Which of the following conditions will tend to make rocks change by ductile deformation rather than by brittle deformation?Choose one:A. granitic compositionB. slowly applied stressC. position fairly close to Earth's surfaceD. cool surroundings


Answer 1

B. Rocks are more likely to undergo ductile deformation than brittle deformation when slowly applied tension is present. Rocks have a higher chance of deforming without shattering when tension is applied progressively over time.

On the other hand, quick, high-intensity stress can cause rocks to fracture or split due to brittle failure.Granitic makeup, proximity to the Earth's surface, and cold conditions may not always favour ductile deformation over brittle deformation. Although the composition of the rock, its depth, and its temperature can influence how it responds to stress, there is no clear correlation between these variables and ductile vs brittle deformation.than brittle deformation when slowly applied tension is present. Rocks have a higher chance of deforming without shattering when tension is applied progressively over time.

learn more about ductile deformation here:



Related Questions

fingerlike extensions of the intestinal mucosa that increase the surface area for absorption


The fingerlike extensions of the intestinal mucosa that increase the surface area for absorption are called villi.

Villi are small, fingerlike projections that extend from the intestinal wall into the lumen of the small intestine. They are lined with specialized cells, including absorptive cells and goblet cells, that help to facilitate the absorption of nutrients from food. The surface area of the small intestine is greatly increased by the presence of these villi, which provide a large surface area for absorption. In addition, the villi are covered with even smaller projections called microvilli, which further increase the surface area available for absorption. The increased surface area provided by the villi and microvilli is crucial for efficient nutrient absorption and digestion in the small intestine.

To know more about villi click here:



What physical property would have made a mineral appropriate for use as an old-time window covering before glass was widely available? FEEDBACK: To be used as a window pane, a mineral needs to be split into thin, large layers. Soft, brittle layers would not be appropriate for window panes.


The mineral needs to be easily split into thin, large layers to be used as an old-time window covering before glass was widely available.

Until glass became commonly available, window coverings made of minerals like mica, calcite, and talc were common. The mineral had to be physically capable of easily splitting into broad, thin layers. Due to this characteristic, the material could be formed into a flat sheet that was both somewhat insulating and transparent enough to let light through. Minerals with brittle, fragile layers would not be suitable since they would shatter rapidly and could not resist environmental conditions or the strain of constant use. For producing an ancient window covering, a mineral with the ability to be easily split into thin, large layers was necessary.

learn more about mineral here:



Why Pluto left the solar system? What is the mass of Pluto?​



Pluto left the solar system because it was reclassified as a dwarf planet by the International Astronomical Union in 2006 due to its size and mass. Pluto's mass is estimated to be around 0.00218 Earth masses, or 1.30 x 10^22 kg.



Answer. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) downgraded the status of Pluto to that of a dwarf planet because it did not meet the three criteria the IAU uses to define a full-sized planet. Essentially Pluto meets all the criteria except one—it “has not cleared its neighboring region of other objects.

What is the origin of smooth troughs cutting across the landscape in the Great Lakes area? Glaciers carved out the smooth troughs.



Yes, glaciers are responsible for the origin of smooth troughs cutting across the landscape in the Great Lakes area.

During the last Ice Age, which ended around 10,000 years ago, the Great Lakes region was covered by a massive ice sheet. As the glacier advanced, it scoured the landscape, picking up rocks and soil and grinding them against bedrock. This process of erosion created deep troughs in the bedrock, which were then filled with water as the glaciers melted.

These troughs, known as glacial troughs or U-shaped valleys, are characterized by a wide, flat bottom and steep sides. They often contain lakes or rivers, such as the Great Lakes themselves, which were formed by the melting of the glaciers. The movement of the glacier also created other glacial features such as moraines, drumlins, and eskers, which are common in the Great Lakes area.



What does it mean to diversify the economy? How
would diversifying the economy benefit the UAE? Is
it beneficial for all? Who is being left out?


Answer: Diversifying the economy means to reduce the reliance on a single industry or sector, and to instead diversify into multiple industries and sectors. This can benefit the UAE by providing increased economic stability and a wider range of employment opportunities. Diversifying the economy can be beneficial for all by providing more employment opportunities and economic security. However, those who are the most vulnerable in society, such as those with limited resources, education, and access to employment, may be left out and unable to benefit from the diversification of the economy.


Immigration vs emigration in the American Rocky Mountains chart




• Population growth in the American Rocky Mountains has been driven by immigration.

• Immigration to the region increased significantly during the 1980s and 1990s, with the majority of immigrants coming from Mexico and Central and South America.

• The influx of immigrants has led to an increase in the population of cities like Denver, Colorado Springs, and Albuquerque.


• Emigration from the American Rocky Mountains has been relatively low, with most people leaving the region for other parts of the United States.

• The majority of emigrants are young people seeking better job opportunities or a change of scenery.

• Emigration has been offset by immigration, resulting in a net population gain for the region.

Use the rule x + 8 to write a pattern. Begin with x = 0.

8, 9, 10, 11,...
0, 9, 10, 11,...
0, 8, 16, 24,...


Answer: 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112, 120, 128, 136, 144, etc.


Starting with x = 0, we can use the rule x + 8 to generate a pattern of numbers by adding 8 to each successive value of x. The pattern would look like this:

0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, ...

So, the pattern is generated by adding 8 to the previous number in the sequence.

why dams and furrows have large number on a topographical map​



These numbers represent two grid systems that can be used to find your exact location. The first is called latitude and longitude. The exact latitude and longitude is given at each corner of that map and at equally spaced intervals between the corners. The second is called UTM's.


12. in which direction did trade routes run from tenochtitlan? (make sure to read all parts of the map!)


Trade routes from Tenochtitlan ran in multiple directions, including south to Central America and north to the Gulf of Mexico. The map shows various trade routes branching out from the city.

The Aztec Empire, which is now part of Mexico, had Tenochtitlan as its capital city. The settlement was strategically located on an island in the middle of Lake Texcoco, serving as a crossroads for commerce routes in the area. The map depicts numerous trade routes that left Tenochtitlan, including ones that headed north to the Gulf of Mexico and south to Central America. East-west trade routes also connected Tenochtitlan with other towns in the area. Food, clothing, and precious metals were just a few of the many items the Aztecs traded, and their trading networks were a vital part of their economy.

learn more about Tenochtitlan here:



What was the direction of trade routes from Tenochtitlan according to the map?

special rocks found in antarctica are dated with isotopes to give an average age of earth of 4.55 billion years. we can use these dark-colored


Special rocks found in Antarctica are dated with isotopes to give an average age of the earth of 4.55 billion years. we can use these dark-colored rocks to Determine the age of the Earth.

Special Antarctica-found rocks have been isotopically dated to determine the Earth's average age of 4.55 billion years.

Uranium and thorium, which are radioactive elements that decay over time, are found in these zircon-colored rocks.

Scientists can determine the age of rocks and, consequently, the age of the Earth by measuring the rate of elemental decomposition.

For more than a century, this technique has been used to precisely estimate the age of Earth, providing us with knowledge about our planet's past.

The complete question is -

Special rocks found in Antarctica are dated with isotopes to give an average age of the earth of 4.55 billion years. we can use these dark-colored rocks to -

To know more about the age of the earth,



How is the troposphere formed?



The troposphere is the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere, extending from the surface up to about 7-20 km (4-12 miles) depending on the latitude and season. It is the layer where most of the Earth's weather occurs, and where we live and breathe.

The troposphere is formed by a combination of processes involving the Earth's surface and the Sun's energy. The Sun's radiation heats the Earth's surface, causing it to warm up and create thermal energy. This thermal energy is then transferred to the air molecules in contact with the surface, causing them to rise and expand. As the warm air rises, it cools and loses some of its moisture, which condenses into clouds and precipitation.

At the same time, cooler air from higher altitudes sinks down to replace the rising warm air. This creates a convective cycle, where warm air rises and cool air sinks, creating a mixing of the atmosphere that distributes heat and moisture.

The boundary between the troposphere and the layer above it, the stratosphere, is marked by a temperature inversion layer called the tropopause, where the temperature stops decreasing with height and begins to increase again. This is due to the absorption of ultraviolet radiation by ozone molecules in the stratosphere, which creates a warming effect that prevents the mixing of air between the two layers.


Why are renewanle resources categorised into critical and non critical​


Because of their potential to replace non-renewable, or finite, resources in the production of energy, renewable resources are regarded as particularly significant.

What is a critical renewable resource?

The following are some of the scarce resources needed for renewable power: Place your land in areas where wind and solar power generation is feasible. Geographical highlights reasonable for siphoned capacity hydroelectricity to store discontinuous power for a minimal price. Cobalt and other minerals for lithium-ion batteries to store power. A resource that can be replenished is considered a renewable resource because it has an infinite supply. Renewable resources include the sun, the wind, and geothermal heat, which are regarded as inexhaustible.

As long as there is precipitation, water is also considered a natural resource that can be renewed. The need to conserve water resources has been demonstrated by shifting climate patterns.

To learn more about resources visit :



Find out about soil sampling. Other methods that can be used and their advantages
What are methods used in sampling?



Methods for collecting soil samples

Push probes, hammer probes, and bucket augers (Figure 1) are commonly used because they are capable of taking uniform samples with depth. Figure 1. Examples of soil sampling equipment: a soil push probe, hammer probe, and bucket auger. Along with a probe, a clean plastic bucket should be used.

Using the Population map (176/162) and Climate map (173/159) determine which of the following statements is true: a. Most of the population lives within the Tropical and Mild climate zones. b. Most of the population lives within the Dry and Continental climate zones. C. Most of the population lives within the Dry and Highland climate zones. d. Most of the population lives within the Continental and Polar climate zones. si berria an S FE' The Dry Continent lyshabad dem can have per and the Nandy Quin the Dead Det and Ge s undherbe called the Climer Wet Me today 2005. 37 inches (940 m eters and Mohan p Theated the As and ind u ced by wd stems cated monsin winterdry winds t ed the cold of the lower the war cantando clouds In the moon changes from dry towel as the wind direction Cooler over the causes and warm landbre massive amounts of mature that roduceran There 's wing occurs with the wen n Natural Population Growth Say it in Mandarin DAN OCEAN i r Ama Beth and Death Rates ons began in Asia, ind Opercent of the world's poden ser populdestination they


The following assertion is valid based on the population map (176/162) and climate map (173/159): a. The majority of the population resides in the tropical and mild climate zones.

On the climate map, these regions are denoted by the colours green and light blue, and the population map shows that these regions have the largest population densities. Natural population increase, which is defined as the difference between the birth and death rates, started in Asia, where about 60% of the world's population resides. Asia is predicted to account for the majority of the rise in world population in the ensuing decades, with a population growth rate of 1.05%. Improvements in healthcare and nutrition, as well as rising urbanisation and levels of education, all contribute to this trend.

learn more about population map  here:



How does economic development affect diffusion?



Economic development results in higher levels of education, greater employment opportunities, and higher income levels. Communities are strengthened with economic development because increasing numbers of jobs result in higher income levels.


Economic development can have a significant impact on the diffusion of innovations, ideas, and technologies within a society or across different societies. Here are some ways in which economic development can affect diffusion:

Availability of resources: Economic development can increase the availability of resources such as capital, technology, and human resources that are needed to develop and adopt new innovations. With more resources, societies can invest in research and development, create better infrastructure for communication and transportation, and promote education and training to support the adoption and diffusion of innovations.

Market demand: Economic development can also create greater demand for new technologies and innovations, especially in emerging markets that are growing rapidly. This can drive companies and entrepreneurs to invest in the development and dissemination of new products and services that are tailored to the needs of these markets.

Cultural factors: Economic development can also impact the cultural factors that influence the diffusion of innovations. For example, societies with high levels of economic development may have more open and diverse cultures that are more receptive to new ideas and technologies. They may also have more established networks of communication and exchange that facilitate the spread of innovations.

Policy and regulation: Economic development can also lead to changes in policy and regulation that can either facilitate or hinder the diffusion of innovations. For example, policies that promote innovation and entrepreneurship, or that provide funding and support for research and development, can help to accelerate the adoption and diffusion of new technologies.

Overall, economic development can create the conditions that support the adoption and diffusion of new innovations, by increasing resources, creating demand, shaping cultural factors, and driving policy and regulation.

Which of the following best compares a technological consequence of the Green Revolution in more developed and less developed countries?Farmers in less developed countries experienced increased profits from manufacturing and selling genetically modified seeds on the open market to more developed countries.Farmers in less developed countries experienced a decrease in water pollution through the use of chemical fertilizers first used in more developed countries.Farmers in more developed countries experienced substantial profits because of the increasing emphasis on more sustainable practices such as organic farming first used in less developedcountries.Farmers in less developed countries were able to increase their profits from growing and exporting high-yield grain to levels similar to those in more developed countries.


The technological consequence of the Green Revolution in more developed and less developed countries that best compares is that Farmers in less developed countries were able to increase their profits from growing and exporting high-yield grain to levels similar to those in more developed countries. Therefore the correct option is option

Green Revolution refers to the transformation of the agricultural system that occurred from the mid-1900s to the late 1960s, which involved the implementation of modern, high-yield varieties of cereal grains, particularly wheat and rice, as well as new agricultural technologies, such as fertilizers and mechanized farming methods.

This revolution had a significant impact on agriculture and food production in both developing and developed countries.

For such more question on Green Revolution:



The following question may be like this:

Which of the following best compares a technological consequence of the Green Revolution in more developed and less developed countries?

Farmers in less developed countries experienced increased profits from manufacturing and selling genetically modified seeds on the open market to more developed countries.

Farmers in less developed countries experienced a decrease in water pollution through the use of chemical fertilizers first used in more developed countries.

Farmers in more developed countries experienced substantial profits because of the increasing emphasis on more sustainable practices such as organic farming first used in less developed countries.

Farmers in less developed countries were able to increase their profits from growing and exporting high-yield grain to levels similar to those in more developed countries.

part 1.a. in which direction will each of the buildings move in response to the different types of waves?




which of these reasons might result in the modern (human) development of a floodplain? (select all that apply.)


The modern development of a floodplain can be caused by natural river processes, human-induced changes to river systems, and climate change.

A floodplain may eventually form as a result of natural river processes such silt deposition, erosion, and channel migration.

Levees, dams, and other human-made changes to river systems, such as channelization, can alter the river's natural flow and result in flooding in places that weren't previously floodplains.

Climate change can lead to increased precipitation and extreme weather events, which can result in floods and the expansion of existing floodplains. It is possible for natural river processes like silt deposition, erosion, and channel migration to lead to the modern formation of a floodplain. Levees, dams, and other human-made changes to river systems, such as channelization, can alter the river's natural flow and result in flooding in places that weren't previously floodplains. Climate change can also contribute to increased precipitation and extreme weather events, leading in floods and the expansion of existing floodplains. Therefore, the modern development of a floodplain could be caused by any of the three causes.

learn more about floodplain here:



Which of the following geographical elements improve the opportunities for international commerce in a country Select the two correct answers below. Select all that apply: extensive coastines. vast mountains landiocked territory large rivers


Large rivers and wide coasts are the two appropriate responses.


Access to maritime routes is easier for nations with long coastlines, which helps with global trade and business. Large rivers can serve as channels for the delivery of products and raw materials, which can lower transportation costs and increase market access. Huge mountain ranges and landlocked areas can increase the expense and difficulty of transportation while limiting access to global markets.Large rivers and broad coastlines are the two geographical features that enhance a nation's prospects for international trade. Access to ports is made possible by these elements for trade and cargo transportation.

learn more about coasts here:



which of the following is NOT one of the primary causes of lack of access to clean water experienced by many people in the region?
1. rapid urbanization has dramatically increased demand for water
2. governments have failed to invest adequately in water supply infrastructure
3. government corruption has hindered efforts to improve water supplies and quality
4. the region is naturally arid and lacks freshwater sources


The correct answer is option 4, the region is naturally arid and lacks freshwater sources. This is not one of the primary causes of lack of access to clean water experienced by many people in the region.

The main causes of lack of access to clean water are rapid urbanization, inadequate investment in water supply infrastructure, and government corruption. Rapid urbanization has led to a dramatic increase in demand for water, and governments have failed to invest adequately in water supply infrastructure.

Government corruption has also hindered efforts to improve water supplies and quality. All of these factors have created a situation of water scarcity and lack of access to clean water for many people in the region. The correct answer is option 4.

To know more about urbanization, click here:



fine-grained rocks are the most common type of clastic rocks. select all of the following rock types that are fine-grained clastic rocks.


Fine-grained rocks are a type of clastic rock that are composed of small mineral grains, usually less than 1/16th of a millimeter in size.

They are formed from the compaction and cementation of fine-grained sediment, such as silt or clay. Some examples of fine-grained clastic rocks include:

Shale: A fine-grained sedimentary rock composed of silt and clay-sized particles. Shale is the most common type of sedimentary rock.

Mudstone: A fine-grained sedimentary rock composed of clay-sized particles. Mudstone is similar to shale but does not have the laminated structure characteristic of shale.

Siltstone: A fine-grained sedimentary rock composed of silt-sized particles. Siltstone is typically gray or brown and has a smooth texture.

Claystone: A fine-grained sedimentary rock composed primarily of clay-sized particles. Claystone is typically gray or brown and has a smooth texture.

All of these rocks are examples of fine-grained clastic rocks and are formed from the compaction and cementation of fine-grained sediment.

To know more about clastic rock click here:



Describe the landscape features that are produced by glacial erosion



Glacial erosion is the process by which glaciers move and carve the land beneath them, resulting in a variety of distinct landscape features. Some of the landscape features produced by glacial erosion are:

U-shaped valleys: Glaciers erode valleys into a characteristic U-shape by gouging and plucking rocks and sediment from the valley floor and sides.

Cirques: A cirque is a steep-walled, bowl-shaped depression at the head of a valley, formed by glacial erosion. The ice carves the walls and floor of the cirque, and it often contains a small glacier or a glacial lake.

Fjords: Fjords are long, narrow inlets of the sea between steep cliffs. They are created by the slow movement of glaciers carving out valleys, which later fill with seawater.

Roche moutonnée: Roche moutonnée is a rock formation created by glacial erosion that appears as a smooth and polished rock with a gentle slope on the side facing the direction from which the glacier came and a steep slope on the opposite side.

Striations and grooves: These are parallel scratches and grooves found on bedrock caused by the movement of glacier ice over it.

Erratics: Large boulders or rocks that have been transported and deposited by glaciers in areas where the rock type is different from the surrounding geology.

Drumlin: A drumlin is a long, teardrop-shaped hill created by the accumulation of glacial till on the lee side of an obstacle or irregularity in the bedrock.

You have observed that there are variations in your environment in relation to natural, cultural or social.
Example, all vegetations are not of the same variety. Can you argue that geography is not about differentiation or variation?


Geography does not focus on the variations or differentiations that exist in society, but on the interactions that exist between beings and the environment.

What is geography?

Geography is a term that refers to a science that studies the interaction of beings with the environment through time. In general, we can analyze these interactions and how they influence other events and the development of the future.

The land is characterized by its variations in vegetation, communities and cultures, however, geography does not focus on these differentiations but on analyzing the interactions between them.

Learn more about geography in: https://brainly.com/question/1462956


silk road silk road to describe how trade integrated cultures and influenced the economy within and among empires.


The Silk Road was a network of trade routes that connected East and West, allowing for the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures. It facilitated the integration of different cultures and influenced the economy of empires.

The Silk Road was a vast network of trade routes that connected China and other parts of Asia to Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. It was named after the lucrative Chinese silk trade which was one of its major commodities. The trade routes of the Silk Road were not just for the exchange of goods, but also for ideas, technologies, and religions. As merchants and travelers moved along the routes, they brought with them their cultural practices and beliefs, which resulted in the integration of different cultures. The Silk Road was a significant factor in the development of the economies of the empires it passed through, providing access to valuable goods and contributing to the growth of international commerce. The impact of the Silk Road was far-reaching and helped to shape the world as we know it today.

learn more about Silk Road here:



A. In what ways is the economy of the UAE not typical of most countries around the world?

B. what dose it mean to diversify the economy?how would diversifying the economy

benefit the UAE? is is beneficial forall? who is being left out?

C. what evidence shows that the UAE is encouraging economic development? what
evidence shows that full economic development is still a long way off?


The economy of UAE is different from the rest of the world because of its dependance on oil, large expatriate population and has a high standard of living. They are also diversifying the economy to direct foreign investment as well as creating job opportunities

How is the UAE economy different from most countries around the world?

A. The economy of the UAE is not typical of most countries around the world in several ways:

1. Dependence on oil: The UAE has a significant dependence on oil exports, which is not typical of most countries around the world. Oil exports account for a large proportion of the UAE's GDP and government revenue.

2. High standard of living: The UAE has a high standard of living, with a high per capita income and low levels of poverty. This is not typical of most countries around the world, especially those in the developing world.

3. Large expatriate population: The UAE has a large expatriate population, with many foreign workers employed in the country. This is not typical of most countries around the world, where immigration policies are often more restrictive.

B. Diversifying the economy means expanding the range of economic activities and sectors beyond a single source of revenue or sector. In the case of the UAE, diversification means reducing the country's dependence on oil exports and expanding into other sectors such as tourism, real estate, and financial services. Diversifying the economy can benefit the UAE in several ways, including:

1. Reducing dependence on oil: Diversification can help the UAE reduce its dependence on oil exports, which can be volatile and subject to price fluctuations.

2. Creating new job opportunities: Diversification can create new job opportunities in non-oil sectors, which can help reduce unemployment and improve the country's economic stability.

3. Attracting foreign investment: Diversification can attract foreign investment into the country, which can bring in new capital and expertise.

While diversification can be beneficial for the UAE, it may not be beneficial for everyone. Some segments of the population, such as those who are reliant on the oil industry for their livelihood, may be negatively impacted by a shift away from oil.

C. The UAE is encouraging economic development through several initiatives, including:

1. Free economic zones: The UAE has established several free economic zones, which offer tax incentives and other benefits to businesses operating within them.

2. Investment in infrastructure: The UAE has invested heavily in infrastructure, including airports, seaports, and highways, to support economic growth.

3. Promotion of tourism: The UAE has promoted tourism as a key sector for economic development, with initiatives such as the Dubai Expo 2020.

However, evidence also shows that full economic development is still a long way off. The UAE is still heavily reliant on oil exports, and the non-oil sector has not yet fully developed. The country also faces challenges such as high levels of debt, rising costs of living, and a reliance on foreign labor.

Learn more on economy here;



copernicus found that a heliocentric model did a better job than a geocentric model in explaining _____


A heliocentric model explained the motions and positions of the planets, including their retrograde motion and variations in brightness in the night sky, better than a geocentric model.

Reason: In the 16th century, Copernicus, a Polish astronomer, proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system. The Earth, according to this model, would orbit the Sun, which was positioned at the centre of the solar system. The geocentric model, which centred on Earth as the centre of the cosmos, was the dominant theory prior to this. Copernicus noted that, among other things, a heliocentric model was more effective at describing the planets' fluctuating brightness and retrograde speed. His work served as a springboard for eventual advances in astronomy and our comprehension of the cosmos.

learn more about heliocentric here:



What does the arrow with 15 mph inside it indicate on the weather map?A. The humidityB. The wind speedC. The precipitationD. The air pressure


In a weather map, the arrow with "15 mph" inside it denotes the wind speed at a specific area. The length and thickness of the arrow may be used to determine the wind speed. Wind direction is often depicted by an arrow pointing in the direction that the wind is blowing.

In this instance, the arrow with "15 mph" inside it denotes that the wind speed at that place is 15 miles per hour. This knowledge is crucial for forecasting storm severity, understanding how weather systems move, and determining how wind affects various systems and buildings.. The arrow with "15 mph" inside it on a weather map represents the wind speed at a particular location. Wind direction is typically represented by an arrow pointing in the direction that the wind is blowing, and the length and thickness of the arrow can be used to indicate the wind speed.

In this case, the "15 mph" inside the arrow indicates that the wind speed at that location is 15 miles per hour.

learn more about weather map here:



which of these places in latin america has a high minority indian (from india) population? argentina trinidad


There is no sizable Indian minority in either Trinidad or Argentina. However, due to their history of indentured labour under British colonial authority, Guyana and Suriname, both of which are in South America, have high Indian populations.

There is not a significant Indian minority in either Trinidad or Argentina. Less than 0.01% of the country's overall population, or about 4,000 people, are thought to be members of Argentina's minuscule Indian community. On the other side, Trinidad is home to a sizable population of Indo-Trinidadians, who are descended from indentured Indian labourers who were transported to the island during the 19th century. Around 35% of Trinidadians are classified as Indo-Trinidadians, but they are Trinidadian natives with Indian ancestry rather than immigrants from India.

learn more about populations here:



What Latin American country or territory has a high population of Indian (from India) minorities: Argentina or Trinidad?

a metamorphic rock with minerals aligned in a preferred orientation or has alternating dark-colored and light-colored layers is said to have


Metamorphic rocks in which the minerals are oriented in a particular direction, or in which dark and light layers alternate, are said to be foliate metamorphic rocks.

To understand this class of rocks, we first need to elaborate on the nature of foliation. The word comes from the Latin folium, which means leaf. Geologists use foliation to refer to parallel surfaces and/or layers that can occur in metamorphic rocks. Sheeting can give outcropping metamorphic rocks a banded or banded appearance and/or the ability to divide into thin layers. Foliated metamorphic rocks contain different mineral crystals oriented parallel to each other and exhibit foliation because they define preferred mineral orientations and/or because rocks have alternating dark and light layers.

A fine-grained sheet-like metamorphic rock, shale is formed by the metamorphism of shale or mudstone (a rock that is primarily clay) under relatively low pressure and temperature. Slate contains a type of leaf-like structure called a cleavage that allows it to split into thin sheets that make excellent roofing shingles (figure a above). Shale fracturing occurs when a pressure solution grows clay flakes perpendicular to the direction of compression while removing portions of the clay flakes that are not perpendicular to the direction of compression. 

Know more about metamorphic rocks here:



define the term agriculture



agriculture is a process where farmers culture different types of seeds and grow vegetables, not only that they also raises livestock for livelihood

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Co. ? imagine you need to keep a list of donors for a fundraising event, so that you can send thank-you cards. the 'donor' class has name and address. you know that you will have at most 400 donors and you really don't care what order they are stored in. you aren't going to add more donors later, and the only thing you are going to do is eventually iterate the list and print out address labels. what type of list should you use? group of answer choices a. doubly-linked, sorted list b. arraylist c. sorted list d. singly-linked list a nurse notices that many patients living near a manufacturing center are experiencing breathing problems. he connects this to similar chronic illnesses and pollution problems in comparable neighborhoods nationwide. in this case, the nurse is using a sociological imagination. group of answer choices true false For some real number a and some positive integer n, the first few terms in the expansion of (1 + ax)^n are [1 - 20x + 150x^2 + cx^3 ]. find c? The purpose of communication is: (select all that apply) a. To influence others b. To obtain information c. To elicit a response the black hole of technology bloggers perspective and the reasons and eamples used to suport it The cost white in dollars for X pounds of deli meat is represented by the equation Y equals 3.5 X graph the equation and interpret the slope watson and crick proposed the double helix structure model for dna in 1953. which of the following facts was not useful to them in deciding on the molecular model they proposed? buying a ticket for a college football game where there are multiple windows to buy the ticket at features which type of queuing system line structure? EXTERNAL TOOL Course Access Which of the following quotes from the president's speech best explains the goals of the Great Society? "It demands an end to poverty and racial injustice, to which we are totally committed in our time." "Many of you will live to see the day, perhaps 50 years from now, when there will be 400 million Americans- "The water we drink, the food we eat, the very air that we breathe, are threatened with pollution. Our parks ar *Nearly 54 million-more than one quarter of all America-have not even finished high school." the two sides of a right triangle opposite the non-right angles are called what is one set of health benefits you think is important for you or your teenage peers to know are available through marketplace plans? which of the following are best practices for responding to a social media crisis? (choose three answers) Review how competitors are handling the situation and follow suitListen to what your audience is saying for insight into sentimentPause all outgoing content to review it for anything obsolete or tonedeafReview and update social profiles to highlight any changes A 250.0-mL flask contains 0.2500 g of a volatile oxide of nitrogen. The pressure in the flask is 760.0 mmHg at 17.00C. When an octave is divided into twelve equal steps, a chromatic scale results. The ratios between sucessive notes isconstant.IC C# D D# E F F# G G# A# B 261.6 277.2293.6329.6 349.2 370.0 392.01440 466.1 493.8 523.2Determine the missing frequency for G# and D# using the ratio 1.0595. Round to the nearest tenth. What is the ratioof frequencies between G# and D#? Would these two notes be consonant or dissonant?41.338consonant31a.b.31.33841consonantc.141.3384dissonantd.1.3343dissonant Work out the recipricol of 0.5 Where are the low-energy electrons located after the electron transport chain is completed?- They are recycled to earlier steps in the process.- They are added to H+ to form H.- They are located in the cytoplasm, where they contribute to the overall negative charge of the cell.- They are located in the bonds of H2O.- They are located in the bonds of ATP after chemiosmosis. FILL IN THE BLANK The effect of ______ on ______ was vividly demonstrated in Zimbardo's (1971) classic study of a simulated prison. According to the family disruption theory, mating within the nuclear family woulda. disrupt the family's function as a unit of economic cooperation.b. disrupt the family's function as a unit of socialization.c. create role ambiguity.d. all of the above