The March on Washington had a tremendous impact on the Civil RightsMovement because??


Answer 1


Because the pressuring the administration of John F. Kennedy to initiate a strong federal civil rights bill in Congress.


In the summer of 1941 A. Philip Randolph, founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, called for a march on Washington, D.C.,

to draw attention to the exclusion of African Americans from positions in

Civil right.

Related Questions

Help, please?

1. How did the Punic wars impact the history and development of the Roman world? What were the long-term economic and social impacts of Hannibal's march through Italy? How did the defeat of Carthage impact the later development of the Roman world?

2. What issues in the Roman Republic did Gracchi, Marius, Sulla, and Caesar attempt to address? To what extent did they succeed or fail?

3. Compare and contrast the first emperors of China and Rome. What were the policies of each emperor and how did each achieve his goals? Which was the most successful?

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The Roman victory over Carthage in the Punic Wars gave way to the establishment of the Roman Empire. Despite the great victories of Carthage during the wars, the Romans were able to outmaneuver and eventually conquer the remains of the African empire


The Gracchi brothers attempted to address growing inequalities through land reforms and price controls.


The Roman and Chinese had much similarities but also many differences. Their economies were both agrarian and monetized, but adopted different models of production organization. Their societies were both patriarchic, conservative and stratified.


The Polos were likely shrewd, alert, and courageous; they traded with th

God The midwives refused to kill Hebrew babies. One
midwife was named



The reference here is to the story in the Book of Exodus in the Bible. The midwives who refused to kill Hebrew babies were named Shiphrah and Puah. In the story, the Pharaoh of Egypt orders the Hebrew midwives to kill all male babies born to the Hebrews, but Shiphrah and Puah refuse to carry out the order, citing the fact that the Hebrew women give birth before they arrive to help. As a result, the Hebrew babies are saved and the midwives are rewarded by God for their courage and compassion.

After the Punic Wars, the Roman Republic is on the verge of constantly being taken over by dictators. Why? What social, economic, and/or political changes led to this instability?



After the Punic Wars, the Roman Republic is on the verge of constantly being taken over by dictators. Why? What social, economic, and/or political changes led to this instability?


The Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 BCE to 146 BCE. After the final Punic War, which ended in 146 BCE, Rome emerged as the dominant power in the Mediterranean. However, the victory in the Punic Wars did not bring stability to the Roman Republic. The social, economic, and political changes that occurred during this time period contributed to the instability of the Republic and the rise of dictators.

One of the main social changes was the increase in slavery. Slavery was an integral part of the Roman economy, and the conquests during the Punic Wars led to an influx of enslaved people. The wealthy elite used this cheap labor to increase their profits, while the poor and middle-class citizens suffered from unemployment and a lack of opportunities.

The economic changes during this time period also contributed to the instability of the Republic. The rise of latifundia, large estates owned by the wealthy elite, led to the displacement of small farmers. This led to a decline in the number of citizens who could serve in the military, which was a requirement for holding political office.

Politically, the Republic became increasingly corrupt and ineffective. The Senate, which was supposed to be the governing body of the Republic, became dominated by wealthy landowners who used their power to further their own interests. This led to a decline in the power of the plebeians, or common people, who had once been able to influence the political process.

All of these changes contributed to the instability of the Republic and the rise of dictators. The people of Rome were looking for strong leaders who could restore order and stability to the Republic. This led to the rise of powerful generals such as Julius Caesar and Pompey, who used their military power to gain political control. Eventually, this led to the downfall of the Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.

Match each term with the phrase that best defines it.


The unfair or unfavorable treatment of individuals or groups on the basis of traits like race, gender, age, or sexual orientation is known as discrimination.

What is discrimination, accommodation, boycott, disability, activist?

Something that is provided for comfort or to meet a need, such housing, food, and services, or travel accommodations and related services. commonly used in the plural. Overnight tourist lodgings are provided aboard boats.

to decline to purchase something or participate in something in order to show severe disapproval: The union issued a demand for a boycott of the gathering.

Any physical or mental impairment that makes it harder for the person with the disease to engage in particular activities and interact with others is referred to as a handicap.

one who promotes or engages in activism is someone who employs or supports forceful activities (such as open demonstrations) in favor of or against one side of a contentious subject.

Learn more about boycott:


HELP ME PLEASEEEEEE come up with 5 questions you have about interracial relationships from the Jim
Crow laws and answer those questions with at least 3 sentences each.
Please help, thank you



1. What were the Jim Crow laws and how did they affect interracial relationships?

The Jim Crow laws were a set of state and local laws in the United States that enforced racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans from the late 1800s to the mid-1960s. These laws also prohibited interracial marriage and relationships, making it illegal for people of different races to marry or engage in sexual relationships. Violators of these laws faced severe punishment, including imprisonment and fines.

2. How did interracial couples navigate the legal and social barriers of the Jim Crow era?

Interracial couples during the Jim Crow era faced significant legal and social barriers. They often had to keep their relationships secret to avoid persecution and violence from the authorities and the public. Some couples chose to move to states where interracial marriage was legal, while others chose to live together without getting married. Despite the challenges, many interracial couples persevered and built strong relationships that lasted a lifetime.

3. What were the attitudes of different racial groups towards interracial relationships during the Jim Crow era?

During the Jim Crow era, attitudes towards interracial relationships varied among different racial groups. White people generally opposed interracial relationships, viewing them as a threat to the racial purity of the white race. African Americans, on the other hand, were more accepting of interracial relationships, seeing them as a way to challenge the racial hierarchy and promote equality. Some African American women even saw interracial relationships as a way to escape the limited dating pool of African American men.

4. How did the Civil Rights Movement impact interracial relationships during the Jim Crow era?

The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s had a significant impact on interracial relationships during the Jim Crow era. The movement challenged the legal and social barriers that prevented interracial couples from marrying and living together openly. The landmark Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia in 1967 struck down state laws that prohibited interracial marriage, paving the way for interracial couples to marry and live together without fear of persecution.

5. What lessons can we learn from the experiences of interracial couples during the Jim Crow era?

The experiences of interracial couples during the Jim Crow era teach us about the resilience and strength of human relationships in the face of adversity. Despite the legal and social barriers they faced, many interracial couples were able to build strong and lasting relationships that challenged the racial hierarchy and promoted equality. Their stories remind us of the importance of love, respect, and understanding in overcoming prejudice and discrimination.

Complete the following sentence.
The Southern coastline caused it to be ____.

Question 2 options:

easy for the Confederacy to trade slaves
easy for the Confederacy to build large ships for battle
hard for the Union army to form a blockade
hard for the Union army to access the South



hard for the Union army to form a blockade

Democratic-Republicans viewed the Alien and Sedition Acts as...



The Democratic-Republican minority in Congress complained that the Sedition Act violated the First Amendment to the Constitution, which protected freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

Are States or Federal Governments responsible for helping the victims of a California earthquake?


The federal government provides short-term and long-term help for victims of natural disasters like wildfires, earthquakes, and severe storms.

1. what were the reasons for the emergence of a new form, modern dance, very early in the 20th century.


The emergence of modern dance can be attributed to a combination of various cultural and societal changes, including the search for new forms of artistic expression in response to industrialization and the growing influence of Eastern spirituality.

Other reasons -

Additionally, the ideas of some key modern dance pioneers, such as Isadora Duncan, Ruth St. Denis, and Martha Graham, paved the way for a new form of art that embraced movements of the body rather than relying on classical music and ballet-based steps.

Modern dance is often seen as a rejection or defiance of classical ballet, but historians suggest that socioeconomic changes in both America and Europe ushered in changes in the dance world. 

To know more about modern dances -


Some historians argue that alliances caused World War I. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary caused alliances to declare war on each other. The assassination was done to free land from Austria-Hungary. Serbs living in Bosnia and Herzegovina wanted to rule themselves. Because of this assassination, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia was an ally of Serbia. Germany was an ally of Austria-Hungary. The two mutual-defense alliances were now at war.

Which statement best identifies the reason Franz Ferdinand was assassinated?

Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina wanted self-rule.
Austria-Hungary decided to declare war on Serbia.
Russia was an ally of Serbia and wanted to stop Austria-Hungary.
Mutual-defense alliances wanted to start a war in Austria-Hungary.



Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina wanted self-rule.


The others are a result of the assassination, not a cause.

In a paragraph, identify and analyze the causes and effects of the space and
arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union. In your response,
provide at least ONE cause and effect on the space and arms race between the
two countries.


Fears that U.S. military had typically lagged behind in the development of new technology were stoked by the Soviet Union's victory.

What impact did it Space Race that took place between the US and the USSR have on US culture?

It was believed that having the technological superiority needed for such power was essential for maintaining political and national security. The Space Race resulted in ground-breaking attempts to launch artificial satellites, as well as lunar and Mars expeditions and missions to the Moon, Venus, and Mars. At first, just the United States had nuclear weapons, but once the Soviet Union detonated one in 1949, an arms race was sparked. As a result, the Sputnik launch served to escalate Cold War tensions by escalating the armaments race.

To know more about Space Race visit:


¿A price celling can result in ?
A shorts ge
B balance
C surplus
D has no effects


A price increase may cause a shortage.

Does a price cap result in a surplus or a shortage?

A surplus will occur from a price cap above the level of the competitive equilibrium price. A shortage will occur if the price cap is lower than the price of competitive equilibrium.

What transpires to surplus when there is a price cap?

Producer surplus declines in the event of a price ceiling below the market equilibrium price (shown in the illustration by the triangle formed by the region below p and above the supply curve). Depending on the demand function and the height of the price ceiling, consumer surplus may rise or fall.

To know more about shortage visit:-



A price ceiling can result in which of the following?

A) a shortage

B) balance

C) surplus

D) has no effects

Do the 14 points help ensure this will be the war to end all wars?



Do the 14 points help ensure this will be the war to end all wars?


The 14 points, a set of principles outlined by US President Woodrow Wilson for peace negotiations at the end of World War I, aimed to prevent future wars by promoting diplomacy, disarmament, and international cooperation. While the 14 points were intended to create a lasting peace, they ultimately failed to prevent the outbreak of World War II and subsequent conflicts.

One reason for this failure was the reluctance of some European powers to embrace Wilson's vision of a new world order based on cooperation and collective security. Additionally, the harsh terms imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles, which followed the 14 points, contributed to the rise of Hitler and the outbreak of World War II.

Therefore, while the 14 points represented a significant step towards preventing future wars, they ultimately fell short of achieving this goal.

How was the Montgomery Bus Boycott an influential part of the Civil Rights Movement?

It brought the leadership of Thurgood Marshall to national attention.

It led to the desegregation of interstate transportation.

It demonstrated the effectiveness of nonviolent protest.

It resulted in the integration of the city’s schools.



C) It demonstrated the effectiveness of nonviolent protest.


The Montgomery Bus Boycott was an influential part of the Civil Rights Movement because it was a successful example of nonviolent resistance. African Americans in Montgomery, Alabama, boycotted the city's buses for over a year to protest the segregated seating policy. The boycott was led by Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights activists, and it showed that peaceful, nonviolent protests could be effective in bringing about change. The boycott also gained national attention and inspired other similar protests across the country. Eventually, the Supreme Court ruled that segregated seating on buses was unconstitutional, and the boycott marked a significant victory for the Civil Rights Movement.

1. Answer the question below. Use the rubric in the materials for help if needed.
Taxes played a major role in the American Revolution and the shaping of the young United States. Describe the role that taxes played in the founding of the United States.


The role of taxes in the founding of the United States involved the colonists' resentment towards British taxes which contributed to the American Revolution, and debates over taxation powers and responsibilities during the establishment of a new federal government

What is the role of taxes in the founding of United States?

Taxes played a significant role in the founding of the United States, as the colonists' resentment towards British taxes without their representation in the British Parliament contributed to the American Revolution, and the establishment of a new federal government under the U.S. Constitution involved debates over taxation powers and responsibilities between the federal and state governments.

Learn more on taxes here;


Why did the Scientific Revolution happen in the West and not another world civilization?



The Scientific Revolution happened in the West due to a combination of factors, including the development of new technologies, the encouragement of a questioning attitude towards established knowledge and beliefs, and increased access to higher education. In particular, the printing press allowed for the rapid dissemination of new ideas and accessible texts, while the rise of universities and academies allowed for the sharing of new knowledge and theories. The West also benefited from the influx of classical texts from the Islamic world and the Renaissance period, which provided the foundation for the development of new theories and scientific assumptions. Additionally, the West benefited from the emergence of nation-states, which provided the economic and political stability necessary for the growth of science and technology.

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