What are the four sources of law in the US legal system


Answer 1
constitutions; statutes and ordinances; rules and regulations; and. case law.
Answer 2

The four sources of law in the US legal system are constitutional law, statutory law, administrative law, and common law.

constitutional law- The term "constitutional law" describes the body of legislation derived from the US Constitution. It lays out fundamental rights establishes the governing structure and principles and serves as the foundation for additional legislation.

Statutory Law: At the federal, state and local levels legislative bodies enact statutes. These laws which deal with issues like criminal offenses, civil rights, taxation and regulations are passed through the legislative process.

Administrative Law: Administrative agencies enact administrative laws in order to carry out and uphold statutory laws. To regulate particular businesses, occupations or areas of public interest, these agencies have the power to issue rules, regulations and directives.

Common Law: The legal precepts and precedents established by judicial decisions are referred to as common law. It is used in situations where there is no specific statute or regulation and is based on judicial interpretations of statutory and constitutional law. The accumulation of legal precedents over time is how common law develops.

learn more about US legal system here



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name two ways the police are different from the military and explain the implications of those differences for using a quasi-military style of policing.


They serve within the civilian government to protect citizens and enforce laws, while the military is a separate institution tasked with defending the nation against external threats. The implications of this difference for using a quasi-military style of policing are that police must act within the bounds of the laws they are enforcing as well as abide by citizens' rights, while military forces operate with fewer restrictions when they are engaged in warfare.

There are two ways in which the police are distinct from the military: their function and their structure. Functions:While the police are responsible for maintaining law and order within the country, the military is responsible for protecting it from external threats. The police's primary goal is to maintain social order by upholding the law and assisting citizens.

The military's goal is to protect the country's security, sovereignty, and integrity by combating external threats. Structure: The police have a decentralised organisational structure, while the military has a centralized structure. Police organizations are localized, meaning they have authority within their own jurisdictions, such as towns, counties, or cities. The military, on the other hand, is a centrally organized organization with power and authority that spans the entire country. Implications:

The quasi-military policing style entails a greater focus on maintaining order and imposing discipline, which may result in the militarisation of policing, which can be problematic in a democratic society. The following are some of the implications of using a quasi-military policing style: Increased risk of violence: The militarization of the police has been linked to an increased risk of violence and aggression against civilians.

The use of military tactics and equipment by the police is often seen as hostile and intimidating by the community it serves.Lack of accountability: The militarization of the police can result in a lack of accountability for their actions. When the police are given a lot of power and authority, they can become difficult to control or manage, resulting in a lack of accountability for their actions. Undermines democracy:

A militarized police force has the potential to undermine democracy. A democracy relies on a police force that is fair, equitable, and accountable to its citizens. When the police become militarized, they become less accountable to the public, making it more difficult for the government to ensure that they are acting in the public's best interests.

For more questions on civilian



​paragraph 3 states that overcrow cities and urban spawn have put more peolple and wild animals close


The rapid growth of urban areas has resulted in many challenges, one of which is the increasing proximity between people and wild animals.

How would you support your answer ?

As cities expand and new suburbs are built, they often encroach on the habitats of wild animals. As a result, animals such as deer, coyotes, and raccoons are often found living in close proximity to humans. This can be particularly problematic for both people and animals. Wild animals can be a threat to human safety, particularly if they become aggressive or attack humans. On the other hand, people can also be a threat to wild animals, either intentionally or unintentionally.

For example, they may kill animals that they perceive as pests or encroach on their habitats. Moreover, the increasing proximity between people and wild animals can also increase the spread of diseases. Overall, it is crucial for policymakers to find ways to balance the needs of humans and wild animals in urban areas to minimize potential conflicts and protect both groups.

To know more about urban areas , visit :



the decision in miranda required the police to read suspects their miranda warnings when a suspect is and prior to .


The decision in Miranda v. Arizona required the police to read suspects their Miranda warnings when a suspect is in custody and prior to questioning.

What are the Maranda warnings?

The Miranda warnings are a set of statements that inform a suspect of their constitutional rights, including the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney.

The purpose of these warnings is to ensure that suspects understand their rights and to protect them from self-incrimination during custodial interrogations.

Failure to read Miranda warnings to a suspect prior to questioning can result in the suppression of any statements or confessions made during the interrogation in court.

Learn more about Miranda v. Arizona at:



For officers who routinely use racial profiling as a justification for making traffic stops (without any other factors involved), a ______ form that must be filled out for every stop might be the tool to make the officer re-think his or her conduct


For officers who routinely use racial profiling as a justification for making traffic stops , a stop search form that must be filled out for every stop might be the tool to make the officer re-think his or her conduct

If an officer frequently uses racial profiling as a rationale for conducting traffic stops without considering any other factors, a "stop and search" form that must be completed for each stop may be the instrument to force the officer to reconsider his or her actions. The officer must record the reason for the stop as well as any additional pertinent information, such as the demeanor of the driver or the vehicle's condition, on the stop and search form.

This documentation would produce a record of the stop that superiors may review and possibly utilise to spot racial profiling trends. Every stop must involve the completion of a form, which might serve as a disincentive to cops who might otherwise use racial profiling. The use of stop and search forms may help to lessen instances of racial profiling in law enforcement by boosting accountability and openness.

Read more about the racial profiling on:



according to heckscher and ohlin, each country has certain , such as land, labor, and capital.TrueFalse


True because According to Heckscher and Ohlin, each country has certain resources, such as land, labor, and capital, that are used in the production of goods and services.

These resources are known as a country’s endowments. This theory suggests that a country has a comparative advantage in producing goods and services that require a relatively larger amount of a particular resource.

For example, if a country has a large amount of land, it can have a comparative advantage in producing goods that require a lot of land (e.g. agricultural goods).

Similarly, if a country has a large amount of labor, it can have a comparative advantage in producing goods that require a lot of labor (e.g. manufactured goods).

The concept of endowments and comparative advantage helps explain why certain countries specialize in certain types of production.

To know more about country’s endowments click on below link:



according to recent data from the federal election commission, which of the following generates the greatest voter turnout?


According to recent data from the federal election commission, presidential elections generates the greatest voter turnout.

The correct option is C.

Candidates are chosen directly by the electorate in U.S. elections. However, voters do not directly elect the president and vice president. Instead, they are picked by "electors" using the Electoral College process. The Constitution is the source of the electoral process. It was a compromise between a vote in Congress and a vote by the general public.    

In order to win the presidency, a candidate must receive the support of at least 270 electors, or more than half of all electors in the United States. Every four years, on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November, Americans elect their president. The correct option is C.

The question is incomplete, complete question "according to recent data from the federal election commission, which of the following generates the greatest voter turnout?

A. gubernatorial elections

B. congressional elections

C. presidential elections

D. state and local elections"

Learn more about Electoral College at:



discuss the differences between individualizing items of evidence and associative items of evidence?



Individualizing evidence is evidence that can be linked to a specific person or thing, such as DNA or fingerprints. Associative evidence is evidence that does not have a direct link to a specific person or thing, but can be used to make connections or draw inferences, such as a witness testimony or surveillance footage. The main difference is that individualizing evidence can provide more direct and conclusive proof of a person's involvement, while associative evidence requires more interpretation and analysis to draw conclusions.


t/f prisons are violent mainly because they house large numbers of people who disobey social norms.


The given statement "prisons are violent mainly because they house large numbers of people who disobey social norms." is true because of diversity of inmates with varied criminal backgrounds in penitentiaries.

Due to the diversity of inmates with different criminal histories in prisons, prison violence occurs frequently. Inmate on inmate, inmate on guard (and vice versa), and self-inflicted are the three distinct types of attacks.

These carveouts undermine the impact of otherwise well-designed policies because more than 40% of those incarcerated and detained are there for "violent" offenses. Physical violence is the most prevalent type of violence in the prison system. Sexual violence is another prevalent type of violence in this setting.

In addition to adding to their trauma and exposure to violence, it also reinforces their disadvantage and fuels more crime and social harm. Additionally, the prison does very little to address the root causes of crime in communities.

Learn more about prison system at:



true/false. find, cite and summarize an article where corporate directors or corporate officers were punnished for their bad actions with jail time, fines, or both


True. In 2020, former Nissan Motor Co. Chairman Carlos Ghosn was sentenced to more than four years in prison and ordered to pay a $6.5 million fine for financial misconduct during his time leading the company.

Ghosn was accused of underreporting his compensation and misusing company funds for personal gain.

The case against Ghosn was a high-profile example of corporate leaders being held accountable for their actions, and it drew attention to the growing trend of increased enforcement of corporate governance laws around the world. The case also highlighted the importance of transparency and accountability in corporate leadership, and the need for companies to have strong systems in place to detect and prevent financial misconduct.

Overall, the case against Ghosn is a powerful reminder that corporate directors and officers can face serious consequences for their actions, including jail time, fines, and damage to their reputations. This underscores the importance of strong corporate governance practices and a culture of ethical behavior throughout organizations at all levels.

To learn more about corporate directors visit;



State legislatures define offenses and set punishments for their states and authorize local governing bodies to enact ____________ defining minor offenses and setting penalties.Ordinancesimpliedstare decisis


State legislatures define offenses and set punishments for their states and authorize local governing bodies to enact ordinances defining minor offenses and setting penalties.

An ordinance is a local law, passed by a city, county, or other local government body.

Ordinances usually address minor issues such as noise control, zoning, street parking, and other issues of local concern. These ordinances define offenses and set punishments that are usually less severe than those set by state legislatures.

Furthermore, local governing bodies may also be authorized to pass ordinances that can be enforced within their jurisdiction. This allows them to define minor offenses and set penalties, allowing them to maintain order within their local area.

To know more about governing bodies click on below link:



William Sheldon's attempt to link physical appearance to delinquency; he focused on somatotype (body type)
Sheldon believed there would be differences between the somatotypes of delinquents and nondelinquents
He identified three somatotypes: Endomorph, Mesomorph, and Ectomorph
He did not believe anyone was a pure endomorph, mesomorph, or ectomorph; he developed a system where levels could be measured
According to Sheldon, individuals with mesomorphic body structures are more likely to be delinquent, because body structure influences an individual's temperament, and mesomorphs are more aggressive and assertive than other body types


William Sheldon's attempt to link physical appearance to delinquency was highly controversial and has been largely discredited by modern research.

Sheldon believed that there would be differences between the somatotypes (body types) of delinquents and non-delinquents, and he identified three somatotypes: Endomorph, Mesomorph, and Ectomorph. He claimed that individuals with mesomorphic body structures were more likely to be delinquent because he believed body structure influenced an individual's temperament, and mesomorphs were more aggressive and assertive than other body types. However, modern research has not found a significant link between body type and criminal behavior, and many researchers have criticized Sheldon's methods and conclusions as biased and unscientific.

To know more about delinquency click here:



acts as leader of departments within the executive branch called by?


Acts as leader of departments within the executive branch called by Cabinet Secretaries.

The heads of departments within the executive branch are generally called as the cabinet secretaries or simply secretaries. These individuals are appointed by the President of the United States and are responsible for overseeing and managing their respective departments, which include agencies, bureaus, and other offices that are part of the federal government. There are currently 15 Cabinet-level departments in the United States government, each led by a Secretary who is responsible for implementing the policies and programs of the President and Congress within their specific area of responsibility.

Therefore, the cabinet secretaries or simply secretaries are the people who leads the departments within the executive branch.

Learn more about Cabinet Secretaries :



Incident at Morales --- Assuming Mexico does not have the same environmental regulations as the United States, then ethical considerations regarding the environment stop at the international border with Mexico.True False


Answer: False, Explanation: Mexico, like the US, has environmental regulations that are designed to protect the environment from harmful impacts. The laws of Mexico are not identical to those of the United States, but they have similar objectives. Environmental regulations are rules and policies that seek to protect the environment from human activities.  

This is accomplished through regulations that restrict how businesses and individuals may use natural resources, emit pollutants, and dispose of waste. Environmental regulations in the United States are established at the federal, state, and local levels.

Mexico has its own set of environmental laws and regulations that are designed to achieve similar goals. As a result, ethical considerations regarding the environment do not stop at the border between the United States and Mexico.

To know more about environmental laws and regulations refer here:



Which sentence from Passage 1 most clearly reveals the central idea that the antislavery movement laid the foundation for the women's suffrage movement? A "The delegates agreed with Anthony's assertion 'that all men and women are created equal,' and women should have the right to vote." (paragraph 3) B "Anthony compared the situation of enslaved African Americans to that of women." (paragraph 4) "Anthony called on her listeners to 'make the slave's case our own...." (paragraph 4) "The women who overcame this prejudice and had the courage to campaign in favor of abolition grew more and more proficient at making speeches and arguing in debates." (paragraph 5) oluc


Option B. The sentence that  reveals the central idea that the antislavery movement laid the foundation for the women's suffrage movement is Anthony compared the situation of enslaved African Americans to that of women.

What did the women's rights activists like Anthony do?

This sentence highlights the connection between the struggles of African Americans and women during the 19th century. It implies that the injustices faced by enslaved African Americans provided a basis for the arguments made by women's rights activists like Anthony, who drew parallels between the oppression of enslaved African Americans and the lack of rights for women.

By comparing the situations, Anthony sought to make the case that both groups were entitled to equal rights and protections under the law. This argument laid the foundation for the broader social justice movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including the women's suffrage movement, which ultimately led to the passage of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution granting women the right to vote.

Read more on  women's suffrage movement here:https://brainly.com/question/8862360


pie in the sky aircraft inc. files a suit against quest engineering inc., claiming that the consideration for their contract is inadequate. the court will most likely not examine the adequacy of the consideration if_____


The court will most likely not examine the adequacy of the consideration if the parties agreed to the contract voluntarily and without coercion.

When two parties enter into a contract with the intention of creating a binding agreement, it is assumed that both parties were aware of the terms and implications of the contract and therefore, the court will not question the adequacy of the consideration.

It is assumed that both parties negotiated in good faith and entered the contract voluntarily. If either party was coerced or forced into entering the contract, the adequacy of the consideration can be examined by the court.

Additionally, if the terms of the contract are unconscionable, the court can examine the adequacy of the consideration.

To know more about binding agreement click on below link:



the federal court system has exclusive jurisdiction over all but which of the following types of cases?


The federal court system in the United States is responsible for interpreting and enforcing federal laws and the US Constitution.

It is composed of various levels of courts, including district courts, appellate courts, and the Supreme Court. The federal court system has exclusive jurisdiction over certain types of cases, meaning that only federal courts can hear and decide these cases. However, there are some types of cases that do not fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal courts.

One type of case that does not fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal courts is state law cases. State law cases involve legal disputes that arise under state law and are generally heard in state courts. Examples of state law cases include contract disputes, family law matters, and criminal cases involving violations of state law.

Another type of case that does not fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal courts is cases involving small claims. Small claims courts are state courts that handle disputes involving small amounts of money, usually under $5,000. These courts are designed to be accessible to individuals who cannot afford to hire an attorney and are generally less formal than other courts.

Cases involving violations of local ordinances and zoning laws also generally fall under the jurisdiction of state or local courts, rather than federal courts. These cases involve disputes over issues such as property use, building codes, and noise violations.

In summary, while the federal court system has exclusive jurisdiction over many types of cases, including cases involving federal law, constitutional issues, and disputes between states, there are certain types of cases that fall outside of its jurisdiction. State law cases, small claims cases, and cases involving violations of local ordinances and zoning laws are typically heard in state or local courts.

learn more about US Constitution here



Although every crime scene is unique, discuss the components of and things to be considered when conducting a scene assessment.



When conducting a scene assessment, several important components and considerations should be taken into account, including safety, preservation of evidence, documentation, interviews, reconstruction, analysis, and collaboration. Thorough attention to detail, effective communication, and a commitment to preserving evidence and reconstructing the events that occurred are essential for a successful investigation.


When conducting a scene assessment, there are several components to consider in order to ensure a thorough and accurate investigation. Although every crime scene is unique, the following are some of the most important components and considerations:

Safety: The safety of all individuals involved in the investigation should be the top priority. This includes law enforcement officers, first responders, and any potential witnesses. The scene should be secured, and any potential hazards should be identified and addressed.

Preservation of evidence: All potential evidence should be identified and preserved. This includes physical evidence such as fingerprints, DNA, and trace evidence, as well as any potential digital evidence such as surveillance footage or electronic communication records.

Documentation: Detailed documentation of the scene is essential in order to accurately reconstruct the events that occurred. This includes taking photographs, sketching the layout of the scene, and taking detailed notes.

Interviews: Any potential witnesses or individuals with information related to the crime should be interviewed. This can help to provide additional information and context to the investigation.

Reconstruction: The scene should be reconstructed in order to determine how the crime occurred. This can involve examining the physical evidence and interviewing witnesses in order to develop a clear timeline of events.

Analysis: All evidence and information gathered at the scene should be analyzed in order to determine potential suspects and motives. This can involve reviewing surveillance footage, conducting background checks on potential suspects, and collaborating with other law enforcement agencies.

Collaboration: Effective collaboration between all parties involved in the investigation is essential in order to ensure a thorough and accurate investigation. This can involve working with other law enforcement agencies, forensic specialists, and prosecutors.

Overall, conducting a thorough scene assessment involves careful attention to detail, effective communication and collaboration, and a commitment to preserving evidence and reconstructing the events that occurred.

Final answer:

A successful scene assessment at a crime scene is fundamentally based on three components - preservation of the scene, documentation, and evidence collection. Other factors like type of crime, time, location, witnesses, and environmental conditions are also considered. Every crime scene is unique requiring a distinctive assessment approach, albeit the basic components stay consistent.


Conducting a scene assessment at a crime scene is a meticulous and deliberate process that requires a systematic approach. The primary components considered when doing a scene assessment include the preservation of the crime scene, thorough documentation, and evidence collection.

Preservation of the crime scene is crucial to avoid contamination or loss of evidence. This may involve cordoning off the area and controlling who has access to the crime scene. Documentation plays a central role in a scene assessment. This can include photographs, sketches, and detailed notes about the condition of the scene and the positions of evidence. Evidence collection involves identifying, recording, marking, packaging, and transporting evidence to preserve its integrity for lab analysis and possibly, use in court proceedings.

Apart from these core components, a scene assessment also takes into account other factors such as the time of the crime, location, any witnesses, type of crime committed, and environmental conditions. Each crime scene is unique, and as such, requires a unique approach for its assessment, but the components remain fundamentally consistent across all investigations.

Learn more about Scene Assessment here:



which constitutional principle did the supreme court decision in marbury v. madison strengthen?


The Supreme Court's decision in the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) strengthened the constitutional principle of judicial review.

In this landmark case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) , Chief Justice John Marshall and the Supreme Court held that the Court has the power to declare acts of Congress as unconstitutional. This decision established the principle of judicial review in this case , which is the power of the federal courts to determine the constitutionality of laws and executive actions.

By establishing the principle of judicial review, the Supreme Court upheld  its authority as an equal branch of government and established an important control and check on the power of the other branches. This decision also helped to establish the role of the Supreme Court as the final arbiter of constitutional questions in the United States.

Learn more about judicial review :



what is an example of a situation in which the government could use prior restraint against the press?


The prior restraint is the legal censorship or restriction on speech, expression, or other forms of public communication.

An example of a situation in which the government could use prior restraint against the press is a case of a national security breach or an invasion of privacy. Prior restraint is also used in cases of a criminal investigation. In this situation, if a newspaper or television channel has some valuable information about an ongoing investigation, the government may have to use prior restraint to stop the channel or the newspaper from publishing the information so that it won’t hinder the investigation process.

This situation usually happens in cases of political assassination or terrorism, where the government does not want the culprits to know the ongoing investigation process. Therefore, the government is forced to use prior restraint against the press to stop them from publishing sensitive information. The government also uses prior restraint to protect the privacy of individuals. If a newspaper or television channel has information about a person's personal life that could damage their reputation, the government can use prior restraint to stop them from publishing such information.

To learn more about Restriction :



which of the following committees of the house of representatives sets the conditions for debate and amendment of most legislation?


Rules committees of the house of representatives sets the conditions for debate and amendment of most legislation. The correct option is 3.

Before being debated on the floor in the House, most bills first go to the Rules committee. The committee decides on the rules that will control how the House will consider the bill. A "closed rule" prohibits the introduction of amendments and places strict time restrictions on debate.

The United States House of Representatives has a committee known as the Rules Committee, or simply the Rules Committee. In contrast to other committees, which frequently focus on a single area of policy, it is in charge of the procedures under which bills will be submitted to the House of Representatives. Due to its influence over the introduction and passage of legislation through the House, the committee is frequently regarded as one of the most powerful committees. As a result, it has earned the moniker "traffic cop of Congress." The correct option is 3.

The question is incomplete, complete question "Which of the following committees of the House of Representatives sets the conditions for debate and amendment of most legislation?

JudiciaryWays and MeansRulesAppropriationsGovernment Operations"

Learn more about house of representatives at:



if ministers fail to answer parliamentary in time, does it mean that they have abdicated their responsibilities?


Yes, Ministers who fail to answer questions in Parliament will face a public reprimand in the House.

the transitional era that followed the new deal coalition was triggered by which of the following developments?


several developments, including the rise of conservative politics, the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, and the economic changes of the 1970s triggered a transitional era that followed the New Deal coalition.

The civil rights movement was a social and political movement in the United States that aimed to end racial discrimination and segregation against African Americans and other minority groups. The movement began in the mid-1950s and continued through the 1960s, marked by protests, marches, and acts of civil disobedience. Key leaders of the training included Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, and John Lewis, among many others. The campaign achieved significant gains with landmark legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. These laws ended segregation in public places and guaranteed the right to vote for all citizens. The civil rights movement sparked a broader movement for social justice, inspiring activism in areas such as women's rights, LGBTQ rights, and disability rights, among others.

Learn more about civil rights movement here:



states where one political party controls one or both houses of the legislature and the other political party controls the governorship have a


States, where one political party controls one or both houses of the legislature and the other political party, controls the governorship have a divided government.

In such a scenario, the party controlling the governorship and the party controlling the legislature may have different policy goals and agendas, which can lead to a range of outcomes.

A divided government can sometimes result in gridlock, as each party may have difficulty passing legislation or implementing policies due to disagreements or opposition from the other party. On the other hand, a divided government can also lead to compromise and bipartisan cooperation, as both parties may be incentivized to work together to achieve their respective goals.

The specific implications of divided government can vary depending on the specific context and the parties involved. Some argue that divided government can lead to a more moderate and balanced approach to governance, as each party may need to compromise to achieve their objectives. Others may argue that divided government can lead to inefficiencies and difficulties in passing important legislation.

To know more about political parties here



during the 19th century, which of the following was not a principle that guided female prison reform?


However, based on a general understanding of the history of female prison reform in the 19th century, option d. "Making female prisons decidedly 'female institutions'" is unlikely to be a principle that guided reformers.

As different reformers and reform movements may have emphasized different principles at different times.  Instead, many reformers sought to make prisons more humane, with an emphasis on rehabilitation and education rather than punishment. They also recognized the particular needs and vulnerabilities of women prisoners, such as the need for medical care, protection from abuse by male guards, and opportunities for child care and family visitation. Separating women prisoners from men and employing female staff were also important goals for many reformers.

To learn more about reform movements visit;



Correct question:

During the 19th century, which of the following was not a principle that guided female prison reform?

a. The separation of women prisoners from men

b. The provision of care in keeping with the needs of women

c. The management of women's prisons by female staff

d. Making female prisons decidedly "female institutions"

this landmark u.s. supreme court case held that evidence of officer credibility as a witness may be considered exculpatory evidence and should be given to the defense during discovery.


This landmark U.S. Supreme Court case is called Brady v. Maryland (1963), which held that exculpatory evidence concerning the credibility of a police officer must be disclosed to the defense during discovery.

This is because such evidence may influence the outcome of a trial and is thus considered to be of significant importance. The decision also stipulated that prosecutors must make a reasonable effort to ascertain any and all evidence that could be potentially beneficial to the defense, regardless of its source.

The Supreme Court reasoned that evidence of police officer credibility should be considered exculpatory because its contents may be instrumental in providing a defendant with a fair trial.

In summary, Brady v. Maryland is a landmark case that established the obligation of prosecutors to disclose any exculpatory evidence that could be beneficial to the defense, including evidence concerning the credibility of a police officer.

This has important implications for defendants in criminal cases, as it ensures that they are given a fair trial.

To know more about criminal cases click on below link:



Which of the following could be argued by the defendant in a product liability case based on strict liability to limit the dollar amount of the damages awarded to the plaintiff?
a. The product was based on state of the art design
b. The manufacturer exercised all reasonable care in the manufacture of the product.
c. The user was careless or misused the product.
d. All of the above can be pled to reduce damages.


The defendant in a product liability case based on strict liability could argue that the user was careless or misused the product to limit the dollar amount of the damages awarded to the plaintiff. Hence, Option c is the correct.

What is product liability?

Product liability is a legal term used to describe the liability of manufacturers and sellers for injuries caused by a product's design, production, and marketing. There are three theories under which a plaintiff can bring a product liability lawsuit: negligence, breach of warranty, and strict liability.

In a product liability case based on strict liability, the defendant might claim that the plaintiff was careless or misused the product. This can be argued to reduce the amount of damages awarded to the plaintiff.

Strict liability is a legal doctrine that imposes liability on a party without requiring proof of fault. In product liability cases, it means that a manufacturer or seller is strictly liable for any injuries caused by a defective product, regardless of whether they were negligent or not.

Hence, Option c is the correct.

Learn more about Product liability here:



fill in the blank. the policy area in which a particular congressional committee is authorized to act is called the ___ of a congressional committee.


The policy area in which a particular congressional committee is authorized to act is called the jurisdiction of a congressional committee.

Each committee in Congress has a specific jurisdiction that defines the policy areas under its purview. These jurisdictions can vary widely depending on the committee, with some overseeing broad policy areas like the Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over taxes and revenue, while others are more narrowly focused on specific issues like the Energy and Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over healthcare, energy, and telecommunications. The jurisdiction of a committee is determined by the rules of the House or Senate and can be changed over time through the amendment of those rules or through the creation or dissolution of committees.

To learn more about congressional committee visit;



Your organization entered into an interoperability agreement (IA) with another organization a year ago. As a part of this agreement, a federated trust was established between your domain and the partner domain.The partnership has been in the ongoing operations phase for almost nine months now. As a security administrator, which tasks should you complete during this phase? (Select two.)answer choicesa. Negotiate the BPO agreementb. Conduct periodic vulnerability assessmentsc. Verify compliance with the IA documentsd. Draft an MOU document


The tasks that a security administrator should complete during the ongoing operations phase are as follows: Conduct periodic vulnerability assessments and Verify compliance with the IA documents. Let's discuss both tasks in detail below.

Periodic vulnerability assessments: Vulnerability assessments are conducted to identify and manage potential vulnerabilities within an IT infrastructure or system. It is a proactive approach that allows the organization to assess its security posture and improve it.

Periodic vulnerability assessments should be conducted by a security administrator to ensure that both organizations' systems and data are secure and there is no unauthorized access. The frequency of conducting these assessments depends on the nature and sensitivity of the data shared between the organizations.Verify compliance with the IA documents: The interoperability agreement (IA) is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership between the organizations. Compliance with the IA documents ensures that both parties are following the rules and regulations set forth in the agreement.

A security administrator should ensure that the partner organization is following the IA documents and all the security measures are in place to safeguard the data shared between them. In case of any non-compliance, the security administrator should take necessary steps to mitigate the risk and bring the partner organization back into compliance. Therefore, the correct answer is B and C, which are Conduct periodic vulnerability assessments and Verify compliance with the IA documents, respectively.

To know more about Periodic vulnerability assessments refer here:



what case decided that evidence obtained unlawfully may not be used against defendants in criminal court?


Answer:i think mapp v Ohio good luck with your work


in ____, the dominant idea about resilience was that communities are responsible for child resilience.


It was in 2015 that the dominant idea about resilience was that communities are responsible for child resilience.

The dominant idea about resilience was that it is a process of adaptation that occurs within the context of a community. This includes supportive relationships, safe and nurturing environments, and access to resources. It also states the importance of social and environmental conditions in the development of child resilience. By providing the necessary resources and support, communities can play an important role in helping children develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary to cope with challenges and setbacks. Through this children can develop resilience and the ability to bounce back from adversity.

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how did the federal government implement the indian removal act in 1838? Constants I Periodic Table Suppose two parallel-plate capacitors have the same charge Q, but the area of capacitor 1 is A and the area of capacitor 2 is 2A paola is planning a major golf fundraiser for a local nonprofit organization and is spending several hours each week reviewing pinterest posts and reading articles about how to implement a successful golf outing. she's not a golfer herself and has never participated in a golf outing before but wants to make sure the event is enjoyed by people who like golf and that it generates the donations her organization needs to deliver their services to the community. paola's behavior can be explained by the concept of__________ involvement. Treatments for schizophrenia include:A. FloodingB. Medication. C. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). D. All of these Round the answer to the nearest hundredth Mary is 21 years old. She buys 50/100/25 liability insurance, and collision andcomprehensive insurance, each with $500 deductibles. What is her total annualpremium? Round to the nearest dollar. Do not state the units. Be sure to show work. Liability InsuranceType Amount Premium25/50 $24050/100 $385100/300 $450Property damage 25 $210 50 $150 100 $140Collision and comprehensive premiums $250 $172 $112$500 $102 $87$750 $85 $52Rating factor Age 17-20 male Female 3.1 1.64 21-24. 2.53. 1.2225-29 1.73 1.0 Two cellphone companies are offering different rate plans. Rogers is offering $19.99 per month, which includes a maximum of 200 weekday minutes plus $0.35 for every minute above the maximum. TELUS is offering $39.99 for a maximum 300 weekday minutes, but it charges $0.10 for every minute above the maximum. Above how many minutes would TELUS be the better choice? given f(x) and g(x) find the value of (gof)(5) unified communications (uc) is an umbrella term for integrated, multi-media communications controlled by an individual user for both business and social purposes. uc integrates all of the following except? Select one: a.Social media. b.Data. c.Voice. d.Video Given the data below for a firm in its first year of operation, determine net income under the accrual basis of accounting.Revenue earned$16,000Accounts receivable3,000Expenses incurred7,250Accounts payable (related to expenses)750Supplies purchased with cash1,800a. $8,750b. $11,000c. $6,500d. $9,200 negotiators do not have to be aware of the effect of intangible factors on their own aspirations and behavior. Portfolio management frameworks, such as the BCG matrix, share which of the following characteristics?a. Businesses are plotted on a 3-dimensional grid.b. Grid dimensions are based on external environments and internal capabilities/market positions.c. Position in the matrix suggests a need for sharing synergies.d. They are most helpful in helping businesses develop types of competitive advantage. the struggle to fulfill the promise of america and create a more perfect union will not be easy. it will require hard work, dedication, and a willingness to confront the contradictions and challenges that exist. but it is a struggle that is worth fighting for. and it is a struggle that can only be won through liberalism, through a commitment to individual freedom, equality, and the rule of law Which of the following conditions will tend to make rocks change by ductile deformation rather than by brittle deformation?Choose one:A. granitic compositionB. slowly applied stressC. position fairly close to Earth's surfaceD. cool surroundings PLEASE HELP ASAP! This composite figure is created by placing a sector of a circle on a triangle. What is the area of this composite figure? Use 3.14 for n. Round to the nearest hundredth. Show your work. Suppose two rings are at the top of a ramp. The rings have the same mass, but one ring has a much larger radius than the other. Which ring will win the race to the bottom, and why? (Hint: Consider the potential energy, translational kinetic energy, and rotational kinetic energy of each ring.) HELPGiven the information in the diagram of circle P below, find: how many electrons are there in a 30.0 cm length of 12-gauge copper wire (diameter 2.05 mm )? express your answer using two significant figures. What is the result of a network technician issuing the command ip dhcp excluded-address on a Cisco router?A. The Cisco router will exclude 15 IP addresses from being leased to DHCP clients.B. The Cisco router will allow only the specified IP addresses to be leased to clients.C. The Cisco router will exclude only the and IP addresses from being leased to DHCP clients.D. The Cisco router will automatically create a DHCP pool using a /28 mask. cala used 4 2/3 cups of watermelon and 2 1/6 cups of cherries to make a fruit bowl how many cups of watermelon and cherries were used in all