lascaux cave was primarily used for a. living in b. creating images in c. storing food in d. trapping hunted game in


Answer 1

The Lascaux cave was primarily used for creating images in.

What is the Lascaux Cave?

Lascaux Cave is an elaborate cave system in southwestern France that contains a variety of Paleolithic cave paintings. Lascaux is located in the Dordogne department in southwestern France and is made up of a complex of caves known as Lascaux II, IV, and V.

The paintings on the walls of the cave complex have been dated back to 15,000 BCE and have been determined to be a notable example of the rock art that emerged during the Upper Palaeolithic period. The Lascaux cave system contains a variety of animal and human figures, as well as abstract designs, that were painted on the walls of the caves.

Many of the animal figures in the paintings are large and imposing, and they are typically depicted in motion, as if they were charging or fleeing. The images in the caves have been interpreted in a variety of ways, with some scholars seeing them as depictions of hunting scenes or religious rituals, while others view them as symbolic representations of fertility or the natural world.

The Lascaux cave system has been the subject of extensive study and research since its discovery in 1940. In recent years, the caves have become a popular tourist destination and are one of the most visited sites in France.

In addition to being a significant archaeological site, the Lascaux caves are also considered a valuable cultural artifact that offers insight into the lives and beliefs of prehistoric peoples.

Learn more about Lascaux cave here:


Related Questions

What was the global effect of the influenza pandemic from 1918 to 1920?
A. The pandemic caused a shortage of doctors.
B. More U.S. soldiers died of influenza than in fighting.
C. Approximately 25 million people died worldwide.
D. Businesses needed to shut down to prevent the spread of


According to estimates, the Great Influenza Epidemic of 1918–20 killed 40 million people, or 2.1 percent of the world's population. A similar pandemic would kill 150 million people worldwide if it struck now.

What was the duration of the influenza pandemic?In three waves that hit in 1918's spring, fall, and winter, the flu pandemic caused the most of its harm. It peaked in the spring of 1919, but some historians contend that a fourth, considerably less destructive wave persisted into 1920.There are only known pandemic-causing influenza type A viruses. Contrary to popular belief, influenza B viruses can be divided into lineages rather than subtypes. The most serious influenza outbreak to occur in the 20th century was the pandemic of 1918–19. The pandemic illness known as the Spanish flu is also what brought on this terrible epidemic.Whether or not people have had a chance to develop immunity to the virus from prior exposure is what distinguishes seasonal flu from pandemic flu. The majority of people have been exposed to the influenza strains that cause seasonal flu because people are exposed to influenza viruses throughout their lifetimes.

To learn more about influenza pandemic, refer to:

How has oil production affected Southwest Asia?


Oil production has had a significant impact on Southwest Asia. The production of oil has resulted in the region's rapid economic growth and development, but it has also had negative consequences, such as political instability and environmental degradation.

The following are the impacts of oil production on Southwest Asia:

1. Economic growth and development: Oil production has resulted in significant economic growth and development in Southwest Asia. The revenue generated from oil exports has enabled the region to modernize its infrastructure and develop its economy. It has also created job opportunities and stimulated the growth of other industries.

2. Political instability: The abundance of oil reserves in Southwest Asia has made the region vulnerable to political instability. Political leaders and rival groups are often in conflict over control of the resources, and this has resulted in frequent political upheavals and instability.

3. Environmental degradation: The oil production process has caused significant environmental degradation in Southwest Asia. Oil spills and leaks can contaminate water sources, soil, and the air, and this has resulted in health problems for local communities.

4. Overdependence on oil: Southwest Asia's reliance on oil exports has made the region overly dependent on this resource. This has resulted in economic vulnerabilities, as oil prices are subject to fluctuations on the global market. Furthermore, the over-reliance on oil exports has hampered the development of other industries, and this has limited economic diversification.

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Why was Kenya able to avoid civil war and violence after they gained their independence?



imperial troops stayed in the former colony for mamy years to maintain peace and order.

whilst colony rulers prepared the colony for independence

identify one example of political moderniaztion/westernization by the ottoman empire in the nineteenth century ways of the world


The Tanzim Reforms were one instance of political modernization or westernization undertaken by the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century.

How did Westernization affect the Ottoman Empire?

The Tanzim reforms, which started in 1840, were a series of changes made to the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was to be strengthened in a manner similar to that of powerful Western nations through the implementation of these reforms.

In the nineteenth century, what was occurring to the Ottoman Empire?

By the time Mahmud II passed away in 1839, the Ottoman Empire had shrunk in size. It was stronger and more consolidated than it had been at its height, but it was coming under increasing pressure from Europe, with Russia supporting and Britain opposing separatist movements while the other powers oscillated between them. The Tanzim Reforms were one instance of political modernization or westernization undertaken by the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century.

To Know more about Ottoman Empire.


Other industrialists, including John D. Rockefeller, merged theoperations of many large companies to form a trust. Rockefeller’sStandard Oil Trust came to monopolize 90% of the industry. . . .—"The Industrial Revolution in the United States," What was one DIRECT effect of the business practice discussed in this excerpt?A Employees were prevented from buying stock.B There was decreased competition among producers.C Consumers were denied access to goods.D There was a lack of employment opportunities for immigrants.


The business practice discussed in the excerpt given above is the creation of trusts. Industrialists like John D. Rockefeller merged the operations of many big companies to form a trust. The Standard Oil Trust, created by Rockefeller, came to monopolize 90% of the industry. Option B is the correct option.

The direct effect of this business practice was decreased competition among producers. A trust is a legal agreement that is used to hold property or other assets for the benefit of the beneficiaries. In this case, the beneficiaries are the companies that merged. By creating trust, companies can merge and work together as one big company without facing legal repercussions. This business practice led to decreased competition among producers. By merging, companies could control prices, production, and other aspects of the industry. Consumers were denied access to goods and had to pay higher prices. This practice led to the creation of monopolies, which were harmful to the economy. Monopolies have the power to set high prices, limit production, and control the supply of goods and services. This decreased competition among producers meant that consumers were denied access to goods. The high prices and limited supply of goods made it difficult for consumers to purchase the things they needed. The trusts also led to a lack of employment opportunities for immigrants, as the merged companies could reduce their workforce to cut costs. This business practice had a negative impact on the economy and was eventually challenged by the government.

For such more questions on monopolize


what are some examples of plants and animals domesticated by early people?


Answer:Goats were probably the first animals to be domesticated, followed closely by sheep. In Southeast Asia, chickens also were domesticated about 10,000 years ago. Later, people began domesticating larger animals, such as oxen or horses, for plowing and transportation. These are known as beasts of burden.

what does the murder of emmett till tell is about america in the 1950s/1960s?


Answer: BLM

Explanation: still no justice

eisenhower believed the power of the president should be limited to proposing policy, while congress should enjoy broader powers such as executing the laws. T/F



This claim is not true.

In truth, President Eisenhower thought the executive branch of government should be strong, and he thought the President should be involved in making and carrying out policy. He was known for warning about the dangers of the "military-industrial complex," and he tried to give the President more power in making decisions about national security.

Eisenhower knew that checks and balances between the branches of government were important, but he didn't think that the President and Congress should have the same amount of power. Instead, he saw the President and Congress as working together to run the country, with the President in charge of some things and Congress in charge of others.

1. Why doesn't Senator Norris believe the President's reason for asking Congress for a declaration of war?


Senator Norris did not believe the president's reason for asking Congress to pass a declaration of war because he knew that this was being done solely for economic reasons.

Who was Senator Norris?He was an American politician.He was a pacifist.He was someone who opposed the US entry into the first world war.

Norris was a pacifist and therefore believed that wars should be fought because of the suffering they caused people and not for economic reasons. He knew that President Wilson's speech to convince Congress to allow the US to enter the war had economic objectives, not pacifist and positive ones, and that's why he was opposed to its approval.

Learn more about World War I:


this federal organization established by wilson explained the war to the american people and compelled america to take arms in defense of its liberties and free institutions.


The organization you are referring to is the Committee on Public Information, which was established by President Woodrow Wilson in April 1917.

The Committee's goal was to inform the public about the war and to generate enthusiasm and support for the war effort.

It used a variety of methods such as films, radio broadcasts, posters, newspaper articles, and public speeches to educate the American people about the war and encourage them to support the Allied cause.

The CPI used a range of techniques including propaganda, advertising, and censorship to shape public opinion and control the narrative of the war.

To know about Committee on Public Information refer here:


Use the the source and your own knowledge to explain Birmingham march important to the Civil Rights Movement?​



In April 1963 King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) joined with Birmingham, Alabama’s existing local movement, the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (ACMHR), in a massive direct action campaign to attack the city’s segregation system by putting pressure on Birmingham’s merchants during the Easter season, the second biggest shopping season of the year. As ACMHR founder Fred Shuttlesworth stated in the group’s “Birmingham Manifesto,” the campaign was “a moral witness to give our community a chance to survive” (ACMHR, 3 April 1963). 

The campaign was originally scheduled to begin in early March 1963, but was postponed until 2 April when the relatively moderate Albert Boutwell defeated Birmingham’s segregationist commissioner of public safety, Eugene “Bull” Connor, in a run-off mayoral election. On 3 April the desegregation campaign was launched with a series of mass meetings, direct actions, lunch counter sit-ins, marches on City Hall, and a boycott of downtown merchants. King spoke to black citizens about the philosophy of nonviolence and its methods, and extended appeals for volunteers at the end of the mass meetings. With the number of volunteers increasing daily, actions soon expanded to kneel-ins at churches, sit-ins at the library, and a march on the county building to register voters. Hundreds were arrested. 

On 10 April the city government obtained a state circuit court injunction against the protests. After heavy debate, campaign leaders decided to disobey the court order. King declared: “We cannot in all good conscience obey such an injunction which is an unjust, undemocratic and unconstitutional misuse of the legal process” (ACMHR, 11 April 1963). Plans to continue to submit to arrest were threatened, however, because the money available for cash bonds was depleted, so leaders could no longer guarantee that arrested protesters would be released. King contemplated whether he and Ralph Abernathy should be arrested. Given the lack of bail funds, King’s services as a fundraiser were desperately needed, but King also worried that his failure to submit to arrests might undermine his credibility. King concluded that he must risk going to jail in Birmingham. He told his colleagues: “I don’t know what will happen; I don’t know where the money will come from. But I have to make a faith act” (King, 73). 

On Good Friday, 12 April, King was arrested in Birmingham after violating the anti-protest injunction and was kept in solitary confinement. During this time King penned the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” on the margins of the Birmingham News, in reaction to a statement published in that newspaper by eight Birmingham clergymen condemning the protests. King’s request to call his wife, Coretta Scott King, who was at home in Atlanta recovering from the birth of their fourth child, was denied. After she communicated her concern to the Kennedy administration, Birmingham officials permitted King to call home. Bail money was made available, and he was released on 20 April 1963. 

In order to sustain the campaign, SCLC organizer James Bevel proposed using young children in demonstrations. Bevel’s rationale for the Children’s Crusade was that young people represented an untapped source of freedom fighters without the prohibitive responsibilities of older activists. On 2 May more than 1,000 African American students attempted to march into downtown Birmingham, and hundreds were arrested. When hundreds more gathered the following day, Commissioner Connor directed local police and fire departments to use force to halt the demonstrations. During the next few days images of children being blasted by high-pressure fire hoses, clubbed by police officers, and attacked by police dogs appeared on television and in newspapers, triggering international outrage. While leading a group of child marchers, Shuttlesworth himself was hit with the full force of a fire hose and had to be hospitalized. King offered encouragement to parents of the young protesters: “Don’t worry about your children, they’re going to be alright. Don’t hold them back if they want to go to jail. For they are doing a job for not only themselves, but for all of America and for all mankind” (King, 6 May 1963). 

In the meantime, the white business structure was weakening under adverse publicity and the unexpected decline in business due to the boycott, but many business owners and city officials were reluctant to negotiate with the protesters. With national pressure on the White House also mounting, Attorney General Robert Kennedy sent Burke Marshall, his chief civil rights assistant, to facilitate negotiations between prominent black citizens and representatives of Birmingham’s Senior Citizen's Council, the city’s business leadership. 

what was the primary purpose of the neutrality acts passed by the united states during the 1930s?


The primary purpose of the neutrality acts passed by the United States during the 1930s was to maintain neutrality and avoid involvement in conflicts between foreign nations.

The US had experienced the devastating effects of World War I and wanted to avoid being drawn into another costly war. The neutrality acts prohibited the sale of arms and ammunition to countries at war and banned American ships from transporting goods to belligerent nations. However, the effectiveness of these acts was questioned as they did not prevent the outbreak of World War II and the US eventually became involved in the conflict after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

Learn more about the neutrality acts here:


What factor was NOT a cause of the global depression following World War I?
A Declines in the stock markets
B Increases in income tax rates
C Overproduction in many industries
D Imposition of higher tariffs


B Increases in income tax rates was NOT a cause of the global depression following World War I.

What is global depression?

Global depression is a severe economic downturn that affects multiple countries or regions around the world, leading to a sustained period of economic contraction and high unemployment rates. It is characterized by a significant decline in economic activity, industrial production, and international trade, along with a general decline in business and consumer confidence. Global depressions are typically caused by a combination of factors such as financial crises, recessions, trade imbalances, and political instability, which can create a negative feedback loop that amplifies the economic downturn. The most well-known example of a global depression is the Great Depression of the 1930s, which lasted for almost a decade and had a profound impact on the world economy, politics, and society.

To know more about Global depression, visit:


during the middle ages, women a. were not permitted to sing in church b. sang at all church services c. could sing only in monasteries d. were not permitted to participate in church services


During the Middle Ages, women in some regions and contexts were permitted to sing in church.

b. sang at all church services

How women help in the church?

In some areas, women were active participants in liturgical music, performing chants and hymns in the choir and as soloists. For example, in the medieval period, many convents had choirs of nuns who sang at daily services. Some women also played instruments such as the harp and lute, and were known for their musical talents.

However, there were also areas and periods where women's participation in church music was limited or prohibited. In some cases, women were only permitted to sing in monasteries or convents, while in other contexts, they were excluded from singing in public services altogether.

Learn more about Middle Ages at:


Which of the following is a major goal of United States foreign policy?
keeping corporate taxes low
promoting national economic growth
maintaining national security
ensuring high quality public health care


The major goal of the United States foreign policy is maintaining national security.

What is a foreign policy?

Foreign policy refers to a set of strategies and actions adopted by a nation-state to interact with other countries and international organizations. Its primary objective is to promote the nation's interests in the international arena, which may include security, economic, and diplomatic interests. Foreign policy can take various forms, including treaties, military alliances, trade agreements, and humanitarian aid. It also involves dealing with issues such as immigration, terrorism, and human rights. Foreign policy is often influenced by a country's historical, cultural, and ideological factors, as well as its geopolitical and economic conditions. It is an essential component of international relations, shaping the interactions between states and affecting the lives of people around the world.

To learn more about foreign policy, visit:


compare the degree of success in the practice of absolutism in Russia under peter the great with the degree of success it had in France under Louis xiv (an LEQ)​


Louis relied on a extra aggressive and controlling method, whereas Peter went with a passive aggressive effort.

Louis XIV and Peter the Great dominated their international locations in a similar way the usage of PERSIA categories, but overall there influence of that manage are different.

What was absolutism in France below Louis XIII and Louis XIV?

Image end result for evaluate the diploma of success in the practice of absolutism in Russia under peter the high-quality with the diploma of success it had in France under Louis xiv (an LEQ)​

Absolutism was a gadget of authorities in which all sovereignty resided with the king, actual to Louis XIV's dictum: “I am the state.”

Particularly in France and Germany, the wars of religion had seriously weakened national governments and monarchies.

Learn more about Russia here;


Evaluate the different methods of punishment in medieval europe. Were they effective in reducing crime? Why/why not? Do you think that they were too harsh?


If you were found guilty of a crime, you could expect a harsh punishment. Thieves' hands were severed. Women who committed murder were strangled and then burned.

People who illegally hunted in royal parks had their ears cut off, and high treason was punishable by being hung, drawn, and quartered. Crime must be punished, but in the Middle Ages, the punishments were intended to reflect the crimes committed. Because the punishments were very effective but not very reasonable, the world today had to change those extreme punishments.

Learn more about punishment


Choose the candidate that you might have supported in the election of 1796 and make a campaign poster using words to promote your candidate.


the candidate that you might have supported in the election of 1796 would be Federalist John Adams. Election for President of the United States of America in 1796, held that year, saw Federalist John Adams defeat Democratic-Republican Thomas Jefferson.

The American political party structure began to take shape after the election of 1796. George Washington gained unanimity with no party preference in the previous elections in 1789 and 1792, but over the course of his presidency, a significant political rift had developed over Alexander Hamilton's fiscal strategy. The Federalist Party was founded in 1791 by Hamilton and others who supported a broad interpretation of the Constitution and a powerful central government. Their adversaries, who supported states' rights and a rigid reading of the Constitution, grouped around Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson created his own party despite believing that the current one was unfavorable eventually taking the name Democratic-Republican party.

Jefferson served as Adams' vice president under the original election system established by the Constitution, which proved challenging for the Adams administration due to their opposing political ideologies.

To know more about George Washington, click here:


Where did the germans sleeped in belgium in ww2?


In Belgium, German soldiers slept in a variety of locations.

They slept in houses, public spaces, and schools in urban areas.

They slept in barns, outhouses, or tents in the countryside.

Some soldiers slept in unique camps or dormitories.

Depending on where they were in Belgium, and throughout time, different spots, they would sleep.

German soldiers slept in a variety of locations throughout Belgium during World War II, including schools, public buildings, residences, barns, and camps, depending on their location and the accessibility of lodging.

To know more about World War II click here


united states department of commerce us census bureau is called


The United States Department of Commerce and the US Census Bureau are separate agencies, but the Census Bureau is housed under the Department of Commerce.

The United States Department of Commerce is a cabinet-level department of the federal government charged with promoting economic growth. It works to create economic opportunities for Americans and help businesses succeed by providing a wide range of programs and services.

The US Census Bureau is one of the agencies under the Department of Commerce. It is responsible for collecting, compiling, and analyzing statistical data on the population, economy, and society of the United States. The Census Bureau conducts a census of the population every 10 years, as required by the US Constitution, as well as numerous other surveys and studies throughout the decade.

For more such questions on Department of Commerce, click on:


the democratic party group of answer choices favored strict limitations on voting rights. was organized to oppose andrew jackson. was similar in policy and constituencies to the federalist party. supported both agrarian democratic principles and the continuation of southern slavery. was almost destroyed by the election of 1828


The Democratic Party was a group that favored the continuation of southern slavery and supported agrarian democratic principles. They opposed Andrew Jackson and nearly destroyed themselves due to the 1828 elections. The correct answer is option C.

The Democratic Party is a United States political party that traces its origins to Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in the 1790s. The party was created in opposition to the Federalist Party, which advocated for a strong central government. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828, following the dissolution of the Democratic-Republican Party.

It originated as a political coalition dedicated to opposing the policies of President John Quincy Adams and his supporters, as well as promoting the Democratic ideals of Jefferson. The Democratic Party supported agrarian democratic principles and wanted to keep southern slavery in place. They opposed Andrew Jackson's presidency and almost destroyed themselves in the 1828 elections.

The party, however, rebounded in the 1830s and 1840s, following Jackson's leadership and successful implementation of the party's ideals. In conclusion, the Democratic Party is a political party that was founded in 1828 to oppose Andrew Jackson, and they supported southern slavery and agrarian democratic principles. They were nearly destroyed by the 1828 elections but rebounded in the following decades under Jackson's leadership.

To know more about Democratic Party, refer here:


how many british soldiers were against 100 colonists?


About 32,000 British soldiers were against 100 colonists . The French had a force that was nearly four times bigger; yet, many people in Britain did not see the need for a significant army.

At the outset of the battle, British forces outnumbered Continental forces; for example, in 1776, British commander William Howe's expeditionary army had a total of 32,000 soldiers, compared to American general George Washington's force of less than 20,000. The world's largest and most potent fleet was that of Great Britain.

Throughout the following century, the army's size fluctuated, reaching an estimated 48,000 soldiers in 1775, depending on the circumstance. By European standards, the British Army was incredibly small.

To know more about colonists visit :


When was the Teapot Dome scandal was centered around corrupt deals and bribes involving?


The Teapot Dome Scandal centered around corrupt deals and bribes involving the leasing of government oil reserves in Wyoming and California during the 1920s.

The scandal erupted in 1922 when Albert Fall, the Secretary of the Interior under President Warren G. Harding, leased naval petroleum reserves at Teapot Dome, Wyoming, and two other locations in California to private oil companies without competitive bidding.

In return, Fall received large sums of money and gifts, including an illegal loan of $100,000. The scandal led to a Senate investigation and the conviction of Fall for accepting bribes. It also tarnished Harding's presidency and contributed to the public's growing distrust of government and business during the 1920s.

For such more question on government:


Dust storm blankets in the Midwest and sent deposits as far east and NY and Boston. What happened during 1935?


To offer benefits to pensioners and the unemployed, the Social Security Act is enacted into law.

What is Social Security Act?Franklin D. Roosevelt, the president of the United States, signed the Social Security Act of 1935 into law after it was passed by the 74th US Congress. The Social Security program and unemployment insurance were both established by legislation. Roosevelt's domestic New Deal policy included the statute. An act to ensure the general welfare by creating a system of Federal old-age benefits and allowing the various States to make more adequate provision for the elderly, the blind, the dependent and handicapped, the welfare of mothers and children, public health, and the management of their unemployment. The Social Security Act (the Act) of 1935 is the source of several federal and state programs that give families in the United States financial security.

To learn more about Social Security Act, refer to:

how did the use of machine guns in world war I contribute to stalemate?


The use of machine guns in World War I contributed to stalemate by creating a powerful defensive weapon that made it difficult for attacking forces to advance. Machine guns were also used by both sides, which made it difficult for either side to gain a significant advantage over the other.

Machine guns were firearms that could fire rapidly and continuously, making them extremely deadly. They could fire hundreds of rounds per minute, and they were capable of mowing down large numbers of enemy troops in a matter of seconds.

Machine guns made it very difficult for attacking forces to advance. This is because the machine guns were often placed in strategic locations, such as on hilltops or at the top of trenches, where they had a clear line of sight and could easily mow down approaching enemy troops.

This meant that attacking forces had to advance slowly and cautiously, taking cover wherever possible and trying to advance in small groups to avoid being cut down by machine gun fire.

For more such questions on machine guns, click on:


describe how the russian revolution had similar characteristics to the french revolution. bolditalicunderline


The similarity of Russian and French revolution are revolt against the ruling class due to social and economic injustice and it led to change in social and political structure of the countries.

How is the Russian revolution similar to French revolution?

The Russian Revolution of 1917 and the French Revolution of 1789 were two significant events that had a profound impact on their respective countries and the world at large. While there are differences between the two revolutions, there are also similarities in their characteristics.

One key similarity between the two revolutions is that both were fueled by social and economic grievances. In France, the ruling monarchy and aristocracy were seen as oppressive and corrupt, while in Russia, the Tsarist regime was viewed as autocratic and backward. Both revolutions were driven by popular demands for greater political participation, social justice, and economic opportunity.

Another similarity is that both revolutions led to radical political and social transformations. In France, the revolution resulted in the establishment of a democratic republic and the abolition of feudal privileges and the monarchy. Similarly, in Russia, the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, overthrew the Tsarist regime and established the world's first socialist state.

Both revolutions also had far-reaching consequences beyond their respective borders. The French Revolution inspired movements for democratic reform and the spread of revolutionary ideals throughout Europe and beyond. Similarly, the Russian Revolution led to the spread of communism and socialist ideas around the world, which had a significant impact on global politics and economics in the twentieth century.

Finally, both revolutions were marked by violence and political repression. The French Revolution was characterized by the Reign of Terror, in which thousands of people were executed for political reasons. Similarly, the Russian Revolution led to a period of violent civil war and political repression under the Bolshevik regime, which saw the persecution of political opponents and the suppression of dissent.

Learn more on Russian revolution here;


What inference can you make about European-American slave holder's willingness to kill a slave


While attitudes towards killing slaves varied among individual European-American slaveholders, the use of violence and brutality was a pervasive feature of the institution of slavery and some slaveholders believed they had the right to do with their slaves as they pleased, including using violence or killing them.

What is my inference on European-American slave holder's willingness to kill a slave?

It is difficult to make a general inference about the willingness of European-American slaveholders to kill a slave, as attitudes and actions varied among individuals and across time and place. However, it is well-documented that many slaveholders used violence and brutality as a means of maintaining control over their enslaved labor force. Some slaveholders viewed their slaves as property rather than people and believed they had the right to do with them as they pleased, including using violence or killing them. Others may have been reluctant to kill slaves due to the economic investment they represented. Ultimately, the use of violence against slaves was a pervasive feature of the institution of slavery in the United States and elsewhere, and slaveholders' willingness to use it depended on a range of individual, cultural, and economic factors.

Learn more on slavery here;


How would President Franklin Roosevelt most likely respond to Father Charles Coughlin concerns
about the Works Progress Administration (WPA)?
A. President Roosevelt would listen to the criticism and assure Father Coughlin that the money was
benefiting the nation as a whole by helping the working people.
B. President Roosevelt would agree with Father Coughlin taxation was necessary for the recovery of
the country but private industries must also contribute.
C. President Roosevelt would explain to Father Coughlin that the use of public tax money benefits
industry and commerce as well as individuals.
President Roosevelt would address Father Coughlin's concerns by reducing the taxes used to
support the relief and recovery efforts.


Based on his previous responses to criticism, President Franklin Roosevelt would most likely respond to Father Charles Coughlin's concerns about the Works Progress Administration (WPA) by listening to the criticism and addressing it with a diplomatic approach. Option A is the most likely response from Roosevelt. He was known for being a skilled communicator and for being able to persuade his critics by acknowledging their concerns and explaining how his policies would benefit the country as a whole. He would likely emphasize how the WPA was providing jobs and economic stimulus to the working people, and how this was helping to lift the country out of the Great Depression. Option B is a possibility, but Roosevelt would also argue that private industries were already contributing through taxes and other measures. Option C is also a possibility, but Roosevelt would likely emphasize the benefits of the WPA to individuals and communities, rather than just industry and commerce. Option D is unlikely, as Roosevelt believed that government spending was necessary to stimulate the economy and provide relief to those in need.

Explain how Kangxi exemplifies the adaptability of the Qing leaders​


Kangxi was able to influence the Qing dynasty and exmplifies the Qing leaders through language and culture, military strategy, political reforms and religious tolerance

How did Kangxi exemplifies the adaptability of the Qing leaders

Kangxi, the fourth emperor of the Qing dynasty, is widely recognized as one of the most successful and influential leaders in Chinese history. He exemplifies the adaptability of Qing leaders in several ways:

1. Language and Culture: Kangxi was not born into a Manchu family, but he worked hard to learn the Manchu language and to understand Manchu customs and traditions. This allowed him to bridge the gap between the Manchu rulers and the Han Chinese population, winning their trust and support.

2. Military Strategy: Kangxi's military strategy was flexible and adaptive. He was able to adapt to changing circumstances, as evidenced by his successful campaigns against the Mongols and the Russians.

3. Political Reforms: Kangxi implemented a number of political reforms during his reign, which helped to strengthen the Qing dynasty and promote economic and social stability. For example, he reformed the taxation system, established a system of merit-based civil service examinations, and implemented policies to encourage immigration and settlement of Han Chinese in the frontier regions.

4. Religious Tolerance: Kangxi was known for his religious tolerance and respect for different beliefs. He allowed Christian missionaries to work in China, and he also supported the construction of Buddhist temples and Taoist shrines.

Overall, Kangxi's adaptability allowed him to successfully navigate a complex political and cultural landscape, establishing the Qing dynasty as one of the most powerful and enduring in Chinese history.

Learn more on Qing dynasty here;


whereas the american economy had once focused on produced goods, by the 1920s a growing number of industries were turning out ______ goods.


In the 1920s, a growing number of industries in the American economy were producing consumer goods for personal consumption.

By the 1920s, a growing number of industries in the American economy were turning out consumer goods. The period between World War I and the Great Depression was marked by a rise in mass production and consumerism, with factories producing goods such as automobiles, household appliances, and clothing on a large scale for an expanding middle class. This shift towards consumer goods signaled a change in the focus of the American economy, as the production of goods for personal consumption became increasingly important.

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For the precipitation reaction occurring between iron (II) chloride, FeCl2 and potassium carbonate K2CO3, show the Molecular, Complete Ionic and Net Ionic EquationsIf you take 20 g FeCl2 and 25 g K2CO3, what will be the theoretical yield of the solid product? This calculation depends on the limiting agent. After heating up in a teapot, a cup of hot water is poured at a temperature of201F. The cup sits to cool in a room at a temperature of 73 F. Newton's Lawof Cooling explains that the temperature of the cup of water will decreaseproportionally to the difference between the temperature of the water and thetemperature of the room, as given by the formula below:T = Ta + (To-Ta)e-ktTathe temperature surrounding the objectTo the initial temperature of the objectt = the time in minutes=T =the temperature of the object after t minutesk = decay constantThe cup of water reaches the temperature of 189F after 3 minutes. Usingthis information, find the value of k, to the nearest thousandth. Use theresulting equation to determine the Fahrenheit temperature of the cup ofwater, to the nearest degree, after 6 minutes. Connor bought a box of mini peanut butter cookies to take on a trip. On the back of The box, he reads that 10 cookies weigh 30 grams.) How much does each cookie weigh? Draw and label the height of each parallelogram. Both price floors and price ceilings, when effective, lead to:a. shortagesb. surplusesc. an increase in the quantity tradedd. a reduction in the quantity traded William writes a function f(x) = 2x - 10. He uses aninput-output table to represent the function.Input: 4Output: -8What is the output of William's function when theinput is 4? Louis and Rodney Monarch obtained a 30-year, $191.500 mortgage loan. The interest rate is 6%. Their monthly payment is $1.148.14 For the first payment, what is the interest? What is the payment to principal? What is the new principal? Under which of the following circumstances is it UNNECESSARY for a municipal securities dealer to follow special procedures when opening a municipal securities account?[A]When the client is married to an individual engaged in trading municipal securities with another municipal securities dealer.[B]When the account is for a minor who is the child of an individual who oversees municipal securities trading at another municipal securities dealer.[C]When the client holds stock issued by another municipal securities dealer.[D]When the client files paperwork and performs other clerical services while being employed by another municipal securities dealer. What is the approximate diffraction limit, in arc second, of a 84 meter diameter radio telescope observing 24 cm radiation? if two tiny identical spheres attract each other with a force of 2.0 nn when they are 29 cm apart, what is the mass of each sphere? express your answer with the appropriate units. What would you see when titrating if an indicator was not added? no color change would occur; it would not be clear when the equivalence point was reached a color change would still occur; it would not be clear when the equivalence point was reached a color change would still occur, the equivalence point would still be identifiable no color change would occur; the equivalence point would still be identifiable According to Hilde Bruch, _____ parents accurately attend to their children's biological and emotional needs, giving them food when they are crying from hunger and comfort when they are crying out of fear. knowledge check 01 all accounts that appear in the balance sheet, including retained earnings, are permanent accounts, and we carry forward their balances from period to period. group startstrue or falsetrue, selectedfalse, unselected Each morning, Sleepwell Hotel offers its guests a free continental breakfast with pastries and orange juice. The hotel served 180 gallons of orange juice last year. This year, the hotel served 70% more orange juice than it did the previous year. How much was served this year? HELP ASAP!!! WILL MARK BRAINLIEST!!!What does k equal in the equation y = kx, so that it represents the graph shown?A. -8B. 8C. 1/8D. -1/8 In 100 words or more, discuss what the different options are for sketch perspectives and what the forensic lab plays within crime scene investigation. step 1: establish the need for marketing research a. this tells the researcher exactly how to obtain information necessary to allow the manager to choose between decision alternatives. describe how the interaction of matter and light affects what you see when you look at a window a lake and a tree MUST BE 4 sentences Direct and indirect speech 6std icic phosphorylation of either of the terminal hydroxyl groups of glycerol will create: (a) (r)-glycerol-3-phosphate (b) l-glycerol-1-phosphate (c) d-glycerol-3-phosphate (d) a pair of enantiomers (e) none of the above