Read the following sentences from the passage.

I guess that's one of the benefits of having to go first, she thought. Everyone is so worried about speaking in front of the class that no one is really listening.

What does this quote from the passage mean?


Ms. Richardson is making all of Hope's classmates sit up straight and listen.


Hope's classmates are afraid they will be called on to go first in her place.


All of the students in Hope's class are equally afraid of giving their book reports.


All of the students in Hope's class are listening because they love the book, too.


Answer 1


C. All of the students in Hope's class are equally afraid of giving their book reports.


Related Questions

Read this excerpt from "Why I Write" by George Orwell:

Between the ages of about seventeen and twenty-four I tried to abandon this idea, but I did so with the consciousness that I was outraging my true nature and that sooner or later I should have to settle down and write books.

How does Orwell's use of language affect the tone of the text?


A)It creates an informal and accommodating tone.

B)It creates an informal and complacent tone.

C)It creates a formal and caustic tone.

D)It creates a formal and resigned tone.


D) It creates a formal and resigned tone.

Orwell's use of language in the excerpt is formal and carries a sense of resignation.

What is Accommodation?

Accommodation refers to the process of adapting or adjusting one's behavior, beliefs, or attitudes to fit with those of others or to fit in with a particular situation or environment. It involves making changes to oneself in order to accommodate or better integrate with others or with the external environment.

He reflects on his own attempts to abandon the idea of writing, but he does so with a sense of inevitability - he knows that he cannot outrun his "true nature" and will eventually have to return to writing. The use of the phrase "outraging my true nature" and the statement that he will "have to settle down and write books" convey a sense of reluctance and resignation, rather than enthusiasm or accommodation.

Learn more about Accommodation from given link


Imagine that you are giving a presentation for a group of English language learner students. Identify TWO idioms or figures of speech (not used in the unit) that they might find confusing. Explain why.




Two idioms or figures of speech that English language learners might find confusing are "it's raining cats and dogs" and "barking up the wrong tree."

"It's raining cats and dogs" is an idiom that means it's raining very heavily. English language learners who are unfamiliar with this expression might take it literally and become confused as to how it's possible for cats and dogs to fall from the sky.

"Barking up the wrong tree" is a figure of speech that means to pursue a mistaken or misguided course of action. English language learners might have difficulty understanding the literal meaning of this phrase and might struggle to make the connection between barking and pursuing a wrong course of action.

the road not taken. How do lines 9-12 affect the meaning of the poem?


Lines 9-12 affect the meaning of the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost in the way that they give the speaker's decision a deeper meaning.

These lines express his anticipation of a time when he can look back on the choices he has made and tell people he has taken the path less traveled, which has made a significant difference in his life. The speaker implies that he did not choose the path because it was less traveled but because he wanted to take a new path, which was more difficult and less traveled. In a deeper sense, the lines relate to choices and the idea of taking risks. The poem speaks to the challenges and beauty of the unknown, asking the reader to reconsider the true nature of a decision.

However, the poem is not about following the road that others haven't taken but instead about discovering one's path and becoming an individual in a society where following the well-worn path is considered the norm. The poem urges us to evaluate our choices and make our own paths. The speaker chooses a path that he himself will have to blaze.

You can learn more about poems at:


I'm at least 150 words, summarize the events that occur in chapters 14-16 then , explain how these events contribute to the major themes of the novel


Huck and Jim disagree on whether an adventure is a good or bad thing, leading to Jim's separation and Huck's determination to deliver him to the slave hunters.

How to write a summary?

Read the entire text, until you identify the most important parts.

Keep the significance of the original text in mind when you rewrite these passages in your own words.

Huck and Jim form a strong friendship in "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". That's because Jim dreams of traveling to a free state where she can work to buy his family's freedom.

Huck pretends to want to help Huck, but feels bad, like he's doing something wrong, and decides to turn him into the authorities. He and Jim, though, have experienced a lot of things together, and Jim has served as a father figure to him.

Learn more about "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:"


Full Question: In at least 150 words, summarize the events that occur in chapters 14-16. Then, explain how these events contribute to

the major themes of the novel.

From The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

How do you think the cat and the bird ended up in these positions? Choose one image.
From the perspective of the animal, write a paragraph telling the tale of what led up to this moment.


Can u insert the images to determine he answer please!

5. After World War I ended, the economy skyrocketed, making it possible for people to
spend more time and money on leisure activities.
- What effect did it have on society?


Speakeasies, assembly line processes, and scientific management practices are the three main breakthroughs that emerged from World War I.

What primary influences can you name on Fitzgerald's writing and life?

Aspiration, literature, Princeton, Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, and drink were the main influences on F. Scott Fitzgerald. On September 24, 1896, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, the second cousin three times removed of the author of the National Anthem, was born in St. Paul, Minnesota.

What was the Mafia's primary line of business, or more specifically, how did they generate revenue?

The success of the American Mafia's illegal alcohol trade during the Prohibition era in the 1920s helped the Italian-American organized crime group rise to power. The American Mafia has operations in cities across the United States, particularly New York and Chicago.

to know more about the economy skyrocketed here;


Can you think of any modern-day or recent conflict that contains direct parallels to the satirical history of Lilliput
and Blefuscu? Compare this passage from Gulliver's Travels to any real-life issue between two factions, groups,
or communities, and discuss why Swift's timeless characterization of "Big-endians" and "Little-endians" is still
applicable today. You may use outside research and evidence from the text to support your response.



One modern-day conflict that contains direct parallels to the satirical history of Lilliput and Blefuscu is the ongoing tension between India and Pakistan over the disputed region of Kashmir.

In Gulliver's Travels, the conflict between Lilliput and Blefuscu centers on a disagreement over which end of a boiled egg should be cracked open. The Lilliputians believed that it should be the smaller end, while the Blefuscudians believed it should be the larger end. This disagreement led to a long and bloody war, with both sides suffering losses and eventually reaching a stalemate.

Similarly, the conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir has its roots in a disagreement over territory. Both countries claim ownership of the region and have fought several wars over it. The conflict has led to a significant loss of life and resources on both sides, with no resolution in sight.

Swift's characterization of "Big-endians" and "Little-endians" is still applicable today because it speaks to the human tendency to fight over trivial differences. In the case of Lilliput and Blefuscu, the disagreement over which end of an egg to crack open seems absurd, yet it led to a destructive conflict. Similarly, the conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir may seem irrational to outsiders, but it is fueled by deep-seated political, religious, and cultural differences.

Moreover, Swift's satire underscores the dangers of tribalism and groupthink. The Lilliputians and Blefuscudians are so invested in their own viewpoints that they cannot see the other side's perspective. They are willing to go to war and sacrifice countless lives for the sake of a meaningless tradition. This same mentality can be seen in many real-life conflicts, where individuals and groups become entrenched in their beliefs and refuse to consider alternative viewpoints.

In conclusion, the conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir contains direct parallels to the satirical history of Lilliput and Blefuscu in Gulliver's Travels. Swift's timeless characterization of "Big-endians" and "Little-endians" remains applicable today because it speaks to the dangers of tribalism, groupthink, and the human tendency to fight over trivial differences.


Yes, there are several modern-day or recent conflicts that contain direct parallels to the satirical history of Lilliput and Blefuscu in "Gulliver's Travels." One such example is the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

In "Gulliver's Travels," the conflict between Lilliput and Blefuscu centers around a disagreement over which end of a boiled egg should be cracked first - the big end or the little end. The two factions are divided by this seemingly insignificant difference and engage in a long and bitter war as a result.

Similarly, in the conflict between Israel and Palestine, there are deep-seated disagreements over issues such as land ownership, border control, and religious differences. The two sides are divided by these differences and have been engaged in a long-standing conflict that has resulted in violence, political tension, and human suffering.

Swift's characterization of "Big-endians" and "Little-endians" in "Gulliver's Travels" is still applicable today because it highlights the absurdity of conflicts that arise over seemingly insignificant differences. These differences, no matter how small, can be blown out of proportion and become the basis for long-standing disagreements and violence.

Moreover, Swift's satire highlights the human tendency to divide ourselves into groups based on superficial characteristics, such as race, religion, or nationality. This tendency often leads to discrimination and prejudice, which can fuel conflict and prevent peaceful resolution.

In conclusion, the conflict between Lilliput and Blefuscu in "Gulliver's Travels" serves as a timeless allegory for the human tendency to engage in long-standing conflicts over seemingly insignificant differences. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is just one example of how Swift's satire is still applicable today, reminding us of the importance of tolerance, understanding, and empathy in resolving conflicts.

the poor state of facilities in your school is causing the student great concern as the senior prefect write a letter to the chairman of the board of the government highlighting the problems and requesting him to come to the aid of the school



Dear Chairman of the Board of Government,

I am writing to you on behalf of the student body of our school to express our great concern regarding the poor state of facilities in our school. As the senior prefect, I feel it is my duty to bring this issue to your attention and request your urgent intervention.

Our school is in dire need of repairs and maintenance, particularly in our classrooms, laboratories, and library. Many of the chairs and tables in our classrooms are old and broken, making it difficult for us to sit and study comfortably. The laboratory equipment is outdated and often malfunctioning, which has led to a decline in the quality of science education in our school. Additionally, our library lacks modern resources, which limits our ability to access information and conduct research.

The poor state of our school facilities is not only affecting our academic performance but also our general well-being. We believe that every student deserves access to a safe and conducive learning environment, and it is disheartening to see the state of our school facilities.

Therefore, we urge you to intervene and provide the necessary resources to upgrade our school facilities. We believe that with your support, we can create a better learning environment for all students in our school. We look forward to your prompt response and action on this matter.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Senior Prefect, [School Name]

Grown ups are silly and suspicious.How?Give reason from the text.


This seems to be an opinion question. If you agree that they are silly and suspicious state your reasons why and if you don’t agree then state your reasons why. I would say something along the lines of “Grown ups are silly and suspicious because they hide stuff from their children, sometimes thinking their child can’t handle it. They are silly because they want to make their child happy and feel comfortable around them.” etc. Hope this helps!

50ish Points ‼️‼️‼️
(i’m not sure the exact amount until after i post this)

Discussion Board Prompt:
Connections to Readings!

So far in this course, we have experienced three (3) different readings. In this Discussion Board we are going to make connections with our personal lives, other tests we have read, and the world around us that relate to at least one of the three texts we have read in this course. Making connections while you read allows you to gain a deeper understanding of one of our class texts.

Choose one of the following three texts for your focus:

“The Tell Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe

Crucible, Act 1, Part 1 by Arthur Miller

Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment,” Part 1 by Nathaniel Hawthorn

You will write a short paragraph making three different types of connections to the text you have chosen.

First, think about a personal connection you can make to the text you have chosen.
Write a sentence or two that includes the title and author of the text from the class that you have chosen and what connection you are making between the text and yourself. (To help yourself write these sentences, you can ask yourself questions such as: Are there any character traits, conflicts, or plot events that remind me of something or someone I know in my personal life? How are they alike?)

Next, think about a connection you can make between the text you have chosen and a connection with another text.
Write a sentence or two that includes a description of a character or plot event in our class reading that connects to something from another text you have read or film you have seen. Be sure to include the title (and author, if known) of the text or film you will be connecting to our class texts. (You can ask yourself questions such as: Does the text remind me of something else I have read? What similarities do I see between the text and something else I have read?)

Finally, think about a connection you can make between the text you have chosen from our class readings and a connection with something that has happened or is happening in our world today.
Write a sentence or two that includes a description of a plot event or character action that connects to our world. Be sure to explain the connection. (To help yourself write these sentences, you can ask yourself questions, such as: Does the text remind me of something that has happened in the world around me? Do the events in the story remind me of something that has happened in the world?



Answer below


I have chosen to focus on "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe. Personally, I can connect with the narrator's obsessive behavior and paranoia, which ultimately lead to his downfall. I have experienced similar moments of obsessiveness and anxiety in my own life that have led to negative outcomes.

In terms of connecting to another text, I see similarities between "The Tell-Tale Heart" and the character of Jack in William Golding's "Lord of the Flies." Both characters struggle with their inner demons and ultimately lose their grip on reality, leading to tragic consequences.

In terms of connecting to our world today, the story's exploration of mental illness and its portrayal of the negative effects of obsessive behavior can relate to the societal stigma surrounding mental health and the need for greater understanding and support for those who struggle with mental illness. The story also touches on themes of guilt and the consequences of one's actions, which can relate to the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and the need for justice in our society.

a. You are Ankit Sharma staff reporter of Hindustan
Times. You were asked to cover a train
accident. Mentioning all relevant details write
report. (100-120 words)


On {Date}, a tragic train accident occurred in {Location} leaving several passengers injured. According to eyewitnesses, the accident occurred due to a technical glitch in the engine. The train was traveling at a high speed when it suddenly derailed and overturned. This is a stark reminder of the importance of ensuring proper maintenance of trains to prevent such incidents from happening. It is important that the railway authorities take steps to ensure that such incidents are prevented in the future. This can be done by conducting regular maintenance checks on the trains, ensuring that the staff is well-trained and equipped to handle emergencies, and by investing in better safety measures.

The rescue teams arrived at the spot within a few minutes and started the rescue operation. The injured passengers were immediately rushed to the nearby hospital for medical treatment. The medical staff worked tirelessly to provide the necessary care and support to the injured passengers, ensuring that they receive the best possible treatment. It is important to note that the medical staff played a crucial role in saving the lives of the injured passengers.

The local authorities have launched an investigation to determine the cause of the accident. The railway authorities have announced compensation for the injured passengers and the families of the deceased. This compensation will help the affected families to deal with the financial burden that has been imposed on them due to this tragic incident. It is important that the compensation is fair and just, and that the affected families receive the necessary support to deal with the emotional trauma of the incident.

This incident once again raises concerns about the safety of train travel in our country. It is high time that the railway authorities take necessary steps to ensure the safety and security of the passengers. This can be done by conducting regular maintenance checks on the trains, ensuring that the staff is well-trained and equipped to handle emergencies, and by investing in better safety measures. It is crucial that the authorities take swift action to address the concerns raised by this incident.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story. We will keep you informed about any new developments as they happen. It is important to stay informed about this incident and to learn from it so that we can prevent such tragedies from happening in the future.



In a tragic incident, a train accident occurred early this morning near the outskirts of the city. The incident took place when the train was traveling from Mumbai to Delhi and derailed from the tracks. The accident resulted in several injuries and casualties, with at least 20 people losing their lives and many others injured.

The rescue team and medical personnel immediately rushed to the spot and provided necessary assistance to the victims. The injured have been taken to nearby hospitals for treatment. The cause of the accident is yet to be determined, and investigations are underway.

The local administration has set up a help desk to assist the families of the victims, and a compensation amount will be provided to the families of the deceased. The railway officials have assured that they will take all necessary measures to prevent such incidents from happening in the future. The incident has caused significant disruption to the railway services in the area.

The following are relevant topics that you can gather from different sources Draw the table on a separate answer sheet and write theme topics in the appropriate column, History of China Hosts of Olympic Games List of Presidential Candidates in 2016 Antonym of the word boastful Synonym of the word magnanimous The Famous Wories of Juan Luna Encyclopedia Almanac Dictionary 8​


History of China: This can be collected from various sources and is a subject that interests many people. It is also a topic that is commonly taught in schools and colleges.

Hosts of Olympic Games: This is a topic that is highly relevant, especially when the Olympic Games are taking place. People will want to know the previous host cities and countries of the Olympics. List of Presidential Candidates in 2016: This is a highly specific and time-bound topic. It is important to mention the year because the presidential candidates will differ depending on the year of the election. Famous works of Juan Luna: This is a highly specific and time-bound topic. It is important to mention the artist's name because it will enable people to search for more information about his works.

Antonym of the word boastful: This is a word that has a specific meaning, and its antonym will have a different meaning. It is essential to find the antonym that most accurately conveys the opposite of the word boastful. Synonym of the word magnanimous: This is a word that has a specific meaning, and its synonym will have a similar meaning. It is essential to find the synonym that most accurately conveys the same meaning as the word magnanimous.

Encyclopedia: This is a reference book that contains information on various topics. It is essential to have an encyclopedia because it will enable people to research any topic they wish. Almanac: This is a reference book that contains information about the year's events, such as astronomical data, weather predictions, etc. Dictionary: This is a reference book that contains information about the meaning, spelling, and pronunciation of words in a particular language.

To learn more about Interests :


Write a short story essay about your daily life applying the time type


A short essay on daily life involves writing about the events occurring in our daily lives on a daily basis in a non-fictious manner.

Writing a brief, nonfiction essay about your life includes narrating the tale of your life. Another name for it is an autobiographical essay. A personal narrative essay, also known as an autobiographical essay, should inform the reader about your life, personality, values, and objectives. The essay should describe your priorities, core values, and any significant life events that have shaped how you view the world.

The essay will also demonstrate to the admissions committee your proficiency in essay writing and organisation. Your essay should demonstrate your ability to write a persuasive work that captures the attention of the reader, offers a distinct message, and flows naturally.

To know more about an autobiographical essay, refer:


How do lines 14-19 contribute to the development of plot of the story Snaring the Sun: A Hawaiian Folktale?


Answer: Need more context.

Without the specific text of lines 14-19 of "Snaring the Sun: A Hawaiian Folktale," it is difficult to provide a detailed analysis of how they contribute to the development of the plot. However, I can provide a general explanation of how lines within a story can contribute to the development of the plot.

In any story, the plot is the sequence of events that make up the narrative. Each event is linked to the others and builds towards the story's climax and resolution. The development of the plot is how the story moves forward through these events.

Lines within a story can contribute to the development of the plot in several ways. For example, they can introduce new characters or settings, reveal character motivations or conflicts, provide information that advances the story's narrative, or create tension and suspense.

Additionally, the specific content of lines 14-19 in "Snaring the Sun: A Hawaiian Folktale" would need to be examined in order to understand how they contribute to the story's plot. These lines may introduce a new character or setting, reveal more about the motivations of existing characters, or provide important information that helps to move the plot forward.

as a reader, you have to make judgments about whether information is accurate, reliable, and credible. if you read a fact that cannot be verified, you may be dealing with information. question 2 options: controversial disturbing old faulty


As a reader, you have to make judgments about whether the information is accurate, reliable, and credible. If you read a fact that cannot be verified, you may be dealing with faulty information.

Faulty information is not true, misleading, or wrong. Faulty information is also known as inaccurate information. Faulty information is the opposite of accurate information, which is factual and verified. In the world of journalism, inaccurate information is a big problem. It is difficult to get the truth out, and it is also difficult to tell the difference between what is true and what is not true.

Many people depend on the news to stay informed, and inaccurate information can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. The credibility of the news source is always taken into account when deciding the reliability of the information. So, always read information from a credible source and make judgments about whether the information is accurate, reliable, and credible.

Learn more about information at


Can someone write steps on how to do something in detail has to be at least 6 steps



Sure, here are six steps to follow for making a simple smoothie:

Gather your ingredients: Choose your favorite fruit, yogurt, and any additional ingredients you want to add. You can add honey, cinnamon, ice cubes, or anything else you'd like.

Wash and chop your fruit: Rinse your fruit under cold water and cut them into small pieces that can fit into the blender. Discard any pits, seeds, or stems.

Add your ingredients to the blender: Put the fruit, yogurt, and any other ingredients into the blender. If you're using ice cubes, crush them first before adding them.

Blend your ingredients: Turn the blender on and blend your ingredients for about 1-2 minutes, or until the mixture is smooth and there are no visible chunks of fruit.

Taste and adjust: Stop the blender and taste your smoothie. If it's too thick, you can add more liquid such as water or milk. If it's too sweet, you can add more fruit or a pinch of salt to balance the flavor.

Serve and enjoy: Once your smoothie is ready, pour it into a glass and enjoy it immediately. You can also store it in the refrigerator for later.

Remember to clean your blender and put away any unused ingredients after making your smoothie.

4. What is the meaning of the word "bear" as it is
used in line 34?
A. to carry
B. to curve
C. to present
D. to sink


I believe that the answer would be d to sink

One of the phases of Mitosis is ANAphase, what does the prefix ANA mean


Answer: it means again, repetition


hope it helps

If you were to draw out the scene from Jane Eyre, from chapter 1 when John Reed throws a book at Jane, what would you title the picture? (Need help! Its for a project) thanks!!!


Answer: I would suggest the title "The Violent Encounter" or "The Brutal Attack".

elijah's last announcement to ahab was that rain would be withheld from the land according to his word.truefalse


Elijah's last announcement to Ahab was that rain would be withheld from the land according to his word is true.

Elijah was sent by God to confront Ahab and his wicked ways. Elijah's message to Ahab was that God would withhold rain from the land as punishment for the sins of the people. Elijah delivered this message with boldness and confidence, knowing that God was with him.

Ahab was not pleased with Elijah's message and ordered his execution, but God protected Elijah and continued to use him to proclaim his message to the people. Elijah's story is a powerful reminder that God is always with us and that we can trust him to guide us through the storms of life.

Learn more about Elijah's last announcement here:


underline each common noun. circle each proper noun


Common noun is people, boat and river
proper noun is the

Urgent please help!!!
In this assignment, you will use what you have learned to create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the Wii gaming system with two other consoles that were on the market at the same time. Each category in the triple Venn diagram should have at least three descriptions listed.

After creating the diagram, write a two-paragraph conclusion discussing which of the three systems you think is the best, and why. You can create the three circle Venn diagram and conclusion in a presentation software such as Prezi or PowerPoint.


To create a Venn diagram, you can follow these steps:

Choose three gaming consoles that were on the market at the same time, such as the W/ii, X/box 360, and Play/Station 3.Draw three overlapping circles on a piece of paper or in a digital tool. Label each circle with the name of the console.

What is the game diagram about?

Below are some categories and descriptions that  were placed on the Venn diagram:


Motion-controlled gameplayFamily-friendly gamesLimited online features

X/ box 360:

High-definition graphicsLarge library of exclusive gamesRobust online features

Play/Station 3:

Bluray playerFree online gamingExclusive games

Here are some possible similarities between the Wii, X/box, and Play/Station 3:

All three consoles were released around the same time, in the mid-2000s, and were part of the seventh generation of video game consoles.They all had the ability to connect to the internet and play online games with other players.They all had wireless controllers, allowing for more freedom of movement while playing games.

Conclusively, After comparing the Wii, X/box 360, and Play/Station 3, I believe that the X/box 360 is the best console of the three. While the Wii was innovative with its motion-controlled gameplay and family-friendly games, it lacked the high-definition graphics and online features that the X/box 360 and PlayStation 3 had.

Although the PlayStation 3 had a Blu-ray player and free online gaming, the X/box 360 had a larger library of exclusive games and more robust online features. Overall, the X/box 360 provided the best gaming experience with its combination of great graphics, a large selection of games, and strong online capabilities.

Learn more about gaming from


gabriel needs to take out a student loan but isnt sure where to go or how to do it which resource on campus would be the best place for ghabriel to find information about stuent loans


Hi Gabriel,

The best place for you to find information about student loans is your campus's financial aid office.

They can provide you with information about the types of loans available, loan amounts, and the application process. They can also help you to decide which loan option best fits your needs.

Good luck!

To know more about this visit - Gabriel needs to take out a student loan :


The direction of heat transfer is__.
A.from side to side
B. From hot to cold
C. From cold to hot
D. From bottom to top



B. From hot and cold


Ewan ko kung tama sana po makatulong..

which of the following statements describe the fifth movement of symphonie fantastique and which do not?- opens with a slow section that gives way to an allegro
- unusual instrumental effects
- prominent use of dissonant and chromatic harmonies
- primarily major key and consonant harmonies.
- opens with a slow funeral march


The statements that describe the fifth movement of Symphonie fantastique are: "opens with a slow funeral march" and "prominent use of dissonant and chromatic harmonies".

The fifth movement of Symphonie fantastique is titled "Dream of a Witches' Sabbath." It is the final movement of the symphony and the most daring in terms of musical innovation. It is regarded as one of the most inventive and imaginative movements in the Romantic repertoire. Its music is centered on the Dies Irae, a Gregorian chant melody that has been used in many pieces to evoke death.

The fifth movement of Symphonie fantastique does not open with a slow section that gives way to an allegro. It also does not feature primarily major key and consonant harmonies and does not have unusual instrumental effects.

Learn more about movement at


Will reward you BRAINLIEST if correctly answered! :) Read George Orwell's Animal Farm Chapter 8. Respond to the questions completely and thoroughly.
Chapter Eight
1. After the executions, the commandments were changed again. How? What important message does this send to the reader about the education level of the populace?
2. List ways that Napoleon began acting like a dictator.
3. What does the windmill symbolize?
4. Recount the battle with Frederick starting with the timber sale catalyst.
5. Why did Napoleon think he was dying? What was the result?
6. How and why were the commandments changed again?


In George Orwell's Animal Farm Chapter 8, after the executions, the commandments were changed "No animal shall kill any other animal without cause."

What message does this direct about the education of the populace?

The commandments were changed from "No animal shall kill any other animal" to "No animal shall kill any other animal without cause." This change allowed the pigs to justify their killing of other animals for supposed crimes against the farm.

This change in the commandments sends an important message to the reader about the education level of the populace. It shows that the animals are not educated enough to understand the true meaning and purpose of the original commandments. They are easily manipulated by the pigs, who use their control over the language to change the rules to suit their own interests.

This highlights the dangers of a society where the education level of the population is low and where the ruling class has the power to control information and manipulate language. It shows that without a strong education system and an informed populace, it is easy for those in power to deceive and manipulate the masses for their own gain.

Learn more about Animal Farm here:


Introduce and cite the following quote Passage 1 “An Overview of the Great Depression” by Jessica McBirney.

“Without steady income, many families were forced out of their homes.” From Page 1.


The quote "Without steady income, many families were forced out of their homes" is from Jessica McBirney's article "An Overview of the Great Depression" on page 1.

To cite a quote properly, you need to provide the author's name, the title of the article or book, the page number, and the publication date. If the quote is from an online source, you should also include the URL or DOI. The citation style may vary depending on the format you are using, such as MLA, APA, or Chicago style.

In this case, the citation in MLA format would look like this:

McBirney, Jessica. "An Overview of the Great Depression." Page 1. Published in 2020.

Learn more about cite a quote


Which of the following quotations best represents the thesis statement of the passage?
"But reflecting persons perceived that when society is itself the tyrant—society collectively over the separate individuals who compose it—its means of tyrannising are not restricted to the acts which it may do by the hands of its political functionaries." (paragraph 1, sentence 2)
"Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough; there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling . .." (paragraph 1, sentence 4)
"But though this proposition is not likely to be contested in general terms, the practical question, where to place the limit—how to make the fitting adjustment between individual independence and social control—is a subject on which nearly everything remains to be done." (paragraph 2, sentence 1)
"All that makes existence valuable to anyone depends on the enforcement of restraints upon the actions of other people." (paragraph 2, sentence 2)
"No two ages, and scarcely any two countries, have decided it alike; and the decision of one age or country is a wonder to another." (paragraph 2, sentence 5)


The quotation that best represents the thesis statement of the passage is: "Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough; there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling . .." (paragraph 1, sentence 4).

Step by step explanation:

This quotation outlines the main idea of the passage, which is that protection is needed not just from the tyranny of the magistrate, but also from the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling.

This is the main thesis of the passage, and the other quotations in the question are related to this idea but do not directly represent it.

Learn more about thesis, quotation at : 'Formulate a thesis statement'


Which statement BEST tells how Grant uses the structure of his lecture to advance his analysis?

Through examples, he shows how various groups within India have different views of government.

Through comparison and contrast, he shows the strengths and weaknesses of British rule over India.

Through chronology, he shows how legitimate causes for unrest in India have increased over time.

Through problem and solution, he shows the need for a change in British attitudes toward India.


He illustrates with instances how different social groups in India have distinct political ideologies. (Choice A)

What does story structural analysis entail?

The distribution and arrangement of each element of the story might be the focus of the short story's structural analysis. The structure is carried by the plot. The structure of an action is its final form or design, whereas the narrative is the manner in which it takes place. Instead of trying to infer meaning from literature, structuralist literary criticism looks for patterns and structures, if you will, within the texts of a certain literary genre.

To know more about structuralist visit:


Why do People use the expression “It’s raining cat’s and dog’s!”



Because it is raining heavily

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