Rugby and American football are very similar sports but are also quite different. In both sports, there are competing teams whose goal is to cross the opposing team's goal line with the oval ball or kick it through goal posts.


Answer 1


American football


Each team has 45 players but there are only 11 players on the pitch at a time playing for a total of 60 minutes (four 15 minutes). A touchdown is a 6 points earned when a player passes the dead end or received a pass in the dead end.

A conversion goal is a free kick that is scored when the ball pass between the upper posts and top bar on the goal earning two points.

For a successful kick, 3 points is awarded if the ball must pass between the upright posts and a field goal can be scored from anywhere on the pitch at any time.

Related Questions

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which phrase in this excerpt from James Joyce's "Araby" is a participial phrase?
North Richmond Street, being blind, was a quiet street except at the hour when the Christian Brothers' School set the boys free. An uninhabited
house of two storeys stood at the blind end, detached from its neighbours in a square ground. The other houses of the street, conscious of
decent lives within them, gazed at one another with brown Imperturbable faces.
The former tenant of our house, a priest, had died in the back drawing-room. Air, musty from having been long enclosed, hung in all the rooms,
and the waste room behind the kitchen was littered with old useless papers. Among these I found a few paper-covered books, the pages of
which were curled and damp: The Abbot, by Walter Scott, The Devout Communicant and The Memoirs of Vidocq. I liked the last best because its
leaves were yellow. The wild garden behind the house contained a central apple tree and a few straggling bushes under one of which I found
the late tenant's rusty bicycle-pump. He had been a very charitable priest; in his will he had left all his money to institutions and the furniture of
his house to his sister.



Im not sure I tried to answer but even idk


Select the sentence that illustrates the proper use of parallel structure. A)Tomorrow I have to walk the dog, writing an essay, and mail a letter.
B)Tomorrow I have to walk the dog, write an essay, and mail a letter.
C)Tomorrow I have to walk the dog, write an essay, and I have to mail a letter. D)Tomorrow I have to walk the dog, to write an essay, and mail a letter.





Parallel structure is when you use the same pattern when listing. Choice B is the only one that does that (walk, write, mail).

Write a report on the excursion you recently embarked to your supervisor or teacher.
Please help me and I promise to mark you the brainliest.




I will do a report on Hawaii.Hawaii is a state in USA.It is a island with beautiful coconut trees and warm water fresh from the ocean.There are lots of things that you can do in Hawaii by just enjoying nature!

If you are going to Hawaii,you definitely need to go to Hawaii's National Park.There is beautiful scenery and greenery. The park is brimming with volcanic activity and is home to Kilauea, one of the world’s most active volcanoes.

In Hawaii,you can't leave until you go whale watching in Maui.In Maui,Hawaii,it has the best view in the world to watch whales.If you're lucky,you sure will be able to see a whale wave "hello" to you!

These are why you should go and visit HAWAII!

What is the author's opinion about the school hours
from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.?



Was there supposed to be a screenshot included?

Why do animals have adoptions there's a competition for the same food sources be ecosystems can change see special body parts and behaviors I need for survival d all of the above





Animals adapt in the competition for the survival of the fittest while competing for food sources or when ecosystems change. To survive, they  change behaviors that sometimes lead to evolution of body parts

What role does social media play in isolating teenagers?
Teens value virtual interactions more than real ones, leading them to become isolated.
Social media is addictive and acts like a drug until teens are isolated from the real world.
Teens use social media so much that it causes them to neglect real world interactions.
Social media causes sleep deprivation, which causes teens to sleep instead of interact.








Social media has been shown to be addictive as numbers rising up causes a release of dopamine, the same hormone released when gambling or doing drugs. If one is too addicted to anything, including social media, they might start to neglect their loved ones in favor of that chemical rush.

What are the pros and cons of having a guinea pig as a pet?


Answer + Explanation:

The Pros of Guinea Pigs as Pets  

1. They’re easier to take care of than other pets such as dogs and cats

A dog needs a lot of attention and time and must be taken on daily walks. They also need more space which is especially true for large breeds. Cats have a similar disposition. Both animals have aggressive breeds and are picky eaters.

2. They don’t take up much space

Guinea pigs are quite small and their cage can fit comfortably into the corner of a room in the house. Cleaning up after them is also a breeze as their droppings are small and can be easily removed. Due to their small size, transporting them to a new location is hassle-free. They keep themselves clean too with daily grooming.

3. They’re more of a “passive pet” rather than a “constantly-by-your-side” pet

If that’s the kind of pet you want, they’re perfect for the role. Guinea pigs fulfill a companion role that’s sort of a mixture of a cat’s laid-back, affectionate nature and the decorative capabilities of fish. They aren’t handled for more than a few hours a day and can’t really be “played-with” like other companion pets.

4. They’re relatively quiet compared to other pets

While a dog owner’s neighbor might be kept up by nighttime barking, the guinea pig owner has no such issues. Guinea pigs can sometimes be noisy but the volume of their squeals isn’t that high.

5. They cost less and are cheaper to maintain than other pets

Think of the large price tags that come with purebred dogs, cats, and even some fish. Guinea pigs are very affordable, their food doesn’t cost much, and accessories such as toys and trinkets are widely available. In fact, they also eat fruits and veggies so you’ll definitely be sharing for human food with them from to time.

6. They show some degree of affection and are naturally social

Guinea pigs live in herds and are grazing animals. They aren’t completely emotionless like turtles are, but at the same time, they aren’t as wildly passionate as dogs. They are sweet and interactive to a certain extent.

6. They’re good pets of choice for older children

Young children do not have the fine muscle strength to firmly hold a guinea pig and they can get seriously injured if they drop from an unsecured location.

7. They live longer than other rodents

While hamsters and gerbils only live for about 2 – 4 years on the average, guinea pigs enjoy a nice 4 to 5-year average lifespan; with some living up to 8 years. That’s pretty long for a small pet.

8. They’re gentle and aren’t dangerous

It is very rare for a guinea pig to bite, unlike hamsters, gerbils, and most especially rats – all of whom have been known to bite their owners for various reasons. The only times when a guinea pig will bite is almost always by accident.

9. They don’t destroy things

While other pets have destructive tendencies, making it a hassle for you to clean up their living area and purchase new toys, guinea pigs exhibit no such behaviors. They are kind, sweet, and mostly have a calm and collected demeanor.

The Cons of Guinea Pigs as Pets  

They don’t live as long as other pets.

There’s almost no comparison when putting dog, cat, and guinea pig lifespans side-by-side. Dogs can grow alongside a human and one of the greatest joys is when a puppy can accompany a baby through the milestones of his/her years all the way to adulthood.

Guinea pigs, unfortunately, will not be able to accomplish such a feat, but at least they do live longer than other rodents.

They’re easily injured.

Guinea pigs aren’t the hardiest or strongest pet available on the market. Their bones are fragile and not very flexible and they can get hurt easily. This is the reason why it’s not recommended to allow small children to play with them.

It can take a long time to train them.

Guinea pigs can be trained to follow commands and even to recognize your voice but the time it takes can range from a few weeks to a few months. In fact, you’ll never know how long it will take an individual guinea pig to complete training. They each have their own unique personality, so let’s just say it’s for you to find out.

There’s a higher price for veterinary checkups, diagnoses, and medicines.

Guinea pigs are classified as “exotic” pets; which means that vets charge a higher fee for standard services. Even the simple task of finding a vet who’s trained to handle exotic animals is difficult in itself.

Local vets may not be qualified to handle guinea pigs and you might have to travel far to locate one. Many vets who are not trained to handle exotic animals are not familiar with all possible health issues and sometimes, it takes multiple diagnoses to finally find the cure.

Guinea pigs can’t create their own Vitamin C.

This isn’t a problem for most other pets but for guinea pigs, it means that you’ll have to specifically buy Vitamin C supplements or feed vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables every day. They primarily only eat hay and drink water, so special concessions must be made in regards to their diet.


pros: Fun and Lovable. Guinea pigs are endearing pets who rarely bite and who like to be held

cons: Guinea pigs need exercise daily whether running around the room or in a safe pen outdoors and they must be closely supervised the entire time

Despite discussing similar themes of war in the story "Ambush" and essay "Symptoms," O’Brien and Steinbeck chose different genres and modes to present their views. Compare the format from both these texts and evaluate how the chosen mode influences the presentation of ideas. Which do you think is more effective in conveying its central meaning?



"Ambush" by Tim O'Brien was about the Vietnam War and "Symptoms" by John Steinbeck was about World War II. "Ambush" was a story while "Symptoms" was an easy. Both texts presented the effects of war on soldiers. I think "Ambush" is more effective since it lets the reader realize the effects of war through imagination.



Both Tim O’Brien’s “Ambush” and John Steinbeck’s "Symptoms" have the same theme of war, but they convey contrasting messages. While O’Brien’s story indicates that soldiers never forgets their actions and experiences at war and can often be riddled with a lifetime of guilt and regret, Steinbeck claims that soldiers block out wartime experiences because they are traumatic.

In "Symptoms," Steinbeck describes war experiences in a matter-of-fact and scientific manner. He uses a sympathetic tone to portray the harsh realities of war, employing the analogy of childbirth to make the reluctance of remembering trauma more relatable to readers, most of whom have not been directly involved in war, but who may have experience with childbirth. On the other hand, “Ambush” conveys the writer’s personal memory of what happened at war. He killed an enemy soldier, but one who possibly would not have harmed him and was just passing by. This act of killing haunts the writer throughout his life. He thinks about the soldier he has killed—about his background, his personal life, his hopes and dreams—and thinks about how his grenade destroyed all that. He wants readers to think about the killed enemy soldier as a human being, not just a soldier who is at war to kill or be killed. He makes war personal. O’Brien lies to his daughter because he is unable to come to terms with his guilt over killing another human being. His personal touch makes his writing about war more convincing and effective in conveying its central meaning to readers.


Straight from Plato baby!

Choose the citation that correctly uses MLA guideline



use citation machine website and select MLA format for it

how does the prince characterize capsules and montague



Sorry if I get the answer wrong:

Answer:The Prince threatens the men with the penalty of death if they don't cease their quarreling and fighting. Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word, By thee, old Capulet, and Montague, Have thrice disturbed the quiet of our streets And made Verona’s ancient citizens Cast by their grave-beseeming ornaments, To wield old partisans in hands as old, Cankered with peace


The line “And if you try to push my mood swing, I’ll only drag my feet” ._.
A) wants to deal with the situation alone
B) does not wish to be pushed on the swing
C) is not physically strong
D) does not often receive help from others



A. wants to deal with the situtation alone



A is correct.


JUst wanted to give a second perspective.

Which characteristic of the father had the MOST influence on the action of the plot?
A) anger
B) courage
C) fear
D) gratitude


I think the answer is c that what i think :::::::);/;:

Which of the following statements is an example of visualizing a sequence of events?
“Then he began to hear sounds. Peculiar sounds.”
”He went to bed before dusk and slept.”
“Early in the morning, shortly after dawn, while Tito was still dreaming, would disappear.”
all of the above



The correct answer is D. All of the above.


A sequence of events means that we are shown what events happened one after another. The examples should give us a clear picture of what happened, who did what and when, and even perhaps why.

As you can see in all examples above, that is exactly what happened:

     A) Something was happening and then he started hearing sounds

     B) He was doing something and then went to sleep

     C) Tito was sleeping and then something disappeared

All examples show us a sequence of events.



all of the aboved.


Convert the following sentences from active voice to passive voice. If necessary, invent a subject for the active
1. Mistakes were made by top-level officials.
2. The electricity was turned off by the power company.
3. The vase was broken.
4. The scientists’ assertions could not have been believed.
5. When was the law implemented?



1. Top-level officials made mistakes.

2. The power company turned off the electricity.

3. I broke the vase.

4. We could not believe the scientists assertions.

5. The law was implemented when?

Which scenarios involves right triangles?








Compose a journal entry answering the question: “Is Ulysses a Hero?” Use specific evidence and quotations from the text to support your answer.



I think yes he is a hero in the way that he shows great courage. For example when they went into the cyclops cave and went againsnt him abd stabbed him in the eye.



This is the other guy's answer, just all errors fixed.

I believe that Ulysses is a hero, because he shows great courage. For example, when they went into Polyphemus' cave and fought him, stabbing him in the eye.

Choose the correct word for this sentence:
Before lifting weights, Tom always stretches his muscles (slow, slowly).
a) slow
b) slowly



The answer is Slowly.


The answer is b) slowly

write a paragraph using at least four words from the word bank .



where is the word bank


identify and change it to active or Passive voice:

1. He was just a teenager when he died.
2. It also uses more sophisticated tools, including medical technology.



when he died he was just a teenager

the deck was shook by a tremendous explosion.

What impact does the repetition of the word "some" in line 62, line 63, and line 65 have on the poem's tone? It creates a curious tone, as the speaker wonders which path the immigrants will take in their liv


It establishes a kind of curiosity. This means that a kind of curious tone was created.


The answer is A “it creates a curious tone, as the speaker wonders which path the immigrants will take in their lives”.


What does Juliet see right before she drinks the potion?


The friar proposes a plan: Juliet must consent to marry Paris; then, on the night before the wedding, she must drink a sleeping potion that will make her appear to be dead; she will be laid to rest in the Capulet tomb, and the friar will send word to Romeo in Mantua to help him retrieve her when she wakes up.

Juliet must consent to marry Paris; then, on the night before the wedding, she must drink a sleeping potion that will make her appear to be dead; she will be laid to rest in the Capulet tomb.

Early in his career, William Shakespeare wrote the tragedy Romeo and Juliet, which is about the relationship between two Italian boys from rival backgrounds. Along with Hamlet, it was one of Shakespeare's most performed plays throughout his lifetime and is still played frequently today.

The desire to be released from her parents' management by a husband who can't control her either appears to be at least partially the driving force behind Juliet's love for Romeo. More seasoned characters contend that Romeo and Juliet's passion for one another is mostly motivated by sexual dissatisfaction rather than enduring love.

Learn more about Juliet here:


a person who answers the question in an interview is​





An interviewee is always on the job seeker side of the desk, answering questions, and the interviewer always asks the questions. Interviewee is the simplest term to use for someone who is going to an interview, but it doesn't indicate what stage of the process the person is in.

Use the graph to answer the questions. Which country had the lowest life expectancy in 1958? Which country had the lowest life expectancy in 2003?



1. Kenya



just did it on edge2020


B. Kenya

A. Botswana

I love you guys and i hope you pass

Which of these sentences contains a participial phrase?
Water was pouring through the hole in its hull, and the ship began to sink,
The speeding vessel almost passed the sailor without stopping,
Living on the fish she caught as she drifted, the sailor waited for rescue
The shipwrecked sailor was mending a sail when he spotted the boat.



Living on the fish she caught as she drifted, the sailor waited for rescue.


This statement contains a participial phrase because it has a participial, "Living on the fish she caught..." that describes the noun, which is the sailor.

The sentence that have participial phrase is "Living on the fish she caught as she drifted, the sailor waited for rescue". The correct option is C.

What is participial phrase?

A participle phrase is a group of words that includes a participle, a modifier, and either a pronoun or a noun phrase.

The Pronoun/Noun in the phrase will be the recipient of the action. If a Participle Phrase comes at the beginning of a sentence and the following phrase is a complete sentence, it requires a comma.

A participle is a verbal phrase that ends in -ing (present) or -ed, -en, -d, -t, -n, or -ne (past) and serves as an adjective, modifying a noun or pronoun.

A participial phrase is made up of a participle as well as a modifier, object, and/or complement. Present participles and past participles are the two types of participles.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding participial phrase, visit:


is the MLK Letter From Birmingham Jail historical or literary significance?



Literary significance


It is the most important letter in the civil rights movement therefor, its Literary significance

Pls help with Animal Farm
What else have the pigs changed on the farm? chapter 6


Well the pigs begin leaving in the farmhouse, and rumor has it that they even sleep in beds, a violation of one of the seven commandments.

Write a proper movie review about the movie P.S I still love you and don’t add spoilers. Person to answer will get BRAINLIEST



As her relationship with Peter continues to grow, Lara Jean reunites with another recipient of one of her old love letters.


omg u did not watch it yet it is so gooood

"This is going to be a wonderful place for birds. I shall go
to bed now. I say, let's go and explore tomorrow. You
might find anything in a place like this. Did you see those
mountains as we came along? And the woods? There
might be eagles. There might be stags. There'll be hawks."
"Badgers!" said Lucy. "Foxes!" said Edmund. “Rabbits!"
said Susan
- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,
C. S. Lewis
Which sentence best states the theme of this
Being somewhere new expands people's ideas of
what is possible.
Sometimes you cannot find something when you
are looking for it
The scenery in the city is very different from the
scenery in the country.
Freedom is more important than anything else in



Being somewhere new


They list things that could possibly be there, and thinking about the possibilities.

hope this helps :)




Being somewhere new expand people's ideas of what is possible

what do I do if I cant get any help from anyone when I know they know how to do it​



get the help from online idk honestly


there’s quizlet, they have flashcards that can help you

help me with this please ​



The past tense would be







Other Questions
The political power of the wealthy, elite Proprietors was decreased. Backcountry settlements were opened and many Scotch-Irish and German settlers caused the population to grow on thefrontier The English government began to import naval stores from South Carolina and allowed merchants to sell rice directly toother countries. Tensions between the Lowcountry and Backcountry increased over the issue of representationThis list of notes would be MOST useful to a student writing a research paper titledA)"South Carolina's Transition from Proprietary Rule to a Royal Colony."B)"South Carolina's Transition from a Royal Colony to Proprietary Rule."C)"Reasons for the Division of the Colony into North and South Carolina."D)"Factors Leading to the Rise of the Regulator Movement in South Carolina." The altitude of an airplane is decreasing at a rate of 44 feet per second. What is the change in altitude of the airplane over a period of 34 seconds? A light beam approaches a plain mirror at an incident angle of 39degrees. What is the angle of reflection? what is the y-intercept of the graph of the equation y=4x(3x) A; (0,4) B: (0,3) C;(0,12) D:(0,8) In general, when a substance changes from a solid to a liquid, A. the density of the substance increases. B. the substance no longer has density since density is a property only solids have. C. the density of the substance decreases. D. the density of the substance remains the same. Tom and Sam can finish a plowing job in two hours. Tom working alone can do the job in 7 hours. How long would it take Sam to finish the same job alone? Suppose that the standard deviation of monthly changes in the price of commodity A is $2. The standard deviation of monthly changes in a futures price for a contract on commodity B (which is similar to commodity A) is $3. The correlation between the futures price and the commodity price is 0.9. What hedge ratio should be used when hedging a one month exposure to the price of commodity A Construct one circle with center A passing through point B and another circle with center A passing through C. Circles with common centers are called concentric circles. Well refer to the circle that passes through B as AB and the one that passes through C as AC. Besides being concentric, what is the relationship between circles AB and AC? someone please help me Which of the following BEST describes the main difference between scarcity and a shortage? 20 POINTS!! FASTEST ANSWER GET BRAINLY!!!A.While a shortage is a temporary market condition, scarcity is an ongoing condition in the world.B.While scarcity is a temporary market condition, a shortage is an ongoing condition in the world.C.Scarcity is found throughout the world, but shortages only occur in wealthy countries.D.Shortages occur everywhere, but scarcity happens only in countries with very high poverty levels. Which sentence BEST states the main idea of paragraph 4 in Weather Out of This World? Why was Okinawa so important to the US and Japan? The probability that Shruti succeeds at any given free-throw is 80%, percent. She was curious how many free-throws she can expect to succeed in a sample of 12 free-throws.She simulated 25 samples of 12 free-throws where each free-throw had a 0.8, point, 8 probability of being a success.Shruti counted how many free-throws were successes in each simulated sample. Here are her results:Use her results to estimate the probability that she succeeds at 10 or more free-throws in a sample of 12 free-throws.Give your answer as either a fraction or a decimal. What is 13 - 4 x = 1 - x? A 5000-seat theater has tickets for sale at $28 and $40. How many tickets should be sold at each price for a sellout performance to generate a total revenue of $153 comma 200? Losing 100 orangutans a week is an astonishing number. Within your lifetime they could become extinct in the wild because of human impact. We use palm sugar in many products consumed and other things. Do you feel that it could be said we have a parasitic relationship with orangutans? Defend your answer. BRAINLIEST ASAP! LENGTH OF AC? can sombody go on my ixl AND DO MY WORK FOR ME IT'S MATCH PROBLEMS WITH THEIR SOLUTIONS 6TH GRADE!!!! DPIP was used in the photosynthesis lab to measure the-Light dependent reactions-Production of O2-Light Independent reaction (a.k.a. Calvin cycle)-Production of CO2 Which reason best describes why you can divide any number by 10 by moving the decimal point one place to the left?1.Dividing a number by 10 is the same as subtracting the number ten times.2. Dividing by 10 is the same as removing a zero.3. Moving the decimal point left makes the number smaller.4. Moving the decimal point one place to the left makes the number 1/10 of its original value. Isaiah was given a gift card for a coffee shop. Each morning, Isaiah uses the card to buy one cup of coffee. Each cup of coffee costs $2.50 and after buying 16 cups of coffee, the card had a $5 remaining balance. Write an equation for A(x),A(x), representing the amount money remaining on the card after buying xx cups of coffee.