
Copy and complete the table, noting how the content is divided up.

✓ PARAGRAPHS CONTENT 1-3 - Her childhood reading and writing

COMMENT ON RELEVANCE TO ARGUMENT - This introduces the key theme and shows its impact on herself when very young.

Analyse the structure of the paragraphs as well and you will see that they are not all identical. Short paragraphs have an effect on the way we read them.​



Answer 1

1 Introduction of key theme: childhood reading and writing - Long paragraph

2 Details on childhood reading - Short paragraph

3 Details on childhood writing - Short paragraph

What is the structure?

The structure of the paragraphs contributes to the effectiveness of the argument by providing a clear and concise overview of the key theme in the first paragraph, followed by specific details about the impact of childhood reading and writing in subsequent short paragraphs.

The use of short paragraphs creates emphasis and draws attention to the specific details being discussed. The overall structure allows the reader to easily follow the author's argument and understand the relevance of the childhood experiences to the main theme.

Learn more about Paragraph on;



Related Questions

Why does Captain Smollett keep the Union Jack Flag flying in chapters 16-18 Treasure Island?
A. The Captain thinks it is good luck.
B. It is a signal to Jim to let him know where they are.
C. It is a symbol to the pirates how much they hate them.


It is a signal to Jim to let him know where they are.

What does the term “troglodytic” refer to in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
You Answered
someone who has no manners
Correct Answer
someone who is ape-like or brutish
someone from the working class
someone who works with animals




Correction: My previous response was incorrect.

The term "troglodytic" in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde refers to someone who is ape-like or brutish. In the novella, Mr. Hyde is often described as troglodytic, suggesting his animalistic and savage nature. The term comes from the Greek word "troglodytes," meaning "cave-dweller," which is used metaphorically to describe someone who is primitive and uncivilized.

The committee has different opinions on the matter


I do I do I do I don’t I do I don’t

Write a story to illustrate the statement that ‘Never rush in life’



Once upon a time, there was a young man named Jack who was very ambitious and eager to achieve success quickly. He had big dreams and wanted to achieve them as fast as possible. One day, he saw a friend of his who was doing very well in his business and seemed to be making a lot of money. Jack wanted to do the same, so he decided to invest all his savings into a new business venture that he thought was guaranteed to succeed.

He rushed to set up his business, taking shortcuts and not paying attention to important details. He didn't take the time to conduct proper market research or plan his strategy carefully. He just wanted to get started and make money fast.

Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. His business failed within a few months, and he lost all his money. Jack was devastated and felt like he had hit rock bottom. He had rushed into things without thinking them through, and it had led to his downfall.

As he looked back on his experience, Jack realized that he had made a huge mistake by rushing into things. He had failed to take the time to plan, research, and strategize properly, which had led to his failure. He learned that it was important to take the time to do things right, even if it meant taking a little longer to achieve his goals.

From that day on, Jack decided to take his time and not rush into things. He learned that success was not just about achieving your goals quickly, but about doing things the right way and taking the time to plan and prepare. With this new perspective, he began to take small but deliberate steps towards his goals, and eventually achieved the success he had always dreamed of.

We have encountered various definitions of race and racism. In the film Race: The Power of an Illusion: The House We Live In, James Horton reminds us that race "is a social and political construction." Along those lines, George Lipsitz further argues that "race is a cultural construct, but one with sinister structural causes and consequences" (2). Ruth Wilson Gilmore provides a complex yet clarifying understanding of racism as "the state-sanctioned and/or extra-legal production and exploitation of group-differentiated vulnerabilities to premature death, in distinct yet densely interconnected political geographies” (qtd. in Melamed 78). Compose a brief summary in which you explore two examples of structural racism. How does power operate through the frame of race within these examples? In your view, what are effective ways to address the "sinister structural causes and consequences" (Lipsitz) of structural racism?



Structural racism refers to the ways in which racial inequalities are built into social structures, institutions, policies, and practices, regardless of the intentions of individuals involved. One example of structural racism is the racial wealth gap, where people of color have significantly lower levels of wealth than white people due to systemic discrimination in employment, housing, and finance. This wealth gap perpetuates racial inequalities and reinforces power imbalances in society, as white people have greater access to resources, education, and opportunities.

Another example of structural racism is the school-to-prison pipeline, which refers to the policies and practices that push students, particularly Black and Latinx students, out of schools and into the criminal justice system. These policies include zero-tolerance disciplinary policies, over-policing of schools, and inadequate resources for social and emotional support. This pipeline reinforces the racialization of crime and punishment and perpetuates the marginalization and criminalization of Black and Latinx communities, while reinforcing the power and authority of law enforcement and the criminal justice system.

To address the structural causes and consequences of racism, it is important to first recognize and acknowledge the ways in which power operates through the frame of race. This requires a deep understanding of the historical and systemic factors that have created and perpetuated racial inequalities. Effective solutions must be rooted in dismantling the institutional and systemic barriers that perpetuate racial disparities and empowering communities of color through education, economic opportunity, and political representation. This includes investing in programs that support equitable education, housing, and healthcare, as well as measures to address police brutality and reform the criminal justice system. Additionally, it is essential to center the voices and leadership of communities of color in developing and implementing solutions to address structural racism.

DIFFICULTIES OF SPEAKING IN ENGLISH OF SELECTED TOURISM STUDENTS IN BESTLINK COLLEGE OF THE PHILIPPINES SY 2022-2023 Can you put dependent variable here for research please need asap noww​


Here's an example of how you could rephrase the title to include a dependent variable:

Title: Factors affecting the English speaking proficiency of selected tourism students in Bestlink College of the Philippines SY 2022-2023

Dependent variable: English speaking proficiency

What is dependent variable?

In mathematical modeling, statistical modeling, and experimental sciences, there are dependent and independent variables. The assumption or demand that dependent variables must depend on the values of independent variables is the basis for studying dependent variables.

A dependent variable is one that is altered as a result of the modification of an independent variable. Your independent variable "depends" on the result you're interested in measuring.

Learn more about dependent variable on:



What is the meaning of "Even in terms of the war against Britain, Rib-bentrop concluded, it was “imperative that the Soviet Union be beaten down now"?



Even though Germany was already deeply involved in fighting Britain, and opening another front would weaken their power, Ribbentrop believed that beating the Soviet Union was of utmost importance.


DIFFICULTIES OF SPEAKING IN ENGLISH OF SELECTED TOURISM STUDENTS IN BESTLINK COLLEGE OF THE PHILIPPINES SY 2022-2023 Can you put dependent variable here for research plsss nee asap noww​


A dependent variable may be the constancy of practice in speaking English.

What are the variables in a survey?The dependent variable is the one that needs the influence of the independent variable.The independent variable is the one that causes changes in the dependent variable.

Research involving the difficulties in speaking English of foreign students may be the lack of constancy in practicing speaking English. An independent variable that can act on this is the dedication of these students to writing in English since this dedication will have a direct effect on their speech.

Learn more about dependent variables:



according to John Stuart mill _____ had resigned in England because the English government had held total authority over it's people A) Despotism B) Romanticism C) Socialism D) Realism​


Source: Trust me bro

Complete the words in the sentences.
1 Tamara’s so i__________. She’ll just suddenly decide to do something new or crazy!

2 Arjun’s extremely b___________ – he isn’t at all nervous about his operation next week.

3 My wife’s very s______________. She loves going to parties and celebrations.

4 I don’t usually wear a dress and high heels. I feel very g_____________!

5 Sorry, I don’t want to play tennis – I’m not feeling very e______________ today.

6 Jake’s always been quite i________. He hardly ever asks for anyone’s help.


not sure about 1
2) brave
3) social
6) independent
1) innovative?
5) energetic?
6) introverted?

true/false. education, students for whom english is not their first language, learn some subjects in their native language while simultaneously learning english.


True. In some educational systems, students for whom English is not their first language are taught some subjects in their native language while simultaneously learning English.

This approach is often referred to as bilingual education or dual-language immersion, and it is designed to help students maintain their proficiency in their native language while also acquiring fluency in English. The specific approach to bilingual education can vary depending on the educational system and the needs of the students involved.

Learn more about educational systems



Modern Language Association (1) Supporting a thesis (2) Citing Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism (3) Integrating Quotations and Other Source Material




The Modern Language Association (MLA) provides guidelines for academic writing and research, including the following three important areas:

Supporting a thesis: The MLA provides guidelines for developing a strong thesis statement, organizing an essay or research paper, and presenting evidence to support the thesis. This includes tips for developing a clear and concise argument, using effective transitions between paragraphs and sections, and ensuring that the paper is well-structured and easy to follow.

Citing sources and avoiding plagiarism: The MLA has detailed guidelines for citing sources in academic writing, including in-text citations and a works cited page. The MLA style provides a standardized way to acknowledge the sources used in a paper and to avoid plagiarism. The guidelines cover how to cite sources in various formats, including books, articles, and websites, as well as how to format the works cited page.

Integrating quotations and other source material: The MLA provides guidelines for effectively integrating quotations and other source material into an essay or research paper. This includes tips for choosing appropriate quotations, punctuating and formatting quotations correctly, and integrating them smoothly into the text. The guidelines also cover how to use paraphrasing and summarizing effectively to avoid over-reliance on direct quotations.

Overall, the MLA provides important guidance for academic writers and researchers, helping to ensure that papers are well-organized, well-supported, and properly cited. Following these guidelines can help writers to create strong, effective papers that meet the standards of academic integrity and excellence.

George is an octogenarian. Every time he visits his granddaughter, he finds that she uses strange and new words like YOLO and tweeting. Likewise, his granddaughter misinterprets some of his vocabulary, and both of them end up explaining their vocabulary to each other. Which of the following characteristics of language is indicated in this scenario?

Language is constantly changing.

Language is concrete.

Language is arbitrary.

Language is abstract.


The following properties of language are demonstrated in this situation: language is dynamic.( option a)

Octagenarian? What do they mean by that?

A person in this age range is referred to as an octogenarian. A nonagenarian is someone who is between the ages of 90 and 99. A centenarian is someone who is between the ages of 100 and 109. A supercentenarian is someone who is 110 years or older. Hope this was helpful.

As you may already be aware, someone in his seventies (70's) is referred to as a septuagenarian. A person in his eighties (80s) is referred to as an octogenarian. Nonagenarian is the term used to describe a person who is 90 years old (or older).

To know more about octogenarian visit:



against the motion educating girl is a waste of time and resources ​


Yes that’s correct indeed

Identify the central idea of the text below.

from The Pond in Winter

Every winter the liquid and trembling surface of the pond, which was so sensitive to every breath, and reflected every light and shadow, becomes solid to the depth of a foot or a foot and a half, so that it will support the heaviest teams, and perchance the snow covers it to an equal depth, and it is not to be distinguished from any level field. Like the marmots in the surrounding hills, it closes its eye-lids and becomes dormant for three months or more. Standing on the snow-covered plain, as if in a pasture amid the hills, I cut my way first through a foot of snow, and then a foot of ice, and open a window under my feet, where, kneeling to drink, I look down into the quiet parlor of the fishes, pervaded by a softened light as through a window of ground glass, with its bright sanded floor the same as in summer; there a perennial waveless serenity reigns as in the amber twilight sky, corresponding to the cool and even temperament of the inhabitants. Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads..




The central idea of the text is the transformation of a pond during winter, as it becomes frozen and dormant, but still maintains its serene beauty and peacefulness. The text describes the process of the pond's freezing, as well as the experience of cutting through the ice to look down at the fish and their tranquil surroundings. Through the author's observations and descriptions, the text conveys a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural world even during its quietest and seemingly dormant seasons.

the internet in your computer blacks out or is disabled you need some help​



If your internet is disabled or blacked out, you should contact your internet service provider for assistance. They can help you troubleshoot the issue and get your internet back up and running.

FILL IN THE BLANK.Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
As the director lowered his arms, all one hundred of the Christmas carolers __________ began to sing a lively version of a popular carol in unison.


As the director lowered his arms, all one hundred of the Christmas carolers simultaneously began to sing a lively version of a popular carol in unison. Option 2 is correct.

The word "simultaneously" means occurring at the same time. In this context, it refers to the fact that all one hundred Christmas carolers began to sing at the exact same moment. The word "unison" means singing or playing together in harmony, which is also described in the sentence.

The phrase "lowered his arms" suggests that the director was conducting the carolers, and when he signaled them to begin singing, they all did so at once. The word "lively" suggests that the carolers were enthusiastic and energetic in their singing, which adds to the festive and joyful atmosphere of the scene. Hence Option 2 is correct.

To learn more about simultaneously, here



The complete question is:

As the director lowered his arms, all one hundred of the Christmas carolers __________ began to sing a lively version of a popular carol in unison.

intermittenly simultaneouslycallouslyfrigidlytumultuously

Add the missing end of sentence punctuation and capital letters. There are 2 missing question marks, 1 missing full stop and 2 missing capital letters. I’m going to play crazy golf tomorrow with Katrina do you want to play too I think we’re allowed up to five players. have you ever played crazy golf before I haven’t, but I’ve got a feeling I’m going to be good at it.



"I'm going to play crazy golf tomorrow with Katrina. Do you want to play too? I think we're allowed up to five players. Have you ever played crazy golf before? I haven't, but I've got a feeling I'm going to be good at it."

What time__to work on next month ?
O A. she starts
O B. does she start
OC. are she starting
OD, did she start





The others are not grammatically correct ;)

• be at least 10 lines long
• feature at least two instances of strong imagery
• incorporate at least three poetic devices of your choice:
o Simile
o Metaphor
o Hyperbole
o Oxymoron
o Paradox
o Personification
o Allusion
o Repetition
• use words with connotations that are appropriate to the theme of the poem
experiment with language by incorporating a word pattern
(can be any topic)



The sky was a canvas painted in red As the sun slowly kissed the horizon's edge The clouds were cotton candy, pink and white Drifting away from the sun's warm light

The sea was a beast, roaring with might Crashing against the shore with all its spite The sand was a carpet, warm and inviting Embracing my feet with its gentle stroking

The wind was a lover, playing with my hair Whispering secrets, too soft to share The birds were dancers, soaring in the sky Their wings a blur, as they danced on high

This moment felt surreal, almost divine A moment in time, frozen in rhyme A symphony of senses, an orchestra of emotions A perfect snapshot of life's vast ocean

The sun slowly faded, taking its last bow The sky turned black, the sea calmed down But the memory remained, etched in my mind A moment of beauty, that I'll always find.


Review the passage. The
personification is shown in bold.
It is my first morning of high school.
I have seven new notebooks, a skirt
I hate, and a stomachache. The
school bus wheezes to my
corner. The door opens and I step
up. I am the first pickup of the day.
The driver pulls away from the curb
while I stand in the aisle. Where to
From Laurie Halse Anderson, Speak.
Copyright 1999 by Laurie Halse Anderson
What is the effect of the
personification on the passage's
meaning or tone?




The personification in the passage is "The school bus wheezes to my corner." The effect of this personification is that it gives the impression that the school bus is alive, as if it were a human being who is struggling to breathe, which creates a slightly ominous or foreboding tone. This also adds to the speaker's sense of anxiety and discomfort on their first day of high school, emphasizing the intimidating nature of this new environment. By using personification to describe the school bus, the author conveys a sense of unease and apprehension, which sets the stage for the speaker's experiences in the rest of the story.

What are opinions on gender equality



Gender equality refers to the concept that all people should have equal rights, opportunities, and treatment regardless of their gender. It involves the belief that individuals should not be discriminated against or treated unfairly because of their gender.

Many individuals and organizations support gender equality, and it is considered a fundamental human right by the United Nations. The push for gender equality has led to important changes in areas such as education, the workplace, and politics.

However, there are still some who do not support gender equality, and who hold traditional views about gender roles and the supposed superiority of one gender over another. These attitudes can lead to discrimination and inequality in areas such as pay, education, and opportunities.

Overall, the goal of gender equality is to create a world where all individuals have the same opportunities and are treated with the same respect, regardless of their gender.

Reread the section called “Seismic Basics” (paragraphs 3 and 4). Which of the following provides the best summary of this section of the article?
Earth’s crust consists of many pieces that are always moving in relation to one another. Their movements cause phenomena like earthquakes and tsunamis.

The pieces of Earth’s crust can move up, down, or sideways. How they move determines what happens next. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and other phenomena can result.

Scientists monitor the movements of Earth’s crust, which consists of a number of plates that are always moving in relation to one another. Depending on how and how much they move, phenomena such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis can occur.

Earth’s crust consists of many pieces that are always moving in relation to one another. Scientists monitor their movements. Depending on how and how much they move, frightening and dangerous phenomena like earthquakes and tsunamis can occur.


Option C, Scientists monitor the movements of Earth’s crust, which consists of a number of plates that are always moving in relation to one another. Depending on how and how much they move, phenomena such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis can occur, provides the best summary of the section called "Seismic Basics" (paragraphs 3 and 4) of the article.

Seismic Basics refers to the fundamental knowledge required for understanding the science of earthquakes, tsunamis, and other phenomena resulting from the movement of the Earth's crust. Seismic Basics refer to the principles of seismology, which is the study of the vibrations that occur in the earth during an earthquake.

Scientists monitor the movements of Earth’s crust, which consists of a number of plates that are always moving in relation to one another. Depending on how and how much they move, phenomena such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis can occur. This statement covers all the points discussed in the section called "Seismic Basics" (paragraphs 3 and 4) of the article.Therefore, option C provides the best summary of the section called "Seismic Basics" (paragraphs 3 and 4) of the article.

More on Seismic Basics: https://brainly.com/question/1599792


If a company offers compensatory time to an employee instead of overtime, a worker must...
Use the time immediately or lose it forever
Agree to the exchange of overtime for paid time off
Schedule more hours to make up the compensatory time
Obtain a doctor’s note saying they require time off

Please select the


If a company offers compensatory time to an employee instead of overtime, a worker must agree to the exchange of overtime for paid time off-white is compensatory time?

Compensatory time is an employment policy that permits non-exempt workers to receive paid time off in place of overtime pay. The intent of compensatory time is to give employees the opportunity to take time off for their personal or family requirements. So, if a company offers compensatory time to an employee instead of overtime, a worker must agree to the exchange of overtime for paid time off instead of being paid overtime pay. The answer is b.

Read more about compensatory here:https://brainly.com/question/4395083


Part III: Community Connection Ask at least one adult in your community about reading in his or her work. Write a paragraph naming the person’s job title and describing how reading is important in the position.


A sense of belonging to a place and community. opportunity to learn about getting along with people. People to turn to when they want assistance.

Continue to converse with one another. Continue the conversation. Assemble and share even if you aren't at your sharpest, most dressed-up, well-rested, and cheery. Continue to explore, express, and evolve your understanding of your experience and what you value by meeting yourself and others in your community where they are. Community bonds are vital because they provide people a sense of belonging. These interactions go beyond a person's family and friends and are founded on the idea of reciprocity, in which individuals both give and receive.

Learn more about community Connection



The Invasion of the Lionfish
What was once just an attractive aquarium fish has recently become one of the biggest menaces in the Atlantic. The lionfish was accidentally introduced into the Atlantic Ocean in the 1990s. Because it has no natural predators, it has adapted quickly to its new home. The lionfish now threatens to destroy native fish populations in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico.

The lionfish spreads quite rapidly. Lionfish spread faster than any other invading species. Experts have called the invasion in the Atlantic the worst marine invasion of all time. The lionfish's success comes from an ability to reproduce all year round. In addition, they are greedy eaters with a fondness for small fish and crustaceans. They will eat anything smaller than they are. Lionfish love the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Since their first sighting, they have rapidly multiplied. In some locations, scientists estimate that lionfish populations exploded by 700 percent between 2004 and 2008 alone.

To combat the invasion, wildlife agencies have sponsored lionfish derbies. In these derbies, local scuba divers are invited to harvest lionfish. In addition, many states offer recipes for preparing and eating lionfish to encourage harvesting. Lionfish have to be handled carefully because of their venomous spines, but they are apparently delicious. Increasing the harvest of lionfish will help. However, scientists estimate that more than a quarter of the population would have to be taken every month to stop the growing population.

The lionfish has targeted our most fragile and important ecosystems. Scientists are working tirelessly to learn as much as they can about this predator. We may never be able to completely remove the threat, but many fishermen and seafood fans are hoping we can figure out how to control it.

Work Cited
Wilcox, Christie. "The Worst Marine Invasion Ever." Slate. July 1, 2013.

In the first paragraph, which line states a reason why humans are at fault for the lionfish problem? (5 points)

What was once just an attractive aquarium fish has recently become one of the biggest menaces in the Atlantic.

The lionfish was accidentally introduced into the Atlantic Ocean in the 1990s.

Because it has no natural predators, it has adapted quickly to its new home.

The lionfish now threatens to destroy native fish populations in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico.



The line that states a reason why humans are at fault for the lionfish problem is "The lionfish was accidentally introduced into the Atlantic Ocean in the 1990s." (Option b)


Change the statement “she laughed” in a question form



she laughed?


What do you mean she laughed at you?

Which sentence is an example of spoken language?

I feel sure that you are joking.
You probably are not being honest.
You got to be kidding me!
I don't think you are telling the truth.


Answer: b


Question 11
The Invasion of the Lionfish
What was once just an attractive aquarium fish has recently become one of the biggest menaces in the Atlantic. The lionfish was accidentally introduced into the Atlantic Ocean in the 1990s. Because it has no natural predators, it has adapted quickly to its new home. The lionfish now threatens to destroy native fish populations in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico.

The lionfish spreads quite rapidly. Lionfish spread faster than any other invading species. Experts have called the invasion in the Atlantic the worst marine invasion of all time. The lionfish's success comes from an ability to reproduce all year round. In addition, they are greedy eaters with a fondness for small fish and crustaceans. They will eat anything smaller than they are. Lionfish love the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Since their first sighting, they have rapidly multiplied. In some locations, scientists estimate that lionfish populations exploded by 700 percent between 2004 and 2008 alone.

To combat the invasion, wildlife agencies have sponsored lionfish derbies. In these derbies, local scuba divers are invited to harvest lionfish. In addition, many states offer recipes for preparing and eating lionfish to encourage harvesting. Lionfish have to be handled carefully because of their venomous spines, but they are apparently delicious. Increasing the harvest of lionfish will help. However, scientists estimate that more than a quarter of the population would have to be taken every month to stop the growing population.

The lionfish has targeted our most fragile and important ecosystems. Scientists are working tirelessly to learn as much as they can about this predator. We may never be able to completely remove the threat, but many fishermen and seafood fans are hoping we can figure out how to control it.

Work Cited
Wilcox, Christie. "The Worst Marine Invasion Ever." Slate. July 1, 2013.

In the last paragraph, which line tells us that the lionfish population will likely keep growing? (5 points)

The lionfish has targeted our most fragile and important ecosystems.

Scientists are working tirelessly to learn as much as they can about this predator.

We may never be able to completely remove the threat.

Many fishermen and seafood fans are hoping we can figure out how to control it.



The line that tells us that the lionfish population will likely keep growing is: "We may never be able to completely remove the threat." Therefore, the answer is (c)


Option C, "We may never be able to completely remove the threat," implies that the lionfish population will likely keep growing as the threat posed by the lionfish cannot be completely eradicated.

which statement correctly analyzes how the passages work together to develop a central idea?analyzing the development of a central idea


The passages work together to develop the idea that a person's identity is shaped by the experiences they have.

Through the examination of different characters in their various contexts, the passages demonstrate that a person's identity is the result of the various influences they have encountered throughout their life. This central idea is further developed by exploring how the characters react to different situations and the impact the decisions they make have on their identity. Identity development is a process that affects both individuals and society. (Adams & Marshall, 1996). Much of this process is predicated on the assumption that an individual constructs a "theory of self" (Elkind, 1998) based on exposure to role models and identity alternatives during adolescence when cognitive development permits this.

To know more about characters refer :



Other Questions
The carotid sinus reflex protects the blood supply to the brain, whereas the aortic reflex is more concerned with maintaining adequate blood pressure in the systemic circuit as a whole: true or false Which of the following is often used to describe a nonprofit organization that solicits financial support ffrom government agencies and private donors in order to engage in charitable activities?A) GrantB) RemittanceC) FoundationD) Endowment Solve the system of equations: y = 2x 5 y = x^2 5 A. (1, 7) and (4, 3) B. (1, 4) and (3, 4) C. (0, 5) and (2, 1) D. (0, 5) and (2, 2) the windows 10 operating system can benefit from the new technology file system's ability to track access or attempted access to files. what ntfs option is being used to perform this task? Consider the various ways in which oil pollution can reach the North American oceans. The greatest amount of oil pollution comes from which of the following sources? Choose one: O A. oil leakage from offshore drilling platforms O B. purposeful dumping of oil-contaminated bilge water from cruise ships O C. large oil tanker accidents near ports and in riversO D. oil residue on roadways and oil dumped in storm drains Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about swing musicrom the period 1935-1945??A.Swing music was so popular that 1935-1945 was known as the "Swing Era".B.Swing music was intended for serious listening in a small jazz club.C.Swing music was more composed because it is played by a larger group.D.One of the best known swing composers and band leaders was Duke Ellington Kate is x years old. Lethna is 3 times as old as Kate. Mike is 4 years older than Lethna. write down an expression, in terms of x for Mike's age Select the scenario in which a diagnostic argument could be most helpful:1. A product manager is revising an outdated marketing plan.2. An accounting manager must report on why Selling, General, and Administrative expenses have jumped recently.3. An accounting manager needs to write a report about the updated costs of three information technology systems.4. None of the above Caleb observed the costumes that people wore to a costume party. The themes of the costumes and the number of people who wore them are shown in the following table.Costume Theme Superhero Decades Scary TV & Movie Characters Animals CareerNumber of People 128 96 72 52 24 28A circle graph was drawn from the data in the table. What percentage would be on the Decades slice of the circle graph? 24% 26.7% 86.4% 96%Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points) an intelligent agent that searches for the best price for a particular product on your behalf is termed a __________. help me plspart ain the passage from revived , how does the description of Mason help develop his character?A: by revealing that he is weary of being responsible for the narrator as part of his assignmentB: by indicating that his appearance hides his physical strengthC: by establishing that he has become increasingly comfortable with his position over timeD: by suggesting that his concern for the narrator is more than just part of his jobPart bselect 2 excerpts from paragraph 10-28 that best supports part aa - "mason, in his recurring role as Loving Father"b - with his tired green eyes and messy dark but prematurely graying hair he fits the role he's played it for 11 years nowc- you were probably out about eight hours Mason says as plainly as if he's giving me a weather reportd- Mason treats me like a partner, not a daughtere- there's a flicker of some thing like where we in the green eyes, and then it's gone f-"I'm merely advising you to take precautions." as a u.s. citizen, how will you represent and share what it means to be an american during your program? how will you seek opportunities to become more culturally engaged and have meaningful interactions with people and cultures different from your own during your abroad program? REALLY URGENT!!!Spaceship Earth is a major tourist at Epcot. It is a sphere whose volume isapproximately 65, 417 m. What is the approximate circumference of SpaceshipEarth? Use = 3. 14. Round to the nearest whole number. Thank you in advance! lab 4: newton's second law: the atwood machine pre-lab questions: 1. what happens to the acceleration of our system when the mass of the system increases but the net force stays constant? 2. what happens to the acceleration of our system when the net applied force increases but the mass of the system does not change? 3. explain, in your own words, potential sources of error in today's experiment. What is the slope of the line described by the equation below?y = -6x +3O A. -6() . -O C. 6OD. 3SUBMIT dacosta corporation had only one job in process on may 1. the job had been charged with $1,800 of direct materials, $6,966 of direct labor, and $9,936 of manufacturing overhead cost. the company assigns overhead cost to jobs using the predetermined overhead rate of $18.40 per direct labor-hour. during may, the following activity was recorded: raw materials (all direct materials): beginning balance $ 8,500 purchased during the month $38,000 used in production $39,300 labor: direct labor-hours worked during the month 1,900 direct labor cost incurred $24,510 actual manufacturing overhead costs incurred $33,300 inventories: raw materials, may 30 ? work in process, may 30 $16,937 work in process inventory on may 30 contains $3,741 of direct labor cost. raw materials consist solely of items that are classified as direct materials. the entry to dispose of the underapplied or overapplied manufacturing overhead cost for the month would include a: a 20-volt electromotive force is applied to an lr-series circuit in which the inductance is 0.1 henry and the resistance is 40 ohms. find the current i(t) if i(0) = 0.i(t) = ___Determine the current as t [infinity].lim t[infinity] i(t) =_____ what is the purpose of liability coverage on a renters insurance policy? The area of a rectangular window is 3816 cmIf the length of the window is 72 cm, what is its width What is one solution to cos2x=1+sin2xfor the interval 0 x 360Use degrees.