promotes a broader vision of software services, which refers to the company's strategy for cloud computing -- integrating software applications, platforms, and infrastructure.cloudMicrosoftSoftware as a Service


Answer 1

The company that promotes such a broader vision of software services is Microsoft.

Cloud computing is a technology used to provide software services through the internet. Instead of downloading software on a computer or server, it runs on remote servers, making it accessible through the internet. This technology offers on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort. Moreover, cloud computing has several benefits, such as cost reduction, increased flexibility, scalability, reliability, and security.

Microsoft's broader vision of software services refers to its strategy of integrating software applications, platforms, and infrastructure into cloud computing. Microsoft aims to help its customers transform their businesses by providing cloud-based solutions that enhance their productivity, security, and customer satisfaction. The company offers several cloud-based services, such as Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

SaaS is a cloud-based software delivery model in which vendors provide customers with software applications accessible over the internet. PaaS is a cloud-based platform that enables customers to develop, test, and deploy software applications without incurring the costs and complexity of building and maintaining the infrastructure. IaaS is a cloud-based infrastructure that provides customers with on-demand access to virtualized computing resources, such as servers, storage, and networking. Microsoft's cloud computing services include Azure, Office 365, Dynamics 365, and more. Azure is a cloud-based platform that offers several services, such as computing, storage, networking, databases, analytics, and more.

To sum up, Microsoft promotes a broader vision of software services that involves integrating software applications, platforms, and infrastructure into cloud computing. The company's strategy for cloud computing aims to help its customers transform their businesses by providing cloud-based solutions that enhance their productivity, security, and customer satisfaction. Microsoft's cloud computing services, such as Azure, Office 365, and Dynamics 365, provide customers with on-demand access to software applications, platforms, and infrastructure through the internet.

To know more about software services:


Related Questions

as discussed in class create database is similar to group of answer choices designing a closet organizer designing a car writing a story developing an app


The answer is designing a closet organizer, designing a car, writing a story, or developing an app. So, all the given options are correct,

A database is a collection of data stored on a computer that is structured in such a way that it can be easily accessed, managed, and updated by authorized personnel. A database management system (DBMS) is used to create and maintain databases, allowing users to query and manipulate the data stored within them.

The development of an app, on the other hand, is a process that involves the creation of software applications for use on mobile devices, computers, or other platforms. This involves designing, coding, testing, and deploying the app, as well as providing ongoing support and maintenance.

Both of these processes require careful planning, attention to detail, and a clear understanding of the needs of the users. In both cases, it is important to design the system in a way that is flexible, scalable, and easy to use, and to ensure that it is secure, reliable, and well-documented.

You can learn more about databases at:


A network administrator is looking at the security of their Domain Name System servers and is researching common attacks against DNS. Which of the following is NOT as common of an attack geared towards DNS services?
Question options:
a. Flood attacks
b. Rogue server
c. Zone transfer
d. Cache Poisoning
e. SMB attacks


A network administrator is looking at the security of their Domain Name System servers and is researching common attacks against DNS then, a non-common attack would be SMB attacks. The correct option is e.

Domain Name System (DNS) is a protocol that converts human-readable domain names into IP addresses that machines can recognize. DNS, a network service, is responsible for converting domain names into IP addresses and vice versa. DNS, which is a database of domain names and IP addresses, is often described as a telephone book of the internet.DNS plays a critical role in the functioning of the internet. It makes it simple to access websites and other internet resources. DNS enables the internet to exist in the form that it is today by ensuring that data packets are routed to their intended location.The following are the common attacks geared towards DNS services:-Flood attacks-Rogue server-Zone transfer-Cache Poisoning-SMB attacks-SMB attacks is not a common attack geared towards DNS services. SMB (Server Message Block) is a protocol used to exchange files, printers, and other resources between computers. It is not a DNS-specific protocol or attack method. Therefore, the correct option is e. SMB attacks.

Learn more about network here:


Your program should read the input grammar from standard input, and read the requested task number from the first command line argument (we provide code to read the task number) then calculate the requested output based on the task number and print the results in the specified format for each task to standard output (stdout). The following specifies the exact requirements for each task number.
Task one simply outputs the list of terminals followed by the list of non-terminals in the order in which they appear in the grammar rules.
Example: For the input grammar
decl -> idList colon ID # idList -> ID idList1 # idList1 -> # idList1 -> COMMA ID idList1 #
## the expected output for task 1 is: colon ID COMMA decl idList idList1
Example: Given the input grammar:
decl -> idList colon ID # idList1 -> # idList1 -> COMMA ID idList1 # idList -> ID idList1 #
## the expected output for task 1 is:
colon ID COMMA decl idList idList1
Note that in this example, even though the rule for idList1 is before the rule for idList, idList appears before idList1 in the grammar rules.
Determine useless symbols in the grammar and remove them. Then output each rule of the modified grammar on a single line in the following format:
Where should be replaced by the left-hand side of the grammar rule and should be replaced by the right-hand side of the grammar rule. If the grammar rule is of form A → , use # to represent the epsilon. Note that this is different from the input format. Also note that the order of grammar rules that are not removed from the original input grammar must be preserved.


Here is an implementation of a Python program that reads an input grammar from standard input, and a task number from the command line argument, performs the requested task, and prints the results to standard output:

import sys

def task_one(terminals, nonterminals):

   print(' '.join(terminals + nonterminals))

def remove_useless_symbols(grammar):

   reachable = set('S')

   new_reachable = set('S')

   while new_reachable != reachable:

       reachable = new_reachable.copy()

       for lhs, rhs_list in grammar.items():

           if lhs in reachable:

               for rhs in rhs_list:

                   for symbol in rhs.split():

                       if symbol in grammar:


   return {lhs: [rhs for rhs in rhs_list if all(symbol in reachable for symbol in rhs.split())] for lhs, rhs_list in grammar.items()}

def task_two(grammar):

   modified_grammar = remove_useless_symbols(grammar)

   for lhs, rhs_list in modified_grammar.items():

       for rhs in rhs_list:

           print(f"{lhs} -> {'# ' if not rhs else rhs}")

def read_grammar():

   grammar = {}

   for line in sys.stdin:

       lhs, rhs = line.strip().split(' -> ')

       grammar.setdefault(lhs, []).append(rhs)

   return grammar

if __name__ == '__main__':

   task_number = int(sys.argv[1])

   grammar = read_grammar()

   if task_number == 1:

       terminals = sorted(set(symbol for rhs_list in grammar.values() for rhs in rhs_list for symbol in rhs.split() if symbol.islower()))

       nonterminals = sorted(set(grammar.keys()))

       task_one(terminals, nonterminals)

   elif task_number == 2:


What is the explanation for the above program?

The program defines two functions task_one() and remove_useless_symbols() to perform the two tasks. The task_one() function takes a list of terminals and a list of non-terminals, concatenates them in the order they appear in the grammar rules, and prints the result to standard output. The remove_useless_symbols() function takes a dictionary representing the input grammar, removes any non-reachable or non-productive symbols, and returns a modified grammar in the format specified for task two.

The program also defines a read_grammar() function that reads the input grammar from standard input and returns a dictionary representing the grammar. The main code block reads the task number from the first command line argument, reads the input grammar using read_grammar(), and performs the requested task using the appropriate function. For task one, the program first calculates the list of terminals and non-terminals by iterating over the grammar rules, extracting the symbols using string splitting and filtering for lowercase letters and non-lowercase letters respectively.

Learn more about Phyton:

Data is being sent from a source PC to a destination server. Which three statements correctly describe the function of TCP or UDP in this situation? (Choose three.) 1. The TCP source port number identifies the sending host on the network 2. UDP segments are encapsulated within IP packets for transport across the network. 3. The source port field identifies the running application or service that will 4. The TCP process running on the PC randomly selects the destination port when 5. TCP is the preferred protocol when a function requires lower network
6. The UDP destination port number identifies the application or service on the handle data returning to the PC establishing a session with the server. overhead server which will handle the data.


The correct answer is TCP and UDP are two transport layer protocols that are used for sending data over a network. The following three statements correctly describe their functions:

The TCP source port number identifies the sending host on the network: TCP uses a 16-bit source port field to identify the sending process or application on the host. This helps the receiving host to identify the source of the data. UDP segments are encapsulated within IP packets for transport across the network: UDP does not have any built-in error recovery mechanism, so it simply encapsulates its segments within IP packets and sends them over the network. The source port field identifies the running application or service that will handle data returning to the PC establishing a session with the server: Both TCP and UDP use the source and destination port fields to identify the applications or services that will handle the data. The source port field helps the server to identify the process or application that sent the data and establish a session with the PC. In summary, TCP and UDP are transport layer protocols that use source and destination port numbers to identify the sending and receiving hosts and the applications or services that will handle the data. UDP simply encapsulates its segments within IP packets, while TCP establishes a reliable, connection-oriented session between the hosts.

To learn more about transport layer click on the link below:


Loops are very useful for doing the same calculation over and over, very quickly.
In this problem, we will use a loop to call a function with different inputs, and store the result in an array.
You are doing an experiment where you are trying to experimentally calculate the air resistance on falling objects. To calculate this resistance, you build an apparatus that will release objects with different initial velocities at different distances. You also set up a system for measuring the exact time it takes each object to fall.
To do your air resistance calculation, you need a theoretical comparison for the amount of time it takes an object to fall in a vacuum. Thankfully you already have that function (please download fallTime.m from Canvas)! What you do not have yet is a way to call that function repeatedly for all of the distance and velocity data you have!
Write a function called timeLoop. It should take two inputs, arrays for initial velocity and distance. These two input arrays will always have equivalent lengths, as the indices of these arrays correspond to the same data point from your experiment. It should return one output, an array for the theoretical amount of time it would take for the object moving at that initial velocity to fall that distance. To accomplish this task, you should call fallTime.m inside of a loop.
For example, if you called timeLoop with the input array [2 -3 5] for initial velocities (negative numbers mean the object was moving upwards initially) and [100 150 300] for distances, your function call and resulting output would look like this:
IN Matlab
%This function calculates how long it takes an object to fall a certain
%distance given a certain initial velocity and a distance
function time = fallTime(startVelocity,distance)
g = 9.81; %m/s^2
finalVelocity = sqrt(startVelocity^2 + 2*g*distance); %m/s
time = (finalVelocity - startVelocity)/g; %s


we can use a loop to call the function 'fallTime.m' with the different inputs and store the result in an array.

The code for the 'timeLoop' function would look like this:
function time = timeLoop(velocity,distance)
% This function takes two input arrays for initial velocity and distance and
% returns an array of the theoretical amount of time it would take for the
% object moving at that initial velocity to fall that distance

% Initialize time array
time = [];

% Loop through the velocity and distance arrays
for i = 1:length(velocity)
   % Calculate the theoretical time using the fallTime.m function
   t = fallTime(velocity(i),distance(i));
   % Store the theoretical time in the time array
   time = [time t];

In this code, the 'timeLoop' function takes two input arrays (for initial velocity and distance) and returns an output array for the theoretical amount of time it would take for the object moving at that initial velocity to fall that distance.

It does this by looping through the velocity and distance arrays and calling the 'fallTime.m' function to calculate the theoretical time for each combination. The result is then stored in the 'time' array.

To know more about time loop function:


how to transfer microsoft authenticator to new phone


To transfer Microsoft Authenticator to a new phone, follow these steps:On your old phone, open the Microsoft Authenticator app and tap on the three-dot icon in the top-right corner.S

elect "Settings" from the dropdown menu.Tap on "Backup" and then follow the prompts to create a backup of your Authenticator app.On your new phone, download the Microsoft Authenticator app from the app store.Open the app and follow the prompts to set it up.When prompted, select the option to "Restore from backup" and follow the prompts to restore your Authenticator app data from the backup you created on your old phone.Once the restore process is complete, your Microsoft Authenticator app will be ready to use on your new phone with all of your accounts and settings transferred over.Note: It's important to ensure that you have access to your recovery codes or alternate authentication methods for each account in case you encounter any issues during the transfer process.

To learn more about Microsoft click the link below:


shoppers who download store apps may be tracked within the store using a technology within the app that is triggered when they enter the store. the app may send the shopper discounts and product information as they progress through the store. what is the name given to this type of online tracking system?


This type of online tracking system is known as geo-fencing. It uses GPS or RFID technology to determine a user's location and send relevant content based on that location.

What is a geofencing system?

A geofencing system is a type of online tracking system that enables businesses and organizations to identify when mobile devices cross predetermined boundaries. In the context of retail, geofencing refers to the use of GPS, RFID, or Wi-Fi technology to track and communicate with customers who have downloaded store apps. It uses GPS or radio frequency identification (RFID) to establish a virtual perimeter or fence around a specific geographic area. Geofencing technology, in the context of retail, allows retailers to trigger mobile alerts to customers who have installed their apps and are nearby, offering them discounts and other product information. The store app may use this technology to track shoppers as they progress through the store, sending them discounts and product information. Geofencing has become a popular tool in the retail sector because it enables retailers to send customers targeted marketing messages based on their location. Geofencing technology provides retailers with a new way to reach customers by providing them with hyper-relevant, location-specific promotions and deals that they would not have access to otherwise.

To learn more about geofencing from here:


. A list can be implemented as an IntList that uses a linked sequence of IntNodes or using an array of type int. Assume that an int takes up 4 bytes in memory, a reference takes up 4 bytes in memory, and an array A is defined to hold up to 200 ints.
(a) If a list has 180 integers in it, which method (array or linked list) is more efficient in terms of memory usage?
(b) If a list has 20 integers in it, which method (array or linked list) is more efficient in terms of memory usage?
(c) The array and linked list implementations require the same amount of memory if the list has how many elements? (Do not include head in this calculation.)
I want answers with explanations


A linked List is more efficient in terms of memory usage if a list has 180 integers. an array is more efficient than a linked list for a list that has 20 integers. An array and a linked list will require the same amount of memory if the list has 1 element.

(a) Linked List is more efficient in terms of memory usage if a list has 180 integers in it since an array of type int is defined to hold up to 200 ints. An array of size 200 x 4 bytes will consume 800 bytes of memory, whether we use all of the memory or not. While the linked list, which can use memory on a per-node basis, will consume just the right amount of memory that is required for the given number of nodes. Therefore, it will be more effective.

(b) In terms of memory use, an array is more efficient than a linked list for a list that has 20 integers. 20 x 4 bytes = 80 bytes are required for storing an array of 20 integers, whereas an array of 20 integers in the linked list will require 20 nodes x 8 bytes per node = 160 bytes, which is double the amount of memory required for an array.

(c) An array and a linked list will require the same amount of memory if the list has 1 element. A linked list with only one node will require 8 bytes of memory (4 bytes for data, 4 bytes for next reference), while an array with 1 integer element will require 4 bytes of memory.

To know more about the linked list:


how does social media damage communication in business?


Even though social media has many advantages miscommunication may occur due to hackers posting posts which are fake and this may damage the communication with outside world.

What is social media?

Social media is a source of communication where people communicate with each other and exchange information.

So in the question,

Negative social media content may instantly erode trust in your brand, whether it originates from hackers, irate clients, or just a pushback against something you post.

On the internet, nothing can be timed. Because social media users mostly  remember something than users of other platforms, for example, a nasty tweet or message made by a brand on social media .

As a result of these careless social media actions, many businesses experience losses.

To now more social media visit:


Which switching technology would allow each access layer switch link to be aggregated to provide more bandwidth between each Layer 2 switch and the Layer 3 switch?
- PortFast
- trunking
- EtherChannel


The switching technology that allows each access layer switch link to be aggregated to provide more bandwidth between each Layer 2 switch and the Layer 3 switch is EtherChannel.

Let's dive deeper into the details below.

Switching technology refers to the process of sending data from one device to another device on a computer network. A switch is a device that can link multiple devices in a local area network (LAN) by using a packet-switching network to forward data to the destination device.

Switches are used to provide bandwidth to network nodes and to optimize the use of network resources. A layer is a logical grouping of network devices, and switching can be implemented at different layers of the network. Layer 2 switches connect network nodes, while layer 3 switches connect different LANs.

EtherChannel is a Cisco proprietary technology that is used to bundle several physical links to increase bandwidth and provide redundancy. The links that are bundled together are treated as a single logical link, and traffic is distributed evenly across the available links.

EtherChannel is a layer 2 switching technology that is used to increase bandwidth between network nodes by combining multiple links between switches. This provides a high-speed link between the access layer switches and the distribution layer switches.

EtherChannel is also used to provide redundancy by providing multiple links between the same switches to ensure that traffic can still be sent in the event of a link failure.

Learn more about packet-switching .


biometric identifiers refer to something the user knows, such as a user id, password, pin, or answer to a security question. true or false?


The statement ''Biometric identifiers do not refer to something the user knows, such as a user id, password, pin, or answer to a security question'' is false.

Biometric identifiers are unique physical characteristics or traits that can be used to identify an individual, such as fingerprints, facial recognition, iris scans, and voiceprints. Biometric identifiers refer to unique physical or behavioral characteristics of an individual that can be used to recognize, authenticate, or identify a person for a security question. Biometric identifiers are usually divided into two categories: physiological and behavioural. Physiological identifiers are biological characteristics that are unique to an individual, such as fingerprints, facial recognition, iris scans, and voiceprints. Behavioural identifiers are unique traits that can be determined by an individual's behavior or the way they interact with the environment, such as gait recognition or signature recognition.

Learn more about  security here:


nikita attempts to install a hypervisor on her laptop. when she tries to create a virtual machine an error message suggests that virtualization is not supported. where can she check to see if virtualization is enabled?


To check if virtualization is enabled on your laptop, you can check in the BIOS settings. Typically, this setting is located under the Advanced tab. However, it can differ depending on the make and model of your laptop.

What is virtualization?

Virtualization is the technology that allows multiple operating systems to run on the same physical computer simultaneously. The hypervisor is the software that makes virtualization possible by sitting between the computer hardware and the operating system .However, before installing a hypervisor and running a virtual machine, one must check whether their laptop supports virtualization. It can be checked in the BIOS settings. To enter the BIOS settings, restart the computer and press the appropriate key to enter the BIOS setup utility during the startup process. The key to press may vary depending on the manufacturer and model of the laptop

.Inside the BIOS, navigate through the options and look for a setting that refers to virtualization. The name may vary depending on the laptop model, and the option may be under advanced or security settings. If the virtualization option is not present in the BIOS, the laptop may not support it, and therefore, it cannot run a hypervisor or virtual machines.

Read more about the virtualization :


Your organization is considering virtualization solutions. Management wants to ensure that any solution provides the best ROI. Which of the following situations indicates that virtualization would provide the best ROI?
a. Most desktop PCs require fast processors and a high amount of memory.
b. Most physical servers within the organization are currently underutilized.
c. Most physical servers within the organization are currently utilized at close to 100 percent.
d. The organization has many servers that do not require failover services.


The following situation indicates that virtualization would provide the best ROI: b) Most physical servers within the organization are currently underutilized.

Virtualization is the technique of producing a virtual version of something like computer hardware or a network resource. Virtualization is a vital component of modern-day computing, and it has become more widespread due to the development of cloud computing.

In this scenario, the most cost-effective virtualization solution would be one that ensures that the servers are used to their maximum potential. When most of the servers are underutilized, it may result in wastage of resources, which is neither cost-effective nor optimal. Furthermore, virtualizing a server that is already highly utilized would not provide any cost savings. The most cost-effective way to use a virtualization solution is to use it on servers that are underutilized to ensure that they are being used to their maximum potential. Therefore, b) most physical servers within the organization are currently underutilized are the best scenario that indicates that virtualization would provide the best ROI.

Learn more about Virtualization visit:


An ___ method shares the same name but a different number of parameters with another method in the same class.An ___ method shares the same name but a different number of parameters with another method in the same class.A. javaB. copiedC. overloadedD. overriddenE. inherited


An overloaded method shares the same name but a different number of parameters with another method in the same class.

What is method overloading?

Method overloading is the term for having several methods with the same name in a class. The parameters passed to each method distinguish between them. The principle of method overloading is to reuse the same method name to indicate the variations of the same operation that may be performed in different ways or using different input parameters. In overloading, the return type and access modifier can be changed, but the method's name and arguments must be different.

Method overloading is a popular method of creating multiple methods with the same name in a single class, with different parameters. Overloading allows you to specify multiple ways to execute the same technique, with different data types or parameter signatures, and it is done during the program's compilation time.

Learn more about concept of method overloading:


all of the following are reasons we use subprograms except ? group of answer choices to help us organize longer programs to add comments to lines of code for code that will be reused to simplify code


Answer: D, To add comments to lines of code

All of the following are reasons we use subprograms except ?

Group of answer choices

A. For code that will be reused

B. To simplify code

C. To help us organize longer programs

D. To add comments to lines of code

Subprograms do not add comments to the code, this must be done by the programmer.

(Hope this helps)

Which of the following is not an example of identifying protocols that are needed to support hardware and software requirements of applications that will use the network?


The option that is not an example of identifying protocols that are needed to support hardware and software requirements of applications that will use the network is e) an application will have drop-down menu choices.

Protocols are the set of rules, procedures, and data formats that two or more entities (devices) use to communicate over a network. The protocol used on a network should match the requirements of the application that is using the network. Identifying protocols that support the hardware and software requirements of the application is a crucial step to ensure network connectivity.

Therefore, among the given options, e) an application will have drop-down menu choices is not an example of identifying protocols that are needed to support hardware and software requirements of applications that will use the network. It is a feature that is used for user interface design.

Learn more about computer networking and network protocols:


Your question is incomplete but probably the complete question is :

Which of the following is not an example of identifying protocols that are needed to support hardware and software requirements of applications that will use the network?

a. an application will use HTTP over TCP/IP

b. an application will run on an IBM mainframe and so the network will require SNA traffic

c. an application will need a gateway to translate SNA traffic into TCP/IP protocols

d. an application will use SPX/IPX with a Novell file server

e. an application will have drop down menu choices

imagine you need to keep a list of donors for a fundraising event, so that you can send thank-you cards. the 'donor' class has name and address. you know that you will have at most 400 donors and you really don't care what order they are stored in. you aren't going to add more donors later, and the only thing you are going to do is eventually iterate the list and print out address labels. what type of list should you use? group of answer choices a. doubly-linked, sorted list b. arraylist c. sorted list d. singly-linked list


The list that you should use to keep a list of donors for a fundraising event, so that you can send thank-you cards is a type of list called an `arraylist`.

-An `arraylist` should be used when you have an idea of the maximum size of a list and the list is not going to change and you aren't going to add more donors later. -An `ArrayList` is similar to an array, but it has the ability to resize automatically, as you add or remove elements from it. Unlike an array, you don't need to give an `ArrayList` a fixed size when you create it, but you can give it an initial size if you have a good idea of how many elements you will need.-When creating an `ArrayList`, you should specify the type of elements it will contain in angle brackets, like this:ArrayList donorList = new ArrayList();-Then you can add elements to the list using the `add()` method:donorList.add("John Doe");donorList.add("Jane Doe");-To print out the address labels, you can simply iterate over the list using a loop and print out the address for each donor.

Learn more about arraylist here:


you are a security professional tasked with preventing fraudulent emails. which dns records will you configure to help you realize this goal? select three.


As a security professional tasked with preventing fraudulent emails, the DNS records that you would configure to help you realize this goal are:

SPF (Sender Policy Framework)DMARC DKIM.

What is a DNS Record?

A DNS record is a type of data stored in the Domain Name System (DNS) that provides information about a specific domain name or IP address, such as its associated IP address or mail server.

As a security professional tasked with preventing fraudulent emails, the DNS records that you would configure to help you realize this goal are:

SPF (Sender Policy Framework): SPF is an email authentication method that allows the domain owners to specify which mail servers are authorized to send emails on behalf of their domain. By configuring SPF records in DNS, you can help prevent email fraud and phishing attacks.

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance): DMARC is an email authentication protocol that builds on top of SPF and DKIM to provide more robust email authentication. It allows domain owners to specify how email receivers should handle emails that fail authentication checks.

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): DKIM is another email authentication method that uses digital signatures to verify the authenticity of email messages. By configuring DKIM records in DNS, you can help prevent email fraud and phishing attacks.

Therefore, the three DNS records you should configure to prevent fraudulent emails are SPF, DMARC, and DKIM. The other two DNS records (CNAME and MX) are not directly related to preventing email fraud.

Learn more about DNS Records on:


Full Question:

Although part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this full question:

You are a security professional tasked with preventing fraudulent emails. Which DNS records will you configure to help you realize this goal? Select three.






Which of the following vulnerability scanning options requires the use of a "dissolvable agent"? - Windows Share Enumeration - TCP port scanning - Scan Dead


The vulnerability scanning option that requires the use of a "dissolvable agent" is TCP port scanning. The correct option is b.

Port scanning is a method of identifying open ports on a network, identifying the services that are being provided on those ports, and possibly detecting vulnerability in those services. To do this, TCP port scanning sends an SYN packet to the target machine to establish a connection. If a response is received, the port is considered to be open. If there is no response, the port is considered to be closed. TCP port scanning requires the use of a "dissolvable agent." TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol. It is a connection-oriented protocol that works in conjunction with IP (Internet Protocol) to ensure that data is delivered from one end to the other. The TCP protocol is responsible for breaking the data into smaller segments, ensuring that each segment arrives safely and in the correct order, and reassembling the segments into the original message at the other end. TCP is used in applications that require reliable, ordered, and error-free delivery of data. It is one of the most commonly used protocols on the internet.

Learn more about TCP here:


you have been employed as a database administrator by a start-up company in menlo park, california. the company is developing a new payments system that is attracting a lot of attention from venture capitalists. customers will be able to process credit card transactions remotely and transmit payment information over the internet to your data center. during the latest round of negotiations for funding, one of the potential backers announced that he or she would be conducting a due diligence assessment to ensure that you have adequate security controls. this potential backer is particularly concerned about customer privacy issues as this is a hot topic in california, and elsewhere. your manager, the chief technology officer (cto) of the firm, has asked you to make recommendations on several aspects of sql server database security. write a one-page brief summarizing how you propose to do the following, and include information on any other measures you may take to increase security:


As a database administrator, it is my recommendation that the following measures be taken to increase SQL Server database security:Implement strong passwords: It is important to ensure that passwords are difficult to guess, long, and complex enough to prevent unauthorized access.

Ensure that passwords are changed frequently, and that password policies are enforced. Use multi-factor authentication: Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is another important security measure that can be used to strengthen SQL Server database security. This involves requiring users to provide a second form of authentication in addition to their password. Audit trail: Another important security measure that can be used to strengthen SQL Server database security is the audit trail. This involves keeping track of all changes made to the database, including who made the changes and when they were made.

Encryption: Encryption is another important security measure that can be used to protect data in transit and at rest. Encryption should be used for all sensitive data, such as credit card numbers and personal information.

Learn more about database administrator:


buying a ticket for a college football game where there are multiple windows to buy the ticket at features which type of queuing system line structure?


Buying a ticket for a college football game where there are multiple windows to buy the ticket at features a multiple queue or multi-line queuing system.

In a multiple queue system, there are multiple waiting lines, and each line is assigned to a specific service station or window. Customers choose the line they want to join based on their preferences, such as the length of the queue or the location of the service station.

In the case of buying a ticket for a college football game, each window represents a service station, and customers can choose to join the line for the window that they prefer or that has the shortest waiting time.

This type of queuing system is often used in settings where there are multiple service stations, such as in retail stores, banks, or amusement parks, to reduce waiting times and improve customer satisfaction.

You can learn more about queuing system at


selecting a shared printer within the print management console on more actions, properties from the actions menu you will be able to change the printer name location and comment


To select a shared printer within the print management console, start by navigating to the More Actions option in the actions menu. Here, you'll find the Properties option. Once you click this, you'll be able to change the printer name, location, and comment.

To select a shared printer within the print management console, follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Click on the start menu and then select the "Control Panel" option.

Step 2: Within the "Control Panel", click on "Hardware and Sound" and then click on "Devices and Printers".

Step 3: Right-click on the printer that you want to share and then click on "Printer Properties".

Step 4: In the "Printer Properties" window, click on the "Sharing" tab.

Step 5: Select the "Share this printer" option and then enter a "Share name" that will be used to identify the shared printer.

Step 6: Click on the "Apply" button and then click on the "OK" button. By following the above steps, you will be able to select a shared printer within the print management console.

Additionally, you can change the printer name, location, and comment by selecting the "Properties" option from the "More Actions" menu.

Learn more about print management console here:


you have a table for a membership database that contains the following fields: memberlastname, memberfirstname, street, city, state, zipcode, and initiationfee. there are 75,000 records in the table. what indexes would you create for the table, and why would you create these indexes?


The type of data that a column can contain depends on its data type. This enables the table's creator to contribute to the preservation of the data's integrity.

What exactly do you mean when you refer to a database's record field and table?

Records (rows) and fields make up a table (columns). Data can be entered in fields in a variety of formats, including text, numbers, dates, and hyperlinks. a document contains specific information, such as details about a certain employee or product.

What are the names of database entries?

Records are the name for database entries. A database record is really a grouping of data that has been arranged into a table. This table may represent a certain subject or class. A tuple is another name for a record.

To know more about data type visit:-


the transport layer uses port numbers to identify the source and destination application-layer protocol of the data that it contains.True or false


The given statement "the transport layer uses port numbers to identify the source and destination application-layer protocol of the data that it contains" is true. It is becasue the transport layer in the TCP/IP protocol suite uses port numbers to identify the source and destination application-layer protocol of the data that it contains.

Port numbers are 16-bit unsigned integers that range from 0 to 65535. The first 1024 port numbers are reserved for well-known services such as HTTP, FTP, and SMTP, while the remaining port numbers can be used by applications or services as needed. When data is sent from an application, the transport layer in the operating system adds a source port number to identify the application that is sending the data, and a destination port number to identify the application that is intended to receive the data.

When the data arrives at the destination, the transport layer uses the destination port number to deliver the data to the correct application.

You can learn more about transport layer  at


you need to access customer records in a database as you're planning a marketing campaign. what language can you use to pull the records most relevant to the campaign?


You can use SQL (Structured Query Language) to pull the customer records most relevant to the marketing campaign from the database.

What is SQL?

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a domain-specific language for managing data stored in a relational database (RDBMS). It enables you to retrieve, insert, delete, and update data in the database. It's particularly useful for data management in a relational database system. It allows users to access and manipulate databases using a wide range of functions, which can include selecting, inserting, modifying, and deleting data from a database. SQL is the most commonly used language for interacting with databases, and it is utilized by developers, database administrators, and data analysts.

SQL has several advantages that make it a popular choice for accessing databases, including:

Scalability, Flexibility, Cost-effective, and Easy to learn.

SQL has some disadvantages as well, which include:

Steep learning curve, Limited functionality and SQL can be used to manipulate relational databases, but it's not suitable for other data types such as No SQL databases.  

Learn  more about SQL here:


A free online encyclopedia contains articles that can be written and edited by any user. Which of the following are advantages the online encyclopedia has over a traditional paper-based encyclopedia?
Select two answers.
The ability to easily check that the encyclopedia is free of copyrighted content
The ability to ensure that encyclopedia content is the same every time it is accessed
The ability to have a larger number of perspectives reflected in the encyclopedia content
The ability to quickly update encyclopedia content as new information becomes available


The advantages the online encyclopedia has over a traditional paper-based encyclopedia are the ability to have a larger number of perspectives reflected in the encyclopedia content and the ability to quickly update encyclopedia content as new information becomes available.

Therefore, the correct options are C and D. The traditional paper-based encyclopedia was the best source of information in the past, but now the digital encyclopedia has replaced it.

The internet is now the most extensive and fast method of obtaining information about any topic. A digital encyclopedia has certain advantages over traditional paper-based encyclopedias that make it superior.

Here are some of the advantages: Ability to have a larger number of perspectives reflected in the encyclopedia content: The online encyclopedia has an infinite number of articles and contributors.

A traditional paper-based encyclopedia is written by a small group of people, who may not be representative of the overall population. The ability to quickly update encyclopedia content as new information becomes available: The online encyclopedia can be updated easily and quickly with the latest information.

A traditional paper-based encyclopedia, however, cannot be updated once it is printed. In conclusion, digital encyclopedias have many advantages over traditional paper-based encyclopedias.

The ability to have a larger number of perspectives reflected in the encyclopedia content and the ability to quickly update encyclopedia content as new information becomes available are two significant advantages of a free online encyclopedia.

To know more about encyclopedia:


zenmap identified three hosts on the subnet. what operating system version did the scan reveal for each host? g


The system version did the scan reveal for each host is like Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.

The official Nmap Security Scanner GUI is called Zenmap. It is a free and open source application that works on multiple platforms and strives to make Nmap simple to use for newcomers while offering extensive functionality for Nmap veterans. Your scan findings are saved by Zenmap until you decide to delete them. The findings of a scan can then be viewed before you decide whether to save them to a file. It is not necessary to come up with a file name in advance.

This answer for "The Zenmap scan revealed which operating system versions for each of the three hosts on the subnet?"

Learn more about Zenmap:


With the _____ model, users do not need to be concerned with new software versions and compatibility
problems because the application service providers (ASPs) offer the most recent version of the software


With the Software as a Service (SaaS) model, users do not need to be concerned with new software versions and compatibility problems because the application service providers (ASPs) offer the most recent version of the software.

This model provides cost-efficient and on-demand cloud delivery of software applications to users. SaaS allows businesses to subscribe to web-based software applications that are hosted by third-party providers. SaaS software provides the customer with the opportunity to access business-specific applications via the internet without having to install, configure or maintain any software on their personal computers.

This is a great solution for businesses as it reduces the initial costs of installation and setup by providing the applications in a ready-to-use form. It also makes it easier for companies to manage upgrades and modifications because the updates are applied to the hosted software rather than to every machine in the organization.

You can learn more about Software as a Service (SaaS) at


Which of the following types of traffic is not exchange by Remote Desktop clients and servers using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)?a. Keystrokesb. Mouse movementsc. Display informationd. Application data


The types of traffic that are not exchange by using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is d. Application data.

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft to provide a graphical interface for remote access to another computer over a network connection. When a user connects to a remote desktop using RDP, they can interact with the remote computer as if they were physically present at that computer.

RDP exchanges various types of traffic between the client and server, including keystrokes, mouse movements, and display information. Keystrokes and mouse movements allow the user to interact with the remote desktop environment, while display information is used to send visual data from the remote desktop to the client computer.

Learn more about Remote Desktop Protocol here:


a person's security clearance is a personnel security structure in which each user of an information asset is assigned an authorization level that identifies the level of classified information he or she is cleared to access. true or false?


This statement given "a person's security clearance is a personnel security structure in which each user of an information asset is assigned an authorization level that identifies the level of classified information he or she is cleared to access. " is true because a security clearance is a process that verifies an individual's trustworthiness and suitability for access to classified information.

The clearance level assigned to an individual corresponds to the level of sensitive information they are allowed to access. This personnel security structure ensures that classified information is only accessible by those who have a need to know and are deemed trustworthy to handle such information. This helps to protect national security and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

You can learn more about security clearance at


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