[Laertes:] Yet now, I must confess, that duty done,

My thoughts and wishes bend again toward France

And bow them to your gracious leave and pardon.

William Shakespeare

How does Laertes's character develop between Act I and Act IV of the play?

In Act I, Laertes is violent and impulsive; in Act IV, he is calm and thoughtful.
In Act I, Laertes is melancholy; in Act IV, he is cheerful.
In Act I, Laertes is stubborn and disobedient; in Act IV, he is obedient and respectful.
In Act I, Laertes is calm and dutiful; in Act IV, he is vengeful and does not care about rules.


Answer 1

In Act I, Laertes's character is calm and dutiful, while in Act IV, he is vengeful and does not care about rules. Hence, the correct option is:In Act I, Laertes is calm and dutiful; in Act IV, he is vengeful and does not care about rules.

What is a character?

A character is an individual in a literary work who is represented by their personality traits, attitudes, and activities. In the play "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare, Laertes is a character who is the son of Polonius, and is mainly concerned about his family's honor and reputation.

Laertes's character development between Act I and Act IV of the play: Laertes's character develops from being calm and dutiful in Act I to being vengeful and not caring about rules in Act IV. This change in Laertes's character can be attributed to the fact that his father, Polonius, was killed by Hamlet. Laertes decides to take revenge on Hamlet by killing him, and he does not care about rules or morality.

In Act IV, Laertes participates in a plot to kill Hamlet by poisoning his sword. Laertes has also developed an impulsive and violent side to his character, which is quite different from his calm and dutiful demeanor in Act I. Thus, Laertes's character development in the play "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare can be observed as he transitions from being calm and dutiful to being vengeful and not caring about rules.

More about Laertes:



Related Questions

Instruction: For Items 1-8, Read the Sentences and Change Them into Indirect Speech 1. Helen said to me, "When are you returning?" 2. The professor said to Helen, "why are you quit?" 3. My friend said, "I must do the homework." 4. My brother told me," You were right." 5. Grandpa said, "May God bless you." 6. "Bring the witness," said the judge. 7. He said, "I don't like pizza." 8. The boy said, "How will they reach here?"​


A indirect speech report details the precise words a speaker or writer used. Direct speech is typically surrounded by quotation marks.

What is the indirect verbal response?

Indirect speech includes phrases like "They said you didn't like it," "I asked her what her goals were," and "Citizens complained about the smoke," among others. When someone speaks without using their exact words, this is known as indirect speaking.

What are the three indirect speech sentences?

Paul received a reprimand from the teacher, who also threatened to call his mother if he didn't do the assignment. Puja questioned what I was watching. Joe suggested that I give her another chance. Lilly said she experienced a tummy ache the previous week.

To know more about Indirect Speech visit:-



In “Who Burns For the Perfection of Paper,” what does it show about Espada that he connects working in a legal pad factory with being a law student?




In "Who Burns For the Perfection of Paper," connecting working in a legal pad factory with being a law student shows that Espada understands the connection between work, education, and social justice. By making this connection, Espada highlights the importance of understanding the experiences of workers and the impact that the law can have on their lives. He recognizes that the experiences of the workers in the legal pad factory are not separate from his own experiences as a law student. Rather, they are interconnected, as the law has the power to affect the lives of working-class people like the factory workers. This connection also reveals Espada's empathy and his commitment to social justice. He is not simply using the experiences of the factory workers as a literary device, but rather sees their struggles as linked to his own, and is therefore able to create a powerful and compelling narrative that speaks to the struggles of working-class people in general. Overall, the connection between working in a legal pad factory and being a law student in "Who Burns For the Perfection of Paper" shows Espada's awareness of the intersections between work, education, and social justice, and his ability to connect these experiences in a way that is both personal and political.

Order the key details to create a
summary of the text.
Lead can enter our
environment and spread.
Lead may be present in our
Both the government and
individuals can help reduce
lead exposure.
Lead is harmful for children,
adults, and fetuses.



Lead is harmful for children, adults, and fetuses.

Lead may be present in our homes.

Lead can enter our environment and spread.

Both the government and individuals can help reduce lead exposure.


Answer: summary of the text.

Lead can enter our

environment and spread.

Lead may be present in our


Both the government and

individuals can help reduce

lead exposure.

Lead is harmful for children,

adults, and fetuses.



Transcendentalism emphasized living a simple life and celebrating the truth found in nature, emotion, and imagination. How does Walden reflect these key aspects of Transcendentalism?




Walden, written by Henry David Thoreau, is a prime example of Transcendentalist literature. Thoreau lived at Walden Pond for two years, two months, and two days, and his experiences there shaped his philosophical beliefs and the ideas expressed in his work. The book reflects several key aspects of Transcendentalism, including the celebration of nature, the importance of self-reliance, and the value of simplicity.

One of the most prominent themes in Walden is the celebration of nature. Thoreau believed that nature was a source of truth and wisdom, and he spent much of his time at Walden Pond observing and reflecting on the natural world. He wrote about the changing seasons, the plants and animals he encountered, and the beauty and power of the natural environment. Through his experiences, Thoreau came to believe that nature could teach us important lessons about life and ourselves.

Another important aspect of Transcendentalism reflected in Walden is the emphasis on self-reliance. Thoreau believed that individuals should rely on themselves and their own experiences rather than conforming to society's expectations. He lived a simple life at Walden Pond, growing his own food, building his own shelter, and living without many of the modern conveniences of his time. Through his experiences, Thoreau came to appreciate the value of self-reliance and independence.

Finally, Walden reflects the Transcendentalist emphasis on simplicity. Thoreau believed that living a simple life was essential to achieving a deep understanding of oneself and the world. He wrote about the benefits of living with only what is necessary, and he rejected the materialistic values of his time. Through his experiences at Walden Pond, Thoreau came to believe that simplicity was not only desirable but necessary for living a fulfilling life.

Overall, Walden is a reflection of several key aspects of Transcendentalism, including the celebration of nature, the importance of self-reliance, and the value of simplicity. Through his experiences at Walden Pond, Thoreau developed a philosophical perspective that continues to influence readers today.

Read the text below.
Let the egg boil for about six minutes. Then, lift the egg from the water with a
spoon and drop it into a cup of cold water to let it cool. When you're ready to peel
the egg, roll it along a flat surface.
Which text structure does the author most clearly use in this passage?
Proposition and support
Compare and contrast


Compare and contrast chronological order

No one believes Titubta when she denies her involvement with witch craft, yet they believe Abigail. Why? A. Titubta is an easy target because she is a slave, unlike the white girls who are daughters of respected church members. B. Titubta has been known to lie in the past, while Abby has been a model citizen.




A. Titubta is an easy target because she is a slave, unlike the white girls who are daughters of respected church members. This is one of the main reasons why people do not believe Tituba when she denies her involvement with witchcraft. In the context of the time period, slaves were seen as inferior and their words carried less weight than those of white people. Additionally, the fact that Tituba was from Barbados and had a different cultural background likely made her seem more suspicious to the Puritan community in Salem. In contrast, Abigail was a young white woman from a respected family, making her more believable in their eyes. While it is true that Tituba had been known to lie in the past, this is not the primary reason why people did not believe her in this particular case.

What is conservation, and why does this apply to Thoreau?




Conservation refers to the protection and preservation of natural resources and the environment. It involves the responsible use of natural resources to ensure their sustainability for future generations.

This concept is particularly relevant to Henry David Thoreau, who was a 19th-century writer, philosopher, and naturalist. Thoreau was a strong advocate for conservation and was deeply committed to preserving the natural environment. He believed that nature had intrinsic value and that humans had a responsibility to protect it.

Thoreau's most famous work, Walden, chronicles his two-year stay in a small cabin near Walden Pond, where he sought to live simply and in harmony with nature. In this book, Thoreau emphasizes the importance of preserving nature and living in a way that is sustainable and environmentally responsible.

Thoreau's ideas about conservation were ahead of their time, and his writings have had a significant impact on the environmental movement. Today, his legacy lives on in the form of conservation organizations, government policies, and individual efforts to protect the natural world.

Reread lines 95–104. Notice how Jefferson uses the first-person plural pronouns we and our to identify with his audience and to inspire unity of purpose. Examine Jefferson’s diction, or choice of words. How does the language of these closing paragraphs support the writer’s inspirational tone or attitude toward the idea of independence? Support your answer with evidence from the Declaration.


In lines 95-104 of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson uses the first-person plural pronouns "we" and "our" to emphasize the unity of the American people in their quest for independence. This use of inclusive language is intended to rally his audience and inspire them to act collectively in pursuit of their shared goal.

The language in these closing paragraphs is highly inspirational and uplifting. Jefferson uses powerful and emotive words and phrases such as "unalienable Rights," "sacred Honor," and "mutual Pledge to each other." These words are designed to evoke a strong emotional response from the reader and inspire them to join the cause for independence.

For example, Jefferson writes: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." Here, Jefferson is emphasizing the sacrifice and commitment that is required of the American people in order to achieve their goal of independence. He is also invoking the idea of divine providence, which suggests that their cause is just and that they will ultimately be successful in their endeavor.

Overall, Jefferson's diction in the closing paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence is intended to inspire and motivate his audience to join together in pursuit of their shared goal. His use of inclusive language and powerful, emotive words is designed to create a sense of unity and purpose among the American people, and to encourage them to make the necessary sacrifices to achieve their independence.

What rhetorical devices and/or strategies does Du Bois use throughout his speech? Give examples by integrating at least 2 quotations (from the speech) in your response.



dt rd d from. daddy rrffff ffftt guy e yes. uwdj r fie y s h e u wthr gjsghy

she hasn't got ________ friends.( many/ much)​



she hasn't got many friends.

much refers to uncountable nouns while many refers to countable nouns.


Bradford's bibliography of Robert E. Lee reveals him as a general who felt that war was _____________________.
- cruel
- glamorous
- unnecessary


Bradford's bibliography of Robert E. Lee reveals him as a general who felt that war was cruel.

Robert Edward Lee (January 19, 1807 – October 12, 1870) served as a Confederate general during the American Civil War and was later named the army's overall commander. He served as the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, the Confederacy's most potent army, from 1862 until its capitulation in 1865, building a reputation as a shrewd tactician. Throughout the Mexican-American War, Lee stood out (1846–1848). During the march from Veracruz to Mexico City, he served as one of Winfield Scott's top assistants. By conducting reconnaissance as a staff officer, he helped the Americans win numerous battles by identifying attack avenues that the Mexicans had overlooked because they believed the terrain was impassable. Lee defied requests from certain officials to refuse surrender and allowing tiny troops to disperse into the mountains will create a protracted guerrilla conflict.

He vehemently advocated for inter-sectional peace and declared that the battle was over.

To know more about American Civil War, click here:



Write a short memoir about some aspect of your life. Include some anecdote, to supply details about an event, or to show the personalities of the people involved in your life. 300 WORDS


Choose a specific aspect of your life that you want to write about. Use anecdotes to supply details about the event or the personalities involved in your life. Write in the first person point of view. Use descriptive language to create a vivid picture in the reader's mind. Write concisely and clearly.

A short memoir is as follows:

I grew up on the outskirts of a small town in the Midwest. My childhood was marked by sunny days spent outdoors with my family and friends, long evenings spent eating ice cream and playing board games with my siblings, and weekends spent going on family trips to the lake or exploring the woods near our house.

One particular memory that stands out to me is the summer that I spent learning to garden with my grandfather. He taught me about the importance of patience and perseverance. He would often tell me that no plant, no matter how carefully tended to, will grow unless it's given enough time and love. He taught me that the same was true of relationships, friendships, and life itself.

Through those summer days, my grandfather and I developed a close bond that would last until his death, years later. I now cherish the memory of the time we spent together in the garden, and it serves as an inspiration in my own life to slow down and appreciate the small moments.

More on memoir: https://brainly.com/question/30447809


Why is listening important in business organization



Why is listening important in business organization


Listening is important in business organizations for several reasons:

Better Understanding: Listening allows managers, employees, and other stakeholders to better understand the needs, opinions, and perspectives of others. This helps to build stronger relationships and fosters an environment of trust and respect.

Problem Solving: Listening to others can help to identify problems and issues that need to be addressed in the organization. This can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving, which can improve productivity and profitability.

Enhanced Communication: Active listening can enhance communication within the organization, leading to improved collaboration and teamwork. By listening to feedback and suggestions, employees can work together more effectively to achieve common goals.

Customer Service: In businesses where customer service is important, listening is crucial. Listening to customer feedback can help organizations to better understand their needs and expectations, which can lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Employee Engagement: Listening to employees can help to improve employee engagement and job satisfaction. When employees feel that their opinions are valued and heard, they are more likely to feel invested in the organization and to work harder to achieve its goals.

Overall, listening is an important skill in business organizations because it helps to improve communication, build stronger relationships, and foster an environment of trust and respect.


Explanation:. Listening increases productivity, boosts confidence and reduces errors.

Help asap! Using your knowledge of the novel Frankenstein, fill in the words that help tell the story.
I will give brainliest award ​





When Jim hears a loud bang and realizes that fighting has begun in chapters 16-18 of Treasure Island, what was the sound he heard?
A. Mr. Trelawney shooting a musket
B. A cannonball sinking Captain Smollett's jolly-boat.
C. An attack on the stronghold
D. The captain firing a pistol to signal a half hour before sun down



B. A cannonball sinking Captain Smollett's jolly-boat.

Guys I need your Help please


Story on the tagline - Today is the day I turn myself into a new person, a person whom nobody knows, not even myself. I was tired of living the same monotonous life every day, and I felt like there was something more to life.

I woke up early in the morning, and the first thing I did was to look at myself in the mirror. I stared at my reflection for a long time, trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted to be.

I took a deep breath and started to pack my bags. I was going on a journey, a journey to find myself. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew that I had to leave. I left my apartment, and as I walked down the street, I felt a sense of freedom that I had never felt before.

I decided to go to the airport and take the first flight out of the country. I didn't care where I was going as long as it was far away. I bought a ticket to a small island in the Pacific, and I was on my way.

When I arrived at the island, I felt like I had entered a different world. The people, the culture, and the scenery were all new to me. I was excited and scared at the same time.

As I walked along the beach, I saw a group of people practicing yoga. I had never done yoga before, but I decided to join them. The yoga teacher was kind, and she welcomed me with open arms. I felt a sense of peace that I had never felt before.

After the yoga session, the teacher invited me to a meditation class. I had never meditated before, but I decided to give it a try. During the meditation, I felt like I was floating on a cloud. All my worries and fears vanished, and I felt a sense of calmness.

That day changed my life. I discovered a new side of myself that I never knew existed. I realized that I had been living my life on autopilot, and it was time to take control. From that day on, I promised myself to live my life to the fullest, to try new things, and to be open to new experiences.

To learn more about story writing from given link



How does Long John act when he first enters the stockade in chapters 19-21 of Treasure Island?
A. He threatens all of Captain Smollett's men.
B. He introduces himself, as if it was the first time he had ever met Captain Smollett's men.
C. Talks kindly to all of Captain Smollett's men, as if saying hello to old friends.
D. He refuses to speak to anyone other than Captain Smollett.


In chapters 19-21 of Treasure Island, when Long John Silver first enters the stockade, he introduces himself as if it was the first time he had ever met Captain Smollett's men. The correct answer is option B.

What happens in Treasure Island?

"Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson is a classic adventure novel that tells the story of a young boy named Jim Hawkins and his search for treasure. The novel is set in the 18th century and follows the journey of Jim, who is given a treasure map by a dying pirate. Jim sets out to sea with a crew of sailors, including the one-legged Long John Silver, to find the treasure. However, the journey is fraught with danger as the crew faces mutiny, battles with rival pirates, and treacherous weather.

As the crew reaches their destination, they must face off against their former allies and outwit the dangerous and cunning Long John Silver. With twists and turns at every corner, the story keeps readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

To find out more about Treasure Island, visit:



Which of the followings is not the feature of postmodern literature?​



あたしの最後はあなたがいい (いい)






それでも時々 浮つく


そんなダサいのは もう要らないのよ

Which example shows the strongest conclusion?

Diversity clubs benefit schools in many different ways. They make schools safer, promote student leadership, and help all students feel like part of their community. If our school wants to have a strong sense of community, we should start a diversity club immediately.
As you’ve seen, diversity clubs have benefits. They keep schools safe, promote diversity, and help students feel good about themselves and their community. There are many reasons a school should have a diversity club.
The school needs a diversity club. It can’t continue without one. If there’s any hope of having any kind of peace and community in the school, we need to be allowed to have a diversity club. Please start the diversity club today.


The strongest conclusion is: The school needs a diversity club. It can’t continue without one. If there’s any hope of having any kind of peace and community in the school, we need to be allowed to have a diversity club. Please start the diversity club today.

What is a conclusion?

A conclusion is the final thought, opinion, or judgment made about a topic or issue, backed up by proof or evidence. It is a statement that summarizes the preceding discourse and serves as the concluding part of an argument or paper. It should emphasize the significance of the central topic, restate the thesis statement, and give readers a sense of completeness.

What is a strong conclusion?

In order to make your conclusion convincing and memorable, it must be robust, reasonable, and logical. A strong conclusion should summarize your central points, emphasize the significance of your central topic, and leave the reader with a clear sense of what you are advocating for.

More about Conclusion:



1 Complete the conversation with the present perfect, past simple or present simple form of the verbs in brackets. A: 1 you. (hear) anything from Julia in the last few weeks? B: Yes, she's in Madrid. She 2 (be) there since Saturday. A: Oh, yeah! 13_ she. (go) with her parents? (forget) about that. 4. (go) to Madrid every (live) there. B: Yes, I think so. They 5 Christmas. I think her brother 6 He 7 (be) there for a couple of years. A: 18 always_(want) to visit Madrid. It's such a beautiful city.​



1.have you heard anything...

2.she has been there since saturday...

3.she went with her parents...

i forgot about that

4.they go to madrid...they live there

The given conversation has been completed with form of the verbs:
A: 1. Have you (hear) anything from Julia in the last few weeks?
B: 2. Yes, she's (be) there since Saturday.
A: 3. Oh, yeah! She (go) with her parents? (forget) about that.
B: 4. Yes, I think so. They (go) to Madrid every Christmas. I think her brother (live) there.
A: 5. He (be) there for a couple of years.
A: 6. I (always want) to visit Madrid. It's such a beautiful city.

1. A is using the present perfect tense "have you heard" to inquire about recent news from Julia.

2. B is using the present perfect tense "she's been" to indicate that Julia is still in Madrid, emphasizing the duration of her stay.

3. A switches from the present perfect "she's gone" to the past simple "she went" when realizing they forgot about Julia's trip.

4. B uses the present simple "they go" to talk about Julia's parents' regular trips to Madrid, and then switches to the present continuous "I think her brother is living" to indicate her brother's current residence in Madrid.

5. A uses the present perfect "I have always wanted" to express a desire that started in the past and continues into the present.

To know more about verbs, click here.



this is a very important question. Are you cool?


It's not important question but I am not cool.

Describe some of the changes that have happened in Sal's life so far, and what
effect these changes have had on her.


Sal is the main character of the novel "Walk Two Moons" by Sharon Creech. Throughout the story, Sal experiences various changes that have a significant impact on her life and her perspective on the world.

What is Sal's life experience?

Another change in Sal's life is the move from her home in Kentucky to a new home in Ohio, which is prompted by her father's decision to start a new life. This change uproots Sal from everything she knows and loves, and she has to adapt to a new environment and make new friends. This change has made Sal feel disconnected from her past and her memories of her mother.

One of the major changes in Sal's life is the death of her mother, which occurs before the start of the story. This loss has a profound effect on Sal, as she struggles to come to terms with her grief and make sense of her mother's absence. This change has made Sal feel lost and disconnected from the world around her.

Learn more about Sal's life from the given link



Dr. Kings perspective of white moderates
violent and rarely
accomplish anything at all.
delusional and misunderstand political issues.
necessary to bring about change in an unjust society.
extremely beneficial for society because of their wealth.


Dr. King's perspective of white moderates is that they are necessary to bring about change in an unjust society. The correct answer is C.

Dr. King believed that white moderates played a crucial role in effecting change in an unjust society.

He did not view them as individuals willing to take risks on behalf of the oppressed, but rather as those who preferred negative peace, characterized by the absence of tension, to positive peace, which is based on justice.

According to Dr. King, white moderates acted as a vital link between the black and white communities and were necessary to effect changes in society, including dismantling institutional racism and violence.

Therefore, option (C) accurately reflects Dr. King's perspective on the importance of white moderates in bringing about change in an unjust society.

Learn more about Dr. King's.



why do athletes use shoes with cleats?



To help with traction when running



This helps to have more grip on the floor and chances to slip reduces. This makes it easy for sportsmen to walk or run as their grip on the ground increases.


Spikes increase the surface of the shoes & make it rough which results in an increase in friction

24. Roll film was the basis for the invention of motion picture film in 1888.
a. True b. False



24. Roll film was the basis for the invention of motion picture film in 1888.

a. True b. False


a. True.

yesterday i___(go) to a party: all my friends___(be) there and we___(have) a lot of fun.​



Yesterday I went to a party: all my friends were there and we had a lot of fun.

Yesterday I WENT to a party: all my friends WERE there and we HAD a lot of fun.

Which of the following individuals reject the monster's kindness?
the De Lacey family
the young girl drowning in the river
William Frankenstein
All of these choices are correct.




tmr bc it is

which word best describe how Ravi acts?





He doesn't want to go so he reluctantly gets into the car

How will you spend during your summer holidays? essay please​


Renovating your room, taking on a summer job, etc. are a few unique ways to modify oneself over the summer.

How I Spend My summertime holidays essay?

I enrolled in a summer camp during my break. It was the weeklong camp that my school hosted. I participated in karate, yoga, painting, singing, dancing, and other camp activities. It was 15 days program, and on the final day, my lecturers scheduled an excursion to the local park. There are many ways to make the most of a summer vacation. It can be accomplished by engaging in a variety of activities. One might enrol in a summer camp that teaches students new skills. One can even travel to see their grandparents, a freezing location, or another country.

To know more about summer camp visit:



Help me please

1.Summarize your (leadership) approach to failure and contextualize your approach to a future role .Where you would have the formal or informal a authority to practice your approach
2. How might you create an environment, culture, we’re failure is approached constantly with your vision and point one above. Be Explicit about up three actions you would take to create that environment or culture.




My leadership approach to failure is centered around embracing it as a natural and necessary part of the learning process. I believe that failure is an opportunity to reflect, learn, and improve, and that it should be approached with curiosity, openness, and resilience. In a future leadership role where I have formal or informal authority, I would encourage my team members to take calculated risks and experiment, and I would emphasize that failure is not a source of shame or blame, but rather a chance to grow and innovate. I would provide psychological safety for my team members, meaning that they would feel safe to be vulnerable, make mistakes, and ask for help, without fear of judgment or punishment.

To create an environment or culture where failure is approached constantly with my vision, I would take the following three actions:

First, I would model the behavior I want to see in others by being open and transparent about my own failures and how I have learned from them. By sharing my own experiences with failure, I would help to reduce the stigma around it and show that it is possible to bounce back and grow from setbacks.

Second, I would create opportunities for my team members to reflect on and learn from their failures. This could involve regular debriefing sessions after projects or experiments, where we discuss what went well, what didn't go well, and what we learned. By creating a safe and supportive space for feedback, we would be able to identify areas for improvement and take action to address them.

Third, I would celebrate and reward risk-taking and learning, even if it results in failure. This could involve acknowledging and praising team members who take on challenging projects, regardless of the outcome, and recognizing those who demonstrate a growth mindset and a willingness to learn from mistakes. By creating a culture that values growth and development over perfection, we would be able to foster a sense of psychological safety and encourage continuous improvement.

Other Questions
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