How does the use of dialogue in ""Gift of the Magi"" move the story forward?


Answer 1


Part a: Jim and Della are realistic characters. It seemed like they were truly in love and cared deeply for each other. The story is about how they both sell their most valuable possession (Jim his watch and Della her hair) to buy a Christmas present for the other. Compared to Jim and Della, the characters of Monna Giovanna and Federigo in “Federigo’s Falcon” seem less real because they’re not well developed. Federigo doesn’t hesitate to kill his pet falcon just to serve a good meal to Monna Giovanna. It’s equally strange that Monna doesn’t feel angry and frustrated when she learns that Federigo killed the falcon that could have saved her son’s life.

Part b: At the beginning of the story, much of the dialogue is between Madame Sofronie (the woman who buys and sells hair) and Della. Here the dialogue between the two women paints a picture of the sacrifice Della makes to purchase a gift for Jim.

Much of the dialogue takes place between Jim and Della after Jim gets home. It serves the purpose of revealing the sacrifices Della and Jim make for each other. The dialogue also reveals how much the two love each other. When Della says that she‘s worried whether Jim will still love her now that her hair is gone, Jim says nothing could make him love her any less, and he calls her “my girl.”

Part c: The plot of “The Gift of the Magi” seems more realistic compared to the plot of “Federigo’s Falcon.” Jim and Della’s actions reveal the deep love they share and highlights the story’s theme that love is more precious than material possessions. In contrast, Federigo’s killing of his pet falcon to serve a meal to Monna Giovanna seems strange. Killing a pet falcon for a meal seems unrealistic. The story ends with Federigo marrying the woman he loves. But Monna doesn’t seem to be in love with him. She loses both her husband and child and ends up marrying a man she does not love.

Part d: “The Gift of the Magi” is a relatable story. Both Jim and Della are realistic characters with strengths and weaknesses. Their actions are believable. The language is somewhat simple and easy to understand. The dialogue and word choice build up the warm and comforting tone of the story. The narrator describes harsh truths in a humorous way, as in this line: “Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating.” The author also uses a lot of details that make it easy for the reader to picture the events. Here is an example: “So now Della's beautiful hair fell about her rippling and shining like a cascade of brown waters. It reached below her knee and made itself almost a garment for her.”

The narrator talks directly to the reader, which makes the story intimate. However, it also creates a sense of distance with the narrator, who is a character we don’t know. On the other hand, the narrator’s thoughts about the Magi help strengthen the theme in the story that true love involves sacrifice.

Some of the words in the story are difficult to understand. For example, this sentence is complicated:

“You've cut off your hair?” asked Jim, laboriously, as if he had not arrived at that patent fact yet even after the hardest mental labor.


Edmentum answers :)

Answer 2

In O. Henry's short story ''The Gift of the Magi'', the dialogue gives a voice to the characters and allows us to make our own judgment about them, as they speak for themselves and are not portrayed through the eyes of a possibly partial narrator.

What is the theme of "Gift of the Magi"?

The major topic of The Gift of Magi is love. Jim and Della, who live in appalling poverty, sell their most valued items to buy Christmas presents for one another. Their behaviors reflect their readiness to give up material possessions for love.

Their offerings were wise because they were wise. And now I've told you the story of two young individuals who foolishly handed their house's most valuable possessions to each other. But, in closing, let it be declared to the wise of these days that of all those who offer presents, these two were the wisest. They are the smartest anywhere.

Learn more about Gift of the Magi here:


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The name of the "Nelson Mandelian" speech which is referenced here is titled "Glory and Hope".

The objective of Nelson Mandela in the above-named speech was to educate South Africans of what the future held for them with him as the new and incumbent President:


He became the President of South Africa after the first multiracial South African election of 1994.

He uses the speech to clearly state and re-state his purpose, reaching the hearts of South Africans with the possibility and hope for equality.

In more words than one, he persuades the people to continue to press for equal rights, a clear indication that, chief on his list of mandates, is the unification of South Africa.

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Mandela uses certain words, Phrases, and metaphors to instill hope such as

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Notice that the pronouns "We", "Us", "Our" are very prevalent throughout his speech.

One of the paragraphs from his speech actually reads as follow:

"...we have triumphed in the effort to implant hope in the breasts of the millions of our people. We enter into a covenant that we shall build the society in which all South Africans, both black and white, will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts, assure of their inalienable right to human dignity..."

See more of Nelson Mandela's speech - Glory and Hope in the link below:

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When babysitting is demanded of us, honesty is paramount. There should be an understanding from the beginning that you are free to say “no” when you can’t or don’t want to watch the little ones. As in all relationships, communication will go far to help avoid conflicts. Babysitting can be a time to bless the parents and also bless the grands. We should see it as an opportunity to build love, faith and wisdom into our legacy, their future.

Rule Follower

There is a saying that goes, “What happens at Grandma’s house stays at Grandma’s house.” Unfortunately, we hear all too often that grandparents feel they can do whatever they please because they are grandparents. But part of our job description should be to uphold the rules the parents have set in place. We need to be rule followers, not rule breakers. Teaching a child that he or she can break the parents’ rules when they aren’t looking can come back to haunt us, damage the relationship between the child and his parents, and ultimately harm the child we dearly love.

We must respect the hard-and-fast rules parents have set down. With other rules, we can be slightly lenient if we discuss it with the parents. Whenever my husband and I break the parental rules at our house, we are sure to confess our transgression at the first opportunity. If it was something we planned ahead of time, like keeping them up past their normal bedtime for a special activity, we ask permission beforehand and explain our reasoning. In any case, we are careful to be totally honest with the parents. In that way, we honor their position and show the children that they must honor their father and mother as God has commanded. We must remember that we are secondary in the lives of our grands, and their parents are primary.


Grandparents have many stories to share, so it’s natural for us to tell them. We can delight future generations with tales of our past and the lessons we learned through mistakes and successes. My husband and I believe it’s important to talk about God as often as possible. Our grandchildren love to hear how God answered prayers, changed our hearts, or saved us from disasters. They appreciate when we learn to tell the wonderful old biblical histories in a new and fresh way, as we see them again through the young eyes of the next generation.

We also tell stories about our childhood friends and other adventures and activities from our younger years, and our granddaughters and grandsons are amazed to hear them. They often keep asking us for “one more story” about our childhood. Even our older grands have asked for those stories. Recently, they asked about love interests we had before we found each other. The big question they finally asked was, “How did you know when you found the right one?” That’s a notable example of how stories often lead to discussions about life lessons and character issues.

Books chosen carefully tell stories that can also trigger good conversations. We love reading with our grands—reading a story to them or having them read to us. Literature, whether old favorites or new finds, can tell stories that resonate with young and old. I remember reading to my grandson, Scott, when he was only days old as I hovered over his crib in the NICU. He doesn’t remember, but I often tell him about those days. In this age of TV, videos, computers and apps, it may take some coaxing to get them to sit and listen, but I have found that if you start young, they remain interested when they sense a good story is in the air.

Read the excerpt from "On Imagination" by Phillis

Thy various works, imperial queen, we see,
How bright their forms! how deck'd with pomp by thee!
Thy wondrous acts in beauteous order stand,
And all attest how potent is thine hand.

Which line from the excerpt shows a different justification
than the others?

A "Thy various works, imperial queen, we see,"

B "How bright their forms! how deck'd with pomp by

C "Thy wondrous acts in beauteous order stand,"

D "And all attest how potent is thine hand."


The line "And all attest how potent is thine hand," shows a different justification than the others, as shown in option D.

We can arrive at this answer because:

The speaker justifies the queen's works very subjectively throughout the poem.This speaker reinforces how great and wonderful the queen is, like all the things she gets involved with.However, in the line "And all attest how potent is thine hand," the speaker shows that the queen's actions are good because her hand is powerful.

With this, the speaker shows a different justification, stating that the queen works for her greatness, using her hands to act and promote improvements.

More information:


B) “How bright their forms! how deck’d with pomp by thee!”


Justification is: which side of the page the words in a poem aline to. In this case, the whole poem alines on the left side, EXCEPT this line, which has a different justification.

Does coat have long or short a or o



i would say long a


Answer each of the following questions based on reading Looking for Alaska from 136 days before up to 127 days before (audiobook 0-35:28).

When does the story begin?
What is happening at the beginning of the story?
Why does Miles want to go to boarding school?
Why does Miles’ roommate nickname him “Pudge”?
Who introduces Miles to Alaska?
Who is the Eagle and what is his job?
When the students do something wrong, why doesn’t someone at the school call home?
What does the Colonel say is the most important thing at Culver Creek?
List four reasons why Miles became a smoker:
What deal does Miles strike with Alaska?


At the beginning of the story, Miles’ parents are giving him a going away party and invites all his classmates (they think he is popular, but he never said he was) and only a few people came.
Miles wants to go to a boarding school to start something new and his father went there.
The Colonel introduces Miles to Alaska
The Eagle is the principal of the boarding school. He basically is always watching like a hawk.
The school doesn’t calls the student’s parents because that would ruin the school’s reputation
He became a smoker because: -he wanted to be cool for Alaska. -was basically forced into it. -wanted to be someone new. - sorry i dont know what else.

Read the excerpt from "Elevator Systems of the Eiffel Tower, 1889" by Robert M. Vogel.

The first complete elevator machine in the United States, constructed in 1855, was a complex and inefficient contrivance built around an oscillating-cylinder steam engine. The advantages of an elevator system independent of the mill drive quickly became apparent, and by 1860 improved steam elevator machines were being produced in some quantity, but almost exclusively for freight service. It is not clear when the first elevator was installed explicitly for passenger service, but it was probably in 1857, when Otis placed one in a store on Broadway at Broome Street in New York.

In the decade following the Civil War, tall buildings had just begun to emerge; and, although the skylines of the world’s great cities were still dominated by church spires, there was increasing activity in the development of elevator apparatus adapted to the transportation of people as well as of merchandise. Operators of hotels and stores gradually became aware of the commercial advantages to be gained by elevating their patrons even one or two floors above the ground, by machinery. The steam engine formed the foundation of the early elevator industry, but as building heights increased it was gradually replaced by hydraulic, and ultimately by electrical, systems.

Which statement correctly describes the order of events in the development of elevators?

A. Because hotel and store operators became aware of the commercial advantages of elevating their patrons by machinery, Otis placed an elevator in a store on Broadway at Broome Street in New York.
B. After the first elevator was installed for passenger service, hotel and store operators became aware of the commercial advantages of elevating their patrons by machinery.
C. When hotel and store operators became aware of the commercial advantages of elevating their patrons by machinery, the steam engine formed the foundation of the early elevator industry.
D. As building heights increased, the steam elevator was replaced by hydraulic and electrical systems, and hotel and store operators became aware of the commercial advantages of elevating their patrons by machinery.



B) After the first elevator was installed for passenger service, hotel and store operators became aware of the commercial advantages of elevating their patrons by machinery.


It is unknown when the first elevator was erected specifically for passenger service, although it was most likely around 1857. Following that, operators of hotels and retail establishments gradually became aware of the business benefits associated with elevating their consumers.


Describe the actions of Linda's father on the ice.




9. Describe the actions of Linda's father on the ice

Complete the postcard with the past simple or present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

Dear Beth ,
We(1) ... (be) in Ireland since Saturday and we're having a great time! Yesterday morning we (2)...(go) to Blarney Castle and l (3)...(kiss) the Blarney Stone! In the afternoon we (4)... (have) a picnic in the countryside. The weather isn't good-it (5).... (rain) four times since we (6) ... (arrive)
Love Katie
PS. I (7)... (see) a rainbow yesterday, but (8) (not catch) a leprechaun yet!​



Dear Beth ,

We (1) have been (be) in Ireland since Saturday and we're having a great time! Yesterday morning we (2) went (go) to Blarney Castle and l (3) kissed (kiss) the Blarney Stone! In the afternoon we (4) had (have) a picnic in the countryside. The weather isn't good-it (5) has rained (rain) four times since we (6) arrived (arrive)

Love Katie

PS. I (7) saw (see) a rainbow yesterday, but (8) didn't catch(not catch) a leprechaun yet!


According to this question, you have to use past simple and present perfect form.

The structure of the past simple tense is,

Subject + verb ( past form) + Object

In the same way, the structure of the present perfect tense is,

Subject + have/ has + Verb ( past participle) + Object

Hope this helps you.

Let me know if you have any other questions :-)

Why should a person be judged by his abilities and not by age ? please right short essay or arguments <33 MANY POINTS !!!



You should start with a defined character. Compare someone old and young and how they can both be useful and smart no matter the age, argue the opposite as well.

So lets say, Jerry and his Grandad Patrick both do art. They both managed to land their art in galleries and are very successful. They both do commisions full time and can sustain themselves without needed another job. Although Jerry and Patrick are both highly skilled artists, it took Patrick 40 extra years to completely cultivate his talent.

^This is an example of the argument you are trying to write.

Think woodworking, both a 20 year old and a 60 year old can do it. Same with cleaning.

Complete the conversations, using the words or phrases given.

love don’t mind hate don’t really like quite like
A Nick: Jenny, please help me with the washing up.
Jenny: Why? There’s not much.
Nick: I know, but I (1)___________ doing it. It’s awful.
B Mum: Let me help you.
Sarah: No, that’s OK. I (2)___________ doing the cooking. It’s one of my favourite hobbies.
C Phong: What are you doing?
Phuc: I’m tidying my room.
Phong: What? Still?
Phuc: Yeah, I (3)____________ doing it. It’s a bit boring.
D John: And we also need lots of drinks. Shall I come with you?
Mai: No, I’m fine. I really (4)____________ shopping.
E Mum: Ok, give me the next shirt. I (5)__________ doing another one.
Mai: You really don’t mind? How sweet of you.



1. hate


4. got to go

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think”-Winnie the Pooh

What is the meaning of the quote? Do you agree?



to help you far inspirational performance

why toilet is important for us??​



for necessary need

eg . pooping , urining

So we don’t have to poop in the woods

Why did the Articles of Confederation eventually need to be replaced? A The Articles of Confederation gave the central government too much power. B The Articles of Confederation did not give the central government enough power. C The Articles of Confederation were too similar to that of Great Britain’s constitution. D The Articles of Confederation demanded higher taxes than Americans were willing to pay.


B. The Articles advocated for a weak central government. The government couldn’t afford anything, and they were pushovers.

Renata has been studying for a difficult test. She loves to read, but she needs a break from studying hard. Which
type of text is the best for Renata to read for this purpose?

an online guide to passing tests in school

an editorial about the use of tests in schools

a newspaper article about the study habits of test takers

a comical story about a girl who forgets about a school test



C. A newspaper article about the study habits of test takers


A reason this would work is because she's been studying hard meaning that she has experience in what she is planning to create making this easier on her. By talking about her experience through a newspaper articles of habits of people like her who studies to hard and end up overwhelming themselves, this would be the easiest take on her.



When Macbeth says, “Call ‘em, let me see ‘em,” to whom is he referring?





mark brainliest

17.)which of the following shows physical change?
A.formation of bubbles
B.absorption of heat
C.change in state
D.formation of a new product
plss help me
sa science po itoo​



C. change in state


A physcical change is not a chemical change. All other answers point to a chemical change.

What is one of Juliet's worries before she drinks the potion?
A. She worries that Romeo will never come to find her.
O B. She worries that no one will believe she is actually dead.
O C. She worries that it is actually poison and will kill her.
O D. She worries that Paris will find her before Romeo does



C. she worries that it is actually poison and will kill her


Juliet is worried that the drink is actually poison, and she will be dead after consuming it.

Who was Juliet?

Juliet is one of the main characters from an infamous play written and performed by William Shakespeare. In a situation where she has to drink poison, she has worries that she will be dead after drinking it.

Hence, option C holds true regarding Juliet's worries.

Learn more about Juliet here:


In, at, on ahshshshshsjj



1.our family enjoys spending time together at the event


8.sams thing

hope it helps

At the end of paragraph 6, why does the author repeat "I shall never see this again"? Use details from the text to support your answer.


The repetition used by the narrator may have been performed to highlight his rejection of some element, or his sadness due to the lack of contact with an element.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Repetition is a figure of language that allows words or phrases to be repeated over and over in a text to highlight a theme or an important element of the story.Thus, when repeating "I shall never see this again", the narrator wants to emphasize his or her feelings, about the lack of contact with a certain element that will never be seen again.

In this case, this repetition may highlight the narrator's rejection for something, or the sadness about the lack of contact with the element. it is not possible to determine this exactly because you have not shown the text that this question refers to. However, I hope the above information can help you.

More information:

How can analogies shape our thoughts? Provide an answer.

Need ASAP please



According to TeacherVision, analogies can be used to introduce new vocabulary or compare situations or characters in literature. Research shows connecting what children already know to new concepts and ideas sharpens their focus and deepens their understanding.



it helps us to become more aware of our sorroundings and also helps us to become an analytical thinker.

How do prepositions function in a sentence? Check all that apply.

They show location.
They show action.
They show direction.
They show time.
They show ideas.

i need a answer asap i’m timed



Prepositions function as connectors, relating one word to another within a sentence. They allow a speaker or writer to express the link between separate items. Prepositions can convey information about location, time, or direction or provide details.


Write a 5 paragraph essay on why online education is better then the traditional classroom setting



If you compare the cost factor, you would find that online education is way more affordable for students than traditional education. ... Students do not have to buy different books for different subjects, unlike traditional education demands. Thus, online education is environment and student friendly

If a true or false statement includes a word that is an absolute (like all, never, no, always, none, every, only, and entirely), the statement is most likely:


If a true or false statement includes a word that is an absolute, the statement is most likely FALSE.

An absolute word will either include everything or everyone, or exclude everything or everyone.That means an absolute word does not leave room for exceptions. However, as we know, it is practically impossible not to have exceptions to facts in general.If you say that all men like watching football, for example, you will be making a false statement. The absolute "all" indicates that there is not a single man who does not like football, which is untrue.Therefore, statements that include absolutes tend to be false.

Learn more about the topic here:

What is most important preparing for the future or focusing on the present???

I need it for essay....
Please chose one and explain why it’s important???



focusing on the present because then you can get done what u need to get done

Mary co-signs for a car loan for Barbara. What can happen to the car if Barbara misses a few payments on the car loan?


A. It can be repossessed because the car depreciates in value.
B. It can be repossessed because the loan has been defaulted.
C. It cannot be repossessed because it is a secured debt.
D. It cannot be repossessed because a co-signer is involved.





Answer:  d


hope it helps

How does Dickens present Scrooge’s character in Stave 1 ?


In stave one, Ebenezer Scrooge is depicted as an extremely cold, callous businessman who is insensitive, cold-hearted, and miserly

Which sentence is comparing two characters?
The hare thinks he is the fastest animal in the forest.
The tortoise is slow, but the hare is fast.
Like the hare, the tortoise enjoys racing.
The tortoise walks on four legs.



The tortoise is slow, but the hare is fast.


write a summary of the brave little toaster by cory doctorow PLS HELPPPPP WILL GIVE BRAILIEST!!!!! HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPp


Hope this helps:) Let me know if you need anything else
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