A tall plant has been found, but its zygosity is unknown. Tall is dominant over short height. The following can be done to determine its zygosity: _________.
a. Let it self fertilize then analyze the progeny
b. Cross to a true breeding short plant
c. Cross to a heterozygous tall plant
d. Cross to a true breeding tall plant


Answer 1


b. Cross to a true breeding short plant


Related Questions

How do bacteria develop resistance to drugs


Answer: Bacteria gain resistance to drugs because of mutations (permanent and random changes to their DNA) which means they have changed DNA coding, giving them the ability to resist the drug fighting them off. As a result, they survive and reproduce. Over time, more and more bacteria are generated as the DNA code for resistance is passed on over generations. This results in bacteria having the ability to resist drugs. This is particularly prevalent with antibiotics.

Bacteria develop drug resistance through genetic mutations, acquisition of resistance genes, production of inactivating enzymes, efflux pumps, and biofilm formation.

Bacteria can develop resistance to drugs through several mechanisms. One common way is through genetic mutations or acquisition of resistance genes. Mutations can occur in the bacterial DNA, leading to changes in the target site of the drug, rendering it ineffective. Resistance genes can be transferred between bacteria through horizontal gene transfer, allowing the recipient bacteria to acquire resistance traits.

Another mechanism is the production of enzymes that can inactivate the drug. Bacteria can produce enzymes, such as beta-lactamases, that break down antibiotics like penicillin, preventing them from functioning properly. Bacteria can develop efflux pumps that actively pump out drugs from their cells, reducing their concentration and effectiveness. This mechanism helps bacteria evade the lethal effects of antibiotics. Biofilm formation provides a protective environment for bacteria, making them less susceptible to drugs and immune system attacks.

To learn more about Bacteria follow the link:



The correct question is:

How do bacteria develop resistance to drugs?

Lowest to highest degree of internal organization stomach


Answer: Epithelial stomach cell, stomach lining tissue, stomach and then the whole digestive system.

from brainly

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which statement describes a process associated with meiosis



homologous chromosomes pair up


Haploid cells join to form an organism that has a complete set of chromosomes.


When thinking about all 4 types of macromolecules discussed, which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply.

Monomers are linked together by hydrolysis.

Monomers are joined together to form functional polymers

Monomers are linked together by dehydration synthesis.

Monomers join together via hydrogen bonds.


2 and 3

1 is describing the process to separate monomers
2 multiple monomers create polymers
3 removal of water to join monomers
4 they are joined by covalent bonds

What would be most likely to happen if some of the proteins Ik one of the photo systems were to change shape due to a drop in cell pH?
A. A decrease in the formation of NADPH
B. An increase in the formation of NADP+
C. A decrease in chlorophyll production
D. An increase in sugar production



Option A


If some proteins in one of the photosystems undergo change in their shape due to a drop in pH of cell, they will not perform their activity. Due to this, there will be a decrease in the formation of NADPH ( that is less reduction of NADP due to blockage in the transport of electron).

Match the terms in column B to the descriptions in column A.

Column A:

1. Connects the larynx to the main bronchi
2. Includes terminal and respiratory as subtypes
3. Food passageway posterior to the trachea
4. Covers the glottis during swallowing of food
5. Contains the vocal cords
6. Indentation on the lung where the lung root structures enter and exit
7. Pleural layer lining the walls of the thorax
8. Site from which oxygen enters the pulmonary blood
9. Connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx
10. Pleural layer in contact with the surface of the lung
11. Increases air turbulence in the nasal cavity
12. Separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity

Column B:
a. alveolus
b. bronchiole
c. conchae
d. epiglottis
e. esophagus
f. hilum
g. larynx
h. palate
i. pharyngotympanic tube
j. parietal pleura
k. trachea
l. visceral pleura



1. Connects the larynx to the main bronchi k. trachea

2. Includes terminal and respiratory as subtypes b. bronchiole

3. Food passageway posterior to the trachea. e. esophagus

4. Covers the glottis during swallowing of food d. epiglottis

5. Contains the vocal cords g. larynx

6. Indentation on the lung where the lung root structures enter and exit f. hilum

7. Pleural layer lining the walls of the thorax j. parietal pleura

8. Site from which oxygen enters the pulmonary blood a. alveolus

9. Connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx. i. pharyngotympanic tube

10. Pleural layer in contact with the surface of the lung l. visceral pleura

11. Increases air turbulence in the nasal cavity c. conchae

12. Separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity h. palate


1. The trachea is between the main bronchi and the larynx. It has semicircular rings of cartilage. The function of this organ is to conduct the air from the larynx to the primary/main bronchi.

2. After the primary (main), secondary, and tertiary bronchi, the terminal and the respiratory bronchioles come. They also conduct the air towards the alveoli so that the oxygen can enter the blood. The diameter of the bronchi terminal is smaller than the bronchi, and the diameter of the respiratory bronchi is smaller than the previous ones.

3 and 4. The esophagus is not part of the respiratory system. It is a tube that belongs to the digestive system since food has to pass through it to go to the stomach. The esophagus is posterior to the trachea, and the epiglottis closes the entrance to the larynx when we swallow to stop food from going to the lungs.

5. The vocal folds are in the larynx. This one is between the trachea and the pharynx. There are two types of vocal folds, the true and the false vocal folds. Both of them vibrate when air passes through them, allowing us to speak and make different tones.

6. The hilum is the lungs section where the bronchus, the pulmonary artery, and the pulmonary vein enter the lung. It is an indention that is in the middle part of the lungs.

7 and 10. The pleura has two sides, the parietal one and the visceral one. The first one is in contact with the lungs and the second one with the thorax's walls. Between them, there is a space called the pleural cavity. The cavity has fluid that allows the movement of the two pleurae. As a result, the lungs can move and fill with air.

8. After the respiratory bronchioles, we have the alveolar duct. The alveolar ducts lead to alveolar sacs. The alveolar sacs has the alveolus. They are thin walls that are in contact with capillaries. When the air is there, the oxygen passes through the thin walls. Then it goes through the capillaries' walls and into the blood.

9. The pharyngotympanic tube is also known as the Eustachian tube. It connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx. Its function is to regulate the pressure in the ear.

11. The conchae are in the nasal cavity. They are three projections in the nasal cavity, the inferior one, the middle one, and the superior. Their function is to increase the surface of the nasal cavity so that more air can enter with every inspiration. As they are projections, they modify the laminar airflow producing a turbulent flow.

12. The palate is between the nasal cavity and the oral cavity. It has two parts, the soft palate, and the hard palate. The palate helps in the production of certain sounds and divides the nasal cavity from the mouth.

What are the types of honey bee?​




plz give a correct answer for the question how do canine and molar differ​



Canines are the sharp, pointed teeth that sit next to the incisors and look like fangs. Dentists also call them cuspids or eyeteeth. Canines are the longest of all the teeth, and people use them to tear food

Molars are the flat teeth at the rear of the mouth. Each molar typically has four or five cusps. They are used exclusively for crushing and grinding. Wisdom teeth are also called third molars. They erupt from the age of 18 onwards but are often surgically removed.Their function is similar to that of the premolars, to grind, tear, and crush food. Molars have a large flat biting surface which makes them perfect for this job.


Hope it works!!!!

Canine are used to tear and found in front of mortal
Mortal are used to chew

Draw the egg and label it​



What egg?




/         \

|           |


According to cell theory, all new cells...
A. must share DNA with existing cells.
B. must eat.
C. come from other cells.





all new cells come from other cells

Describe ways that water pollution occurs. Describe how greenhouse gases contribute to climate change.


Greenhouse gases are transparent to incoming (short-wave) radiation from the sun but block infrared (long-wave) radiation from leaving the earth's atmosphere. This green house effect traps radiation from the sun and the planet's surface.

Read the information below then answer the questions which follow:
To grow, plants require water. They cannot get this water unless it is available in the soil. Plants
obtain water from the soil through their roots. It then passes up the stem and to the leaves and
flowers. The plant does not take all the water available in the soil. Much of the remaining water
evaporates into the surrounding air.
In an experiment, a stem which contained several flowers were placed in a beaker of water
containing red ink.
(1 mark)
What is the purpose of the experiment?​



I believe the experiment was too see if the flowers that would grow from the stem would turn out to be red in color. (Which is the reason they put red ink.)

(hope this helped :P)

DNA is referred to as a______, meaning that it has
strands that are______together.






DNA is the chemical name for molecule. The strands wind together and form a double helix.

The answers should be
1. Molecule

2. Wound

Many anti-evolutionists believe that since science doesn't have answers for all questions; scientific conclusions are not necessarily correct. This attitude reflects a failure to understand the nature of science. What is the general nature of scientific thinking? In what way is science "self correcting"?



In science, accepted theories do not represent absolute truths. A scientific theory is accepted when there is much evidence available that support its statements, but new lines of evidence can modify original presumptions  


A scientific theory is a plausible explanation of a particular phenomenon of the natural world, which has been many times tested and verified by using the scientific method. The accepted theories are progressively modified (or even overturned) as new lines of evidence emerge. In consequence, a scientific theory is composed of statements that we consider as truths regarding the available evidence, but we have no absolute certainty that such statements are true. The ability to self-correct is fundamental in science and it happens when we discover that the original statements of a scientific theory were wrong, thereby new lines of evidence allow us to correct the error and/or develop new scientific theories.

Which species of gymnosperms has reddish cones and strap like leaves that tear up from the harsh desert conditions?

A. gnetum
B. welwitschia
C. ephedra





b) The chemical equation below summarizes photosynthesis.
Energy (sunlight) + 6 H20 + 6 CO2 - C6H1206 + 6 02
Write a similar chemical equation for cellular respiration. Be sure to include a
description of the form of energy that results from cellular respiration. (3 points)
Pls help me



The chemical equation for cellular respiration would be: C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O.


C6H12O6 (1 Glucose molecule) + 6 O2 (6 Oxygen molecules)  → 6 CO2 (6 Carbon dioxide molecules) + 6 H2O (6 Water molecules)




insects is a write answer.




explain how the various specialiesed cells are modified to Cary out to their function 20mark​


Sperm cell; has acrosome containing lytic enzymes; that digest the egg membranes for penetration during fertilization; has a long tail; containing numerous mitochondria; to generate maximum energy for propulsion/swimming in the vaginal fluid after ejaculation; Red blood cells; are flattened, circular/spherical biconcave in shape; to increase the surface area for packaging of haemoglobin; has haemoglobin; that combines with respiratory gases; for transport to and from body tissues; White blood cells; are amoeboid in shape hence able to change shape; to engulf pathogens through phagocytosis; lymphocytes produce antibodies to fight pathogens; Nerve cell; has extensions/dentrites; to receive and send information for sensation; Ciliated epithelial cells; have cilia for propulsion of mucus that traps dust and micro-organisms in the respiratory tract; Muscle cells; elongated, striated and contractile; to bring about movement; Plant cells: Guard cells; bean-shaped; to regulate the size of the stomata allowing gaseous exchange; and control water loss; has chloroplasts with chlorophyll; for photosynthesis; Root hair cell; elongated; thin-walled; with dense cytoplasm for absorption of water and mineral salts; Epidermal cell; thin; for protection of inner tissues from mechanical and micro-organism attack; Palisade cell; contains numerous chloroplasts with chlorophyll; for photosynthesis; elongated; to increase surface area for trapping maximum amounts of light energy; Meristematic cell; thinwalled; with dense cytoplasm; for primary and secondary growth

In crude oil affect eggs and larvae of fish and increase mortality.
O a.
O b.
O c.
liquid petroleum



its c liquid petroleum 100% surr

The structure that hotds two chromosomes together until they separate for cett divisionois

1.chromatid .

2.cytoplasm .

3.chromatin .



The answer is 4. Centromere

Gene X always produces the same mRNA (one splice form) and the same protein in all cells in which it is expressed. The same amounts of gene X mRNA and protein are present in brain, kidney, and heart cells. However, the activity associated with the protein is present only in the heart. Which of the following are possible explanations?

a. A splicing factor necessary for removing all of the primary transcript's introns is present only in the heart.
b. A splicing factor necessary for removing all of the primary transcript's introns is present only in the brain and kidney.
c. Protein X is phosphorylated only in the heart.
d. Protein X is phosphorylated only in the brain and kidney.


There are two explanations for this phenomenon: phosphorylation of the protein X in the heart activates its function (Option C) or phosphorylation of the protein X in the kidney and the brain deactivates its function (Option D). Therefore, both Option C and Option D are correct.

Phosphorylation is a posttranslational protein modification that is capable of activating or deactivating protein function.

Phosphorylation alters the three-dimensional structure of a protein, thereby modifying its function (i.e., activate or deactivate the target protein).

Phosphorylation occurs at specific amino acids (e.g., serine and threonine residues) of the target protein.

Moreover, mRNA splicing (RNA processing) occurs before the protein state, it is a transcriptional process. This process consists in removing the non-coding regions or 'introns' from pre-mRNA and subsequent joining protein-coding regions or 'exons' to enable the translation of the mRNA into a protein.

In consequence, in this case, it is possible that 1-phosphorylation of the protein X in the heart activates its function, or 2-phosphorylation of the protein X in the kidney and the brain deactivates its function. Therefore, both Option C and Option D are correct.

Learn more in:


Anyone know this??? Help!!!
Devise an experiment to test the effect of pH on the activity of biological washing powder



I think you are nepali yeah but I don't have your question ❓ answer

Name one geographic region that has few or no fossil primates and explain why.





Fossils are preserved remains (or mouldings) of ancient living things which are preserved in sedimentary rocks. Primate fossils are generally found along with other fossils, usually in ancient soils that contain information on the conditions under which they were formed. Primate fossils are generally found in tropical and subtropical regions (which represent the natural habitat in which these species live). Primates never lived in Australia, and therefore no fossil primates from this geographic area have been found.

ATP is considered as nature dehydrating agent.what does it means?show with the help of examples



that man is mental

Which of the following does NOT relate to water?
A. Dehydration damages cells.
B. 70% of the human body.
C. Controls negative feedback mechanisms.
D. Contains and moves ions in and out of cells.


The answer should be D. Contains and moves ions in and out of cells

The following that does not relate to water is it contains and moves ions in and out of cells. The correct option is D.

What is water?

Water is a chemical compound made up of hydrogen and oxygen. It is a necessary part of life. As our body is made up of 90% of water, and without water, organisms would not survive.

The transport of ions and molecules in and out of the cell is done by the cytoplasm filling in the cell.

Thus, the correct option is D. Contains and moves ions in and out of cells.

Learn more about water, here:



For each of the genotypes (AA,Aa or aa) below determine what the phenotype would be. Purple flowers are dominant to white flowers.

PP_____ Pp_____ pp_____



PP and Pp are purple flowers. pp is white flowers.


Capital P is the dominant gene, while lowercase p is the recessive gene.

What does a botanist study



Botany is the scientific study of plants—how plants function, what they look like, how they are related to each other, where they grow, how people make use of plants, and how plants evolved.



Determine the correct energy transformations during the generation of electricity from fossil fuels.
A. Heat to Chemical to Electrical to Kinetic
B. Heat to Kinetic to Electrical to Chemical
C. Kinetic to Chemical to Heat to Electrical
D. Chemical to Heat to Kinetic to Electrical



D. Chemical to heat to kinetic to electrical

The correct energy transformations during the generation of electricity from fossil fuels are D) Chemical to Heat to Kinetic to Electrical

What converts chemical energy to kinetic energy to electrical energy?

Batteries used in torches, computers, toys, and camera cells, are actually made up of chemical cells which convert the chemical energy from the batteries to the electrical energy required for the devices to work well.

What are the main energy types?

Examples of these are light energy, heat energy, mechanical energy, gravitational energy, electrical energy, sound energy, chemical energy, nuclear or atomic energy, and so on. Each form can be converted or changed into the other forms.

Learn more about energy here: https://brainly.com/question/13881533



Contrast the usefulness of absolute and relative dating techniques.



In relative dating, fossils are dated according to the depth at which they were buried While in the absolute dating, isotopes of carbon are used for dating fossils. The absolute dating is more precise than relative dating because it tells the exact age of the fossils.

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