update the driver for the Realtek network adapter by searching Microsoft Update. You recently updated the driver for your video card. However, the system experiences periodic crashes that you suspect are caused by the new driver. Roll back the driver to a previous version. Move the Ethernet cable to the integrated network port on the motherboard.



I will fix it by my mind by thinking

Based on the above scenario, the steps to take is given below\

What is the management about?

The first thing is to Right-click Start and click on Device Manager and then you expand Network adapters.

Later you Disable the network adapter  and then Update the driver .

Learn more about Ethernet from



START: what new information, strategies, or techniques have you learned that will increase your technology skills? Explain why its important to START doing this right away



Read Technical Books. To improve your technical skills and knowledge, it's best to read technical books and journals. ...

Browse Online Tutorials. ...

Build-up online profile. ...

Learn new Tools. ...

Implement what you learned. ...

Enrich your skillset. ...

Try-out and Apply.

In the home tab under the paragraph group of options what are you unable to do?


Im not sure what this is?? Maybe add a picture or more context! ❤️

5. Which events is used to code on any form load
a) Form Text b) Form Code c) Form Load d) Form Data



I think b is correct answer

The advantage of returning a structure type from a function when compared to returning a fundamental type is that a. the function can return multiple values b. the function can return an object c. the function doesn’t need to include a return statement d. all of the above e. a and b only



The advantage of returning a structure type from a function when compared to returning a fundamental type is that

e. a and b only.


One advantage of returning a structure type from a function vis-a-vis returning a fundamental type is that the function can return multiple values.  The second advantage is that the function can return can an object.  This implies that a function in a structure type can be passed from one function to another.

how did hitles rules in nazi germany exemplify totiltarian rule?



hope this helps if not srry

Code Example 17-1 class PayCalculator { private: int wages; public: PayCalculator& calculate_wages(double hours, double wages) { this->wages = hours * wages; return *this; } double get_wages() { return wages; } }; (Refer to Code Example 17-1.) What coding technique is illustrated by the following code? PayCalculator calc; double pay = calc.calculate_wages(40, 20.5).get_wages(); a. self-referencing b. function chaining c. dereferencing d. class chaining



The answer is "Option b".


Function chaining is shown by this code, as the functions are called one after the other with one statement. Whenever you want to call a series of methods through an object, that technique is beneficial. Just because of that, you may give the same effect with less code and have a single given value only at top of the leash of operations.

Write a recursive function called DrawTriangle() that outputs lines of '*' to form a right side up isosceles triangle. Function DrawTriangle() has one parameter, an integer representing the base length of the triangle. Assume the base length is always odd and less than 20. Output 9 spaces before the first '*' on the first line for correct formatting.




# function to print the pattern

def draw_triangle(n, num):


   # base case

   if (n == 0):


   print_space(n - 1);

   print_asterisk(num - n + 1);



   # recursively calling pattern()

   pattern(n - 1, num);


# function to print spaces

def print_space(space):


   # base case

   if (space == 0):


   print(" ", end = "");


   # recursively calling print_space()

   print_space(space - 1);


# function to print asterisks

def print_asterisk(asterisk):


   # base case

   if(asterisk == 0):


   print("* ", end = "");


   # recursively calling asterisk()

   print_asterisk(asterisk - 1);


# Driver Code

n = 19;

draw_triangle(n, n);


# Driver Code n = 19;| draw_triangle(n, n);

Write a program that asks the user to enter in a username and then examines that username to make sure it complies with the rules above. Here's a sample running of the program - note that you want to keep prompting the user until they supply you with a valid username:


user_in = input ("Please enter your username: " )

if user_in in "0123456789":

print ("Username cannot contain numbers")

elif user_in in "?":

print ("Username cannot continue special character")


print (" Welcome to your ghetto, {0}! ".format(user_in))

what is programming language?​



A programming language is a formal language comprising a set of strings that produce various kinds of machine code output. Programming languages are one kind of computer language, and are used in computer programming to implement algorithms. Most programming languages consist of instructions for computers


The artificial languages that are used to develop computer programs are called programming language . hope this help!

What are some 5 constraints in using multimedia in teaching​




Technological resources, both hardware and software

Technological skills, for both the students and teacher

Time required to plan, design, develop, and evaluate multimedia activities

Production of multimedia is more expensive than others because it is made up of more than one medium.

Production of multimedia requires an electronic device, which may be relatively expensive.

Multimedia requires electricity to run, which adds to the cost of its use

There are constraints in using multimedia in teaching​; The Technological resources, both hardware and software Also, Technological skills, for both the students and teacher

What is a characteristic of multimedia?

A Multimedia system has four characteristics and they are use to deliver the content as well as the functionality.

The Multimedia system should be be computer controlled. The interface is interactive for their presentation and lastly the information should be in digital.

There are constraints in using multimedia in teaching​;

The Technological resources, both hardware and software

Also, Technological skills, for both the students and teacher

Since Time required to plan, design, develop, and evaluate multimedia activities

The Production of multimedia is more expensive than others because it is made up of more than one medium.

The Production of multimedia requires an electronic device, which may be relatively expensive.

The Multimedia requires electricity to run, which adds to the cost of its use.

Learn more about multimedia here;



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