In this era of technology, everyone uses emails for mail and messages. Assume you have also used the
mailboxes for conversation. Model the object classes that might be used in Email system implementation
to represent a mailbox and an email message.
Assume You are working as a software engineer and now you have been asked to deliver a presentation to
a manager to justify the hiring of a system architect for a new project. Write a list of bullet points setting
out the key points in your presentation in which you explain the importance of software architecture


Answer 1


A class may be a structured diagram that describes the structure of the system.  

It consists of sophistication name, attributes, methods, and responsibilities.  

A mailbox and an email message have certain attributes like, compose, reply, draft, inbox, etc.

Software architecture affects:

Performance, Robustness, Distributability, Maintainability.  


See attachment for the Model object classes which may be utilized in the system implementation to represent a mailbox and an email message.


Large-scale reuse Software architecture is vital because it affects the performance, robustness, distributability, and maintainability of a system.

Individual components implement the functional system requirements, but the dominant influence on the non-functional system characteristics is that the system's architecture.

Three advantages of System architecture:

• Stakeholder communication: The architecture may be a high-level presentation of the system which will be used as attention for discussion by a variety of various stakeholders.

• System analysis: making the system architecture explicit at an early stage within the system development requires some analysis.

• Large-scale reuse:

An architectural model may be a compact, manageable description of how a system is organized and the way the components interoperate.

The system architecture is usually an equivalent for systems with similar requirements then can support large-scale software reuse..

In This Era Of Technology, Everyone Uses Emails For Mail And Messages. Assume You Have Also Used Themailboxes

Related Questions

Consider the following class in Java:

public class MountainBike extends Bicycle {
public int seatHeight;
public MountainBike(int startHeight,
int startCadence,
int startSpeed,
int startGear) {
super(startCadence, startSpeed, startGear);
seatHeight = startHeight;

public void setHeight(int newValue) {
seatHeight = newValue;
What is this trying to accomplish?

super(startCadence, startSpeed, startGear);

a. Four fields of the MountainBike class are defined: super, startCadence, startSpeed and startGear.
b. The constructor for the parent class is called.
c. A method of the MountainBike class named super is defined.
d. Three fields are defined for the MountainBike class as intances of the class named super.



b. The constructor for the parent class is called.


In this case this specific piece of code is calling the constructor for the parent class. Since a MountainBike object is being created. This creation uses the MountainBike class constructor but since this is a subclass of the Bicycle class, the super() method is calling the parent class constructor and passing the variables startCadence, startSpeed, startGear to that constructor. The Bicycle constructor is the one being called by super() and it will handle what to do with the variables inputs being passed.

A recursive method may call other methods, including calling itself. A recursive method has:
1. a base case -- a case that returns a value or exits from a method without performing a recursive call.
2. a recursive case -- calling the method again with a smaller case..
Study the recursive method given below.
For example, this call recursiveMethod (5); returns 15:
public static int recursiveMethod (int num) (
if (num == 0)
return 1;
else {
if (numX2!=0)
return num * recursiveMethod (num -1);
return recursiveMethod (num-1);
1 What is the base case?
2. What does the following statement check?
3. What does the method do?



Hence the answer is given as follows,


Base Case:-  

If (num == 0) //This is the base case for the given recursive method  

return 1;  

If(num % 2!=0) checks whether num is odd.  

The above condition is true for all odd numbers and false for even numbers.  

if the remainder is not equal to zero when we divide the number with 2 then it is odd.  

The method:-  

The above recursive method calculates the product of odd numbers up to the given range(that is num)  

For num=5   => 15(5*3*1).  

For num=7   => 105(7*5*3*1).  

For num=10 => 945(9*7*5*3*1).

(Count the occurrences of words in a text file) Rewrite Listing 21.9 to read the text from a text file. The text file is passed as a command-line argument. Words are delimited by whitespace characters, punctuation marks (, ; . : ?), quotation marks (' "), and parentheses. Count the words in a case-sensitive fashion (e.g., consider Good and good to be the same word). The words must start with a letter. Display the output of words in alphabetical order, with each word preceded by the number of times it occurs.
I ran my version of the program solution on its own Java source file to produce the following sample output:
C:\Users\......\Desktop>java CountOccurrenceOfWords
Display words and their count in ascending order of the words
1 a
1 alphabetical
1 an
2 and
3 args
2 as
1 ascending
1 catch
1 class
4 count
2 countoccurrenceofwords
1 create
1 display
1 else
3 entry
3 entryset
2 ex
1 exception
1 exit
1 file
2 filename
3 for
1 fullfilename
3 get
1 getkey
1 getvalue
1 hasnext
1 hold
5 i
3 if
2 import
2 in
3 input
2 int
1 io
3 java
6 key
3 length
2 line
1 main
3 map
1 matches
3 new
1 nextline
1 null
1 of
2 order
3 out
3 println
1 printstacktrace
2 public
2 put
2 scanner
1 set
1 split
1 static
5 string
4 system
2 the
1 their
1 to
1 tolowercase
2 tree
6 treemap
2 trim
1 try
1 util
1 value
1 void
1 while
9 words




The following is written in Java. It uses File input, to get the file and read every line in the file. It adds all the lines into a variable called fullString. Then it uses regex to split the string into separate words. Finally, it maps the words into an array that counts all the words and how many times they appear. A test case has been created and the output can be seen in the attached image below. Due to technical difficulties I have added the code as a txt file below.

what is the data type name for integer?​



the data type name for integer is int

Hope This Helps!!!


the integer data type ( int ) is used to represent whole numbers that can be stored within 32-bits. The big integer data type ( bigint ) is used to represent whole numbers that are outside the range of the integer data type and can be stored within 64 bits.

Given below are some facts and predicates for some knowledge base (KB). State if the unification for either variable x or y is possible or not. If the unification is possible then show the unified values for variables x and y.

a. American (Bob), American (y)
b. Enemy (Nono, America), Enemy(x,y)
c. Weapon (Missile), soldTo (Missile, y), Weapon (x), soldTo (x, Nono)
d. L(x, y), (L(y, x) ^ L(A, B))



Unification may be a process by which two logical individual atomic expressions, identical by replacing with a correct substitution. within the unification process, two literals are taken as input and made identical using the substitution process. There are some rules of substitution that has got to be kept in mind:

The predicate symbol must be an equivalent for substitution to require place.

The number of arguments that are present in both expressions must be equivalent.

Two similar variables can't be present within the same expression


a. American (Bob), American (y):-

In this scenario, Unification is feasible consistent with the principle. The substitution list is going to be [y/Bob].

b. Enemy (Nono, America), Enemy(x,y):-

In this scenario, the Unification is feasible consistent with the principles. The substitution list is going to be [x/Nono, y/America].

c. Weapon (Missile), soldTo (Missile, y), Weapon (x), soldTo (x, Nono):-

In this scenario, the Unification isn't possible because the predicate is different i.e. Weapon and soldTo.

d. L(x, y), (L(y, x) ^ L(A, B)):-

In this scenario, Unification isn't possible because the number of arguments is different within the given expression

LAB: Count characters - methods
Write a program whose input is a character and a string, and whose output indicates the number of times the character appears in the string.
Ex: If the input is
n Monday
the output is
Ex: If the input is
Today is Monday
the output is
Ex: If the input is
n it's a sunny day
the output is
Your program must define and call the following method that returns the number of times the input character appears in the input string public static int countCharacters (char userChar, String userString)
Note: This is a lab from a previous chapter that now requires the use of a method
1 import java.util.Scanner
3 public class LabProgram
5 /* Define your method here */
7 public static void main(String[] args) {
8 Type your code here: * >
9 }
10 }



i hope understand you

mark me brainlist


using namespace std;

#include <iostream>


#include <string.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <stdio.h>


#define BLANK_CHAR (' ')



int CountCharacters(char userChar, char * userString)



int countReturn=0;


int n = strlen(userString);


for (int iLoop=0; iLoop<n; iLoop++)


       if (userString[iLoop]==userChar)









    Removes white spaces from passed string; returns pointer

     to the string that is stripped of the whitespace chars;


  Returns NULL pointer is empty string is passed;  

     Side Effects:




char * RemoveSpaces(char * userString)



 char * outbuff = NULL;


 if (userString!=NULL)


   int n = strlen(userString);

    outbuff = (char *) malloc(n);


   if (outbuff != NULL)



          int iIndex=0;

          //copies non-blank chars to outbuff

         for (int iLoop=0; iLoop<n; iLoop++)


           if (userString[iLoop]!=BLANK_CHAR)






   } //for










int main()



 char inbuff[255];




 char * outbuff = RemoveSpaces(inbuff);

 if (outbuff !=NULL)


    cout << ">" << outbuff << "<" << endl;








  char chChar;


 cin >> chChar;


 int iCount = CountCharacters(chChar,inbuff);

 cout << " char " << chChar << " appears " << iCount << " time(s) in >" << inbuff << "<" << endl;



command create database in oracle database ::((




The correct order to follow for a technology awareness strategy is ____________________. Group of answer choices



a. Determine your needs

b. make the Assessments of  the resources available to you,

c. do a ranking of the resources in order of their usefulness to you,

d. create or allow the time to make use of the resources.


technology strategy is a concept that gives the important elements of a department and how these elements can interact with each other in order to get the continuous value.

The correct order is to first determine what your needs are, then you carry out an assessment of all the resources that you have at your disposal, then you rank these resources from the most useful to the least and the last is for you to create the time that you would have to use these resources.

Large computer programs, such as operating systems, achieve zero defects prior to release. Group of answer choices True False PreviousNext



The answer is "False"


It is put to use Six Sigma had 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO) from the start, allowing for a 1.5-sigma process shift. However, the definition of zero faults is a little hazy. Perhaps the area beyond 3.4 DPMO is referred to by the term "zero faults.", that's why Before being released, large computer programs, such as operating systems, must have no faults the wrong choice.

why concurrency control is needed in transaction.
And why Acid properties in transaction is important.



Concurrency Control in Database Management System is a procedure of managing simultaneous operations without conflicting with each other. It ensures that Database transactions are performed concurrently and accurately to produce correct results without violating data integrity of the respective Database.And The ACID properties, in totality, provide a mechanism to ensure correctness and consistency of a database in a way such that each transaction is a group of operations that acts a single unit, produces consistent results, acts in isolation from other operations and updates that it makes are durably stored.

State three advantages associated with the use of diskettes in computers​



1. small, portable, easy to carry
2. cheap
3. can be used to transfer data from one computer to another, useful for transferring small files

describe the evolution of computers.​



First remove ur mask then am to give you the evolutions

The message signal m(t) = 10cos(1000t) frequency modulates the carrier c(t) = 10cos(2fct). The modulation index is 10.
1) Write an expression for the modulated signal u(t).
2) What is the power of the modulated signal.
3) Find the bandwidth of the modulated signal.



1) 10cos ( 2πfct + 10sin 2πfmt )

2) 50 watts

3) 1000 Hz


m(t) = 10cos(1000πt)

c(t) = 10cos(2πfct )

modulation index (  = 10

1) expression for modulated signal ( u(t) )

u(t) = Ac(cos 2πfct ) + A (cos 2πfct m(t) ) Am cos2πf mt

      = 10cos 2πfct + 100 cos 2πfct  cos2π500t

      = 10cos ( 2πfct + 10sin 2πfmt )

2) power of modulated signal

power of modulated signal  μ^2 / 2 ]

           = 10^2/2 ]

           = 50 watts

3) Bandwidth

B = 2fm  = 2 * 500 = 1000 Hz

convert FA23DE base 16 to octal








s JM jsmsjjdmssjsmjdjd s


HS shhsys



sujdjdjd s






Describe how keyboard software works and which problems does keyboard software
need to handle?



The target computer's operating system and gain unauthorized access to the hardware, hook into the keyboard with functions provided by the OS, or use remote access software to transmit recorded data out of the target computer to a remote location.

No physical sensation of pressing a button results in misfires. Lack of physical divisions between keys makes touch typing impossible. Smaller key spacing results in typos.

Select the correct answer.
Which network would the patrol services of a city's police department most likely use?






A local area network (LAN) refers to a group of personal computers (PCs) or terminals that are located within the same general area and connected by a common network cable (communication circuit), so that they can exchange information from one node of the network to another. A local area network (LAN) is typically used in small or limited areas such as a set of rooms, a single building, school, hospital, or a set of well-connected buildings. Some of the network devices or equipments used in a local area network (LAN) includes an access point, personal computers, a switch, a router, printer, etc.

On the other hand, a metropolitan area network (MAN) is formed by an aggregation of multiple local area network (LAN) that are interconnected using backbone provided by an internet service provider (ISP). A metropolitan area network (MAN) spans for about 5 kilometers to 50 kilometers in size.

Basically, a metropolitan area network (MAN) spans across a geographic area such as a city and it's larger than a local area network (LAN) but significantly smaller than a wide area network (WAN).

In conclusion, the network type that the patrol services of a city's police department would most likely use is a metropolitan area network (MAN).


The correct answer is D. Man.


I got it right on the Edmentum test.




(c) 4


The function strpos() is a function in php that returns the position of the first occurrence of a particular substring in a string. Positions are counted from 0. The function receives two arguments. The first argument is the string from which the occurrence is to be checked. The second argument is the substring to be checked.

In this case, the string is "Get Well Soon!" while the substring is "Well"

Starting from 0, the substring "Well" can be found to begin at position 4 of the string "Get Well Soon!".

Therefore, the function strpos("Get Well Soon!", "Well") will return 4.

Then, with the echo statement, which is used for printing, value 4 will be printed as output of the code.

what type of slab and beam used in construction of space neddle​



Pyramidal Space Frame Glamorizes Swimming Pool 15. News Briefs 16 ... to use every pound of steel with no sacrifice in safety or ... form of steel trusses in an inverted coni- ... be embedded in the concrete slab when.



When computer users have trouble with their machines or software, Roland is the first person they call for help. Roland helps users with their problems, or refers them to a more-experienced IT employee. Roland holds the position of __________ in the organization. Support Analyst Systems Analyst Network Administrator Database Administator



The correct answer is A) Support Analyst


From the question, we can see that Roland is familiar with both machines and software. He is familiar with the operations of both parts of a computer to the end that he can attempt a fix. And if he can't he knows who to refer the end-users to. Usually, some IT personnel that is more experienced.

From the above points, we can safely say that Roland is an IT Support Analyst. He cannot be the Systems analyst because Systems Analysts are usually at the top of the Pyramid. They take on problems that are referred upwards to them from support analysts.


Which of the following was one reason why electronic (computer-based) information sharing was challenging in the not too distant past?
a. Individuals and/or members of organizations did not speak the same language.
b. Hardware and software applications on either end could not talk to one another.
c. The most powerful computers were owned by large companies.
d. Organizations needed to protect information for competitive advantage.



B. Hardware and software applications on either end could not talk to one another.


The answer to this question is that making connection to the internet used to be very slow, it's operation was difficult and so was its maintenance. Therefore they could be said to be unreliable at the time making electronic information sharing difficult as well as challenging. From this explanation the right answer to this question is answer option b.

Thank you.

Computer data that is suitable for text​



Answer:Data Types. Computer systems work with different types of digital data. In the early days of computing, data consisted primarily of text and ...

You are developing a Windows forms application used by a government agency. You need to develop a distinct user interface element that accepts user input. This user interface will be reused across several other applications in the organization. None of the controls in the Visual Studio toolbox meets your requirements; you need to develop all your code in house.

What actions should you take?



The answer is "Developing the custom control for the user interface"


The major difference between customized control & user control would be that it inherit throughout the inheritance tree at different levels. Usually, a custom power comes from the system. Windows. UserControl is a system inheritance.

Using accuracy up is the major reason for designing a custom UI control. Developers must know how to use the API alone without reading the code for your component. All public methods and features of a custom control will be included in your API.

A coin is tossed repeatedly, and a payoff of 2n dollars is made, where n is the number of the toss on which the first Head appears. So TTH pays $8, TH pays $4 and H pays $2. Write a program to simulate playing the game 10 times. Display the result of the tosses and the payoff. At the end, display the average payoff for the games played. A typical run would be:




The following code is written in Java. It creates a loop within a loop that plays the game 10 times. As soon as the inner loop tosses a Heads (represented by 1) the inner loop breaks and the cost of that game is printed to the screen. A test case has been made and the output is shown in the attached image below.

import java.util.Random;

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       int count = 0;

       int loopCount = 0;

       while (loopCount < 10) {

           while (true) {

               Random rand = new Random();

               int coinFlip = rand.nextInt(2);


               if (coinFlip == 1) {

                   System.out.println("Cost: $" + 2*count);

                   count = 0;








8.7 LAB: Instrument information (derived classes)
Given main() and the Instrument class, define a derived class, StringInstrument, for string instruments.

Ex. If the input is:

the output is:

Instrument Information:
Name: Drums
Manufacturer: Zildjian
Year built: 2015
Cost: 2500
Instrument Information:
Name: Guitar
Manufacturer: Gibson
Year built: 2002
Cost: 1200
Number of strings: 6
Number of frets: 19




Using the main() and Instrument class which can be found online. We can create the following StringInstrument class that extends the Instrument class itself. The only seperate variables that the StringInstrument class posses' would be the number of Strings (numStrings) and the number of frets (numFrets). Due to technical difficulties I have added the code as a seperate text file below.

Connie works for a medium-sized manufacturing firm. She keeps the operating systems up-to-date, ensures that memory and disk storage are available, and oversees the physical environment of the computer. Connie is employed as a __________. Hardware Engineer Computer Operator Database Administrator Computer Engineer


Answer: Computer operator


Following the information given, we can deduce that Connie is employed as a computer operator. A computer operator is a role in IT whereby the person involved oversees how the computer systems are run and also ensures that the computers and the machines are running properly.

Since Connie keeps the operating systems up-to-date, ensures that memory and disk storage are available, and oversees the physical environment of the computer, then she performs the role of a computer operator.

Discuss why databases are important in accounting information systems. Describe primary and foreign keys, normalization and database cardinalities. Why are each important to the database design



ensure integrity. primary key is unique key..foreign key is to connect 2 table.normalization to ensure you keep track on what you should do to create db..

Use Python.
Complete reverse() method that returns a new character array containing all contents in the parameter reversed.
Ex: If the input array is:
['a', 'b', 'c']
then the returned array will be:
['c', 'b', 'a']
import java.util.*;
public class LabProgram {
// This method reverses contents of input argument arr.
public static char[] reverse(char[] arr) {
/* Type your code here. */
public static void main(String[] args) {
char [] ch = {'a','b','c'};
System.out.println(reverse(ch)); // Should print cba




The code in the question is written in Java but If you want it in Python then it would be much simpler. The code below is writen in Python and uses list slicing to reverse the array that is passed as an argument to the function. The test case from the question was used and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

def reverse(arr):

   reversed_arr = arr[::-1]

   return reversed_arr

Explain why interrupt times and dispatch delays must be limited to a hard real-time system?



The important problem is explained in the next section of clarification.


The longer it is required for a computing device interrupt to have been performed when it is created, is determined as Interrupt latency.

The accompanying duties include interrupt transmission delay or latency are provided below:

Store the instructions now being executed.Detect the kind of interruption.Just save the present process status as well as activate an appropriate keep interrupting qualitative functions.

A student registers for a course in a university. Courses may have limited enrollment i.e a student must
enroll atmost 9 credit hours, the registration process must include checks that places are available. Assume
that the student accesses an electronic course catalog to find out about available courses. Which design
model should be followed by this secenario? Draw any two UML diagrams.



Follows are the complete question to the given question:


The UML scheme is a UML-based diagram intended to depict the system visually, together with its key actors, roles, activities, objects, and classes, to gather information the about system, change that, or maintain it.

Every complex process is better understood via sketches or pictures. These diagrams have a higher understanding effect. By glancing about, we notice that diagrams are not a new idea but are widely used in various business types. To enhance understanding of the system, we prepare UML diagrams. There is not enough of a single diagram to represent all aspects of the system. You can also create customized diagrams to satisfy your needs. Iterative and incremental diagrams are usually done.

There are two broad diagram categories and that they are broken into subclasses again:

Diagram structureDiagrams of behavior

Please find the graph file of the question in the attachment.

Consists of forging the return address on an email so that the message appears to come from someone other than the actual sender:_____.
A. Malicious code.
B. Hoaxes.
C. Spoofing.
D. Sniffer.



C. Spoofing.


Cyber security can be defined as preventive practice of protecting computers, software programs, electronic devices, networks, servers and data from potential theft, attack, damage, or unauthorized access by using a body of technology, frameworks, processes and network engineers.

Some examples of cyber attacks are phishing, zero-day exploits, denial of service, man in the middle, cryptojacking, malware, SQL injection, spoofing etc.

Spoofing can be defined as a type of cyber attack which typically involves the deceptive creation of packets from an unknown or false source (IP address), as though it is from a known and trusted source. Thus, spoofing is mainly used for the impersonation of computer systems on a network.

Basically, the computer of an attacker or a hacker assumes false internet address during a spoofing attack so as to gain an unauthorized access to a network.

Other Questions
Olivia rides her scooter 3/4 mile in1/3 hour. How fast, in miles per hour,does she ride her scooter? Which of the following recursive formulas represents the same arithmetic sequence as the explicit formula an = 5+ (n-1)2? give a single word, not milk of cow has many uses. Current market trends and consumer preferences across the globe What is the quality of this data about HCV? 10.All of the following are examples of specialized cells except Which of the following lines best demonstrates the hidden identity element ofmedieval romance?O lines 61-62O lines 62-63O lines 53-54O lines 60-61 Which group experienced increaseddiscrimination after the bombing ofPearl Harbor?A. Irish-AmericansB. Japanese-AmericansC. Mexican-Americans Manaliksiktungkol Samoa manunugtog ng mag katutubong waiting sa pilipinas Gawain ito sa Iyong gawain 3 The company's bank reconciliation at June 30 included interest earned in the amount of $150. Complete the necessary journal entry by selecting the account names and dollar amounts from the drop-down menus. Carolina: Pobrecita! La fiesta____ (ser) muy divertida. Indicate type of chemical reactions for 2Mgl2+MN(SO3)2=2MgSO3+Mnl4 Explain whether the unit of work is a fundamental or derived unit Cuando se utiliza el punto y coma? can someone give me the answer for this? __ (5 + 4) = 2 * 5 + 2 * 4 Who did the Habeas Corpus Act protect? the theater sells two types of tickets: adult tickets for $6 and child tickets for 5$. last night, the theatre sold a total of 375 tickets for a total of $2153. How many adult tickets did the theatre sell On January 1, 2021, Nath-Langstrom Services, Inc., a computer software training firm, leased several computers under a two-year operating lease agreement from ComputerWorld Leasing, which routinely finances equipment for other firms at an annual interest rate of 6%. The contract calls for four rent payments of $14,000 each, payable semiannually on June 30 and December 31 each year. The computers were acquired by ComputerWorld at a cost of $98,000 and were expected to have a useful life of seven years with no residual value. Both firms record amortization and depreciation semiannually. (FV of $1, PV of $1, FVA of $1, PVA of $1, FVAD of $1 and PVAD of $1) (Use appropriate factor(s) from the tables provided.) Required: 1. Prepare appropriate journal entries recorded by Nath-Langstrom Services for the first year of the lease. 2. Prepare appropriate journal entries recorded by ComputerWorld Leasing for the first year of the lease. Why do you think that the human resources like veterinarian doctors, agriculturalists are great need of our country? Give reasons. Find the value of f(3) given f(x) = 5x + 2