What conclusions did Watson and Crick reach after reading Franklin’s report discussing the symmetry of DNA?


Answer 1


They formed a revised model.


After seeing Franklin's x-ray images of DNA and her report on DNA's symmetry, Watson and Crick formed a revised model of DNA's structure i.e. a double helix with sugar-phosphate backbones that is running in opposite directions. Watson, Crick, Franklin, and Wilkins are co-discovered the double-helix structure of DNA, which formed a basis for modern biotechnology. Images taken by Franklin allowed James Watson and Francis Crick to create their two-strand, or double-helix, model.

Related Questions

Podríamos decir que un ecosistema es un “Lugar”? Justifica tu respuesta.



first of all we know that an ecosystem is a biological system made up of a community of living organisms (biocenosis) and the physical environment where they are related (biotope). It is a unit composed of interdependent organisms that share the same habitat. Ecosystems often form a series of chains that show the interdependence of organisms within the system. It can also be defined as follows: "An ecosystem consists of the biological community of a place and the physical and chemical factors that constitute the abiotic environment." Abiotic and biotic factors are considered to be linked by trophic chains, that is, the flow of energy and nutrients in ecosystems.

This concept, which was introduced in 1935 by the English ecologist AG Tansley, takes into account the complex interactions between organisms (e.g. plants, animals, bacteria, protists and fungi) that form the community (biocenosis) and the energy flows and materials that pass through.

In more understandable terms, the ecosystem is not a place as such.

Describe how living things are involved in the constant cycling of carbon.



plants uses carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. plants use carbon to make carbohydrates and cellulose. animals then eat plants and carbon is passed down. Animals then respire and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.


Plants uses carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. Plants use carbon to make carbohydrates and cellulose. Animals then eat plants and carbon is passed down. Animals then respire and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Briefly explain what happens during Meosis 1.




During meiosis one cell, divides twice to form four daughter cells. These four daughter cells only have half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell.  they are haploid. Meiosis produces our sex cells or gametes. (eggs in females and sperm in males)

List three of water’s unique properties.



1.water is called universal solvent it can dissolve almost every solute on it

2.water can show anamolus expansion which mean it density will me most on 4 degree celsius

3.it is neutral substance

universal solvent, water cane expand, neutral substance

A researcher is testing young children to see if they can learn to associate a red circle with an event that the child enjoys. She sets up an experiment where a toy bear dances. The infants predictably love the toy bear and stare at it when it makes noise and dances. She then trains the child by showing a big red circle on a screen in front of the child and, immediately after that, the bear appears and dances off to the side. The bear is only visible right after the red circle appears and the child must turn his or her head to see the bear.
In this study, the unconditioned stimulus is ____________ baby does not turn head baby turns head dancing bear red circle , the unconditioned response is the __________ dancing bear baby does not turn head red circle baby turns head , the conditioned stimulus is the _________ dancing bear baby turns head baby does not turn head red circle , and the conditioned response is the ______ baby does not turn head red circle dancing bear baby turns head . The neutral stimulus is the _______ baby turns head dancing bear red circle baby does not turn head and the response to the neutral stimulus is the 6 _______


Answer: unconditioned stimulus = dancing bear

unconditioned response = baby turns head

conditioned stimulus = red circle

conditioned response = baby turns head

neutral stimulus = red circle

response to neutral stimulus = baby does not turn head


The unconditioned stimulus is the stimulus that occurs naturally without any prior learning.

The unconditioned response refers to an unlearned response which happens naturally and which occurs due to the unconditioned stimulus.

The conditioned stimulus is the stimulus that occurs due to prior learning and the conditioned response follows.

Based on the above definition, the answers to the questions will be:

• unconditioned stimulus = dancing bear

• unconditioned response = baby turns head

• conditioned stimulus = red circle

• conditioned response = baby turns head

• neutral stimulus = red circle

• response to neutral stimulus = baby does not turn head

the energy to turn raw materials into food is powered by _____ and occurs in the plants ____



Photosynthesis, chloroplast


Briefly describe about the formation and management of HCL through the respiratory and renal systems in digestive system.




HCl is produced by the parietal cells of the stomach. To begin with, water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) combine within the parietal cell cytoplasm to produce carbonic acid (H2CO3), which is catalysed by carbonic anhydrase. Carbonic acid then spontaneously dissociates into a hydrogen ion (H+) and a bicarbonate ion (HCO3–).

The hydrogen ion that is formed is transported into the stomach lumen via the H+– K+ ATPase ion pump. This pump uses ATP as an energy source to exchange potassium ions into the parietal cells of the stomach with H+ ions.

The bicarbonate-carbonic acid buffer works in a fashion similar to phosphate buffers. The bicarbonate is regulated in the blood by sodium, as are the phosphate ions. When sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), comes into contact with a strong acid, such as HCl, carbonic acid (H2CO3), which is a weak acid, and NaCl are formed. When carbonic acid comes into contact with a strong base, such as NaOH, bicarbonate and water are formed.

The bicarbonate ion is transported out of the cell into the blood via a transporter protein called anion exchanger which transports the bicarbonate ion out the cell in exchange for a chloride ion (Cl–). This chloride ion is then transported into the stomach lumen via a chloride channel.The respiratory system contributes to the balance of acids and bases in the body by regulating the blood levels of carbonic acid

Chloride ions are important in neutralizing positive ion charges in the body. If chloride is lost, the body uses bicarbonate ions in place of the lost chloride ions. Thus, lost chloride results in an increased reabsorption of bicarbonate by the renal system.

What is the process in genetic expression?




Gene expression is the process by which the instructions in our DNA are converted into a functional product, such as a protein. It acts as both an on/off switch to control when proteins are made and also a volume control that increases or decreases the amount of proteins made.

Identify the incorrect statement regarding the fundamental causes of edema. Multiple Choice Capillary reabsorption does not depend on oncotic pressure. A deficiency of albumin (hypoproteinemia) produces edema by reducing the reabsorption of tissue fluid. Kidney failure leads to water retention and hypertension, thus raising capillary blood pressure and filtration rate. Obstruction of lymphatic vessels can interfere with fluid drainage and lead to the accumulation of tissue fluid distal to the obstruction. Since albumin is produced by the liver, liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, tend to lead to hypoproteinemia and edema.



Capillary reabsorption does not depend on oncotic pressure


Edema refers to the swelling caused by the fluids trapped in the body's tissues, which swell from injury and/or inflammation. Edema can be associated with the decrease in plasma oncotic pressure, i.e., osmotic pressure exerted by proteins (especially albumin) in the blood vessel's plasma, the increase in hydrostatic pressure, or the increase in the capillary permeability. Moreover, capillary reabsorption refers to the movement of fluid from interstitial space to the capillaries, which is driven by the blood colloidal osmotic pressure. Lymphatic obstruction, i.e., the blockage of the lymph vessels that drain fluids from tissues, may cause edema in the part that is drained by the affected vessels (it is known as lymphedema). Moreover, liver/kidney failure may lead to edema by decreasing albumin and oncotic pressure. When plasma albumin levels drop because of liver diseases, the colloid osmotic pressure also decreases. In consequence, liver diseases, including stage 3 cirrhosis, lead to the development of swelling in the abdomen, thereby leading to edema.

When can exponential growth happen?

O A. When there are limited resources

O B. When the death rate is high

O C. When carrying capacity is reached

O D. When there is no competition



D. When there is no competition


If there is no competition in a population, exponential growth can occur.

Without competition, resources are not limited and a population can grow rapidly.

With limited resources, a high death rate, and a reached carrying capacity, population growth is strongly limited and cannot grow at an exponential rate.

So, answer choices A, B, and C are all incorrect.

The correct answer is D. When there is no competition

Neurons are best described as:





your body's internal feedback loops work by responding to???

A) information from the external environment

B) hormones from the pineal gland

C) changes in the internal environment

D) messages sent by the brain to body organs



Option C


the drug which is used to reduce pain is ..,....

i) opium ii) bhang iii) hashish iv) marijauna​







because it is used to make pain nubbing/pain killer

1. Identify the taxa labeled A, B, C, and
Din the chart.







Why does climate change affect so many things?



These have been caused by many natural factors, including changes in the sun, emissions from volcanoes, variations in Earth's orbit and levels of carbon dioxide (CO2). Global climate change has typically occurred very slowly, over thousands or millions of years.


According to me there are several causes of climate change, but all the problems are based upon a major problem which is over population. Either it is deforestation, any kind of pollution, global warming or whatever it is, all these problems are inter-linked and all are due to increasing population.

1 Reproduction is an important characteristic of living organisms.Explain



Reproduction is one of the most important characteristics of living beings, because -

- The existence of any species is dependent on the reproduction because no living being is immortal.

After death of a being of one generation,the existence of that died being is completed by the newborns of the next generation.

And,the birth of newborns of next generation is only possible by the reproduction.

- The variation and mutation in the biological characteristics is often necessary which is only possible by reproduction through many generations.

- When a living being becomes old, it's become unable to do normal tasks like collection of food, finding shelter etc,at that moment,the newborns of next generation do the necessary jobs.

And as mentioned before,these newborns are only possible due to reproduction.

__________ will increase soil nitrates, while ___________ will decrease soil nitrates.
A. Fast growing crops, heavy rains
B. Decomposers, lightning
C. Animal manure, fast growing crops
D. Denitrifying bacteria, Nitrifying bacteria



A. Fast growing crops, heavy rains


Fast growing crops will increase soil nitrates, while heavy rains will decrease soil nitrates.

Animal manure has organic waste containing nitrogen that acts as a source of nitrate in the soil and growing crops absorb nitrate from the soil. Thus option C is correct.

What is nitrate?

Nitrate is an organic compound of nitrogen that is present in the fertile soil and absorbed by the plants. The Source of nitrate is humus and fertilizer. Humus is obtained from animal manure, and dead and decaying animal and plant bodies.

Fast-growing crops absorb the nitrate from the soil and use it for development and growth such that nitrate decrese in soil. So option C is correct.

Learn more about nitrate, here:



Explain the reciprocal relationship between human society and limiting factors



humans try to modify environment factors to suit their needs. Limiting factors can be controlled in a specific area however, we can't control larger area. Like water or energy.

During a recent hurricane, 25 individuals of the same butterfly species were blown onto a barrier island in southern Florida. Prior to this event, this species did not inhabit the island, but with the ample vegetation on the island and a lack of predators, the displaced individuals were able to survive and reproduce. When the butterflies initially arrived on the island, they did not have to compete for food or space. What type of population growth did they likely exhibit


Answer: Exponential


The main requirement for the population of a species to grow is food. When there is food, a organisms that are born will be able to live longer because food will be able to sustain them.

This is what happened with humans during the Neolithic Revolution when we began farming.

The general trend is that the more food that is available, the higher the population growth. When these butterflies arrived and found no competition for food, their population would increase in the highest way possible which is exponentially because there would be plenty of food to go around.


Exponential growth


Without any competition for food or space, the butterfly species likely experienced exponential growth.

The lack of competition would have allowed the population to flourish, as they would have excess amounts of resources, food, space, and other limiting factors.

So, they most likely exhibited exponential growth.

external structure of Amoeba​



Structure of amoeba primarily encompasses 3 parts – the cytoplasm, plasma membrane and the nucleus. The cytoplasm can be differentiated into 2 layers – the outer ectoplasm and the inner endoplasm. The plasma membrane is a very thin, double-layered membrane composed of protein and lipid molecules.


What type of cells are simple animal and plant cells?



both animals and plants are eukaryotic cells


Animal cells have centrosomes (or a pair of centrioles), and lysosomes, whereas plant cells do not. Plant cells have a cell wall, chloroplasts, plasmodesmata, and plastids used for storage, and a large central vacuole, whereas animal cells do not.


Animal cells

Animals are made up of millions of cells. Animal cells have an irregular structure and are made up of four key parts:

Nucleus – This contains genetic material (DNA), and controls the cell's activity.

Cell membrane – A flexible layer that surrounds the cell and controls the substances that enter and exit.

Cytoplasm – A jelly-like substance where the chemical reactions happen.

Mitochondria – This is where energy is released from the food molecules

Plant cells

Plants are also made up of millions of cells. Plant cells have a nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm and mitochondria too, but they also contain the following structures:

Cell wall – A hard layer outside the cell membrane, containing cellulose to provide strength to the plant.

Vacuole – A space inside the cell that is used to store substances and help the cell keep its shape.

Chloroplasts – Structures that contain the green pigment chlorophyll, which are a key part of photosynthesis.

Please mark me as brainliest

Help please asap help me


Answer: cells, chlorophyll, nucleus, chromosomes, organelles, interphase, endoplasmic

Chemosynthesis _______. Question 11 options: uses energy derived from hydrocarbons and hydrogen sulfide in place of solar energy produces carbohydrates and sugars occurs around hydrothermal vents near the oceanic ridge system Both a and c are correct. All of the above are correct.



The answer is all of the above are correct.


Chemosynthesis occurs in bacteria and other organisms and involves the use of energy released by inorganic chemical reactions to produce food. All chemosynthetic organisms use energy released by chemical reactions to make a sugar, but different species use different pathways. For example, at hydrothermal vents, bacteria oxidize hydrogen sulfide and add carbon dioxide and oxygen to produce sugar, sulfur, and water:  

CO2 + 4H2S + O2 ⇒ CH20 + 4S + 3H2O.

Chemosynthesis is the process by which food (glucose) is made by bacteria using chemicals as the energy source, rather than sunlight. Chemosynthesis occurs around hydrothermal vents and methane seeps in the deep sea where sunlight is absent. During chemosynthesis, bacteria living on the seafloor or within animals use energy stored in the chemical bonds of hydrogen sulfide and methane to make glucose from water and carbon dioxide (dissolved in seawater). Pure sulfur and sulfur compounds are produced as by-products.

How do the frequencies of the waves compare?

Wave A has a higher frequency because it has a larger amplitude.
Wave A has a lower frequency because it has a longer wavelength.
The waves have the same frequency because they have the same wavelength.
The waves have the same frequency because they have the same amplitude.



The waves have the same frequency because they have the same amplitude.

What do you mean by photosynthesis?

bore D D D D ​



photosynthesis is the process in which plant make food by themselves from using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.


Photosynthesis is a process through which plants and other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy, which is then released to power the organism's metabolic processes through cellular respiration.

OAmalOHopeO :)

How many carbons are found in a glucose molecule?



there are six carbon atoms


there are six carbon atoms

During respiration, carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood across the alveolus and into the lungs. Which factor increases the diffusion rate of carbon dioxide?



There are some factors which affect the rate of diffusion. These are:-

The partial pressure of oxygen.

The partial pressure of carbon dioxide.


The concentration of gases.

The thickness of the membrane.

hope this helps you

have a nice day :)


the thickness of membrane

which group contain all polysaccharides ?​











semoga bermanfaat

eager to learn!!!!


Within the Phylum Mollusca, what is the
A. the organ that grinds up food before digestion
B. the organ that turns into the shell of the animals
C. the organ that circulates blood through the organism



I think the ans is no.a ok

please mark as brainliest

What is a disadvantage of using a space-filling model to show a chemical compound?




The appropriate answer is 'space filling models do not identify the number and type of bonds'. A space filling model is one type of three dimensional (3D) molecular model used to represent molecules of different chemical compounds. The structure of this type of arrangement shows that, for example, two elements are bonded but it does not show if it is a single, double or triple bond.

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