Subject Test
import java.util.concurrent.*;
public class Main (

public static void main(String[] args)
ConcurrentHashMap chm = new ConcurrentHashMap ();
chm.put(1, "Welcome");
chm.put(2, "to");
chm.put(3, "Java");
chm.put (4, "World");
chm.putIfAbsent (3, "World");
System.out.println("Elements: "+ chm);
chm.remove (2, "Welcome");
System.out.println("Elements after key 2 is removed: "+chm);
chm. putIfAbsent (3, "Java's");
System.out.println("Add new:,"+chm);
chm.replace(3, "Java", "Java New");
System.out.println("After Replacing: "+ chm);

&lt;Subject Testimport Java.util.concurrent.*;public Class Main (public Static Void Main(String[] Args)ConcurrentHashMap


Answer 1


I don't know ... ............

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Create a multimedia project that contains the text element and all the contents that you have studied about that element



no sé jejejejeje




Which is the most correct option regarding subnet masks?



thanks for your question

JavaFX application for the Sublime Sandwich Shop. The user can order sandwiches by using list boxes and the application displays the price. Each sandwich should allow a choice of at least three main ingredients (chicken, for example) at three different prices. The user should also be able to choose between three different bread types. Use CheckBoxes for additional ingredients - lettuce, tomato, etc.
Create an ArrayList to hold all of the sandwiches associated with an order. Display information about all the sandwiches that were ordered.



package GUI;  

import java.awt.*;  

import java.awt.event.*;  

import javax.swing.*;

// Class SandwichShop definition

public class SandwichShop


// Creates a string array for sandwich ingredients  

String sandwichIngredients [] = {"Chicken", "Mutton", "Veg"};

// Creates a string array for bread types

String breadTypes[] = {"Bloomer", "Cob", "Plait"};

// Container object declared

JFrame jf;

JPanel p1, p2, p3, p4, mainP;

// Component object declared

JList ingredient, bread;

JLabel ingL, breadL, amountL;

JTextField amountT;

JButton amountB, exitB;

// Default constructor definition



// Creates frame

jf = new JFrame("Sandwich Shop");

// Creates panels

p1 = new JPanel();

p2 = new JPanel();

p3 = new JPanel();

p4 = new JPanel();

mainP = new JPanel();

// Creates list box and adds string array

ingredient = new JList<String>(sandwichIngredients);

bread = new JList<String>(breadTypes);

// Creates labels

ingL = new JLabel("Select Sandwich Ingredients");

breadL = new JLabel("Select Bread Types");

amountL = new JLabel("Amount: ");

// Creates text field

amountT = new JTextField(5);

// Creates buttons

amountB = new JButton("Check Amount");

exitB = new JButton("Exit");

// Adds components to panels









// Adds panels to main panel





// Set the main panel layout to 4 rows and 1 column

mainP.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 1));

// Adds main panel to frame


// Sets the frame visible property to true


// Set the size of the frame to width 400 and height 150

jf.setSize(400, 300);

// Registers action listener to exit button using anonymous class

exitB.addActionListener(new ActionListener()


// Overrides the actionPerformed() method

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)



}// End of method

});// End of anonymous class

// Registers action listener to amount button using anonymous class

amountB.addActionListener(new ActionListener()


// Overrides the actionPerformed() method

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)


// Extracts index of the selected item from the list box

int indexIngredient = ingredient.getSelectedIndex();

int indexBread = bread.getSelectedIndex();

// Checks if ingredient index is 0 and bread index is 0

// then set the amount 100 in text field

if(indexIngredient == 0 && indexBread == 0)


// Checks if ingredient index is 0 and bread index is 1

// then set the amount 120 in text field

if(indexIngredient == 0 && indexBread == 1)


// Checks if ingredient index is 0 and bread index is 2

// then set the amount 160 in text field

if(indexIngredient == 0 && indexBread == 2)


// Checks if ingredient index is 1 and bread index is 0

// then set the amount 190 in text field

if(indexIngredient == 1 && indexBread == 0)


// Checks if ingredient index is 1 and bread index is 1

// then set the amount 205 in text field

if(indexIngredient == 1 && indexBread == 1)


// Checks if ingredient index is 1 and bread index is 2

// then set the amount 210 in text field

if(indexIngredient == 1 && indexBread == 2)


// Checks if ingredient index is 2 and bread index is 0

// then set the amount 97 in text field

if(indexIngredient == 2 && indexBread == 0)


// Checks if ingredient index is 2 and bread index is 1

// then set the amount 85 in text field

if(indexIngredient == 2 && indexBread == 1)


// Checks if ingredient index is 2 and bread index is 2

// then set the amount 70 in text field

if(indexIngredient == 2 && indexBread == 2)


}// End of method

});// End of anonymous class

}// End of default constructor

// main function definition

public static void main(String[] args)


// Creates an anonymous object by calling default constructor

new SandwichShop();

}// End of main method

}// End of class


A test for logical access at an organization being audited would include: Group of answer choices Checking that the company has a UPS and a generator to protect against power outages Making sure there are no unmanaged third-party service level agreements Performing a walkthrough of the disaster recovery plan Testing that super user (SYSADMIN) access is limited to only appropriate personnel



Testing that super user (SYSADMIN) access is limited to only appropriate personnel.


A test for logical access at an organization being audited would include testing that super user (SYSADMIN) access is limited to only appropriate personnel.

Secure email technique that provides confidentiality, along with authentication, integrity, and non-repudiation. It uses a centralized trust model where users get a certificate from a trusted CA.

a. True
b. False





just put a

A computer has many resources. A resource can be memory, disk drive, network bandwidth, battery power, or a monitor. It can also be system objects such as shared memory or a linked list data structure. This principle is based in object-oriented programming (OOP). In OOP, a class definition encapsulates all data and functions to operate on the data. The only way to access a resource is through the provided interface. Which security principle are we referring to



The security principle being referred to here is:

Resource Encapsulation.


Resource Encapsulation is one of the cybersecurity first principles.  It allows access or manipulation of the class data as intended by the designer. The cybersecurity first principles are the basic or foundational propositions that define the qualities of a system that can contribute to cybersecurity.  Other cybersecurity first principles, which are applied during system design, include domain separation, process isolation, modularization, abstraction, least principle, layering, data hiding, simplicity, and minimization.

The tax calculator program of the case study outputs a floating-point number that might show more than two digits of precision. Use the round function to modify the program to display at most two digits of precision in the output number.




The following code is written in Python. The tax calculator program was not provided, therefore I created a tax calculator that takes in the total price as an input and adds a 7% tax to it. Then it uses the round() function to make sure that the total is outputted as a decimal with two decimal digits at most.

def taxCalculator(price):

   total = price * 1.07

   formattedTotal = round(total, 2)

   return formattedTotal

Consider a network that is a rooted tree, with the root as its source, the leaves as its sinks, and all the edges directed along the paths from the root to the leaves. Design an efficient algorithm for finding a maximum flow in such a network. What is the time efficiency of your algorithm



please mark me brainlist


Sites like Zillow get input about house prices from a database and provide nice summaries for readers. Write a program with two inputs, current price and last month's price (both integers). Then, output a summary listing the price, the change since last month, and the estimated monthly mortgage computed as (current_price * 0.051) / 12. Output each floating-point value with two digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows: print('{:.2f}'.format(your_value))



The program in Python is as follows:

current_price = int(input("Current Price: "))

last_price = int(input("Last Month Price: "))

change = current_price - last_price

mortgage = (current_price * 0.051) / 12

print('Change: {:.2f} '.format(change))

print('Mortgage: {:.2f}'.format(mortgage))


This gets input for current price

current_price = int(input("Current Price: "))

This gets input for last month price

last_price = int(input("Last Month Price: "))

This calculates the price change

change = current_price - last_price

This calculates the mortgage

mortgage = (current_price * 0.051) / 12

This prints the calculated change

print('Change: {:.2f} '.format(change))

This prints the calculated monthly mortgage

print('Mortgage: {:.2f}'.format(mortgage))


current_price = int(input())

last_months_price = int(input())

change = current_price - last_months_price

mortgage = current_price * 0.051 / 12

print('This house is $', end= '')

print(current_price, end= '. ')

print('The change is $', end= '')

print(change, end= ' ')

print('since last month.')

print('The estimated monthly mortgage is $', end= '')

print(mortgage, end='0.\n')

Which of the following BEST describes an inside attacker?
An agent who uses their technical knowledge to bypass security.
An attacker with lots of resources and money at their disposal.
A good guy who tries to help a company see their vulnerabilities.
An unintentional threat actor. This is the most common threat.​


The inside attacker should be a non-intentional threat actor that represents the most common threat.

The following information related to the inside attacker is:

It is introduced by the internal user that have authorization for using the system i.e. attacked.It could be intentional or an accidental.So it can be non-intentional threat.

Therefore we can conclude that The inside attacker should be a non-intentional threat actor that represents the most common threat.

Learn more about the threat here: brainly.com/question/3275422

Mary has been locked out of her account after failing to correctly enter her password three times. As the system administrator, you need to unlock her account. Which of the following commands would unlock Mary's account assuming that you are using pam_faillock.so module?

a. faillock --reset --user mary
b. pam_faillock --unlock --user mary
c. pam_faillock --reset --user mary
d. faillock --unlock --user mary


Oh hey lol yea yea lol I got the money back to me put on the phone so you know

Write a program that takes a date as input and outputs the date's season. The input is an integer to represent the month and an integer to represent the day. Ex: If the input is: 4 11 the output is: spring In addition, check if both integers are valid (an actual month and day). Ex: If the input is: 14 65 the output is: invalid The dates for each season are: spring: March 20 - June 20 summer: June 21 - September 21 autumn: September 22 - December 20 winter: December 21 - March 19




The following program is written in Java. It is a function that takes in the two parameters, combines them as a String, turns the combined String back into an integer, and uses a series of IF statements to check the parameters and determine which season it belongs to. Then it prints the season to the screen. The code has been tested with the example provided in the question and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       getSeason(4, 65);

       getSeason(4, 11);


   public static void getSeason(int month, int day) {

       String combined = String.valueOf(month) + String.valueOf(day);

       int combinedInt = Integer.parseInt(combined);

       if ((month > 0 && month < 12) && (day > 0 && day < 31)) {

           if ((combinedInt >= 320) && (combinedInt <= 620)) {

               System.out.println("The Season is Spring");

           } else if ((combinedInt >= 621) && (combinedInt <= 921)) {

               System.out.println("The Season is Summer");

           } else if ((combinedInt >= 922) && (combinedInt <= 1220)) {

               System.out.println("The season is Autumn");

           } else {

               System.out.println("The Season is Winter");


       } else {

           System.out.println("Invalid date");




The Cartesian product of two lists of numbers A and B is defined to be the set of all points (a,b) where a belongs in A and b belongs in B. It is usually denoted as A x B, and is called the Cartesian product since it originated in Descartes' formulation of analytic geometry.

a. True
b. False


The properties and origin of the Cartesian product as stated in the paragraph

is true, and the correct option is option;

a. True

The reason why the above option is correct is stated as follows;

In set theory, the Cartesian product of two number sets such as set A and set

B which can be denoted as lists of numbers is represented as A×B and is the

set of all ordered pair or points (a, b), with a being located in A and b located

in the set B, which can be expressed as follows;

[tex]\left[\begin{array}{c}A&x&y\\z\end{array}\right] \left[\begin{array}{ccc}B(1&2&3)\\\mathbf{(x, 1)&\mathbf{(x, 2)}&\mathbf{(x, 3)}\\\mathbf{(y, 1)}&\mathbf{(y, 2)}&\mathbf{(y, 3)}\\\mathbf{(z, 1)}&\mathbf{(z, 2)}&\mathbf{(z, 3)}\end{array}\right]}[/tex]

The name Cartesian product is derived from the name of the philosopher,

scientist and mathematician Rene Descartes due to the concept being

originated from his analytical geometry formulations

Therefore, the statement is true

Learn more about cartesian product here:


list two ways to insert a chart in powerpoint



1st way: On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Chart. In the Insert Chart dialog box, click a chart, and then click OK.

2nd way: Click INSERT > Chart. Click the chart type and then double-click the chart you want.

e) Point out the errors( if any) and correct them:-
class simple
double sumNumber
int d = a + b + c;
double e = d/5.6;
return e;
void show Number()
a = 10, b = 20, c=5;
double f = sumNumber(a,b,c);



double e-d/5.6;is wrong it should return to c

A good machine should have the mechanical advantage of......?​



The ideal mechanical advantage (IMA) of an inclined plane is the length of the incline divided by the vertical rise, the so-called run-to-rise ratio. The mechanical advantage increases as the slope of the incline decreases, but then the load will have to be moved a greater distance.


the base on which the number n=(34)? is written if it has a value of n= (22)10​


If I'm understanding the question correctly, you are looking for an integer b (b ≠ 0, b ≠ 1) such that

[tex]34_b = 22_{10}[/tex]

In other words, you're solving for b such that

b ¹ + 4×b ⁰ = 22


3b + 4 = 22

Solving this is trivial:

3b + 4 = 22

3b = 18

b = 6

So we have

34₆ = 22₁₀

g Add a throw statement to the processNumbers function that throws the message "An element in the list is not a number." if one of the elements in toProcess is not a number. Hint: The function isNaN() returns true if the parameter is not a number.


Answer and Explanation:

function processNumbers(alist){

var Ourarray= new array(alist);



Console.log( "An element in the list is not a number."};





From the above, we have defined a function that takes an array parameter(the following array variable will make sure of that). We test each element in the array using foreach array function. The for each function runs the if statement and if isNan is true for each of the elements in the array.

You can insert only the row
only to
True or false




good luck bro

have a great day




Create a multimedia project that contains the text element and all the contents that you have studied about that element




What do you do if your computer dies/malfunctions? Reboot (Restart) Shut Down Recovery CD and Recover your system Call a person to fix it​





Simply I may restart my pc if it dies/malfunctions. I'll not restart immediately, I'll wait for an hour and do restart my computer. If it doesn't work then maybe I'll Call a person to fix it.

3. Which property is used to select full Row of data grid view
a) Select Mode b) Mode Selection c) Selection Mode d) Mode Select



I think a is correct answer.

Alexis received an email message from an unknown sender that included an attachment.

If she opens the attachment, what kind of malicious software might be activated, and what are the consequences?

Opening the attachment would release a worm, which would infect her system with a virus.

Opening the attachment would release a worm, which would infect her system with spyware.

Opening the attachment would release an active worm, which would infect her system with adware.

Opening the attachment would release a passive worm, which would infect her system with adware.



Opening the attachment would release a worm, which would infect her system with a virus.

Answer:  B. Opening the attachment would release a worm, which would infect her system with a virus.

Which of the following is not a computer application?

a. Internet Explorer

b. Paint

c. Apple OSX

d. Microsoft Word


Answer:C.apple Osx
Answer C

Apple OSX is not a computer application.

The information regarding the computer application is as follows:

The program of the computer application should give the skills that are required for usage of the application software on the computer.An application like word processing, internet, etc.Also, the computer application includes internet explorer, paint, and Microsoft word.

Therefore we can conclude that Apple OSX is not a computer application.

Learn more about the computer here: brainly.com/question/24504878

3. Coaxial/telephone cable sends
during the data transmission



high frequency signal.

a computer works on input processing output device


a computer works on input processing output device true


a computer works on input processing output device. True


God bless you.

What are the benefits of using LinkedIn Sales Navigator?



Well, there are a number of advantages that come with this advanced LinkedIn automation tool. Here are some of the top benefits of a Sales Navigator:

1. Can find and export up to 5000 prospects at a time.

2. Enables you to send 30 InMails per month

3. Easy access Teamlink -enabling you to expand your network by pooling connections

4. Integrate with existing systems

5 Major of computer application


Im assuming you means applications as in Apps.

Microsoft windows
Microsoft internet Explorer
Microsoft office or outlook
Mcafee antivirus
Adobe pdf


Basic Applications of Computer

1 ) Home. Computers are used at homes for several purposes like online bill payment, watching movies or shows at home, home tutoring, social media access, playing games, internet access, etc.

2 ) Medical Field.

3 ) Entertainment.

4 ) Industry.

5 ) Education.


Hope it helps you

Mark my answer as brainlist

have a good day

g A catch block that expects an integer argument will catch Group of answer choices all exceptions all integer exceptions any exception value that can be coerced into an integer C



Hence the correct option is 2nd option. all integer exceptions.


A catch block that expects an integer argument will catch all integer exceptions.

Write the following numbers in binary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 46. 55. 61.​


0 1 10 11
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