Use the drop-down menus to choose the pronouns that correctly replace the underlined antecedents.
Cari and I like to watch scary movies.
(we, they, us)
The yellow house is David and Jessica’s house.
(theirselves, their, theirs)
Later, Mr. Chen will meet with me and Nathan.
(he, himself, him)


Answer 1

Cari and I like to watch scary movies. (we) The yellow house is David and Jessica’s house. (theirs) and Later, Mr. Chen will meet with me and Nathan. (him)

To complete the above exercise, the underlined words are replaced by pronouns. A pronoun is a word that either refers to the speaker (such as "I" or "you") or the subject of the sentence (such as "she," "it," "them," and "this"). The person you are referring to is precisely identified by the gender pronouns (he/she/they/ze, etc.).

The pronouns he/him/his or she/her/hers expressly allude to a person's gender. People who identify outside of a gender binary are more likely to use non-gendered or nonbinary pronouns since they are not gender specific.

Hence, the correct options are we, theirs, and him for the respective three sentences.

To learn more about Pronouns, click here:


Related Questions

1Verbs are the most important of all tools. 2They push the sentence forward and give it momentum. 3Active verbs push hard; passive verbs tug fitfully. 4Most verbs also carry somewhere in their imagery or in their sound a suggestion of what they mean: flail, poke, dazzle, squash, beguile, pamper, swagger, wheedle, vex. 5I would bet that no other language has such a vast supply of verbs so bright with color. 6Don’n n t choose one that is dull or merely serviceable. 7Make active verbs activate your sentences. 8Also, try to avoid verbs that end in a preposition; that preposition weakens the force of the verbs. 9For example, don’t “set up” a business that you can “ establish.” 10Don’n n t “come upon” an object that you can “discover,” or “take hold of”f f one that you can “grab.”
While considering the passage above, the word "verbs" could be:

the topic

the main idea

a supporting detail

none of the above



The word "verbs" could be the topic of the passage.


The passage is primarily discussing the importance of verbs and their role in pushing sentences forward and giving them momentum. The first sentence explicitly states that "verbs are the most important of all tools." Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the topic of the passage is centered on verbs.

TRUE/FALSE.Crowdsourcing occurs when companies invite other employees to contribute to particular goals and manage that process via the Internet.


Crowdsourcing occurs when companies invite other employees to contribute to particular goals and manage that process via the Internet. This is true.

How to explain the information

The technique of turning to a group of people to gather necessary information, products, or services is known as crowdsourcing. In his article "The Growth of Crowdsourcing" from Wired magazine in 2006, author Jeff Howe invented the phrase "crowdsourcing," which combines crowds and outsourcing.

Crowdsourcing entails a sizable number of scattered contributors generating or donating goods or services, such as ideas, votes, microtasks, and money, for compensation or as volunteers.

Learn more about internet on;


Write about your dream pet.
How will you take care of it




If you were to have a dream pet, what kind of animal would it be? Would it be a furry cat, a loyal dog, a chirping bird, or maybe a slithering snake? Whatever it may be, taking care of a pet requires a lot of responsibility and attention.

First and foremost, you would need to make sure your dream pet has a comfortable and safe living space. For instance, if you were to have a cat, you would need to provide a litter box, scratching post, and a cozy bed. If you were to have a dog, you would need to make sure it has plenty of space to run around and play, along with a comfortable dog bed.

Secondly, you would need to make sure your dream pet is well-fed and hydrated. This means providing the appropriate food and water for your pet's species and size. It's also important to make sure your pet receives the proper amount of exercise and mental stimulation.

Lastly, you would need to ensure your dream pet receives regular veterinary check-ups and necessary medical care, including vaccinations and preventative treatments.

In conclusion, taking care of a pet is a big responsibility, but it can also be a very rewarding experience. By providing a safe and comfortable home, proper nutrition and care, and regular vet check-ups, you can ensure that your dream pet lives a happy and healthy life.


My dream pet would be a small, playful and affectionate dog. I would name him Max and he would be a golden retriever. I have always wanted a loyal and loving companion, and Max would be the perfect addition to my life.

To take care of Max, I would make sure he receives regular exercise by taking him for daily walks and playing with him in the park. I would also provide him with a balanced diet of high-quality dog food, and ensure he has access to plenty of fresh water throughout the day. I would take him to regular vet check-ups to ensure he is healthy and up-to-date on his vaccinations.

I would also make sure Max receives proper training and socialization to ensure he is well-behaved and obedient. I would enroll him in obedience classes and teach him basic commands such as sit, stay, come, and heel. This would help him to behave well in public and at home.

In addition to physical care, I would also provide Max with plenty of mental stimulation to keep his mind active and engaged. I would give him plenty of toys to play with and engage him in games such as fetch and hide-and-seek. I would also spend time cuddling and bonding with him, to build a strong and loving relationship.

Taking care of Max would be a significant commitment, but the love and companionship he would provide would be well worth it. I would cherish every moment spent with him and do everything in my power to ensure he has a happy and healthy life with me.

jumper leads are used to extend connections to allow circuit readings or tests to be undertaken with


Jumper leads, sometimes referred to as jumper wires or test leads, are electrical lines that include connectors on both ends and are employed to establish transient connections between various parts or locations in an electrical circuit.

In electronics and electrical engineering, jumper leads are frequently employed for a number of tasks. They can be utilized to increase connections between parts, enabling circuit readings or tests. For instance, to measure the voltage at a specific place in a circuit, a jumper lead could be used to connect a voltmeter or multimeter to the location.

Jumper leads are frequently used to establish transient connections between a device or circuit and a power source or signal generator. They can be applied to diagnose circuit issues or to check if a certain component is functioning properly.

Learn more about jumper leads


How does Priestley present the theme of social class in Act 1? 3 paragraphs 80 POINTS!!!

INTRODUCTION: What are Priestley’s overarching ideas about the class system? How are Priestley’s ideas about class seen in Act 1 of the play?
CONCLUSION: What are Priestley’s overarching ideas about the class system? How are Priestley’s ideas about class seen in Act 1 of the play?





In J.B. Priestley's play "An Inspector Calls," he explores the theme of social class and its impact on society. Priestley was a socialist, and his play reflects his belief in the need for social change. Throughout the play, Priestley challenges the notion of social hierarchy and presents the idea that all members of society are responsible for each other. In Act 1, Priestley introduces the theme of social class through the characters and their attitudes towards each other.

Paragraph 1:

Priestley presents the theme of social class in Act 1 through the character of Mr. Birling. Mr. Birling is a wealthy businessman who is preoccupied with his social status and the prospect of furthering his success. He expresses his belief that "a man has to make his own way" and that the lower classes should not be given too much power. Mr. Birling's attitudes highlight the class divide in society and his lack of empathy for those who are less fortunate.

Paragraph 2:

Priestley also presents the theme of social class through the character of Sheila. Sheila is initially portrayed as a privileged young woman who is solely concerned with her own happiness. However, her encounter with the Inspector challenges her perception of class and highlights the need for responsibility and accountability. As the play progresses, Sheila begins to question the actions of her family and the implications of their wealth and privilege.

Paragraph 3:

In Act 1, Priestley uses the character of the Inspector to challenge the notion of social hierarchy and highlight the interconnectedness of society. The Inspector does not adhere to traditional class structures and treats all characters with the same level of respect. He is also able to uncover the family's secrets and expose their wrongdoing. The Inspector's character represents Priestley's belief in the need for social change and the importance of recognizing the value of all members of society.


In "An Inspector Calls," Priestley presents the theme of social class through the characters and their attitudes towards each other. His play challenges the notion of social hierarchy and highlights the need for responsibility and accountability. Through the character of the Inspector, Priestley emphasizes the interconnectedness of society and the importance of recognizing the value of all members of society. Ultimately, Priestley's play reflects his belief in the need for social change and the importance of addressing the inequalities present in society.

I am looking for an online work.Any assistance will be appreaciated


For online work, there are a lot of options available for the people. You can either start freelancing or join a company that offers remote work.

Some of the popular freelancing platforms are Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, etc. where you can find projects that suit your skills and start earning money. Another option is to join a company that offers remote work. Nowadays, many companies are hiring people to work remotely. You can search for such jobs on websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, etc. and apply for the positions that match your skills and experience. It is important to note that online work requires discipline and time management skills as you will be responsible for completing your tasks on time without any supervision. Therefore, make sure you are self-motivated and can manage your time effectively. I hope this helps! Good luck with your search for online work.

Read more about freelancing here:


Summarize "The Landscape of the Fall of Icarus" and compare it with the
painting of the same name. What are the similarities and differences?



I hope that helps, please don't forget to give a Brainliest :) any feedback is appreciated. Hope you have a great day!

"The Landscape of the Fall of Icarus" is a poem by William Carlos Williams that describes the Greek mythological figure Icarus falling from the sky after flying too close to the sun with wings made of feathers and wax. The poem focuses on the indifference of nature and the world to Icarus's fall, with the farmer continuing to plow his field and the ship sailing by without noticing. Williams portrays the tragedy of Icarus's fall as a small and insignificant event in the grand scheme of things.

In contrast, the painting "The Fall of Icarus" by Pieter Bruegel the Elder portrays a more vivid and dramatic scene. In the painting, Icarus is depicted as a small figure falling into the sea while people on land and a ship at sea are shown reacting to the event. The painting highlights the contrast between the tragic fate of Icarus and the mundane activities of the people around him. The painting also suggests the theme of the danger of ambition and overreaching.

The similarities between the poem and the painting are the central focus on Icarus's fall and the contrast between his tragedy and the indifference of the world around him. However, the poem emphasizes the insignificance of Icarus's fall, while the painting portrays it as a more significant event with a broader impact on the people around him. Additionally, the poem portrays the fall from a distance and through the eyes of an observer, while the painting puts the viewer right in the midst of the action.

"The Landscape of the Fall of Icarus" is a poem by W. H. Auden that describes a scene of everyday life, with a farmer plowing his fields and a ship sailing on the sea. The poem then mentions the mythological figure Icarus, who is often depicted falling from the sky after flying too close to the sun with wings made of wax.

The painting of the same name, "The Fall of Icarus", is a work of art by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. The painting depicts a landscape with a small figure of Icarus falling into the sea, while the rest of the scene shows people going about their daily activities, seemingly unaware of the tragic event happening in the background.

The similarities between the poem and the painting are that they both portray a landscape with everyday scenes of life, alongside a tragic event involving Icarus. Both works also suggest that people often focus on their own concerns and may not notice significant events happening around them.

The main difference between the two works is that the poem focuses more on the landscape and the everyday scenes of life, while the painting focuses on the tragedy of Icarus and the contrast between his fall and the mundane activities of the people around him. The painting is also more visual, providing a specific image of Icarus falling into the sea, whereas the poem leaves the event more open to interpretation.

Overall, both the poem and the painting explore the theme of human fallibility and the contrast between the smallness of human concerns and the vastness of the natural world.

Question 2: Use appropriate adverbs of degree (a bit, a little, very, extremely or pretty) according to the context of the sentences given below. 1. I am..... tired. But I will definitely try to come with you. 2. I am not able to make out the answer. It is ........ confusing. 3. The boy found the and disagreed to marry her. 4. The arrangements of the birthday party were....... nice. One could not help, but appreciate them. 5. We can think of some other place. This one is... boring 6. The paintings and carvings at Ajintha and Verul are.......... beautiful. spell bound. They liked the speech ......... much. 7. The audience were.......... 8. He slowed down the speed 9. This building............. It look like a haunted place now. 10. She sings....... She can try her hand at singing. ..........that he might not meet with an accident.​



1 very 2bit 3pretty 4very5exteremly 6exteremly7pretty8little9exteremly

1. I am a bit tired. But I will definitely try to come with you.
2. I am extremely confused. It is very confusing.
3. The boy found the girl pretty unattractive and disagreed to marry her.
4. The arrangements of the birthday party were very nice. One could not help, but appreciate them.
5. We can think of some other place. This one is a little boring.
6. The paintings and carvings at Ajintha and Verul are extremely beautiful. They liked the speech pretty much.
7. The audience were extremely captivated.
8. He slowed down the speed a little.
9. This building looks like a haunted place now. It is pretty scary.
10. She sings very well. She can try her hand at singing. I'm a bit worried that he might not meet with an accident.

1.2 Revise the suggested questionnaire so that it is more suitable. Include 5 reasons for taking a Gap year. Submit a copy of a new, revised questionnaire. (8) Marks​


Five possible reasons for taking a gap year could be:

Rest.Recognize yourself.Travel.Experience new situations.Make new plans.What is a gap year?

A gap year is a year where the individual does not carry out his/her most common activities such as work, and school, among others.

The reasons for taking a gap year can be very different, but most of the time, the individual seeks to rest and learn more about himself. Some people fly, exchange, and spend time with their families, among others.

Learn more about a gap year:


What is the meaning of "avoiding concessions of principle or for the sake of atmosphere"?



That the U.S. would not concede (concession), meaning give in/surrender on principles (fundamental truths that serve as a basis of our society)  or for the sake of atmosphere- so that the atmosphere-tone/mood of the relationship would improve


Hope this is clear enough ;)

Basically, The U.S. would not give in to keep the peace, or give up on principles.

I opened the door quietly ............. my father.
a) to not wake
b) so I don’t wake up
c) so as not to wake
d) none of the above


A) not to awaken. In order to avoid waking my father, I carefully opened the door.

What is a pronoun, and what are some examples?

A pronoun is a word used to refer to someone or something when a noun is not required, frequently because the subject or object has already been mentioned, according to the Collins Dictionary. "It," "she," "something," and "myself" are a few examples.

What is a pronoun?

A pronoun is a word that stands in for a noun, frequently to eliminate the need to repeatedly use the same noun. Pronouns can also be used to refer to places, things, concepts, and people, much like nouns. Most sentences include at least one noun or pronoun.

To know mnore about Pronoun visit:


Read the following quote from a letter written by Hernan Cortes to King Charles V in 1520. “I will say no more than that the manners of the people, as shown in their intercourse with one another, are marked by as great an attention to the proprieties of life as in Spain, and good order is equally well observed; and considering that they are barbarous people, without the knowledge of God, having no intercourse with civilized nations, these traits of character are worthy of admiration.” From this quote, why is Cortes surprised by the good nature of the people?


They pay close attention to the proprieties of Spain.

They are barbaric.

They have no knowledge of God or other civilized nations.

They have good manners and good order.





“I will say no more than that the manners of the people, as shown in their intercourse with one another, are marked by as great an attention to the proprieties of life as in Spain


Where must you place citations crediting the original author of the work when you cite information in an analysis?

A) at the end of the sentence, in parentheses
B) at the very beginning of the sentence
C) directly after the cited information
D) before quoting the author



C) directly after the cited information


the answer is C


because the text is directly after the cited information

13. My grandfather has died.
(Rewrite beginning: Death.


Death of my grandfather was natural.

What is Grammar?

Grammar is a language's system. Grammar is sometimes referred to as a language's "rules," but no language has rules*. When we say "rules," we mean that someone created the rules first and then spoke the language, as if it were a new game. However, languages did not begin in this manner. Languages evolved from people making sounds into words, phrases, and sentences. There is no universal language. Every language evolves over time. What we call "grammar" is simply a snapshot of a language at a specific point in time.Is it necessary to study grammar in order to learn a language? "No," is the short answer. Many people worldwide speak their native language without having studied its grammar.

To know more about Grammar, click on the link :


The fisherman watched the river flow. It flowed slowly. It was calm. It was green.


Answer: The fisherman watched the river flow slowly, calm, and green.


The fisherman would watch the green river flow. It flowed calm and slowly.

This is the best way to put it

Which sentence from the passage uses transition to indicate sequence or time ?
"I can't take it anymore!" Dawn screamed and slammed the hood of her car down.
Dawn was once again transported to her mechanic.
Then, she burned her hand on one of the hot metal pieces near what she thought might be the engine.
After all the trouble Dawn had gone through, this car seemed too good to be true.



The sentence that uses transition to indicate sequence or time is "Then, she burned her hand on one of the hot metal pieces near what she thought might be the engine." (Option C).


The latin root tactus is part of the word tangent. What does Tangent mean?
A. leading
B. winding
C. touching
D. traveling



I think the answer is leading

The Latin root tactus means "touch," and it is indeed part of the word tangent. A tangent is a line that touches a curve or a surface at a single point without intersecting it. Therefore, the correct answer is C. touching.

All i need is for you to find me two poems from that period. Thank you so much!
Find two poems to analyze from the contemporary period. You must use poems written by the poets on this list.

Adrienne Rich
Alice Walker
Anne Sexton
Elizabeth Bishop
Eudora Welty
Flannery O'Connor
Gwendolyn Brooks
James Baldwin
Lorraine Hansberry
Ray Bradbury
Tennessee Williams


The two poems to analyze from the contemporary period are: 1. Adrienne Rich, "Diving Into the Wreck", 2. Elizabeth Bishop, "One Art".

What is contemporary period?

The contemporary period is a period in history that began in 1945 and is still ongoing today. It is marked by rapid technological advancements, globalization, and the rise of modern science. During this period, the world has seen major changes in technology, communication, and politics. The spread of the internet has allowed for a more interconnected world than ever before and has allowed for the spread of new ideas and innovations. Art and literature have also seen new trends and movements due to the increased access to new forms of media. Additionally, the world has seen the rise of new countries, the fall of old empires, and the introduction of new ideologies. This period has seen major progress in social justice, the acceptance of new forms of human rights, and the growth of the global economy. The contemporary period is a period of immense change and progress, and one which will continue to shape the world for years to come.

To learn more about  contemporary period


Which of the following would Cassatt probably not have painted?

A A woman hanging laundry on a clothesline

B A man being crowned king

C A woman giving a child a bath


B. A man being crowned king.

Reading comprehension


Honey Bees are one of the most easily recognised animals and the most widely tamed bee species on the planet. They vary in colour but are typically brown with a banded pale yellow and brown belly.

Why are honey bees the most important?

Bees perform an essential role in the preservation of our planet. We rely on them to pollinate the food we need to live, as well as many of the trees and flora that provide refuge for a variety of animals.

The western honey bee (Apis mellifera) is the most prevalent of the 7-12 honey bee species found globally. Apis is Latin for "bee," and mellifera is Latin for "honey-bearing" or "honey carrying," alluding to the species' honey output.

Learn more about Honey Bees


Which sentence below uses the correct form of the pronoun? (HINT: each pronoun should make sense in the sentence on its own) A. Brenda gave the plane tickets to he and we. B. Don't leave without letting he and Jamie know where you're going. C. They and her loved the rush they got from the speeding roller coaster. D. As the roller coaster started to move, a sinking fear fell over her and him.​


D. A sinking fear descended upon her and him as the roller coaster began to move makes use of the appropriate pronoun.

What exactly is the pronoun rule?

There are three types of pronouns: nominative (I, you, he, she, it, or they), possessive (my, your, his, her, or their), and objective (me, him, her, him, us, them). When the pronoun is the subject of your sentence, use the nominative case, and always start a statement with the other person's name.

How many different pronouns are there?

The Seven Different Pronoun Categories. The personal pronoun, the demonstrative pronoun, the interrogative pronoun, the relative pronoun, the indefinite pronoun, and the reflexive pronoun are the seven sorts of pronouns that writers in both English and English as a second language must understand.

To know more about Pronoun visit:


fill in the Blanks to complete the sentences


A group of artist started the Pop Art movement in the 1950s and soon many more around the world joined in. Pop Art changed the way people thought about art. The artists used bold colors and simple shapes to create vibrate pieces. Many Pop Artist incorporated pictures from comic books, ads, and popular cultures. In other words, everyday life was integrated the art work.

Who are the group of artists that started the Pop Art culture?

Pop Art marked a significant shift in modernism's direction by reviving recognizable motifs taken from media and popular culture. Pop was born in the United Kingdom in the 1950s amid a postwar socio-political atmosphere where artists gravitated toward celebrating everyday objects and elevating the ordinary to the level of fine art.

The above answer is in response to the full question;

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences

A group of artist started the Pop Art ............... in the 1950s and soon many more around the world joined in. Pop Art changed the way people thought about art. The artists used .............. to create vibrate pieces. Many Pop Artist incorporated pictures from comic books, ads, and popular cultures. In other words, everyday life was ............... the art work.

Find more useful information on pop art movement;


with the service establishment that you have tried before, reflect on the strategies they adopted to be able to provide quality service. Write down a narrative differentiating their strategies


Answer: Those in the food and beverage industry are experiencing unparalleled levels of demand as panicked consumers rush to stock up on goods.


hope this helps.

BRAINLIST! PLEASE HELP What do you think when you see this quote
“For these women in the U.S. who were born with a right, grew up knowing this was their right, to wake up one day and say ‘you can’t anymore’ is a gut-punch to morale”



The quote is likely referring to a situation where women in the United States may have had certain rights and privileges, but suddenly they are taken away. This abrupt change can be demoralizing and disheartening for the women affected. The statement highlights the significance of having a sense of security and stability in one's life, and how sudden changes to these rights and freedoms can be emotionally jarring.

A Child Called "IT" by Dave Pelzer
Chapter Two "Good Times"
1. How does David describe his family in chapter two?
2. How does the mother described in chapter two differ from the mother described in chapter one
3. How did his mother act when it was holiday time?
4. Describe David's experience at the Russian River.
5. What do you think happened to David's mother to make her change so
Vocabulary: Modest, Scour, Meticulously, Destiny, Constructive, Blitz


David recalls that in the early 1960s, his family is ideal. He and his two brothers, Ronald and Stan, are fortunate to have loving parents and a magnificent home with a stunning view of the Golden Gate Bridge.

What are a few quotes from David Pelzer's A Child Named It?

Childhood should be carefree and filled with outdoor activities, not a horror in the depths of the psyche. "One could start out with less than enviable circumstances and rise to the top from within." "My soul become so frigid on the inside that I hated everything.

What did his mother do to David Pelzer?

He describes how, from the age of four to twelve, his mother physically and psychologically abused him. He talks about his mother starving him, making him drink ammonia, stabbing him in the stomach, setting a gas stove on fire, and making him eat his own vomit.

To know more about Davidelzer here:


Select a poem you have read and explain how its form contributed to its meaning.




One example of a poem where form contributes to its meaning is "Sonnet 18" by William Shakespeare. This poem is a sonnet, a form of poetry that has strict rules and conventions, including 14 lines and a specific rhyme scheme.

In "Sonnet 18," the form contributes to the poem's meaning by emphasizing the speaker's attempt to immortalize the subject of the poem, who is described as "more lovely and more temperate" than a summer's day. The use of the sonnet form, which is often associated with love poetry and is traditionally used to express intense emotions, underscores the speaker's deep affection for the subject and the importance of the message he is trying to convey.

Additionally, the rhyme scheme of the sonnet - ABAB CDCD EFEF GG - helps to structure the poem and create a sense of symmetry and balance. This contributes to the poem's overall theme of the subject's enduring beauty and the speaker's attempt to preserve it through poetry.

Furthermore, the final couplet of the sonnet - "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, / So long lives this, and this gives life to thee" - provides a memorable conclusion to the poem, emphasizing the power of art to transcend time and preserve beauty. The couplet's rhyme and meter help to emphasize its significance and make it stand out as a memorable conclusion to the poem.

In this way, the form of "Sonnet 18" contributes to its meaning by emphasizing the speaker's deep affection for the subject, creating a sense of symmetry and balance, and underscoring the power of poetry to preserve beauty and transcend time.

Cripple me father summery


Ramanujan, ''Cripple Me Father'' is a short prose poem in which the narrator asks God to cripple him, blind him, deafen him, and restrain him to keep him from going places, doing things, hearing things, or searching for things that might interfere with the narrator's spirituality.

in sarah hrdy article mothers and others in what way does she describe human breeding behavior?


Sarah Hrdy's article "Mothers and Others" describes human breeding behavior as being unique among primates in that it involves a high degree of cooperative care from individuals other than the biological mother.

Hrdy argues that this cooperative breeding strategy, which involves extended family members, alloparents, and other group members, has been a key factor in the evolution of human sociality and intelligence. According to Hrdy, this strategy allowed early humans to allocate more resources to child-rearing and to expand their social networks, which in turn facilitated the development of complex cultural practices and language.

Hrdy also emphasizes that the social and ecological context of human breeding behavior has varied across different cultures and historical periods, and that these variations have shaped the specific forms of cooperation and care that have emerged in different contexts. Overall, Hrdy's article provides a comprehensive overview of human breeding behavior and highlights the importance of social cooperation and cultural diversity in shaping this behavior.

Learn more about Sarah


14. They ……… an apartment now because they
can't find a cheap house.


Answer: live


There are eighteen sentences in the paragraph. Connect them using coordination and subordination in the space below, so
that you have no more than nine sentences when you are through. Be sure to use both techniques.
¹Most people know that "getting onto one's soapbox" means giving a heartfelt opinion. 2Fewer people are familiar with the
origin of the term. ³The term dates back to a time when large wooden crates were used to ship soap. 4It comes from a
practice that was popular in the 1800s and early 1900s. A person who wanted to express an opinion publicly would first
find a public park or street corner. "He would find an improvised platform, often a large, sturdy soapbox. 7Standing on the
box, he would speak his mind. An audience was not guaranteed. "If his oratorical skills were good, he might gather a
crowd. 10If they were poor, he might be heckled or have no audience at all. 1¹ Audiences cheered speakers that they agreed
with. 12Speakers they disagreed with met a less pleasant fate. 13 Audiences showed their displeasure by throwing tomatoes
or fruit, preferably rotten, at the speaker. 14He would end his speech quickly and leave, humiliated and covered in tomato
juice. 15 Today, getting on one's soapbox has been made easier by the Internet. 16 Anyone can post a blog on one of the
many free sites set up for just that purpose. 17The principle is the same as that of the soapbox. 18 The advantage is that the
speaker does not have to worry about rottén tomatoes.




Most people know that "getting onto one's soapbox" means giving a heartfelt opinion, but fewer people are familiar with the origin of the term, which dates back to a time when large wooden crates were used to ship soap. The term comes from a practice that was popular in the 1800s and early 1900s, when a person who wanted to express an opinion publicly would first find a public park or street corner and then find an improvised platform, often a large, sturdy soapbox. Standing on the box, he would speak his mind, but an audience was not guaranteed. If his oratorical skills were good, he might gather a crowd, but if they were poor, he might be heckled or have no audience at all. Audiences cheered speakers that they agreed with, while speakers they disagreed with met a less pleasant fate, and audiences showed their displeasure by throwing tomatoes or fruit, preferably rotten, at the speaker. Today, getting on one's soapbox has been made easier by the Internet, and anyone can post a blog on one of the many free sites set up for just that purpose. The principle is the same as that of the soapbox, but the advantage is that the speaker does not have to worry about rotten tomatoes.

Other Questions
fit for life foods reports the following income statement accounts for the year ended december 31 gain on sale of equipment 6320depreciation expense office copier 480office supplies expense760sales discounts15 700insurance expense1 370sales returns and allowances3 900sales217 000tv advertising expense2 200office salaries expense31 300interest revenue600rent expense selling space10 300cost of goods sold89 000sales salaries expense23 100sales commission expense13 000prepare a multiple step income statement imagine a scenario where a man is stranded on a desert island. he first finds a source of potable water and some fruits to eat. only after his thirst and hunger are satisfied does he set about building a shelter for the night. once the man has met his physiological and security needs, he will set about searching for other people on the island. which of the following needs of the man stranded on a desert island does this scenario illustrate? group of answer choices o prepotent needs ocreative behavior o self-actualizationo needs intrinsic o motivation Match these items. Match the items in the left column to the items in the right column.1. conserve2. distribute3. quantity4. scarceto divide amongto savelimitedamount Subtract the given equation 3x-(4x-11) FILL IN THE advantage of behavior checklists over interviews is that checklists allow a clinician to ___ while interview typically do not. 2. all of the following are accurate pairings of a researcher with their contributions regarding learning except: a. ivan pavlov - demonstrated how the acquisition of a cr depends on pairing the cs and the us (c b.f. skinner - designed an operant chamber to study how operant behavior is reinforced and shaped john b. watson - showed the importance of learning by watching a model and imitating the model's behavior e. edward tolman - demonstrated learning occurs but may not be apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it martin seligman - contributed to our understanding of how learned helplessness develops in animals and humans rank the relative rates of the alkyl halides in an sn1 reaction.H3C-1 CH3 CH3 CH HC Fastest SN 1 reaction Slowest SN 1 reaction Answer Bank CH3 H3C. CH3 H3C. HC CH3 CH3 Imagina que tocas algo muy spero que te resulta muy doloroso que informacin envas a tu cerebro ? Qu respuesta crees que dar tu cerebro a esta situacin? Jerry, Jack and Sophie are all hoping to save money! Jerry thinks saving money in a shoe box in his closet every month is a good idea. He decides to start with $125, and then save $50 each month. Jack was given $3520 from his Grandma, and decides to put the moneyinto an account that has a 6.5% interest rate that is compounded annually. Sophie has earned $3500 working at the movie theater decides to put her money in the bank in an account that has a 7.05% interest rate that is compounded continuouslyPart 1: Describe the type of equation that models Jerrys situation. Create that equation of Jerrys situation. Using the equation you created, how much money will be in Jerrys account after 3 years? 10 years?Think: What do I know and what does it mean? What plan am I going to try?PLEASE HELP!!!!! Analyze the proportion below and complete the instructions that follow. Use a model to find the missing value in the proportion. A. 4 B. 5 C. 10 D. 22 Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D Mason earns $8.10 per hour and worked 40 hours. Noah earns $10.80 per hour. How many hours would Noah need to work to equal Masons earnings over 40 hours? both the cno cycle and the proton-proton chain combine 4 h nuclei to produce 1 he nucleus. would those two processes release the same amount of energy per he nucleus produced? why or why not? Under Shari'ah (Islamic Law), which of the following activities would NOT be considered prohibited as haram? President Eisenhower took an activist role when he pushed for two large government programs to help transportation and trade, the St. Lawrence Seaway anda. Expanded public housingb. Federal Highway Act (Interstate System)c. The school construction billd. The Tennessee Valley Authority PLEASE HELP!!! WILL MARK BRANLIEST!!! Time series forecastingWhich of the following is an example of time series forecasting problem?Predicting monthly car sales next year.Predicting product manufacturing cost based on raw material cost.Predicting the number of incoming calls for the next week.Only (1)(1) and (2)(1) and (3)(1), (2) and (3) The National Park Service protects habitats such as the Florida Everglades. Which explanation states the importance of conserving habitats?answer choicesA. Habitat conservation protects biodiversity in the region.B. Habitat conservation encourages the use of limited resources.C. Habitat conservation prevents the introduction of nonnative species.D. Habitat conservation contributes to reducing the gene pool in native species. if the sum of a number and eight is doubled, the result is seven less than the number. Find the number. What feature do you need on a computer if you want to take it on vacation to another continent?A. Dual-voltage selector switch B. Cable lock C. Expansion card D. Dual inline memory module The overall aim of a _____ is to avoid seeking goals that are unrealistic, unprofitable, or unachievable.a. SWCT (Strategy, Weakness, Cost, and Technology) analysisb. SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis CorrectCorrectc. CSF (Critical Success Factor) analysisd. BCF (Business Case Factor) analysis