-made up of
1. I take refuge in the Buddha (=the awakened one- acknowledge the Buddha as the supreme example of the potential of human life)
2. I take refuge in the Dharma (=the teachings of the Buddha- to do this is to recognize it as the path to enlightenment and an end to suffering)
3. I take refuge in the Sangha (=the Buddhist community- to recognize one's reliance on the Buddhist community-and in particular, the order of the monks-as the custodian of the Dharma, responsible for its preservation and transmission)


Answer 1

The threefold refuge is a central concept in Buddhism, and it is considered one of the most fundamental aspects of Buddhist practice. The refuge ceremony involves a person taking refuge in the threefold refuge, which is made up of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.

Taking refuge in the Buddha means acknowledging the Buddha as the supreme example of the potential of human life. This involves recognizing the Buddha's awakening and his teachings as the path to enlightenment and the end of suffering.

Taking refuge in the Dharma means recognizing the teachings of the Buddha as the path to enlightenment and the end of suffering. This involves studying and practicing the teachings of the Buddha to cultivate wisdom and compassion.

Taking refuge in the Sangha means recognizing the Buddhist community, and in particular, the order of the monks, as the custodian of the Dharma, responsible for its preservation and transmission.

By taking refuge in the threefold refuge, Buddhist practitioner acknowledges their commitment to the path of liberation and the cultivation of wisdom and compassion. It is a declaration of one's faith and devotion to the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha.

To learn more about Buddha



Related Questions

According to hutter , why will the controversy about the origin of catul batik


Hutter suggests that the controversy about the origin of Catul Batik exists due to the lack of a clear and verifiable historical record regarding the development of batik in different regions of Indonesia.

Why did the controversy arises ?

According to Hutter, the origin of batik is a complex and multifaceted issue, with different regions of Indonesia claiming to be the birthplace of the art form.

Furthermore, Hutter suggests that the controversy is also fueled by economic and political interests, as different regions seek to establish themselves as the primary producers and exporters of batik. This has led to a competition between different regions to claim ownership of the art form and establish themselves as the authentic producers of batik.

Moreover, Hutter argues that the controversy surrounding the origin of Catul Batik is also related to the commercialization of the art form, as it has become a lucrative industry in Indonesia. The authenticity and provenance of the batik are significant factors in determining its value and marketability, leading to a desire to establish its origins definitively.

In conclusion, the controversy about the origin of Catul Batik is a multifaceted issue that is driven by a combination of economic, political, and cultural factors, and is rooted in the lack of a clear and verifiable historical record.

To know more about Catul Batik , visit :



research by the public agenda organization found that the number one reason students gave for dropping out of college is which of these?


According to research by the Public Agenda organization, the number one reason students gave for dropping out of college is the need to work and earn money.

Many students are unable to balance the demands of college with the need to work to support themselves or their families. They may struggle to find enough time to study and attend classes, or may not have the financial resources to pay for tuition, textbooks, and other expenses. Other common reasons for dropping out of college include difficulty adjusting to college life, academic challenges, and personal or family issues. Addressing these challenges and providing support for students who are at risk of dropping out can help improve college completion rates and increase access to higher education for all students.

To know more about organization click here:



_____ is usually preferred when the decisions of a company are very risky and low-level managers lack decision-making skills.Select one:a. Delegation of authorityb. Decentralizationc. Employee empowermentd. Centralizatione. Specialization


Centralization is usually preferred when the decisions of a company are very risky and low-level managers lack decision-making skills.

What is centralization?

Centralization refers to a management structure where decision-making authority is concentrated at the top levels of the organization. This means that important decisions are made by a few top executives who have the necessary skills and experience to make complex decisions. In a centralized structure, low-level managers have little decision-making power and are usually responsible for implementing the decisions made by higher-level executives.

This approach is often preferred in situations where the risks are high, and there is a need for strong centralized control to ensure that decisions are made carefully and with a long-term perspective.

To know more about centralization related question visit:



true/false. experts say that once a relationship reaches the declining stage, it has deteriorated beyond the point where there are effective strategies for repair


False. While it is true that relationships can deteriorate to a point where they become very difficult to repair, experts do not necessarily agree that once a relationship reaches the declining stage, it has passed the point of no return.

In fact, many experts believe that even troubled relationships can be repaired with the right strategies and effort.

There are a number of strategies that can be effective in repairing a relationship that has entered the declining stage, such as active listening, empathizing with the other person's perspective, expressing vulnerability and honesty, and working together to find solutions to problems. While these strategies may not work in every case, many couples have been able to successfully repair their relationships even after they have deteriorated significantly.

To learn more about declining stage visit;



which of these is still considered deviant today by many in the united states, according to your text?


Smoking is still considered deviant today by many in the united states.

C is the correct option.

What is deviant behavior?

The definition of deviant behavior includes activities or behaviors that break social standards or expectations. Unwritten rules that influence behavior and are accepted by specific social groups or cultures are referred to as social norms.

The phrase "deviant behavior" is derived from the term "deviate," which implies to depart from a normal or accepted behavior or action. A deviant action is another term for deviant behavior.

To know more about deviant behavior visit:



This is an incomplete question. The complete question is:

which of these is still considered deviant today by many in the united states, according to your text?

A) Rudeness

B) Bribery

C) Smoking

D) Theft

Candidates for political office use public opinion polls for all of the following purposes EXCEPT to
assess recognition of the candidate's name
measure voters' support for the candidate's issues
bring the opposition's opinions into alignment with those of the candidate
fine-tune policy stands
identify key issues among the voters


For political office use public opinion polls for all of the following purposes except to bring the opposition's opinions into alignment with those of the candidate therefore the correct option is C.

Public opinion polls are  frequently used by  campaigners for political office to measure choosers' support for the  seeker's issues, fine- tune policy stands, and identify  crucial issues among the choosers. The data collected from these  polls can be used to develop strategies for the  seeker's  crusade and help them more understand their constituency.

still,  polls  aren't used to assess recognition of the  seeker's name or to bring the opposition's opinions into alignment with those of the  seeker. This is because polls  measure the opinions of choosers, and don't  inescapably reflect the opinions of the opposition or intentions of the  seeker.

Hence the correct option is C

To know more about Public opinion polls visit:



TRUE/FALSE.Because globalization, deviant activities and ideas of what is or is not deviant flow more easily between societies?


TRUE. Because of globalization, deviant activities and ideas of what is or is not deviant can more easily flow between societies.

This is because globalization has facilitated the exchange of ideas, cultures, and values between different parts of the world, leading to increased cultural awareness and understanding. As a result, individuals in one society may become exposed to deviant behaviors or ideas from another society, and may adopt them as their own. For example, the spread of internet and social media has made it easier for people to access and share information, including deviant activities or ideas. Furthermore, the ease of travel and migration has also facilitated the movement of individuals from one society to another, bringing with them deviant behaviors or ideas that may be unfamiliar or unacceptable in the new society.

To learn more about globalization visit;






The fur and spices trade refer to the trading of furs and spices between Europe and Asia that took place during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The trade routes between Europe and Asia, known as the Silk Road, were used to transport valuable goods, including furs and spices, across vast distances.

Furs were highly valued in Europe for their warmth and durability, and they were primarily obtained from regions such as Scandinavia and Russia. Spices, on the other hand, were highly valued for their flavor and medicinal properties and were obtained from regions such as India, Indonesia, and China.

The fur and spices trade had a significant impact on the economy and culture of the countries involved. The trade routes led to the development of new trade centers, such as Venice and Constantinople, and the growth of wealthy merchant families. The demand for furs and spices also led to exploration and colonization of new territories, such as the Americas, to obtain these valuable resources.

The fur and spices trade also had social and cultural impacts. Furs were a symbol of wealth and status, and the demand for exotic spices led to new culinary traditions and the development of new food and drink products.

Today, the fur and spice trades continue, albeit with significant changes in the production and distribution of these goods. The fur trade, in particular, has been the subject of controversy due to concerns about animal welfare and conservation. Nonetheless, the historical fur and spice trades have left a lasting impact on the global economy and culture.



The fur and spices trade refer to two separate types of trade that were important during different historical periods.

The fur trade was a major economic activity in North America from the 16th to the 19th centuries. European traders, particularly the French and British, exchanged manufactured goods such as metal tools, weapons, and textiles for furs obtained by Native American hunters. The furs were then shipped back to Europe, where they were used to make expensive clothing, hats, and other luxury goods. The fur trade was a significant factor in the exploration and colonization of North America, as well as the development of the North American economy.

The spice trade, on the other hand, refers to the exchange of exotic spices and herbs between Asia, Africa, and Europe. Spices like cinnamon, pepper, cloves, and nutmeg were highly valued in ancient times and were used for medicinal purposes, preserving food, and adding flavor to meals. The spice trade was dominated by Arab traders and later by Europeans, particularly the Portuguese, Dutch, and British. The spice trade was a major factor in the age of European exploration, as explorers like Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, and Ferdinand Magellan were searching for new trade routes to the East Indies and other regions to acquire these valuable spices.

Both the fur trade and the spice trade played significant roles in the development of international trade and commerce, as well as the development of different regions of the world. They also had significant social and cultural impacts, as they influenced the diets, fashion, and customs of people in different parts of the world.

2.4 Analyse the impact of gender roles in societies and how they influence the inequalities in relationships and the general well-being of an individual. (3x2)


Role of genders influence society in equality for history.

what is social inequality and how it is influence?

In society there are mainly two two gender that is male and female from historical time male section has been always ruling the female section from the historical time female are only working inside the home they are not allowed to go outside and male only go outside to work to on a living and this this mindset of male section leads to social inequality because of this reason bene females at this time also and not getting educated and at the end work in their home only and ruled by their father and their husbands afterwards.

to know more about the gender inequality visit:



Using Super’s theory, one of the best ways for elementary guidance counselors to work on career development issues with six year old children is to encourage this.


Encouraging the development of a positive self-concept by helping children explore their interests and talents is one of the best ways for elementary guidance counselors to work on career development issues with six-year-old children using Super's theory.

As an elementary guidance counselor, using Super's theory to encourage the development of a positive self-concept in six-year-old children is one of the best ways to work on career development issues. To achieve this, it is important to help children explore their interests and talents in a way that promotes self-discovery.

By giving them the tools to uncover and appreciate their own strengths, children can develop a positive self-image that will provide a foundation for future career success. With the right guidance and support, elementary guidance counselors can make a significant impact on a child's self-concept and, ultimately, their future.

To know more about interest, click here.



fill in the blank. fathers show hormonal changes- specifically slight increases in---and___around the time of birth that are compatible with those of mothers.


Fathers show hormonal changes, specifically slight increases in oxytocin and prolactin around the time of birth that are compatible with those of mothers.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the "love hormone" and is associated with social bonding and attachment, while prolactin is involved in milk production in nursing mothers but also has other functions in both sexes.

Research has shown that fathers who spend more time caring for their infants have higher levels of oxytocin and prolactin, suggesting that these hormones play a role in promoting paternal caregiving behaviors. Fathers who experience these hormonal changes may feel more connected and attached to their infants, and may be more motivated to provide care and support to their partners during the postpartum period.

The hormonal changes that occur in fathers around the time of birth are part of a complex set of physiological, psychological, and social changes that occur during the transition to parenthood. Understanding these changes and their effects on fathers and their families is an important area of research that can help to promote healthy parent-child relationships and support for families during this critical time.

To learn more about hormonal changes visit;



How do i fear Allah

How do i fear no man but Allah​


Fearing Allah (taqwa) is an essential aspect of the Islamic faith. It means to be conscious of Allah's presence and to act accordingly by following His commands and refraining from His prohibitions. Here are some ways to develop the fear of Allah:

Increase your knowledge of Allah and His attributes: Learn more about Allah's attributes of mercy, forgiveness, justice, and love. This knowledge will help you understand the importance of obedience to Allah and develop a greater sense of awe and reverence for Him.Focus on your intentions: Always examine your intentions before doing anything. Ensure that your actions are solely for the sake of Allah and not for the approval or praise of others.Reflect on the Quran and Sunnah: Regularly read and contemplate on the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This will help you to develop a deeper understanding of the teachings of Islam and inspire you to act accordingly.Be mindful of your actions: Be aware of your actions, thoughts, and intentions. Strive to avoid anything that displeases Allah and seek forgiveness for your mistakes.

As for the second question, "How do I fear no man but Allah?" It means that we should prioritize the pleasure of Allah over the opinions of others. Here are some tips on how to do that:

Focus on pleasing Allah: Strive to please Allah in all that you do. Seek His approval and guidance, rather than the approval of others.Keep the company of righteous people: Surround yourself with people who remind you of Allah and inspire you to do good. Avoid those who lead you astray or distract you from your faith.Be true to your beliefs: Stand up for what you believe in, even if it's not popular. Do not compromise your faith for the sake of others' approval.Remember the blessings of Allah: Remind yourself of the blessings Allah has bestowed upon you and be grateful. This will help you put things into perspective and prioritize what's truly important.

In summary, to fear Allah and not fear anyone else, we should focus on pleasing Allah, increase our knowledge of Him, reflect on His teachings, be mindful of our actions, keep good company, and be true to our beliefs.

This answer is by ChatGPT.

I checked the answer and as a Muslim, I approve this.

The bravest man is the one who fears Allah the most - he who fears Allah fears none besides Him.

The bravest man is the one who fears Allah the most - he who fears Allah fears none besides Him.

Fear of Allah, may He be exalted, is obligatory for everyone, and no one can be guaranteed safety from Allah’s punishment except by fearing Him. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):

Fear of Allah, may He be exalted, is obligatory for everyone, and no one can be guaranteed safety from Allah’s punishment except by fearing Him. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):“so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers”

Fear of Allah, may He be exalted, is obligatory for everyone, and no one can be guaranteed safety from Allah’s punishment except by fearing Him. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):“so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers”[Aal ‘Imraan 3:175]

Fear of Allah, may He be exalted, is obligatory for everyone, and no one can be guaranteed safety from Allah’s punishment except by fearing Him. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):“so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers”[Aal ‘Imraan 3:175]“Therefore fear not men but fear Me”

Fear of Allah, may He be exalted, is obligatory for everyone, and no one can be guaranteed safety from Allah’s punishment except by fearing Him. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):“so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers”[Aal ‘Imraan 3:175]“Therefore fear not men but fear Me”[al-Maa’idah 5:44]

Fear of Allah, may He be exalted, is obligatory for everyone, and no one can be guaranteed safety from Allah’s punishment except by fearing Him. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):“so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers”[Aal ‘Imraan 3:175]“Therefore fear not men but fear Me”[al-Maa’idah 5:44]“and fear none but Me”

Fear of Allah, may He be exalted, is obligatory for everyone, and no one can be guaranteed safety from Allah’s punishment except by fearing Him. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):“so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers”[Aal ‘Imraan 3:175]“Therefore fear not men but fear Me”[al-Maa’idah 5:44]“and fear none but Me”[al-Baqarah 2:40].

Fear of Allah, may He be exalted, is obligatory for everyone, and no one can be guaranteed safety from Allah’s punishment except by fearing Him. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):“so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers”[Aal ‘Imraan 3:175]“Therefore fear not men but fear Me”[al-Maa’idah 5:44]“and fear none but Me”[al-Baqarah 2:40].The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: ‘By My might, I will not let My slave suffer from fear in two realms or feel safe in two realms. If he feels safe from Me in this world, I will make him feel fear on the Day of Resurrection, but if he fears Me in this world, I will make him feel safe on the Day of Resurrection.’”

Fear of Allah, may He be exalted, is obligatory for everyone, and no one can be guaranteed safety from Allah’s punishment except by fearing Him. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):“so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers”[Aal ‘Imraan 3:175]“Therefore fear not men but fear Me”[al-Maa’idah 5:44]“and fear none but Me”[al-Baqarah 2:40].The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: ‘By My might, I will not let My slave suffer from fear in two realms or feel safe in two realms. If he feels safe from Me in this world, I will make him feel fear on the Day of Resurrection, but if he fears Me in this world, I will make him feel safe on the Day of Resurrection.’”Narrated by Ibn al-Mubaarak ibn az-Zuhd (157); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in as-Saheehah (742).

Please make me brainalist and keep smiling dude I hope you will be satisfied with my answer

Please make me brainalist and keep smiling dude I hope you will be satisfied with my answer

Your general purpose is to _____ when you wish to reinforce, change, or influence the attitudes, beliefs, values, or actions of your audience.


Your general purpose is to persuade when you wish to reinforce, change, or influence the attitudes, beliefs, values, or actions of your audience.

When delivering a speech, presentation, or any form of communication, the general purpose is to persuade the audience when the intention is to reinforce, change or influence their attitudes, beliefs, values, or actions. Persuasion can take various forms, such as motivating someone to take action, convincing them to change their point of view, or reinforcing their current stance on a particular topic. In order to be effective in persuasion, it is essential to understand the audience and their current beliefs and attitudes. Additionally, persuasive communication must include evidence, logical reasoning, and appeals to emotions to make a compelling argument that resonates with the audience.

Learn more about reinforce



T/F: According to Freud, preventing sucking or weaning too early during infancy may have lasting effects on personality development later.


It is true. According to Freud, preventing breastfeeding and weaning early in childhood can have lasting effects on later personality development.

According to the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, children go through a series of psychological stages to develop their adult personalities. Consisting of five stages of psychosexual development, Freud's stages of human development describe how personality develops throughout childhood.

Freud's theory of personality development is well known in psychology, but has always been highly controversial, both in Freud's time and in modern psychology.

It is important to note that modern psychoanalytic theory of personality formation has applied ideas about internalized relationships and interactions, and complex ways of maintaining a sense of self, to models that began with Freud. It's something we've incorporated and emphasized. Freud believed that personality develops through a series of childhood stages in which the pleasure-seeking energies of the id are concentrated in specific erogenous areas.

Know more about personality development here:



in the context of the couple and family map, which of the following statements is true about pursuers?


In the context of the couple and family map, option C: they place high values on talking and expressing feelings.

The powerful Couple and Family Maps give couples a clear visual picture of how they individually view their relationship on the dimensions of "closeness" and "flexibility." The Couple and Family Maps are "dynamic," which means that a given couple or family's location on the map changes over time as a result of factors and occasions affecting their life.

Life transitions like the birth of a child or retirement might have an impact on map mobility. Map placement can also be caused by unanticipated trauma or pressures, such a family member's severe illness. Couples and families typically work best if they are in the balanced or mid-range categories, even if there is no ultimate "optimal level" or placement for any relationship.

To know more about feelings, refer:



Complete question is:

In the context of the Couple and Family Map, which of the following statements is true about pursuers?

A. They are private, self-reliant people rather than help-seekers.

B. They have difficulty showing neediness, vulnerability, and dependency.

C. They place a high value on talking and expressing feelings.

D. They want emotional space when stress is high.

FILL IN THE BLANK. A communicator who intends to deceive when writing a bad-news letter is displaying ____________________ behavior.


A communicator that is intends to deceive while writing a bad-news letter is displaying unethical behavior.

Communicators who act unethically lie on purpose. Regardless of the content, audience, objective, or pattern, their communication goal is to trick their audience. a revision on July 28, 2019. A letter, memo, or email that provides unfavorable or negative information—information that is likely to let the reader down, be offended, or even get angry—is referred to as a bad-news message in business writing.

It is often referred to as a bad message or an indirect message. The most crucial component of a negative communication is an explanation of the bad-news because it sets up the reader for rejection or denial without yet openly stating the terrible news.

Learn more about unethical behavior Visit: brainly.com/question/24518056


which of the following is more likely to be a problem in a presidential system than in a parliamentary system?


In a presidential system, a policy disagreement between the legislative and executive branches can lead to a gridlock that restricts lawmaking for a long period, even if the executive has become unpopular with the electorate. (option 1)

This is because the president is directly elected and has fixed terms, which can make it difficult to remove him/her from power even if the legislature has a different agenda. In contrast, in a parliamentary system, the executive is drawn from the legislature, and the legislature can pass a vote of no confidence to remove the executive if needed. This makes it easier to resolve policy disagreements and prevent long-term gridlock.

Learn more about parliamentary :



Complete Question:

which of the following is more likely to be a problem in a presidential system than in a parliamentary system?

a policy disagreement between the legislative and executive branches can lead to a gridlock that restricts lawmaking for a long period, even if the executive has become unpopular with the electorate. a policy agreement between the legislative and executive branches can lead to a gridlock that allows lawmaking for a long period, even if the executive has become unpopular with the electorate.

fill in the blank. in___type of simulation, trainees are presented with a situation and asked to make a decision that enables them to progress through the simulation.


In a decision-based type of simulation, trainees are presented with a virtual situation and required to make decisions that enable them to progress through the simulation.

These simulations are designed to replicate real-life scenarios and provide trainees with an opportunity to practice and improve their decision-making skills in a safe and controlled environment. Decision-based simulations are widely used in various fields, including healthcare, aviation, military, and business.

In healthcare, for example, trainees may be presented with a patient case and required to make decisions regarding diagnosis, treatment, and management.

The simulation provides an opportunity for trainees to experience the consequences of their decisions, receive immediate feedback, and adjust their decision-making approach accordingly. Decision-based simulations have been found to be an effective training tool, improving trainees' decision-making skills and preparing them for real-life situations.

To learn more about simulation



clarify the term fair discrimination​


Answer: Fair Discrimination is a sensible way to be selective in choosing the right people in recruitment.


If a person is applying to drive a cab then its fair to use "Driver's License" as a criterion.

Some Americans are angry about the number of immigrants who enter the country every year. An adherent of structural functionalism would argue that this anger.
Promotes social cohesion among nonimmigrants as they come together and label immigrants as outsiders


According to structural functionalism, society is made up of interconnected parts that work together to maintain social order and stability.

A functionalist might argue that immigration can have both positive and negative effects on society.

On one hand, immigration can provide a source of new ideas, skills, and labor that can contribute to the overall functioning of society. On the other hand, immigration can also create social tensions and conflicts as newcomers are integrated into a new social and cultural environment.

In the case of anger towards immigrants, a structural functionalist might argue that this anger serves a functional purpose in promoting social cohesion among nonimmigrants. By labeling immigrants as outsiders, nonimmigrants are able to reinforce their own social identity and sense of belonging within their community.

However, a functionalist might also caution that too much anger and animosity towards immigrants could have negative consequences for social order and stability. It is important for society to find ways to integrate newcomers into the social and cultural fabric of the community in a way that benefits both immigrants and nonimmigrants alike.

To know more about structural functionalism, visit: brainly.com/question/14419215


according to kohlberg, when a child moves from the conventional stage to the postconventional stage of moral development, the child moves from


Those who achieve the post-conventional level, according to Kohlberg's moral growth theory, live by their own ethical principles, which include essential human rights such as life, liberty, and justice.

The postconventional stage is the third and final level of Kohlberg's theory of moral development. At this stage, individuals develop their own set of moral principles that guide their behavior, regardless of societal norms and expectations. This stage is characterized by a focus on abstract principles of justice and individual rights, as opposed to concrete rules and conventions.

The postconventional stage is relatively rare, and few people ever reach this level of moral reasoning. Those who do are able to think beyond their own self-interest and consider the broader impact of their actions on others and society as a whole.

Learn more about   post-conventional level,



Full Question: What is the Postconventional stage of Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

How does check fit in the branch of government



The concept of checks and balances is an essential part of a democratic system, ensuring that power is shared among the branches of government and preventing any one branch from becoming too dominant.


The term "check" can have different meanings depending on the context, so I'll provide an explanation of how the concept of "checks and balances" fits into the branches of government in a democratic system.

In a democratic system, there are typically three branches of government: the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch. Each branch has specific powers and responsibilities, and the concept of checks and balances ensures that no one branch becomes too powerful and that each branch can check the power of the others.

The legislative branch, which includes the Congress or Parliament, is responsible for making laws. The executive branch, which includes the president or prime minister and their administration, is responsible for enforcing laws. The judicial branch, which includes the courts, is responsible for interpreting laws and resolving disputes.

The checks and balances system allows each branch to limit the powers of the other branches. For example, the legislative branch can pass laws, but the president has the power to veto them. However, the legislative branch can override the president's veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The judicial branch can declare laws passed by the legislative branch or actions taken by the executive branch to be unconstitutional, limiting their power.


If you are referring to the concept of checks and balances, which is a fundamental principle in the U.S. system of government, then "check" refers to the ability of one branch of government to limit the power of another branch. This system is designed to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful and to ensure that each branch has a role in the decision-making process.

In this context, each branch of government has the power to "check" the actions of the other branches. For example, the legislative branch (Congress) can check the power of the executive branch (the President) by overriding a presidential veto or by impeaching and removing the President from office. The judicial branch can check the power of the other branches by declaring laws or executive actions unconstitutional.

T/F. Religious people tend to practice the religion of their choosing, but it does not affect their overall lifestyle or their daily choices.


Religious people tend to practice the religion of their choosing, but it does not affect their overall lifestyle or their daily choices. False

Religious beliefs often shape an individual's moral compass, guiding their decisions on issues such as relationships, social behaviors, and personal values. Many religious practices, such as regular prayer, fasting, and charitable giving, also involve specific behaviors and routines that can impact daily life.

Additionally, religious communities can provide a sense of belonging and support that can influence a person's social interactions and lifestyle choices. While some individuals may choose to compartmentalize their religious beliefs from other aspects of their life, it is not accurate to generalize that religion has no impact on a person's overall lifestyle or daily choices.

Learn more about Religious beliefs



Identity achievement does not usually arrive until _____.
Group of answer choices
age 25 or later
around age 40





It could also be age 25 or later if this statement is wrong. But it should be Adolescence

Identity achievement does not usually arrive until adolescence. Thus, the third option is the correct answer.

What is adolescence?

Between the ages of 10 and 19, adolescence is the stage of life between childhood and adulthood. It is a distinct period in human development and crucial for setting the groundwork for long-term health. Teenagers grow quickly in terms of their physical, cognitive, and emotional development.

Identity attainment describes people who, following exploration, have taken a stand. It takes time to complete this process, and it seldom does so before the end of adolescence. Teenagers and young people transition from identity dispersal and foreclosure to moratorium and success during high school and college.

Therefore, at adolescence, identity achievement arrives.

To learn more on adolescence, click here:



What were the major aims of the feminist movement and the National Organization for Women (NOW)?




The feminist movement and the National Organization for Women (NOW) had several major aims, including:

Women's rights: The feminist movement sought to ensure that women had the same rights and opportunities as men, including the right to vote, access to education and employment, and the ability to control their own bodies through access to birth control and abortion.

Ending gender discrimination: The movement aimed to end gender-based discrimination in all areas of life, including employment, education, and healthcare. This included advocating for equal pay for equal work and working to eliminate sexual harassment and violence against women.

Reproductive rights: The feminist movement fought for women's right to make their own decisions about their bodies and reproductive health. This included access to birth control, abortion, and comprehensive sex education.

Family and caregiving: The movement recognized that women often bear a disproportionate burden of caregiving responsibilities and aimed to challenge traditional gender roles that placed the primary responsibility for childcare and housework on women.

LGBTQ+ rights: The feminist movement also advocated for the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals, recognizing that gender-based discrimination affects people of all gender identities and sexual orientations.

NOW, specifically, was founded in 1966 and aimed to bring women into full participation in American society, particularly in the areas of politics, business, and law. Its goals included ending sex discrimination in employment, achieving reproductive freedom, and promoting equal rights for women under the law. NOW played a critical role in advancing the feminist movement and achieving many of its key goals.

an over-emphasis on state sovereignty creates which of the following problems from a classic liberal perspective?


From a classic liberal perspective, an over-emphasis on state sovereignty creates the problem of limiting individual freedom and liberty.

Classic liberalism places a strong emphasis on individual rights, and the state's primary role is to protect these rights. When state sovereignty is overemphasized, it can lead to the state becoming too powerful, and its actions may infringe on individual rights and freedoms.

An over-emphasis on state sovereignty can also lead to the potential for abuses of power, such as authoritarianism or tyranny, which can restrict individual liberty and undermine democracy. This perspective emphasizes the importance of limiting state power and ensuring that governments are accountable to the people they govern.

Overall, classic liberals believe in a limited government that is focused on protecting individual rights and freedoms, and an overemphasis on state sovereignty can undermine this ideal by granting too much power to the state and limiting individual liberty.

To learn more about liberal perspective visit;



juveniles who exhibit characteristics similar to antisocial personality disorder are diagnosed with conduct disorder.


The statement " juveniles who exhibit characteristics similar to antisocial personality disorder are diagnosed with conduct disorder." is false as    conduct disorder does not occurs below the age of 18 .

A serious mental or behavioral disorder, conduct disorder can affect children and teens.Although the exact cause is unknown, it may be caused by a biological factor: including injuries or defects in particular brain regions.

Genetics: This disorder can be passed down in part.Environmental: includes things like abuse in childhood, a dysfunctional family, etc.Psychological: It might be a reflection of the issue of moral awareness.Social: It includes peer avoidance, lower socioeconomic status, and other factors.

As a result, if the child exhibits symptoms such as aggressive behavior, rule-breaking, destructive behavior, and so on, it may be diagnosed with conduct disorder.

DISCLAIMER The question is incomplete.

juveniles who exhibit characteristics similar to antisocial personality disorder are diagnosed with conduct disorder. TRUE/FALSE

For more details regarding conduct disorder, visit:



TRUE OR FALSE the elite model presupposes a small group of leaders who are defined primarily by their inherited wealth.


The elite model presupposes a small group of leaders who are defined primarily by their inherited wealth is FALSE.


The elite model of power suggests that power in society is concentrated among a small group of individuals who are considered the elite or ruling class. This group may be defined by a variety of factors such as wealth, social status, political influence, or access to resources. While inherited wealth may be one factor that contributes to an individual's position in the elite class, it is not the only defining characteristic. In fact, many individuals who are considered part of the elite class have achieved their status through their own efforts, such as through education, business success, or political power.

To learn more about elite model click here



Reid wants to review how well his campaign is performing toward an awareness goal. Which of these metrics will be most relevant to him? (Select 2). Select All Correct Responses
Impressions served
Brand halo
Add to cart
Click-through rate


"Brand halo" and "Impressions served" are the metrics that would be most relevant to Reid to review how well his campaign is performing toward an awareness goal. Option A and B are correct responses.

"Impressions served" refers to the number of times an ad has been displayed to a user. This metric can help Reid understand how many people have been exposed to his campaign, which is important for increasing awareness.

"Brand halo" refers to the impact of an ad on brand perception, meaning how much the ad improves the overall perception of the brand among its audience. This metric can help Reid understand how well his campaign is improving brand awareness and perception.

"Add to cart" and "Click-through rate" are more relevant to measure when a campaign is aimed at driving conversions, rather than increasing brand awareness. Hence, option A and B are relevant choices.

To know more about campaigns, here



FILL IN THE BLANK. Noncustodial fathers who see their children only occasionally tend to take on a(n) __________ style of parenting


Noncustodial fathers who see their children only occasionally tend to take on a permissive style of parenting.

This is due to the fact that they frequently feel guilty about not being regularly involved in their kids' lives and may make up for it by being overly indulgent and lenient when they are together. They might also be less likely to establish and uphold rules and boundaries because they don't want to run the risk of upsetting their kids or further destroying their relationship.

However, this permissive parenting approach can also have drawbacks because kids may not learn crucial morals, self-control, and respect for authority figures. Non-custodial fathers must strike a balance between showing their children love and support and also establishing reasonable boundaries and expectations for them.

To know more about parenting,   here



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