May 9, 10 a.m.

Both you and your partner return to the accident scene, looking around again to determine if anything else needs to be bagged and tagged to help with the investigation. You note that the speed limit around the curve is 25 mph. You look more closely at the curve in the road and note faint skid marks around it, and one heavy, fresh skid mark leading to the tree.

In your crime scene notebook:

Make your first hypothesis about the possible cause of the accident, given the evidence you have so far.

May 9, 11 a.m.

You call the coroner’s office and ask to speak to the medical examiner, Dr. Villa May, to see how far she has gotten on the autopsy of the driver, Peter Samples. She indicates that she has finished her examination and has determined the cause of death. Tissue and blood samples have been taken, but the toxicology report will take two days. You ask her to please email her preliminary results.

In your crime scene notebook:

Write a summary of the medical examiner’s report.

Write a revised hypothesis based on the examiner’s findings.

PLEASE HELPMay 9, 10 A.m.Both You And Your Partner Return To The Accident Scene, Looking Around Again


Answer 1

First Prediction:

The driver may have been traveling at an excessive speed around the curve, lost control of the vehicle, and crashed into the tree based on the evidence of the skid marks.

What Skid Marks define?

When a vehicle's tires lock up and slide along the road, they typically leave skid marks behind. At the time of an accident or incident, they may be able to provide crucial information about a vehicle's speed, direction, and braking.

Summary of the Report of the Medical Examiner:

Dr. Villa May, the medical examiner, has completed Peter Samples' autopsy and determined that blunt force trauma to the head and chest was the cause of death, which is consistent with a car accident. There were no other injuries or medical conditions that could have caused the death.

Alternate Hypothesis:

According to the findings of the medical examiner, it is likely that the driver lost control of the vehicle and crashed into the tree as the cause of the accident. Nonetheless, it is muddled whether inordinate speed was the sole contributing variable or then again assuming there were different elements, for example, interruptions or inebriation, that might play had an influence.

To know more about Skid Marks, visit:


Related Questions

All of the following are the most pressing problems faced by teens in the United States today EXCEPT:


financial problem


most of their families provide for thm financial

After reading the initial description of the Adnan Syed trial, would you have found him "guilty" or "not guilty" had you been a member of the jury? Explain the reasoning process that would have led you to that conclusion.


Charges were dropped after the office ran DNA tests on the case's evidence, which it claimed proved Syed's innocence. "The results of the DNA tests include what Adnan and his supporters have always known, while excluding Adnan.

Why is Adnan Syed innocent, exactly?

Because of three things, Adnan Syed is not responsible for the death of Hai-Min Lee. Jay is a poor witness, the window of time does not line up, and Adnan's attorney Cristina Gutierrez failed to position him to win the case.

Who is Adnan's victim?

The murder of Hai Min Lee and Adnan Syed's subsequent arrest and trial were the focus of the first season of the podcast Serial from October 3 to December 18, 2014.

To Know more about supporters


The theories and perspectives in this unit focus on the environmental and social influence of crime. Do you think that environmental and social conditions influence crime? Why or why not? Between biological, psychological, and social factors, which one do you think plays the biggest role in crime? Why?


Crime is affected by social and environmental factors. The biggest determining elements, nevertheless, are psychological.

Describe crime.

A voluntary wrong or repugnant activity that should be censured and forbidden by law is referred to as a crime.

A person's decision to commit a crime is influenced by a variety of circumstances, some of which include:

Environmental: The environmental element, which usually applies to the impact of a setting on a person's conduct to act illegally, is what leads a person to engage in criminal activity.

Social dynamics such as stratification, segregation, and prejudice, among others, that impact the behaviour of one or more people to commit a crime are referred to as this factor.

Psychological: This element relates to how an individual interprets reality and their own independent thoughts that lead them to commit a crime.

To know more about environmental factors visit:


what reasoning should jamal provide for why this car insurance claim was denied?


The reason Jamal should provide for why this car insurance claim was denied, is because the claim exceeded the  cover limit.

Insurance claims are denied if there is a dispute as to fault or liability. Companies will only agree to pay you if there's clear evidence to show that their policyholder is to blame for your injuries.

Insurance mean in plain English?

Insurance, known as insurance coverage or insurance policy, is a thing between the insurer and the insured. For damages that the insured may have in certain situations, the insurer offers financial protection.

What serves as its justification?

Its objective is to less financial uncertainty and minimize accidental loss. In exchange for assuming the risk of a substantial loss and a guarantee to pay in the case of one, it achieves this by paying a small, predictable fee—an insurance premium—to a reputable insurer.

To know more about Insurance visit:


May 9, 2 p.m.

Both you and your partner go to the Limitville County Hospital to check on the passenger, who is the driver's wife, Emily Samples. You speak to the admitting doctor, Dr. Anthony Pallor, who indicates that Mrs. Samples is still in a coma, but in stable condition. You speak to the family members, offering sympathy. You also ask them a few questions.

In your crime scene notebook:

Determine three questions you should ask Mrs. Samples's doctor.
Determine three questions you should ask the family members.
May 10, 8 a.m.

At your office, you use a nationwide database to conduct a search on any charges or violations regarding Peter Samples and his wife, Emily Clairmont Samples.

In your crime scene notebook:

Why conduct a search on both occupants’ criminal histories?
May 10, 9:30 a.m.

You are able to obtain the officer’s report from the interview of the driver of the white SUV, Carl Minus. In the report, Mr. Minus indicates that he did not see the accident nor did he hear it. He came upon it around 9:50 p.m. on May 8, when his headlights showed the car smashed into the tree. He immediately pulled off to the side of the road and approached the vehicle, calling out to the victims in the car. He used the flashlight on his cellphone to look into the car and could not determine if either of them were alive. He then called 911 at approximately 9:52 p.m. to report the incident. After checking with the 911 logs, you confirm the time frame given by Mr. Minus.

In your crime scene notebook:

Clarify why it is necessary to corroborate the report and the 911 logs.
May 10, 12 p.m.

You call the hospital for an update on Mrs. Sample’s condition and are notified that she is still in a coma.

May 10, 2 p.m.

You and your partner go to the impound lot to look at the Samples' car and make sure you did not miss anything. You reexamine the point of impact on the car and take measurements of the indentation damage done to the car.

In your crime scene notebook:

Theorize how the measurements of the indentation damage would correlate to the speed of the car.
What other evidence could give an indication as to the speed of the car?
May 11, 8:30 a.m.

You receive the toxicology report from Temper Labs.

In your crime notebook:

What drug(s) were present in Mr. Samples's body that could cause impairment?
For your state, look up the legal limit of alcohol allowed. Is Mr. Samples below or above the legal limit?
Revise your hypothesis based on the new evidence.
Write a summary report as to the probable cause of the accident. Include evidence to support your findings. In your report, mention what may hinder you from making it conclusive.
Part 2: Accessthe Blood Alcohol Level (BAC) calculator.

Use the calculator to find these answers:

Monday: One couple at the bar drank red wine, and each had one glass between 9 and 10 p.m. What was the BAC for the 200 lb man and the 120 lb woman when they went home at midnight?
Tuesday: Another night, the same couple each drank one glass of wine every hour for four hours, beginning at 8 p.m. What was the BAC of each person at the end of that night? They went home at midnight.
Saturday: The same couple returned for drinks. On Saturday night, she drank two cosmopolitans and he drank four stout beers between 8 and 10 p.m. What was the BAC of each person at the end of the night? They went home at midnight.
What nights should they have taken a taxi to get home?
What does the statement "If you drink, drink responsibly" mean?
In your crime scene notebook:

Your responses to each bullet task must include one statement answering the question and justifying the answer with numerical evidence.



In response to the first prompt, three questions you should ask Mrs. Samples's doctor are:

What is the extent of Mrs. Samples's injuries?

What is the prognosis for her recovery?

What treatment is she currently receiving?

In response to the second prompt, three questions you should ask the family members are:

Did either Peter or Emily have any medical conditions that could have contributed to the accident?

Did either Peter or Emily mention anything about the cause of the accident before the crash?

Did either Peter or Emily have any conflicts or issues with anyone that could have led to foul play?

Regarding the third prompt, the reason for conducting a search on both occupants’ criminal histories is to see if any previous criminal activity or patterns could have played a role in the accident. It could also potentially uncover any motive for the accident.

Regarding the fourth prompt, it is necessary to corroborate the report and the 911 logs to ensure that the timeline provided by Mr. Minus is accurate and consistent with other evidence. It also helps to confirm that there was no foul play involved in the accident.

In response to the fifth prompt, the measurements of the indentation damage could correlate to the speed of the car by using physics principles to estimate the impact force and energy. Other evidence that could give an indication of the speed of the car includes skid marks, debris, and eyewitness accounts.

In response to the sixth prompt, the toxicology report revealed that cocaine and marijuana were present in Mr. Samples's body that could cause impairment. In the state where the accident occurred, the legal limit of alcohol allowed is 0.08% BAC. Since there was no mention of alcohol in the prompt, it cannot be determined if Mr. Samples was above or below the legal limit.

Based on the new evidence, it is possible that the cause of the accident was due to Mr. Samples's impairment from the drugs found in his system. However, without further investigation and evidence, it is difficult to make a conclusive determination of the cause of the accident.

Regarding the Blood Alcohol Level (BAC) calculator:

Monday: Assuming a standard drink size of 5 oz, the BAC for the 200 lb man and 120 lb woman would be approximately 0.039% at midnight, which is below the legal limit.

Tuesday: Assuming a standard drink size of 5 oz, the BAC for both the man and woman would be approximately 0.05% at midnight, which is above the legal limit.

Saturday: Assuming a standard drink size of 12 oz for the stout beers and 4 oz for the cosmopolitans, the BAC for the man would be approximately 0.106% and for the woman would be approximately 0.093% at midnight, which is above the legal limit.

Based on the BAC calculator results, the couple should have taken a taxi home on Tuesday and Saturday nights.

The statement "If you drink, drink responsibly" means that individuals should be aware of the potential consequences of consuming alcohol and should make responsible choices regarding their alcohol intake to avoid harm to themselves or others.


This Supreme Court case illustrates Amendment
in action.


The supreme court has illustrated the amendments in constitution on many occasions. One such case where 1st amendment was put in action was Edwards v. South Carolina case (1963).

In Edwards v. South Carolina, 372 U.S. 229 (1963), the Supreme Court ruled that South Carolina had violated students’ First Amendment rights of peaceable assembly, speech, and petition.

It was when the police dispersed a peaceful protest against segregation. The case illustrates one of the roles played by the First Amendment in the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.

The First Amendment imply in plain English?

The freedoms of religion, expression, assembly, and petitioning are all given by the First Amendment. It bans Congress from showing one religion above another and from limiting a person's ability to follow their religion.

What does the second amendment say?

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be violated because a well-regulated militia is good to the security of a free State.

To know more about First Amendment visit:


Scenario 1
In the Case Study- Vokes v. Arthur Murray (pg. 84); how would you build a case for the plaintiff? Consider what information you would need to build a case against Arthur Murray. Discuss what information you would use and how it would be presented in court.

Scenario 2
In the Case Study- Vokes v. Arthur Murray (pg. 84); how would you build a case if you were the defendant's lawyer? Consider what kind of information you would need to build in defense of the dance school. Discuss what information you would use and how it would be presented in court.

The defendant is Aruthur Murray. The plaintiff is Vokes.


Scenario 1- If the case has to be build for Plaintiff which is Vokes in this case, we need a strong evidence and well written documentation to support it.

For Vokes, the evidence would be her bill for 14 classes which amounted to 31,000$ and the remarks of the organization that she was turning into a 'beautiful dancer' , even though she had no aptitude for dance.

The case will be filed for lie and fraud from the organization and compensation would be demanded.

Scenario 2- If the case has to be build for the defendant, which in this case is Arthur, we also need a strong evidence and well written documentation since its a civil case.

For Arthur, the evidence will be the contract signed by Vokes and her regular coming to courses which would justify her bill.

The case will be defended on these points.

Terms best describe law?

Canon, ordinance, precept, rule, regulation, and statute. All of these terms say to "a principle guiding conduct or process," but the word "law" implies imposition by a sovereign power and the requirement of submission on the part of all those who are subject to that authority.

How are laws different from rules?

The government enacts laws that hold everyone to the same standards. In contrast to regulations, most laws have some things  that do not change depending on the situation.

To know more about Law visit:


How did systemic racism affect people politically?


Douglas Massey and Nancy Denton noted the institutionalization of racial discrimination

State FOUR benefits of the Democratic government.


There are ways to resolve different views and conflicts peacefully.
Respect for human dignity.
The freedom to act, speak and think freely (as long as it does not stop others doing the same).
Equality before the law.
Safe and secure community.
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Substance Echo Corporation had the following balances immediately prior to writing off a $100 uncollectible account: Current assets Accounts receivable Allowance for doubtful accounts Current liabilities $30,000 3,300 300 10,000 Required: Calculate the following amounts or ratios and determine the relationship between the amount or ratio before the write-off (x) with the amount or ratio after the write-off (y): 1. Current ratio 2. Net accounts receivable balance 3. Gross accounts receivable balance 1) Assume you deposited $6,000 into a retirement savings account today. The account will earn 8 percent interest per year, compounded annually. You will not withdraw any principal or interest until you retire in 48 years. Which one of the following statements is correct? A) The interest you earn in Year 7 will equal the interest you earn in Year 14. B) The interest amount you earn will double in value every year. C) The total amount of interest you will earn will equal $6,000 .08 x 48. 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