Because everyone can’t remember the Seven Commandments, Snowball shortens it to the maxim,“Four Legs Good; Two Legs Bad.” What might be a problem with this?


Answer 1


they might think that 2 legged animals are bad themselves and associate them with humans.


since they think 2 legs are bad they might think that 2 legged animals are also to be hated and try to kill or scare them off.

Related Questions

The suffixes -ed, -ee, -ing, and -ment can be added to the end of the word commit.

For which of the following do you not need to double the final consonant before adding the suffix?

commit + -ing

commit + -ee

commit + -ment

commit + -ed



commit + -ment


As used in paragraph 3, what does the word “zeal” suggest about Akakiy? *



please let me  know when you find answer


I saw the dog...........out of the house.
a. run
b. is running
c. ran
d. was running.



the answer is a. Run


the answer would not be back c or d because none of those makes sense.

I hope this helps :-)


A. run.

Explanation: ^-^

Explain the irony of Mr. Shiftlet’s statement that he served in the ""Arm Service



Find explanation below.


In the book, 'The Life You Save May Be Truly Yours', written by Flannery O'Connor, the character Tom Shiftlet is described as a tramp-looking old man who wonders on his journey into the home of Mrs Lucynell Crater. One of his features include not having a full arm. An Irony is a literary device  in which the statement made by a character is the opposite of what is expected in reality. The statement has a humorous or amusing effect.

The Arm Services are a part of the military forces concerned largely with the security and protection of a country and its citizens. In this category, we have the; Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, and Coast Guard.  

 When Tom Shiftlet made the statement that he served in the Arm Service, one would ordinarily not expect that as he does not have a full arm. It is also amusing to think of how a half armed man could work in the military.

will give 100 points if correct

Directions: Answer the following questions using details from the book and look up the
vocabulary words.
1. Why did David get caught when he was doing the same bad things as his brothers?
2. How did the mother act when the father was at work?
3. How did David determine what kind of day he would have?
4. What was the “mirror treatment”?
5. How did the mother act around the father?
6. Why did David follow his father around?
7. What happened to David’s arm?
8. What story did the mother tell the hospital and the father?
9. Describe the situation at Aunt Josie’s house.
10. How did his brother Stan treat him at school? at home?
11. What did the parents fight about?
12. Describe the incident with the stove.
13. How did David “beat” his mother this time?
Vocabulary: Write out the definition for each word.
Tremors, Feverishly, Incompetent, Haven, Hollow, Badgered, Surge, Tactic



Dave notes the things about him as a child that may have influenced the way she treated him, including his loud voice and his propensity to get caught during mischief. His mother's own behavior changed rapidly; when his father was away all day at work, she would lie on the couch in her bathroom and watch television, only getting up to go to the bathroom. She started to yell at them, losing her nurturing voice. Dave was able to determine what kind of day he would have based on how she was dressed–when she was put together and wearing makeup, that would be a good day.his mother starved him for ten consecutive days. At long last, she placed a plate of leftovers in front of him and told him he had two minutes to eat—but as soon as he started eating it, she pulled it away from him and threw it out. ----------his mother played another cruel game with him. She put a bucket of ammonia and Clorox in the bathroom with him and shut the door.--------mother made him take a job mowing lawns, which was not successful; instead, he ended up punished because one client felt bad for him and gave him a bag of lunch. His mother made him sit on rocks in the backyard while she took "her sons" to the zoo (pg. 65), and then had him lie in a freezing cold bathtub with his face submerged in the water so he could not breathe. Depending on the way she dressed and the way she was acting.The mirror treatment was when david had his face smashed into the class and then he had to sit there staring at it saying I am a "Bad Boy"because his mother was trying to tell father that their son was acting up and being bad.David followed his father around because David felt like he was his protector. At one point he says his father was like superman to him.mother was hitting him and lost her balance and pulled the boy's arm out of socket. ------ On another occasion she had burned his arm on the stove.The story was that david fell out of his bed.-------- ON the second occasion she had said he was playing with fire in the garage.while the rest of the family goes camping he goes to ant josies and he ran away to be with his family.Stan treated David as a Friend at school but at home he began to be treated like a nobody.He was "Playing in the grass". He stalled for time to save himself from the stove. He stalled for time and he relized that he will never give her the satisfaction of hearing him beg her to stop beating him.VOCABULARY.Tremors: involuntary shaking of the body or limbs, as from disease, fear, weakness, or excitement; a fit of trembling.Feverishly: pertaining to, of the nature of, or resembling feverIncompetent: not competent; lacking qualification or ability; incapableHaven: any place of shelter and safety; refuge; asylumHollow: an empty space within anything; a hole, depression, or cavity.Badgered: to harass or urge persistently; pester; nagSurge: a strong, swelling, wavelike volume or body of somethingTactic: a plan, procedure, or expedient for promoting a desired end or result.

And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not neither do they spin:
And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Wherefore, if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? (Matthew 6:28-30)

Do these verses fulfill the requirements of an inductive paragraph?

Notice that the first sentence asks a question. Do the other sentences lead up to the summation or conclusion presented in the last verse


yes they do lead up to the summation or conclusion presented in the last verse




when the suffix -ly is added to an adjective like quick, the word becomes



an adverb


adding ly makes it an adverb

the best way to improve a thesis sentence



Make sure there is a hook so that your audience is interested. Also I would make sure that it covers everything you are going to discuss in your paper.



Well, I can't say for sure since you haven't provided one for me to critique, so

I can't say how to IMPROVE it if I don't know what's wrong with it.

All I CAN do is make a general comment about thesis statements in general, such as this:

Make sure that you have included the topic, your debatable opinion and (though not obligatory) your supporting points. Do not introduce your idea; simply state it directly.



Public schools should require students to wear uniforms because they reduce distraction, promote unity, and ensure student safety.

Why do you think he refers to Auschwitz as a place of "darkness and malediction"?


Answer:many people have lost their lives there



Summarize, in a few sentences, the facts or gossip about Boo.



Boo radley barely left his house and nobody got to know him. As a result they started rumors such as, he ate squirrels and rats raw. They also said the pecans at his house were poisonous. This was just gossip because nobody got to know him as i said before.


Boo Radley, who seldom ever left his house, was unknown. As a result, rumors about his consuming raw rodents and squirrels circulated. They also said the pecans in his house were poisonous.

Who is Boo Radley?

As I said before, no one knew him, therefore these were just rumors. Growing up under peculiar circumstances in the 1930s in the American South is the major topic of To Kill a Mockingbird.

The plot spans three years, and the main protagonists go through a lot throughout that period. Scout Finch lives in the fictional Alabama town of Maycomb with her brother Jem, their father Atticus, and their mother Scout.

Therefore, in the small, close-knit community of Maycomb, every family has a social station depending on where they live, who their parents are, and how long their ancestors have been in Maycomb.

Learn more about Boo Radley, here:


Read the passage.

Recess does not just have health benefits. It can actually create more productive students. Principal McLain said one result of allowing more recess time is that when the students return to the classroom, they quickly settle down and get to work, because they know another recess is coming. He also said that students are more successful problem solvers because they have time at recess to work out differences and learn to play together. Without more recess time, students are going to struggle to solve their problems.

Which word best replaces the underlined part of the paragraph to remove a logical fallacy?



shall continue to

have been known to

Are going to is underlined



The word that best replaces the underlined part of the paragraph inorder to remove a logical fallacy is:




A. will


easy please quickly answer giving brainiest









give a brief statement of the main points of (something).

and when you are  summarizing you are not suppose to be copying what the writer said but rewriting it in ur own words


Why is Perseus and Andromeda's relationship important to the story?



I think Persues and Andromeda's relationship was important to this story because unlike Thesues who betrayed Ariadne, Persues stayed loyal to Andromeda and did not betray her.

Which statement BEST conveys what the comparison to scorpions in lines 86-93 reveals about failure?


Incomplete question: Complete question reads;

Which statement BEST conveys what the comparison to scorpions in lines 86-93 reveals about failure?

A. Failure cannot be overcome without taking a risk.

B. Failure allows people to learn from their mistakes.

C. Failure is not helpful if people are trying to succeed.

D. Failure should be avoided because it creates weakness.




Remember, in the passage Laura later liken themselves to the bark scorpions saying they started the summer trapped in their little shells by accepting failure and saying ‘I’m no good at this, but they were able to overcome the failure when they took a risk. They thus, as Laura says became "bigger and tougher than ever!”.


Failure is something you can over come and you can grow from your mistakes


please tell me if i am wrong

Compare and contrast the first stanza and the last stanza. What is the effect of the stanzas' repetition on the text?


by William Blake1794

William Blake (1757-1827) was an English poet during the Romantic era who wrote extensively about God, nature, and the beauty of the human imagination. “The Tyger,” published alongside another poem called “The Lamb” in Blake’s poetry collection Songs of Experience, is one of the most anthologized poems in English. As you read, take notes on how the poem discusses the human condition and the question of existence.

Tyger Tyger, burning bright

In the forests of the night,

What immortal hand or eye

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies

Burnt the fire of thine eyes?

On what wings dare he aspire?

What the hand, dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder, & what art

Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

And when thy heart began to beat,

What dread hand? & what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?

In what furnace was thy brain?

What the anvil? what dread grasp

Dare its deadly terrors clasp!

When the stars threw down their spears

And water'd heaven with their tears:

Did he smile his work to see?

Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Tyger tyger burning bright

In the forests of the night:

What immortal hand or eye,

Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?



the repition is to  show the idea that a universal creator is evident in "The Tyger," in which the questions the poet asks have to do with the creation of the fearsome tiger. its is reapeated to bring the poem to a close and connect the main idea

hope this helps, plz vote me the brainliest :)


The two repetitions can provoke questions, however, the first repetition provokes a question that must be answered in the proximal stanzas, while the last repetition, promotes a question that will not be answered, but will remain open for reflection.

We can arrive at this answer because:

William Blake questions why God created such a powerful creature, in this poem.He repeats the first stanza in the last stanza, showing little difference between them, to reinforce these questions.In the first stanza, however, Blake asks God about something that he himself can answer and answered in the other stanzas.In the last stanza, he questions something that only God can answer and that question remains unanswered, but it promotes great reflection.

In this case, we can say that the repetitions are intended to highlight doubts, but the effects of these doubts are different.

More information:

As Principal of Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, Lucknow, draft notice in not more than 50
words informing students of the change in school timings with effect from the 1st of
September. State valid reasons for the change



Check below for the explanation


                              Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, Lucknow


24th May, 2020.

                              A Change in the Timing of the School Activities.

This is to inform every student of a modification in the timings of the school activities which will take effect from 1st September, 2020.

The Continuous Assessment that normally takes place in the 5th week of the semester will now be done in the 7th week of the semester. This is to ensure adequate preparation by students.

Visitation by parents and guardians is now on saturdays instead of sundays due to the complaints by the parents that they attend their places of worship on sundays.

We urge every student to plan their schedules based on this arrangement.



The notice required in the question above must be written based on your writing ability and for that reason, I cannot write this notice for you, but I will show you how to write it.

To write a notice it is important that you determine the language that should be used in that notice. Informal language must be used in notices that will be read by people who are intimate with each other, otherwise, this notice must present formal language.

In the case of the notice requested by the question above, we can see that the people involved do not show intimacy, since this notice involves the principal of a school, students and students' parents. Therefore, a formal language is needed.

Based on this, you should write the notice as follows:

Write a short, objective text.The information contained in the notice must be direct and clear.The text should start with the date and the person writing it.Then, the reason why the notice is being created must be presented.The notice must end with the signature of the person sending it.

You can find more information on the link below:

Why does Mr. Kraler ration books are part of the “white market”?


The answer is the 2nd selection


The answer is A



please can you help for this question



If you are sick, or ill and you go the doctor, what are some things that they should do to help you?



they should ask what you symptoms are and how long you have been feeling sick for and then depending on what you say they should give you medicine, or tell you what you should do to feel better


Select the transitional word from the sentence below. anton chekhov wrote hundreds of short stories and several hilarious one act comedies.

a. and

c. wrote

b. of

d. several



Option A



A transitional word is a word in a sentence, that is used to join clauses or phrases that make up a sentence together. They are commonly known as conjunctions.

In this sentence, the  prominent conjunction is the word "and". This is because it joins a simple sentence and a clause, to make the compound sentence in the question.

This co -joining of these two parts of the sentence, makes "and" the transition word in the sentence.

Simple sentence: Chekhov wrote hundreds of short stories

transition word: and

Clause: several hilarious one act comedies.

Compound sentence: Chekhov wrote hundreds of short stories and several hilarious one act comedies.

When you put a string of words together with correct grammar and punctuation, it is
called a what?



A sentence!


A sentence

A sentence is were a group of words wit a period is called a declarative sentence

Which question is most appropriate to ask during the reading of a text?
A What is the most important idea for me to remember from this text?
B. What is the author's purpose in writing this text?
C. What strategies can I use to help me better understand this section?
D. Why am I reading this text?



its A mostly straight forward


Churchill's speech features the use of parallelism—the repetition of similar grammatical structures to express related ideas. Find two or three examples of parallelism in the speech. What do they add to the speech's effectiveness?



Parallelism is defined as the successive use of identical grammatical patterns of words, phrases or sentences.

Winston Churchill used parallelisms in his speech and they include:

“I would say to the House as I said to those who have joined this government: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.”

“I have a dream....”

These are example of Parallelism .

Parallelism helps in making statements clear, pleasant and persuasive.

The topic sentence contains the supporting details of the paragraph.






still chill




the topic, or thesis statement, of a paragraph is a short sentence that summarizes the paragraph's contents.

hope this helps :)

What is the source language of poach?



Word Origin for poach

C15: from Old French pochier to enclose in a bag (as the yolks are enclosed by the whites); compare poke ²


Assalam-u-Alaikum!Hope you are safe and sound the answer of your question is given below .Hope it Helps you


The word poaching is a noun

1.the illegal practice of trespassing on another property to hunt or steal game  without the landowner's permission.

2.any encroachment or another's property  rights,ideas,or the like

word origin for poach

C15: from Old French pochier to enclose in a bag (as the yolks are enclosed by the whites); compare poke ²

Please like it

hope it helps you





Muhammad Umer Fareed -2633

Read this excerpt from "Mad Cow, Furious Farmer.” The disease was first detected in England in 1986, though some scientists think the very first cases started at least ten years before. Cows usually eat only grass and other plants, but farmers had been feeding them a meat and bone mixture that made the cows plumper. But somehow, at least one batch of the mixture had become contaminated with what was then an unknown killer: a prion. By 1993, British farmers were reporting up to one thousand new cases of BSE a week. Governments all around the world reacted by increasing testing for the disease and not allowing any cows to be eaten if they were at risk of having the disease. As sheep can also get a prion disease called scrapie, they were tested as well. Farmers were angry that they were losing their livestock, and nobody knew how to protect cows and people from the disease. Consumers were also in a panic when they learned about BSE, and for a very good reason: prions are infectious. If you eat a prion from a "mad cow” or sheep, you are at risk for developing a human version of BSE. The public felt betrayed that their governments had underreacted to the problem or covered it up. Eventually, in 1997, governments began to ban farmers from feeding their livestock high-risk meat and bone mixtures. With that ban, the epidemic quickly peaked, and by 2010 had largely disappeared. Over the years, half a million cows and two hundred people had been killed by prions. What is the main idea of this excerpt? Mad cow disease ended because of government bans on feeding cows certain foods, but people were angry that governments did not act sooner. Mad cow disease was originally caused when governments allowed for cows’ food sources to be contaminated, so people were angry at their leaders. Both farmers and customers had been aware of mad cow disease, but they did not think their governments should have done anything to stop it. Both farmers and customers protested to prevent their governments from interfering with the farming and selling of cows and meat.



i think the anwser is a


have a nice day




which work is an exaple of a satire?
A: A letter
B: An article
C: A story
D: A movie



B: An article


lines 217-224 what descriptive words and phrases does the author use to describe what he can see from the field? to what sense do these descriptions appeal



The descriptive words and phrases used by the author in lines 217-224 are "the sun, like a broken orange coin"; "like something not of this world"; "taut line jutted with an occasional mountain"; "snapshot of the moon."

These descriptions appeal to the sense of sight.


"One Last Time" is a memoir written by Gary Soto. The account narrates the story of Soto, when he was young and worked in the field with his mother and siblings as a field worker.

In lines 217-224 of 'One Last Time', Soto has used many descriptive words to describe what he saw from the field. Phrases like "the sun, like a broken orange coin"; "like something not of this world"; taut line jutted with an occasional mountain"; "snapshot of the moon", are all descriptive phrases that Soto has used in these lines.

All these descriptive phrases appeal to the sense of sight. In his memoir, Soto has used many words and phrases that appeal to senses. Sensory details are those details that a author use in his writings to make words and things appeal to the five sense of the readers.

The descriptive phrases appeal to the sense of sight as the readers are able view what the author viewed from his sense of sight.

In "Musée des Beaux Arts," who does Auden feel best understands human suffering?
A. Poets
B. Icarus
C. Daedalus
D. Painters from the past


Your answer is poets which is number A

Answer In "Musee des Beaux arts," who douse Auden Feel best understands human suffering

Answer: The "Old Masters"

Why does Mary insist the policemen eat the leg of lamb



Mary insists upon this because the leg of mutton is what she used to kill her husband Patrick. Therefore the policemen will unknowingly destroy a vital piece of evidence that could have implicated her

Viola communicates Duke Orsino's affections to Olivia.

Which character trait of Viola's is best revealed by this action?

She is kind to a fault.

She is honest and obedient.

She is manipulative and cruel.

She is facing extreme pressure.



she is honest and obedient


She is honest and obedient.


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If someone claims to be a professor or another trained scientist, you should _____.A.make sure that they really are any information they give youC.get your evidence from other especially careful of misleading numbers2. ExitIf you have collected evidence from very small experimental groups, how does that affect the validity of your evidence?A.Small groups generally make your evidence less valid.B.Small groups generally make your evidence more valid.C.Small groups generally have no effect on the validity of your evidence.3. Which of these is an example of evidence supporting the theory that an asteroid impact caused the dinosaurs to become extinct?A.Dinosaur fossils have been found all over Earth.B.A large crater was found dating to the same time period.C.Huge lava flows formed in India at the same time period.D.New kinds of plants and animals lived on Earth after the dinosaurs. 4. Suppose you were studying the diet of mice. If you decided to change your experiment from studying the effects of corn in the diet of the mice to studying the effects of wheat, how would that affect the validity of the evidence you collect?A.The evidence would be less valid.B.The evidence would be more valid.C.The validity of the evidence would not change.5. Suppose an experiment compares two groups that are very different from one another. How does this affect the validity of the evidence collected in that experiment?A.The evidence would be less valid.B.The evidence would be more valid.C.The validity of the evidence would not change.6. What does having biased groups mean?A.The groups are too small.B.The groups are not similar enough.C.The evidence does not come from an expert source.D.The evidence collected from the groups is very reliable.7. ExitA good place to start when evaluating scientific evidence is to _____.A.redesign the procedure used to collect the evidenceB.make your own hypothesis and do an experiment to test itC.look at whether the evidence was collected using good scientific it to evidence from experiments about some other topic in science8. Suppose you are trying to build support for your theory about what kind of food an extinct sea creature ate.Which of the following could be evidence supporting your theory? of modern sea creaturesB.charts showing the most popular kinds of seafoodC.fossils showing the contents of the creature's stomachD.maps showing the edges of Earth's oceans at the time that the creature lived9. If groups are biased, then _____.A.the groups are too smallB.there is no dependent variable in the experimentC.the controls in the experiment are not good enoughD.there is not an expert source gathering the evidence10. You should think critically about scientific evidence supporting product claims because _____.A.there is no comparison groupB.the product has been evaluated by a reliable sourceC.the information may be distorted in order to sell moreD.there could be another product that is a better value for the money For most of their histories, the us and Canada have been The table represents the equation y=8x what y-value is missing from the table