Provide a definition and example for each of the following disorders.
General Anxiety disorder
Panic Disorder
Social Phobia
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
Post-traumatic disorder
major depression disorder
bipolar disorder
antisocial personality disorder


Answer 1

Examples of the disorders are:

General Anxiety disorder - A person who constantly worries about work, family, health, finances, and other issues without any specific trigger.Panic Disorder - A person who experiences unexpected panic attacks and becomes preoccupied with the fear of having another one.Social Phobia - A person who avoids social gatherings, public speaking, or any situation where they might be evaluated or judged by others.Obsessive-compulsive Disorder - A person who constantly checks if doors are locked or appliances are turned off.Post-traumatic disorder -  A person who experiences recurring nightmares and flashbacks of a car accident.major depression disorder - A person who experiences prolonged periods of sadness and feels helpless, irritable, and unmotivated.bipolar disorder - A person who experience intense euphoria, grandiosity, and impulsivity to deep depression and hopelessness.antisocial personality disorder - A person who is manipulative and shows no regard for the safety or well-being of others.

What are the meanings of these disorder?

General Anxiety Disorder: A disorder characterized by excessive and persistent worry or anxiety about a variety of events or activities.

Panic Disorder: A type of anxiety disorder marked by sudden and repeated episodes of intense fear and physical symptoms, often including a pounding heartbeat, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, and a feeling of losing control.  

Social Phobia: A disorder marked by excessive and persistent fear of social situations where the person may be exposed to scrutiny or embarrassment.  

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A disorder marked by repetitive, unwanted, and intrusive thoughts, feelings, or images (obsessions) that lead to repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) in order to reduce anxiety or prevent harm.

Post-Traumatic Disorder: A disorder that develops after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, serious accident, physical or sexual assault, or combat. Symptoms may include intrusive memories, flashbacks, avoidance of triggers, negative changes in mood and cognition, and increased arousal and reactivity.

Major Depression Disorder: A disorder marked by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, and loss of interest in daily activities, often accompanied by physical symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, and changes in appetite.

Bipolar Disorder: A disorder characterized by cycles of extreme highs (mania) and lows (depression) in mood, energy, and behavior.

Antisocial Personality Disorder: A disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, often involving behaviors such as lying, stealing, aggression, and lack of empathy or remorse. Example:

Learn more on disorders here:


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the cat, felis domestica, has a diploid number of 38 chromosomes in its somatics cell. consisting of 19 homologous pairs ( that is 19 maternal and 19 paternal chromosomes). a student stated that only one fourth of the gametes produced by meiosis in this animal will have all of its chromosomes from either maternal or paternal origin. explain wether you think the student is right or wrong




The student is incorrect. During meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair up and can undergo crossing over, where genetic material can be exchanged between maternal and paternal chromosomes. This results in the formation of genetically unique haploid cells (gametes) with a combination of chromosomes from both maternal and paternal origin.

In the case of a diploid organism with 19 homologous pairs, the total possible combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes in the gametes is 2^19, or approximately 524,000. This means that there are a large number of possible combinations of chromosomes that can end up in a gamete, making it unlikely for all of the chromosomes in a gamete to come from either maternal or paternal origin.

Therefore, the correct statement is that only a small fraction of the gametes produced by meiosis in this animal will have all of its chromosomes from either maternal or paternal origin, while the majority of the gametes will have a combination of chromosomes from both maternal and paternal origin.

4. Using a series of arrows, draw the branched metabolic reaction pathway described by the following statements, and use the diagram to answer the questions.

Pyruvate can be converted to either Oxaloacetate or ActeylCoA.

AcetylCoA can be converted to Citrate.

Citrate can be converted to Ketoglutarate

Ketoglutarate can be converted to Glutamate or Succinate.

Glutamate can be converted to Glutamine.

Succinate can be converted to Fumarate.

The enzyme that converts Succinate to Fumarate requires Mg++

Glutamine is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme that catalyzes reaction of Ketoglutarate to Glutamate.

Fumarate is a noncompetitive inhibitor of the enzyme that catalyzes the reaction of Pyruvate to AcetylCoA.

Explain the function of Mg++
When the concentration of fumarate is very high, explain what happens to the concentrations of Glutamine and Oxaloacetate?
Is this an example of feedback inhibition or allosteric regulation? Explain your answer. What other information might be needed to make a better answer?


Mg++ functions as a cofactor for the enzyme that converts Succinate to Fumarate. This means that the enzyme requires Mg++ in order to function properly and efficiently.

When the concentration of fumarate is very high, it can act as a noncompetitive inhibitor of the enzyme that catalyzes the reaction of Pyruvate to AcetylCoA. This means that the rate of this reaction will decrease, leading to a decrease in the concentration of AcetylCoA. Since AcetylCoA is a precursor for both Citrate and Ketoglutarate, their concentrations will also decrease. As a result, the concentration of Oxaloacetate, which is a precursor for Citrate, will increase due to the decrease in Citrate production. The concentration of Glutamine, which is produced from Glutamate, will also decrease since the production of Glutamate from Ketoglutarate will be reduced.

This is an example of allosteric regulation, as the inhibitors (fumarate and glutamine) bind to the enzyme at a site other than the active site and cause a conformational change that affects the enzyme's activity. However, more information is needed to determine whether it is also an example of feedback inhibition. Feedback inhibition occurs when a downstream product inhibits an earlier step in the pathway. In this case, we do not have enough information to determine whether the inhibitors (fumarate and glutamine) are downstream products or not.

using the chart below, explain which organism is most closely related to the human and why? which is most distantly related and why?


You can see from the chart below that the first species is in the animal kingdom while the other three are in the plant world. Just below the level of domains, the kingdom is a very high degree of categorization.

As a result, creatures from various kingdoms have relatively little in common. Sponge species are our most distant cousins according to the conventional animal tree of life. Like our non-animal ancestors (such as fungi), sponges are structurally basic creatures that lack many sophisticated animal characteristics including a nervous system, muscles, and a through-gut.

The gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans are the big apes that resemble humans the most physically. Yet, DNA testing has revealed that the chimpanzees are our closest living cousins; 95% of our DNA is the same.

Learn more about human kingdoms Visit:


Correct Question:

Using the chart below, explain which organism is most closely related to the human and why? which is most distantly related and why?

You are crossing two pea plants. One is heterozygous for yellow. The second pea plant is homozygous for green. Use "G/g" as the letter to represent the gene for this problem.



Parent 1 genotype: Gg

Parent 2 genotype: gg

gg's bro

identify the letter that indicates the organ that directs sperm towards the seminal vesicles during ejavulation


The letter that indicates the organ that directs sperm towards the seminal vesicles during ejaculation is D.

Ejaculation occurs during orgasm, which is when the intense physical and emotional sensations.

During ejaculation, the vas deferens, which is a tube that carries sperm from the testicles to the urethra, contracts and propels the sperm towards the prostate gland.

The prostate gland then adds a fluid to the semen to nourish and protect the sperm. Finally, the semen is propelled out of the body through the urethra during ejaculation.

The prostate gland (D) is the organ that directs sperm towards the seminal vesicles during ejaculation.

For such more question on ejaculation:


test binding of a transcription regulator on specific dna sequences, which of the following techniques could be used?


There are various techniques that can be used to test the binding of a transcription regulator on specific DNA sequences. These techniques are discussed below: Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA): It is a technique that is used to analyze protein-DNA interactions. TThe correct option is (A).

In this technique, a DNA sequence that binds to a transcription factor of interest is labeled with a radioactive or fluorescent marker. The labeled DNA is mixed with the protein of interest and then electrophoresed. The protein-DNA complexes move more slowly than unbound DNA and can be visualized and quantified by autoradiography or fluorescence imaging. Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR): This technique is used to study biomolecular interactions. SPR is based on detecting changes in the refractive index caused by the binding of molecules to a metal-coated sensor surface. The sensor surface contains ligands that specifically bind to the molecule of interest. When the molecule of interest binds to the ligands, the refractive index changes and is detected by a detector. Signal Amplification System (SAS): This is a technique that can be used to detect the binding of a transcription factor to DNA. It involves the amplification of the signal generated by the binding of a transcription factor to DNA. The signal is amplified by the binding of a secondary antibody to the primary antibody that is bound to the transcription factor. The secondary antibody is conjugated with an enzyme that catalyzes a reaction to produce a detectable signal.

To learn more about DNA :


Note the full question is

which of the following techniques could be used? test binding of a transcription regulator on specific dna sequences.

A)  Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA)

B) GC rich regions help anchor transcription factor binding

sensory and motor function complete the sentences describing the functioning of the nervous system, then place them in logical order.


Sensory and motor function are two crucial functions of the nervous system. These functions help us to sense and respond to stimuli in our environment.

The logical order of these functions is as follows: Sensory neurons receive information. Interneurons integrate and interpret the information. Motor neurons carry information to muscles and glands for movement.

Below are the complete sentences describing the functioning of the nervous system: Sensory neurons receive information from the sensory receptors located in the skin, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and internal organs.

Motor neurons carry information from the central nervous system to muscles and glands, resulting in voluntary and involuntary movement. Interneurons integrate and interpret sensory input and decide whether to send signals to the motor neurons or not.

For such more question on nervous:


as characteristized in lecture, an oil spill is an example of: question 12 options: competition antagonism ammensalism commensalism


Antagonism can take one of two forms: competitive and non-competitive. Ketamine, on the other hand, is a non-competitive foe of the NMDA-glutamate receptor, whereas naloxone is a competitive foe of all opioid receptors. The correct answer is Antagonism.

Competitive antagonism is based on the idea that an agonist or antagonist can bind to the same recognition site(s) on the receptor and compete for those sites when they are present simultaneously.

A competitive antagonist blocks the agonist's action by binding to the same site as the agonist but not activating it. To prevent the receptor from being activated, a non-competitive antagonist binds to an allosteric (non-agonist) site on the receptor.

To learn more about Antagonism here


How does water flow?


water flows down due to gravity.
Water will always form a flat surface unless it is acted on by another force, such as wind. Objects can sink, float, or stay suspended in water. Air takes up space in water and will float to the top. In nature, water flows down due to gravity.

In a population of 100 individuals, 16 exhibit a recessive trait. Find genotypic frequencies at homozygous (AA), heterozygous (Aa) and homozygous small a (aa).


The genotypic frequencies of homozygous dominant, heterozygous, and homozygous recessive are 36%, 48% and 16% respectively:

How do we calculate these genotypic frequencies for different traits?


AA for the homozygous dominant genotype

Aa for the heterozygous genotype

aa for the homozygous recessive genotype

Since there are 100 individuals in the population, and 16 of them exhibit the recessive trait. This means that the aa genotype frequency is 16/100 = 0.16.

Since there are only two possible alleles at this locus (A and a), the frequency of the A allele plus the frequency of the a allele must equal 1. We can use this fact and the frequency of the aa genotype to calculate the frequency of the A allele and the frequency of the Aa genotype:

frequency of aa genotype = q² = 0.16, where q is the frequency of the a allele

frequency of A allele = p = 1 - q

frequency of Aa genotype = 2pq, where p is the frequency of the A allele

Using these equations, we can solve for p and q:

q² = [tex]\sqrt{0.16}[/tex]

q = 0.16 = 0.4

p = 1 - q = 0.6

frequency of Aa genotype = 2pq = 2(0.6)(0.4) = 0.48

frequency of AA genotype = p² = (0.6)² = 0.36

Therefore, the genotypic frequencies are:

AA: 0.36 or 36%

Aa: 0.48 or 48%

aa: 0.16 or 16%

To find out more about traits, visit:


can yall help a good boy out


Evolution- The process of evolution in populations over time that makes descendants different from their ancestors. Two types- Microevolution- Evolution can occur on a genetic level, affecting a species population. Macroevolution- Evolution on a genetic level affecting changes in traits across population.

What is the difference between species and traits?

Species is a classification of biological organisms, usually based on common characteristics. Traits, on the other hand, are individual characteristics of an organism. A species can have many different traits, but all individuals belonging to that species will share certain common characteristics that differentiate them from other species.


Charles Darwin

- English Naturalist

- Went on a voyage to the Galapagos Islands.

- Saw that varieties of finches, tortoises, and other animals lived on different islands and had specific adaptations for that island

- Developed his theory of Natural Selection to serve as the mechanism for how Evolution occurs.

Natural selection- Organisms with a "heritable" traits (adaptations) will live longer and reproduce more than others, causing changes in the population over time by acting on the traits that are beneficial.

- Survival of the Fittest.

- Fitness- A measure of how well you can adapt in your environment.

To know more about Natural Selection, visit:


compare and contrast anabolic and catabolic processes by dragging the labels to the correct areas of the venn diagram.


The above present areas of venn diagram represents the compare and contrast between anabolic and catabolic pathways. This Venn diagram shows relaionship between groups.

Metabolism can be represented into two types:

Catabolism Anabolism.

First see the above required Venn - diagram for describing the catabolism and anabolism :

Circles that overlap have the common feature of catabolism and anabolism. Circles do not overlap have their own features.Examples for the catabolic pathway : Glycolysis : Breakdown of one molecule of glucose and releasing energy.lipolysis : Breakdown of triglyceridesCitric acid pathway - Oxidtion of acetyl CoA to release energy.Oxidative deaminationMuscle tissue breakdownExamples for the anabolic pathway:Fatty acids becoming triglycerides.Glucose becoming glycogenPhotosynthesis - sugar from CO₂.building block : Which consists synthesis of large protiens from amino acids.Synthesis of new DNA strands from nucleic acid (building block)

For more information about anabolic and catabolic pathways, visit :


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