In the Zechariah third vision he saw a man with a measuring rod, surveying Jerusalem in preparation for the rebuilding of its walls.
a. True
b. False


Answer 1


b. True


The man with the measuring line in the third vision of Zechariah was actually measuring Jerusalem to know the length and breadth thereof. Which indicated it was in preparation for a building plan just like a surveyor. The angel spoke and told Zechariah met "...Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle". (Zechariah 2:4 KJV)

This vision revealed the future restoration of Israel.

Related Questions

educational sociology is the study of the interaction of the individual and his cultural environment this was stated by​





Educational sociology is a discipline of sociology that examines the relationship between society and education. This relationship is explored in both directions. First of all, how education contributes to the social order and educates people to become citizens and attunes them to the labor market. On the other hand, the influence of the social in education is also central, namely to what extent the social background determines student's results at school, due to different difficulties and personal issues of each social level. Like other disciplines within sociology, it does this to provide advice on public policies regarding education.

Which of the following strategies should be adopted for effective active listening? One should not ask questions even if they do not understand a message completely One should not interrupt a speaker before they are finished. One should avoid direct eye contact. One should not paraphrase a message because it always leads to misinterpretations.


The correct answer is B. One should not interrupt a speaker before they are finished.


Active listening implies completely giving attention to the person speaking and demonstrating authentic interest for the speaker's words. In this context, avoiding interrupting the speaker is necessary for effective active listening because this demonstrates interest and respect for the speaker. Also, by avoid interrupting one can better focus on the process of listening. Moreover, interruption in communication shows one person is more interested in speaking rather than listening. Thus, the strategy that should be adopted for effective active listening is "One should not interrupt a speaker before they are finished".

A new resident recently fell and broke his hip, which is what prompted his move into the long-term care facility. He has become very dependent on other for the first time in his life. Even though the facility is comfortable, provides good medical care, and serves food he enjoys, he is depressed. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which of the needs could the resident be struggling with



Need for self-esteem.


Maslow's Hierachy of Needs is a theory of motivation that suggests people act when they are motivated by by their needs. The theory was developed by Abraham Maslow in 1943. The hierarchy of needs is divided into five levels.

Psychological Needs.Safety Needs.Love/Belongingness Needs.Esteem Needs.Self-actualization Needs.

The level in which the need of the new resident fall is self-esteem needs. In this level of people wants to feel appreciated and respected. They want to feel that they are valued by contributing to the society.

In the given case, the new resident is lacking self-esteem as he is dependent on others now for the first time in his life. This makes him feel inferior.

Thus the correct answer is need for self-esteem.

Allowing a candidate's high score on an interview to make up for a low score on a personality test is an example of the


Group of options omitted

a. multiple hurdles approach

b. compensatory approach

c. contingent approach

d. normative approach

Answer: compensatory approach-b


The compensatory approach is usually used in a hiring process where  a candidate can have a deficit or  shortcoming in an area while  possessing other positive qualities or skills in other major  areas which would be used to  or make up for the qualities desired which they lack.  Every test assessed during the selection process is usually given preference weight according to the choice of skill of preference by the employee, if a candidate gets a high an the desired trait and low on the less preference skill , then a compensatory approach can be used to score such candidate for possible employment and hopefully train such candidate for improvement in the deficit skill.

statements is true according to Adam Smith's theories?



D) A free market would benefit consumers as well as producers.

I took the test!

The answer is attached.

Achievements :)

The highest court in the state of Florida is the a.Florida Supreme Court b.U.S. Supreme Court c.U.S. County Court d.Florida County Court



The Answer is Florida Supreme court

Which is NOT one of the keys to better social media engagement according to the article, " Three Keys to Better Social Media Engagement".


Given question is incomplete as it lacks the apropriate group of choices, however the correct group of choices are as follows:

Have the Wittiest and Coolest Vibe

Stay Relevant

Understand Your Audience

Provide Useful Content


The correct answer would be - Have the Wittiest and Coolest Vibe.


According the article " Three Keys to Better Social Media Engagement" an individual should be focus on the three factors or keys to better engagement with its subscriber, followers or users. These three keys are -

Stay Relevant  - one should be relevant to its content and people.

Understand Your Audience  - understand the audience and their interest. To know this constructive feedback are essential.

Provide Useful Content - content should be useful for the audience for better engagement.

Thus, the correct answer would be - The correct answer would be - Have the Wittiest and Coolest Vibe.

In the neo-Piagetian scheme of self-concept development,the third stage of development,which begins around 7 or 8 years of age,involves the ability to form
A) representational systems.
B) class inclusion.
C) sensorimotor schemes.
D) transitional inferences.



A) representational systems.


Representational systems is a term that describes a form of a neo-Piagetian scheme of self-concept development that deals with how the human mind processes and stores information. In other words, it illustrates how the experience is depicted in the mind in sensorial terms. for example, kids integrate into their self-image the developing knowledge of how others observe them

However, given that, children's self-definition usually changes between the ages of 5 and 7, indicating the growth of self-concept. Neo-Piagetian investigation affirms that the systems of representations begin at age 7 and above, which involves particular features of the self-concept in various ways, by reducing the feeling of all or nothing, this, the self-descriptions will be more neutralized.

Hence, the right answer is option A, Representational Systems


The correct answer is A.


Self-concept and cognitive development determine how we feel about ourselves and guide our actions. The sense of '' I '' also has a social aspect: children incorporate into their self-image their growing understanding of how others see them. Self-concept begins to establish itself in young children, as they develop self-awareness. Children's self-definition usually changes between the ages of 5 and 7, reflecting the development of self-concept. In the third stage (7 years) from a Neopiagetian analysis, it maintains that the systems of representations begin, they begin to integrate specific features of the self in a concept of several dimensions, by decreasing the thought of all or nothing, the self-descriptions will be more balanced.

A slave is expected to rush from task to task and to do any job immediately so a key word in Mark is "immediately."
a. true
b. false


Answer:  es cierto


porque sencillamente lo que quieren que haga el esclavo sea al instante; literalmente de inmediato


The answer is A.(True)


Pls mark as brainiest answer

A person has been injured while camping in the backcountry. List three environmental factors that can create a delay in advanced medical care.



1.  Distance from immediate medical care  

2.  Adverse travel conditions  

3.  Difficulties in telecommunication


An environmental factor is a term that describes both the abiotic or biotic factor that affects living organisms in one way or the other.

1. Abiotic factors such as temperature, sunlight, pollutants, pH level etc around living organisms.

2. Biotic factors such as the availability of food, presence of biological specificity, existence of competitors around, predators, and parasites.

Hence, in this case, environmental factors that can create a delay in advanced medical care, are:

1. Distance from immediate medical care

2. Adverse travel conditions

3. Difficulties in telecommunication

explain the term marriage​



A marriage is a legal union between two people, which is recognized by both the law and the customs of the society. It gives the partners the right to have children and engage in sexual relations


A marriage can be seen as a legal union between two people (usually a man and a woman) which is backed up by the laws, customs, and traditions of the society in which they live. This confers several duties and obligations upon each party which they must fulfill towards each other and gives them the right to have children and in-laws

Aristotle’s "doctrine of the mean" teaches that people conform to the average or customary standards in their actions.
a) true
b) false



it's true I think


I might be wrong.

How can a nation's government invest in human capital?

•by providing affordable medical care

•by building roads and bridges

•by making education free
by reducing taxes on domestic trade

•by facilitating vocational training

(It could be multiple answers or just one)


The answer is All of the abovw

• How could you incorporate listening for needs, purpose, or concern to create value in the conversation (including describing what that would look like)?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

It seems that your question is lacking some context or reference. As it is a general question, we can help you answer in general terms.

You could incorporate listening for needs, purpose, or concern to create value in any conversation. Especially, in those conversations in which you had disagreements and this made you trigger some emotional reactions that could have hurt people.

It is precisely in these moments when you need to keep calm, keep your composure, and listen to the end to fully understand what is happening or the main point of the other person's argument. Do not try to anticipate any idea because you could be wrong.

Listening is a key component in communication and you have to learn to listen before you answer, so you can have the full context.

Miller (2000) recruited young women from a residential facility to participate in her research and paid them to refer other girls who were gang members. Although this is common in snowball samples, one young woman decided to cash in on the deal by initiating new young women into her gang. The ethical dilemma was



That the initiation ceremony for the particular gang involved recruits to the gang being"beaten into the gang"beaten into the gang"


what is meant by right to justice​





The excerpt is from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

–Article 2,
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

This passage from the declaration is designed to

ensure human rights for United Nations members.
explain how human rights violators will be punished.
protect human rights of all people in the world.
grant human rights to the world’s most powerful people.



protect human rights of all people in the world.


C) protect human rights of all people in the world.


(Economics) You have two friends who are pursuing different careers after high school this year. Danielle is interested in getting into the medical field and wants to be a doctor after eight years of schooling. Danny wants to be a barber after he earns a certificate after six months of barber school.

1)Predict: How will supply and demand and labor substitutes in these job markets affect their pay and likeliness to get a job?

2)How will supply and demand within the job market affect my career choice?



1)Predict: How will supply and demand and labor substitutes in these job markets affect their pay and likeliness to get a job?

Supply, demand and labor substitutes are three variables that will determine the wage.

For the medical field, the demand for doctors tends to be higher than the supply of doctors, because becoming a doctor is costly both in time and money. This means that doctors will be well-paid, according to this model.

Besides, there are not so many labor substitutes for a doctor, increasing the probability of a high pay for them.

The opposite occurs for barbers. Barbers are easier to supply, and demand is not as high for them. This means that a barber salary will be much lower than a doctor's salary. Finally, barbers do have more labor substitutes as well.

2)How will supply and demand within the job market affect my career choice?

Supply and demand within the job market, as explained above, largely determines the quality of the career that you choose. A labor market with high supply and low demand means that the chosen career will be paid less, while a labor market with low supply and high demand means that the chosen career will be paid high salaries.

What is/are an obstacle(s) to reaching parents and family when attempting to get adolescents into counseling for drug problems?



Their parents might not think their child is capable of doing such things, and the reason why might also be because they are "too busy".

The parents might also have drug problems of their own

What does George Washington's farewell address reveal about the ways Washington will come to be seen by future generations?


Answer:Importance of Unity

After opening with an explanation of his choice not to seek a third term, Washington’s farewell address urged Americans not to put their regional and sectional interests above the interests of the nation as a whole. “You have in a common cause fought and triumphed together,” Washington declared. “The Independence and Liberty you possess are the work of joint counsels, and joint efforts, of common dangers, sufferings, and successes.”

Regions such as North, South, East and West should see their common interests rather than their differences, he continued. “Your Union ought to be considered as a main prop of your liberty and...the love of the one ought to endear you to the preservation of the other.”

2. The 'Worst Enemy' of Government: Loyalty to Party Over Nation

According to Washington, one of the chief dangers of letting regional loyalties dominate loyalty to the nation as a whole was that it would lead to factionalism, or the development of competing political parties. When Americans voted according to party loyalty, rather than the common interest of the nation, Washington feared it would foster a “spirit of revenge,” and enable the rise of “cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men” who would “usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines, which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

In fact, political parties had already begun to emerge by the time Washington stepped aside. Federalists, who drew their support largely from New England, advocated a strong national government and the fiscal programs created by Hamilton, the nation’s first secretary of the treasury. Republicans (later Democratic-Republicans) led by Southerners like Thomas Jefferson and Madison, opposed Hamilton’s economic policies. They also split with the Federalists in foreign policy, favoring a closer relationship with France over Great Britain.

Washington supported Hamilton’s financial programs and sided with the Federalists in supporting the Jay Treaty with Britain. By the end of his presidency, Washington was weathering increasingly bitter attacks from his Republican critics, and his farewell address represented his response to such attacks, as well as a more general statement of his principles.

3. Danger of Foreign Entanglements

Just as regionalism would lead to the formation of political parties, Washington believed, partisanship would open the door to “foreign influence and corruption.” While he advocated for the United States to be on good terms with all nations, especially commercial relations, he argued that “inveterate antipathies against particular Nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded.”

Europe had its own, very complicated, set of interests, and the United States should keep its distance from European affairs, Washington believed. A foreign policy based on neutrality was the safest way to maintain national unity, and stability, in the United States. Although Washington saw the need for the nation to involve itself in foreign affairs in the case of war or other emergency, he argued that it must “steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.”


Identity exploration among emerging adults has been found to be different for racial/ethnic minorities. What conclusion can we make about this group of youth?



Many minority youth must take on adult responsibilities earlier than their peers.

The most notable and direct result of the Ottoman Turk campaign of genocide was that Armenians were



massacred by the millions.


The Armenian genocide occurred with the rising of nationalism in the Ottoman Empire as Armenians recognize as an unwanted cultural minority. Genocides in Armenia began in 1915 by the Young Turks continued until 1918, and the purpose of the massacre was their faith. The Armenians were Christian while the Turks were Muslim. Despite the discords in the country, the Armenian people flourished under Ottoman control. They had better educated and wealthy than Turkish, who in turn began to envy. It estimates that 1.5 million Armenians died.


massacered by millions



What would happen in a State if its citizens lack relevant knowledge, skills
and positive attitude?​



The interpretation of the particular topic is outlined underneath in the subsection on explanatory.


When the previous folk is missing, the new generation in any mixture will possibly have the experience, ability, or perhaps a positive outlook on life, but it is proportional to the society. The basic explanation seems to be the attractiveness of someone using genetic defects to create genetic differences.In those other terms, if anything is missing for the old population, it appears to become something individuals don't want or require that which young people would look fine. But mainly relating to the structure of literacy and traditions.

Which of the following statements is true about leadership skills? a. Interpersonal skills refer to a leader’s ability to interact with others. b. Cognitive skills refer to a leader’s knowledge about an organization. c. Cognitive skills are developed through experience. d. Technical and interpersonal skills are innate.



A andB are true


hope it help you

True leadership abilities are interpersonal skills, which allude to a leader's capacity to engage with people.

Individuals with leadership skills have characteristics and talents that enable them to monitor procedures, drive projects, and steer their people toward achieving their objectives.

The capacity to delegate, motivate, and communicate properly are all valuable leadership characteristics.

So, option "A" is the correct answer to the following question.

Learn more:

Which statements about command economic systems are false? Select all that apply.
(Multiple choice btw)
Prices are set by the government.
Supply and demand are the basis for economic decisions.
People's jobs are chosen by the government.
Businesses are driven by profit.



It would be People's jobs are set by the government and businesses are driven by profit


This is because command economy does not choose people's jobs, nor does it drive businesses by profit, that is done by the government

Hope this helps :D


Supply and demand are the basis for economic decisions. And Businesses are driven by profit.


Supply and demand are the basic for economic decisions= Market economy

Businesses driven my profit= Market economy

Also I just took the quiz and got this question right, isn't that the only explanation you need? Imao

You have been hired for a full-time position in an early childhood program, the program has an excellent reputation in the community. The pay and benefits are excellent. You are working with teachers who have been there for 15 plus years. You are working with two experienced teachers in the classroom with 3 and 4 year old children. You start the job by following their lead, observing and listening as you work with the children. Soon, you realize they are much more rigid and authoritarian than you are. They use several rules that seem not age appropriate. At one of your weekly staff meetings, the other teachers tell you that the children are confused by the inconsistencies in the teaching approach. They want you to use THEIR approach.a. What will be my initial response to them ?b. Should I accept their suggestion ?



My response to them would be not to use their method because it not an age appropriate method despite working when use on the children. On the long run, the trauma and the effect would start manifesting on those children.

I would never accept their suggestion.


Notice how the Mrs. Wachsmann stopped the group a couple of times to provide feedback and/or give suggestions. Why is this important to student learning




Providing feedback/suggestions is a very important part of the teaching process as it encourages students to think critically about their work and the subject that they are learning, as well as pushing them to reflect on what they need to do to improve. This also helps grow the bond between the student and the teacher by promoting dialogue between them which tends to improve their learning and the satisfaction gained by the students.

Which document provides a brief summary of an applicant’s personal information, education, skills, work experience, activities, and interests? a. résumé b. cover letter c. networking letter d. personal goal statement Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D





Answer:A: resume


Just took the quiz and got it right :)

Name a continent on this meridian-15 degrees East


The meridian 15° east of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends from the North Pole across the Arctic Ocean, Europe, Africa, the Atlantic Ocean, the Southern Ocean, and Antarctica to the South Pole.


asia australia africa


Someone please help -

Write a diary about a person whose depressed and suicidal



Dear Diary,

Have you ever been betrayed by someone you love so much? Someone you exchanged vows with? The mother of your kids? Someone that would look you in the eyes and tell you she is going for a ladies' night out when she's with some guy in a motel getting it on? Well, I have.

I can't even go back to my own house because everything I look at reminds me of her and her infidelity. I want a divorce, but the cheating woman has been begging for a second chance. Sometimes I feel like getting the shotgun in my closet and shoot her and myself but I can get myself to do it. Who will take care of Myra, my little daughter? Perhaps she will be taken by Child Services and get a new family, but can anyone love her the way I do?

I cannot concentrate at work, I'm sad and lost in thought most of the time and it is affecting my work.

Dear Diary, if I don't come back to talk to you like I always do, just know that I am with the angels in heaven or somewhere in Hades with the devil.

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