What are the two main processes carried out by the excretory system?

A.Absorbing needed nutrients and getting rid of the excess

B.Separating and eliminating wastes from the body

C. Maintaining weight and regulating temperature

D.Controlling the amount of water in the body and eliminating salt


Answer 1


[tex]B.) Separating \: and \: eliminating \: wastes \: from \: the \: body \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \\ \\ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \\ \\ hope \: it \: helps \: you \: (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)[/tex].

Related Questions

Which type of selection is also known as diversifying selection because it tends to favor the survival of two or more different phenotypes in a heterogeneous environment



Disruptive selection.


Disruptive selection is also called diversifying selection because it favor the survival of two or more different types of phenotypes in a particular environment. Disruptive selection describes changes in population in which extreme values for a trait are favored whereas the intermediate values are less favored. Due to the increase the variance of the trait which leads to the division of population into two distinct groups.

the growth of a fungal hyphae tip is?


Fungal hyphae extend continuously at their extreme tips, where enzymes are released into the environment and where new wall materials are synthesised. ... So, in effect, a fungal hypha is a continuously moving mass of protoplasm in a continuously extending tube.

When two populations of animals which arose from a common ancestor become geographically separated, the populations become increasingly different from one another as each adapts independently to a suite of unique ecological conditions. These populations are said to be __________. Conversely, when two populations of animals, especially those arising from unrelated ancestors, become increasingly similar as they adapt to common (shared) ecological conditions, they are said to be __________



divergent; convergent


The first populations of animals are said to have evolutionally diverged while the second populations are said to have evolutionally converged.

In divergent evolution, closely related animal populations accumulate differences (due to differences in their environments) so much so that they can become different species.

In convergent evolution, different animal populations evolve similar traits (due to similarities in their environment).

Hence, the correct words to fill the gaps would be divergent and convergent respectively.

What type of microscope most likely produced the image of a mitochondrion?



Mitochondria are visible under the light microscope although little detail can be seen. Transmission electron microscopy (left) shows the complex internal membrane structure of mitochondria, and electron tomography (right) gives a three-dimensional view.


how is the structure of endoplasmic reticulum related to its function?



The endoplasmic reticulum can either be smooth or rough, and in general its function is to produce proteins for the rest of the cell to function. The rough endoplasmic reticulum has on it ribosomes, which are small, round organelles whose function it is to make those proteins.

The endoplasmic reticulum can either be smooth or rough, and in general its function is to produce proteins for the rest of the cell to function. The rough endoplasmic reticulum has on it ribosomes, which are small, round organelles whose function it is to make those proteins.

Inhalation and exhalation move air into and out of the lungs. What happens when you inhale and exhale


When you inhale (breathe in), air enters your lungs and oxygen from the air moves from your lungs to your blood. At the same time, carbon dioxide, a waste gas, moves from your blood to the lungs and is exhaled (breathe out). Hope this helps

f Write any functions of collenchyma tissue​




Serve as the cells that support photosynthesis.


The chollenchyma are parenchymal cells that contain chloroplasts.In these cell synthesis of carbohydrate is at its maximum, including the pallisade cells for distribution around the plant.

hope it helps much

by: johnglenleemahusay

Why the water is an inorganic, transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance?


Why is water colorless?

It is actually not. It is weakly blue which becomes apparent when a lot of it is gathered in one place. It is definitely not very strongly colored though. That is very common. Very few pure simple substances are strongly colored. Pure salt and sugar are transparent and colorless too. In bulk they look white because the tiny crystals scatter light, but snow does the same. A liquid forms one homogeneous mass.

In nature, of course, substances are rarely pure. Therefore not so many things look colorless. It only takes a little bit of a strongly colored impurity to color the whole thing. Just look at Himalaya salt or unrefined sugar or orange juice.

Why is water tasteless?

Because we don’t need to taste it. We get a good idea of the water content of food from the feel of it. Other liquids are usually oils, which feel very different. Besides it is not all that important exactly how much water is in one particular food item, if we need hydration then we drink stuff which is definitely mostly water.

The sense of taste not registering water frees up capacity to detect other things.

Why is water odorless?

Likewise because we don’t need to smell it. There is no real evolutionary advantage to be able to instantly tell the moisture content of the air. Better to use the sense of smell to detect poisons, food nearby, relatives or strangers etc. than to tell how the weather is today. We can tell how the weather is by other means.


Water is inorganic, transparent, delicate, odourless, and almost colourless.


How colourless is the water?

In fact, it isn't. It's weakly blue, and when many of them are gathered together, it gets obvious. However, it's obviously not very colourful. This is a pretty common occurrence. Very few simple materials are coloured intensely. Pure salt and sugar are also colourless and clear. They look white in mass because the little crystals disperse light, but the snow does the same. A fluid forms a uniform bulk.

Substances are seldom pure in nature, of course. Not so much looks colourless, therefore. It takes just a few colourful uncleanness to colour the whole thing. Look for Himalayan salt or sugar or orange juice unprocessed.

Why is water odourless?

We don't have to taste it because of this. From that feeling, we obtain a decent estimate of the water content of food. The oils, which feel much different, usually are other liquids. Moreover, the exact amount of water in a certain food item is not all so important, if we need moisture we will certainly drink things that are primarily water.

The sensation of taste without water releases the ability to discern other things.

Why does water smell?

We don't have to smell it, too. There is no genuine advantage of being able to identify the humidity of the air instantaneously. It's better to use the sense of smell to detect poisons, nutrients, relatives or strangers, etc. IN various ways, we can tell how the weather is.

elephantiasis is transmitted by :
a. fruit fly b. may fly
c. culex d. Anopheles



The correct answer is - d. Anopheles.


Culex, a species off mosquitoes known as the vector for many viral and parasitic diseases such as elephantiasis, that spread the disease and to one person to other.

In America culex is the main vector for Lymphatic filariasis or elephantiasis that is caused by a parasite. However in Africa Anopheles is the main mosquitoes causes Lymphatic filariasis or elephantiasis in people of the area.

choose the correct option :-

Q: Who is known as father of Zoology

A) Darwin
B) Aristotle
C) Lamark
D) Theophrastus

Q: The corner of the cells of collenchyma tissue in plant are thickened due to deposition of _____

A) Lignin and suberin
B) Suberin and cutin
C) Cellulose and pectin
D) Chitin and lignin




B) Aristotle


C) Cellulose and pectin





cellulose and pectin

In the life cycle of zygomycota fungi, the filamentous, asexually reproducing forms visible to the human eye are called:





In the asexual phase of their life cycle, the hyphae produce sporangiospores. The group of fungi known as Zygomycota develop sporangia within a sac, which bursts to release the spores, germinating into a new hypha.

From deep to superficial, the order of the strata of the epidermis is corneum - granulosum - lucidum - spinosum - basale. spinosum - granulosum - basale - lucidum - corneum. basale - granulosum - spinosum - lucidum - corneum. corneum - lucidum - granulosum - spinosum - basale. basale - spinosum - granulosum - lucidum - corneum.



basale - spinosum - granulosum - lucidum - corneum.  


The order of strata in the epidermis:

Basale: it is the deepest stratum. It has one layer of cells called keratinocytes, which are stem cells for the epidermis.Spinosum: The keratinocytes in this layer have spiny shapes. They synthesize cytokeratin and lipids. In this layer, we can also find macrophages.Granulosum: The keratinocytes of the previous layer ascend and synthesize keratohyalin, which is in granules. The keratohyalin helps to join keratin filaments. Also, the cells release the lipids synthesized in the previous layer, and they form a barrier that stops dehydration.Lucidum: it is only on thick skin, like the one in the sole of the feet. The keratinocytes in this layer have expelled the nucleus and now are dead cells. The keratinocytes have a flat shape and form a thin layer.Corneum: it is the most superficial layer. It is made of dead keratinocytes filled with keratin in their cytoplasm. It is a thick layer that suffers desquamation when new dead cells filled with keratin ascend from the previous layer.

Blood tests can be used to check a person’s blood glucose and hormone levels. The tabular column given below shows the result of two blood tests carried out on three people to check their blood glucose levels. Person 1 is healthy.

a.Compare the glucose levels of person 1 with the glucose levels of person 2 after fasting for12 hours.

b.Compare the glucose levels of person 3 with the glucose levels of person 1, 2 hours after drinking 75g glucose.

c.Person 3 cannot produce the hormone that controls blood glucose levels. State the hormone that person 3 cannot produce.

Pic is the table to refer.

pls answer it is urgent



See the answer below


a) From the table, the glucose level of person 1 (5.4) was less than the glucose level of person 2 (5.6) after 12 hours of fasting. The glucose level of person 1  falls within the normal fasting blood sugar range (3.9 to 5.6 mmol/L) while that of person 2 was borderline higher than normal.  

b) Also from the table, the glucose level of person 3 (12.1) was greater than that of person 1 (6.4) when the glucose levels were measured 2 hours after drinking 75 g glucose. Normal after-meal sugar level ranges between 6 and 10.9 mmol/L. Hence, person 3 appears to be diabetic while person 1 seems normal.

c) The hormone that person 3 cannot produce is insulin.

Insulin helps lower blood sugar levels when necessary by signalling the liver to convert the excess sugar to glycogen which is then stored in the body. When the blood sugar falls below the normal range, another enzyme, glucagon, signals the liver to convert the glycogen back to sugar to compensate for the decrease.

Photosynthesis happens in the?


Photosynthesis happens in the plants which have chlorophyll.

Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast, an organelle specific to plant cells.

What are substances needed for photosynthesis and what are substances are produced during photosynthesis





Light is the bedrock of photosynthesis the light here is from the sun.


carbon dioxide


Now the substances produced during photosynthesis are; ATP( Energy),sugar,oxygen.

Answer: The substances needed are Light and carbon dyoxide

Explanation: The plants take in carbon dyoxide, and emit oxygen for animals and humans, and the plant take in light.

what are chloro-fluoro carbons ??
explain !!! ​



Chlorofluorocarbons are fully or partly halogenated paraffin hydrocarbons that contain only carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine, produced as volatile derivative of methane, ethane, and propane.


blood enters the kidneys via .........​



the renal arteries: renal arteries are the route of blood


renal arteries are the route by which blood enters the kidney


Blood flows into your kidney through the renal artery.


This large blood vessel branches into smaller and smaller blood vessels until the blood reaches the nephrons. In the nephron, your blood is filtered by the tiny blood vessels of the glomeruli and then flows out of your kidney through the renal vein.

"All honey flora are plants, but all plants are not honey flora". Justify. ​



Beekeeping is affected by adverse climatic conditions and availability of floral resources. This study aimed to survey and characterize the flora in São João do Piauí, a semi-arid region in Piauí, Brazil, and to identify species providing resources to bees. Flowering plants were observed for 18 months, and records were taken of flowering date, growth habit, visitation and resources collected by bees. Melissopalinological analysis of honey produced in the area was performed. A total of 67 flowering plant species were recorded, of which 49 were considered as bee plants, with a predominance of herbs and shrubs. The low rainfall reduces the number of flowering species, which makes important the conservation and multiplication of species which bloom in dry season, such as Ipomoea glabra, Myracrodruon urundeuva, Sida cordifolia and Ziziphus joazeiro, as well as species that contribute to honey production such as Mimosa tenuiflora, Mesosphaerum suaveolens and Croton sonderianus.


nectar; pollen; floral resources

5. A typical incandescent light bulb produces

A.an absorption spectrum
B.a discontinuous spectrum
C.a continuous spectrum
D.an emission spectrum


The answer is C. A continuous spectrum
I believe the correct answer would be C

Describe these findings, and explaine their significants; epicanthal fold; pseudostrabismus; ophthalmia neonatorum; Brushfield spots.


-epicanthic fold: skin across the inner corner of the eye (canthus).
-pseudostrabismus: the appearance of strabismus because of epicanthic fold but is normal for a young child.
-Ophthalmia neonatorum, conjunctivitis of the newborn: purulent discharge caused by a chemical irritant or a bacterial or viral agent from the birth canal.
-brushfield spots: white specks around the edge of the iris.

How can a scientist determine if two species are obligate mutualists? The scientist should observe the species in the environment to determine the types of interactions that the two species have. Then, the scientist should transplant each species alone to a new area and simultaneously transplant both species together to see if the single-species transplants die. The scientist should observe the species in the environment, determine the types of interactions that the two species have, and then add an invading species to see if it outperforms one of the other species. The scientist should observe the species in the environment, determine the types of interactions that the two species have, and then transplant both species to a new location to observe if they do better or worse than the individuals in their old location. The scientist should observe the species in the environment, determine the types of interactions that the two species have, and then remove one of the species to see if the other species does not survive.



The scientist should observe the species in the environment to determine the types of interactions that the two species have. Then, the scientist should transplant each species alone to a new area and simultaneously transplant both species together to see if the single-species transplants die


When two species are obligate mutualists, both species benefit one another in such a way that one cannot survive without the other. Hence, in order to find out if two species are indeed obligate mutualists, they should be transplanted together away from other species on one side, and also transplanted individually on another side.

If they are obligate mutualists, the individual transplant would find it difficult to survive and should die in no time while the transplant done together should survive. All other factors being kept constant.

Regarding the planes of axes, a joint that is capable of moving through all three anatomical planes is called



Multiaxial joint


Joint is understood as the set of structures that allow the union of two or more bones and / or cartilage with each other. The synovial joint is a union that is established between bones that have different articular surfaces. There are factors that determine the axes of space in which a joint can be mobilized, in such a way that uniaxial, biaxial or multiaxial joints are identified. The multiaxial joint is movements in around three axes or three degrees of freedom. These joints can perform any movement. This movement that is carried out in the three axes is called circumduction movement (in a circle). The movements that a synovial joint can carry out are sliding, extension, flexion, abduction, adduction, medial rotation, lateral rotation, circumduction, protrusion, retrusion, diduction, pronation, supination, inversion, eversion, among others.

Peoples choicee can sometimes have negative effect on their own health, as well as the health or well being of others. Describe two of these choices, explaining how they can impact the individual and others.​



smoking and alcoholism


Which of the organism doesn't have backbone
a. squirrel
b. earthworm
c. cheetah
d. bear​



Animals without backbones are called invertebrate. Worms do not have backbones.


This is the answer. Hope it helps you out.

Mycoplasmas which belong to Firmicutes are pleomorphic because: (2 pts) they have no cell walls they are low G C content Gram-positive bacteria they exhibit snapping division they reproduce asexually they produce endospores



they have no cell walls.


Mycoplasmas that belong to Firmicutes are considered as pleomorphic because they have no cell walls in their structure. Mycoplasmas have the following characteristics i.e. the smallest mycoplasmas are 125–250 nm in size, they are highly pleomorphic because they lack a rigid cell wall and instead of cell wall they are bounded by a triple-layered “unit membrane” that contains a sterol in its structure.

A lending library has a fixed charge for the first three days and an additional charge for each day thereafter. Saritha paid ₹27 for a book kept for seven days, while Susy paid ₹21 for the book she kept for five days. Find the fixed charge and the charge for each extra day.​​



See the attachment.

Hope u understand

In the given question, 5₹ is the fixed charge and 3₹ is the charge for each extra day.

A fixed charge is a fee or cost that remains constant and does not vary with changes in usage or consumption.

Let the fixed charge for the first three days be x and the charge for each extra day be y.

From the given information, we can set up two equations:

For Saritha: [tex]\rm 3x + 4y = 27 -----(equation 1)[/tex]  

For Susy: [tex]\rm 3x + 2y = 21 -----(equation 2)[/tex]

We can solve for x and y by using elimination or substitution:

Using elimination, we can multiply the second equation by 2 and subtract it from the first equation:

[tex]\rm 3x + 4y = 27[/tex]

[tex]\rm - (6x + 4y = 42)[/tex]

Solving above equations, we get:

[tex]\rm -3x = -15[/tex]

[tex]\rm x = 5[/tex]

Substituting x = 5 into one of the equations, we can solve for y:

[tex]\rm 3(5) + 4y = 27[/tex]

[tex]\rm 15 + 4y = 27[/tex]

[tex]\rm 4y = 12[/tex]

[tex]\rm y = 3[/tex]

Therefore, the fixed charge is ₹5 and the charge for each extra day is ₹3.

Learn more about fixed charge here:



Identify and describe how bacteria, hormones, and nerves influence the health and activities of the GI tract



The GI health is supported by a varied and rich population of bacteria. The GI processes are controlled by the coordinated efforts of the hormonal system and the neurological system. Digestion and absorption together break up diets into bodily nutrients. A healthy GI system requires a balanced diet, sufficient relaxation, and frequent physical activity, to perform best.


Bacteria along the GI tract have a wide range of possible health benefits, including the production of vitamins, ion absorption (Ca, Mg, and Fe), pathogens protection, histologic development, improved immune systems, and fermentation of "no-digestible food" Bacteria have a number of potential functions.

During the digestion and absorption process hormones control the different digestive enzymes, which are secreted in the stomach and bowel. In reaction to the consumption of food, for example, the  hormone gastrin induces stomach acid output. The somatostatin hormone prevents stomach acid secretion.

Animals in Cestoda have: Group of answer choices septa and parapodia proglottids and no digestive system a pharynx and gastrovascular cavity a water vascular system



no digestive system


Animals in Cestoda have no digestive system so they takes nutrients through its cell wall. Cestodes have no digestive tract so they absorb nutrients from the host across the body wall. Most of the flatworms have conspicuous digestive systems while on the other hand, the digestive system of turbellarians consists of mouth, pharynx, and intestine so we can conclude that Cestoda have no digestive system to absorb nutrients like other organisms.

Use the cladogram about fish to answer the following questions.

Which of the following best describes the organism located at point B?

does not have jaws

has bones, but not jaws

has bones

has jaws, but not bones

Not all individuals in a population will survive to reproduce. Those that do, pass their
to their offspring.


Answer: D


it has Jews but not bones

What is the plural of drive-in? Use a dictionary if necessary.
O drives-in
O drive-ins
O both


answer is drive- ins
“s” at the end as in multiple
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