Please help me i need to answer these 3 questions in order please.

(Q005) Explain how the drawings and passages in Documents 1 and 2 served President Jefferson's political or philosophical purposes.

What did he hope to accomplish by annexing, mapping and documenting this new territory (there are several possible answers).

Why send Lewis and Clark in the first place?


Answer 1


lease help me i need to answer these 3 questions in order please.

(Q005) Explain how the drawings and passages in Documents 1 and 2 served President Jefferson's political or philosophical purposes.

What did he hope to accomplish by annexing, mapping and documenting this new territory (there are several possible answers).

Why send Lewis and Clark in the first place?


(Q005) Explain how the drawings and passages in Documents 1 and 2 served President Jefferson's political or philosophical purposes.

The drawings and passages in Documents 1 and 2 served President Jefferson's political and philosophical purposes by providing him with valuable information about the newly acquired Louisiana Territory. Document 1, a map of the Mississippi River and its tributaries, allowed Jefferson to see the extent of the Louisiana Territory and how it might be used for trade and commerce. The map also helped him to better understand the geography and resources of the region. Document 2, a description of the Missouri River by William Clark, provided Jefferson with detailed information about the flora, fauna, and native populations of the territory. This information was essential for Jefferson to create policies for the new territory that aligned with his political and philosophical goals.

What did he hope to accomplish by annexing, mapping and documenting this new territory (there are several possible answers).

By annexing, mapping, and documenting the new territory, Jefferson hoped to accomplish several goals. First, he wanted to secure American control over the Mississippi River, which was critical for trade and commerce. Second, he wanted to expand American territory and promote American settlement in the West. Third, he believed that the territory would provide new opportunities for trade, agriculture, and manufacturing. Finally, Jefferson hoped that the new territory would promote the ideals of republicanism, by providing a new frontier where Americans could live free from the corruption and constraints of eastern society.

Why send Lewis and Clark in the first place?

Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark on their famous expedition to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory and to find a route to the Pacific Ocean. The expedition was part of Jefferson's larger plan to expand American territory and promote American interests in the West. By exploring the territory, Lewis and Clark were able to gather valuable information about the geography, flora, fauna, and native populations of the region. This information was essential for Jefferson to make informed decisions about the new territory and to develop policies that aligned with his political and philosophical goals. The expedition also helped to promote American claims to the territory, by demonstrating American sovereignty and the ability to navigate and explore the region.

Related Questions

Why does Gina perform regular audits such as the accounting of disclosure review?




Gina performs regular audits such as the accounting of disclosure review to ensure that her business is operating in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, as well as to identify and prevent any potential fraudulent activity or errors in financial reporting.

Regular audits help Gina to:

Ensure compliance with laws and regulations: By conducting regular audits, Gina can ensure that her business is operating in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. For example, she may audit her financial statements to ensure compliance with accounting standards, or audit her data privacy practices to ensure compliance with relevant data protection laws.

Identify and prevent fraud: Regular audits can help Gina to detect and prevent fraudulent activity. For example, she may audit her financial transactions to identify any irregularities or discrepancies that may indicate fraudulent activity or audit her inventory to ensure that there is no theft or misappropriation of goods.

Improve accuracy of financial reporting: Audits can help Gina to ensure the accuracy of her financial reporting. By reviewing her financial statements and accounting records, she can identify and correct any errors in financial reporting. This can help to improve the accuracy of financial reporting and ensure that investors, stakeholders, and regulators have a clear and accurate picture of the financial health of her business.

Ensure internal controls are effective: Regular audits can help Gina ensure that her internal controls are effective in preventing errors and fraud. By reviewing her internal controls, she can identify any weaknesses or gaps in the control environment and take steps to address them.

In summary, Gina performs regular audits such as the accounting of disclosure review to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, prevent fraud, improve the accuracy of financial reporting, and ensure that her internal controls are effective. Regular audits can help to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of her business.

Write at least one cost of the two party system that Washington states in his address


Washington believed that the cost of a two-party system was the emergence of a climate of bitter partisanship, the pursuit of power and influence by rival factions that would ultimately threaten the unity and prosperity of the country.

What was cost of two party system according to George Washington?

In his farewell address, George Washington warned against the dangers of political factions and the emergence of a two-party system. He argued that such a system would inevitably lead to "cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men" seeking to advance their own interests at the expense of the public good, and would create a climate of bitter partisanship that would undermine the stability and effectiveness of government.

He believed that loyalty to political parties would become more important than loyalty to the nation, and that the pursuit of power and influence by rival factions would ultimately threaten the unity and prosperity of the country. He urged Americans to resist the temptation to form political parties and to cultivate a spirit of unity and patriotism that would allow them to work together for the common good.

Read more about two party system


Which of the following was NOT a danger that merchants faced on the Silk Roads.
O Bandit attacks
O Natural disasters like avalanches
O Having their ship sunk by a storm
Wild animals



Which of the following was NOT a danger that merchants faced on the Silk Roads.

O Bandit attacks

O Natural disasters like avalanches

O Having their ship sunk by a storm

Wild animals


Having their ship sunk by a storm was NOT a danger that merchants faced on the Silk Roads, as the Silk Roads primarily involved overland trade routes and not maritime trade.

What did Reagan's Economic Recovery Tax Act plan to do?
A. Increase taxes by 70%
B. Reduce taxes by 10%
C. Increase taxes by 30%
D. Reduce taxes by 25%


Reagan's Economic Recovery Tax Actsigned into law in 1981 aimed to stimulate economic growth by implementing significant tax cuts by 25%. Therefore option D is correct.

The Act sought to reduce individual income tax rates across the board with the intention of boosting consumer spending & investment. It introduced a phased-in reduction of marginal tax rates over a period of three years ultimately leading to a 25% decrease.

This reduction was part of Reagan's supply-side economic policies commonly referred to as Reaganomics which emphasized that lower tax rates could incentivize economic expansion job creation & increased government revenue through increased economic activity.

Learn more about Reagan's Economic:-


1. what were the reasons for the emergence of a new form, modern dance, very early in the 20th century.


The emergence of modern dance can be attributed to a combination of various cultural and societal changes, including the search for new forms of artistic expression in response to industrialization and the growing influence of Eastern spirituality.

Other reasons -

Additionally, the ideas of some key modern dance pioneers, such as Isadora Duncan, Ruth St. Denis, and Martha Graham, paved the way for a new form of art that embraced movements of the body rather than relying on classical music and ballet-based steps.

Modern dance is often seen as a rejection or defiance of classical ballet, but historians suggest that socioeconomic changes in both America and Europe ushered in changes in the dance world. 

To know more about modern dances -


1.President Roosevelt approved of the funding for the Manhattan Project to build the atomic bomb after receiving a letter from

Albert Einstein
Enrico Fermi
Robert Oppenheimer
Adolf Hitler

2.Why was the second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan?

The last major military base was located there.
An airport used for Japanese bombers was there.
Japan had not surrendered for three days following the bombing of Hiroshima.
It was close to the approaching Soviet military and U.S. forces could not secure it.

3.What two nations did Adolf Hitler force to unite in 1938?

Austria and Germany
Belgium and Netherlands
Denmark and Norway
Poland and Russia

4.How did the British policy of appeasement impact Czechoslovakia?

It bought it time to build up its military.
It contained its loss of territory to the Sudetenland.
It doomed it to domination by the Germans.
It had no impact on Czechoslovakia.

5.Which of the following countries entered World War I the last?

Great Britain
United States

6.The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the result of the combination of what two broad causes of World War I?

Austrian alliances and Serbian militarism
Austrian imperialism and Serbian nationalism
Austrian militarism and Serbian imperialism
Austrian militarism and Serbian alliances

7.Which group was targeted by Slobodan Milosevic, the leader of Serbia in the 1990s?

Ethnic Bosniaks
Roman Catholics
Orthodox Christians

8.What was the fundamental reason that people were killed during the Khmer Rouge?

They were considered contributors to dividing society into classes, class divisions being the biggest problem in communism.
They attempted to assassinate Pol Pot.
They were communists.
They had provided support to Allied forces during World War II.

9.Why did the United States Senate refuse to ratify entry into the League of Nations?

A majority believed it gave up too much American sovereignty.
It was considered a return to an unwise isolationism.
The general view was that it was a form of imperialism.
Woodrow Wilson decided that it was not in America's best interest.

10.Which of the following most distinguished World War I as a "total war"?

The use of wartime propaganda
The use of the draft
The secret postwar plans of the major players
The extraordinary demand and impact on civilians

11.A German who supported the Nuremberg Laws would probably also have defended

the Versailles Treaty
euthanasia of the extreme elderly
the rights of individuals
free healthcare for the sick

12.Use the map below to answer the following question:
The map above illustrates what aspect of the Holocaust?

The Nazis were haphazard in carrying out their "Final Solution."
Switzerland was the home to many Jewish refugees escaping the Third Reich.
It was organized and significantly centralized to the east of Germany.
Jews and other prisoners were most likely sent from prison camps to ghettos.

13.Benito Mussolin's fascist theory called for a union of

the state, press, and major industries under a strong central government
church and state
all workers around the world from separate national socialist parties
the Slavic peoples of the Dalmatian coast into their own nation-state

14.The leader with the original idea for a communist, stateless society was ________, and the first leader of a country to put them into practice was ________.

Vladimir Lenin; Joseph Stalin
Leon Trotsky; Vladimir Lenin
Karl Marx; Vladimir Lenin
Adam Smith; Karl Marx

15.Which of the following accurately describes the impact of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan?

Its loss of life was much lower than military experts had projected.
It killed tens of thousands instantly, and tens of thousands more from the blast and fire that followed.
Though the initial blast was catastrophic, the survival rate after that was near 100 percent.
It destroyed the entire city, which remains uninhabitable to this day.




1. Albert Einstein

2.Japan had not surrendered for three days following the bombing of Hiroshima.

3. Austria and Germany

4. It contained its loss of territory to the Sudetenland.

5.United states

6. Austrian imperialism and Serbian nationalism.

7. Ethnic Bosniaks

8.They were considered contributors to dividing society into classes, class divisions being the biggest problem in communism.

9. it was considered a return to an unwise isolationism.

10. The extraordinary demand and impact on civilians.

11. the Versailles  treaty euthanasia of the extreme elderly.

12. The Nazis were haphazard in carrying out their "final solution."

13.all workers around the world from separate national socialist parties.

14.Karl Marx; Vladimir Lenin

15. it killed tens of thousands instantly, and tens of thousands more from the blast and fire that followed.

Please answer accordingly and I will give you brainliest and a 5 star rating.

According to this picture, what is the author’s main argument about the constitutional amendment. Please make specific references.



The author's main argument about the constitutional amendment is that amending the Constitution is the only way to address issues related to the Supreme Court's conservative opinions and administrative state overreach, but the current amendment process is too difficult due to the high level of Congressional inertness. The author suggests that if conservatives truly believe in limiting the administrative state, they should support an easier amendment process to starve the beast. The author references the trial and travails of the Equal Rights Amendment as an example of how difficult it is to amend the Constitution. The author also argues that instituting 18-year terms or guaranteeing every president two SCOTUS picks per term will not solve the problem with the Supreme Court, and only Congress or an amendment process that reflects the will of the electorate can truly address these issues.

Does pandora use any Digital Rights Management (DRM) to control or limit what you can do with the content it provides you access to?



Yes, Pandora does use Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology to control and limit what users can do with the content it provides. The use of DRM helps to protect the rights of content creators and prevent unauthorized copying or sharing of their intellectual property.

Specifically, Pandora uses DRM to encrypt and protect the music and other content it streams to users. This encryption helps to prevent users from downloading or saving the content locally, and also prevents users from sharing or distributing the content in any way.

While this may be frustrating for some users who would like more control over the content they access, it is a necessary step to protect the rights of content creators and ensure that they are fairly compensated for their work.


Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a technology that is used to control and restrict the use of digital content, such as music or movies, in order to prevent unauthorized copying or distribution. DRM is often implemented through software that is built into the content, or through hardware such as special chips in media players.

Pandora is a music streaming service that provides access to a large catalog of songs, albums, and artists. In order to use Pandora, you must create an account and agree to their terms of service. The terms of service state that you are only allowed to use Pandora for personal, non-commercial purposes, and that you are not allowed to reproduce, distribute, or modify the content in any way.

While Pandora does not use DRM technology to control or limit what you can do with the content it provides, they do have restrictions in place to ensure that users are not sharing or distributing copyrighted material. For example, Pandora may limit the number of times you can skip songs, or may prevent you from accessing certain songs or albums if you are located in a region where they do not have the necessary rights to distribute that content.

Overall, while Pandora does not use DRM technology to restrict or control the use of their content, they do have measures in place to prevent unauthorized use or distribution of copyrighted material.

2. Why do you think Christianity is regarded as the most important of Roman legacies to Western civilization?​




Christianity is regarded as the most important of Roman legacies to Western civilization due to several reasons:

Influence on European Culture: The spread of Christianity across the Roman Empire and Europe had a profound impact on European culture, shaping art, architecture, literature, music, and philosophy. The Christian faith provided a common bond that united diverse cultures and peoples across the continent.

Development of the Western Worldview: The Christian worldview, with its emphasis on the value of the individual, equality, and the sanctity of life, has had a significant impact on the development of Western thought and values. Christian teachings on morality, ethics, and social justice have influenced Western legal systems, political institutions, and social structures.

Foundation of Education: The Christian church was instrumental in the development of education in Europe. Christian monasteries and universities were centres of learning that preserved and transmitted ancient knowledge and culture. The Christian emphasis on literacy and education contributed to the development of a highly educated and skilled workforce that fueled the growth of European economies.

Impact on Global History: Christianity has had a significant impact on global history, with missionaries spreading the faith to every corner of the world. The Christian faith has also inspired countless social and political movements, including the abolition of slavery, civil rights, and the fight against poverty and injustice.

Overall, the enduring legacy of Christianity in Western civilization is due to its influence on culture, worldview, education, and global history. It continues to shape and inspire individuals and societies around the world today.

Stalims five year plan was successful in transforming agriculture and industry in the soviet union between 1928 and 1941. elucidate on how it helped increase production ​


Initiating rapid and widespread industrialisation from across Soviet Socialist Republics Union was the goal of the first five-year plan.

To what extent did Stalin's five-year plan succeed in changing Soviet agriculture and industry?

In approximately four months and three years, the industry's first five-year plan was formally fulfilled to a degree of 93.7%. Heavy industry's production methods went over the allotted amount by 103.4%. The industry for light goods, or consumer goods, attained up to 84.9% of the its designated quota. Harry Byers' first trip to the Soviet Union took place during the second year of the plan, which started on October 1st, 1928.

To know more about Soviet Union visit:


Need help due in an hour please help! Why or why not. WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!

Do you believe that Congress should have more power over our government than the president and do you think that the Congress ACTUALLY has more power than the president (please make specific references to the articles of the Constitution)?



No part of the government dominates any other individual. The constitution provides checks and balances among only three branches. That would be the branches of the federal government. Legislative, Executive, and judicial. The only reason why congress is important is that they make laws. Both even then the bill has to be passed to the House of Reps and Senate before making it a final law. But, congress gets the first say. So, they can easily put a law to the side and that would be the end of it. So, in a different aspect, Congress could be the most important and valuable of the government. But, no one is more powerful than the president. One swing of the gavel and anything says or goes. The president has the power to veto any acts of congress. So, if the president says the congress made a horrible mistake and passed a law onto someone else.... then the president has the right to take back that "law" and squash it before finalizing.



One thing to note, in comparison to the ideology of the perfect "checks and balances" as described in shystone22's answer (which is justified in the ideological), is the practical of what occurs in the government. To be able to argue whether or not Congress should have more power, one must argue whether or not Congress in itself has enough power.

Powers of the Congress:

Firstly, we must understand that there are the original powers of Congress, as well as powers given to Congress, either through self-legislation, or through the Supreme Court defining government branch roles. What is meant by original powers? Original powers are powers granted to the Legislative Branch through the Constitution of the United States. These include, but is not limited to raising bills (Revenue bills from House of Representatives, and all other bills from Senate), and the voting to pass such bills with a 2/3 majority in both houses. Congress also is given the powers to regulate US currency as well as organize military when needed under Section 8, and are given the power to tax, though there are limitations on how the government can take and use such monetary gains under Section 9. The final section gives Congress power above state legislatures and all national promises are not only above state legislations, but also override any dissenting laws under the supremacy clause.

Should Congress have more power?

Congress as it is right now already has sufficient power, and is distributed in a way that is representative of states based on representatives per voters (plurality vote per district). Congress does not need more power, but also should not be weakened, as the House of Representatives and the Senate already split power, and they are checked by the other two branches.

Does Congress have more power than the president?

Congress does not have "more" power than the president, nor do they have "less" powers. Congress already has the power to override vetos, approve nominations by the president, and can vote for impeachment of the president should the need arise. They also have the ability to raise armies and control US currency not only through taxes, but also the traffic of the amount of currency throughout the country (and world). One can argue whether or not the executive branch has more power than Congress (through the usage of executive orders), but congress in itself is balanced against both branches of government.

Learn more about the Legislative Branch, here:

Help please and thank you


Answer: Pythagoras Samos


¿A price celling can result in ?
A shorts ge
B balance
C surplus
D has no effects


A price increase may cause a shortage.

Does a price cap result in a surplus or a shortage?

A surplus will occur from a price cap above the level of the competitive equilibrium price. A shortage will occur if the price cap is lower than the price of competitive equilibrium.

What transpires to surplus when there is a price cap?

Producer surplus declines in the event of a price ceiling below the market equilibrium price (shown in the illustration by the triangle formed by the region below p and above the supply curve). Depending on the demand function and the height of the price ceiling, consumer surplus may rise or fall.

To know more about shortage visit:-



A price ceiling can result in which of the following?

A) a shortage

B) balance

C) surplus

D) has no effects

This nickname was given to many Chinese man who came to the United States in search of work. They worked hard on various projects, including railroads mining in construction. What was the groups nickname by the west coast locals




The group's nickname was "Coolies." The term was originally used in China to refer to unskilled laborers, but it was later adopted by Westerners to refer to Chinese immigrants who were brought over to work on labor-intensive projects such as the construction of railroads and mining operations. The term "coolie" has since taken on negative connotations and is generally considered offensive, so it is important to use more respectful language when referring to this group of workers.

The group of Chinese men who came to the United States in search of work, particularly on the railroads, mining, and construction projects, were often referred to as "Coolies" by the west coast locals.

What is the nickname Coolies?

The term Coolie was a derogatory and racially charged term used to refer to Chinese laborers who migrated to the United States in the 19th century.

These workers were often subjected to difficult working conditions, low wages, and discrimination. The term Coolie originated in India and Southeast Asia, where it referred to unskilled laborers who were often transported from one place to another, and it was later applied to Chinese laborers who were similarly transported to other countries for work.

The term has since been recognized as offensive and inappropriate, and its use is generally avoided in modern discourse.

Learn more about west coast locals at:


Drag the correct labels to the box. Not all labels will be used.
Earth's changing climate was a challenge for all hominids, but only Homo sapiens survived. Identify the traits and abilities that made Homo sapiens
much more adaptable than other hominids.
the ability to communicate and pass down
knowledge through generations
long and powerful arms that allowed them
to jump between trees
powerful eyesight that made it easier to see
in dull and dark conditions
a lighter body that allowed for swifter movement
the ability to adapt to different environments
Homo sapiens


The traits and abilities that made Homo sapiens much more adaptable than other hominids were:

Ability to communicate and pass down knowledgeLighter body for swifter movementAbility to adapt to different environments

How were Homo Sapiens much better at adapting ?

Homo sapiens, or modern humans, are believed to have emerged around 300,000 years ago in Africa, and over time, they spread to other parts of the world. One of the key factors that contributed to the success of Homo sapiens compared to other hominids was their ability to communicate and pass down knowledge through generations.

Another advantage of Homo sapiens was their ability to adapt to different environments. They were able to live in a wide range of habitats, from forests to deserts to the Arctic tundra. They adapted to different climates, changing diets, and new challenges such as disease and predators.

Find out more on Homo Sapiens at


during much of the time before the reformation, the bible was only available in , which most uneducated people could not read.


During much of the time before the Reformation, the Bible was only available in Latin, which most uneducated people could not read.

The Latin Bible was known as the Vulgate, and it had been the standard Bible used by the Roman Catholic Church since the fourth century. However, the majority of people in Europe during this time were illiterate, and even those who could read were often not fluent in Latin. As a result, the Bible was not accessible to most people, and the interpretation of Scripture was left to the clergy, who were educated and trained in theology.

This contributed to a general lack of knowledge among the laity about the contents of the Bible and the teachings of the Church, which in turn created a sense of dependency on the clergy and the Church hierarchy. Translating the Bible into vernacular languages played a key role in the Protestant Reformation, as it enabled people to read and interpret the Bible for themselves, leading to a greater emphasis on individual interpretation and a challenge to the authority of the Catholic Church.

To know more about the bible here


the passage can best be used to explain the role of which of the following in bringing about the first world war?






FILL IN THE BLANK jefferson and the republicans worked to reverse the trend whereby ____ had nearly tripled between 1793 and 1800.






Please answer all questions thank you its due today the questions or on the pdf I attached


The Nation of Islam (NOI) regards Wallace D. Fard as a divine and mysterious figure who brought a new message of Islam to the African American community in the early 20th century.

What is the nation of Islam?

The NOI teaches that Fard was not only a religious leader but also a social reformer who sought to uplift the black community from the oppression and discrimination they faced.

According to NOI teachings, Fard founded the organization in Detroit, Michigan, in 1930 and appointed Elijah Muhammad as his successor. Fard disappeared in 1934, and his whereabouts and fate are unknown. However, the NOI believes that he will one day return to complete his mission.

The importance of these beliefs to the NOI is that they provide a unique and empowering identity for African Americans, separate from mainstream Islam and Christianity. The NOI's teachings on Fard also emphasize self-reliance, self-determination, and the need for African Americans to come together and work towards their own liberation and progress.

Learn more about Islam on;


Read the Nation of Islam Perspective on its founder, Briefly summarize what you have learned from the assigned reading(s) and discuss why these are important to you.

when considering the relationship between american and german businesspeople, edward t. hall would agree that



that Americans wait to be instructed to do so before addressing a German counterpart by their first name.


1. What group replaced the Roman Empire as the unifying force in Western Europe? ​



The Roman Catholic Church


please give brainliest!

mexican revolutionary whose assaults on american citizens and territory provoked a u.s. expedition into mexico


The Mexican revolutionary whose assaults on American citizens and territory provoked a U.S. expedition into Mexico is Pancho Villa.

Francisco "Pancho" Villa was a Mexican revolutionary leader who was known for his military skill and tactics during the Mexican Revolution. Villa was born in 1878 and became a bandit in his early life, robbing and killing wealthy landowners to support the poor. He joined the revolutionary movement in 1910 and became a key figure in the fight against the government of President Porfirio Diaz. However, after the revolution, Villa's relationship with the US deteriorated.

In 1916, Villa led a raid on Columbus, New Mexico, killing 18 Americans. This led to a retaliatory expedition by the US Army under General John Pershing, who pursued Villa into Mexico. The expedition was ultimately unsuccessful in capturing Villa, and the US withdrew from Mexico in 1917. Villa continued to play a role in Mexican politics until his assassination in 1923.

Learn more about mexican revolutionary


Do the 14 points help ensure this will be the war to end all wars?



Do the 14 points help ensure this will be the war to end all wars?


The 14 points, a set of principles outlined by US President Woodrow Wilson for peace negotiations at the end of World War I, aimed to prevent future wars by promoting diplomacy, disarmament, and international cooperation. While the 14 points were intended to create a lasting peace, they ultimately failed to prevent the outbreak of World War II and subsequent conflicts.

One reason for this failure was the reluctance of some European powers to embrace Wilson's vision of a new world order based on cooperation and collective security. Additionally, the harsh terms imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles, which followed the 14 points, contributed to the rise of Hitler and the outbreak of World War II.

Therefore, while the 14 points represented a significant step towards preventing future wars, they ultimately fell short of achieving this goal.

Which unexpected event and the crisis defined the era of Donald Trump, for better or worse?
A. The Civil War
B. The Great Depression
O D. The Second World War


COVID-19 is the unexpected event and the crisis that defined the era of Donald Trump for better or worse. The correct option is C.

What crisis is COVID-19?

Given the health, economic, and social issues it brings up, the COVID-19 dilemma has governments all over the world functioning in a climate of utter unpredictability and forced to make painful trade-offs. The newly discovered coronavirus turned into a pandemic during the first three months of 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the United States during Trump's presidency, both in terms of public health and the economy. Trump's handling of the pandemic was heavily criticized, and the situation had an impact on his presidency, including his re-election campaign.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about COVID-19 here:


In a paragraph, identify and analyze the causes and effects of the space and
arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union. In your response,
provide at least ONE cause and effect on the space and arms race between the
two countries.


Fears that U.S. military had typically lagged behind in the development of new technology were stoked by the Soviet Union's victory.

What impact did it Space Race that took place between the US and the USSR have on US culture?

It was believed that having the technological superiority needed for such power was essential for maintaining political and national security. The Space Race resulted in ground-breaking attempts to launch artificial satellites, as well as lunar and Mars expeditions and missions to the Moon, Venus, and Mars. At first, just the United States had nuclear weapons, but once the Soviet Union detonated one in 1949, an arms race was sparked. As a result, the Sputnik launch served to escalate Cold War tensions by escalating the armaments race.

To know more about Space Race visit:


Which of these people groups FIRST developed a complex society in the region identified in the map?


The first people who developed a complex society in the region identified in the map was Sumerians

The first manufactured good to be produced by truly modern, industrial means was

a. cast iron.

b. the case clock.

c. cotton cloth.

d. the breech-loading rifle.

e. porcelain.


Cotton cloth was the first item to be manufactured   using genuinely contemporary, industrial techniques.

What was produced during the initial Industrial Revolution?

The steam engine, the spinning jenny, the cotton gin, and the telegraph are a few of the first Industrial Revolution's most significant technologies. The second Industrial Revolution that followed witnessed the development of the internal combustion engine, managed electricity, and the lightbulb.

What contemporary factory was the first during the Industrial Revolution?

Industry started to advance after the industrial revolution. The first factories were constructed in 1790, beginning with Samuel Slater's Slater Mill cotton-spinning facility in Rhode Island.

To know more about manufactured  visit:-



How did US involvement in World War II permanently end the policies of isolationism
and contribute to the emergence of the country as a "superpower"?


Answer: The United States' direct involvement in WW2 ended isolationist policies through the sale of supplies and direct troop deployments into the European battle, which was previously known as simply that.


HELP ME PLEASEEEEEE come up with 5 questions you have about interracial relationships from the Jim
Crow laws and answer those questions with at least 3 sentences each.
Please help, thank you



1. What were the Jim Crow laws and how did they affect interracial relationships?

The Jim Crow laws were a set of state and local laws in the United States that enforced racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans from the late 1800s to the mid-1960s. These laws also prohibited interracial marriage and relationships, making it illegal for people of different races to marry or engage in sexual relationships. Violators of these laws faced severe punishment, including imprisonment and fines.

2. How did interracial couples navigate the legal and social barriers of the Jim Crow era?

Interracial couples during the Jim Crow era faced significant legal and social barriers. They often had to keep their relationships secret to avoid persecution and violence from the authorities and the public. Some couples chose to move to states where interracial marriage was legal, while others chose to live together without getting married. Despite the challenges, many interracial couples persevered and built strong relationships that lasted a lifetime.

3. What were the attitudes of different racial groups towards interracial relationships during the Jim Crow era?

During the Jim Crow era, attitudes towards interracial relationships varied among different racial groups. White people generally opposed interracial relationships, viewing them as a threat to the racial purity of the white race. African Americans, on the other hand, were more accepting of interracial relationships, seeing them as a way to challenge the racial hierarchy and promote equality. Some African American women even saw interracial relationships as a way to escape the limited dating pool of African American men.

4. How did the Civil Rights Movement impact interracial relationships during the Jim Crow era?

The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s had a significant impact on interracial relationships during the Jim Crow era. The movement challenged the legal and social barriers that prevented interracial couples from marrying and living together openly. The landmark Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia in 1967 struck down state laws that prohibited interracial marriage, paving the way for interracial couples to marry and live together without fear of persecution.

5. What lessons can we learn from the experiences of interracial couples during the Jim Crow era?

The experiences of interracial couples during the Jim Crow era teach us about the resilience and strength of human relationships in the face of adversity. Despite the legal and social barriers they faced, many interracial couples were able to build strong and lasting relationships that challenged the racial hierarchy and promoted equality. Their stories remind us of the importance of love, respect, and understanding in overcoming prejudice and discrimination.

2. Choose 4 contributions and copy down the following chart for the PowerPoint Ch 17 History Alive. For each contribution, write or draw 2 notes.





The Cowboy










Contribution                                                                                              Notes


-Discovery of gold and silver led to the rapid development of western territories

-Mining towns were established and became centers of economic activity and culture


-The cattle industry was a major source of income for western farmers and ranchers

-Cattle drives were organized to transport cattle to markets in the East


-The open range system allowed ranchers to graze their cattle freely on public land

-Ranchers developed new breeds of cattle that were better adapted to the harsh western climate

The Cowboy

-Cowboys played a central role in the cattle industry, driving cattle to market and caring for them on the open range

-The cowboy became a cultural icon, celebrated in popular literature and entertainment

Irrigated Farming

-Irrigation systems allowed farmers to cultivate crops in arid regions

-Farmers developed new techniques for dry farming, such as planting drought-resistant crops

Other Questions
listed are 29 ages for academy award winning best actors in order from smallest to largest. 18; 21; 22; 25; 26; 27; 29; 30; 31; 33; 36; 37; 41; 42; 47; 52; 55; 57; 58; 62; 64; 67; 69; 71; 72; 73; 74; 76; 77 a. (5pts) find the score at the 20th percentile Give the interval(s) on which the function is continuous.g(t) = 1/16-t^2 (a) The current through a particular high-resistance (long) bulb when connected to two batteries in series (3.2 volts) is about 105 milliampere (mA); connected to one battery (1.6 volts) the current is about 70 mA; and connected to a small voltage of only 50 millivolts the current is about 5 mA. (Different high-resistance (long) bulbs may differ from these values somewhat.) Using the formula I - IAVI/R, what is R for each of these cases? R1.6V (b) Is a high-resistance (long) bulb an ohmic resistor over this whole range of currents? The bulb is ohmic, because light bulbs are ohmic. The bulb is ohmic because one can use the formula R-IAV/T. The bulb is ohmic, because it is not possible for the resistance of any resistor to change The bulb is not ohmic, because its resistance changes if the current through the bulb changes Additional Materials Section 19.2 for h(x) = 4x-1, find h(0) and h(2) Find a tangent vector of unit length at the point with the given value of the parameter t.r(t) = 2 sin(t)i + 3cos(t)jt= pi/6Please express answer in terms of i + j please answer the following five questions: q1-from the lab you know that the first six hexadecimal characters represent the oui. which choice is not the basis for the six hexadecimal characters? a. extension identifier b. addressing capabilities c. data of manufacture d. device id answer: your company, kick that ball sports, has appointed you as a project manager for its new soccer product line introduction. the product line involves three new products, two of which will be introduced together and a third one that will follow within two years. you are ready to create the wbs. all of the following are true except for which one? space tourism you chose to enter into the embryonic space tourism industry in the private sector. your board of directors supports this move and believes tourism is the future of space. however, they are concerned about the overall cost. how will you pursue the venture into tourism? 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What is the tension in the rope if:(A) The box is at rest? Express your answer with the appropriate units.(B) The box moves up a steady 4.60m/s4.60 m/s? Express your answer with the appropriate units.(C) The box has vy=4.60m/svy=4.60 m/s and is speeding up at 4.60m/s24.60 m/s2? The y-axis points upward. Express your answer with the appropriate units.(D) The box has vy=4.60m/svy=4.60 m/s and is slowing down at 4.60m/s24.60 m/s2? Express your answer with the appropriate units.