Morrison is 11 years older than his wife Susana. Susana who is 11 times as old as her son .if her son attains age of 9 years after 5 years. What is the present age of Morrison.​


Answer 1
Morrison is 55 I did math

Related Questions

Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets.



1) Has the need been told ( by you )?
2) Why is this being done by him?
3) Let an umbrella be bought.
4) Will she drink milk?
5) Let your book be taken, please.
6) Whom can be chess played by?
7) Let him be called at your home.
8) Did your homework be finished by you?
9)Where am I being waited by him?
10) Has he found my purse?
11) Who was the chair broken by?
12) Let the lesson be selected by her.
13) Is the criminal caught by him?
14) Throw the rubbish into the dustbin.
15) Did a car hit you?
16) It is said that he is not honest.

Hope it helps you!

30. Which of the following explains why a speech should be precise and concise

Ensure statements are humorous and believable.

Ensures statements are clever and repetitive.

Ensures statements are accurate and to-the-point.

Ensures statements are supportive and strategic



Ensures statements are accurate and to-the-point.


A speech should be precise and concise because it ensures that statements are accurate and to-the-point.

Speeches are encouraged to be precise and concise so that the speaker can avoid unnecessary details and go straight to the point without boring his listeners but making them understand his point quickly.

I muttered, knocking my knuckles through the glass, and stretching
an arm out to seize the importunate branch; instead of which, my
fingers closed on the fingers of a little, ice-cold hand!
Which figurative language is used in the sentence given?





Alliteration is a literary device that refers to the use of the same consonant word in consecutive words in a sentence. In other words, we can say that alliteration is when the same consonant sound in close proximity in a sentence.

In the given sentence from "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte, the author/ speaker uses the figurative language of alliteration. Alliteration is seen/used in the words "knocking my knuckles" and "fingers closed on the fingers . . ."

Thus, the correct answer is alliteration.

Read the sentence. Determine if the appositive is restrictive or nonrestrictive based on punctuation. My dog Zeus won at the county dog show. What can be concluded about Zeus? Zeus is the speaker's only dog, because Zeus is a restrictive appositive. The speaker owns more than one dog, because Zeus is a restrictive appositive. Zeus is the speaker's only dog, because Zeus is a nonrestrictive appositive. The speaker owns more than one dog, because Zeus is a nonrestrictive appositive.


Answer: The speaker owns more than one dog, because Zeus is a restrictive appositive.


An appositive noun or phrase is said to be restrictive when the word that it modifies is being narrowed down. It simply tells the noun that one is writing about. A restrictive appositive is not separated from rest of the sentence by commas.

Since the sentence "My dog Zeus won at the county dog show" isn't separated by comma and tell us that the speaker owns more than one dog.

Answer: B The speaker owns more than one dog, because Zeus is a restrictive appositive


Which sentence states a theme of the passage “ a grecian wedding “

People can’t find joy in any situation if they try harder enough

As people grow older they need to make a difficult choice

Children should respect and learn from the life experience of their parents

Marriage is it an outdated tradition that limits opportunity for women

Help me



As people grow older they need to make a difficult choice


The passage narrated the dilemma two young sisters had to contend with as they reached a marriageable age in Greece. Demetria and Agatha had to choose between getting married to the men their parents chose for them and pursuing their personal dreams. Agatha was afraid of upsetting the gods by disobeying her parents but she also had a strong desire to be educated and to be a public orator. In the end, two roads were right in front of her and she had to make a difficult choice.

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. environment B. fertilizer C. editor D. scientist



fertilizer i t'informer me

help mee doing thissss



1. If the candidate didn't wear dirty jeans to his interview, he would be here now.

2. If her boss didn't give her a company car, she would of have to take the bus.







Can someone correct my spelling/ grammar errors? I'll leave the rest for other brainly users.

Consider these versions of The War of the Worlds.

Excerpt 1, from H. G. Wells's novel The War of the Worlds:

The common round the sand pits was dotted with people, standing like myself in a half-fascinated terror, staring at these creatures, or rather at the heaped gravel at the edge of the pit in which they lay. And then, with a renewed horror, I saw a round, black object bobbing up and down on the edge of the pit. It was the head of the shopman who had fallen in, but showing as a little black object against the hot western sun. Now he got his shoulder and knee up, and again he seemed to slip back until only his head was visible. Suddenly he vanished, and I could have fancied a faint shriek had reached me.

Excerpt 2, from Howard E. Koch's script for Orson Welles's radio adaptation:

PHILLIPS: Ladies and gentlemen, you've just heard Mr. Wilmuth, owner of the farm where this thing has fallen. I wish I could convey the atmosphere . . . the background of this . . . fantastic scene. Hundreds of cars are parked in a field in back of us. Police are trying to rope off the roadway leading to the farm. But it's no use. They're breaking right through. Cars' headlights throw an enormous spot on the pit where the object's half buried. Some of the more daring souls are now venturing near the edge. Their silhouettes stand out against the metal sheen.

Which statement best describes the similarity between these versions?

Both versions impart an urgent tone through a resident’s words.
Both versions impart setting details through colorful description.
Both versions explain the background of a scientific phenomenon.
Both versions use characterization to show the locals' intelligence.



The statement which best describes the similarity between these versions is:

B. Both versions impart setting details through colorful description.


H. G. Wells was an English author (1866-1946) who wrote the famous novel "War of the Worlds," in which martians invade the Earth. As we know, the novel was adapted and broadcast via radio in 1938 to sound as if it were news bulletins. Allegedly, some people panicked while listening to the radio, truly believing the planet was under attack. However, we now know it was not a generalized panic.

Both excerpts give a colorful, vivid description of the scene before the narrator's eyes. Word choice makes it possible for readers, in the first case, and listeners, in the second, to really see, hear, or even feel the same things as the narrator. With the first excerpt, we can see the person who fell into the pit trying to leave it, only to slip back and then be dragged by some mysterious creature. With the second passage, we can see the cars, the police, the headlights, and finally the shadows of the people who have approached the object that fell from the sky.

Answer: B

Explanation: Both versions impart setting details through colorful description.

Which three important events in the story should be included in its summary?

adapted from The Glass Axe
by Andrew Lang

There was once upon a time a King and Queen who had everything they could possibly wish for in this world except a child.At last, after twelve years, the Queen gave birth to a son; but she did not live long to enjoy her happiness, for on the following day she died. But before her death she called her husband to her and said, "Never let the child put his feet on the ground, for as soon as he does so he will fall into the power of a wicked Fairy, who will do him much harm." And these were the last words the poor Queen spoke.
The boy throve and grew big, and when he was too heavy for his nurse to carry, a chair was made for him on little wheels, in which he could wander through the palace gardens without help; at other times he was carried about on a litter, and he was always carefully watched and guarded for fear he should at any time put his feet to the ground.
But as this sort of life was bad for his health, the doctors ordered him horse exercise, and he soon became a first-rate rider, and used to go out for long excursions on horseback, accompanied always by his father's stud-groom and a numerous retinue.
Every day he rode through the neighboring fields and woods, and always returned home in the evening safe and well. In this way many years passed, and the Prince grew to manhood, and hardly anyone remembered the Queen's warning, though precautions were still taken, more from use and wont than for any other reason. One day the Prince and his suite went out for a ride in a wood where his father sometimes held a hunt. Their way led through a stream whose banks were overgrown with thick brushwood.Just as the horsemen were about to ford the river, a hare, startled by the sound of the horses' hoofs, started up from the grass and ran towards the thicket.The young Prince pursued the little creature, and had almost overtaken it, when the girth of his saddle suddenly broke in two and he fell heavily to the ground.No sooner had his foot touched the earth than he disappeared before the eyes of the horrified courtiers.They sought for him far and near, but all in vain, and they were forced to recognize the power of the evil Fairy. . . .
Hardly had the Prince touched the ground than he felt himself violently seized by an unseen power, and hurried away he knew not whither. A whole new world stretched out before him, quite unlike the one he had left. A splendid castle surrounded by a huge lake was the abode of the Fairy, and the only approach to it was over a bridge of clouds.On the other side of the lake high mountains rose up, and dark woods stretched along the banks; over all hung a thick mist, and deep silence reigned everywhere.No sooner had the Fairy reached her own domain than she made herself visible, and turning to the Prince she told him that unless he obeyed all her commands down to the minutest detail he would be severely punished.Then she gave him an axe made of glass, and bade him cross the bridge of clouds and go into the wood beyond and cut down all the trees there before sunset.At the same time she cautioned him with many angry words against speaking to a girl he would most likely meet in the wood. The Prince listened to her words meekly, and when she had finished took up the glass axe and set out for the forest. At every step he seemed to sink into the clouds, but fear gave wings to his feet, and he crossed the lake in safety and set to work at once.



A. There was once upon a time a King and Queen who had everything they could possibly wish for in this world except a child.

B. "Never let the child put his feet on the ground, for as soon as he does so he will fall into the power of a wicked Fairy, who will do him much harm."

D. No sooner had his foot touched the earth than he disappeared before the eyes of the horrified courtiers.


A summary is a recap of the high points in a story. In this story, three important events that should be included in its summary are;

1. The introduction that laid the basis for the story. This will help readers to have a knowledge of the genesis of the problem.

2. The instruction given by the Queen is also important as failure to keep to it will have dire consequences.

3. The point where the Princes' foot touched the ground is another high point in the story. The readers will now be interested in knowing what happened eventually.

Define the term lostand found


A place where list items are stored to await retrieval by their owners.


The term lost and found means fi you have lost something or when you were walking and it fell off your pocket and when someone spots the object you

lost and will return it to the police, they will keep that object with them until the owner doesn't come and says he has lost something

As future teacher how are you going to use the concept of peace education as transformative education among your students. Give example.


Answer and Explanation:

A teacher can show how education is the main basis for people to fight violence peacefully and beneficially, preventing further violence from occurring and thus encouraging peace among people. This is a duty that teachers must take to all students, showing how education allows the evolution of the individual who can resolve conflicts, injustices and even wars. An example of this can be seen in countries, where leaders, possessed of a good education and know how to reason coherently and solve their conflicts through rational conversation, peaceful and that fights conflicts, without increasing them.

I am writing an essay, and really need help with a few key points..!
The topic is: How is music connected to politics?



interesting topic...

I want you to think about both of these songs: This is America by Childish Gambino

Im Not Racist by Joyner Lucas


These songs both had political backgrounds and influences. ((I advise you to do some googling on their meanings, I am going off somewhat on my own))

This is America was based off America's stereotypes and had metaphors about race and gun violence. He used his music platform to inform the world about the violence around them and his about his violent contradictions about being black in America.

Here is a link for a break down of the music video : (I don't know if it is an reliable source b/c media outlets are biased sometimes)

I'm not Racist is a song that was written about the state of race relations in America and how far apart blacks and whites are in how they see things in America. He used his platform to show the world the mindsets of specifics races (whites and blacks) to one another in their own county. "First, the white man unloads his frustrations and his views on Black Lives Matter, the NFL anthem protests. There are even potshots taken against 2Pac and Eminem.

Then the black man reacts. He takes on white privilege, cultural appropriation, and attacks against former President Barack Obama." - CNN news paper. And thrroughout the song both of the men insist "I'm not Racist".

Here is a link for the break down of the music video: (Please note that media outlets like these can be biased and CNN has been known to be biased so use caution and double check your info.)

Both of these men used the music platform to spread awareness of the political matters of the people in the United States.

-Hope I helped.

What is an iambic pentameter



Iambic pentameter is a type of metric line used in traditional English poetry and verse drama.

a line of verse with five metrical feet, each consisting of one short (or unstressed) syllable followed by one long (or stressed) syllable, for example Two households, both alike in dignity.

what do they reveal about Major kovaloffs charater


He sought more to give himself dignity and weight by. calling himself, in addition to "Collegiate Assessor," "Major."


He is Arrogant


Just took the test. A P E X

Please mark as Brainliest =D

How can a writer best highlight the qualities of the subject in a personal narrative ?



I dont knowamd u don't know too

Now that you’ve chosen your topic and someone to write to, write your letter. Use the Process section below to help you figure out how to approach your letter. Make sure your letter includes an explanation of the issue you’ve picked and why it is important to you. Suggest at least one way you think the issue could be addressed by your congressperson or by the government. Optionally, have a fellow student do a peer review of your letter before you turn it in. Once your teacher has graded your letter, send it on to your representative. (someone please write a short essay about school shootings and gun laws PLEEEEEASSSEEEEEE) il give you a hug or sum



Topic: Helping families during the pandemic.


Dear Mr/Mrs (your US representative)

As you know we are entering a pandemic, and the economy will become bad. Many business owners are going to fire their employees or putting them on a break without pay. The employees that make up these businesses are mainly a part of the lower and lower-middle class. Now the question is: When these families don't have a monthly income, how are they going to survive this pandemic?

Of course the higher and higher middle class will have no problem staying home and can afford all of their necessities. But the government will have to help our community. I propose that there should be at least 3 days out of the week where the city counsel can give out groceries to the families in need. These groceries can have the basic needs such as bread, eggs, milk, juice, rice etc. When the counsel gives out the groceries, they could be stationed somewhere where everyone knows how to get there.

I'm sure the counsel has some money to be able to do this for the community. This could help the families in these difficult times. Thank you for your time.


Your name


Identify the verbs as transitive or intransitive
a. we run every morning.
b. she murmured a little sadly.
c. she must dream of the soft look.


C is the most common
A intransitive
B transitive
C intransitive

What is the difference between a Supreme Court opinion and a Supreme Court dissent?

An opinion is a Supreme Court decision that the majority of the judges disagree with, while a dissent agrees with the decision.
An opinion is a Supreme Court decision that the majority of the judges agree with, while a dissent disagrees with the decision.
An opinion is a Supreme Court summary of the case, while a dissent is the final decision made on the case.
An opinion is a Supreme Court decision suggested by one of the judges, while a dissent summarizes previous decisions on similar issues.



The difference between a Supreme Court opinion and a Supreme Court dissent is:

B. An opinion is a Supreme Court decision that the majority of the judges agree with, while a dissent disagrees with the decision.


As we know, the Supreme Court is composed of nine justices. The decision most of the justices agree with is called an opinion. If one or more justices disagree with the opinion of the majority, we have a dissenting opinion or dissent. It is important to understand that they do not have to disagree with the opinion entirely, that is, they can disagree with only certain parts of the opinion.

The weather in Gothic literature usually consists of...

rain, clouds, fog, or snow
sunshine and warm temperatures
some sunshine and big, puffy clouds


It's option a...........


it Is the first answer


in what way do you think overseas commitment " influence the rise and fall of nations in Europe​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The way I think overseas commitment influenced the rise and fall of nations in Europe is the following.

Powerful European nations started to navigate the oceans since the so-called Age of Exploration. Prince Henry of Portugal was one of the first to build a powerful navy to explore and conquer in the name of his nation. Other European monarchies followed through, as was the case of Spain, France, and Great Britain.

They got inspiration from the "Three Gs" that are often used to summarize the motivation for European exploration are Gold, God, and Glory.

The age of exploration had European nations more power due to the discovery of new territories and the colonization of those territories. They discovered new lands where raw materials and natural resources abounded. So the three "G's" that motivated that explorations were Gold, the monarchy knew that many territories had plenty of gold and the crowns wanted that god to increase their wealthiness. God, they tough that they had to evangelize the natives Indians of that far lands to make them Christians. Ang Glory, to get supremacy over other European nations that were also competing for new territories.

Which phrase best describes the character of Harthouse from Hard Times, by Charles Dickens?
A.lucky chap
B.smooth criminal
C.moral figure
D. suffering servant



B. Smooth criminal


in the book he's a pretty smooth dude

sumina said to father what is your name into indirect speech​



I think it goes like this...


Sumina asked her father what his name was.

Punctuate the sentence with periods, commas, question marks, exclamation marks, and quotation marks as needed.
(Do you like asked Sandra to read fiction or non fiction)



Sandra asked, "do you like to read fiction or nonfiction?

Which sentence in this passage correctly uses the semicolon? Jane was tired of living an unassuming life; in the suburbs. She yearned to expand her horizons and travel the length and breadth of the world. She was also very curious to learn; and have new experiences. Just last year, she spent four months learning a foreign language in the hope that a job opportunity abroad would open up to her. However; all her attempts were in vain. But, instead of getting dismayed, she put on her bravest face and continued working toward her goal. She had made up her mind; she was going to travel the world one way or another.



She had made up her mind; she was going to travel the world one way or another.


The sentence in this passage that correctly uses the semicolon is the following one: She had made up her mind; she was going to travel the world one way or another.


A semicolon is used to join in a single sentence two independent clauses that are closely related in thought. When a semicolon is used to join two ideas, these ideas are given equal position. In the sentence above, the second clause specifies the first one. The first one states that she had made up her mind and the second one specifies what this means: she made up her mind, she had decided to travel the world.

Hope This Helps :)

Read the excerpt from chapter 31 of The Awakening,
He looked around, and began to turn out some of the lights.
"What about upstairs?" he inquired.
"I think it is all right; but there may be a window or two unlatched. We had better look; you might take a candle
and see. And bring me my wrap and hat on the foot of the bed in the middle room."
He went up with the light, and Edna began closing doors and windows. She hated to shut in the smoke and the
fumes of the wine. Arobin found her cape and hat, which he brought down and helped her to put on.
What does this excerpt reveal about the role Arobin has taken in Edna's life?
O In Leonce's absence, Arobin has become Edna's substitute husband.
O Arobin has become her closest confidante and most trusted friend.
O Edna views Arobin as her perfect mate and feels at ease with him.
O Arobin has become the new lord of the house on Esplanade Street.



The correct answer is A. In Leonce’s absence, Arobin has become Edna’s substitute husband.


The excerpt reveals the following role Arobin has taken in Edna's life

In Leonce's absence, Arobin has become Edna's substitute husband.

What is a substitute?

A substitute can be defined as a person or thing acting or serving in place of another.

In both economics and consumer theory, an alternative or replaceable product is a product or service that the consumer considers to be substantially the same or sufficiently similar to another product. Simply put, a replacement is a product that can be used in place of another product.

Alternative products play an important role in the market and are seen as a benefit to consumers. They offer consumers more choices, which can better meet their needs.

What is the awakening?

Kate Chopin's novel "Awakening" published in 1899. Originally entitled "The Lonely Soul," this novel records the struggle for the personal liberation of young mothers in the oppressive environment of the post-war southern United States.

Awakening revolves around Edna Pontellier's struggle between her increasingly unorthodox view of femininity and motherhood and the dominant social attitude of the Southern United States at the turn of the century.

It is one of the earliest American novels that has not shyly focused on women's issues. It is also widely regarded as an original work of early feminism, eliciting a mixed reaction from modern readers and critics.

Hence, option A is the correct answer

To learn more about a substitute here,


what are the advantages and disadvantages of rdp houses that are provided by the government​ ? Please answer correctly



RDP houses provide better security against crime and it gives protection against environmental factors. The supply of new low cost living units is designed to house a single family. Its purpose is to meet the basic needs of a family.


the government can assist individuals to obtain housing that they may not qualify for otherwise. It can also set certain standards that the builders and owners must live up to in the form of codes and ordinances to maintain some set standard of living.

Disadvantages :

The government interferes with the market and prevents some private development from occurring which would occur naturally without its intervention. It can also pass rules and regulations which hinder the development or even the maintenance of the housing units after they are built.

RDP houses are the houses that are built by the government as part of the social housing projects that the government funds.

Some of the advantages of RDP houses include

It provides security against crimes.It is cost effective.

The disadvantages of RDP houses include:

Energy inefficient materials are sometimes used in building RDP houses.It is usually warmer outside than the inside of the house.

Read related link on:

Which of the following is not true about résumés? You should bring a copy of your résumé when you interview for a job. A résumé does not need to be 100% accurate. Your résumé should give information about your background and experience. Résumés should be carefully edited and proofread.



The option that is not true is: Your resume does not need to be 100% accurate.


Your resume is often what an employer uses to decide if you are a candidate they want to interview. If there is false or misleading information on the resume, you could be misleading the employer. This could lead to being disqualified from the job, or future opportunities with the company.

Here are the other answers:

Bring a resume to the interview - YES! It is important you have a copy of your resume with you in case you want to reference something or provide another copy.Give info about your background and experience - YES! You want the resume to highlight your experience and background so the employer knows why you're a great fit for. the job.Carefully edited and proofread - YES! Nothing is more embarassing than a spelling error on your resume! Proofread carefully.



The correct answer is F. Comparison and contrast.


A comparison and contrast paragraph is a type of text characterized by expressing an idea by associating the similarities and differences between two ideas, characters, situations, among others. According to the above, the text presented is an example of a comparison and contrast text because it expresses the reading process and relates it through similarities and differences with the process of driving a car. So the correct answer is F. Comparison and contrast.

What is the most effective way for a writer to come up with counter-claims to her argument?

Select one:

a. Find out or imagine what others think about the issue.

b. Ask a close friend about his or her views on the issue.

c. Repeat the viewpoint in a different way.

d. Imagine a viewpoint that seems unbelievable.



B. ask another person of peer. that or A.

A because a counter claim is another claim to go against your claim so seeing what others think against what you think is reasonable

Predict which statements are true about the intervals of the continuous function. Check all that apply.

f(x) > 0 over the interval (−, 3).
f(x) ≤ 0 over the interval [0, 2].
f(x) < 0 over the interval (−1, 1).
f(x) > 0 over the interval (–2, 0).
f(x) ≥ 0 over the interval [2, ).





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