The emergence of the suburban lifestyle in the
1950s led to which of the following?
A. Increase in automobiles
B. Increase in bank accounts
C. Increase in unemployment
D. Increase in war


Answer 1
I will leave the correct answer is C
Answer 2
It’s A because people began to live further away from cities so they needed cars to take them to work

Related Questions

Which countries formed an alliance that would lead to World War I?
O Austria-Hungary and France
O Britain and Germany
0 Russia and France
O Russia and Austria-Hungary



Russia And France


According to Walter Christaller's central place theory, smaller cities focus on providing urgent daily needs, while larger cities provide a more diverse array of services. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F


Answer: True


Smaller cities have lesser people which means that there may not be a market for certain goods and services or at least the market would not be large enough to sustain the production of these goods and services.

For these reason, these smaller cities would focus on providing basic needs which there will be a market for regardless of the population. In the big cities where there is a market for much more goods and services, these goods and services will be offered to capitalize on this demand.






Option B

(Public School History Textbook of England and Canada)

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

After the end of the Seven Years' War, the colonists grew much closer to the British, in appreciation for British sacrifices in the war. the British lost complete control of their North American colonies. the British were forced to hand all of North America over to the French. the colonists grew increasingly frustrated with British control and taxes. the French proved to be much better for the colonies after the British left.


The correct answer is "the colonists grew increasingly frustrated with British control and taxes."

After the end of the Seven Years' War, the colonists grew increasingly frustrated with British control and taxes.

The Seven Year's War shifted the balance of power in favor of the English.

What started as another armed conflict between France and England over the control of territories in North America, ended up being an international conflict that involved other European nations such as Prussia, Portugal, and Spain. The French and Indian War started in 1754 and transformed into the Seven Years War that ended in 1763 with the victory of England.

After the war, Great Britain was in deep debt and needed money desperately. So the British monarchy decided to impose heavier taxation on the American colonies, and of course, this infuriated the colonists.

What did NOW create that identified their goals to
Xa Constitution for women
a Declaration of Independence for women
a Bill of Rights for women




Declaration of Independence for women i believe> what is the exact question im a bit confused


Which civilization emerged as a group of city-states in the region between the Tigris and Euphrates
O Fertile Crescent
O Mesopotamia
O Neolithic
O Nomadic



Ancient Mesopotamia


Mesopotamia is an ancient, historical region that lies between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq and parts of Kuwait, Syria, Turkey and Iran. Part of the Fertile Crescent, Mesopotamia was home to the earliest known human civilizations.

Why is it important to know and learn a location of a place?



um cuz you could get lost and when you need help of someone and they ask location, you will be like s I don't know and your life sucks then you know...



Yes , its important to know and learn location of a place

because,if you were goes to anyplace as alone or you just missed in public

to return as safe we need to know the place location first .or else we may miss our home along with our family and lives like alone as long life or we can die

We wont get basic things!

Basic things to live ..

food shelter clothes

if we may gonna miss these things by missing your place hard to alive

as soon as possible we will leave this earth

hopes its helps you

Bác Hồ sinh năm bao nhiêu





Why does Hamilton think the National Bank is constitutional?


If Congress had other ways to secure its objectives, a nationally incorporated bank was unnecessary and improper. He also thought that a national bank was unconstitutional because the Tenth Amendment reserved all unenumerated powers to the states.

President Washington sided with Hamilton. He deeply respected the opinions of Madison and Jefferson, as well as the additional memorandum provided by Attorney General Edmund Randolph. But Washington allowed Hamilton to have the final word on the matter. Once again, Hamilton produced one of his brilliant comprehensive papers, patiently dissecting and criticizing the arguments made by the three Virginians. In Hamilton’s view, the Constitution vested the national government with “implied, as well as express powers.” Without that reading of the text, the very ends for which the Constitution had been written would often prove unattainable.

Hope this answer helps you..



Select it as the BRAINLIEST..

Domestic species are raised for food, work, clothing, medicine, and many other uses






If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks

Why would a researcher use a primary source instead of a secondary source when analyzing a a historical event



Secondary sources are unreliable

True or False?: Fox and Coyotes are moving into areas with higher willow populations

because the willows cause there to be more prey for them.





which city would have been among the last to be affected by bubonic plague?​



Los Angeles


The last urban plague epidemic in the United States occurred in Los Angeles from 1924 through 1925.

Answer: Copenhagen


If you had have no special training what type of the month or should you use to check a two-year-old


Hi. Your question is very confusing and this makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, when searching for it on the internet, I came to the conclusion that the correct question is "If you had no special training, what is the type of thermometer should be used to check a two year old temperature?" In that case, I hope the answer below can help you.


The best option in this case is to use a digital thermometer.


If you don't have proper treatment, the ideal is to use a digital thermometer to measure the temperature of a child two years old or younger. This is because the digital thermometer is very accurate and fast, does not promote sensitivity in the child and is not affected by any type of movement that this child makes. In this case, the digital thermometer will be able to present the child's temperature efficiently and accurately.

The correct way to use this thermometer is to place it under the child's armpit and wait a few seconds until it emits a beep, which informs you that the temperature has already been measured.

Why were women in Wyoming first to achieve suffrage?



they recognized the role played by women in border settlements, others only to strengthen the conservative voting force, and another part was that people hoped more women would come to settle there since they got voting rights

The role of a joint congressional conference committee is to —
A. review of decisions made by the United States Supreme Court

B. provide oversight of the executive branch

C. decide which bills can not be amended by the full House

D. resolve differences in bills passed by the House and the Senate



D. resolves differences in bills passed by the House and the Senate

Ông vua đầu tiên của nước pháp là ai ?


Answer:Charles II

ExplanationNăm 843, sau hiệp ước Verdun, Charles II trở thành quân vương đầu tiên cai trị nước Pháp độc lập. Theo cách nhìn hiện đại, Charles II được coi là vị vua đầu tiên của nước Pháp.:

Charles II is the answer

Please help me
Write a 1-3 sentence summary that highlights the key point of this fact below

Fact #2: Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States during the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln grew up in a log cabin in Kentucky. He worked as a shopkeeper
and a lawyer before entering politics in the 1840s. Alarmed by his anti-slavery stance, the southern states seceded soon after he was elected president in
1860. Lincoln declared that he would do everything necessary to keep the United States united as one country. He refused to recognize the southern states as an independent nation and the Civil War erupted in the spring of 1861. On January 1,
1863, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the slaves in the southern states and laid the groundwork for slaves to eventually be freed across the country. He narrowly won re-election in 1864 against opponents who wanted to sign a peace treaty with the southern states. On April 14, 1865, Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, a southern sympathizer.



Abraham Lincoln worked as a lawyer and a shop keeper before entering politics in 1840. He was anti-slavery, and served during the Civil War, when the North and the South were both very terse towards each other. Lincoln wanted to keep the United States united as much as he could, but he refused to recognize the Southern States for their racist views and pro-slavery stances.

Hope this was helpful for you :)

Hola chicos y chicas
pasaba por ahí para que se s.u.s.c.r.i.b.a.n a mi canal TV Roxi :) y los otros canles
ya mismo sale mi nuevo video en mi canal de música TV Roxi Music :)
les dejo mi foto de recuerdo de mi viaje :)
les gusta la foto o yo j.a.j.a.j.a :D



yes very nice photo good to see you

have a great very beautiful

make me brainlist



Can someone answer this it’s for my notes the bottom says Battle of San Jacinto river


After Moses Austin's death in 1821, Stephen Austin won recognition of the empresario grant from the newly independent state of Mexico. Austin convinced numerous American settlers to move to Texas, and by 1825 Austin had brought the first 300 American families into the territory.

In 1836 Santa Anna marched into Texas to quell a rebellion primarily by U.S. settlers there. ... His army defeated Texan forces at the Alamo and Goliad before moving eastward to the San Jacinto River, where he was defeated and captured by Gen. Sam Houston

The Texas volunteers initially suffered defeat against the forces of Santa Anna–Sam Houston's troops were forced into an eastward retreat, and the Alamo fell. However, in late April, Houston's army surprised a Mexican force at San Jacinto, and Santa Anna was captured, bringing an end to Mexico's effort to subdue Texas.

On April 21, 1836, Sam Houston and some 800 Texans defeated Santa Anna's Mexican force of approximately 1,500 men at the Battle of San Jacinto, shouting “Remember the Alamo!” and "Remember Goliad!" as they attacked. ... However, the treaty was later abrogated and tensions built up along the Texas-Mexico border.

The Battle of San Jacinto, fought on April 21, 1836, in present-day Pasadena, Texas, was the decisive battle of the Texas Revolution. Led by General Samuel Houston, the Texan Army engaged and defeated General Antonio López de Santa Anna's Mexican army in a fight that lasted just 18 minutes.

5. What was the Industrial Revolution?|



the Industrial Revolution transformed economies that had been based on agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system. New machines, new power sources, and new ways of organizing work made existing industries more productive and efficient

What was the “political tutelage" Chiang spoke of?



The first stage was military unification, which was carried out with the Northern Expedition. The second was "political tutelage" which was a provisional ..

The “political tutelage" Chiang spoke of the first stage was military unification, which was carried out with the Northern Expedition. The second was "political tutelage" which was a provisional.

What was the meaning of the Northern Expedition?

The National Revolutionary Army of the Kuomintang, commonly known as the "Chinese Nationalist Party," began the Northern Expedition in 1926 in opposition to the government of Beiyang and various local warlords.

The campaign's goal was to reunite China, which had split up in the years following the Revolution of 1911. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek oversaw the mission, which was carried out in two stages.

Chiang Kai-Kuomintang shek (KMT) waged a military campaign across northern and central China between 1926 and 1928. to conquer the local warlords and unite China with its own rule by overthrowing the Republic of China's government in Beijing.

Guomindang and communists formed the National Revolutionary Army as well as embarked on the Northern Expedition in 1926. The CCP joined the KMT individual individuals, taking advantage of the KMT's size advantage to advance communism. On the other hand, the KMT desired internal communist control.

Learn more about the Northern Expedition here:


what is a freemason?



the attach the file is the answer


Ziggurats served what purpose in Sumerian city-states?
O tombs
O palaces
O temples
O schools



Its purpose is to get the temple closer to the heavens, and provide access from the ground to it via steps. The Mesopotamians believed that these pyramid temples connected heaven and earth. In fact, the ziggurat at Babylon was known as Etemenanki, which means "House of the foundation of heaven and earth" in Sumerian.

What do you think has been the most important invention in history and why



printing prees


to allow literacy to greatly expand

Which country is represented in this cartoon?



Russian the psoriatic union (aka its related to hitler thing)

zoom in on the picture and you will see symbols

The postwar policy of the United States known as Containment was
designed to
O overthrow dictatorships.
O reunify Germany
O prevent the spread of communism.



prevent the spread of communism.

What means does the American government have of utilising international trade to influence foreign relations with other nations?



It means that America cannot have a growing economy or lift the wages and incomes of our citizens unless we continue to reach beyond our borders and sell products, produce, and services to the 95% of the world’s population that lives outside the United States.

What are some hooks for a persuasive essay on Outsourcing?
How do i make a hook?!? PLEASE ITS DUE IN 10 MIN!! I NEED HELP!!!



I hope it helps you in your class because i am a kid

¿Cómo está compuesta la Biblia?

pliss ayuedenme lo tengo que entregar hoy



La Biblia es un libro inspirado por Dios para que el hombre conozca su Ley, la composición de la Biblia es la siguiente:

1) Antiguo Testamento

(i) Torá o Pentateuco - Génesis, Éxodo, Levítico, Números, Deuteronomio.

(ii) Libros Históricos - Josué, Jueces, 1 Reyes, 2 Reyes, 1 Crónicas, 2 Crónicas, Ester, Esdras, Nehemías, Rut.

(iii) Libros Sapienciales - Salmos, Proverbios, Job, Cantar de Cantares, Eclesiastés.

(iv) Libros Proféticos - 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, Isaías, Jeremías, Ezequiel, Daniel, Oseas, Joel, Amós, Abdías, Jonás, Miqueas, Nahúm, Habacuc, Sofonías, Hageo, Zacarías, Lamentaciones.

(v) Libros Apócrifos - Tobías, Judit, 1 Macabeos, 2 Macabeos, 3 Macabeos, 4 Macabeos, 2 Esdras, 3 Esdras, Sabiduría, Eclesiástico, Baruc, Oración de Manasés.

(vi) Adiciones Apócrifas los a Libros No Apócrifos - Adición al libro de Ester, adición al libro de Daniel, adición a los Salmos.

2) Nuevo Testamento

(i) Evangelistas - Mateo, Marcos, Juan, Lucas.

(ii) Epístolas - Romanos, Gálatas, 1 Tesalonicenses, 2 Tesalonicenses, Efesios, Filipenses, 1 Corintios, 2 Corintios, 1 Timoteo, 2 Timoteo, Tito, Filemón, Hebreos, Santiago, 1 Juan, 2 Juan, 3 Juan, 1 Pedro, 2 Pedro, Judas

(iii) Otros - Hechos de los Apóstoles, Apocalipsis.


La Biblia es un libro inspirado por Dios para que el hombre conozca su Ley, la composición de la Biblia es la siguiente:

1) Antiguo Testamento

(i) Torá o Pentateuco - Génesis, Éxodo, Levítico, Números, Deuteronomio.

(ii) Libros Históricos - Josué, Jueces, 1 Reyes, 2 Reyes, 1 Crónicas, 2 Crónicas, Ester, Esdras, Nehemías, Rut.

(iii) Libros Sapienciales - Salmos, Proverbios, Job, Cantar de Cantares, Eclesiastés.

(iv) Libros Proféticos - 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, Isaías, Jeremías, Ezequiel, Daniel, Oseas, Joel, Amós, Abdías, Jonás, Miqueas, Nahúm, Habacuc, Sofonías, Hageo, Zacarías, Lamentaciones.

(v) Libros Apócrifos - Tobías, Judit, 1 Macabeos, 2 Macabeos, 3 Macabeos, 4 Macabeos, 2 Esdras, 3 Esdras, Sabiduría, Eclesiástico, Baruc, Oración de Manasés.

(vi) Adiciones Apócrifas los a Libros No Apócrifos - Adición al libro de Ester, adición al libro de Daniel, adición a los Salmos.

2) Nuevo Testamento

(i) Evangelistas - Mateo, Marcos, Juan, Lucas.

(ii) Epístolas - Romanos, Gálatas, 1 Tesalonicenses, 2 Tesalonicenses, Efesios, Filipenses, 1 Corintios, 2 Corintios, 1 Timoteo, 2 Timoteo, Tito, Filemón, Hebreos, Santiago, 1 Juan, 2 Juan, 3 Juan, 1 Pedro, 2 Pedro, Judas

(iii) Otros - Hechos de los Apóstoles, Apocalipsis.

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