Discuss how far sociologists agreee that nucleur families benefit frim members of the family and society


Answer 1


George Murdock (1949) argued that that the nuclear family performs four essential functions to meet the needs of society and its members: The stable satisfaction of the sex drive – which prevents the social disruption cased by a ‘sexual free for all’; the reproduction of the next generation and thus the continuation of society over time; thirdly, the socialisation of the young into society’s shared norms and values and finally he argued the family provides for society’s economic needs by providing food and shelter.

Murdock thus agrees with the two statements in the question and goes further, arguing that the nuclear family performs even more functions. Furthermore, he argued that the nuclear family was universal, following his study of over 250 different societies.

Some sociologists, however, criticise Murdock’s view as being too rose tinted – pointing out that conflict and disharmony can occur both within nuclear families and within societies where the nuclear family is dominant. A second criticism is that the nuclear family is not universal – Gough studied the Nayr of South India and found that women and men had several sexual partners, but this type of matrifocal family was functional for that society.

A second Functionalist, Talcott Parsons  argued that the type of society affects the shape of the family – different societies require the family to perform different functions and so some types of family ‘fit in’ better with particular societies.

To illustrate this, Parsons argued that there were two basic types of society – modern industrial society and traditional pre-industrial society. He argued that the nuclear family fits the needs of industrial society and that the extended family fitted the needs of pre-industrial society. He argued that as society became industrialised, society had different needs, and that the nuclear family evolved to meet these needs. For example, one thing industrial society needed was a geographically mobile workforce – the nuclear family is appropriate here because it is more mobile than the extended family.

Parsons also argued that the family performs less functions with the move to industrialisation – as the health care and welfare functions come to be taken over by the state. However, the family becomes more specialised – and performs two ‘essential and irreducible functions’ – these are the two mentioned in the question – the primary socialisation of children is where we are first taught societies norms and values and learn to integrate with wider society and the stabilisation of adult personalities is where the family is the place of relaxation – the place to which one returns after a hard day of working to de – stress.

Parsons has, however been criticised, as with Murdock, for having a ‘rose tinted view’ – Feminists argue that women get an unfair deal in the traditional nuclear family, for example. A second criticism is that while he may have been right about the 1950s, when he was writing, the nuclear family seams less relevant in our post-modern age when many couples need dual incomes – meaning the nuclear family may be too small to effectively perform the two functions mentioned in the question.



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Conscientiousness, openness to experience, and emotional stability are the Big Five personality traits that have been linked to both high grades and increased motivation in college.

What is Conscientiousness?

Conscientiousness is a Big Five personality trait that refers to a person's inclination to act in an organized, thoughtful, and responsible manner. Individuals who score highly in conscientiousness are frequently referred to as dependable and reliable, with a strong work ethic and a keen sense of responsibility for their own activities.

What is openness to experience?

Openness is a personality trait that is characterized by the desire for novelty and variety. Openness is frequently associated with a willingness to experiment and take risks, as well as a desire to learn new things and embrace new challenges.

Learn more about Conscientiousness here:



Mary's husband has been cheating on her for the past several months by having an affair with another woman. While apparent to many of her friends, she is able to explain away evidence of his infidelity. According to Sigmund Freud, which defense mechanism is she using?


According to Sigmund Freud, Mary is using the defense mechanism of denial.  

What is a defense mechanism?

A defense mechanism is a mental process used by the unconscious mind to control, manipulate, or dismiss anxiety-causing or unacceptable ideas, impulses, or feelings. Defense mechanisms are developed by the ego, a component of the personality that mediates conflicts between the demands of the id, superego, and reality.

Defense mechanisms are frequently used by the ego to resolve these conflicts and protect itself from negative feelings such as anxiety, frustration, or anger. Different types of defense mechanisms include denial, displacement, projection, repression, rationalization, reaction formation, sublimation, and undoing.

According to Sigmund Freud, Mary is using the defense mechanism of denial. She's attempting to ignore evidence of her husband's infidelity by creating an explanation to explain it away. Her brain is concealing something that is emotionally distressing for her to comprehend.

The defense mechanism of denial enables the person to cope with reality, but it can also lead to significant difficulties in their personal and professional lives.

Learn more about feeling here:-



For off-campus work-study positions, students should contact the

A. Student services office

B. Financial aid office

C. Dean of student occupations

D. Off-campus student services office​


For off-campus work-study positions, students should contact the financial aid office. Thus, the correct option is (B).

Student financial assistance in the United States is money that is only accessible to students who are enrolled in post-secondary educational institutions in the United States. This grant is provided to help with the high expenditures associated with pursuing post-secondary education.

Scholarships, grants, student loans, and work-study programs are all examples of financial help for students. Each of these techniques of giving financial assistance to students has advantages and disadvantages.

Financial aid may have only a tertiary relationship to educational rank in nations that give education to all at no cost, instead related to the economic situations of the family, and financial support for students is mostly indirect.

Therefore, the correct option is "B".

To know more about financial aid, visit:



how does behavior take place at two levels, an observable physical level and a unobservable mental level, and how self-leadership strategies influences behavior at both levels.


Behavior takes place at two levels, an observable physical level, and an unobservable mental level. The self-leadership strategy influences behavior at both levels.

Behavior takes place at two levels, an observable physical level, and an unobservable mental level.

Observable behavior is behavior that can be seen by others. Observable behavior includes the behavior that can be seen and heard, such as smiling, talking, nodding, and walking. It is the behavior that is easily identified by others. It is the behavior that can be measured and observed by others.

Unobservable behavior is behavior that cannot be seen by others. Unobservable behavior includes behavior that is not observable, such as thinking, feeling, and sensing. It is the behavior that is experienced by the individual, but not seen or observed by others.

Self-leadership strategies influence behavior at both levels.

Help individuals to develop behaviors that will help them achieve their goals. Influence observable behavior by helping individuals to identify the behaviors that they need to perform to achieve their goals. Influence unobservable behavior by helping individuals to identify the thoughts, feelings, and sensations that they need to have to achieve their goals. Influence behavior at both levels by helping individuals to identify and develop the behaviors that will help them achieve their goals.

Therefore, the self-leadership strategy has the ability to affect behavior at both the observable physical level and the unobservable mental level.

To know more about unobservable behavior click here:



When some students get an "F" as a grade, they interpret that letter as a message: "You are a failure." That interpretation is not accurate. Getting an "F' means only that you failed a test or an assignment- not that you failed your life.
From now on, experiment with a new way of thinking. Imagine that the letter F when used as a grade represents the word feedback. An "F" is an indication that you didn't understand the material well enough. It's an invitation to do something new to increase your skills and knowledge.
Within 24 hours after a graded test is returned to you (no matter what the grade), spend at least five minutes reviewing it. Then answer the following questions.
1. On what material did the teacher base test questions- readings, lectures, discussions, or other class activities?

2. What types of questions appeared in the test-objective (such as matching items, true/false questions, or multiple choice), short-answer, or essay? Did you miss certain types of questions more than others? If so, which types?

3 How well did you prepare for the test? When studying, did you focus your
attention and avoid distractions-or did you end up multitasking? Also, how
many classes did you attend, and how many of the assigned readings did you complete?

4. Now look for clues for new study strategies. Do your notes from class and on
assigned readings contain answers to the questions that you missed? If not,
then how can you read or take notes differently to capture the content that
you've been missing? (Note: This can be a useful question to ask your
instructors.) For example, instead of simply skimming your notes, you could
rewrite them to be more organized and complete. Instead of glancing over the
passages of a textbook that you highlighted, you could write answers to the
review questions at the end of each chapter.

5 Can you learn anything from the instructor's comments on this test that will help you prepare for the next test?

6. Can you now correctly answer the questions that you missed?

7. After answering the above questions, write an Intention Statement about avoiding test-taking errors in the future.
I intend to.


I will focus my attention and avoid distractions when studying by setting a specific time and place to do so, attending all classes, and completing all assigned readings.

What is attention?

Attention is the ability to focus on a specific thought or task while blocking out irrelevant information. It is a cognitive process that involves the selection of relevant information from the environment, and is a fundamental component of higher-order functioning. Attention can be divided into two categories: selective and divided. Selective attention involves focusing on one particular stimulus in a crowded environment, while divided attention involves the simultaneous processing of multiple stimuli.

I will focus my attention and avoid distractions when studying by setting a specific time and place to do so, attending all classes, and completing all assigned readings. I will actively engage with the material by taking detailed notes and seeking out opportunities to ask my instructors questions. I will review my notes and re-read passages from my textbook before tests to help me better understand the material. I will also seek out resources such as online tutorials or study groups to help me better understand the material. I will use my test results and instructor feedback to help me identify and address areas of weakness, and to make sure I'm prepared for future tests.

To learn more about attention



according to verba, schlozman, and brady, what are the three reasons people don't participate in politics?


According to Verba, Schlozman, and Brady, the three reasons people don't participate in politics are resources, psychological orientation, and situational elements.What are resources?Resources can be financial, social, or educational.

Resources are essential for political participation because people cannot take part in politics without them. Those who have fewer resources may have limited opportunities to participate in political activities because of social, economic, or education barriers.

Psychological OrientationThe psychological orientation refers to a person's attitude toward politics. Some people believe that politics does not concern them, which may be due to their upbringing or education. Others may feel that they do not have the skills or knowledge to participate in politics.

Situational ElementsSituational elements refer to the factors that influence political participation at a specific time. The situational elements may include the policies and candidates proposed by a political party or the structure of the political system.

Situational factors may vary from place to place and from one election to another.These are the three reasons people don't participate in politics according to Verba, Schlozman, and Brady.




Eric, a novice salesman, works for a pharmaceutical company. He is heading out on a sales trip. Which of the following should he follow to succeed in his sales effort?
A. He should offer one-sided messages.
B. He should use logic regardless of the audience and the message.
C. He should ask a small favor before making a big request.
D. He should go in the middle for best results.


Eric, a novice salesman, works for a pharmaceutical company. He is heading out on a sales trip. He should ask a small favor before making a big request to succeed in his sales effort. Hence option C. is correct.

What should Eric, a novice salesman, follow to succeed in his sales effort?

Eric, a novice salesman, works for a pharmaceutical company. To succeed in his sales effort, he should ask a small favor before making a big request.

Eric should request small commitments that are much simpler for customers to say yes to before proceeding to more significant commitments.

This approach helps establish trust and commitment from the customers while also aiding in the sale of products.

It is possible that he might offer one-sided messages to present the product in the most favourable light, but such messages are only effective in specific cases where the product is self-explanatory.

Hence option C. He should ask a small favor before making a big request is correct.

Learn more about sales effort here:



With globalization, urbanization of the countryside, the increase of prosperity, education, and private responsibility, _____ families tend to follow more and more the Western trends.


With globalization, urbanization of the countryside, the increase of prosperity, education, and private responsibility, nuclear families tend to follow more and more the Western trends.

What is Globalization?

Globalization is the worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration. This implies that national economies, socio-cultural frameworks, and legal systems are intertwined.

This convergence leads to the development of a global economy, a global culture, and a global society.The most common family structure in Western culture is the nuclear family. A married couple and their children are included in a nuclear family.

The modern Western nuclear family is frequently linked with the culture's changing social and economic structures. Globalization, urbanization of the countryside, the increase of prosperity, education, and private responsibility all contribute to the increase of the Western trend-following nuclear family structure.

To know more about Globalization refer here:https://brainly.com/question/15283031#


are societies in which people have differential access to valued resources, including land and property, social prestige, wealth, and political power.


Societies in which people have differential access to valued resources, including land and property, social prestige, wealth, and political power, are known as stratified societies. Stratified societies are hierarchical, meaning that people at higher levels of the structure have greater access to resources, while those at the lower levels have less access.

In stratified societies, people are grouped into different classes, castes, or strata based on their socioeconomic status, power, or prestige. In stratified societies, social prestige and wealth are often linked. Individuals who have high levels of social prestige are often also wealthy and have access to valuable resources like land, property, and political power. However, this is not always the case, and social prestige and wealth do not always go hand in hand.

For more information on Social stratification, visit



in terms of reinforcement schedules, interval schedules always relate to the a. elapsed time between reinforcements. b. number of response given. c. number of reinforcements given. d. length of the training period.


In terms of reinforcement schedules, interval schedules always relate to the elapsed time between reinforcements. The correct option is A. elapsed time between reinforcements.

Reinforcement schedules are a part of operant conditioning. They are designed to reward and strengthen particular behaviors. A reinforcement schedule is a predetermined plan that explains when and how a reinforcer should be delivered for a particular response. An example of reinforcement would be an employer offering a bonus to employees who surpass their sales goals.

In this scenario, the bonus acts as the reinforcer. Interval schedules are reinforcement schedule that pertains to how long the organism must wait to receive reinforcement. An example of an interval schedule would be getting paid every two weeks for working a 40-hour workweek. The two-week waiting period is between the behavior (working) and the reinforcement (payment). So, in terms of reinforcement schedules, interval schedules always relate to the elapsed time between reinforcements.

For more information on reinforcement, visit



the chairperson of the history department wants to determine the average gpa (grade point average) of history majors, but only at her university. she compiles a list of the gpas of all the history majors at the university and calculates the average. the chairperson is working with data from a or an . this is unusual, as most studies use .


The chairperson of the history department is working with data from a population, rather than a sample. This is unusual, as most studies use samples.

To calculate the average GPA of history majors at the university, the chairperson compiles a list of the GPA of all the history majors and then calculates the average, which is known as a population average or population mean.
The chairperson of the history department wants to determine the average GPA (Grade Point Average) of history majors but only at her university. She compiles a list of the GPAs of all the history  majors at the university and calculates the average. The chairperson is working with data from a sample or an observational study. This is unusual, as most studies use a sample to determine the averages.

You  can.learn more about GPA here:



intelligence refers to the ability to analyze, judge, evaluate, compare, and contrast. multiple choice question. imaginative analytical practical creative


Intelligence refers to the ability to analyze, judge, evaluate, compare, and contrast. Analytical is the correct option that represents intelligence.

Analytical intelligence is the ability to dissect a problem or situation, establish the underlying structure of the situation, and devise a method for solving it.

Analytical intelligence is the capacity to think critically, solve problems, and make choices based on prior knowledge and experience. It is considered to be one of the most essential types of intelligence.

Practical intelligence is the ability to get things done. In other words, practical intelligence is the capacity to put knowledge into action. It is important in our everyday lives.

Creative intelligence is the ability to come up with original ideas. It is the capacity to envision new concepts and develop innovative solutions to problems.

Imaginative intelligence is the ability to visualize and imagine things. It is related to the capacity to think creatively and to form pictures in the mind.

Therefore, the correct answer is analytical.

Learn more about Intelligence here:



what is the airline experiment to make boarding less awful


The airline experiment to make boarding less awful involves using a new boarding process called "outside-in" or "reverse pyramid" boarding. Instead of boarding passengers by seat sections, the process starts with passengers seated in the back of the plane and moves forward.

This method is based on the idea that passengers with seats at the back of the plane can board quickly and easily, without having to pass through other passengers already seated. This process reduces the time passengers spend standing in the aisle and waiting to reach their seats. The airline experiment also involves using advanced technology, such as facial recognition and biometric scanning, to speed up the boarding process. This technology can quickly and accurately identify passengers, verify their identity, and match them to their boarding pass and seat assignment. This reduces the time and effort required for manual ticket checks and allows for a more efficient boarding process.

To learn more about airline refer to:



how does the media frame public opinion in the country ? give example to prove it.




The media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion in a country. It can influence the way people perceive events, issues, and individuals, and can have a significant impact on the attitudes and behaviours of the public. There are several ways in which the media can frame public opinion, and here are a few examples:

Selective Reporting: The media may choose to report on certain events or issues and ignore others. This can lead to a biased representation of reality, and the public may form an opinion based on incomplete or inaccurate information. For example, if the media only reports on crimes committed by a certain group of people and ignores crimes committed by others, it can create a negative perception of that group in the minds of the public.

Agenda Setting: The media can also influence public opinion by setting the agenda for what issues are considered important. By giving more coverage to certain issues, the media can direct public attention and shape perceptions. For instance, if the media consistently reports on the dangers of a particular food item, it can create a perception that it is unsafe, even if the risks are minimal.

Framing: The way the media presents the information can also affect public opinion. By framing an issue in a certain way, the media can influence the way people perceive it. For example, if the media frames an election as a battle between two opposing sides, it can create a perception that there are only two choices, even if there are other candidates or parties.

An example of media framing can be seen during political campaigns. The media often frames candidates in a certain way, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses and shaping public opinion. For example, if the media portrays a candidate as a strong leader, it can create a perception that they are the best choice for the job. Similarly, if the media portrays a candidate as dishonest or corrupt, it can create a negative perception of that candidate in the minds of the public. The way the media covers debates, speeches, and rallies can also influence public opinion by emphasizing certain issues or topics and ignoring others.

how does the concept of the avatar compare to concepts in other religious traditions concerning the divine presence on earth? what are the differences? (e.g., christianity on jesus as the incarnation of god)


The concept of the avatar is similar to concepts in other religious traditions concerning a divine presence on earth, such as Christianity's concept of Jesus as the incarnation of God. The key difference is that an avatar is generally seen as a manifestation of a deity, rather than a being who is equal to God or contains part of God's essence.

In Hinduism, the concept of Avatar describes the belief that the Supreme Being manifests in various forms or incarnations in response to human suffering and moral decay. Krishna, Rama, Buddha, and Kalki are among the ten most popular avatars. They embody the divine force's physical manifestation in human form, and they seek to restore dharma and order to the universe.

In other religions, the divine presence is considered to be one with God, not a separate entity. The concept of avatars in Hinduism is closely tied to the doctrine of reincarnation, whereas in other religions, there is no equivalent concept of rebirth.

Learn more about the relation of the cartoon Avatar to Hinduism at https://brainly.com/question/28772255


True or False, a (bring your own device) byod policy is a statement concerning employees' permissions and responsibilities when they use their own device for organizational business.


True, a (bring your own device) BYOD policy is a statement concerning employees' permissions and responsibilities when they use their own device for organizational business.

What is BYOD policy?

BYOD (bring your own device) policy is a statement that outlines an organization's acceptable use of personal devices for work purposes. It describes the specific devices that are permitted, who is authorized to use them, and the security standards that must be followed when using those devices.

BYOD policies include guidelines for employees and help ensure that sensitive business information is protected. It is the company's responsibility to ensure that employees use devices properly and to educate them about security procedures to minimize the risk of a data breach.

The organization's BYOD policy must be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changing security threats and technological advancements. However, not every company requires a BYOD policy. It is up to the company's management to decide whether or not a BYOD policy is needed for their employees.

A BYOD policy is not necessary for companies that do not require their employees to use their personal devices for work purposes.

Learn more about BYOD (bring your own device) policy here:



these part-time religious specialists often act as mediators between the human realm and the spirit realm, using methods such as going in trances, spirit possession, etc. is called


Part-time religious specialists who use methods like going into trances and spirit possession to act as mediators between the human realm and the spirit realm are called Shamans.

Shamans are typically people who are regarded as having supernatural powers and the ability to mediate between the human realm and the spirit realm. The word "shaman" originates from the Tungus language of Siberia, where shamans were a common phenomenon. Shamans are known to practice spiritual healing and communicate with spirits. Shamanism is one of the oldest religious traditions in the world. It is believed that shamans have the power to connect with the spirit world through the use of rituals and ceremonies.

They are typically responsible for mediating between the spirit world and the physical world. Shamans often practice in indigenous cultures around the world, including Siberia, Africa, South America, and North America. They play a crucial role in the cultural life of these societies, and their work is highly respected.

In conclusion, part-time religious specialists who act as mediators between the human realm and the spirit realm using methods such as going in trances, spirit possession, etc. are called Shamans. Shamans are believed to have supernatural powers and are capable of communicating with the spirit world through the use of rituals and ceremonies. Shamans play an essential role in indigenous cultures worldwide, and their work is highly respected.

For such more questions on Shamans



what is the main function of the u.s. state department?


advises the President and leads the nation in foreign policy issues

when a driver encounters a strong gust of wind, the driver should


When a driver encounters a strong gust of wind, the driver should keep a firm grip on the wheel, reduce speed, adjust lane position, and stay off the brake.

What should be done when a driver encounters a strong gust of wind?

When a driver encounters a strong gust of wind, it is important for the driver to remain calm and maintain control of the vehicle. The driver should grip the steering wheel firmly with both hands and try to keep the vehicle in its lane. The driver should not panic or overcorrect, as this could cause the vehicle to swerve or lose control.

If the wind is particularly strong, the driver may need to slow down or even pull over to a safe location until the wind subsides. It is also important for the driver to be aware of any potential hazards on the road, such as fallen trees or debris, which could be caused by the strong winds.

Learn more about  wind gusts at:



Checck complete question here:

When a driver encounters a strong gust of wind, the driver should _______.

how has the migration of europeans in the past affected the distribution of cultural groups in the united states today?


Now a majority of American ethnic groups trace their ancestry to Europe. This is how the migration of Europeans has affected the distribution of cultural groups in the United States today.

The bulk of immigrants from the British Isles migrated to Europe during the first significant wave of immigration in the 16th to 18th century, attracted by the nation's wealth and religious freedom. Wealthy individuals and indentured servants were included among the first wave of immigration. People who had escaped political turmoil, religious persecution, and starvation from Ireland, Germany, and Scandinavia made comprised the subsequent wave of European immigration, which came in the 1840s and 1850s. Several Europeans kept moving in in the United States after that, as they did in 2016.

New cultural and social patterns were developed as a result of European immigration to new colonies in the Americas. In Asia and Africa, Europeans founded colonies and trading centers. European exploration of the Americas led to a trade in goods and resources between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.

To learn more about European immigration, click here:



Judith Lorber believes that gender is a social institution because it:
a. is within an institution (hospital) that our gender first emerges.
b. is a social construction instead of a biological construction.
c. is a major structure organizing our day-to-day experiences.
d. is similar to other major institutions in our society.


Judith Lorber believes that gender is a social institution because it "is a major structure organizing our day-to-day experiences" (Option C).

Gender, as a social institution, refers to the social roles, behaviors, and expectations that society has assigned to individuals based on their sex categories. Gender is a social construction instead of a biological construction, according to Judith Lorber.

This implies that gender is not fixed and unchanging across cultures or across time. Rather, gender is a set of cultural practices that are subject to change based on social and historical contexts, and is created by societies to suit their specific needs or desires.Based on the given options, the correct option would be: Option (c) is a major structure organizing our day-to-day experiences.

You can learn more about Gender at



which of the following ethical principles focuses on the common good rather than on individual rights? question 5 options: formalism narcissism libertinism utilitarianism hedonism


The ethical principle that focuses on the common good rather than on individual rights is utilitarianism.

What is utilitarianism?

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that emphasizes maximizing overall happiness or pleasure and reducing overall suffering. It is a form of consequentialism, implying that the morality of an action is dependent on its consequences. It is often contrasted with deontological ethical theories, which emphasize following moral principles or duties, such as the principle of individual rights.

It holds that the most ethical action is the one that maximizes overall happiness or pleasure and reduces overall suffering or pain, for the greatest number of people possible. The ethical principle that focuses on the common good rather than on individual rights is utilitarianism.

Learn more about utilitarianism here:



Which President can be credited with the formal repudiation of the termination of Native American tribes from federal assistance? A) Franklin Roosevelt B) Richard Nixon C) Jimmy Carter D) John F. Kennedy


Richard Nixon can be credited with the formal repudiation of the termination of Native American tribes from federal assistance. Hence, option B is correct.

Richard Milhous Nixon served as the 37th president of the US from 1969 to 1974. He was a Republican who'd already served time as the senator from California. He was Vice President Dwight D. Eisenhower's 36th Vice President from 1953 until 1961.

Reconciliation was the primary priority for President Richard M. Nixon. The nation was cruelly split by war overseas and unrest in the cities. Nixon was able to restore relations with China and the Soviets while also halting American military operations in Vietnam. Yet, the Watergate scandal deepened rifts already present in the country and ultimately led to his departure.

After successfully bringing an end to American military operations in Vietnam and improving ties with the USSR and China, he became the sole President to ever resign from office as a result of the Watergate scandal.

To learn more about Richard Nixon, click here:



Individualism may result in a high degree of managerial mobility which might help a person increase his or her salary but can also result in a manager with Blank______.


A lack of experience

Recent economic problems combined with a refugee crisis has led many countries to blame refugees for taking jobs and inciting terrorist activities. In this example, refugees are victims of ________, as they are blamed because of the frustration experienced within an in-group.
a) discrimination
b) in-group bias
c) scapegoating


In this example, refugees are victims of scapegoating, as they are blamed because of the frustration experienced within an in-group. Option C is the correct answer.

Scapegoating refers to blaming or punishing someone or a group of people without evidence of their culpability, mostly to relieve frustration or distract attention from the real source of the problem. The term scapegoating came from the ancient Hebrew ritual of casting the sins of the people onto a goat and then sending it to the wilderness to be taken away, symbolizing the exile of sins or guilt. This idea has been transferred to modern societies, where the actions of a group or individual are used to deflect attention from a different person or group's real faults.

This practice has been commonly used in many societies to legitimize discrimination, oppression, or persecution against particular social groups.In the given example, refugees are blamed for causing economic problems and terrorism. The blame is wrongly put on the refugees without substantial evidence that they are guilty of any wrongdoing. This blaming is an instance of scapegoating, where the refugees are unjustifiably made the target of the in-group's frustration and aggression.

To sum up, refugees are victims of scapegoating in this example, as they are blamed due to the frustration experienced within an in-group.

You can learn more about refugee crisis at



while sylvia has not asked teenage consumers any questions, she has noted that they tend to purchase green nail polish, as opposed to purple. which research method has sylvia used? a. survey cross out b. experimentation cross out c. focus groups cross out d. nominal scaling cross out e. observation


Sylvia has used the research method of e. observation, as she has not asked teenage consumers any questions but has noted that they tend to purchase green nail polish, as opposed to purple.

Observation is a process of data collection in which researchers record behaviors and events without communicating with the participants. It is a useful tool for gathering preliminary information about the study topic. Observations can be made in natural or laboratory settings.

Observation can be classified into two categories, including structured observation and unstructured observation. In structured observation, researchers record specific behaviors while in unstructured observation, researchers record everything they see, hear, and feel.

The following are the different research methods that can be used in research studies:

ExperimentsFocus groupsSurveyNominal scalingObservation

In conclusion, the method used by Sylvia in her research is observation.

To know more about observation click here:



Economic growth initially leads to __________.
A) decrease in leisure time
B) lower pollution
C) higher living standards


Economic growth initially leads to higher living standards. So the correct answer is option C.

Economic growth refers to the increase in a country's production and consumption of goods and services. Economic growth is measured by the gross domestic product (GDP) of a nation. GDP is the total value of a country's goods and services produced in a given period, usually a year. Economic growth has a significant effect on various sectors of the economy, such as jobs, wages, government revenue, and standard of living. Initially, economic growth leads to higher living standards as it creates more job opportunities, which, in turn, increases people's income.

Learn more about economic growth: https://brainly.com/question/12148347


Think about factors affecting your lifestyle in comparison to the areas of increased longevity. Characterize two social science principles in your day-to-day life. Use the two principles that you did not describe in response to the earlier question. For example, you could describe some social norms in your day-to-day life.Some factors that affect my lifestyle is the constant driving from one place to another. I live in San Diego, I live on the north side of the county and I work on the south side. I constantly drive 40 minutes to over 1 hr, each way from home to work and back. In other countries, like Sardinia, they walk so much, for work and leisure. Here at home, just going to the grocery store is a 15 minute drive. I wish the community I lived in was more accessible by foot, this way it would be easier to be physically active.


Two social science principles that affect our lifestyle in comparison to the areas of increased longevity are: Social Capital - It can be broken down into two types: bonding social capital and bridging social capital.

What is bonding and bridging social capital?

Bonding social capital is the connections between individuals of similar backgrounds and identities. It provides social support and a sense of belonging. Bridging social capital is the connections between individuals of different backgrounds and identities.

It fosters cooperation and understanding. In our day-to-day life, we can cultivate social capital by joining clubs, volunteering, or attending events. This can help us build relationships and support systems that can improve our overall well-being and longevity.

Social Determinants of Health - This principle recognizes that social, economic, and environmental factors contribute to health outcomes. These factors include income, education, access to healthcare, housing, and environment.

Learn more about social capital here:



Private solutions produce efficient solutions to the problem of externalities, whereas public solutions do not.
True or False


False. Both private and public solutions can produce efficient solutions to externalities, depending on the specific circumstances of the situation.

Private solutions, such as negotiation between parties or the use of market-based instruments like taxes and subsidies, can incentivize individuals and firms to internalize the costs and benefits of their actions, leading to more efficient outcomes.

Public solutions, such as regulations and public provision of goods and services, can also internalize externalities by setting standards or providing public goods that create positive externalities, leading to more efficient outcomes.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of any solution depends on the nature of the externality, the behavior of the parties involved, and the feasibility of implementing and enforcing the solution.

To know more about circumstances click here:



According to Erikson, people who fail the adolescence stage develop _____ and enter adulthood without a solid sense of who they are or what they think is the meaning of their lives A. Guilt B. A sense of mistrust C. A sense of inferiority D. Role confusion


According to Erikson, people who fail the adolescence stage develop Role Confusion and enter adulthood without a solid sense of who they are or what they think is the meaning of their lives . (D)

According to Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, during adolescence (12-18 years old), individuals go through a process of identity vs. role confusion. (D)

During this stage, individuals explore who they are and where they fit in, while simultaneously trying to develop a sense of self. Those who are unsuccessful at this stage will enter adulthood without a solid sense of who they are or what they think is the meaning of their lives, leading to role confusion.

Role confusion is a state of not having a clear understanding of one's identity or sense of self, and not having a clear purpose in life.

To know more about psychosocial development click on below link:



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