What are five other levels of organization that ecologists study from smallest to largest aside from studying individual species?


Answer 1

The five other levels of organization that ecologists study from smallest to largest aside from studying individual species are Population, Community Ecosystem, Biome, Biosphere.

1. A population is a group of  individualities of a species living in the same place at the same time. It includes all the  individualities of one species  being in the same area.   2.A community is a group of different populations of species living together in the same area. It includes all the species in an area and how they interact with one

another.   3. An ecosystem is a community of species interacting with each other and their physical environment It includes all the species, their  relations and the physical  environment in a given area.   4. Biome A biome is a large geographic area characterized by particular types of shops and  creatures, as well as by its climate 5. The portions or the

regions where organisms are to be found are collectively called as the biosphere. Thus, it can also be said that all the biosphere is the sum of all the ecosystems on the Earth

To know more about ecosystem visit:



Related Questions

which national park is home to a large volcanic caldera?Yellowstone National ParkAniakchak Caldera in Aniakchak National Monumenlake toba


Yellowstone National Park is home to a large volcanic caldera because it is situated on top of a "hot spot" in the Earth's mantle, where a column of molten rock rises from its interior towards the surface.

The correct answer is Yellowstone National Park.

This hot spot has been active for millions of years, causing volcanic activity that has led to the caldera's formation. The most recent major eruption occurred approximately 640,000 years ago, creating the current caldera, and numerous more minor eruptions have occurred since then.

Yellowstone National Park, located primarily in the US state of Wyoming, was established in 1872 and is considered the first national park in the world. The park is known for its geothermal features, such as geysers, hot springs, and mud pots, caused by volcanic activity underneath the surface.

To know more about Yellowstone National Park, visit:



what does this ancient sedimentary rock rich in iron indicate about the conditions in which it was deposited?


This ancient sedimentary rock rich in iron indicates that the conditions in which it was deposited were likely oxygen-deprived and relatively still.

This is because iron is only able to be deposited and preserved in environments that don't contain significant amounts of oxygen, as it quickly oxidizes in the presence of oxygen.

Also, sedimentary rocks form when sediment is deposited in a relatively still environment, and iron is able to form deposits due to its high density. The environment in which the sedimentary rock was likely deposited was an anoxic (low oxygen) environment, as indicated by its high iron content.

The lack of oxygen and still environment indicates that the ancient environment where this sedimentary rock was deposited was not conducive to life.

In an anoxic environment, there is little to no oxygen to support aerobic organisms, and the still environment would have prevented circulation and the transport of nutrients, making it even less hospitable for life.

The fact that this sedimentary rock contains high levels of iron is a clear indication of the conditions in which it was deposited. This sedimentary rock was likely deposited in an oxygen-deprived and relatively still environment, making it hostile to life.

To know more about Sedimentary rocks here



5. [5 pts] You're studying genotypes at a gene that you've discovered contributes to Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The gene has two alleles: W and v. WW homozygotes produce, on average,
. Wv heterozygotes also produce, on average,
kids. However, w homozygotes are more likely to have the disease, and therefore, produce, on average,
kids. What is the relative fitness of the vV genotype? show your work


The relative fitness of the vV genotype can be calculated by comparing it to the relative fitness of the WW genotype. Since WW homozygotes produce, on average, 2.2 kids, and wv heterozygotes also produce, on average, 2.2 kids, then the relative fitness of the WW genotype is 1.0.

Since w homozygotes produce, on average, 1.7 kids, then the relative fitness of the vV genotype is (1.7/2.2) = 0.77. This means that the vV genotype has a lower relative fitness than the WW genotype.

This difference in relative fitness between the WW and vV genotypes is due to the fact that w homozygotes are more likely to have the disease, which reduces their reproductive success.

This is an example of natural selection in action, as individuals with the WW genotype have a higher relative fitness than individuals with the vV genotype, and so the WW genotype is more likely to be passed on to future generations.

Know more about homozygotes here



(Please help, the sooner this is answered the better. Thank you!)
[This is for astronomy but I don't see an astronomy option]
Why is the planet Uranus virtually invisible to the unaided eye?
1. it is very far away from Earth
2. it is obscured by a constant haze
3. its halo bends light around it
4. it does not reflect light



It is obscured by a constant haze. ( This may not be correct )

Planet Uranus is virtually invisible to the unaided eye because it is obscured by a constant haze. Hence, option B is appropriate.

What is the meaning of Uranus?

The seventh planet from the Sun is Uranus. It bears the name of the Greek sky god Uranus, who is also known as Cronus' father, Zeus' grandpa, and Ares' great-grandfather in Greek mythology. In the Solar System, Uranus has the fourth-largest planetary mass and the third-largest planetary radius.

With a tilt of 97.77 degrees and the only planet whose equator is almost at a straight angle to its orbit, Uranus may have collided with an Earth-sized object long ago. The most intense seasons in the solar system are brought on by this peculiar tilt.

Four times as wide as Earth, Uranus. Uranus' size would be equivalent to a basketball if Earth were a huge apple.

Hence, option B is correct.

Learn more about Uranus here:



Which of the following best describes the possible outcome of creating a ta
free banking zone in a country?
OA. International investors will avoid that zone
OB. International investors will be attracted to that zone
OC. Government regulations may be lifted in other countries
OD. The local economy will suffer as tax income decreases


Option b: The most likely outcome of creating a tax-free banking zone in a country would be International investors will be attracted to that zone, as it could potentially offer lower tax rates and greater financial incentives.

In geography, a zone refers to an area characterized by certain environmental or climatic conditions. The classification of land into zones is based on various factors such as climate, topography, vegetation, soil, and human activities

There are different types of zones in geographies such as climate zones, vegetation zones, and biomes. Climate zones are based on temperature and precipitation patterns. Vegetation zones are defined by the type of vegetation found in an area. Biomes are similar to vegetation zones but are based on similar climate patterns rather than specific types of vegetation. Other types of zones include administrative zones, economic zones, and time zones.

Zoning plays an important role in environmental management, natural resource conservation, and urban planning. It can help in the allocation and management of resources, and control the impact of human activities on the environment. Zoning can also be used for disaster management purposes by identifying areas that are prone to natural hazards such as flooding, earthquakes, and landslides. Understanding zones is essential for making informed decisions about land use, resource management, and environmental protection.

Learn more about zone here:



T/F: a northern hemisphere ocean basin with a standing-type tidal oscillation will have a standing wave that rotates counterclockwise.


True : A standing wave that moves in the opposite direction of the clock will exist in an ocean basin in the Northern Hemisphere with a standing-type tidal oscillation.

Do tides rotate in ocean basins?

Counterclockwise rotation of the tidal crest around the basin continues. On one side of the basin, the tide is high, and on the other, it is low. The tide wave rotates clockwise (viewed from above) in basins of the Southern Hemisphere because the Coriolis deflection is reversed.

The open ocean, in addition to seas and large embayments, are well-served by this so-called dynamic model of tides. A series of cotidal lines that radiate outward from a central node, similar to the spokes on a bicycle wheel, provide ocean scientists with a visual representation of the rotatory motion of the tide wave in a basin. Points where high tide occurs at the same time of day are connected by a cotidal line; They are typically drawn once an hour. Along the coast, the tidal range ranges from zero at the node to a maximum at the antinode.

To learn more about Hemisphere visit :



describe eac the 4 major types of irrigation.a.rank them from least amount of evaporative/runoff loss to most.


There are four major types of irrigation: surface irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, and subsurface irrigation.

Surface Irrigation involves flooding fields with water and is the most common type of irrigation. It is less expensive than other methods, but is also the least efficient, with higher rates of water loss due to evaporation and runoff.

Sprinkler Irrigation uses a system of pipes and nozzles to spray water onto crops, allowing for more even water distribution and fewer losses due to runoff. This is the most efficient method, with the least water loss due to evaporation or runoff.

Drip Irrigation uses tubes with emitters and nozzles to slowly drip water directly to plant roots, and is the most efficient method of all with the least amount of water loss due to evaporation or runoff.

Subsurface Irrigation is similar to drip irrigation, but the water is injected directly into the soil below the crop roots, which reduces the amount of water loss due to evaporation or runoff.

From least amount of evaporative/runoff loss to most, the types of irrigation are: Drip Irrigation, Subsurface Irrigation, Sprinkler Irrigation, and Surface Irrigation.

To know more Types of irrigation here



The following statements compare and contrast cryovolcanism with regular volcanism. Which are true?
Choose one or more:
A. Cryovolcanism always ejects water ice crystals while regular volcanism always ejects rock.
B. Cryovolcanism operates at a higher temperature.
C. Both eject material from the interior of a planetary body.
D. Only regular volcanism has ever been observed. Cryovolcanism refers to ancient volcanism.
E. Both can be used to help determine the age of the surface of a body.
F. Regular volcanism is driven by a molten rock interior, while cryovolcanism is driven by a cold liquid interior.


The true statements are:

C. Both eject material from the interior of a planetary body.

E. Both can be used to help determine the age of the surface of a body.

F. Regular volcanism is driven by a molten rock interior, while Cryovolcanism is driven by a cold liquid interior.

The correct answer is C, E and F.

Statement A is false because Cryovolcanism can eject various materials, including water ice, ammonia, and methane, while regular volcanism usually ejects molten rock, ash, and gas, statement B is false as Cryovolcanism operates at much lower temperatures than regular volcanism, and the statement D is also false as Cryovolcanism has been observed on several icy bodies in the Solar System, including Enceladus and Europa.

Cryovolcanism and regular volcanism are two types of volcanic activity that occur on planetary bodies in our Solar System. While a molten rock interior drives regular volcanism, Cryovolcanism is driven by a cold liquid interior, usually water or another volatile substance.

To know more about volcanism, visit:



what happens on either side of the equilibrium line in a glacier?



Above the equilibrium line, the glacier is in the accumulation zone where there is a net gain of ice mass. On the other hand, below the equilibrium line, the glacier is in the ablation zone where there is a net loss of ice mass due to melting and calving. As the glacier moves, it erodes the land around it in two ways: by plucking and abrasion. Plucking occurs when rocks get frozen to the base, sides, and back wall of the glacier, and the movement of the glacier pulls these frozen rocks away. Abrasion occurs when rocks trapped in the glacier rub against the valley floor, wearing it away like sandpaper.


The glacier equilibrium line is the point of transition between the accumulation zone and the ablation zone. Above the equilibrium line, the rate of snowfall is greater than the rate of melting, so not all of the snow that falls each winter melts during the following summer, and the ice surface is always covered with snow. Therefore, the part of a glacier above the equilibrium line is where there is a net gain of ice mass. As snow gradually accumulates above the equilibrium line, it is compressed and turned into firn within which t,he snowflakes lose their delicate shapes and become granules. With more compression, the granules are pushed together and air is squeezed out. Eventually, the granules are “welded” together to create glacial ice .

Below the equilibrium line, the rate of melting is greater than the rate of snowfall, so there is a net loss of ice mass due to melting and calving. Therefore, the part of a glacier below the equilibrium line is where there is a net loss of ice mass . The position of the equilibrium line changes from year to year as a function of the balance between snow accumulation in the winter and snowmelt during the summer. More winter snow and less summer melting obviously favors the advance of the equilibrium line (and of the glacier’s leading edge), but of these two variables, it is the summer melt that matters most to a glacier’s budget .

The terminus of a glacier advances or retreats based on the location of the equilibrium line. If the rate of forward motion of the glacier is faster than the rate of ablation (melting), the leading edge of the glacier advances (moves forward). If the rate of forward motion is about the same as the rate of ablation, the leading edge remains stationary, and if the rate of forward motion is slower than the rate of ablation, the leading edge retreats (moves backward) .

​Over Earth as a whole, one would expect to observe the smallest variation in temperature from day to day and from month to month- ​in the center of a large land mass.
- ​at the North Pole.
- ​along the Pacific coast of North America.
- ​high in the mountains in the middle of a continent.
- ​on a small island near the equator.


The smallest variation in temperature from day to day and from month to month over Earth as a whole is expected to be observed "on a small island near the equator". Thus, D is correct.

This is due to the stable climate conditions found in tropical regions.

As the equatorial regions receive direct sunlight year-round, resulting in consistent warm temperatures. The ocean surrounding small islands helps to stabilize temperatures, as water has a high heat capacity, meaning it can absorb and release heat without much change in temperature.

Additionally, the trade winds that blow across the equatorial regions also contribute to the stable climate conditions found on small equatorial islands.

In contrast, the other options listed, such as a large land mass, a high mountain in the middle of a continent, or the North Pole, all experience greater temperature variations due to factors such as seasonal changes, altitude, or geographic location.

Learn more about temperature variation https://brainly.com/question/1675373


Repurposing old quarries or damming fields with piles of soil are inexpensive ways of creating_________ that reduce flooding from surface runoff but do not alter stream flow.





1) Which is the least developed region among the following? A) North America B) Eastern Europe C) Southwest Asia D) Western and Central Europe E) East Asia.


Southwest Asia, also known as the Middle East, is considered the least developed region because it has been plagued by political instability, conflicts, and wars for several decades, severely impacting its economic growth and development.

The correct option is C.

Many countries in the region heavily rely on oil and gas exports, making them vulnerable to global oil price fluctuations. And the region has a high poverty rate, particularly in countries like Yemen, Syria, and Iraq, which have been severely impacted by conflict and displacement.

The region faces significant environmental challenges, including water scarcity, desertification, and air pollution. The region's arid climate and overuse of water resources have led to water scarcity in many areas, negatively impacting agriculture and human health.

To know more about Southwest Asia, visit:



Identify at least three ways the mountain people of Nepal earn a living


The mountain people of Nepal, who live in remote areas with difficult terrain, have developed a variety of economic activities to sustain themselves and their families. Here are three ways they earn a living: agriculture, tourism, and trade

Agriculture: Farming is the primary occupation of mountain people in Nepal. They cultivate crops like rice, maize, millet, potatoes, and vegetables, using traditional farming practices such as terracing to maximize land use. They also raise livestock such as cows, goats, sheep, and yaks for meat, milk, and wool.

Tourism: Many mountain people in Nepal live near popular trekking routes, and they earn a living by providing services to tourists such as guides, porters, and homestay accommodations. They also sell handicrafts like traditional textiles, pottery, and jewelry to tourists.

Trade: Mountain people in Nepal often engage in trade with nearby villages or towns. They may collect and sell forest products such as herbs, honey, and timber, or trade goods like salt, tea, and clothing. Some mountain people also work as laborers in construction or transportation, building roads and bridges or carrying goods by pack animal or on foot.

To learn more about mountain people



the suez canal connects the mediterranean to what other sea?



The Red Sea


what is the main purpose of the geologic time scale?



relates stratigraphy (layers of rock) to periods of time.

The time scale is used by geologists palaeontologists and many other scientists to date certain historical events on Earth.

which sentence follows ap style on place names? group of answer choices one of the smallest state capitals is carson city, nev. with about 55,000 residents. one of the smallest state capitals is carson city, nevada with about 55,000 residents. one of the smallest state capitals is carson city, nv with about 55,000 residents. one of the smallest state capitals is carson city, nevada, with about 55,000 residents. one of the smallest state capitals is carson city, nv, with about 55,000 residents. one of the smallest state capitals is carson city, nev., with about 55,000 residents.


According to AP Style, when referring to a place name, the state should be spelled out, and abbreviations should only be used when necessary for space constraints.

In this case, the sentence should read: one of the smallest state capitals is Carson City, Nevada, with about 55,000 residents. This follows AP Style since the state is spelled out, and the abbreviation is not used unless absolutely necessary.

AP Style states that abbreviations should only be used when necessary for space constraints to avoid confusion or misunderstanding. Therefore, in this sentence, the full name of the state should be used.

Know more about AP Style here



What two specific continents fit together most noticeably?
answer choices
Africa and North America
South America and Europe
South America and Africa
Antartica and Africa


The two specific continents that fit together most noticeably are South America and Africa.

According to the continental drift theory, the continents are not fixed in their positions. They move at a rate of a few centimeters every year. The theory is supported by several pieces of evidence. One of them is the fit of the continents. South America and Africa look like they fit together perfectly. The coastlines of both continents have a similar shape, which indicates that they were once joined.

The rocks in the two continents are also similar, which indicates that they were formed from the same geological processes. For example, there are the same type of rocks found in the Brazilian coast of South America and the west coast of Africa. The fossils of some animals and plants are also found in both continents. They couldn't have crossed the ocean to reach the other continent. This is more evidence of the two continents having been connected in the past.

Antarctica and Africa were also connected at one point. Antarctica was part of Gondwana, which was a supercontinent that included Africa, South America, India, Australia, and Antarctica. They began to break apart around 200 million years ago. This is why the fossils of the same animals and plants are found in Africa and Antarctica. They were once living in the same area before the continents separated.

Know more about continents here:



Mechanical circumstances for dormancy may be broken by ______________ , an artificial method where the seed is scratched or dipped in acid to break down its coat. Dormancy can also be broken naturally through ____________ by rocks, or alternate periods of freezing and thawing.


Mechanical circumstances for dormancy may be broken by scarification, an artificial method where the seed is scratched or dipped in acid to break down its coat. Dormancy can also be broken naturally through abrasion by rocks, or alternate periods of freezing and thawing.

Scarification is the process of breaking the hard outer shell of a seed to allow water to penetrate and initiate germination. This is accomplished by mechanical abrasion (such as rubbing the seed between two surfaces) or by exposing the seed to an acid bath.

The goal of scarification is to reduce the hardness of the seed coat, making it permeable and allowing water to enter and initiate germination.

Abrasion, also known as weathering, is the process of physical breakdown of rocks and soil through forces such as wind, water, or ice. As rocks move and bump against each other, small particles are scraped off and can abrade the outer layer of a seed. This can result in enough weakening of the seed coat to allow the seed to germinate.

Alternating periods of freezing and thawing can also break the dormancy of a seed. This process, known as "cold stratification", involves placing the seed in a moist environment and then subjecting it to temperatures of 4°C (39°F) or below for a period of several weeks or months.

This simulates the conditions that occur in nature during winter, and the temperature fluctuations help to break down the seed's protective coating.

In conclusion, dormancy of seeds can be broken through scarification, abrasion, or cold stratification. By understanding the effects of these processes, gardeners and farmers can ensure that their plants and crops have the best chance of germinating and reaching maturity.

To know more about Scarification and Abrasion here



which methods could you use to calculate the x-coordinate of the midpoints of a horizontal line segment with endpoints at (0,0) and (20,0)?


By dividing 20 by 0 we can calculate the x-coordinate of the midpoints of a horizontal line segment with endpoints at (0,0) and (20,0).

I'll omit the "y" values from another midpoint calculation as we're only working with x coordinates right now. Although I could build the midway formula, it is much simpler to understand what it means.

The centre, which would be the average of the alignment, should always be known whenever a line's midway is determined. The same average is determined by adding the two integers and then dividing the result by two.

Learn more about line segment here:



based on this week's material match the following as best you can. group of answer choices crossed arms [ choose ] phoneme [ choose ] ebonics [ choose ] indo-european languages\


Crossed arms typically refer to the body language where an individual crosses their arms over their chest. It is often interpreted as a defensive or closed-off posture. However, it can also indicate that the person is comfortable or relaxed.

What is Phoneme?

A phoneme is a unit of sound that distinguishes one word from another in a particular language. For example, the words "cat" and "bat" differ by only one phoneme, the initial sound /k/ versus /b/. Phonemes are the smallest units of sound in a language and can be combined to form words.

Ebonics, also known as African American Vernacular English (AAVE), is a dialect of English that is spoken by some African Americans. It includes unique grammatical structures, vocabulary, and pronunciation that differ from Standard English. It has been the subject of much debate and controversy, particularly in the education system, where some argue that it should be recognized as a distinct language and taught as such.

Indo-European languages are a family of languages that includes the majority of European languages, as well as many languages spoken in Asia. This language family is believed to have originated in the Pontic-Caspian steppe region around 4500 BCE and spread through migration and conquest. Some of the most widely spoken Indo-European languages include English, Spanish, French, German, Hindi, Bengali, and Russian.

Learn more about languages on;



shapefiles are made of at least three separate files in the windows file system, and frequently include additional files containing info about projections and other auxiliary data. True or False


Shapefiles are made of at least three separate files in the windows file system, and frequently include additional files containing info about projections and other auxiliary data is true

Shapefiles are a type of geospatial vector data format for geographic data that are associated with ESRI. They consist of at least three separate files in the Windows file system and frequently include additional files containing information about projections and other auxiliary data.

These files are stored with specific extensions and are as follows:

.shp (The file with the .shp extension stores the main geometric data about the shapes.), .dbf (The file with the .dbf extension stores the attributes that describe the shapes.), .shx (The file with the .shx extension contains a positional index that allows the .shp file to be read more quickly.).

They are known for being cross-platform, which means that they can be used on a variety of software applications, and for their ability to handle multiple layers of data.

To know more about geospatial vector refer here : https://brainly.com/question/4759295#


What is the name of the sedimentary structure depicted in the image?a)Mud cracksb)Ripple marksc)Cross-beddingd)Graded beddinge)Bioturbation structures


Ripple marks is the name of the sedimentary structure depicted in the image.

The sedimentary structure depicted in the image is "ripple marks."What are Ripple Marks?Ripple marks are sedimentary structures that occur on the surface of a sediment layer. In rivers, ocean waves, or wind, they develop as symmetrical or asymmetrical waveforms.

Ripple marks are created by the combined effects of gravity and wind or water currents on sand, silt, or mud. They are found on beaches, riverbeds, and deserts, among other places.

The presence of these marks can indicate the direction and intensity of water or wind movement, as well as the size of sediment grains that make up a sedimentary rock.

to know abut sedimentary structure :



The country of ____ is a volcanic plateau built of basaltic lava erupted from a hot spot underlying the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the North Atlantic Ocean.


The country of Iceland is a volcanic plateau built of basaltic lava erupted from a hot spot underlying the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the North Atlantic Ocean.

The country that fits this description is Iceland. Iceland is located in the North Atlantic Ocean and is situated over a volcanic plateau built of basaltic lava erupted from a hot spot underlying the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This volcanic activity is responsible for the creation of Iceland's unique landscapes, which include geysers, hot springs, and glaciers, among others.

The country is also known for its frequent volcanic eruptions, some of which have had significant impacts on the environment and local communities.

To know more about  Iceland HERE



based on the mission of your organization and these recent trends, which of the following regions would you prioritize for forest conservation efforts in the future?


Based on the mission of your organization and recent trends, the region that would be prioritized for forest conservation efforts in the future would be South America.

What is forest conservation?

Forest conservation is the act of preserving and managing forested land, ecosystems, and resources with the aim of achieving sustainable use and societal benefits. Conservation involves the protection and management of natural resources, ecosystems, and habitats.

The aim of forest conservation is to maintain and improve the ecological, economic, and social value of forests for present and future generations. Forest conservation is becoming increasingly important as the planet's population continues to grow, and the demand for resources puts a strain on natural resources.

Because of deforestation, illegal logging, wildfires, and climate change, the world's forests are being degraded and destroyed. Forest conservation is critical for maintaining the earth's biodiversity and ensuring the long-term survival of plant and animal species.

Forest conservation can also provide economic and social benefits by creating jobs, generating income, and supporting sustainable development.

To know more about sustainable development refer here:https://brainly.com/question/174111453#


16. At which latitude and longitude in New York State would a salt mine in Silurian-age bedrock most likely be located? (1) 41°N 72°W (3) 44°N 74°W (2) 43°N 77°W (4) 44°N 76°W 16


The latitude and longitude in New York State that a salt mine in Silurian-age bedrock would be most likely be located would be (4) 44°N 76°W.

How are rock layers formed?

Rock layers, also known as strata, are formed by a variety of natural processes. One of the ways is by the settling of sedimentary materials such as sand, mud, and other forms of debris. When these materials accumulate over time, they form layers of rocks. The bottom layer is the oldest while the top layer is the most recent.

In order for a salt mine to be formed, the salt needs to be dissolved in water and carried to a place where it will evaporate. Salt mining is common in areas where ancient salt deposits have been preserved. Salt deposits are often located in evaporite basins. In general, salt deposits are usually found in low-lying areas where water has accumulated and then evaporated, leaving behind large deposits of salt. The correct answer is (4) 44°N 76°W.

Learn more about salt mine here: https://brainly.com/question/29307899


What river forms part of the French Germany border?


The Rhine forms the eastern border of Alsace on the French side and the western border of Baden-Württemberg on the German side.

The type of rocks that are formed by changing previously existing rocks through increases in temperature, increases in pressure, deformation, or chemical reaction is rocks.


The type of rocks that are formed by changing previously existing rocks through increases in temperature, increases in pressure, deformation, or chemical reaction is metamorphic rocks.

Metamorphic rocks are formed from previously existing rocks by changes due to temperature, pressure, deformation, and chemical reactions.

These types of rocks are made up of minerals that have been changed into other minerals or into different forms of the same minerals by heat, pressure, or chemical reactions that occur deep in the Earth's crust and mantle.

It occurs due to geological processes such as tectonic movements, compression, heating, and metamorphism. These rocks can be classified into two types: foliated and non-foliated.

Some examples of metamorphic rocks are marble, gneiss, schist, and slate.

For such more question on metamorphic rocks:



Absence of the sky condition and visibility on an ATIS broadcast indicates that . . .


The absence of the sky condition and visibility on an ATIS broadcast indicates that the information is not available or the conditions are below a certain threshold.

ATIS stands for Automatic Terminal Information Service, which is an automatic broadcast system that provides pilots with updated information on specific airports' meteorological and operational circumstances.

When approaching or departing an airport, pilots may use this system to collect up-to-date weather and safety data. Pilots are advised to use this technology to enhance safety and reduce the likelihood of accidents, as well as to provide real-time updates to ground crews in order to coordinate landing and takeoff procedures.

The absence of sky condition and visibility on an ATIS broadcast indicates that either the information is not available or the conditions are below a certain threshold, according to FAA regulations.

Thus, the absence of the sky condition and visibility on an ATIS broadcast indicates that the information is not available or the conditions are below a certain threshold.

For such more question on threshold:



Volcanic activity created the _____ that is important to the economy of the village of Vestmannaeyjar on the island of Heimaey, near Iceland.


Volcanic activity created the soil that is important to the economy of the village of Vestmannaeyjar on the island of Heimaey, near Iceland.

What is Vestmannaeyjar?

Vestmannaeyjar is a collection of islands situated off the south coast of Iceland, and its literal meaning is "The Westman Islands." The largest of the islands, Heimaey, has a population of roughly 4,000 people. This island's economy is built on fish and fish processing, as well as tourism. The island has been recognized internationally for its exceptional bird watching, due to the high concentration of bird species residing there. Furthermore, the ground that volcanic activity created is also essential to the economy of the village of Vestmannaeyjar on the island of Heimaey.

Learn more about volcanic activity at https://brainly.com/question/1362358


What happen to the surface area of exposed rock if a rock is fractured?
A) there are more pieces, but the surface area does not change
B) The surface area does not change because the volume does not change
C) The surface area increases as the rock is fractured
D) The surface area decreases as the rock is fractured
E) both a and b


The surface area increases as the rock is fractured. Therefore the correct option is option C.

Rock fracture is the mechanical breakdown of rock due to stress. The stress can be tectonic or man-made, such as blasting. When rock fractures, it breaks into smaller pieces, which are known as rock fragments or rock blocks. Rock fracture has a significant impact on the surface area of rock.

When rock is fractured, the surface area of the rock increases. This is because a single rock breaks into smaller fragments, each with its own surface area.

Therefore, the correct answer to the given question is: The surface area increases as the rock is fractured.

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I NEED A ORIGINAL POEM.WILL MARK BRAINLIEST be at least 10 lines long feature at least two instances of strong imagery incorporate at least three poetic devices of your choice:o Simileo Metaphoro Hyperboleo Oxymorono Paradoxo Personificationo Allusiono Repetition use words with connotations that are appropriate to the theme of the poemexperiment with language by incorporating a word pattern(can be any topic) An individual who goes short in a futures position Multiple Choice commits to delivering the underlying commodity at contract maturity To 0 0 0 commits to purchasing the underlying commodity at contract maturity has the right to deliver the underlying commodity at contract maturity has the right to purchase the underlying commodity at contract maturity true/false. education, students for whom english is not their first language, learn some subjects in their native language while simultaneously learning english. determine the hydraulic gradient between the storage drum and the threatened well (in feet per mile). (conversion factor: 1 mile john is giving a presentation at his office. during his speech, john controls his tone of voice, how fast he is talking, and how he articulates his words. john is using which of these nonverbal code? What is the MAIN idea of the section Every organism has purpose?AA living thing has purpose and goals, but a non-living thing does not.BEverything on Earth has a purpose, even muscles, organisms, or mountains.CA short-term goal of organisms is to self-generate.DA long-term goal of organisms is passing on their genome to offspring. studies in knockout mice have demonstrated an important role of the foxp2 transcription factor in the development of vocalizations. recent sequence comparisons of the foxp2 gene in neanderthals and modern humans show that while the dna sequence may be different, the protein sequence it codes for is identical. what might logically be inferred from this information? WHAT IS THE MASS OF O2 GIVEN THE EQUATION: 4FE + 3O2 --> 2FE2O3 elise is a project manager in 2016 she earned a monthly salary of 2100in 2017 she was awarded a 3% increase on her monthly salary given that in 2017 elise worked 42 hours per week for 45 weeks work out her average pay per hour for the year Which structure immediately encloses viral nucleic acid? Capsid, nucleic acid. Identify all the components of the nucleocapsid. False. True or False. bertone's office supplies has decided to branch out from its existing stores. it plans to start sending out a catalog, and also to sell its products online. bertone's is adopting takako is a security engineer for her company's it department. she has been tasked with developing a security monitoring system for the company's infrastructure to determine when any network activity occurs outside the norm. what essential technique does she start with? a. baselines b. intrusion detection system (ids) c. covert acts d. alarms computation of cost breakdowns on the basis of cost per thousand people reached is typically seen in the industry. Consider the validity of the statement "A Triangle with side lengths 20,21, and 28 is a right triangle" Enzymes separate the glycerol and fatty acids of fats in food molecules; then glycerol is converted to ________, which is able to enter aerobic respiration what is the significance of a pedigree symbol consisting of a square with a diagonal slash mark through it? What shape does a blood stain make when it falls perpendicular to a surface? the 4 th term of a geometric sequence is 125, and the 10th term is 125/64. find the 14th term. (assume that the terms of the sequence are positive). show your working which of the following criteria is not clinical worthwhile when performing therapeutic drug monitoring? While you stand on the floor you are pulled downward by gravity and supported upward by the floor. Gravity pulling down and the support force pushing upanswer choicesa. make an action-reaction pair of forces.b. do not make an action-reaction pair of forces.c. need more information