The Invasion of the Lionfish
What was once just an attractive aquarium fish has recently become one of the biggest menaces in the Atlantic. The lionfish was accidentally introduced into the Atlantic Ocean in the 1990s. Because it has no natural predators, it has adapted quickly to its new home. The lionfish now threatens to destroy native fish populations in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico.

The lionfish spreads quite rapidly. Lionfish spread faster than any other invading species. Experts have called the invasion in the Atlantic the worst marine invasion of all time. The lionfish's success comes from an ability to reproduce all year round. In addition, they are greedy eaters with a fondness for small fish and crustaceans. They will eat anything smaller than they are. Lionfish love the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Since their first sighting, they have rapidly multiplied. In some locations, scientists estimate that lionfish populations exploded by 700 percent between 2004 and 2008 alone.

To combat the invasion, wildlife agencies have sponsored lionfish derbies. In these derbies, local scuba divers are invited to harvest lionfish. In addition, many states offer recipes for preparing and eating lionfish to encourage harvesting. Lionfish have to be handled carefully because of their venomous spines, but they are apparently delicious. Increasing the harvest of lionfish will help. However, scientists estimate that more than a quarter of the population would have to be taken every month to stop the growing population.

The lionfish has targeted our most fragile and important ecosystems. Scientists are working tirelessly to learn as much as they can about this predator. We may never be able to completely remove the threat, but many fishermen and seafood fans are hoping we can figure out how to control it.

Work Cited
Wilcox, Christie. "The Worst Marine Invasion Ever." Slate. July 1, 2013.

Read this line from the text:

What was once just an attractive aquarium fish has recently become one of the biggest menaces in the Atlantic.

What does menaces mean in this sentence? (5 points)

A deadly threat

An exaggerated issue

A slight problem

A mild concern


Answer 1


a. A deadly threat.


The word "menaces" in this sentence means "a deadly threat". This is because the sentence is describing how the lionfish has become a menace or danger to the native fish populations in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico, indicating that it poses a serious threat to the ecosystem.

Related Questions

Which quotes characterize the climate,
or long-term pattern of weather, near
Dorothy's home?



Are you sure this is your question?


Copy and complete the table, noting how the content is divided up.

✓ PARAGRAPHS CONTENT 1-3 - Her childhood reading and writing

COMMENT ON RELEVANCE TO ARGUMENT - This introduces the key theme and shows its impact on herself when very young.

Analyse the structure of the paragraphs as well and you will see that they are not all identical. Short paragraphs have an effect on the way we read them.​


1 Introduction of key theme: childhood reading and writing - Long paragraph

2 Details on childhood reading - Short paragraph

3 Details on childhood writing - Short paragraph

What is the structure?

The structure of the paragraphs contributes to the effectiveness of the argument by providing a clear and concise overview of the key theme in the first paragraph, followed by specific details about the impact of childhood reading and writing in subsequent short paragraphs.

The use of short paragraphs creates emphasis and draws attention to the specific details being discussed. The overall structure allows the reader to easily follow the author's argument and understand the relevance of the childhood experiences to the main theme.

Learn more about Paragraph on;


The worms of the earth Cite 1 instance where Tuchman gives evidence from another source in one instance where she interprets or explains the events 




"The Worms of the Earth" is a fictional story written by Robert E. Howard, so there is no analysis or interpretation of historical events by Barbara Tuchman or any other historian in this context. However, if you are referring to Barbara Tuchman's work as a historian, I can provide an example of her use of evidence from another source and interpretation of events from her book "The Guns of August."

In "The Guns of August," Tuchman describes the events leading up to World War I and the initial military campaigns of the war. In Chapter 10, she discusses the Battle of the Marne in September 1914, where the French and British armies successfully halted the German advance towards Paris. Tuchman quotes extensively from the memoirs of German General Helmuth von Moltke, who was in charge of the German army at the time, to illustrate his indecisiveness and lack of leadership during the battle.

For example, Tuchman quotes von Moltke as saying, "The uncertainty of the situation caused me great anxiety... My mental and physical powers were completely exhausted." Tuchman uses this quote to show how von Moltke's leadership was weakened by his own anxieties and exhaustion, which contributed to the German defeat at the Marne.

In this example, Tuchman uses evidence from von Moltke's own memoirs to support her interpretation of his leadership during the Battle of the Marne. She quotes his words to illustrate his state of mind and how it affected his decision-making, which helps to explain why the Germans were unable to achieve their objectives in that battle.

Read the following letter to the editor of a country newspaper and critically analyse it in 200 words. Make some dot point notes below then type your analysis at the bottom of this page.

Barking dogs cause many people, including me, to lose sleep almost every night. Not only do dogs bark at night, they bark at all times of the day and the night.
People should be tested to determine their suitability for dog ownership and barking dogs should be operated on to prevent them from barking.
Too many people do not exercise their dogs anywhere near enough and the animals are locked up on their own all day. It is little wonder they bark, but it is the owner’s responsibility and not the dog’s fault, although some breeds bark non-stop despite being trained not to.
Dogs should be removed from many homes as the owners are simply not looking after their pets as well as they should.

What are the author’s beliefs, values, knowledge and experience?
When was the text written? Is the information relevant in today’s world?
Consider whether the supporting points, information and examples help to solidify or give weight to the main idea
Compare with other texts that are the same or similar
Discuss cause and effects of situations within the text
Identify a context to work from e.g. cultural, historical, from the author’s experience, or all of these



The author is frustrated by barking dogs that disturb their sleep.

They believe that people should be tested before owning dogs and barking dogs should be operated on.

The author believes that some breeds are prone to excessive barking, but it is the owner's responsibility to ensure the dog's behavior is under control.

They suggest that some owners do not provide enough exercise or attention to their dogs, leading to barking and other behavioral problems.

The author believes that dogs should be removed from homes where they are not properly cared for.

The letter does not provide information about the author's background or experience with dogs, but it suggests that they may have personal experience with barking dogs that disrupt their sleep.

The letter's information is relevant in today's world, as barking dogs remain a common source of frustration for many people.

The author's supporting points emphasize the importance of responsible dog ownership, including proper training, exercise, and attention. However, their suggestion that barking dogs should be operated on is not a widely accepted solution and may be considered extreme.

The letter shares similarities with other texts discussing responsible dog ownership and the importance of training and attention for dogs. However, its suggestion that dogs should be operated on to prevent barking is a unique perspective.

The letter identifies a cause of barking dogs - lack of exercise and attention - and suggests that responsible ownership can help prevent excessive barking. However, its suggestion that dogs should be removed from homes where they are not properly cared for is a controversial solution that may not be feasible in all cases.

Overall, the letter highlights the importance of responsible dog ownership and the impact of barking dogs on the community. However, its suggestion that barking dogs should be operated on and removed from homes may not be practical or widely accepted solutions.

I hope that helps, please don't forget to give a Brainliest :) any feedback is appreciated. Hope you have a great day!

Which sentences contain noun clauses? Hannah, who was a straight-A Student, was disappointed when she got a B


The sentences that contain noun clauses are :

1. Hannah, who was a straight-A Student, was disappointed when she got a B.

3. Jett had trouble understanding what the teacher was saying.

How do you identify a noun clause?

A noun clause can be identified as a clause that plays the role of a noun in a sentence. It can be the subject, object, predicate nominative, or object of a preposition. A noun clause is usually introduced by the subordinating conjunctions that, if, whether, what, who, whom, whose, why, or how.

Let's examine the given sentences:

1. Hannah, who was a straight-A Student, was disappointed when she got a B. (noun clause: who was a straight-A Student)

2. Debbie was willing to play whatever card game they wanted. (no noun clause present)

3. Jett had trouble understanding what the teacher was saying. (noun clause: what the teacher was saying)

4. Kurt took the dog out when is stopped raining. (no noun clause present)

Therefore, the sentences that contain noun clauses are 1. Hannah, who was a straight-A Student, was disappointed when she got a B. and 3. Jett had trouble understanding what the teacher was saying.

Noun clauses function in the sentence as a subject, object, or complement to the sentence. A noun clause is generally introduced by a conjunction such as that, if, whether, how, or a question word (what, who, why).

More about Noun Clause:


How did World War I ultimately help the women's suffrage movement? O With the onset of World War I, people forgot about the crimes of the suffragettes. O Women were able to cite World War I as a reason why they should have voting rights. O Women took on traditionally male roles during the war, breaking female stereotypes.​


Women took on traditionally male roles during the war, breaking female stereotypes.

You feel normal?
CLOV (irritably)
I tell you I don't complain.
I feel a little strange.
Have you not had enough?
Of what?
Of this... this... thing..
I always had.
Not you?
HAMM (gloomily);
Then there's no reason for it to change.
It may end.
All life long the same questions, the same answers.
Describe how the elements of dramatic writing (dialogue, stage directions, conflict, etc.) work together
to develop a theme in the passage. Be sure to use specific details to support your answer.




The passage is an excerpt from Samuel Beckett's play "Endgame." The elements of dramatic writing such as dialogue, stage directions, conflict, and characterization work together to develop the theme of the human condition of existential despair and the cyclical nature of life.

The dialogue between Hamm and Clov reveals their sense of hopelessness and lack of purpose in life. Hamm feels a little strange, and Clov is irritated by his question, which indicates their monotony and mundanity of their lives. Hamm's question to Clov about whether he has had enough of "this... this... thing" implies their dissatisfaction with their existence.

The stage directions of the play are minimal, but they reveal the confined and claustrophobic environment in which the characters are trapped. The setting of the play is limited to a single room, and the characters' actions are restricted, which adds to the sense of existential despair and helplessness.

The conflict between Hamm and Clov is not explicit, but it is evident that they have a strained relationship. They are unable to communicate effectively, and their conversations are often marked by pauses and silences.

The characterization of the two main characters, Hamm and Clov, is crucial in developing the theme of the play. They are both trapped in their roles, and their inability to break free from their circumstances highlights the cyclical nature of life. The dialogue and stage directions highlight their sense of ennui and despair, which are central themes in the play.

Overall, the elements of dramatic writing in this passage work together to create a sense of existential despair and the cyclical nature of life. The minimal dialogue, stage directions, conflict, and characterization all contribute to the theme of the human condition and the futility of existence.

Angie agreed to help Matt repair his car engine, so he promised to tutor her in calculus, history, and physics they are going to
work together all weekend.
What change should be made to this sentence to correct the error in punctuation?
A. add a comma before they
B. remove the comma after history
O C.
remove the comma after engine
D. add a semicolon after physics





remove comma after history because and is already used here

What do you think is the function of the fiction of the family laundromat in Rekdal’s essay? The myth of my family’s laundromat




In Paisley Rekdal's essay "The Myth of My Family's Laundromat," the fiction of the family laundromat serves several functions.

First, the fictionalized story of the family laundromat allows Rekdal to explore and grapple with complex family dynamics and relationships. Through the narrative of the laundromat and its characters, Rekdal delves into her family's history, including her parents' relationship and the complicated role of race and ethnicity in their lives. The laundromat serves as a metaphor for the struggles and conflicts within her family and allows Rekdal to explore these issues in a more abstract and allegorical way.

Second, the laundromat serves as a means of exploring broader themes related to identity and belonging. Rekdal uses the setting of the laundromat to examine her own identity as a mixed-race individual and the complex relationship between race, ethnicity, and cultural identity. By situating these themes within the context of a fictionalized laundromat, Rekdal is able to explore them in a way that is both personal and universal.

Finally, the fiction of the laundromat also serves to blur the lines between truth and fiction, memory and imagination. By creating a fictionalized account of her family's history, Rekdal is able to question the reliability of memory and explore the ways in which personal narratives are constructed and reshaped over time. The laundromat thus becomes a way of exploring not just Rekdal's own family history, but also the larger cultural and historical narratives that shape our understanding of the world.

Question 7 of 10 Which sentence best supports the idea that HA Schult sees value in trash? O A. Schult wants to clean up the environment. OB. Schult makes art out of trash. O C. Schult thinks there is too much trash. O D. Schult is an artist


Schult makes art out of trash

What is waste management  and ways to Reduce Waste

The processes and actions required to manage waste from its inception to its final disposal are referred to as waste management or waste disposal.This includes waste collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal, as well as waste management process monitoring and regulation, as well as waste-related laws, technologies, and economic mechanisms.Waste can be solid, liquid, or gaseous, and each type has different disposal and management methods. Waste management is concerned with all types of waste, such as industrial, biological, household, municipal, organic, biomedical, and radioactive waste. In some cases, waste can endanger human health.  Health concerns are present throughout the waste management process. Indirectly or directly, health issues can arise from the handling of solid waste, and indirectly from the consumption of water, soil, and food. Human activity, such as the extraction and processing of raw materials, generates waste.  Waste management aims to reduce the negative effects of waste on human health, the environment, global resources, and aesthetics.ways to reduce waste:

• Use a reusable bottle/cup for beverages on-the-go. ...

• Use reusable grocery bags

• Purchase wisely and recycle

• Compost it!

• Avoid single-use food and drink containers and utensils. ...

• Buy secondhand items and donate used goods.

To know more about Waste management, click on the link :


Assessing the entrepreneurial competencies of ABM students and their potential for starting a successful small business in Philippines.

Send help badly need for RRLs
(Review Related of Literature)




Here are some potential sources for your literature review on assessing entrepreneurial competencies and potential for small business success among ABM students in the Philippines:

"Entrepreneurial Competencies and Small Business Performance: The Moderating Role of Environment and Industry Life Cycle" by E.O. Oyedijo and E.I. Adeyemo (2019) - This study examines the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and small business performance, and how it is influenced by environmental factors such as industry life cycle stage.

"Entrepreneurial Intention and Competence Among Filipino Students: The Role of University Support and Personal Characteristics" by F. Parulan (2017) - This study explores the entrepreneurial intentions and competencies of Filipino students, including those in the ABM strand, and how it is influenced by university support and personal characteristics.

"Entrepreneurial Competencies and Small Business Success in Developing Countries: An Exploratory Study" by N. Nwankwo, R. Madichie, and E. Nwankwo (2018) - This study investigates the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and small business success in developing countries, and provides insights into the unique challenges faced by entrepreneurs in these contexts.

"Exploring Entrepreneurial Competencies of Accounting and Business Management Graduates: A Comparative Study" by S. Farooq and S. Khan (2018) - This study compares the entrepreneurial competencies of accounting and business management graduates, including those in the ABM strand, and identifies the key competencies needed for small business success.

"Entrepreneurial Competencies and Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from Small and Medium Enterprises in the Philippines" by M.A. Villanueva (2017) - This study examines the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and firm performance among small and medium enterprises in the Philippines, and provides insights into the unique challenges faced by Filipino entrepreneurs.

These sources can provide a starting point for your literature review, and may help you identify key themes and research gaps in the literature on assessing entrepreneurial competencies and potential for small business success among ABM students in the Philippines.

“The university ought to raise the retrement age from 65 to 75. People are living longer than they used to, and many academics are stll productve even afer 70. Why, Dr Morgan discovered the cure for the common cold when she was 72! Older academics have a great deal of expertse that can beneft younger members of staf. If academics know they are going to be forced out at 65, they may feel unhappy about their jobs. So academics are likely to be less productve if the retrement age stays as it is.”
1. 2. 3.
What is the main conclusion of the argument? What are the main premises of the argument?
Write out any sub-conclusions of the argument.



Main conclusion: The retirement age for academics should be raised to 75.

Premise: People are living longer and are productive longer


Older academics have a lot of experience

Academics are less likely to be productive if they know they will be forced out at 65.


Odysseus is finally asked about his story. Before he even gets into the story, what does he tell his audience about himself? Who does he blame for his misfortune? What does this suggest about his character?




18 minutes ago



Odysseus is finally asked about his story. Before he even gets into the story, what does he tell his audience about himself? Who does he blame for his misfortune? What does this suggest about his character?


In the Odyssey, when Odysseus is finally asked about his story, he introduces himself as "Nobody" and tells his audience that he is a man who has suffered greatly and traveled far. He explains that he has been through many trials and tribulations, but he has always had the strength to persevere.

Odysseus blames the gods, particularly Poseidon, for his misfortune. He suggests that his suffering has been caused by their wrath and their desire to punish him for his actions.

This blaming of the gods suggests that Odysseus has a fatalistic view of the world, and that he sees himself as a victim of fate. At the same time, his willingness to endure such hardships and his determination to continue despite his misfortunes suggest that he is a strong and resilient character who is not easily defeated.

Indrite on article for publication.
ciscussa my
10th March, 2023
the reasons why
in your School
why children in
suggesting ways of minimizing 16.




As the end of the academic year approaches, it's a common sight to see children dropping out of school. This can be a major concern for parents, teachers, and the community at large. In this article, we will be discussing some of the reasons why children drop out of school and suggesting ways to minimize this issue.

One of the primary reasons why children drop out of school is due to academic challenges. Students who struggle with their studies often feel demotivated and may lack the confidence to continue. As a result, they may decide to quit school altogether. Teachers can help by providing extra support to such students and engaging them in different activities that cater to their learning style.

Another reason why children may drop out of school is due to financial constraints. In some cases, families may not be able to afford the cost of education. In such situations, schools can provide scholarships or other forms of financial aid to help students in need.

Peer pressure is also a major factor that can lead to dropouts. Negative influence from peers can lead students down the wrong path and cause them to lose interest in academics. Educators can encourage positive relationships among students and provide support to help them resist negative peer pressure.

Mental health issues can also contribute to students dropping out of school. Depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions can make it difficult for students to cope with academic and social pressures. Schools can provide mental health services and support to help students manage their mental health and stay engaged in their studies.

In conclusion, dropping out of school is a significant issue that can have long-term consequences for students. By identifying the reasons why students may drop out and taking proactive steps to minimize these issues, schools can ensure that all students have access to quality education and a bright future.

What is Graff's thesis "What's Gender Got To Do With It?"




Graff's thesis in "What's Gender Got To Do With It?" is that gender plays a significant role in shaping the way individuals are educated and how they are perceived by society. Graff argues that traditional education systems, which are primarily designed by and for men, have historically neglected the experiences and perspectives of women, resulting in a gender gap in education and a perpetuation of gender stereotypes.

According to Graff, traditional education systems emphasize competition, individualism, and rationality, which are often associated with masculine traits, while downplaying collaborative and emotional learning, which are often associated with feminine traits. This creates a system that privileges boys and men and marginalizes girls and women, perpetuating gender inequality.

Graff argues that a more inclusive and equitable education system requires a shift in how we think about gender and education. She advocates for the incorporation of feminist perspectives and a greater emphasis on collaborative and emotional learning to create a more inclusive and equitable education system that benefits everyone, regardless of gender.

Chatbots represent a troubling and potentially dangerous trend. Will replace trained health care professionals with unqualified and profit-seeking tech companies.


No, chatbots do not represent a troubling and potentially dangerous trend that will replace trained health care professionals with unqualified and profit-seeking tech companies

What is Chatbots?

A chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the internet or messaging apps. Chatbots use artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies to understand and respond to user queries or commands.

There are two types of chatbots: rule-based and AI-powered. Rule-based chatbots use pre-set rules and decision trees to respond to user inputs, while AI-powered chatbots use machine learning algorithms to learn from past interactions and improve their responses over time.

Chatbots are computer programs that are designed to simulate conversations with humans, and can be used to provide helpful information to people who are looking for quick answers to their questions. They are not intended to replace health care professionals, but rather to provide an additional resource for people in need of quick information.

Learn more about Chatbots from given link


this is not who we are naomi shinjam nh naomi answers


"This Is Not Who We Are" is a poem by Naomi Shihab Nye. The poem reflects on the disconnection between the ideals of a nation and the reality of its actions.

What is "This Is Not Who We Are?
"This Is Not Who We Are" is a poem by Naomi Shihab Nye that reflects on the disconnection between the ideals of a nation and the reality of its actions. The title of the poem suggests that the speaker believes that the nation or society in question has lost its way and is not living up to its best self. Through the poem, the speaker urges readers to reconsider their assumptions and try to connect with others on a deeper level. The poem invites readers to reflect on the gap between our ideals and our actions and to consider how we might close that gap and live up to our best selves.

The speaker questions why people seem to be able to justify terrible acts, and wonders what would happen if we could see each other as fellow human beings rather than as "other." The title of the poem, "This Is Not Who We Are," suggests that the speaker believes that the nation or society in question has lost its way and is not living up to its best self. Through the poem, the speaker urges readers to reconsider their assumptions and try to connect with others on a deeper level.

To know more about poems visit:

In the declaration of independence, what was Thomas major claim and the support given in the Declaration. In your opinion, is the support sufficient for the claim? Does it have to be?




The major claim made by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence is that the American colonies have the right to separate from Great Britain and become independent states. The support given for this claim is the assertion that all people have certain natural rights, including the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Jefferson argued that the British government had violated these rights through its policies and actions, and that the colonies had the right to establish a new government that would better protect these rights.

In my opinion, the support given in the Declaration of Independence is sufficient for the claim. Jefferson provides a clear and logical argument for why the American colonies should be allowed to declare independence from Great Britain. He establishes the principles of natural rights and government by consent, and shows how the British government has violated these principles. He also presents a detailed list of specific grievances against the British government to support his case.

However, it is important to note that the Declaration of Independence is not a legal document, but rather a statement of principles and grievances. The support given for the claim is therefore not meant to be a legal argument, but rather a moral and philosophical one. The Declaration was intended to inspire and rally support for the cause of independence, rather than to provide a legal justification for it.

In summary, while the support given in the Declaration of Independence may not be a legal argument, I believe it is sufficient for the claim made by Jefferson. The document presents a strong moral and philosophical case for independence, and its principles have been influential not only in American history, but in the development of democratic ideals around the world.

approach in language teaching? Explain the advantages of
communicative approach in the field of ELT.​




The communicative approach is a teaching method that emphasizes the importance of communication in language learning. This approach places a strong emphasis on the functional use of language in real-life situations, focusing on the ability of learners to communicate effectively in the target language. The communicative approach is widely used in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT), and it has many advantages.

Advantages of the Communicative Approach in ELT:

Emphasizes Real-Life Communication: The communicative approach focuses on real-life communication and provides learners with opportunities to use language in meaningful contexts. This approach allows learners to develop their language skills in a way that is relevant to their needs.

Encourages Active Participation: The communicative approach encourages active participation from learners. Learners are encouraged to participate in communicative activities that require them to use the language in a meaningful way. This approach helps learners to develop their confidence in using the language.

Increases Motivation: The communicative approach is a learner-centered approach that focuses on the needs and interests of learners. By providing learners with meaningful and engaging communicative activities, this approach increases learner motivation and encourages them to take an active role in their language learning.

Develops Fluency: The communicative approach places a strong emphasis on the development of fluency in the target language. By providing learners with opportunities to use the language in real-life situations, this approach helps learners to develop their ability to communicate effectively and fluently.

Provides Feedback: The communicative approach provides learners with immediate feedback on their language use. This feedback helps learners to identify their strengths and weaknesses and to focus on areas that require improvement.

In conclusion, the communicative approach is an effective teaching method that emphasizes the importance of communication in language learning. This approach has many advantages in the field of ELT, including emphasizing real-life communication, encouraging active participation, increasing motivation, developing fluency, and providing feedback to learners.

a) Other
b) the other
c) others
d) all other


Where is the question the answers go to? Need that to answer!!

Which is the best example of paraphrasing for the following passage?
Thompson fell to maundering, in a desultory and low-spirited way, about the miserable experiences of this night: and he got to referring to my poor friend by various titles- - sometimes military ones, sometimes civil ones; and I noticed that as fast as my poor friend's effectiveness grew, Thompson promoted him accordingly- -gave him a bigger title.
A. Thompson thought this whole adventure was entertaining and enjoyed coming up with funny nicknames.
B. Thomspon called the narrator by different nicknames to try to cheer both of them up.
C. Thompson gave the corpse nicknames that increased in military rank as the smell grew stronger.


The best example of paraphrasing for the passage is "Thompson called the narrator by different nicknames to try to cheer both of them up."  Therefore, the correct option is B.

Paraphrasing refers to the method of rewriting a passage from a source document and making it suitable and unique for the target audience while keeping the meaning intact. The best paraphrasing should keep the meaning of the original text intact, while also being presented in a different way. This makes it simpler to understand by different people.

Hence, the best example of paraphrasing for the given passage is option B: "Thompson called the narrator by different nicknames to try to cheer both of them up." This phrase is an excellent paraphrasing of the original text because it provides an accurate explanation of Thompson's behavior towards the narrator's friend.

Thompson referred to the narrator's friends with different titles, and as the narrator's circumstances worsened, Thompson promoted him with new titles to try to bring a little lightheartedness to the situation.

Learn more about Paraphrasing:


Here is your goal for this assignment:

Write an essay relating the political thoughts in the Declaration of Independence to the Bible

From an encyclopedia, the Internet, or other reference, read the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence.

Copy each phrase that you think is part of the tradition of Western political thought (for example "all men are created equal").
In an essay of 300 words explain how each of these ideas is related to Biblical teaching.


America's Founders devoured the Bible. When it's necessary for one individual to severe the political ties that have bound them to another, as in the evolution of human events.

Compose an essay comparing the Declaration of Independence's political ideas to those found in the Bible.

Evidence is copious that campaign speeches and sermons at the time were loaded with anecdotes, examples, and passages from the Scripture which backed and validated their political ideas. The Declaration of Independence's key passages are provided here, followed by verses from the Bible that support the documents emphasised themes. In order to understand the values that inspired the Founders to form the first free citizens in modern history, it is hoped that current Americans will become familiar with the complete Biblical accounts that are mentioned here.

To know more about  Biblical accounts visit:


true/false. write a really good summary, you must be able to suspend your own beliefs for a time and put yourself in the shoes of someone else.


The given statement is true. Empathy, essentially, method getting into a person else's tale for a while, even supposing it method seeing your self because the villain.

The reward, of course, is a more fit and extra balanced perspective, in addition to a more capacity to solve conflicts with others. Conversations like those can assist your infant exercise strolling withinside the shoes of others. You also can assist via way of means of noticing their empathetic behaviors. Even babies can manipulate empathetic behavior, together with bringing a toy to a crying parent. These starting efforts are a first rate signal that your infant is already learning. A infant who can apprehend the emotions of others will advantage substantially as they develop up. Empathy facilitates you figure properly with others, facilitates you lead effectively, and opens doorways that could in any other case be closed. An empathetic individual can have an simpler time referring to humans of their life, and make the sector a higher location in the event that they have found out the talent of know-how others. You can assist them, via way of means of displaying them how to stroll in different human’s shoes.

Thus, the given statement is true.

To learn more about behaviors check the link below-


5. Why do contemporary poets often use enjambment in a free verse poem?
to create a regular meter
to rhyme consecutive lines
to emphasize important words
to briefly confuse readers



Contemporary poets often use enjambment in free verse poetry to emphasize important words or ideas. Enjambment is the technique of carrying over a sentence or phrase from one line to the next without a pause, thereby creating a sense of continuity and flow between lines. By breaking a phrase or sentence across line breaks, poets can create unexpected or interesting connections between words, images, or ideas, or to create a sense of tension or ambiguity that engages readers. Enjambment is used to create a natural-sounding rhythm and a more fluid structure to the poem, rather than to create a regular meter or rhyme. It may briefly confuse readers, but its main purpose is to enhance the overall effect of the poem.

3 situation where Daisy Buchanan is arrogant and why


In Chapter 1, Daisy invites Nick to her house and tells him about her daughter. She says, "I hope she'll be a fool – that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool." This statement shows her arrogance and superiority towards other women. She believes that women who are intelligent and independent are not happy.

In Chapter 7, Daisy is talking to Gatsby and Tom, and she says, "You two make us happy. It's sort of a dance." This statement shows her arrogance towards men. She believes that men exist solely to make women happy and that they have no other purpose.

In Chapter 7, Daisy is driving Gatsby's car when she hits and kills Myrtle Wilson. After the accident, she does not stop the car or take responsibility for her actions. Instead, she allows Gatsby to take the blame. This shows her arrogance and lack of accountability. She believes that her wealth and social status protect her from the consequences of her actions.

Which text feature would best show the attendance rate at Malala's school from previous years compared to 2009 when it decreased by more than 60%?

Question 5 options:

Bar graph






Bar graph would best show the attendance rate at Malala's school from previous years compared to 2009 when it decreased by more than 60%.

State 3 negative changes you may encounter as a student in the future ​



- leaving your friends going separate ways

- not getting into colleges you would like to

- getting harder tests and not passing.

C. Direction: A. Match each type of pronoun to its description.

*Relative pronoun
*Possessive pronoun
*Indefinite pronoun subject.
*Demonstrative pronoun
*Personal pronoun
*Reflexive pronoun to.
*Interrogative pronoun
*Intensive pronoun

● is a word ending in -self or -selves that is used in combination

• is a pronoun used to ask a question.

• used as an object that refers to the same person or thing as the

• short word we use as a simple substitute for the proper name.

• a pronoun used to point to specific people or things.

°pronoun that doesn't specifically identify what it is referring.

• a pronoun used to indicate ownership.

°word that is used to connect an independent clause.

Help️️️!!.. Please...




Relative pronoun - a pronoun used to introduce a relative clause, which describes or gives more information about a noun or pronoun in the main clause.

Possessive pronoun - a pronoun that shows ownership or possession.

Indefinite pronoun - a pronoun that refers to one or more unspecified persons, places, or things.

Demonstrative pronoun - a pronoun used to point to specific people or things.

Personal pronoun - a pronoun used to refer to a specific person or group of people.

Reflexive pronoun - a word ending in -self or -selves that is used to refer back to the subject of a sentence or clause.

Interrogative pronoun - a pronoun used to ask a question.

Intensive pronoun - a pronoun used for emphasis or to intensify the meaning of a sentence.

Note: The description for "to" is not a pronoun, but a preposition that is used to indicate the direction or location of a noun or pronoun.

Write a short introduction (approximately 5 typed sentences) in which you outline how your essay will discuss the theoretical concepts involved in analysing the written text of play and how various elements, for example characters, objects and events are represented on stage.​


The essays must be written in a way presenting format, clarity with the characters, there purposes and there main responsibilties.

What are the steps for writing?

1.Prepare by selecting a topic, conducting research, and writing an essay outline.

2.While writing, state your position in the introduction, support it with evidence in the body, and then summarise it in the conclusion.

3. Revision: Review your essay's grammer, content.

What are the things must be needed?

1.Purpose and Thesis - main motto

2.Title  - should be related to essay

3.Introduction - basic idea

4.Body of Information - the main content

5.Conclusion  -final formation

Point to be noted: Every essay or paper must go through the preparation, writing, and editing stages, but the time and work required for each stage varies depending on the type of essay.

To know more about essays visit:


3.2 Change the following interrogatives into declaratives 1. Could you have taken the school bus?​



You could have taken the school bus.


interrogatives ask questions while declaratives are normal sentences

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