true/false. acculturation is the process by which individuals adopt the attitudes, values, customs, beliefs, and behaviors of another culture


Answer 1

The statement " true/false. acculturation is the process by which individuals adopt the attitudes, values, customs, beliefs, and behaviors of another culture" is false as correct answer is: assimilation.

Acculturation is the process of learning and adopting host cultural norms, values, and beliefs, whereas enculturation is the process of learning our own (native) culture. For an individual to function in society, it is necessary to acquire native cultural norms and values. As a result of completely accepting the customs of the new cultural group, assimilation involves a group losing almost all of its own or native culture.

As opposed to assimilation, which defines this process on an individual level and focuses on how people of one group acquire the cultural norms of the majority or host culture, acculturation places an emphasis on how the two cultures interact with one another.

To know more about assimilation refer to:


Related Questions

identify the statements that accurately describe the weaknesses of the government under the articles of confederation.


Congress's lack of taxing authority was a key flaw in the Articles of Confederation. Just a request to file taxes might be made by Congress. This is a serious flaw because tax money IS required to support the military.

What did the Articles of Confederation's governing structure lack?

Under the Articles, Congress lacked the power to impose taxes. She could only ask the states to give the common treasury their fair part, but she did not receive the desired sums. Congress asked the states for the authority to impose taxes and secure the payment of public debts in order to fix this flaw.

The Articles of Confederation have which four of the following weaknesses?

Lack of the ability to tax or collect, control trade, or enforce laws are some of the weaknesses. 9 states had to approve laws, and all states had to agree on changes; no national judicial system or executive branch.

To know more about confederation visit:


EXTERNAL TOOL ६ Course Access Which of the following quotes from the president's speech best explains the goals of the Great Society? "It demands an end to poverty and racial injustice, to which we are totally committed in our time." "Many of you will live to see the day, perhaps 50 years from now, when there will be 400 million Americans- "The water we drink, the food we eat, the very air that we breathe, are threatened with pollution. Our parks ar *Nearly 54 million-more than one quarter of all America-have not even finished high school."​


"It demands an end to poverty and racial injustice, to which we are totally committed in our time." best explains the goals of the Great Society.

What is poverty?

Poverty is a state or condition of having inadequate resources, whether material or financial, to meet basic human needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. It is often characterized by a lack of access to education, healthcare, and other essential services. Poverty can be absolute, meaning a person is unable to meet their basic needs, or relative, meaning a person's standard of living is significantly lower than that of the average population in their society.

What is racial injustice?

Racial injustice refers to the unfair treatment of individuals or groups based on their race or ethnicity. It can take many forms, such as discrimination in hiring, housing, education, or the criminal justice system, as well as hate crimes, racial profiling, and police brutality. Racial injustice is a systemic problem that results from institutional and structural racism, as well as individual biases and prejudices. It leads to unequal opportunities, unequal outcomes, and unequal access to resources and services based on race, which can have serious and lasting effects on individuals and communities.

To know more about poverty, visit:


Entrepreneurship and Microenterprise
Project: Entrepreneurship and Microenterprise
Create a policy proposal that will increase youth social entrepreneurship in a developing nation.
Questions: How can government policies support and sustain innovative, community-focused, youth- run small businesses?




Entrepreneurship and Microenterprise

Project: Entrepreneurship and Microenterprise

Create a policy proposal that will increase youth social entrepreneurship in a developing nation.

Questions: How can government policies support and sustain innovative, community-focused, youth- run small businesses?


Policy Proposal: Increasing Youth Social Entrepreneurship in a Developing Nation


In developing nations, youth unemployment is a pressing issue, with over 75 million young people unemployed worldwide. In such an environment, entrepreneurship and microenterprise provide an excellent opportunity to empower youth and promote economic development. This policy proposal aims to increase youth social entrepreneurship in a developing nation by introducing policy measures that support and sustain innovative, community-focused, youth-run small businesses.

Policy Recommendations:

Providing Access to Capital:

The government can support youth entrepreneurship by setting up funding mechanisms for youth-led startups. For example, the government can create a youth entrepreneurship fund that provides low-interest loans or grants to young entrepreneurs who are starting socially-oriented businesses. Additionally, the government can establish venture capital funds that invest in innovative youth-led startups.

Providing Training and Mentorship:

Youth entrepreneurship programs can provide practical skills training and mentorship to young entrepreneurs. The government can partner with civil society organizations and educational institutions to provide entrepreneurship training programs. These training programs can cover areas such as business planning, financial management, marketing, and product development. The government can also establish mentorship programs that pair experienced entrepreneurs with young entrepreneurs to provide guidance, support, and advice.

Providing Regulatory Support:

The government can create policies that support youth-led businesses. For example, the government can establish a simplified regulatory environment that reduces the administrative burden on startups. This can include streamlining the process of registering a business, reducing the cost of obtaining licenses and permits, and simplifying tax regulations.

Encouraging Public-Private Partnerships:

The government can partner with the private sector to promote youth entrepreneurship. For example, the government can establish public-private partnerships that provide resources, such as office space, equipment, and technology, to young entrepreneurs. These partnerships can also provide networking opportunities that help young entrepreneurs access markets, financing, and support.

Providing Market Access:

The government can provide support to young entrepreneurs by creating policies that promote market access. For example, the government can establish procurement policies that prioritize youth-led businesses in government contracting. Additionally, the government can create policies that provide incentives to businesses that source products or services from youth-led enterprises.


In conclusion, promoting youth entrepreneurship is a critical strategy to address youth unemployment and promote economic development in developing nations. By creating policies that provide access to capital, training and mentorship, regulatory support, public-private partnerships, and market access, the government can support and sustain innovative, community-focused, youth-run small businesses.|

Give me brainliest please.

Which of the following is true?
a. Distinct from anxiety is fear, which is the emotion that people experience when confronted with a real or imagined threat.
b. Anxiety disorders are the least prevalent of all psychological disorders.
c. Men are 60% more likely than women to experience an anxiety disorder over their lifetime.
d. Anxiety disorders are characterized by intense, irrational, and incapacitating aggression.


The correct statement is: a. Distinct from anxiety is fear, which is the emotion that people experience when confronted with a real or imagined threat.

Anxiety and fear are two distinct emotions, with fear being the response to an immediate or real threat, while anxiety is a more generalized and prolonged feeling of worry or unease about future events or situations. Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive and persistent fear or anxiety that is related to specific objects or situations, which can interfere with daily life. Anxiety disorders are relatively common, affecting approximately 18% of the US population in a given year, and they can occur in both men and women. However, there is no evidence to suggest that men are more likely to experience anxiety disorders than women. Finally, anxiety disorders are not characterized by aggression, but rather by excessive and often irrational fear or worry.

To learn more about Anxiety disorders click here


which stereotypical views of gender could negatively affect progressive growth of society ?



There are many stereotypical views of gender that could negatively affect the progressive growth of society. Here are a few examples:

1.The belief that men should be the breadwinners and women should stay at home: This stereotype can limit the opportunities available to women, and it can also lead to economic inequality between men and women.

2.The belief that women are less competent or less intelligent than men: This stereotype can lead to discrimination against women in the workplace and in education.

3.The belief that men should be tough and not show emotions: This stereotype can lead to men feeling unable to express their emotions, which can have negative effects on their mental health.

4.The belief that women should be passive and submissive: This stereotype can lead to women feeling unable to assert themselves, which can limit their opportunities and lead to unequal power dynamics in relationships.

5.The belief that gender is binary and fixed: This stereotype can lead to discrimination against people who do not conform to traditional gender roles or who identify as non-binary.



The belief that women should be passive and submissive: This stereotype can lead to women feeling unable to assert themselves, which can limit their opportunities and lead to unequal power dynamics in relationships.


Many people sabotage their goals and dreams by unconsciously choosing actions, thoughts, and/or emotions that get them off course from their goals and dreams.True or False


True. Many people do sabotage their goals and dreams by unconsciously choosing actions, thoughts, and/or emotions that get them off course. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including fear of failure, lack of self-awareness, and negative self-talk.

Sometimes people may have conflicting beliefs or values that make it difficult for them to pursue their goals and dreams in a consistent manner. For example, a person may have a goal to exercise regularly but also believe that exercise is unpleasant or painful. This conflicting belief can make it difficult for the person to stick to their exercise routine and achieve their goal.

It's important to identify and address these types of self-sabotaging behaviors in order to increase the likelihood of success in achieving goals and realizing dreams. This may involve developing self-awareness, challenging negative beliefs and self-talk, seeking support from others, and developing positive habits and routines.

To know more about fear of failure, visit:


identify a true statement about carol gilligan's criticism of lawrence kohlberg's theory of moral development.


Carol Gilligan criticized Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development for being male-centric and ignoring the distinct moral reasoning styles of women.

Gilligan argued that Kohlberg's theory primarily focused on the development of justice-based reasoning, which tends to be more prevalent in males, while ignoring the importance of care-based reasoning, which tends to be more prevalent in females. She believed that this resulted in a biased and incomplete understanding of moral development.

Gilligan's alternative theory proposed that women tend to prioritize caring relationships and responsibilities in their moral decision-making, which is equally important to justice-based reasoning. Her criticism of Kohlberg's theory opened up new avenues of research on gender and moral development.

Learn more about moral development.


FILL IN THE BLANK. Proponents of the feminist theory focus on how ideas pertaining to gender have been rather than Biologically determined; socially constructed b. Socially constructed; biologically determined c. Adoptively constructed; socially constructed d. Naturally constructed; biologically constructed


Proponents of feminist theory emphasize on how beliefs pertaining to gender have been socially produced rather than biologically established. The correct option is, b. Socially constructed; biologically determined.

This suggests that gender roles, expectations, and identities are not intrinsic to biological sex, but are instead created by social and cultural influences. Feminist theory emphasizes that gender is not a fixed or universal term, but rather a dynamic and historically dependent construct that can alter across time and location.

By highlighting the socially constructed character of gender, feminist theory strives to question old gender norms and hierarchies, and to promote more gender equality and social justice.

Learn more about Socially constructed


according to the text, in order to successfully manage intercultural conflict we should practice which of the following behaviors?


To successfully manage intercultural conflict, we should engage in the following behaviors:

1) Be prepared.

2) Develop sensitivity to the use of time.

3) Listen carefully learn to tolerate ambiguity.

4) Try to locate areas of agreement. Options 1, 3, 5 and 8 are correct

Being prepared involves anticipating potential challenges or obstacles and making plans to address them. This can involve doing research, gathering resources, and developing contingency plans. Being prepared can help us to feel more confident and successful in our endeavors.

Developing sensitivity to the use of time is important in intercultural communication, as different cultures may have different expectations or norms around punctuality and scheduling. For example, in some cultures, it may be considered rude to arrive early to a meeting, while in others, it may be expected. Developing sensitivity to these cultural differences can help us to avoid misunderstandings and build positive relationships.

Listening carefully and learning to tolerate ambiguity is important in intercultural communication, as it can help us to understand different perspectives and avoid misunderstandings. In some cultures, direct communication may be preferred, while in others, indirect communication may be the norm. Learning to listen carefully and be open to different communication styles can help us to navigate these cultural differences.

Trying to locate areas of agreement can be helpful in resolving conflicts and building positive relationships. When we focus on areas of agreement, we can find common ground and work towards mutually beneficial solutions, rather than becoming entrenched in our disagreements. This can be particularly important in intercultural communication, where cultural differences may initially appear to be insurmountable obstacles. Options 1, 3, 5 and 8 are correct

The complete question is

According to the text, in order to successfully manage intercultural conflict we should practice which of the following behaviors?

Develop sensitivity to the use of time.Dismissive when confronted with cultural differencesBe preparedUsing negative languageListen carefully learn to tolerate ambiguity.Refusing to listen Failing to seek common groundTry to locate areas of agreement

To know more about the Intercultural, here


FILL IN THE BLANK to allow caregivers some time off, ____may be provided, which constitutes temporary care of dependent elders.


To allow caregivers some time off, "respite care" may be provided, which constitutes temporary care of dependent elders.

Respite care provides relief to family caregivers who need a break from their caregiving responsibilities. It can be provided in various settings, including the home, adult day care centers, or residential care facilities. Respite care services are essential for family caregivers who provide long-term care to older adults or individuals with disabilities. These services help to reduce caregiver stress, enhance the quality of life for care recipients, and prevent caregiver burnout. Respite care can be funded by various sources, including government programs, private insurance, or out-of-pocket payments.

To know more about caregivers click here:


Hawks in both parties condemned Biden's compromise with Russia. First, they hoped that Washington could intervene with decisive military assistance; Then they were convinced that Putin would yield if the United States threatened to intervene militarily. However, the opposition of the Republicans is not as loud as before, because they still remember the controversial relationship between Trump and Russia.


Answer: A speaker's definition of a family (resource unknown):


Actually, sociologists don't agree very much about how to define family, but probably the vast majority of sociologists don't always bother to ask that question directly – they tend to sidestep it. I think anthropologists are a bit more careful here because anthropologists almost always are focusing on comparing one culture to another, and too often sociologists – not all sociologists but many sociologists – work within their own countries and tend to take for granted the definition of family that they presume is most widespread there. There are sociologists who challenge the definitions, and there certainly are some interesting conversations about what counts as a family. What's really interesting is that the public does tend to agree more on what counts as a family than sociologists probably do or that most politicians do. Most people today when they are polled will tell you that a family are people who love and take care of each other, which is actually a worldly revolutionary definition of family, because historically family has always been defined much more by issues of social obligation and reproduction and economic interdependency and religious constraints and things like that. So, our families have changed dramatically and I'm not sure that sociologists have always been able to keep up as well as maybe even people who are living their lives are able to.

Classroom eText definition of a family (Chapter 4: Socialization and the Life Course (page 85)

For most people, the family is the first source of socialization. Through families, children are introduced to the expectations of society. Children learn to see themselves through their parents’ eyes. How parents define and treat a child is crucial to the development of the child’s sense of self.

What children learn in families is certainly not uniform. Even though families pass on the expectations of a given culture, families within that culture may be highly diverse, as we will see in Chapter 13. Some families may emphasize educational achievement over physical activity; some may be more permissive, whereas others emphasize strict obedience and discipline. Within families, children may experience different expectations based on gender or birth order (being born first, second, or third). Living in a family experiencing the strain of social problems such as alcoholism, unemployment, domestic violence, or teen pregnancy also affects how children are socialized. The specific effects of different family structures and processes are the basis for ongoing and extensive sociological research.

Sociologists have also found that there are significant class differences in how children are socialized in families. By observing families in different social classes over an extended period of time, sociologist Annette Lareau found that children raised in upper- and middle-class families are given highly structured activities, such as music lessons, organized sports and clubs, language instruction, and other activities that both fill the family calendar and give children little free time. Cultivated childhood is the result as children in the upper and middle classes learn to navigate institutions and interact with authority figures in ways that will benefit them later in life. Working-class children, on the other hand, have much more unstructured childhoods, allowing them to create their own activities, but leaving them without the same skills to successfully navigate social institutions, such as school and work, later in life. In this sense, childhood socialization in families reproduces a system of inequality that advantages those who already have resources and disadvantages everyone else (Lareau 2011).

As important as the family is in socializing the young, it is not the only socialization agent. As children grow up, they encounter other socializing influences, sometimes in ways that might contradict family expectations. Even parents who want to socialize their children in less gender-stereotyped ways might be frustrated by the influence of other socializing forces, which promote highly gender-typed toys and activities to boys and girls. These multiple influences on the socialization process create what sociologist Emily Kane has called “the gender trap,” meaning the expectations and structures that reproduce gender norms, even when parents try to resist them (Kane 2012).

in families where coparenting is cooperative, cohesive, and child centered, they are likely to have a high degree of family harmony.


In families where coparenting is cooperative, cohesive, and child-centered, there is a higher likelihood of family harmony.

When parents work together to support each other and prioritize their children's needs, they create a positive family environment where everyone feels valued and supported. This type of coparenting can lead to better communication, fewer conflicts, and a greater sense of unity among family members. Family members are also more likely to feel heard, respected, and valued, which can foster a sense of belonging and connection. In turn, this positive family dynamic can contribute to the emotional well-being and overall happiness of all family members.

To know more about harmony click here:


what action taken by the united nations created conflict in the middle east that continues to the present day?
A. Granted Syria and Iraq full independence
B. Created a Jewish state within the borders of Lebanon
C. Proposed to divide Palestine into Jewish and Arab states
D. Allowed Arab settlers in Palestine


The action taken by the United Nations that created conflict in the Middle East that continues to the present day is C. Proposed to divide Palestine into Jewish and Arab states.

In 1947, the United Nations proposed a plan to partition Palestine into two states, one for Jews and one for Arabs. The plan was accepted by Jewish leaders, but rejected by Arab leaders, who saw it as an infringement on their rights and a violation of the principles of self-determination. The rejection of the plan led to a war between Jews and Arabs in 1948, which resulted in the establishment of the State of Israel and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has continued to this day, with numerous wars, uprisings, and acts of violence taking place over the years.

The action taken by the United Nations created conflict in the middle east that continues to the present day and is proposed to divide Palestine into Jewish and Arab States. The correct option is c.

What is the United Nations?

The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization whose stated purposes are to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. It is the world's largest and most familiar international organization.

The UN is headquartered on international territory in New York City and has other main offices in Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna, and The Hague. The UN was established after World War II to prevent future world wars, succeeding the League of Nations, which was characterized as ineffective.

On April 1945, 50 governments met in San Francisco for a conference and started drafting the UN Charter, which was adopted on 25 June 1945 and took effect on 24 October 1945, when the UN began operations.

Learn more about United Nations, here:


FILL IN THE BLANK. ______ intelligence is a person's ability to reason abstractly, and typically begins to decline in middle adulthood


Fluid intelligence is a person's ability to reason abstractly, and typically begins to decline in middle adulthood.

Fluid intelligence involves the ability to solve novel problems, think logically, and identify patterns, without relying on prior knowledge or experience. In contrast, crystallized intelligence refers to the accumulation of knowledge, skills, and experience over time, and tends to increase throughout adulthood.

Examples of fluid intelligence include: 56. Formulating solutions to problems. analysing statistical data. philosophical justification. figuring out riddles or abstract issues.

Learn more about Fluid intelligence


fill in the blank. studies show that for individuals with bipolar disorder, there are irregularities in the transport of___in neurons. axons ions myelin dendrites


Studies show that for individuals with bipolar disorder, there are irregularities in the transport of ions in neurons. Here option B is the correct answer.

Specifically, the ions of lithium, sodium, and calcium are affected, which are critical for neuronal signaling and communication. These abnormalities can lead to episodes of mania or depression in people with bipolar disorder.

Lithium is a common medication used to treat bipolar disorder as it helps to regulate ion transport and stabilize mood. It works by reducing the influx of calcium ions, which can cause excitability and overstimulation of neurons.

Overall, understanding the role of ion transport in the development and treatment of bipolar disorder can lead to better management and treatment of this complex mental health condition.

To learn more about bipolar disorder


Complete question:

Fill in the blank. Studies show that for individuals with bipolar disorder, there are irregularities in the transport of __________ in neurons.

A - axons

B - ions

C - myelin

D - dendrites -

if you deliver a speech about public education, which of the following audiences would be most likely to care about the speech?



a group of parents of a young child


If you could use magic to do one mundane task for the rest of your life, what would it be? (Bonus question: What would you name the spell?)​



never having to get up and put socks on, just have socks appear by thinking

Choose all of the major reasons for why Congress has become more politically polarized in recent years. gerrymandering population clustering


Option c, d and e: population clustering, gerrymandering and mobilization of conservative interest groups are major reasons for why Congress has become more politically polarized in recent years.

The United States Congress is an authoritative body that wields significant influence over the government's decision-making process. It consists of two chambers, namely, the Senate and the House of Representatives, each with distinct responsibilities.

The act of gerrymandering, wherein a political entity manipulates electoral boundaries to gain an advantage, stands in contrast to an interest group, which is a coalition of individuals with shared interests.

Societal fragmentation is a prevalent issue that is causing civil unrest in both established and emerging democracies. As a result, the role of Congress has become more active in addressing these concerns.

To learn more about Congress, here:


Complete question:

Choose all of the major reasons for why Congress has become more politically polarized in recent years.

-presidential intervention

-mobilization of liberal interest groups

-population clustering


-mobilization of conservative interest groups

-strengthening of party leadership in Congress

all of the following are challenges of deaf-blindness that teachers and families must address except:


The answer to the given question about Deaf blindness is option d) students preference of one sense over another.

Communication difficulties: Deaf-blind individuals face significant challenges in communication as they are unable to rely on typical modes of communication, such as speech and hearing. Teachers and families must work together to identify and implement effective communication strategies, such as tactile sign language or assistive technology. Access to information: Deaf-blind individuals may have limited access to information due to their dual sensory impairment. Teachers and families must ensure that the necessary accommodations are in place to facilitate access to information, such as providing braille or large print materials, or using assistive technology. Social isolation: Deaf-blind individuals may experience social isolation and a lack of opportunities for social interaction due to their sensory impairments. Teachers and families must work to provide opportunities for socialization and inclusion, such as by facilitating participation in group activities or providing access to assistive technology that enables communication with others.

To learn more about braille click here


Complete Question

all of the following are challenges of deaf-blindness that teachers and families must address except:

a) Communication difficulties

b) Access to information

c) Social isolation

d) students preference of one sense over another.

in which of the following cultures do fathers and mothers spend almost equal time interacting with their infants?


Aka pygmy culture is the culture in which fathers and mothers spend almost equal time interacting with their infants. So, option A is correct.

The Aka people are a hunter-gatherer tribe in Central Africa known for their unique parenting practices, which involve a high level of involvement by both parents in caring for infants and young children. Studies have shown that Aka fathers spend as much time holding and interacting with their infants as Aka mothers do, which is in contrast to many other cultures where mothers tend to take on the majority of the caregiving responsibilities for young children.

To know more about hunter-gatherer tribe


The complete question is:

In which of the following cultures do fathers and mothers spend almost equal time interacting with their infants?

A) Aka pygmy culture

B) trust versus mistrust

C) throwing the infant in the air

D) joint attention

Best Practice Guidelinessuggests that a group leader contact a group memberthat drops out with each of the following goals except toO discuss reasons for premature closure with other group membersO say good-bye to the remaining group membersO use pressure to have the member remain in groupO discuss the bene±ts and liabilities of staying in group


Best Practice Guidelines suggest that a group leader contact a group member that drops out with each of the following goals except to use pressure to have the member remain in the group.

The goal of a leader when a member drops out of a group is to maintain a positive relationship with the member and to ensure that their needs and concerns are being addressed. Therefore, it is not appropriate to use pressure to force the member to remain in the group. Instead, the leader should discuss the reasons for dropping out, say good-bye to the remaining group members, and discuss the benefits and liabilities of staying in the group. By discussing the reasons for dropping out, the leader can gain insight into the member's needs and concerns and potentially address them. Saying good-bye to the remaining group members helps to maintain positive relationships within the group. Finally, discussing the benefits and liabilities of staying in the group can help the member make an informed decision about whether to continue participating.

To learn more about group leader visit;


compared to other cultures, the frequency of sexual intercourse in american society is about average.


Compared to other cultures, the frequency of sexual intercourse in the U.S. is is about average. The option C is correct.

The average adult today engages in sex 54 times per year, or approximately once every week, according to a 2017 study that was published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.  Gender refers to the socially created features of women, men, girls, and boys. This encompasses conventions, actions and duties connected with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as connections with each other. Gender is a social construct that differs from society to society and is subject to change throughout time.

To know more about sexual intercourse, click here:



Compared to other cultures, the frequency of sexual intercourse in the U.S.

A. ranks in the lowest third.

B. ranks in the highest third.

C. is about average.

D. is above average.

Jue understands that soft skills and professional polish will ensure her long-term success on the job. Which of the following is not a soft skill?
Proficiency in using a variety of computer software packages


Proficiency in using a variety of computer software packages is not a soft skill. Option A is correct choice.

Soft skills refer to personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. Examples of soft skills include communication skills, teamwork, problem-solving skills, adaptability, leadership skills, time management, and interpersonal skills.

On the other hand, proficiency in using computer software packages falls under technical skills, which are specific abilities that are related to performing a certain task or function. Technical skills are usually acquired through education, training, or experience. Hence, option A is correct choice.

To know more about soft skills, here


--The complete question is, Jue understands that soft skills and professional polish will ensure her long-term success on the job. Which of the following is not a soft skill?

A. Proficiency in using a variety of computer software packages

B. Ability to communicate effectively with colleagues and clients

C. Time management and organizational skills

D. Problem-solving and critical thinking skills--

true/false. intelligence is relatively independent of education and includes reasoning, memory, and speed of processing, which declines slowly as people age.


Option b: Fluid intelligence is relatively independent/self-determining of education and includes/contains reasoning, memory, and speed of processing, which declines slowly as people age.

Fluid intelligence refers to the capacity to reason rapidly, think abstractly, and solve problems without relying on prior knowledge. Despite being distinct from crystallized intelligence, cognitive flexibility and crystallized intelligence are closely related, and we use both in many of the same situations.

As businesses prepare for the challenges of the next decade,Fluid intelligence is a topic of intense discussion, with many experts predicting that it will be crucial in the business world. Therefore, accurately evaluating cognitive flexibility is extremely important.

Thomas offers various tests that evaluate the characteristics associated with cognitive flexibility/Fluid intelligence, which can assist you in recruiting more efficiently for your workplace.

To learn more about 'fluid intelligence', here:


Complete question:

_____ intelligence is relatively independent of education and includes reasoning, memory, and speed of processing, which declines slowly as people age.





TRUE/FALSE.The proper cutoff of inventories is best achieved when receiving reports and purchase invoices surrounding the year-end are examined.


The statement The proper cutoff of inventories is best achieved when receiving reports and purchase invoices surrounding the year-end are examined is true as   The proper cutoff of inventories is best achieved when receiving reports and purchase invoices surrounding the year-end are examined.

This is because the cutoff date for inventory is typically the end of the accounting period, and any inventory received or shipped before or after that date should be accounted for in the appropriate period

. By examining receiving reports and purchase invoices, a company can ensure that inventory is properly accounted for in the correct period and that the inventory balance reported in the financial statements is accurate.

To know more about inventories,   here


Which of the following refers to an individual's beliefs about what is right and wrong and what is good and bad?
a. An ordinance
b. Culture
c. A sacrament
d. Ethics


D ethics

Ethics, also called moral philosophy, is the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad, right and wrong. The term is also applies to any system or theory of moral values or principles.

Researchers randomly assigned adolescents to either a single - grade classroom or a mixed - age classroom. This is an example of a.


Researchers randomly assigned adolescents to either a single - grade classroom or a mixed - age classroom. This is an example of a field experiment.

Cross-sectional research designs are used to analyse behaviour in individuals who are assessed at the same time but are of various ages. Longitudinal research is a prominent technique for performing developmental psychology habituation. Longitudinal research investigates the same person or group of persons over an extended period of time. Longitudinal research involves starting with a group of people who may be the same age and background (cohort) and measuring them repeatedly over a long period of time.

To know more about assimilation, click here:


which of the following processes will be associated with a positive change in entropy for the system?


Entropy is increased by the creation of gaseous products from non-gaseous reactants. All spontaneous change occurs as the entropy of the universe increases.

For a process to be spontaneous, the total entropy change for the system and its surroundings must be positive (+). As ice melts, molecules are given more freedom to move, which leads to disorder. Once the water is subsequently heated to form gas, the molecules are then free to travel independently through space.The change in entropy for an adiabatic process is therefore equal to zero because the entropy (DS) for both of the preceding reactions would be positive.

To know more about Entropy, click here:


Which of the following processes are associated with a positive change in entropy?

1. 2MgS(s) + 3O2(g) → 2MgO(s) + 2SO2(g)

2. 2COCl2(g) → 2CO(g) + 2Cl2(g)

3. condensation of water vapor into a liquid

4. sublimation of a solid into a gas

5. dissolving of a salt into a solution.

the _____ process draws upon logic, imagination, intuition, and systemic reasoning to explore possibilities and created desired outcomes.


The creative process draws upon logic, imagination, intuition, and systemic reasoning to explore possibilities and create desired outcomes.

The creative process involves generating new ideas or solutions through a combination of different cognitive processes and skills.

Logic is important in the creative process because it provides a framework for organizing and evaluating ideas. Imagination and intuition, on the other hand, allow individuals to think outside the box and consider unconventional possibilities. Systemic reasoning helps individuals understand the relationships and connections between different elements in a problem or situation.

Overall, the creative process is a complex and dynamic process that requires a combination of different cognitive skills and approaches. It is an essential aspect of innovation, problem-solving, and personal growth.

To know more about creative process, visit:


40. The President nominates and confirms the federal judges.
b. False



40. The President nominates and confirms the federal judges.



b. False



The President nominates federal judges, but they must be confirmed by the Senate.

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Can someone help me with this math problem pls! #Percents By rounding to 1 significant figure , estimate the answer to the questions216876 What describes the daughter cells produced during meiosis? green buildings are an important part of transforming cities into more sustainable and livable systems because they Under common law, which of the following was true in regard to arson?a. Negligence was sufficient to establish arsonb. Criminal intent was not necessaryc. The requirement of burning did not require that the dwelling be burned completelyd. You could commit arson individuals who exhibit behavior characterized as type b have a significantly higher incidence for disease, especially cardiovascular conditions.true or false Squamous cells are flattened and scalelike when mature.Is the statement true or false? Jason and Scott plan on biking to the center of town to get ice cream at the convenience store. Since Scotthad to put air in his tires, Jason was able to get 1 mile ahead of Scott before Scott left the house. Bothbikers rode at a speed of 15 miles per hour.Write an equation in y = mx + b form that represents Jason's trip. Jason = a.Write an equation in y = mx + b form that represents Scott's trip.Will Jason and Scott meet before they both reach the store? Explain.If you were to graph both lines on the same coordinate plane, predict what your graph would looklike. find the length of the cord pt.3 A bicycle wheel is 63m in diameter. how many metres does the bicycle travel for 100 revolutions of the wheel. (pie=/ Three-year-old Adam happily explores the attractive toys located in the dentist's waiting room while his mother is in the room. However, if she briefly leaves then returns, he will return periodically to her side for brief moments. Adam most clearly displays signs of:a. secure attachment.b. object permanence.c. egocentrism.d. conservation. PseudoephedrineCromolyn sodiumIpratropium bromideMontelukastLoratadineFexofenadine/pseudoephedrineAzelastineFluticasoneChlorpheniramine-First-generation H1-blocker-Second-generation H1-blocker-Mast cell stabilizer-Alpha adrenergic agonist-Anticholinergic-Leukotriene modifier-Inhaled antihistamine-Inhaled corticosteroid-H1-blocker/decongestant Assuming that the equation defines a differential function of x, find Dxy by implicit differentiation. 4)2xy-y2 = 1 5) xy + x + y = x2y2 prepare a speech to be given on the day of the induction of SS1 students on the topic a child of today is the father or mother of tomorrow About 24% of flights departing from New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport were delayed in 2009. Assuming that the chance of a flight being delayed has stayed constant at 24%, we are interested in finding the probability of 10 out of the next 100 departing flights being delayed. Noting that if one flight is delayed, the next flight is more likely to be delayed, which of the following statements is correct? . (A) We can use the geometric distribution with n = 100, k = 10, and p = 0.24 to calculate this probability. (B) We can use the binomial distribution with n = 10, k = 100, and p = 0.24 to calculate this probability. (C) We cannot calculate this probability using the binomial distribution since whether or not one flight is delayed is not independent of another. (D) We can use the binomial distribution with n = 100, k = 10, and p = 0.24 to calculate this probability select all ions that are produced when kcl is dissolved in water group of answer choices cl- k- k cl Please indicate which is the best answer to complete the figure below. a water park sold 1679 tickets for total of 44,620 on a wa summer day..each adult tocket is $35 and each child ticket is $20. how many of each type of tixkwt were sold? when exploring the k-means clustering of a data set you examine the projections of the first two principle component of the cluster ellipses, for a certain number of clusters, and you observe: * the major and minor axes of each of the ellipses are of distinctly different length. * the directions of major axes of the ellipses are distinctly different. which of the following statements is true? a. the number of clusters chosen is too many for this dataset and should be reduced. b. the number of clusters chosen fits this dataset well. c. clustering is not a useful method for this dataset. d. the clusters will exhibit a poor separation Sasha loves designing her own clothes and wants to be a fashion designer when she becomes an adult. What personality trait describes Sasha?investigativeA. investigativeB. enterprisingC. artisticD. realistic(THIS IS CAREER EXPLORATION!!)