Type the standard form of "three thousand four hundred eight."
The solution is

Type The Standard Form Of "three Thousand Four Hundred Eight."The Solution Is


Answer 1


the standard form of "three thousand four hundred eight is


hope it is helpful to you ☺️

Answer 2

In standard form we can write 3408 as 3.408 x [tex]10^{3}[/tex].

We have the following statement - three thousand four hundred eight

We have to write it in standard form.

What do you understand by Standard form of a Number ?

A number when expressed as a decimal number, between 1 and 10, multiplied by a power of 10, is said to be in standard form.

According to the question, we have -

three thousand four hundred eight.

In the digit form, we can write it as - 3408.

In Standard form, we can write it as -

3408 = 3.408 x [tex]10^{3}[/tex]

Hence, in standard form we can write 3408 as 3.408 x [tex]10^{3}[/tex].

To solve more questions on Standard form, visit the link below -



Related Questions

the least value of x²-3x+5 is..​



Step-by-step explanation:

to find the minimum value we require to find the vertex and determine if max/min

for a quadratic in standard form ; ax² + bx + c

the coordinate of the vertex is..

xvertex = -b/2a

x² - 3x + 5 is in standard form with a = 1,b = - 3 and c = 5

xvertex = - , -3/2 = 3/2

substitute this value into the equation for y-coordinate

yvertex = ( 3/2 ) ² -3 (3/2) + 5 = 11/4

vertex = ( 3/2, 11/4 )

to determine whether max/min

• if a > 0 then minimum u

• ifa < 0 then maximum n

here a = 1 > 0 hence minimum

minimum value of x² - 3x + 5 is 11/4

hope you understand this :)

Could someone help me



I have only found 113 solutions (i have num 15 given)

nb= 1         ::: 27*n +  98= 30*n + 56===> n= 1  4

nb= 2         ::: 28*n +  95= 30*n + 67===> n= 1  4

nb= 3         ::: 29*n +  65= 30*n + 17===> n= 4  8

nb= 4         ::: 29*n +  65= 30*n + 18===> n= 4  7

nb= 5         ::: 29*n +  65= 30*n + 47===> n= 1  8

nb= 6         ::: 29*n +  65= 30*n + 48===> n= 1  7

nb= 7         ::: 29*n +  74= 30*n + 16===> n= 5  8

nb= 8         ::: 29*n +  74= 30*n + 18===> n= 5  6

nb= 9         ::: 29*n +  74= 30*n + 56===> n= 1  8

nb= 10        ::: 29*n +  74= 30*n + 58===> n= 1  6

nb= 11        ::: 30*n +  16= 29*n + 74===> n= 5  8

nb= 12        ::: 30*n +  17= 29*n + 65===> n= 4  8

nb= 13        ::: 30*n +  18= 29*n + 65===> n= 4  7

nb= 14        ::: 30*n +  18= 29*n + 74===> n= 5  6

nb= 15        ::: 30*n +  47= 29*n + 65===> n= 1  8

nb= 16        ::: 30*n +  48= 29*n + 65===> n= 1  7

nb= 17        ::: 30*n +  56= 27*n + 98===> n= 1  4

nb= 18        ::: 30*n +  56= 29*n + 74===> n= 1  8

nb= 19        ::: 30*n +  58= 29*n + 74===> n= 1  6

nb= 20        ::: 30*n +  67= 28*n + 95===> n= 1  4

nb= 21        ::: 36*n +  97= 40*n + 25===> n= 1  8

nb= 22        ::: 38*n +  59= 40*n + 27===> n= 1  6

nb= 23        ::: 38*n +  65= 40*n + 27===> n= 1  9

nb= 24        ::: 38*n +  69= 40*n + 15===> n= 2  7

nb= 25        ::: 39*n +  78= 45*n + 6===> n= 1  2

nb= 26        ::: 39*n +  82= 40*n + 15===> n= 6  7

nb= 27        ::: 39*n +  82= 40*n + 17===> n= 6  5

nb= 28        ::: 39*n +  82= 40*n + 65===> n= 1  7

nb= 29        ::: 39*n +  82= 40*n + 67===> n= 1  5

nb= 30        ::: 40*n +  15= 38*n + 69===> n= 2  7

nb= 31        ::: 40*n +  15= 39*n + 82===> n= 6  7

nb= 32        ::: 40*n +  17= 39*n + 82===> n= 6  5

nb= 33        ::: 40*n +  25= 36*n + 97===> n= 1  8

nb= 34        ::: 40*n +  27= 38*n + 59===> n= 1  6

nb= 35        ::: 40*n +  27= 38*n + 65===> n= 1  9

nb= 36        ::: 40*n +  65= 39*n + 82===> n= 1  7

nb= 37        ::: 40*n +  67= 39*n + 82===> n= 1  5

nb= 38        ::: 46*n +  87= 50*n + 39===> n= 1  2

nb= 39        ::: 46*n +  87= 52*n + 9===> n= 1  3

nb= 40        ::: 47*n +  68= 50*n + 29===> n= 1  3

nb= 41        ::: 47*n +  83= 50*n + 26===> n= 1  9

nb= 42        ::: 47*n +  98= 51*n + 6===> n= 2  3

nb= 43        ::: 47*n +  98= 53*n + 2===> n= 1  6

nb= 44        ::: 48*n +  63= 50*n + 29===> n= 1  7

nb= 45        ::: 48*n +  73= 52*n + 9===> n= 1  6

nb= 46        ::: 49*n +  63= 51*n + 7===> n= 2  8

nb= 47        ::: 49*n +  72= 53*n + 8===> n= 1  6

nb= 48        ::: 49*n +  78= 52*n + 30===> n= 1  6

nb= 49        ::: 49*n +  87= 56*n + 3===> n= 1  2

nb= 50        ::: 50*n +  26= 47*n + 83===> n= 1  9

nb= 51        ::: 50*n +  29= 47*n + 68===> n= 1  3

nb= 52        ::: 50*n +  29= 48*n + 63===> n= 1  7

nb= 53        ::: 50*n +  39= 46*n + 87===> n= 1  2

nb= 54        ::: 52*n +  30= 49*n + 78===> n= 1  6

nb= 55        ::: 57*n +  92= 63*n + 8===> n= 1  4

nb= 56        ::: 58*n +  72= 60*n + 34===> n= 1  9

nb= 57        ::: 58*n +  73= 60*n + 49===> n= 1  2

nb= 58        ::: 58*n +  79= 60*n + 31===> n= 2  4

nb= 59        ::: 58*n +  97= 60*n + 13===> n= 4  2

nb= 60        ::: 59*n +  47= 62*n + 8===> n= 1  3

nb= 61        ::: 59*n +  71= 60*n + 23===> n= 4  8

nb= 62        ::: 59*n +  71= 60*n + 28===> n= 4  3

nb= 63        ::: 59*n +  71= 60*n + 43===> n= 2  8

nb= 64        ::: 59*n +  71= 60*n + 48===> n= 2  3

nb= 65        ::: 59*n +  74= 63*n + 2===> n= 1  8

nb= 66        ::: 59*n +  78= 61*n + 30===> n= 2  4

nb= 67        ::: 59*n +  84= 61*n + 30===> n= 2  7

nb= 68        ::: 59*n +  87= 61*n + 3===> n= 4  2

nb= 69        ::: 60*n +  13= 58*n + 97===> n= 4  2

nb= 70        ::: 60*n +  23= 59*n + 71===> n= 4  8

nb= 71        ::: 60*n +  28= 59*n + 71===> n= 4  3

nb= 72        ::: 60*n +  31= 58*n + 79===> n= 2  4

nb= 73        ::: 60*n +  34= 58*n + 72===> n= 1  9

nb= 74        ::: 60*n +  43= 59*n + 71===> n= 2  8

nb= 75        ::: 60*n +  48= 59*n + 71===> n= 2  3

nb= 76        ::: 60*n +  49= 58*n + 73===> n= 1  2

nb= 77        ::: 61*n +  30= 59*n + 78===> n= 2  4

nb= 78        ::: 61*n +  30= 59*n + 84===> n= 2  7

nb= 79        ::: 65*n +  89= 70*n + 24===> n= 1  3

nb= 80        ::: 68*n +  59= 72*n + 3===> n= 1  4

nb= 81        ::: 68*n +  91= 70*n + 45===> n= 2  3

nb= 82        ::: 69*n +  43= 70*n + 15===> n= 2  8

nb= 83        ::: 69*n +  43= 70*n + 18===> n= 2  5

nb= 84        ::: 69*n +  43= 70*n + 25===> n= 1  8

nb= 85        ::: 69*n +  43= 70*n + 28===> n= 1  5

nb= 86        ::: 69*n +  48= 72*n + 3===> n= 1  5

nb= 87        ::: 69*n +  52= 70*n + 14===> n= 3  8

nb= 88        ::: 69*n +  52= 70*n + 18===> n= 3  4

nb= 89        ::: 69*n +  52= 70*n + 34===> n= 1  8

nb= 90        ::: 69*n +  52= 70*n + 38===> n= 1  4

nb= 91        ::: 69*n +  54= 71*n + 8===> n= 2  3

nb= 92        ::: 69*n +  58= 73*n + 2===> n= 1  4

nb= 93        ::: 69*n +  82= 75*n + 4===> n= 1  3

nb= 94        ::: 69*n +  85= 74*n + 20===> n= 1  3

nb= 95        ::: 70*n +  14= 69*n + 52===> n= 3  8

nb= 96        ::: 70*n +  15= 69*n + 43===> n= 2  8

nb= 97        ::: 70*n +  18= 69*n + 43===> n= 2  5

nb= 98        ::: 70*n +  18= 69*n + 52===> n= 3  4

nb= 99        ::: 70*n +  24= 65*n + 89===> n= 1  3

nb= 100       ::: 70*n +  25= 69*n + 43===> n= 1  8

nb= 101       ::: 70*n +  28= 69*n + 43===> n= 1  5

nb= 102       ::: 70*n +  34= 69*n + 52===> n= 1  8

nb= 103       ::: 70*n +  38= 69*n + 52===> n= 1  4

nb= 104       ::: 70*n +  45= 68*n + 91===> n= 2  3

nb= 105       ::: 74*n +  20= 69*n + 85===> n= 1  3

nb= 106       ::: 76*n +  93= 80*n + 45===> n= 1  2

nb= 107       ::: 79*n +  45= 82*n + 6===> n= 1  3

nb= 108       ::: 79*n +  54= 83*n + 6===> n= 1  2

nb= 109       ::: 80*n +  45= 76*n + 93===> n= 1  2

nb= 110       ::: 87*n +  64= 90*n + 25===> n= 1  3

nb= 111       ::: 87*n +  65= 90*n + 23===> n= 1  4

nb= 112       ::: 90*n +  23= 87*n + 65===> n= 1  4

nb= 113       ::: 90*n +  25= 87*n + 64===> n= 1  3

From a set of 5 nickels, 10 dimes and 15 quarters, six coins are removed at random without replacement.
a. Find the probability of not removing 6 quarters.
b. Find the probability of removing exactly 2 nickels, 2 dimes and 2 quarters.



(a) 1 - (15 C 6) / (30 C 6)

(b)  (5 C 2) x (10 C 2) x (15 C 2) / (30 C 2)

Step-by-step explanation:

Number of  nickels = 5

Number of dimes = 10

Number of quarters = 15

(a) The probability of getting 6 quarters  

= (15 C 6) / (30 C 6)

So, the probability of not getting 6 quarters = 1 - (15 C 6) / (30 C 6)

(b) Probability of getting 2 nickels , 2 dimes and 2 quarters

= (5 C 2) x (10 C 2) x (15 C 2) / (30 C 2)

At what x value does the function given below have a hole?




hole at x=-3

Step-by-step explanation:

The hole is the discontinuity that exists after the fraction reduces. (Still doesn't exist for original of course)

The discontinuities for this expression is when the bottom is 0. x^2-9=0 when x=3 or x=-3 since squaring either and then subtracting 9 would lead to 0.

So anyways we have (x+3)/(x^2-9)

= (x+3)/((x-3)(x+3))

Now this equals 1/(x-3) with a hole at x=-3 since the x+3 factor was "cancelled" from the denominator.

Floataway Tours has $420,000 that can be use to purchase new rental boats for hire during the summer. The boats can be purchased from two different manufacturers. Floataway Tours would like to purchase at least 50 boats and would like to purchase the same number from Sleekboat as from Racer to maintain goodwill. At the same time,Floataway Tours wishes to have a total seating capacity of at least 200.

Formulate this problem as a linear program.


Answer and explanation:

A linear problem is an equation based on known and unknown variables that follow a linear path, usually without exponents and look like this:

y=mx+b. To formulate the linear constraints of the problem above, we look at the unknown variables and known variables and define and equation using this.

From the problem, assume x and y are the prices of the different boat brands:


Assume a and b are number of x brand boats and y brand boats supplied thus:


Which of the following functions best describes this graph?
A. y (x + 4) (x + 5)



D. y =

Step-by-step explanation:

The solutions to this graph (meaning when y equals 0 or when the graph crosses the x-axis) are 4 and 5.

The only answer choice that has the solutions 4 and 5 when you factor it out is D.

Here's the proof:

[tex]x^{2} -9x + 20[/tex]

Factors of 20: - 5 & -4

Sums that add up to -9: -5 + (-4)

[tex]x^{2} -4x-5x+20[/tex]

(factor the first two terms and the last two terms separately)


[tex]x(x-4) -5(x-4)[/tex]

(x - 5) (x - 4)

Hope it helps (●'◡'●)

Sam wants to build a unique pyramid bookend for his study. It's an oblique pyramid
with a right triangular base. The sides of the base are 3, 4, and 5 inches long. The
pyramid will fit exactly inside his bookshelf, which has a height of 18 inches. He
wishes to build the pyramid out of modeling clay. How many cubic inches of clay
does Sam need to buy?




Volume of triangular pyramid = 36 inch³

Step-by-step explanation:


Sides of base triangle = 3, 4, 5 inches

Height of model = 18 inches


Volume of triangular pyramid


Given base triangle is a right angle triangle


Area of base = (1/2)(b)(h)

Area of base = (1/2)(3)(4)

Area of base = (1/2))(12)

Area of base = 6 inch²

Volume of triangular pyramid = (1/3)(Area of base)(Height of model)

Volume of triangular pyramid = (1/3)(6)(18)

Volume of triangular pyramid = 36 inch³

I need help with this problem.




Step-by-step explanation:




i am not sure also

A student takes an exam containing 16 true or false questions. If the student guesses, what is the probability that he will get exactly 14 questions right




Step-by-step explanation:

Here, n = 16, p = 0.5, (1 - p) = 0.5 and x = 14

As per binomial distribution formula P(X = x) = nCx * p^x * (1 - p)^(n - x)

We need to calculate P(X = 14)

P(x =14) = 16C14 * 0.5^14 *(1-0.5)^2

               = 120 * 0.5^14 *(1-0.5)^2

= 0.001831055

I.- Sean los polinomios:
P(x) = 5x5 +4x3 –x +2 Q (X) = -3x4 -7x3 +9x -6 R(x) = 7x5 +3x2 + 8x -2
1) P(X) + Q(X) 2) R (X) - P(X) 3) P(X) + R(X) - Q(X)
II.- Resuelve:
1) M= (x-1) (x-1) (x-1) - x3 +1

2) W= (x2 +x +1) (x2 -x +1)



Step-by-step explanation:


HELP PLEASE. Will give maximum points (100). I’m desperate. Will give brainiest for the correct answer, if wrong answer is given on purpose, I will report. Plz help.



C, D, D.

Step-by-step explanation:

Problem 6)

We want to determine the equation of the graphed inequality.

First, let's determine the equation of the line for the inequality. We can see that it passes through the points (-2, 0) and (0, 2). Find the slope:

[tex]\displaystyle m=\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}=\frac{2-0}{0-(-2)}=\frac{2}{2}=1[/tex]

So, the slope of the line is one.

And since it passes through the point (0, 2), our y-intercept is two. Therefore, the equation of the line is:


Next, notice that the shaded region is below the line. Also, the line itself is also shaded.

Since the shaded region is below the line, y is less than the graph of the line and since the line itself is shaded, our sign is less than or equal to.


[tex]y \leq x + 2[/tex]

Our answer is C.

Problem 7)

We have the inequality:


First, solve the inequality. Combine like terms:


Subtract x from both sides:


And subtract 8 from both sides:


Therefore, any value greater than -7 will satisfy the inequality.

Out of the choices, the only choice greater than -7 is -5.

So, our answer is D.

Problem 8)

We have the inequality:

[tex]5x+7\leq 8x-3+2x[/tex]

Again, solve the inequality. Combine like terms:

[tex]5x+7\leq 10x-3[/tex]

Subtract 5x from both sides:

[tex]7\leq 5x-3[/tex]

And add three to both sides:

[tex]10\leq 5x[/tex]

Divide both sides by five:

[tex]2\leq x[/tex]


[tex]x\geq 2[/tex]

Therfore, any value greater than or equal to 2 will satisfy the inequality.

Out of the choices, the only choice greater than or equal to 2 is 2.

So, our answer is D.

09:30 am - 4:30 pm minus 30 minutes?




because 9:30 minus 4:30 = 5:00 and 5:00 minus 30 =4:30

Mrs. Rodger got a weekly raise of $145. If she gets paid every other week, write an integer describing how the raise will affect her paycheck.



her salary will increase by $ 145 for every week

Step-by-step explanation:

x=1st paycheck (integer).

weekly raise = $ 145.

After completing the 1st week she will get $ (x+145).

Similarly after completing the 2nd week she will get

$ (x + 145) + $ 145.

= $ (x + 145 + 145)

= $ (x + 290)

So in this way end of every week her salary will increase by $ 145.

what ordered pair makes both inequalities true



(-2, 2)

Step-by-step explanation:

(-2, 2) is the only ordered pair that makes both inequalities true.



Step-by-step explanation:

got it right

Tim and Al are bricklayers. Tim can construct an outdoor grill in 5 days. If Al helps Tim, they can build it in only 3 days. How long
would it take Al to build the grill alone? Write your answer as an integer, simplified fraction, or mixed number.
It would take Al
days to build the grill alone.



It would take Al 7.5 days to build the grill alone.

Step-by-step explanation:

Since Tim and Al are bricklayers, and Tim can construct an outdoor grill in 5 days, and if Al helps Tim, they can build it in only 3 days, to determine how long would it take Al to build the grill alone should be done the following calculation:

1/5 + X = 1/3

0.20 + X = 0.333

X = 0.333 - 0.20

X = 0.1333333

X = 1 / 7.5

Therefore it would take Al 7.5 days to build the grill alone.

Find the intersection of the parabola y=x^2+4x+3 and the line x-y=-1




Step-by-step explanation:

Solve, then check algebraically and graphically. 9x-3=78



[tex]9x - 3 = 78 \\ 9x - 3 + 3 = 78 + 3 \\ 9x = 81 \\ \frac{9x}{9} = \frac{81}{9} \\ x = 9[/tex]


[tex]9x - 3 = 78 \\9 x = 78 + 3 \\ 9x = 81 \\ x = \frac{81}{9} \\ x = 9[/tex]

Janie can stuff 30 envelops in one minute. Find an expression for the number of envelopes she can stuff in n hours?


Answer: 30(60n) or 30*60*n

Which ordered pairs are in the solution set of the system of linear inequalities?

y > Negative one-thirdx + 2

y < 2x + 3

On a coordinate plane, 2 straight lines are shown. The first solid line has a negative slope and goes through (0, 2) and (6, 0. Everything to the right of the line is shaded. The second dashed line has a positive slope and goes through (negative 3, negative 3) and (0, 3). Everything above the line is shaded.



(2, 2), (3, 1), (4, 2)

(2, 2), (3, –1), (4, 1)

(2, 2), (1, –2), (0, 2)

(2, 2), (1, 2), (2, 0)


A. (2, 2), (3, 1), (4, 2)  

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]y > -\frac{1}{3}x + 2[/tex]

[tex]y < 2x + 3[/tex]


Solve for x and y

To solve this, we make use of graphical method (see attachment for graph)

All points that lie on the shaded region are true for the inequality

Next, we plot each of the given options on the graph

A. (2, 2), (3, 1), (4, 2)

All 3 points lie on the shaded region.

Hence, (a) is true


A. (2, 2), (3, 1), (4, 2)  

Step-by-step explanation:

what is 2x + 4 = x + 40


[tex]{\boxed{\boxed { ⎆ Answer :- }}} \ [/tex]

[tex]2x + 4 = x + 40 \\ 2x - x = 40 - 4 \\ x = 36[/tex]

ʰᵒᵖᵉ ⁱᵗ ʰᵉˡᵖˢ ツ

꧁❣ ʀᴀɪɴʙᴏᴡˢᵃˡᵗ2²2² ࿐


Explanation: cause I said what I said

a bag contain 3 black balls and 2 white balls.
1. A ball is taken from the black and then replaced, a second is taken. what is the probabilities that.

(a) there are both black,
(b)one is black one is white,
(c) at lease one is black,
(d) at most one is one is black.

2. find out if all the balls are chosen without replacement.

please kindly solve with explanation. thank you.​



Step-by-step explanation:

Total number of balls = 3 + 2 = 5



[tex]Probability \ of \ taking \ 2 \ black \ ball \ with \ replacement\\\\ = \frac{3C_1}{5C_1} \times \frac{3C_1}{5C_1} =\frac{3}{5} \times \frac{3}{5} = \frac{9}{25}\\\\[/tex]


[tex]Probability \ of \ one \ black \ and \ one\ white \ with \ replacement \\\\= \frac{3C_1}{5C_1} \times \frac{2C_1}{5C_1} = \frac{3}{5} \times \frac{2}{5} = \frac{6}{25}[/tex]


Probability of at least one black( means BB or BW or WB)

 [tex]=\frac{3}{5} \times \frac{3}{5} + \frac{3}{5} \times \frac{2}{5} + \frac{2}{5} \times \frac{3}{5} \\\\= \frac{9}{25} + \frac{6}{25} + \frac{6}{25}\\\\= \frac{21}{25}[/tex]


Probability of at most one black ( means WW or WB or BW)

[tex]=\frac{2}{5} \times \frac{2}{5} + \frac{3}{5} \times \frac{2}{5} \times \frac{2}{5} + \frac{3}{5}\\\\= \frac{4}{25} + \frac{6}{25} + \frac{6}{25}\\\\=\frac{16}{25}[/tex]


a) Probability both black without replacement

  [tex]=\frac{3}{5} \times \frac{2}{4}\\\\=\frac{6}{20}\\\\=\frac{3}{10}[/tex]

b) Probability  of one black and one white

 [tex]=\frac{3}{5} \times \frac{2}{4}\\\\=\frac{6}{20}\\\\=\frac{3}{10}[/tex]

c) Probability of at least one black ( BB or BW or WB)

 [tex]=\frac{3}{5} \times \frac{2}{4} + \frac{3}{5} \times \frac{2}{4} + \frac{2}{5} \times \frac{3}{4}\\\\=\frac{6}{20} + \frac{6}{20} + \frac{6}{20} \\\\=\frac{18}{20} \\\\=\frac{9}{10}[/tex]

d) Probability of at most one black ( BW or WW or WB)

 [tex]=\frac{3}{5} \times \frac{2}{4} + \frac{2}{5} \times \frac{1}{4} + \frac{2}{5} \times \frac{3}{4}\\\\=\frac{6}{20} + \frac{2}{20} + \frac{6}{20} \\\\=\frac{14}{20}\\\\=\frac{7}{10}[/tex]

In the diagram below, BC is an altitude of ABD. To the nearest whole unit, what is the length of CD?



B. 23

Step-by-step explanation:

BC = 32

CA = 44

To find the length of CD, apply the altitude of right triangle formula, (altitude-on-hypotenuse theorem) which is given as:

h = √(xy)


h = CB = 32

x = CA = 44

y = CD = ?

Plug in the values

32 = √(44 × CD)

Square both sides

32² = 44 × CD

1,024 = 44 × CD

Divide both sides by 44

1,024/44 = CD

CD = 23 units (nearest whole unit)

What is the ratio of 2:5


Step-by-step explanation:

The ratio is 2 to 5 or 2:5 or 2/5. All these describe the ratio in different forms of fractions. The ratio can consequently be expressed as fractions or as a decimal.

A ratio of 2 : 5 states a comparison between two quantities.

What are ratio and proportion?

A ratio is a comparison between two similar quantities in simplest form.

Proportions are of two types one is the direct proportion in which if one quantity is increased by a constant k the other quantity will also be increased by the same constant k and vice versa.

In the case of inverse proportion if one quantity is increased by a constant k the quantity will decrease by the same constant k and vice versa.

Given, a ratio 2 : 5.

Suppose it is a ratio of no. of pens to no. of pencils.

So, a ratio 2 : 5 states for every 2 pens there are 5 pencils out of 7 pen and pencils.

We can also write no. of pens = 2/(2+ 5) = 2/7 and for pencils it is 5(2+5)

= 5/7.

Generally, ratios are in simplest form we can have more pens and pencils here but it must be in the multiple of 7.

learn more about ratios here :



what is the cost to drive from san francisco to los angeles (405 mi) if the cost of gasoline is $2.34/gal and the automobile gets 8.5 mi/L



The cost is $ 29.5.

Step-by-step explanation:

distance = 405 miles

Cost = $ 2.34 /gal

Average = 8.5 miles per litre

So, the amount of gasoline to travel for 405miles

= 405/8.5 = 47.65 liter

1 gal = 3.785 liters


47.65 liter = 47.65 / 3.785 = 12.6 gal

So, the cots is

= $ 2.34 x 12.6 = $29.5

A statistician calculates that 7% of Americans are vegetarians. If the statistician is correct, what is the probability that the proportion of vegetarians in a sample of 403 Americans would differ from the population proportion by more than 3%



0.0182 = 1.82% probability that the proportion of vegetarians in a sample of 403 Americans would differ from the population proportion by more than 3%.

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this question, we need to understand the normal probability distribution and the central limit theorem.

Normal Probability Distribution

Problems of normal distributions can be solved using the z-score formula.

In a set with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the z-score of a measure X is given by:

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

The Z-score measures how many standard deviations the measure is from the mean. After finding the Z-score, we look at the z-score table and find the p-value associated with this z-score. This p-value is the probability that the value of the measure is smaller than X, that is, the percentile of X. Subtracting 1 by the p-value, we get the probability that the value of the measure is greater than X.

Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem establishes that, for a normally distributed random variable X, with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the sampling distribution of the sample means with size n can be approximated to a normal distribution with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]s = \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex].

For a skewed variable, the Central Limit Theorem can also be applied, as long as n is at least 30.

For a proportion p in a sample of size n, the sampling distribution of the sample proportion will be approximately normal with mean [tex]\mu = p[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]s = \sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}}[/tex]

A statistician calculates that 7% of Americans are vegetarians.

This means that [tex]p = 0.07[/tex]

Sample of 403 Americans

This means that [tex]n = 403[/tex]

Mean and standard deviation:

[tex]\mu = p = 0.07[/tex]

[tex]s = \sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}} = \sqrt{\frac{0.07*0.93}{403}} = 0.0127[/tex]

What is the probability that the proportion of vegetarians in a sample of 403 Americans would differ from the population proportion by more than 3%?

Proportion below 7 - 3 = 4% or above 7 + 3 = 10%. Since the normal distribution is symmetric, these probabilities are equal, which means that we find one of them, and multiply by 2.

Probability the proportion is below 4%

p-value of Z when X = 0.04.

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

By the Central Limit Theorem

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{s}[/tex]

[tex]Z = \frac{0.04 - 0.07}{0.0127}[/tex]

[tex]Z = -2.36[/tex]

[tex]Z = -2.36[/tex] has a p-value of 0.0091

2*0.0091 = 0.0182

0.0182 = 1.82% probability that the proportion of vegetarians in a sample of 403 Americans would differ from the population proportion by more than 3%.

1. Suppose half of all newborns are girls and half are boys. Hospital A, a large city hospital, records an average of 50 births a day. Hospital B, a small, rural hospital, records an average of 10 births a day. On a particular day, which hospital is less likely to record 80% or more female births?




Step-by-step explanation:

Hospital A (with 50 births a day), because the more births you see, the closer the proportions will be to 0.5.

Hospital B (with 10 births a day), because with fewer births there will be less variability.

The two hospitals are equally likely to record such an event, because the probability of a boy does not depend on the number of births

Two hospitals have an equal chance of recording such an event.

What is probability?

The area of mathematics known as probability deals with numerical representations of the likelihood that an event will occur or that a statement is true. An event's probability is a number between 0 and 1, where, roughly speaking, 0 denotes the event's impossibility and 1 denotes certainty.


Hospital A (with 50 births per day), as the proportions will be closer to 0.5 the more births you see.

Hospital B (with 10 births per day), thus there will be less unpredictability with fewer births.

Due to the fact that the likelihood of a boy does not rely on the number of births, the two hospitals have an equal chance of recording such an event.

To learn more about probability refer to:



Consider the quadratic function y = 0.3 (x-4)2 - 2.5
Determine the axis of symmetry, x =




Step-by-step explanation:

We have the quadratic function:

[tex]\displaystyle y=0.3(x-4)^2-2.5[/tex]

And we want to determine its axis of symmetry.

Notice that this is in vertex form:


Where (h, k) is the vertex of the parabola.

From our function, we can see that h = 4 and k = -2.5. Hence, our vertex is the point (4, -2.5).

The axis of symmetry is equivalent to the x-coordinate of the vertex.

The x-coordinate of the vertex is 4.

Therefore, the axis of symmetry is x = 4.

You want to send postcards to 15 friends. In the shop there are only 3 kinds of postcards. In how many ways can you send the postcards, if



455 ways

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]n = 15[/tex] --- friends

[tex]r = 3[/tex] -- available postcard kinds


Ways of sending the cards

The question is an illustration of combination and the formula is:

[tex]^nC_r = \frac{n!}{(n - r)!r!}[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]^{15}C_3 = \frac{15!}{(15 - 3)!3!}[/tex]

[tex]^{15}C_3 = \frac{15!}{12!*3!}[/tex]


[tex]^{15}C_3 = \frac{15*14*13*12!}{12!*3*2*1}[/tex]

[tex]^{15}C_3 = \frac{15*14*13}{3*2*1}[/tex]

[tex]^{15}C_3 = \frac{2730}{6}[/tex]

[tex]^{15}C_3 = 455[/tex]

A tax form asks people to identify their age, annual income, number of dependents, and social security number. For each of these four variables, identify the scale of measurement that probably is used and identify whether the variable is continuous or discrete.
Variable Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio
Social security number
Annual income
Number of dependents
Variable Discrete Continuous
Social security number
Annual income
Number of dependents



Types of variables:

Continuous variable include: income

Discrete variable include: number of dependents

Scale of measurement:

Nominal data include: Social security number

There is no ordinal data included

There is no interval data included

Ratio data include: Annual income,

Number of dependents.


Continuous variables are variables that are obtained by just counting, example: counting the number of times someone eats in a day.

Discrete variables are simply variables that are measured and are usually more precise than continuous variables, example: time, weight, length etc.

Nominal data are data types that are in the form of labels or names and do not have any particular order, example :social security number basically identifies a person and is not ranked or ordered in any way.

Ordinal data are data types that also in the form of names but with ranking and order.

Interval data are data types that rank and order data but with continuous measurement that may take on negative values, example measure of temperature.

Ratio data is same as interval data but does not take negative values, example we can not say that someone is -6 years old.

A printing machine 600 books in 3 hours. How many books will the machine print in 5​



1, 000 hrs

Step-by-step explanation:

The machine prints,

in 3 hrs = 600 books

in 1 hr = 600/ 3 hrs = 200 hrs.

in 5 hrs = 200 × 5

= 1, 000 hrs

The printing machine will print 1000 books in 5 hours.

Let's calculate how many books the printing machine will print in 5 hours based on the given information.

To do this, we'll use the concept of rates and proportions.

Given that the printing machine can print 600 books in 3 hours, we can set up a rate equation as follows:

Rate of printing = Number of books / Time taken

Let "x" be the number of books the machine will print in 5 hours. We can set up the proportion:

600 books / 3 hours = x books / 5 hours

To solve for "x," we cross-multiply:

3 * x = 600 * 5

Now, let's solve for "x":

3x = 3000

x = 3000 / 3

x = 1000

So, the printing machine will print 1000 books in 5 hours.

Given: Printing machine prints 600 books in 3 hours.

Let the number of books the machine will print in 5 hours be "x."

Using the rate formula, we can set up the proportion:

600 books / 3 hours = x books / 5 hours


3 * x = 600 * 5

Solving for "x":

3x = 3000

x = 3000 / 3

x = 1000

Hence, the printing machine will print 1000 books in 5 hours.

To know more about Equation here



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